.1 2 may ' * “r < 3",. xi... w.‘ 4 “r ._. 4,“, ~,_vr. ». '.' '..-. ...,... 6. :mm. «~27:- -..~ -m- «Huh-63:32â€; _ constitution. . and puny lroin childhood, than another , always sigoily longevity. _ uziilcli more importance to the life of , at a longlived family than when given " .‘1 - M . . a Disconceaedcowboy. “ * him for Sale or in Bail. ï¬aERS, t FROM The west parts of lots 23 and 24 in the i liih concession of AND F E N 13 14 0 AMERICAN MARKETS. . . r. z i . 3 g . “Mod humem AS he pulled Off hm 190 acres, close tOFlaliltisTIillge of Fcnc on I H " 0.13111: Latest Design. in hat and untied the red bandanna hand- : a .- mmg 00m, Drawmg Room and ken-lid from his throat, he lookcdi . p. Acras Gleamâ€"3d, l Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, iiinliiii.l'uléy around. The nimble waiter and PM! SEW-0d d0“‘"- The Miami“?! PM" Corners an ' ‘ brushed an imaginary crumb from the g l ;. _~ mm plougth and ready M. Swing “up; I _d_lJ:corations. than a an ti. and: i “W “m†“““‘ PRICES & STYLES TO SUIT CUSTOMERS pl.-.eul it bo-fore the festive and untamed l i GOOD MARKET AT FENELON FALLS 1 \Olilll. “ Take it away," he snarled, . - . f ra n and cord wood of all sorts. _ ‘ " I can’t. eat that; I want rattlesnake 0" g I ‘ ‘ Cd†and set my 50. per roll Paper. Good Dwelling, Barn, Stable .t'. ‘rent‘es. u u N 50. H .. r†was“, H Ranlewake 0“ ma“, one,†Ea†Price Low Terms Easy. u it 70. it it rhouted the waiter. " Rattlesnake on u .; -:.~. If not sold soon, will be leased. u ‘: go. “ H 3. E Apply to ' G. “ “ E 0 R i H S i r. G N H I J. G. momsnsdmn HOD,“ , “ “ 10c. “ n r - . J W tables were ï¬lled, with the exception of one, at which the terror of the plains One of Buffalo Bill's bragging cow- l-oys, whrn in London. went. into Ro- tnano's Restaurant. in the Strand. The. â€"-â€"â€"-â€". toast," responded the cook. There was a slight flutter among the guests at this order and the cowboy was scanned by many curious eyes. He looked a little SéllggngY , ‘And all the way to 500. per Roll. disconcerth at having the order so 84!. ‘ 2288' Emma St’reet’ Toronto i __..._ I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. Scientiï¬c American We are now selling REMEMBER Till; PLACE : Just opposite New Post. other. Iien't Street. In I IV I) ‘Y. TRADE MARksg â€"-- ‘ DEW FATE“ G. A. METIIERELL. COPYRIGHTS, etc. or information and free Handbook Write to FMUNN 5‘. CO m1 BRO.-\D\VAY. NEW YORK. site“ We’d}? “err 82‘i%“€i&€.i‘.‘i‘i.%i‘:ét 1' a on 113011 011 y ‘ a yElie by ti notice given free or charge in the BMNG ALQNG YGUR CAgHB giiwï¬ï¬ï¬ garrison GASâ€"(VITEZED AIR.) ' . . . . i th and see what we Wlll do for you during this clearing sale ï¬erftg’fglï¬ih‘i“ ï¬fiï¬Ã©ï¬féï¬lil’ii’opiï¬féaiieni . man shou d be w thoui'. it. Weeki $3.00 a We are selling promptly taken. and glanced furtively at the door. He saw the cooks and waiters engaged in executing the orders, and looking as solemn as graveyards . after midnight. He assumed a non- chalant air and picked his teeth with , 3 his fork. A cook dettly removed the v / 7 skin from an eel, and cutting the strip the proper shape, placed it on the gridâ€" iron. The waiter who had taken the ‘ Order came tripping whack '0 the bold at prices that will knock the bottom off anything ever oï¬ered b‘mc‘me“ 9f “'9 “'ld West “ “"11 here before in the history of cheap goods. you have your snake well done or under- done?" ‘- Underdone please, with lots of milk gravy on it." “ Snake under- dnne, with milk gravy." “Snake uu- derdone with milk ruv ',â€cook shouted , , 1 a . ‘ . back. “ I my,†Sim dale long_haired Go to J. Nannaans, Diiitisi, Lindsay, if? cowboy as the waiter passed him, “ I'll take it well done.†“Make it well (“mum 5‘: months. Address M NN &oo_' you want teeth extracted positively With- BLWS‘MIBmadwnLKGw York.‘ out pain. Gas has been given by him with 3 great success for over 2i years. He studied- .J....c,†u Make it», well done." was 5 cent Straw Bats - for 2 cents! 12?; ‘cent Prints - for 8 cents. with Dr. Goiton, of New York, the inven- answered back. The Buffalo Bill man 10 “ Straw Hats â€"~ “ 5 “ 7 “ Cotton - “ 5 “ E I “if Sign: if†ex'li’.‘°“"g.t,?°.â€â€˜l't Nlllmbogs , , ,, ,o , o p r on it c weiiriiigiirtiicia cot iinii «- began to gm.“ neuous' “the deul'may' 50 “ Straw Hats ' u 25. u 15 “ Brk 00â€â€œ Hose 10 “ by Mr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never care cxpressmn had left his eyes, and a 50 “ Felt Hat’s _ t. 26 u 15 “ Comm Socks u 10 a a K '~ i "Mildred My l‘eimirs- GUM CI‘DWHS, POM“- sol't. subdued melancholy shade had “ u _ “ 9 “ 1] 1 d u 10 “ i, ‘Pain crowns and bridccwurit done. Visits. taken its place, He ï¬dgeted in hiB 75 Felt Hats ' 43 v “0 A W00 ' 0' “% Fenclo‘ii Falls, McArthur House, on the chair, and seemed m be “crying him. 1 00 “ Felt Hats - “ 65 “ 45 “ Boys’ Shuts “ 25 “ D I D llilril ’lnesday of every month. Cull early sell' for an ordeal. “ Here you are, sir,†10 “ Ginghams - “ 5 “ 75‘ . “_7 Men's do. I “ 50 “ I" i 'e day‘ “'t' said the culinary Ganymede, placing a 10 u Muslim, _ u 5 a 75 u Overalls - u 50 u w. "_â€"-â€"‘M""“â€â€˜ [Hall in which Iwas something nicely 8 H Prints _ _ u 5 i. 1 75 pants , 1 25 II “Coiled, which loosed like a fried speci- “ ' n 1 fl _ u 7 50. M , S ,t 5 00 2', men oi'the genus snake. “Have a little 10 Shake†‘ “me 5 D e“ s m 8 ‘ e . Worcester sauce ? Gives very ï¬ne flavour. Sonic gents like mushrooms with their snake. Others prefer cayenne pepper. A little salad dressing don’t go bad. Will you have ten or coifee? Very ï¬ne snakeâ€"caught yesterday. Fat and tender.†When the waiter "was delivering himself of this eulogy on the meal, the lasso thrower shoved his chair ~ back. His eyes bulged out and he became white around the gills. “I don‘t think I’ll eat anythingâ€"1 ain’t hungry," he said, as he rose unsteadin to his feet and reached down his hat. “ Perhaps you’d prefer br’iled panther,†insinuatingly suggested the waiter. " No," he replied as the asheii pallor deepened on his face, “ I am not a bit hungry.†He cast another glance at the dish he had ordered. and made a rush for the door. He forgot to pay at the counter. ‘ Remember’ these are only a few of the many * PT I. . ii Bargains oï¬â€™er‘ed in each Department MEDICINES Fast Odom, Gin-g“ AND hams for 100. DRUGS apposite the Post-office. A adored. M115†11115 for 100. A FULL STOCK AT for 10 cents. . K415i?†The freshest Goods in Longevitifflereditary. 5 ' ' 1 '1] An inherited tendency to longevity ’ T" t le VI age at WELL MADE. . ‘ JUNKINaSO 'W m. Campbell’s. i~ the primal qualiï¬cation for reaching t'ld age, and this‘ilis spilnething very dig- i'erent from goo iea ti or even a scan . " l ‘ ' l d - W .23. stir: it". NICE PATTERN 8- RS mam m g N i >' :1 I inunTCHEAP. ’1 mmwmmw that “will astoiiish you. Call early and see for yourself. Feuclon Falls, August, 1892. person who is strong and robust. llcalth and vigor may give more plea.»- nre to a person in life, but. they do not So strong is this tendency to longevity among certain families that many of the bene- iirial orders and life insurance companies do tenacity on life. though he is sick DEALER IN WW SADDLES, Call and see them at HARNEgs, CLARK & SON’S. FAN-Ci} mpg “WES! VALISES. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- F ih'li N ' . L t' c d . , E 0’ d Saddlery and flame 1r do M on I "mega: “Egg-es m ana a constantly kept 3:38:02: We want reliable, energetic men to sell - - .- - . .â€" . R E our Nursery stock; previous experience not t F l I ~ . uwwwMWiwwm - “mommmmmmmhMMhnwmnatREPAIRlNG lilil years of age. lliey Will be attacked This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success. can succeed; terms liberal; outiit free. , l lH‘ numerous diseases. but v their ten- ï¬ll CONSUM?TION CURE, is without a par. Our agents have many advantages, such M .ut-itr on life will enable them to live “11°11†me but"? °f me‘hcme' A“ dmggim +18 SClling home-grown. hardy Gawain" l _ -. are authorized t0 5011 it 0“ 3P05itiV¢ guarantee. stock. Choice New Specialties, which are , llitougli .ill of them. It. is only when a test that no othermmmmuuy stand. of “we, and which can only be secured it†of the organs are ï¬nally worn out Ifyon have a Cough, SoreThmat, or Bronchitis, , from us. . l he Uanada lifeAssmance (In y _ that they die at a ripe old age. There use it. {01‘ it Will cure you- If your Child '1135 2 we have given particular attention in ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ’is no explaining this physiological plie- me Cmup'“Whmpingyggught'useitpm‘l‘gly' lilie propagation of HARDY VARIETIES l 'l l ' . . ' ’ ‘ i . . , . . 'TllE OLDEST AND THE LEADING Lit-“E nuumimn. but striking examples an» fistsnhcégï¬sï¬â€˜ï¬eï¬gm 4,33%??? “su‘mble ‘0 “"3 ‘\,°,â€â€œe"‘ “cm†or (“mam ‘ ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA l W “ ,.pioterl in the death columns of papers will care you or cost nothing. Ask your PM termssall‘igsgn; WFLLWCTO‘, I ~â€" The “ Fellelon Fails Gazelle†‘ ’ ‘ ' ' 4 i l . ,t\‘t‘ry day. Druggtstfor SHILOH b CURE. Pncc 10 CM ‘ ’ l Capital & Assets as at the 30th oprrli, l . .nmd we, . q,,,,,,,,,,,. u, ,, c H. u acts. and $1.00. If your Lun are sore or 49.3111. Toronto, Oat. ‘ 1889 ("qr 8“, 000000 , is pri . y L ,I _i 0 mt, on is lame, use Shiloh’s Porous!> er. 25 cts. , . -~ I L t 9 - i the corner of May & r ruucm streets. I H UARTERS Am“fï¬igggfgigggfogg‘fmgmth SUBSCRIPTION 81 i run: 131' .invucn . . , or one cent or week will he added as ion m VICTOR†COUNTY 1’03 Total Sum assured to 30th .iprll,1885,i p g Baum Paper and Picture Frames "’ "â€â€™Â°"°’°°°' Advertising mm... lieisihurg and were eagerly sought for . i _._ The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- , Professional or business cards, .50, eenil ._|5 n.â€" , puny are larger than any other Life Ofï¬ce} pcrlinc pcrnnnum. Casual advertisements, 5L3 relic hunters. England has had thirty-one prime “illiswrs under a“: rule 0f the House 0ft - - - - - " dvvin r business in the Dominica and its 8 cents ierlinc for the ï¬rst insertion and 2 . -< ti) anches 5 k I - l . I, haunvei, ten of whom have held the dowzchamgfgmggigliiï¬nigï¬zrrhcrlowes, W. A: g ratio oft-menses to income are less than , cents per line for cvr-ry subsequent. inser~ Baker's Block. Kent-st, Lindsay. .nllicc twice. and two-Earl Derby and 3 “Vin mic“ particular summon mid to that Many oilr.r(3anadmn or British allied; tion. Contracts by the year, half year no 1h, uppismuuï¬alircc times. ‘lad- l horseg-sâ€"hecirig Give me a call and I wiii = 5 The policies ot'this Companyarc indisputa-g quarter,iora column or less, upon reticen- ’ ‘ ' Artists: Goods 8 spec‘aï¬y ï¬bltâ€" on any grounds whatever after two ' )‘cnrs,and policies becoming claims are ‘ able terms. M line “as A‘abmme and Eve; paid at once. The rates charged by this - Q - parents and grand-parents than to the simple examination of the applicants. A risk is less when the policy is issued in a weak, puny individual who comes AGENTS WANTED- Everything belonging to the . to it strong, robust person with no \‘lrlbitl disease or complaint, but with a _ tendency to a shei't life. Some families _arc made to last, and for generations Done on the Shortest Notice. -â€"O-.â€"â€"â€"â€"» About 50 cannon balls were brought , .up from the bottom of the Detroit river i .ii‘.‘ the Dominion Government.- dredge! Ontario. The' were landed at Ant-l k ) General Blacksmith, as it remains unpaid. ï¬lUiii: is now entering his fourth term, guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. {nus breaking the record. At the same -___... ' . ‘ u N"? um“! “he†llca'l)‘ 33 50373 Old. "0 .3 sub“:an the Fenelon works Agency' All forms of Policlti are issued. rcctl] and reasonable rates. piher premier ever having b.-eti appointâ€" Fans Gazette: only $1 a year W Please call and see my 5e. Paper. McDUL'GA LL a BRANDON, 3- 01‘5"â€, “i at such an advanced age. ‘ in advance. Liam, April 2nd, 1592. nay. Agents, Fonnion rain. l'roprktoy,‘ JOB PRINTING i (3-. mpany are as low as any ï¬rst-class office. - of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, co «time he breaks another record by taking . BEEN 'JL‘I warrant-r. ' ' a Fast Colored Prints , ,; -.-;,z‘v~vq-â€"â€"uâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" "Wei-s: a} Win-i 1.-.â€... w.-.-.. »