Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Jul 1892, p. 4

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:NK - a ~ ~ ' l D _ o o . '~ , . . , I I. p‘ .Dnndas & Flayelle Brothers, Dealers 111 Dry Goods, Clotlu 11g, Mllllnéi , . .f a... 0.. {1‘ ‘(l .' a ‘6 (q; A in what they considered proof of their ing the engine, tender audoueycar of 1 ( 5 “.7; has condom-er the assertion and claimed the reward; but the regular train from Haliburton by the editors always claimed that by soak- some means got off the track at, Galen, ing the root submitted to them and ex- Au auxiliary train was sent up From . . t f amining it through a microscope are); lLiudsay) as soon as possible. and had a ' “ ' . 3 -' " . ' _‘ , in d tl'e'e er‘ two roots instea o ong jo , as the rogul.r d'd t h LO“ ebt/Pllces 1n thb Goun ‘3 0r vmâ€" obeliundltliatfa: they alwaysallcged, the Falls until 3.45 pf“). l no mac :13! vs. 'Vrc‘ ,w . fem), L4- a w r wheat. and‘ chess last s ring. The wuh numerous .bmlm'iful ismn‘ls and ’ 1311321303? [1:110 ifWZ‘: wheat fâ€"‘rew like grass. butlpdid not. head eg'cne‘llleat SSEL'QO'R Win“ [it blCtlel‘ ‘ a . o ‘1 r ' 7° ' i "l S ' out. It, was smothered during the . 3 P901) 0. “ILâ€"'0 . at. the small piofits at u 111011 I u 111 sell f01 mm“, mm “ways on Ham, winter by the (mamas for building .umbm 9. we", my, mm ,0 i, m ‘ 3/)()f flash. Thanking my numerous customers for Mr. Muir's house. Otherwise he holds Zfiegiiihfingsvummcr.hOhda-l'sl(End lt‘Wlll the” “me Patronage in the lmstil beg to that it would have produced chess this , ‘ e . ) numequ excuril')“ (mm I» _‘ assure them tlmtuo efi‘ortwill be spared to season. The chess sown at the same .l‘ellClOIl balls and other points when . S -;: deserve a continuanceofit ill the future. time grew exactly like the wheat, but the long talked-of swmg In the railway ~ I ' ' ‘ THOMAS RGBSON. did not survive the winter. This, Mr. budge Sh?“ enable 0”“ flc‘“ 0‘ “camel's Fcnelon Falls, April 27111, 1892. Kittermastcr believes, is the reason lo mach n‘ 1391191011 Falls h 1 ________â€"____________ chess has never been found in spring G‘OOD FISUl-‘mva few daysago Mr, ’ l The [303161011 Fans quette wheat. Perhaps some other reader at J~ (J- Roylmd his 80" Charlie went, . i o l H ' the Packet will take up these experi- “cross 09mm” lake for bass; “lid l‘c- ' o i ments and decidowhethcr or no: chess “med m the evelllng “'ll'l‘ Went)" W0 Fmday. July 29th, 1892. is degenerate fall wheat. Mr. Kitter- scion». some or them will] his 01103 ’ master claims to have proven the cor- “Whining “hm” three Pmnlds GMh- Al- , ‘ Tory Loyalty. i'cctncss of his theory when growing it. {"055 every day Mr- SIPOkdale brings a I. I l I I I ' - I W h b M i 1 pn the ciounty of Lfaxlnbtgn. lHt:i sowled ngoillszstcgrtgllgrip pl) hfalt aldozcnl'lungg I, m‘ e ave ecu amct more t tan once our I‘OLS 5 acre 0 tie est an on tic _ i - . a_ 3 HI‘ 8:: e. um 00“! or twice for not noticing, excflm a farm with wheat in the spring, and dispose or six times the number - bare allusion, Sam anhcs's ‘absurd the following yam. the Whole Plat pro- ,tl he could catch them. Asa matter ‘ resolution at the celebration hero on the duced Chefis." 9f couljsei fish “"3 "0t quite “3111101910115 1 q R. P 1. 1 12th inst. IIt, was as 1follows apd was ___._. .......-. . ...._.___. Lgotfi‘i‘llt'ygldugtlgs “5 they were “Vlemy . t , . s .- ,. ' ‘ 1' .g, uorarc verv argc n u - leie‘clreii’gtthe I mile) to ls u ’ “It I 510” Powles’s Corners. ones as frequently taken: but there are W “ “(Well by Maj-“1' Sill“ . H‘u’all‘gq- _ Correspondence oft/w Guzctlc. (83:23 Piggtyifggub: had’ laud gTIOd'Fll-zwl Y . . . . ‘ MP. Count' M.stcr seconded - . 1 ) , i v "OWW 101111” W 101'0 We make it a point toll-ave everything in the Millinery The; Steppe?“ 17:3, (yummy 3135,03: “its; 311),:a;{Ithgfgaficqgioljgz ‘0 80 for them- 3 line that may l e asked for, and to have a stock snfliment for that this County Orange Lodge desires it a fine crop. ‘ ‘ p A DEAD Housmanâ€"A dead muskL all demands, and' to maintain thac'stock complete throughout tOIFXPI'CS-‘i It: ltlem'tbzl' aPPl'OlValflol ail: Mrs. C. Ward of Cobourg is at pres- Sgn§igsz°fléggfhfielln lengthyasdsqen . - - A _. .S .l. . - - V... . ' . z )(r n (r - -V' the season. SOIIcIt-ing the favor of an .eagly call from you, we dpugyufi or (1033,8133, xiindm 3';§1‘1‘8:“l‘l'iԤq.the Paleutal “Weiâ€"M“ of'saw-logsyiu Bloid‘y’s‘llliiytifl Helium“? ' assure you that It Will be apleasure to 115.“). nuke It to your termination to stand by them in their Amomst {he school teachers who we that length ought to weigh at least 40 ‘ interest to give us a- liberal share of your patronage. hour oftrilal. We cordially (landorsc llllS at h0,,,e"’du,.ing 'the memo“ we flog“, Poundsb “"dfnust have “red for "WLV assertion tmt no par iament ms a rig it Mr. Wm [.]_ t w ‘ L 3703“, “t 50'0"“5‘3 833' “1" 55“ “We E Mi’i‘e- Ru to engine flee Pqnples and Shoum un’ ing at Enniskli)p‘,yiu illoc Iblbi12f5noicgd- no Old ilge and keep 0" gm‘vmg until E _ _ I . ‘ fortunately 1t again be necessary to take [0rd and we also “(nice that me”, a _ som‘fthmg happens ‘0 “N‘m- AS tho i ’ TWO doors North of the Post-office. up arms in defence of their principles. pmr’s to be a lnametic “traction fit]. one to question. was very much dccmna. l ‘l, Fcnelon Falls, April 14th, 189:1. ' Victoria County will be found ready to Mr. Day on the chm, coacéssion Posed it “'35 n95 examined. and consn- l‘. ; ..‘.; ._- _ _ - . .. . A . .....--_.. . ‘ . send its quota of' loyal men to assist one day last geek Dr. Kenn'ey of fluently there is no telling what kiilcd, l .1 - r ,hoir beloved brethren in Ireland}! Lindsay and Dr. Mason "f. Fcnclon Fans it. It might have been struck by a. log ._.. . 7'. oi! Lug-“vermin Sam's most pflmpous and held a consultatiun (war a Yam)" horse (m. a spear) or choked by trying to k I i ' . hauled Style to “ cm‘Vd in a State Of owned by Mr. John B. l’owlos. hand, af- swallow a Sunfish {all forcm‘bl. “l‘ Hull'u l 53-5-39 i’ {imitation alltili§°lll$llc ‘0 calm I'Cflf’c' tcr making an incision four or five inch- cum} by. b‘ms accllmmflill'fi i” it" l .~ “on: the above “0 doubt sounded hke cs longr in the animal’s head removeda mouth mr‘ wry likely’ ” "“i‘ m” l - a noble outburst of' heroism; but when ' ’ "monster" that got away ju~=t us so l Agent for P. Hamilton’s Farm Implements and McColl Bros.’ Lardine Machine Oil. TilE PATRWS Will. E STARTLED WWW l have on. hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ which I will sell T 3%“? hdlfiid idd Shell, 1:: l d.) not. want tr. carry them over. Now is your time to get a good Over-coat cheap. These goods are All. New and of the Latest Styles, and made by ono of the best- houses in the Dominion. â€".-\LSO,â€" 53. Large Stock of Boots and ehoes at prices to suit the times. Groceries, Crockery and Glassâ€"ware. .\ full line oi‘ the best. goods to be had always on hand. .5. rrcsecawo, Txvonu-y’s Block. Pension Falls, January 24th, 1502. pm. mnammmmm Is Selling His Entire §tock of FURNITURE at and Below Wholesaie Cost 01‘ uuuxut‘ucitu'o. in order to nnakc room for new? designs and patterns. Cull early and secure ‘ bargains. as: I run selling; cheaper than any dealer in the County. IMPLEMENTS PRICES LOWEll THAN EVER. Come and examine the New Panning Mill and get the prices before leaving the Falls. The best brands of it is analysed and its ‘ true inwardness’ exposed, it presents a very diti'ercnt as- pect. It. simply threatens that, in the event of the British parliament passing and the Queen confirming an Act dis ‘tastclul to a curtain brand of Canadian Tories, such of them as as are devoid of common sense and reckless of conse- quences will go over to Ireland and join â€"-it' they do not take the initiative and raiseâ€"the standard of rebellion; and Sam Hughes, in the issue of his paper Call and examine the l “ like produced like " and chess proceed. cd from chess and not from wheat. As grains of wheat. That the question is still an open one is evidenced by the following paragraph. which appeared in last. week’s issue of the Orillia Puck-ct, and which will no doubt be interesting to our country readers: “ Mr. Kittcrmastet‘ sowed some fall large lump something the nature of a tumor. The horse has been doing well smce the operation was performed. Personals. ._....... Miss Jennie Swanton, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Thomas Robson’s. Mrs. Wm. Ball, of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting her parents, Mr. 8: Mrs. P. W. Sullivan. Mr. Henry Junkin, of Marmara, was that contains the greatly cheered reso- at the lt‘alls from Saturday last until lution, announces his willingness to ac- this morning. ' Company the band of hair-braincd en- Mrs. James lmndsficld of Wauban- thusiasts, either as cmnmandcr-iu-chief Sllcnc. (lluufzhtcrof Mr-Lcc Wasllbul‘n,) or full private as circumstances may determine. “ We know thousands," says is visiting her relatives at. the Full.‘ Miss Minnie llcasli‘p. daughter of the Sam, (speaking in the plural, like a king late Nelson llcaslip, ot' Bexlcy is visit- or an editor or a man who fancies he is a host in himself,) “ready to go with us”; but the Gazette strongly doubts his ability to name a dozen individuals foolish enough to join him in an expe- dition that would probably end in some of them finding themselves the inmates of jails and others dying ignobiy with ropes around their necks. Tories of the brand above mentioned are never tired I of callingr Reformcrs disloyal for endea- voring to reform abuses by constitution- al means; but they. (the 'I‘orics,) who in time past. resorted to rotten eggsaand incendiarism when things didn't ‘go to1 suit them, now openly declare that they The injury to his eye by the accident" will go a step Further and resort to arms if they are not allowed to veto British I legislation. That's their idea of " loyâ€" alty." Queer, isn't ll ? Wheat and Chess. Many long years agoâ€"twenIy-fivc or l thirty, if “c are not mistukcnwthcrci was a keen couzroVnrsy in the columns l ot‘the Anny-[can Aqra'culturz'sl relative to the transmutation or alleged trans- mutation, of wheat into chess. The 1 getting a drop of rain. The crop being ing at Mr. John ll. Graham’s. Mrs. llamilton Fowler of Lindsay and her daughter were the guests of' Mrs. George Nic from Saturday until Wednesday. Mrs. Rook of Nowbut'gh went home on \Vedncsdny. after a visit of several months to her «.luughtcngfllrsl William McClenncn. Mr. Max. McCullnm got home from Drnyton, Ont, last Friday, and brought. with him a brand new bicycle, of which he is no expert rider. M r. R. [3 Sylvester returned on Tues- day from the Toronto General Hospital. on the 12th was very serious; but Dr. Buruham. under whose care he has hi on, thinks that the sight will not be entirely destroyed; ' New HAPâ€"A good many loads of now buy have lately been brought into the village and oil wore of first class quality having been saved without very abundant. the price is of course low, clear timothy Selling at 86 per ton and mixed timothy and clover at 85 50. Snap‘Shots for Boot Weavers. . Johnston .S; Sisson nrc booming the Boot Honâ€"During the past fortnight we have had some of the hottest weather .' i ' n '27 g this year. “‘9 00"”0‘91'55 “"35 film]: bemg JTPPPed ever recorded by thermometers in Fen- ‘â€" k - , for a while and then taken up again, we elm, Fans, the mercury having mounted l I , 7 do not know how long it lasted nor how to 93 o in the shade and 110 c in the iii ' it terminatedi fbut we do1 know lthat sum The suffering of even we” ma” ’T .v o . . , . ' .‘ set up for your inspection at. every practica urmer to w icm we ave 90 [e in cities from sack in“ ~ ‘ I ‘ t “\a‘flSl Blllldlng Papeli Faults) &c‘ , A, ~ ever submitted the questiodappcars to Ems, be very great, and me $335}: l < RObSOUIS bllOlV R0031. pclievchthat. chessf, thoughl It] Will gdrowt amongst, the p00,. crefimms in crowde - as, t ttcrouc ~w. T Nothing but the best Machines kept. alpouifan‘is giafobzggucgm‘zceacg 1mm tenement hon 9’5 is s'mply “inhum- CAMPING.-â€"This is the season for camping out, and a good many ot our villagers are now under canvas on Ball island in Balsam lake and others are at or near Roscdalc. A more attractive sheet 01' water would} be hard to find, as it. is of very considerable size, dotted many ot'our villagers were goin: 'ao pull It. Into their boats, generally taking the spoon and hooks along- with it. ANOTHER Siennaâ€"A severe storm of wind and rain passed over the Falls: from the north-west to thc south-cast last Monday night, commencing about 8 o'clock. It must have been much worse in other localities than it was here, as we evidently only got one edge ofit; but. it was very violent, while it _v lasted. . The lightning was, we think, the most. vividaud incessant and the longest continued we ever 'saw, {lash fol- lowing flash every few Seconds [broom-- ly an hour, and occasionally Ion: crook ed streaks resembling snakes wont zi_r. zng acrossthe sky. In the village win- dows were blown in, Fences thrown down and trees deprived of some of their limbs; and in the township of Verulam Mia. David .‘lcb‘arland's and Mr. innoc- lot Patterson's burns were struck by lightning and demolished, but Tomb nately neither of them caught fir-J. A BAD CUT.-â€"-At dinner time on Wednesday two sons of Mr. Thos. Grill fin ol' Scum-ville, who had been at Work harvesting, started a rice to a scythe lying inhuiothcr'part of the field, boil: of them wishing to get it and carry it. to the house. The elder boy, who “"13 running so l'ast that the could not slop. Was the first to reach the scythe. and just. as he was stepping over it his broth- er, who was close behind him, lifted it by the snaith. and the blade struck the clder'across his right heel, completely severing the tendon and passing up- wa'rds under it to a distance of nearly three inchc‘sl‘ The boy, who is about 10 years old.’ was brought to the milieu of Dr. Graham, who drew the ends of m._.._..__-__._â€"____....___._.__ -._. a. -â€"._...4._. _. __ _ _ . _. the tendon together with three eaten: '7 ligaturcs, which he says will be'absorb- cdyand thcn'ecwcd' up and bandaged the wound. ; ‘ ’ ' ' ' loop Fort we FALLS.-â€"Twp of our than local renown, viz, Clark 3.: Son’s ' village industries have acquired more “*â€" scicntific editors of the Agrx’crdturixt steadily maintained that. wheat wasl DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. wheat and chess was chess; that one could not be raised from the seed of the ether; and that they would give a con; l and Sim: trade of Lindsay-u The biggesfv 'tailoring establishment and the Cameron ‘ . stock and best value in the county. liig'Aluko‘fouud'ry‘u uhrk & so" have for a purchases of Summer Shoes arriving daily; '~ and scllingfust. Yonbetyour bottom‘do‘lo‘ iong “mo Pact b m sending “would UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS Bmcm' ' sidcrnble reward (we forget the amount) yarn you a,“ he,“ -cm:» fornfinc goods clothing to customers residing in Ma‘ni- l . l to anyone who could prove that they g and low prices. Don’t miss the“ placeâ€"lat . Mb? Mia “'0 1“"!lll'WF-“t3 “"4 the Pill“ ' W. M c K e 0 m . were wrong. On the ether hand many door East of Duly House. v «- -~-- “ ~ day 'M‘r. {obson'rrcuvcd an order for a i » ’ ' readers of the Agriculturisl vehemently JOHNSTON .c $13901 large quantity 0" slmllm"; 0'"! chfillflgs t"58d (VG/8 STREET WES T. FENELON FALLS“). asserted that chess was degenerated or 19. TI..- Graut Shoe 51m ofLinlsuy, and 160 feet cfheavy chain of a peculiar ; lt|~ '0â€" ~ ~ «~* ~ - ‘ -- ‘ “" ..-‘\~ . .. u -.:.o . , » .._ - .v . . .. . V «tq.{.l.. .. . ..,... _,-/ ,nnl o

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