Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Oct 1892, p. 5

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. 56,,30n,_yu,xp,, “gum, [ ishmcnt he thought he saw some gold E d 7 I ‘ I wit, 0 _ ggs, per ozen . . . . . . v 10 ll lieu. BI.ACK.â€"-“’llclllcr or not the “t the bad‘ or her u'rmt’ and l c " Hay, per ton...... 6.00 7.00 5-3. No. '9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. ' Why a Around' Winnieâ€"in the Township of Eenoldn, on With a Long Face Sunday, October find, 31:. Ephraim Wager, A curious story i~x going the rounds o ‘ ' aged 66 years. "and - ' Carpets and Oil-Cloths, ‘â€" fi' W. T. Junkin has the largest and! best assorted stock of Toilet Soaps ever i Hard tfivanow' ufl‘ered in Fenelon Falls. Give him a call, ; and you will be surprised at their excel- lence and cheapncss.-29-3. idle, pillicrs' 1‘ impairs um 3' Iii?“- WizasrsiLâ€"In the township of Fenelon SSH“. __-phc Weaumr for a few dz,“ 3 PP“ PM'cenm“ mince" 39"” “'10 03' a 5 on Wednesday, October 5th, Mr. Robert W. ' - gsixpencc. and thought he must have Webster, aged 63 years, 1 month and 7 a. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the Noth Star Roller Hill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Oct. 7th, 1892. Wheat,~Scotch or Fife 65 to 67 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 65 67 Wheat, spring “ 62 64 ;. ..:..- a, ., . u _ V 72;") ..: “ ’., . wmmmmm-twmwawaamWWfi. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY suture Furniture. 1st lr s bc'n v r l W> -. . . p d. I' L . ' cpl c‘o d' “(11.0? “1 gswallowed it. Last week he tras seized days. "85 '3 mom"); i w“ “a? a m e 52”“ l with a severe fit of couzhing. and suds V“°°"_l" Panel“ Fans: °n Thm'Sdayi the that we have seen this fall, boa], g deuly we Ion" I,“t coin rpfmpcared October 6th, David Wilbert, third son of box and parlor stoves are being hustled ; I r“ if ‘ -,,‘ l t} - k. : Mr- DaVid Vl‘l'coe. “80d 3 months and 21 up and outright-“stoves which have a l t was “.0” m m "5 nn-‘mn "c - (“3‘5- mr’u, (1‘1, ,. ,2” re ‘ ‘l er ‘ .u i ness, which shows that food causes a. Y , o: 5 . . . - . . " L 0 . I." .I" ‘um n ’ H leonSidcrable amount nl friction in its ‘ soon be working lull time. One of our; “fine to me qmmwh ,\ coumm villagers. whnconsinlrrs hiinseil‘weathcr pail}; askq u why id“. 1“; not MW, wise,says that. winter will begin in carn- , Sm; 'fit ofi’cn‘whi'ufl “mm an“ 9..' I . l I _ _ . __ . est bv the middle of NuVClllb-‘l‘; but we t know of two other Simrnar stories A “fine I"? “H 1mm" m be minimum as year or two am a woman lost her false long: winters are hard on everybody-i l teeth, and 100‘de a” over p0,. them, but especially those who are very poor or in v a â€"_ ‘ at the near approach of winter" delicate health. though, of course, there ‘ ioailtldszlflzfiggflgrng tzngcgitgg' Barley, P0P 131151161: . . . . . . . 30 36 When you how: a. friend who DURlNG HOUSE CLEANlNG ' ' ' -s I “ ' ’ ’ ’ illglllyto b'e sleighing for Christmas and and suffered rseverely from confining gg‘rwmat“ 18 Wllllng to help you out Of A S I G t ' P ' ll ‘ “'w. c‘" 5' _ . . land all the symptoms of pulmonary Peus’e .. 55 58 your trouble? D a u I NOTICE-~40 “1030 requlrmg 0'” “3‘3”! consumption. She went to a hospital Rye ’ u 50 ‘ 53 s 1 III. one. ; WWW Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. - “"c" l" Pulling “'9 “0"‘5' I “mum “WWW where her lungs and throat were exam- ihnt thev have it done at once as we 03- l . - ' ' p l tned. To the surgeon’s intense aston- sihly cannot attend to it later on in the; Potatoes, “ .. . . . . . . 30 35 Butter,pcr1b...... . . . . . . 16 17 , p . . i . . l i , - l/ squirrel mentioned in the Gazette two “digraph: tumble 65“”th the long 10” Hides ‘ . ' ' 3.00 4.00 D . StOCk IS large andcompletc, l (A ,__ u l , “lid bk k artificial teeth, which the poor woman ' . . f Jl lllLe “(A s ago was .t .t e .ac She had swallowed. Hogs , _ , , , , _ _ . 5,50 (Loo . ~ conSistingo . L A Sheepskins . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 40 60 Wool p.16 18 ........ Another rcmarkableicnse was quoted in the British medical papers a few years since. A little girl was eating some plum cake at a Christmas party and was laughing heartily. She swallowed some- thing accidentally, and henceforth suf- fercd great pain. She became almost a skeleton, but. her parents being wealthy, she had the best medical ad- vice and attendance obtainable. All the symptoms pointed to pulmonary consumption, but one curious circum- stance was that hcr breath always had an aromatic odor. After cvery'violcnt fit of' coughing a microscopic examina- tion was made, when one day a minute portion of a clove was discovered. Strach to say, a few days after, a whole clove was ejected from her lungs after a violent fit. of coughing, and henceforth, to the great joy of her parents, the child made rapid recovery. I have read somewhere of' a woman swallowing a glass eye, which she kept. in apcup of water. I am not. aware that she was JOHNSTON 5, srssoy, any worse. Au alleged coincr the other day swallowed a lot of counterfeit shil- lings. This, however, is said to be a very common trick. Evidently there is no accounting for taste. BEDROOM SUITES, lounges, Centre Tables. Cane and Easy Chairs. . Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture" point; but a real Simon l’nrc, as black as the ace of spades, was lately caught on Mr. James Southam's farm in Vcru- Iam. It. was first seen crossing a. field by some boys, who of'course immediately gave chase. Being closely pressed, the fugitive ran up one of the hind legs of a mare, who promptly kicked it off, and it them took refuge on a stump, from which it was knocked with a stone and captured, but was so little hurt that it. was lively asa cricket a few minutes What. became of it we do w- .â€" OI' LINDSAY is that friend, and he backs it Lup with the iggest,*0heape5t v and best assorted stock of -â€"andâ€"â€" in the county. Leak! A Read! Act l Men’s Tweed Suits. . . . .. . . .. . . .. S l 95 ' m° mu‘itild midling “that” “ Blue Serge Suits...... .... 3"... u Wool P’ants ...... . 65 “ Heavy all-wool Tweed Pants 1 25 “ Fine Tweed Over-Coats, New Advertisements. CATTTLE LOST. Sirayed from the premises of the under- signed, lot 9 con. l of the township of Somerville, in July last, '3 oneâ€"year-old steers and l two-year-old Heifer. They are all red except one of the steers, which has a few grey hairs scattered through his coat. Any person who returns thcm‘or gives information that leads‘ to their recov- ery Will be suitably rewarded. JAMES ilOWIE, . ' Bury’s Green P. 0. Somerville, Oct. 3rd, 1892. Pictures Framed to order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 363'” Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. L. DEYlVIAN, ananraxan & anxn‘unn Deanna, Uolborne Street, Penelon Falls. 3%“ Residence over the Shop. “But afterwards. not know. Lindsay’s Leading Shoe Store. Fall is coming! Let it come! We arc loaded with Boots and Rubbers for fall and winter. Men’s Long Boots start at $1 25 up. Men's solid kid Long Boots from $1 75 up, Women's Dongola Kid Boots from SI 34': up. \Vomcn’s Rubbers 25 cents up. We keep the finest stock of Ladies’ Boots and evening dress Shoes and Slippers, all 38' We cover'the whole We want 33-3.‘ one or a half breed is still a dspued "ever suspecmd NERVE BEANS are a new db- oovery that cure the worst cases 01 Nervous Debility Inst. Vigor and Failing Manhood : restores the registrant's of body or mind caused NERVE BEANS over-work. or the errors or ex- cesses of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely curt-a the most obstinate cases when all other rpan’rnux'ra hare {oiled even to relieve. Sold by drug. gusts at $1 per package, or nix for 85. or sent by mail on receipt of price by addressing TIIE JAMES MEDICINE 00.. Toronto. Ont. Write {or pamphlet. 801411.0â€" Fenelon Falls at W. T. Junkin’s Cheap Lumber: We have still on hand a quantity of inch, ll, 2 and;3 inch, 2 x 4, 2 x6,‘.’. x 8, 2 x10 and ZVle, 12 to 16 feet long, IIEMLOCIi 85 PINE, which we will sell Cheap for Uriah. The sooner you come the more you have to choose from. Also, 40,000 feet of Dry Pinned Lumber, Flooring, Novelty Siding, V.-joint, planed one and two sides. Lath and Pickets. Planed and» Rough. I Hardwood and Hemlock, 2 and 3 inches, colors, in town. ground from cheapest to finest. 3 our trade. 29. The Great Shoe Men QfLi‘ndmy Wm On a Prospecting Jaunt. ~~ A to core the in 0 f g uclng , out and palm ; m e: 0 pain- on up- Bron flflow used byovor ,ooomlieu. , noo us willuso again. v gontel til o~ rganl. r Buy or our r. with our at stare game led â€"â€"~- On Wednesday afternoon (Sept. 28th) lion. A. S. Hardy, Hon. R. Harcourt, Planting. Trees by Dynamite. on t one lion. 0. F. Fraser, Hon. J. M. Gibson, . ' no or a l. Avoid-uh itutos. , _ ,. uccmnpanw‘l by MT- W- 1'- “any, M- A Texas writer recommends the use ' . 8:;E‘°“.h§£‘.:Ҥu'§£x“f‘snlh°l&‘£ (flannel 1‘“ed')"” """ ,3 9" for Stable- floors’ and 41:8 1 mo’ dry’ for 1.). 1’., and .MLJ. lb. Slrfltton, 1‘1. 1). 1)., of dvnlnnhe in preparing‘ for ' ' “ Heavy Winter Shirts (lace ‘VI$YEQI;SbRSing or ‘tou‘ding can bolgob and oihcnils oi the l':lll\Vay took a trip Naming {recs The method is tosink & button, collar attached) 50 “planed at shat, "mice. B,,se_bo,,rds mould_ To, the Public. u. All-wool Cardigan Jackets 75 “ Men’s Heavy all-wool Socks 12; cd or plain. Apply at our mill. over the Kingston, Napance and West- .. GREENE a ELLIS. l . , , a small hole, six or eight. feet deep. by crn Railway from lweed to Deseronto. means of a sounding rod or otherwise, HE ROY’AL CANADIAN INSURANCE The paper‘miils, l’ortland ceiuciit works in the bottom of the excavation made to Co; has amalgamamd win, we Alliance “ Wool Underâ€"shirts . , 25 , FenclouFalls, June 16th,1891l. 17. 3 find Other industries “long the line were receive the tree, the dynamite and fuse of England, giving insurers the security of u I W00] UlldE‘P-PfllltS'.... . . . . . 2.5 MW- t' inspected. The party WGIYG-Ilfilemal‘ds' are inserted and lighted as in blastine‘ $25,000,000 and the samegood policy. see the Wonder Bruce, 2 pairs for 25 ’ ‘ "he 3°03“ Of Mr- E- w- Rull‘bu'h or rock. The explosion loosens the soil JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. All-wool Dress Cashmere, (double Dcscmmo- 0" 'l'l'm'fiday “he day “'35 and leaves it in condition to be easily W Also agent for the Queen of Eng- fold) 23 i [and and Calcdouian of Edinburgh, Capit tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenclou Falls, July 25tb,1892. occupied in the inspection of the varied . . . Hcav Wool Dress Ser e dbl.fold 20 industries included inthc Rathun works, y ’ g See Our New. Winter Coatings, Marble Works. , penetrated- by the roots of the tree when set. This plan is said‘ to be ex- 11; 1:050l‘0m0, ‘l'lllCll‘_nl'9_ 3 "VP" cl-‘m'lii’le tensivcly used in Unlif‘urnia. The cx- (50 inch) _ ' I 75 _.â€"_. ‘ 1' 0 t ‘9 “"0"” “PP “muon- 0 he (-00" case is )l'tCCll at ‘75 or 30 cents per tree .7 y ' I ' i ' - H ' \ o o _ _ . . . . . . t i, .. I d 500 l ,â€" gr f," tune of utilitarianism. Absolutely'no. EM is (Estimated ,0 be only a fruclion’ S 1 W t a. {Wolfe {51:25:13 I; all R- 8% thing goes to'wastc, every portion of of the cost of loosening the soil to the a: I l e . ’00,) ,, Femfie; Tickin B is prepared to furnish-the people oi" Lind- , ‘ lumber or refuse is made use Ofâ€"a same extent by hand [fibula The re. goo “ C a d . lg°""" 10 say and surrounding country Willi Took 0t wand ihc Size or “ “Sm”? mid stilts are claimed to - be a growth in six We want both travelling and local sales- 0 on“ e (5“ 6 price) MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, ' .s-turned to account. Sawdust is dis- Years equal U, ,m ordhmw gram], of men m represent the 01d established Font- Heavy Factory Flannel. . .. . . . . . . 21 1,0,], Marble and Granite.- ', " tilled, producing alcohol for industrial },.,, yours, mu} much earlier 'aud more hill Nurseries. flaunt/‘1'!!thfrom the start to Whitc:Wool Bed Blankets, (very â€"â€" .. purposes or combined with clay and. Con- mmdant fruimne “105m” “Rammed '“ 0"" “"e- L'lleml ' large, extra. heavy,) only 2 00 Estimates Plump“)! given 311 all kimlil (if. * ., . .i ' t t u b 'ldi ,, n {or-.1 “ “a ' Terms to beginners and a permanent sntua- C G , B ' 1 Id 9 cemeterywork . \vCl'bLl "I 0 el‘l‘ii CO it “1 "a In ltl. . “ tion n‘Ssured. \Ve have Acl.e otton l‘tlln figs, (10 0Y8! .. _ r \‘ ‘ Even the smoke from the furnace is '_ i-” (1 1y r 1 m 1 fi f s bushels) per donn 2 "5 marble Tnble Tops' “nah TOPE’ MM“ . ' _ ‘ r - . , iln er on we. ion out are c on y rm ur- ' l 1‘ nu ~ p'eces etc, nsnuciulw, , subjected to “creative” processes. and There are oak trees in emstencc 1,000 “ism” smelly 11,5”th Canadian gram, Fancy Bordeer “was, 33 x ,7 l r t ‘t - - y ‘ valuable commercial products are the years old. Stock. Outfit free. [firmly varioh'esfor North: inches, each. . o . . o n . 5 b Olilfbâ€"tln rearo tl\li(‘,:llnrke: on pkam’: i'CSUlt- Al the Rlllllblm’s Ddscm'll-O A b“)’ “'35 blow" to pieces and three em ontmno “mi Miami?“ T Sliccmilty. n: 6 While it Fancy Bordercd Hand- hiding: s we ’ opp“! e ‘ i . mils 1m! “lb - - - - - .. ' uzran c» our soc.- y or crms a ‘ ,- . establishment in the manufacture oi‘a men iatally llIJulcil by the cxplosnon of gn‘ce. we want yéu "mg? ketchicfs for . . . _ . . . ' . 25 chg ,, pmcucnl workman dH 51m,” see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. BDBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall. ____...._â€"~â€"â€"- EN SUthNCE. . sawing there is not enough waste to stop i a thrcashcr boiler at Indiana, Pa. _ The police oi l’esth. Hungary, believe that the alleged lunatic, Szcomcrd ' who I U l , committed suicide in l’ressburg after being arrested For a number of‘ atro- cious murders, was the wretch known as Jack-tho Ripper in London. They say that. the ' have evidence that he was in ) Men’s Waterproof Coats, (regular prior-$3 75,) now......... 2 00 Fingering Yarn, all shades. . . . . . .5 G-lb. White Wool Bed Blankets. .. 2 50 Boy’s 2-piecc Winter Suit, and Base ball k. bat or hand-sleigh free i 95 Lady’s White Cotton Chemise, lacc STONE tit WELLlNG'I‘ON, a clock.-â€"1’ctcrboro' Examiner. Toronto, Ont. __.. _.._-.... - .g ’ oâ€".â€".â€"â€"â€"_._. 21‘-3m. The Head Surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic Men, young, old, Rare Sport With Spoon and Hook. Last. Thursday a party composed of Messrs. W‘. Caldwell and L. ll. Terrill. diseases peculiar to man. body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dini- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of were urmy tine specimens of bad aim. 'l'his perhaps is the tin-3st day's tisliiiig ovur done. in the. northern wat firs by a party ol‘ four men. And this is not the first good day's liJiing litickliorn Lake has ‘sceu t‘is .‘LL'JMHI, by any means. Fishin; there i' at its by .~.t the pres- ent ti:uc.-i' :- rlmm' 10.21111)“. (er. ' ‘ T‘ I . . v i. 0 O « o u l“.‘."" “'93',“‘,Ԥl“°°.d' ,‘hilsmilmfil’m London at the tune of each and ever; or middle-aged, who find the-uselch nerv- ‘ ‘rr'fnfue‘lv 51110 Pnéc-m 39 I l‘nwmr 0* tie “lsulnm. 0m“ ‘1.” _ murder attributed to Jaek-thedtippcr. ous, weak and cxnaustcd, who are broken Lady's“ lute Cotton Night-gown, Mr, “rm, 1.). Ellis having trungfcn-N] h”, “0N. "ml (Jlldl’lcs r‘ll‘llc‘h “n ludl‘m Thu lunatic at l’i‘esburtz, how-over, dog‘s down from excess or overwork, resulting in lace trimmed, going nt,,,, 48 Insurance Business to me, I am cpnrcd guidcl did a in: days “smug work‘ I" i not appear to ll'lV‘. chosen Fallen women mu"). 0f “‘9' fouo‘ling symptoms: Menu“ 700.l\Icn's Winter Caps to be clear- ‘0 ml“: “5‘5 0" “u “lass” Oll’ml’nly lillckiszipo Luke between the village and f.)~ t“? vvictim: TM "0 rubbed co le deprpssiuu, premature old age, loss .of Cd out at n . . 25 At Nevin“ Lay‘vvesv Rate”; ll-‘nr ll the ‘ Cliltrllt with trollin" line 3 ‘r l ‘ " ‘ ‘.' ‘ p p "ll“|1l.":l053 0‘ “WID'WY, bad dreams; dlm- _ j ' ' " ' - ’, ' 1,.) an”, '0,. fim 6 h ’1.“ l as well as iniirilcrori them. noes of sight, palpitation of the heart, Ladies‘ Heavy Winter Shawls for ‘\ s - t .‘ .‘ . - . . . . . I _ ' 2‘;‘,‘...‘7.'-i:... .3 lulu} m it» 7....1 will “53‘s?” WW5}? pyjama,33$thmgggggrgnwgg peg“; cold ----- -- I 95 , None butfirst-class British and Canadian "‘ "i‘ " " i 5" - .' ,' , \39 '1, _:‘ l-l '. ( v- ,7 . . . i the Baltimore am no esprc , n l e! 1 1 “ ,dL Hemp Lawns, now. u” ,0 compaan represented. ’ p-issel Newark. Ohio. at two o'clock on the. morning of the 30th. complained of :‘ Peculiar "Dim “ml” the m“.- Tilc the muscles, eyelids, and elsewbcrc,bash- train was stopped, when a horrible I fullness, deposits in the urine, loss of will ,nsmverv was mudg- A man named : power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, . , . ‘ , . _~ w: 3 Juli"! "5,19,," weak and flabby musc cs, desire to sleep, [‘I‘J‘r) Tfi‘llv‘ll‘F‘ I)“; Li ' d ,3 H, ‘q- l failure to he rested by sleep, constipation, [39 “no 5' .L‘ m y "' . A "n h ' dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for ills feel 90“?!"an “"‘l holding [0 ll“? solitude, excitability of temper, sunken trucks, while his head was banged lt‘mn ayes surrounded with muons CIRCLES, oily J. W. Smith. who shot. his wife and z the road bed to the bottom ol‘ the car looking skin, etc, are symptoms of nervous cm M‘. NJ,“ mm!“ m Cnhrmlfi‘ was; for muck [Hing “(orally beam" off. ilt'lllllly that. lead to insanity and death lle thanked l 0000900960060“. _'_' v . i W FARM PROPERTY W e have the largest stock of! M my ,0“, m,” Ladies‘ Mantles in the county. James Amomt We have the largest stock of' Fcnelcu Falls, June 14m, l892. lT-ly. Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats and - Suits, and at prices lower than , s A l. E S M E VVIKN '1‘ IE I). Having done business in Canada for the past 30 years, our reputation and responsi- ' bility are well known. We pay salary and. expenses from the start, if ctrt'rytliing is «an... ‘w-O-cv Aâ€" chr before seen in Lindsay. Now these are no talc/1y pri- , res or old snap-worn goods. It is a genuine list w/zz'c/z we will carry out to [/16 letter. ,. » ‘ unless cured. The spring of vital force - Hie-PETPIC 0f Indecndcmc avenue‘ i having lost its tension every function wanes “MW” (‘1va ’3 orfl‘l'ded lhmou'll‘lfarct gin Consequence. Those who are sick thro‘ witnessed a horrible tragedy bntur- ' abuse oommiltcd in igiomnrc may be per- llt‘c Ellington. a boy 10 years |. mauently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases prcnlur to man. Book lynched the mom evening. the urn“ d for doing it. l The pr uprt-tiur of the (Moon's Hotel, Roscnciih. has been frucd 823 70 for day. l . l keeping the windows at his barroom of age, was leading a horse to a wateé , sent from :NML mandismsc. the “mp- sflfiemcmryz N0 Nevin,” unarimme n“, (inverted “‘llll blinds, contrary to rcgnla- trough. [in bad tml the halter aroun Moms 0,. Mich “re mm spens' Purple-“p5, l quircd, Wu", H, rm. mm. much “,0 WW. tious or “rest. Northumberlnud licenscl his waist. The horse took fright and . numbness, pulpit-mun, Skip- “mtg, hot liberal,belore cngagmgwnthanyotln-rfirn; i ran MM)‘. lll'm‘Vl"! the ho)- to the flushes, rush ot'blood to ihc head. dull pain couitnis~iouerS. _ ' I . . ‘ ground and drag-sin: him at a terrible v in the heart with heat: strong, l’:|[)ld and A party of wealthy New Yorkers will : r d ‘ _ I u i l ‘ ’1 l q um, \ _‘ ' ~ .._ . , r11t‘ ' [,9 horse in; irregn ar, ie seconi tear wa ui dun" n lard-class mu Steamship pp ed along um i H“ i than the first, pain about ill.- breast bone, shortly and start. for a tour around the run two miles before he was stopped. , cm? can posh“,va he mm, X“ cure, no world. The Vessel Wlll be supplied The boy in the meantime had been; _ Send ,0, bouk Address 3,. v. with all the accessories of a club, and it kid ed. and his body had been reduced ', LITBON, 24 Macdoncil Ave. Toronto, can. imp be a sort of Evasion-please tour. to a pulp. lada. E llzi'znwczs.-â€"llradatrcct's or Dun Wiman , ll: Co's Commercial Agencies, well known. I I ’ ' to business men; or Standard Bank, Cola. l C ea, 63" D Goods A borne, Out. The M2,, 3, fag” ' cnasn Bananas census, i Nurseryxnen. sign of tha Golden Lionl I COLBORNE, - - ONTAJUDa.

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