Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Sep 1892, p. 1

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$030M. 30%“ AND ALL Stilt u“ in, .â€"A__ FULL ASSORTMENT RIGHT PRICES. Walter It. Marlin, W. E. Ellis's Old Stand. Fonelon Falls, Sept’r lst, 1892. I’rofessional Cards. M‘â€" LEGAL 8:0. A. r. DEVLIN, )ARRISTER, Attorney-nt-Law, Solicitor ) in Chuucery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. H OPKINS, (Seecssson 'ro MARTIN it Ilorxms) AltltlSTER, SOLlClTUR, &c Money to boon nt 6 per cent. lium street, next to the Bunk of Montreal. MOORE «St JACKSON, gnlthTEltS, SOLIUITORS, &c. 0f- l. lice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. ~.....__ ..__ â€"_ 01.1mm & 01.1mm, ARRISTERS, ATTOIlNEYS~AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Office, oheny Block, Kentstreet, Lindsey. Aurnuu O’Lsmv. HUGH O‘LsAnY. MCIN’I‘YRE 8'. STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. Offices o‘ver Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Mclsrrns. NOTICE: All Notes made payable to JAMES Bpsr Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Iterr post-msster here, who holds said notes; JAS. JOHNSTON k 00' Penelon Falls, June 30th, 1891.-â€"l9 t.f. MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., ORONER, Pliysicion,Surgeon,&c., kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsey. DR. A. WILSON, â€"â€"u. 3., u. c. r. a. s., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON k ACCOUCH- eur. Office. Colbornc Street, Fenelon Fells. T. Srswnn'r. N*â€"- fl..â€" na. H. n. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University ol Trinity I College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Roynl College or Surgeons of Ettglnttd,hletnlier of the Gol- lego‘ of Physician & Surgeons of Ontttrlo. Ollice and residence on Frnncis-St. \\ est Peuelon Falls, opposite the Gazeue office. R- M- MASON, TETERINARY SURGEON ; llonor Grad- " note Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. Y. M. A. . Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louise Itrects, l-‘enelon Pulls. " ” settings. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Cenveynncer, «kc. Residence, and ad- dms, Feuelou Falls. ileum? " WW .W‘ II. it. 68055, DENTIST, LINDSAY, will be 31 the “ McArthur House," Fenelon Falls, the second Wednesday efcneh mouth. Bountiful and durable artificial teeth made, and ell other dental] work properly done. ltme 27 yem’ experience. ted y. Q. % >5? E, +3 "5:15 S as U 78% 5 one a Q) 23:: a; _ 00 : ® g Boo Q) .5" Q 4â€"7 M «ms '3 .2 .fi Q) B H Office, Win ? Oil.” on c.) Q and Canned Goods always on hand. ~t$ co 9 Q lq E? 7+: S) , :- ét’. :3 CD 5J3 c894 Q .06 3‘7. 'IT‘ 90 .2 $43 so gov- so A“; o 1”“ @ E cam 4-3 .0 L;â€" .l 63 8'6 (0 ‘* 35 09 G3 ,4 Hon CD .2 CH E“1 C3 @403 (12¢ '\ ‘6 Q 8s - :0 a H “I”! "So i=1 as j L's»: O a w OF: I G.) *9 H 7:3 5:: S i>sa ED ..$2 q_, c8 Fm! orâ€"lci-t- Q) :6 Es Q E“ P ' was ‘- Q3 *3 If)": a CD 00 H - "M :1 o H Gig in ,8“ +9 ‘5 l: N s on E s a s 'F‘ I 5 g Q) m :l-l o ,d 51.5 #3 m “:6 <1 e a 05.0 E: : >3â€"4 C3 0H C35 [:4 GD ram g g F: 0 ‘ '5 B 5 m READ THIS. As I have decided to give up the Painting business, I will sell out my entire Stock of White Loud, ready mixed Paints, Oils, Turpentine, J opens, Furniture and Carriage Varnish at greatly redumz’fln'ces, and all those who are in want of any of the above lines will do well to call before purchasing else where. 36" Glazing, Kalsomlning and Paper-hanging done as usual. ' S. N EVISON . Fenelon Foils, September 1st, 1802. '\~ . bouchere. Henry ' THE POLITICIAN AND JOURNALIST WHO “0h! Manama. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine. “ Read this. Willie” The Oils for Gennine Satisfaction for all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S GELEBRATED lLAllfllNE & NUMBER “.5, used by the‘Lergest Millmen in the Country, and monufnctnred solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & 00., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD In Fonelon Falls. 1 l NEVER FAILS TO ENTERTAIN. “Labby’s” arraignment of his old colleagues of the Liberal party in Great Britain has set everybody talking about him. “Member of Parliament," writ- ing about the member for Northamp- ton and his recent ebullition, says he must be regarded as a person of influ- ence, whether he is considered as a journalist or a member of Parliament. In the latter capacity he is very indus- trious and familiar with all the forms of the House, a ready, though not polished speaker, and a most pertineâ€" cious opponent. He holds fast when he has once got his teeth in and there is no shaking him off. He generally manages to amuse the House, and, therefore, he is sure of obtaining a hear- ing. As acritic of expenditures on royal palaces, pensions, allowances, and similar charges be is fearless, and some would say reckless. He gives utterance to all the nastiest things he can think of, and nobody is too high or too low for his lush once he falls foul of any- body. Thon his power is increased by the fact that he is sole proprietor of Truth, which now has the largest circulation of nll social papers. He has shown up a good runny rascals and successfully resisted dozens of libel suits. He hits all round without caring for the conse- quences, and is master of that lively, rattling style of writing which is sure to find renders. He makes his journal help him as a a politician, while his politics not us a perpetual advertisement for his journal. In the House of Commons smoking room he is always the centre of a lis- tening throng, for he never fails to be amusmg. Such a man generally getsjnto office when his party is in power, and when he does not the tempest raised by ‘* Lobby " is just what might: have been expected. An Energetic Duchess. The best story of the Tyrone elections, writes “ Ramblat‘” in the fit/ram: Unnâ€" siitutimz, is that which is told of the Duchess of Abercoru’s decision and re- Sourcefulucss in bringing two invalid Unionists voters to the poll late in the evening, when the only vehicle to be had for love (1 had nearly said “ or money,” but that word cannot be used at election time) was the late Duke’s state coach. at Baronscourt, which his Grace had used as Lord Lieutenant. ’l‘wo horses had then to be got, and they were found working in a field near by. Then there wasn’t: a. stitch of bar- ness about the place. But her Grace remembered the old state harness which ornamented one of the rooms. This was put. upon the horses, the grand old coach was attached, and thenit was found that there was no coachm’ttn ex. cept the Dukeâ€"who declined to drive, as there is a. ridiculous law about Peers having nothing to do with elections. The Duchess, however, got on the box, grasped the reins, and went off from Baronscourt determinedâ€"like Horace Greeley’s coachmanâ€"to be “on time.” Her Grace polled the latter of her two men at three minutes to eight, and as Lord Fredric's majority was known to be a small one, and might have been so small as to render the two votes of the most lively importance, the Duchess deserves every praise for her splendid decision, and successful action. ’9 Butchery By Women. La l’ierre, Ind, Sept. 3,â€"Nicholas Geraty, an old farmer, quarrelled with his wife yesterday, and she went to the house of her married daughtgr. Mn. Kcrstung, who lived on an adjoining farm. asked his wife to return. Between 5 and 6 o‘clock (ix-rut) , went over to the Kcrstang place and g She refused. l FENELOhT FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TII,-1892. G‘Ths-Duke of Fife on the Land Question. The Duke of Fife, while he has no sympathy, as he says, with agitators, who “ have neither capital nor are wi‘l- ing to work,” has some very decided views of his own on the land question and these be enlarged open at a lunch- eon given on the 9th nit... in connection with the Keith cattle show. His epin~ ion is that the division of the country into properties of various sizes is more. desirable than those solid overgrown estates which were the pride of a former generation. A wider distribution of land, he thinks, would. tend to dispel class jenlousies and promote notional stability by giving a real interest in the Soil to a large number ofthc community. The duke has been giving practical shape to this conviction of his by selling off some of his own nocestrial property in the north of Scotland, and buying land in other parts of the country. â€"-â€"O-o~ Number of Jews. “ The Jews,” says a foreign corres- pondent, “are much more numerous and wealthy to-day than ever before in the world. In the days of the greatest prosperity and power of the Jewish kingdom, under David and Solomon, they probably did not. numbermll told, more than five million. Now they number considerably over twice as many. In Asia, their original home, there are not; more than half a million, settled in Syria, Persia, Arabia, India. and Chino. Perhaps halfu million more are to be found in Africa,chiefly in Morocco, the ‘ descendants of those Jews who, in the your of Golum‘bus’s discovery of Amer- ica, Were expelled from Spnin. A con- siderable contingent is to be found in America. But the chief modern home of the Jews is in Eastern and Central Europe, where they scttled in the days of the crusades. At one time the king- dom of Poland contained nine-tenths of all the Jews in the world. Two yours ago, there were in the Russian empire, chiefly in its Polish provinces, fully five million Jews. In the Polish provinces of Austria there are two million, and in Germany 750,000, and in the United States one million."â€"Ncw York Sun. A DiSinfectant. Mr. VanIugnu hands us the following press clipping, which may be of value when the cholera strikes us: “ It may not be amiss at the present time, when the public mind is so aroused with the fears of cholera, typhoid, etc., to lay before the people one of the best, if not. the very best, of disinfectants knowu to science, and which can be made by anyone, and at a cost so trifling (less than 10 cents) that certainly places it within the reach of all. More- over this disinfectant is so very unlike many disinfectants, it leaves no offensive odor after its use :â€"-:} oz. nitrate of lead. «Igoz. rock salt (common salt will do') dissolvethc nitrate of lead with two gallons of rain water. dissolve the salt in n quart of rain water and mix both togetherâ€"the disinfectant. is then ready for use. Pour halfu gallon down sink and closets. sprinkle 0. quart around the corners of cellars and a little, say a ton- copful, round bedrooms and under beds; stables and outhouses according to size. A sponge well saturated and hung up- in 3 room will disinfect in a few min- utes.”â€"â€"- Woodstock .S'cnlt'nclâ€"It’evicw. ~â€"- cow At Omaha, on Friday, Online, the Nebraska 2-year-old pacing wonder, went a mile in 2 17 on a half-mile track. beating the 2.3‘enr old record of ‘2 21 made by Axtcll. Near Unto, Cayuga. county, N. Y.,. a boy engaged in cutting bindings for n. thresher accidentally cut the hand of" the man who was feeding. The feeder caught up the Ind and threw him into the cylinder, where he was ground to- :ti-lmS. A brother of the boy promptly and he tried to force to accompany him 1 knocked “,0 fwd" down and an“)de him. with an axe. ’l‘hcn while the wife held him down the daughter cut him to pieces with a butcher knife. Over 80 stab wounds were inflicted, and the face and - neck were horribly slashed. 'l‘hc wo- hidc the body. and arrested, and new it is feared they will be lynched. -Mâ€"fi- Three sacks of registered letters, val- ued at £1,000,000, have been stolen )li's. Kerstang knocked him down i him to death with a pitchfurk before: i anyone could interfere. v Gilbert u‘. iiice accidentally intruded. on not: of the secret meetings of the striking miners in Tennessee. The. l miners sus ectcd that. he was a s tied ' men washed themselves and tried to! p py’ They were discovered him to a freight car and set the car going down grade. Rice was dragged ‘ 0 fl 1 l at a tern-ml velocity, and to rounding n 3 curve he was su‘u'ng out so that the rope l caoght a telegraph pole and wound - itself around it. The rope broke and Kieth life was saved, though the awful from the railways between Paris and experience has reduced his weight 50 Lyons, France. I pounds and turned his hair grey. ‘ l

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