Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 May 1892, p. 3

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i i i l i g .. ~11" . www‘mpl‘l" . ...- .7... ... . «:4. tum»...- ..«,. . .1. . OBOSB DEATH WITH HIM TO LET WITHOUT HIM- ; Story of Woman's Devotlon and man‘s. Perndy from the French Criminal Records. I i All sorts of hard things are said about: French womenâ€"that they are wicked, that phey paint, that they don’t know how to; ovc. .‘ Let amateurs of this sort of nonsense re- fleet over the case of Marie Leboeuf, a2 young school teacher at Nogent-snr-Marne, who by her death some days since taught, or tried to teach, the greatest lesson of her life. It is a lesson to men! Marie was a good girl, of good family, her parents residing in Paris. She was; beautiful. Not lon after she took charge of the vil- t Iage schoo the good folk of Nogent began to observe a young man who came back and forth from Paris without minding the jour- ney, for no other apparent reason than to look into the blue eyes of the proud, brown haired girl he was courtingâ€"at least every one in Nogent-sur-Marue took it for gran:- ed that their long walks over the hills or beside the river meant a courtship. But all this and Marie’s smiles and hot blushes did not mean courtship; they meant death. The stranger was a gentle- man in clothes and ways and flatteryâ€"all that goes to work a woman’s ruin. In other respects he wasâ€"but let the grave cover his dishonor. DnA'ru’s PRELUDE. Not a shadow of suspicion touched Marie, who went on with her work, happy because sure of her lover’s loyalty. Then came the dav when she learned the lesson that the more a woman gives a man the less the man gives back. M. Valentin Dcras, a man of the world, her idol, her betrayer, cooly an- nounced his intention of marrying an heiress. Of course M. Valentin Deras was sorry I Marie said nothing, or little. “’hat was there to say? As the days went by she grew whiter and.ate little. Then she prepared to die. She put everything in order, left min- ute directions, and then waited for Valentin, who had promised to spend the next Sunday with her. He came and was delighted to find her all smiles. “ She’s got over her little trouble,” he reflected, manlike. What a jolly time they had that Sunday, to be sure I The villagers who saw them all remarked it. Never had Marie Leboeuf looked so lovely ; never had her eyes burn- ed with such it tender fire as they looked into the face of her sweetheart. THE FATAL SHOT. As the sun pecpcd through herlattice the next morning Marie rose from beside her lover, who was still sleeping heavily. Noiselessly she took a revolver from the drawer where it lay ready and approached the bed. A last kiss, a last look, and then without a tremor she placed the barrel against his white temple and fired, Blood splashed. over the pillow. Marie slipped on her pcignoir and went down stairs. p “ M. Deras is ill,” she said to the con- cierge ; “ run for a doctor.” The doctor came, found a corpse, and hur- ried away to notify the police. Meanwhile Marie Leboeuif had gone back to the chamber, and, tearing off her clothes, had stretched herself beside the bodyâ€"be- side her Valentin, whom she loved madly and whom she had murdered. She covered him with her kisses ; she smeared her face with his warm blood, and then, hearing foot- steps approachiug she cried out in a clear vorce :â€" “ May this serve as 9. others i" T hen she fired a ball into her own temple and fell dying upon the dead body, I): DEATH UNITED. warning to A terrible scene ensued. Valentin’s death had been almost instantaneous, but Marie lingered for six hours in mortal agony, her arms locked inn. last embrace about the form of her loved one, her eyes fixed with a glassy stare upon the features she had so often caressed. The doctor could do nothing ; the police could do nothing ; only stand there and watchâ€"n horrified group, waiting for death to quiet the writhing form. The climax came at the end, when the poor girl with a last eifort raised herself, her betrayer’s blood pouring from her lips, and with a great cry, " Valentin i” fell forward lifeless. Cake and Dessert Blane mange may be made firm by the Ase of gelatine, Irish moss, sea-moss iarina, corn-starch or arrowroot. The cheapest of these thickenings are cornstarch and sea- moss fariua. The latter, being the more delicate, may be used in preference to corn starch. For chocolate blanc mange put one quart of milk in the double boiler and on the fire. Sprinho into it one level table- Ipoonful of sea-moss farina. Cook for half an hour, stirrin frequently. Scrape one ounce of plain ciocolate and put it into a pan with four tables oonfuls of sugar and one tablespoonful of ct water. Stir this over the hot fire until smooth and glossy. Add the dissolved chocolate to the cooking blanc mange; also add one-third of a tea- rpoonful of salt. Stir well, and pour into a mold that has been rinsed in cold water ; let in a cold place for several hours and serve with sugar and cream. Sricu CAREâ€"To make this cake success- fully )lrs. Rorcr, who originated the recipe, emphatically says you must liavcsonr cream. I Seed and chop one pound of raisins. Dis-l solve a level toaspoonful of soda in a lovcl‘ teaspoonful of warm water and put it with one-half cup of molasses. Now add to this‘ at once one cup of sour cream. stir for a moment, then add one cup of brown sugar. Boat into it three and one-half cups of pas- try flour ; bzat thorou 'hly for about two minutes : add one tab espoonful of cinnao man, one of allspice and the raisins \vclli floured. Put into a square pan and bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Granarillnmnwâ€"Scald one cup of milk ; add to it one- uartcr of a yeast cake dissolv- I ed in two to lespoonfuls of warm water, .its beneficient power. hints for the Guesrlioom. In fitting up a guest-room there are man little comforts needed by a traveler whic most important articles, which is often for- gotten, is the writing-desk. There should be a little desk fitted up with pens, ink and stationery and stamps in every guest-room. Such apiece of furniture should be small, not taking up too much room. It should have a key, which the guest may take pos- session of if she desires. There are many people who cannot sleep without some dim light burning in the room; and a night- lainp should be on a stand ready for the use of such a guest. Night-lamps are made in such dainty forms at present that they are a pretty bit of bric-a-brac when not in use. Among the prettiest night-lamps are the fairy-lamps, which shed a soft, clear light through the room. The advantage of the night-lamp is that it sheds no impure gas as a larger lamp does when turned low. The night-lamp is turned up to its fullest extent and therefore sends out no such unwnole- some gas. It should contain just oil enough to last for a night. Bees in Sprin g. It would be poor policy to feed .a horse through the winter, and then let him starve to death just as the working season com- mences in the spring. It would be just as bad pvlicy to winter a colony of 'bees through the winter, and then let them starve to death in the spring, and while the loss of the bees would not be so great, the prin- ciple is the same. Feeding bees in the spring requires great care. if fed careless- ly, or any gets spilled by accident, robbing will be very apt to result, and if robbing once gets started, there is no telling where it may end. The best way to feed bees is to take out a comb that is empty, or which has no brood in it, and fill with syrup of sugar, two thirds sugar an d one-third water; put the comb in a pan sufficiently large to hold it and pour the syrup in. When one side is filled as full as it is possible to fillit, turn it over and fill the other side in a simi- lar manner, then insert the comb in the centre of the hive, and if it has been well filled that hive is provisioned for a week. Some make a practice of feeding a small quantity each day, to stimulate brood rear- ing. This is too much trouble unless there is some special object in View, such as the roaring of drones by some one who wishes to rear queens early. ‘Meaning of Old World Names- Siberia signifies “ thirsty.” Sicily is “ the country of grapes.” Caledonia means “ a high hill.” Asia signifies “in the middle,” from the fact that ancient geographers places it be- twoen Europe and Africa. Italy signifies “ country of pitch,” from its yielding great quantities of black pitch.‘ Hibernia. is “ntmost”'or “last habita- tion,” for beyond this to the Westward the Pha‘nicians never extended their voyages. Britain is “ the country of tin,” great quantities being found in it. The Greeks called it ~ Albion, which signifies either “ white ” or “ high,” from the whiteness of its shores or the high rock on the western coast. _â€" Youth paints the circus bill for old age to tear down. , The less an author hears about himself the better. _ It is my rule, very strictly observed, not to read the criticisms on my writings. For years I have found this abstinence necessary to preserve me from that discouragement as an artist which ill- Judged praise, no less than ill-judged blame tends to produce in us.â€"-[George Eliot. The Electric Light Is a matter of small importance compared with other applications of electricity. By this agency Polson’s Nerviline is made to penetrate to the most remote nerveâ€"every bone, muscle and ligament is made to feel Nerviline, pleasant to take, even by the youngest child, yet so powerfully far reaching in its work, that the most agonizing internal pain yields as if by magic. Nerviline relieves neuralgia instantly _and for the speedy cure of nerve pains of every description it has no equal. bold everywhere. If we were fed regularly the shark would not be half as ravenous as he is. hillfili wIf; Thank You! T111818 THE UNIVERSAL TESTI- MONI'of those who have nufi’cred from CHRONIC BRONC'HITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, OR ANY FORM OF WAST- ING DISEASES, after they have tried scores ‘ 0f Pure Cod'Liver Oil and I s HYPOPHOSPHITES â€"-0f Lime and Soda..â€" IT IS ALMOST AS PALATJBLE .48 JIILK. 11‘ IS A WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER. It is used and endowed ~by Physicians. Avoid all imitations or substitutions. Sold' by all Druggisls at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT at B0 TYNE, Belleville. m._-f . W.[AGIF SCALV. _l-‘0!£ DRESS CUTTING. A taught tv Miss Cliubb, general agent for Ontario. 356i Yongc 5L. Toronto. «at. ‘T‘TAN'l‘RD.â€"By a Canadian House a Man with $5M!) to buy anintcrcst in their business, and go to England and take charge, business contoured by them. P.0. 1503:5313, I‘m-onto. it is pleasant to have in place. One of the long sought A 301.1 Us. to: room... I ,_ - r Having an abiding faith in the axiom that notbin was made in vain, we have Tor some apology for the exis- tence of those wretched little things known as poodle-dogs, and at last we have found out their uses. A lady who kept one of these curly abom- inations, recently lost her pet, and called upon a policeman to find it. The next day the officer came with the dog, which was very wet and dirty. The lady was overjoyed, and asked forty silly questions ; among others: “ Where did you find the dear baby 2” “ Why, marm,” replied the man, “ a big, strapping fellow up in Sullivan-street had him tied to a. pole, and was washing win- dows with him.” ___â€" To Dispel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system efiectiially, yet gently, when cos- tive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual conscipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritat- ing or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Ii:- is easier to fall between the rounds of the ladder of fame than to mount. “WARNING.” ask your Druggist for GIB BOLNp“ 'rooruaoun GIL“, take no sub sti u c. There is more joy in parting with pain than there is welcoming pleasure. Simplicity of character is the natural re- sult of profound thought. The plant of happiness cannot thrive with‘ out the air of'cheerfuluess. A. P. 604. DR. CLARK s CATARRII CU_RE SAME... c u RED “erg Eg for postage and we will mail you a free trial package. Clary Chemical 00., Toronto. Ont. ‘ ARTIFIGIAL LIIVIBS. We are the leading firm in Canada. No other firm can compete with us, every Limb warranted for Comfort, Finish and Efllcicncy, equal to the best in the world. AUTHORS 8. cox, I2! GHURGH STREET - minim FIVE! CflNDITIleS 0F HAPPINESS. The first is bodily‘ health. To secure this Dl‘lflk the ‘BOYAL IDANIDELIIDN COFFEE which contains a proportion of German Dande- lion Root, with fine coffee as a. basis. It com- bines the Health-giving properties of this well known plant, with the refreshing and dictic properties of Coffee. Prepared only by ELLIS d: REIGIILEY, Toronto. W.nmmmm J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, filtlortiicote Ave... Toronto KEEP “THE 0012er YOUR /§/V/7"7'//VGIL1 MACH/NE AN Ask your sewing machine ag’t. for it, or send a Set. stamp for particulars and price list. ~ THIS IS GOOD FOR $2. SEND HIS to OREELMAN BROS. R 8 a 9,” diffra, Georgetown, Ont. T 2 NUTHlilG BETTER UNDER TTIEYSTQRS SEND FOR Qussr'os SHEET 0s REaElPT i . . 0F All LET ME SELEoT WHAT Is REQUIRED. WILL Sillst PnIcE. Goons ARE BENT BY MAIL, REGISTERED. Connect AND CHEAP. Send Stamp for Illustrated Book v CHAS. GLUTEE THE BANK 0F TORBNTII. ' DIVIDEND_NO. 72. Notice is hereby riven that a dividend of FIVE l’sn CENT. for t in current half year, be- ing at the rate of Tax Pun CENT. PER Axum: upon the paid-up capital of the Bank, has this day been declared, and that the same will be payablc at the Bank and its branches on and after “‘cdncsday. the 1st; day of June ncxt. lup ’lnaxsrnu Boon-s will be closed from the 1. ill to the (list days of May, both days in- chided. Tui-z Axxpsr. GENERAL Mnnrxxo or SHARE- n01.nlâ€":us \Vill be held at the Bankng House of the institution on \Vodncsday. the 15th day of June next. The chair to be taken at noon. By order of the B )(ll‘d. D. COULSOX. General Manager. The Bank of Toronto. Toronto, April 27, 1892. UUH PIHIICIIUN SPBIIINE UUIIII -15.. IS JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. A, BUILDER. , and NERVE '13:"). 1 03 8m in condens form an. the sub. stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves.thusmskin§ them a certain an speedy cure forall diseases ansln from im verishe blood.an shattered nerves, such as par- alysis, spinal disv eases, rheumatism' . scmticmlpsspimenp ory, erys as, pa - pitatiouo theheart, : H _ _.__ V scrofula,chlorosisor ~' ‘ I ' ~"; green sickness that tired feel that atlects somany. etc. ll‘hey have aspe tic action on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old; suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses. or self-abuse. should take these PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bear-in down pains, weak back,_nlcerations, etc., w find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE Aiill SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health‘s roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. anunn or Imunons. These Pills are sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by meal, ost aid. on receipt of priceâ€"500mm a box or for 2.50. THE DR.WILLIAMS MED. 00., Brockville. 0nt., or Morristowu, N.Y. (I A FIELD TEA cures Constipation, Sick I Headache, restores the Complexion. Get Free Sample at GARFIELD Tm sensor. 317 Church St., Toronto. DBLAVAL DREAM SEEARATIIRS HAND & STEAM POWER. J. S. GARTERR, - SYRAGUSE, N.Y. FAMOUS RENNE‘I‘ EXTRACT. - Cheese and Butter Color. BABCOCK MILK TESTERS. Sole Aganor Canada, FRANK “'ILSON‘. Produce Merchant, 33 Peter SL, Montreal. consxgnment S olicitcd. CONBOY’S (ISIAOIIJRTI‘ CARRIAGE '1‘“ PS. are the best in the market and have patented improvements not found in an other make, order one from your Carriage faker. Take no other kind. AnaBLOOD o ‘ T. n... has...“ caramel m cm on m n W. MCDOWALL DIRECT IMPORTER OF Fine Guns, Rifles, Shooting Suits, Hunting Boots, Etc. Loaded Cartridges. Artificial Birds and Traps a Specialty. 8 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. LONDON AND GANABIAN LOAN AilD AGENCY 00., LTD {03 Bay Street, Toronto. Capital... ...... ............$5,CO).000. Money to Loan on_improvcd lax-ms. city and town property on liberal terms of repay mentnnd s-r LOWEST cunnes'i nuns. Must crranDsnnurunns rqncussup. Apply to local appraisers or to J. I". KIRK. Manager. Choice farms for sale in Ont. 6: Manitoba SILVER MINES. Canadians have invested in 9-10 of the realestate of the new towns in Koofcuny, \vliilo Americans 910 of the mines. The succens ol! the towns depends on the success of the mines. The Koolenay Mining Investment Go rcprcsent'four duly incorporated Silver Min- ing Companies, owning twelve mines in Brit- ish Columbia and two in Montana on the same rich belt. the richest in the world. They aii‘ord the safest and most profitable investment in Canada. The first issue of stock places investors on the ground floor and is nearly all taken up. The second issue will be 25 percent. to 50 per cent. higher. Then its advancoment will be rapid owing to greater development work. Now is the opportunity. Don't let it slip. It is not often investors liavo such a chance as this. Call at ollico, Board oil Trade Building, Toronto. KQOT ENAY ,Is the BU RTON’S ALL HEALING only reliable and. safe Soap to wash your head with. It preserves the hair, makes it grow, keeps the scalp healthy. . _ Beware of Imitations and always ask for BURTON’S. SHIPMAN AND ACME ENGINES AND BOILERS Using Coal. Oil. for Fuel. .._.)o(__. Parties re uiring Small Power from 1 to 20 8URGI°AL MAchIsr.l34 Km: STREETW..TORONTO Hi3. will figd that for safety and durability our Engines are ahead of anything in the market. In fore and aft Compound Engines we have 8, l5 and 22 H.I’., with wood, coal or coal-oilxa boilers as desired. We also manufacture “ Marsh Steam Pumps " , 9-1 for boiler feeding and general pumping. Intending purchasers of Steam Launches for ’92 should place orders early so as to prevent delay in delivery. Send 3c. stamp for and Price list. éARLETON PLACE, we are looking JOHN GILLIES 8:. CO’Y, Catalogue ' "C’M.MYI‘L â€" ONTARIO. for ’i If so, we would urge you not to keep P a mat- ter of so much importance. You will never meet with such another opportun- Poisorious Liquid on Fruit Trees. one-half a teaspoonful of salt, a tablespoonful l of molasses. and stir in one-half a cup of Lm'rpto cutâ€"No better white bread flour; now add sufficient gra- “0" given M ' ham tlour to make a soft batter. cover and 503001., 1523 Yonge St. Terms nudcmw, The only eii’cctivc means of destroying the set away until very light; then stir in write for particulars. .nlso agcnts tor the .tpliis.('an'-‘crvv'0§'m.4913109010uli0audother cums}, 3mm“, am“. to nuke a 8m}- bmmx.’ McDowell barn-.an Draining Machine. athat are so thurious to Orchards and turn into a greased pan, cover, and when . .. a - we manufacture the MOSTCOHPLB‘l‘Ellne it doubles its bulk bake in a moderate oven “an” of nuns and wmmltu both for pumping Manufactured Specially for Spraying ‘JGMOJn plug Mona J0} bassoon“ liainlosuv 8| as is now presented by us. - nears \i thTSDâ€"l-‘or “Uni of For full particulars write the confederation Life, Toronto, or into light. or the rim; or my Li’o“ by , . ,. . , three-quarters of an hour. 1.3:ch F. 13:»: the converter! Prize-Fighter \} Me" and drfllng limehmcryi of a" firm "1 â€".._..__._....-.._..___ and Sedeonllcqmr She :lots 0! his travels Qflnmlfl- It “"1 Di}! V011 to 501111 91' large at any of the AGENCIES. A . .' 1. I . and llie life he led an.- mc re thrilling than the “hi-“mud .mu‘log‘m “01°”? pumhas’lm ch“: lhtn musician .as a great mix outage taste of fiction. ‘r‘cnd {urclmulare and terms. where. oarsnlo Pl St? 1.0.. LTD. Toronto "or one who is not got born. \‘M. mucus. Publisher, Toronto our. Ont. slention this paper. .. msunmc YOUR I.le I 4.» , I . a. M.AAA. ‘A “1".4‘. (mm A» Aaw v. i I I I I 1 I

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