Creat Change has come over the lardwarc, Titiwarc ill Stoves. Lowest Prices in the County for formation says :-â€" and that D. binclair be appointed com- “ Since the last Annual Convention missioner to expend the sa‘me.â€"-Car‘d. of this Branch of the Dominion Alliance Moved by Mr. Carries, seconded by there have been developments in the Mr. Brown, That the following bills be facts and possibilities of prohibition paid, and that. the reeve give his orders work that are of unusual interest and for the same :â€"W. J. Smitheratu, I48 Fillilgl MACHINES importance. loads of gravel, $4 44;} W. Donner, â€"A.\‘D- . ' . . . “The Ontario Court of Appeal has equalizing three union school sections. given a decision declaring that the Local $9; A. id. Miothorn, repairing culvert * ' Option measure passed by our Provin- and providing material on the S:h con. 3 this yeah cnnaud examine the cial Legislature was fully within the $2 50; Wm. Haygarth, 61 loads of jurisdiction of that body,'aud making . . "gvo-s' it clear that the Legislative Assembly "we a mper pnmm W l B , lists, $17 ; R. Byrncll, 83 loads of has much larger pOWer to deal with the set up for your inspection at m b d gravel, $2 46; '1‘. Robson. six stccl «r - o - - - i“ li uortra cthau has ct eon exercis‘ . halls, Building Paper, Paints, 0118 &c. , q 3' “ “ Robson's Show Room. scrapers, S54; Magwood &. Calhoun, The province of Manitoba has voted on ' , Nothing but the best Machines kept. two steel scrapers, $18; estate of M. II. the question of‘prohibition, and declared Berkley, one steel scraper. $5 ; T. Shire, in favor of the principle by an over~ Agent for P. Hamilton’s Farm Implements and McColl Bros.’ Lardine Machlne Oil. ‘ ill cedar for bridge at Patton’s, 83; D. Me- whelming majority. On all sides of us lntyre, use of hall for council, $1 80; there is evidence of a strong and grow- J. E. Fittal, collector, postage and ing sentiment in favor of an immediate stationery for 1891, 85; W. Littlcton. further advance on roads that are new work on 10th com, lots 17 and 13, $2; indisputably open. W. Jeffry, work on quarter line at lots “Since the meeting referred to, ï¬fteen 15 and 16, ecu. 6, iiiâ€"Carried. municipalities have voted on prohibition Moved by Mr. Maybce, seconded by Come and examine the NGVV Panning Mill and get the prices before leaving the Falls. a V The be“ bm‘mS 0f by-laws. In one of these the vote was Mr. Graham, That. the following grants "'v'. E B I ND ER. TVVINE a tie. In six we \vore defeated by ma- be made out of the poor rate zâ€"Gordou Vint, $5; Mary McFadden. 35; Mrs. McFarquhar $5; W. llutchison and wife, 310 ; E. h‘icldhousc, 810,â€"Car‘d. Council then adjourned, to meet. at Cameron on tlte 15th day of December next. jorities aggregating 120. In the other eight we won by majorities aggregating 329. In several municipalities the new law is in actual operation, and we have practical evidence, to some extent at least, of what may be accomplished through this instrumentality. “ The facts set out make it clear that the present is a very important point in the history of our rrlor n. The situa- tion and outlook are full of interest and fraught with heavy responsibilities. It is a time at which we should carefully Consider our position and then jnlicious ly, dctcrmiucdly and unitcdly follow up kept in stock at the lowest-prices. Brantford Repairs Always on Hand. Thanking my numerous customers for their lilteaal patronage in the past, I beg to - assure them that no effort will be spared to deserve a. continuance ofit. in the future. THOMAS ROBSON. Feuclon Falls. April 27th, 1892. W Fenclon Falls Gazette. at the small proï¬ts at which I will sell for spot cash. ' JCS. Fenelon Falls, May 4th,,192. 9-. Personals. Miss- Rose Flatt, of Bobcaygcon, is visiting Mr. C. W. Moore's. Mr. Thomas Archer left for the town- ship of Longford on Monday. . Mr. Rufus Manning, who has been home on a visit, left for Barry llarbor %@ mksw Friday. September 9th, 1892. The Cholera. a n I I- n l . I I -Owing to the extraordinary rccau- htillzusry and Millinery Regulates. to omme of , cholera In England, there have only been W†a few isolated cases, so for, in that coun- try, and on Monday the Board of Health of New York issued an ofï¬cial bulletin declaring that there had been no death from the fell disease in that city; but the Shapes l Garrett. Styles! Bight Prices l .â€" day by the report that fresh cases had occurred on the steamers Eddie and Normanniu, which arrived on Saturday with cholera on heard. On Sunday there were two deaths on the Moravia and one on the Rugia. The bodies of those who died in port were taken to Swinburne’s Island and cremated, and all infected persons were removed from the ships to that Island or Hoffman’s \Vc make it a'point to htwe'bvcrything in the Millinery line that may be asked for, and to have a stock sufï¬cient for all demands, and to maintain that stock complete throughout the season. Soliciting the favor of an early call from you, we assure you that it will be a. pleasure to us to make it to your interest to give us a liberal share of your patronage. " lt‘lrs. R. WECQMGALL, Island. A vigorous quarantine is Two doors North of the Post-ofï¬ce. _ , ,, , , , hum: cstabstslied at all American ports, 1‘ 01191011 Falls: APrll lith: 189-“ I and Canada is at last beginning to take . action. Dr. Montizambert, medical superintendent at Grosse Isle, has long % . I I. v. ‘u complained that it. is “ as destitute of OWWWWWGW the universally recognised modern meth- ods of disinfection and maritime sanita- tion as it was sixty years ago "; but the Dominion Government paid no attention to his representations until cholera was almost knockin;r at our doors. “ Better late than never," as long as it is not [00 late to be of any use ; and it is satisfac tory to know thatâ€"thanks to Dr. Mont- izambcrt and the body of distinguished American sanitariuns who recently visâ€" ited Grosse Isleâ€"Messrs. Abbott 85 Co. of Ottawa have been aroused to a sense of their duty in the premises and are taking steps towards its performance. The steam fumigator lent by the Toronto Hospital and an incinerator were sent to the spot a few days ago; and if the statement of the Toronto News’s Ottawa correspondent that “ the Grosse Isle station it now equipped with the most perfect appliance for disinfection known " be not quite true, it will probably be in the course of a few days more. At Hamburg cholera is still doing its deadly work, and on Saturday last the total ï¬gures from the beginning of the outbreak footed up to 5,623 cases and 2,518 deaths. Travellers in Europeâ€"â€" where, of course very few are now trav- elling except from necessityâ€"are having a hard time of it, as they are liable to be questioned, examined, diagnosed or even fumigath at. any moment, and it is said that the whole Continent rocks with the high odors of disinfectants, and that cabs. ’busscs and railway car- riages smell like moving hospitals. I have on hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ msarmgg which I will sell d? seer fittdii‘éi 335% case. n.- 1 do not want to carry them over. Now is your time to get. a good Over-cont cheap. These goods are All N cw and of otheLatest Styles, and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. â€"A.LSO,â€" A Large Stock of EQCTS arid shoes at prices to suit tho times. Groceries, Crockery and “lass-ware. A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. .9. sweetness, Tsvonney‘s Block. Fenclon Falls, January 27th, [8023. ma Is Selling His Entire Stock of ITITRE at and W Below theiesaEe Cost of nutnufucturo. in order to nulke l‘OO‘l‘ll for new designs and patterng. Cal! early and secure but-guinea. as I tun selling: cheaper than any denier in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALI. WORK WAREANTED. UKDRFJ‘AKIRG A'ITEHDED 1‘0 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. M c K e o m n, {BANG/8 STREET WEST. FENELON FALLS! peasants... The annual meeting for 1892 of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alli- ance for the total suppression of the liquor trnflic will be held in Richmond Hall, 27 Richmond St. West, Tomato, on Tuesday next, the 13m inst., anal nil who take. an interest in the caust- should. if possible, be presmt. The time for the convention has been ï¬xed to suit the convenience of those who desire to attend the Toronto Industrial .Exidbitioo. which is at its best during.' the, second week. All rallWays will issue tickets, good to reLurn up to Saturday, Septem her 13th, at. single fare, and on Monday and Tuesday there will be an excursion at a still lower rate. Those who go to the convention can, therefore, attend it. great excitement was caused the same‘ l the advantage gained, and so hasten the total'cxtermination of the liquor trafï¬c that is still such a terrible curse incur land.†Sullivan " new.» The long talked of bouts at ï¬sticuifs came off this week in the Olympic Club’s ampitheatre (or whatever they call it) in the city of New Orleans. On Mon- day McAulilfc knocked .out Myer in ï¬fteen rounds; on Tuesday Dixon beat Skelly in eight rounds; and on Wednes- day Corbctt defeated Sullivan in twenty- two. The chief interest in sporting and other circles centered on the last named ï¬ght, which was a " battle of giants,†and the fact that the brutal, bullying, woman and boy beating John L. Sullivan has at length been thorough- ly and eï¬cctually “licked†affords in team: satisfaction to almost everybody who did not hot on him. The ï¬ght was nominally for 845.000â€"810,000 put up by the backers of each pugilist and $25,000 added by the club; but the winner probably made nearly or quite $75,000. The gate money must have been immense, as the building will hold 10,000 spectators, and the poorest seats were lot at $7.50. Penelon Council Proceedings. Cambray, August 29th, 1892. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment: all the members present and the move presiding. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. A com- munication front Mr. Chas. Everson was read. Moved by receive $5 for work done on Ops bound- ary opposite the second concession.â€"â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Broom, seconded by Mr. Currin, That Mrs. Mchil be refunded $2 43 taxes for 1891.â€"’d. Moved by Mr. Mayboc, seconded by Mr. Graham, That the grant of $20 on the quarter line between lots 25 and 20 in the ï¬rst concession bc recalledâ€"Cd Moved by Mr. Currin, seconded by Mr. Brown, That J. Drycll be paid 39, being one half of over expenditure of grant on the big hill in Ops on the new road; and that. the municipality of Vermont I'CCCJX'C $6 ‘35, one half of cost of work on Vcrulam boundary at lots 7 and 8.â€"â€"-C.~trricd. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Maybcc, That a hy-law to provide Mr. Brown, seeouded by , Mr. Graham, That Mr. H. Tutnpklus‘ on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nugcut of Peter- horouuh were at the Falls Monday until Thursday. Mrs. W. II. Robertson of Petcrboro’ and her little daughter are visiting or. Mrs. Brandon's. Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Van Noâ€"traud. of' Toronto, who spent last “look at Stur- geon Point, drove to the Falls on Sat- urday. Messrs. Harry Ingram, John SllCCllC, John McIntosh, Wm.Jonus and Edward McCutchcon left. on Tuesday for the Georgian Boy. George Cameron, left. on Tuesday morning for Orillia, Washington, U, 8., where his brothers James and Robert: are in business. ' Mr. Thomas Henry Austin got home last Wednesday after taking a full course and graduating- at the business college at Belleville. Mrs. James Cameron and her daug~ tor Lily, Mrs. Henry Brooks, and; Messrs. John Austin and Wm. Ingram. left. for Toronto on Tuesday. Miss McArthur, sister-iu-lnw of Mr; George Whissilc, and her too nieces returned on Monday from a few days, visit to relatives at Irondalc. Mr. R. M. McKenzie. who has been a resident of Fenclon Fails for about three years, left for Toronto on ’l‘uc.-:day.. He was a general favorite, and his departure is muclt regretted by a host cl friends. Mr. A. Clark, Jr, who left on the 10th ult. to visit his married sister in Winnipeg, got home by Saturday's train. He took a number of satnplcs of cloth with him, and obtained orders for about". i $000 worth of clothing. Dr. & Mrs. A. Wilson and Mrs. Find-. lcy McDougall wont to Montreal on Friday last in response to an invitation from the Rev. Foster McAmmond, B. A., who is now stationed in that city. They are expected honrc to-d'ty or to- morrow. Mr. James Dickson returned last week from Open:th Ilillic iu the Nipis- sing district, when: he \vas engog d.Z about a fortnight in preliminary work in connection with the proposed l’roviu- cial park or reserve. He says that the weather was delightful, and bears so numerous that he could have shot at. least four if he had had his rifle with him. Powles’s Corners. ~ Correspondence of II!» Gztzelte. for the let-Vino of m; annual rates be . Windrum's steam threshing machine, received and ,..,.,.3 ,, ï¬,-,.tt;,,,c,_g,,rrp..p lie in tlllS locality doing some jrhs t0 Moved lw .llr. ‘-‘_.- ., z; o - i make barn room for grain that is out. y .. y c ..c.on c by . M... cumâ€, ram J'E. ram be apâ€" pointed eillcctor for the year 1892, and that a by-law to (:Oniirm his appointment. be received and read a ï¬rst Limeâ€"«Cd By-law No.482 to levy the annual rates and to conï¬rm the appointment of a collector received and passed in the usual manner, Mr. Maybcc in the chair. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Cnrrins, That the clerk is herby They have met with bad head winds and a break down. Mrs. C. Ward, who makes an annual visit. to the old homestead. Mr. John Cnllis's, left on Monday for her home at Cob.)ln‘f._!. Mrs, Wm. Parrish of Olhawa has been visiting: friends and relatives and, has returned. Mr. W. N.Jcll'cry not a good shaking instructed m nnm'y “mama Brysou up the other day asho and his hired to remove his fonce from off the road allowance between the ï¬fth and sixth concessions at lot 8.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Brown, occluded by Mr. Corrine, ‘l’hat Mr. Downer be paid 810 for work done on the quarter line at lots 10 and 11 con. 4.â€"â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by on the 13th, and have all the rest of Mr. Currins, That. 820 be expended on the week for sight seeing. The circular the from which we obtained the above iu-l "s 5 and 6 in the third concession, man were engaged in drawing in and. driving out to the ï¬eld. They were both sitting on the same side of the rack. and all at once it capsized and the boss. got a few bruises, which will teach. him to divide up next time. c..." 363“ W. T. Junkin has the largest and best assorted stock of Toilet Snaps ever. offered in Fenelon Falls. Give him a call, quarter line between the west halves and you Wm be “rpmâ€! u “mi, “gels i lC’tcc and chancesâ€"2&3. X IO .7 l l l swearvww ’1