Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Apr 1892, p. 8

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Manet - ,1 .. "E L. .' “Aurfiamifiwv _,. . «A: The illicit. Rabbit Plague in Cali- fornia. On the San Jnmptin plains of (‘alif'or-v nitt jack rabbits an- a nuisance. and the - practice of the farmers is to thin tlttnt out by annual drives. A corral is f'tnm- ed with barbed wire fence, and around this. lurmiue n circumll-ience ten to twelve utih-s lung. from 5 000 to 7.000 persons collect at the appointed time. Many are mounted, there are many hundreds of light waggons and other vehicles. the mass on foot- term a t-kirnt ish line in atlv.inCt-, provided with club. As the line contracts the jacks are put upgtnd headed lor the corral. Marshal» so direct the advance that the animals are massed on the opened side at the corral. The close of' the latest drive i> thus describ-d by the Sun Franciscn Examiner: " Before the contracting line of men. women, boys and girls lay about 500 acres of plain so thick with madly rushing hares that the ground was :H‘NlaliV hidden from sight. “ Within a space of a few acres over 35,000 rabbits were huddled together in one p ace the terror stricken mass bad rushed into one corner and lay there over a loot deep. It is estimated that at least 3.000 were never touched by clubs. but wt-re simply smothered to death by the rush of those iii the rear. Photographs were taken of the mass as they lay huddled up. and then the voter- on guard of Calilornia. clubs in hand. were formed in line of battle, and with so ycll moved down upon the mass ol 25,000 bunnies, clubbing as they run. A rickening slaughter took place, lasting About an hour." ‘ Q. 1Ihe Best Mos uito Remedy. Mr. C. H. Russel, of Bridgeport, ’ 0000., has recently communicated to us the following interesting fact: A Very high tide recently broke away the dike nod flooded the salt meadows of Strat- ford, Conn. The receding tide left two lakes nearly side by side of the same size. In one lake the tide left a dozen or more small fish, while the other one was fishlcss. A recent examination showed that wide the fishless lake cou- taincd tens of' thousands of mosquitto larvae. that. containing the fishes bad in it..no larrm. An English gentleman living on the Riviera, according to a correspondent 0t Nil/are, having been troubled by mosquitoes, discovered that they bred in the large tanks kept for the purpoSc of storing fresh water. which is rather n rare commodity at this Mediterranean resort. He put a pair of' carp in each tank, and succeeded in this way in cxttrpating tltc insect pest. The utilization of fish in this way is an old suggt-Stion, and a very practical one under Some circunnttances. Many people suffer lrom the inc-quite plague when the insect breeds in a circumscrib- ed and easily accessible place, and where it could be destroyed by Some such method as that used bv the level-headed Englisltutuu.â€"-Inscct Life. 0-. FieId-mice in Scotland. The mice which the-Scotch mountains nr-r bringing lortlt so prolilically are an t-xpensmc and l'ormitlablc nuisance’ For some months past the hill «.zrazings~ and rough pustuch of six Scotland countiesâ€"Dominica. Roxburg. Kirkcud- bright. Pecbles. Selkirk. lutnarkâ€"havc been devastated by these pests In Roxburg and Dttml‘rics. lrom 80.000 to 90,000 acres. says a report just present- ed to the Board of' Agriculture, have been oVerrnn by tltctn. Owls, kcstrels. hawks and “'t-nscls are natural enemies of' the lieitl ownse. 'l‘he fewer of these enemies, the better are the field mouse's chances. There has been a scarcity ol ' owls and kestrcls. says the cliicial pub- lcation. The mice have prospered acâ€" cordintrly. And just for the same reason ' the sheep are sull‘cring :1 correspondin amount ol'adversity; their l'ood is eaten up by all these tnyrinds of mice. Sev ontccn rears ago the same part ol'Scot- land was visited by a plague of mict- 5‘» o'er" several di~trict~ in northern England. In the sixteenth, seventeenth tint ctgltlttt‘nllt Centuries lltt- SlIlllllt't‘n nod eastern counties of England tvcrt nillictcd in the same way. The Nt'“ Forest and the Forest of Dean wt-rt' plagued with mice in 1814. France. Holland. Germany and Urpt'cllllly Aus- tralia, have been victimized by them. »--<-o -0»â€" A farmer living near Qu'Appclle has ‘»Ji<ctxt'crcd a good depo>it of cool on ltlr property. The people of Naples: are again in dread of an eruption of Vesuvius. The flow of lawn is H'ddt’r than usual, and other signs indicate danger. Wooden shoes are made in large quan- tities in Grand Rapids. Michigan, which i~ titt‘ sent 0! the industry in North America. About sixty pairs pt-r day are uncle. and a market. is lound for then. all over the Country. Th-v are med to thrsc muplorcd in e-talni.~hinnnt.~ fl't crn chemicals are employed which lam destructive to leather. Basswuoil is and almost altogether in their menu- lecture. I have on hand the largest stock of Wall For Saleâ€"A litu'g‘inn. Lot No. 6 north ot Ruttd street and out of Culliorne street. in the Village of Fch- lon Fails. with linildii g~, engine and boiler â€"furmerly us-d as a carding tnill. Apply at once to USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing, Tightness of the Chest, Wasting Away of Flesh, Throat Troubles, Consumption, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs Asthma, Coughs, Catarrh, Colds. G. ll. lltll‘KlXS, Barrisu‘r, Sl-t. f. Lindsay â€"THEâ€"- ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE CORPANY, \'S. THE LONDON MUTUAL, FOR FARMERS. The Royal Canadian offers the following advantages over the London Mutual: l. Ifa. building worth Sl‘loo is insured for say $l000. the Royal (‘anadian is 0in ed to pay 251000, it‘a loss occurs. in so a case the London Mutual lStlllllgt‘d to pay only two thirds of the cash value, or $800. 2. lfn horse worth $00 is killed in the fields by lightning, the Royal Canadian it obliged to pay $90. The London Mutual pays only $60. 3. Fora. cow worth $30 killed by light.- niug the Royal Canadian pays $30. The London Mutual pays only $20. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more than $5, no matter how valuable the animal may be. 4. In the Royal Canadian animals an insured against lightning- while ui pastun anywhere. in the London Mutual they an insured while pasturiug on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are inaurcd specifically, such as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insured up to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only two third of‘ the cash value, no matter what. the in- surance may be. 6 When “ ordinary contents ” of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian ALL implements arc itlt‘llldt‘d. in the Lon- don Mutual only one rcapt-r and one mower are included, no matter how good othen may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insure! under one sum the “ordinary contents " of all building not cut oil“ hya distance great- er tlntu 40 tt., the some as it‘ the content: were all under one roof. The London Mow tual requires a Separate sum on the com tcnlsot‘ each building, if' the distance in more than l2 f‘t. This is u very important difference itt many cases. 8 In the Royal Canadian it is a. part of the contract that standard STEAM 'rmutsmttw may be usod without a special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stacks or buildings, caretakers, paill of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Many of the policy holders in tho London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last scuson,be» cause it was found to be impossible to com~ ply with the coutlizions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he should secure a. policy which will hold him lobe when it is most requited. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pay its losses within sixty days and usually takes much less. The London Mutual need not pay for ninety days, and since it hnn‘ become so hard up as to be obliged to bon- row moncy largely, it usually takes about the fttll time allowed. 10. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the stutuwrv conditions only. It hit. none of the numerous variations against the policy-bolder printed in red ink on tho buck ot'the London Mutual policy. ll. As to Security, the inspector of inan- rance reports that the Royal Canadian bu $202,758, the amount he estimates to be necessary to enable the comnany to carry out all its engagements with its policy holders. Besides this he I’L'lltil'lc that it has to the good the $vtt.o,0.0 capital paid in cash by the shareholders, amt a net surplu- $l17,tio’i tanking in all a total cat-h surplnl of $5l7,607 to protect its policy-ltofdcro against unexpected contingencies. in ad- dition to these cash items it has a subscribp ed capital of $l00,‘100 not called up Re- garding,r the security of the London Mutual the inspector reports that the amount of unearned premium it should have on hand V TASTELESS. FQR §ALE BY ALL DRUGCIS'E‘S. LABORATORY, TORONTQ, ONT. SCHOOL BOOKS AND ' . SUPPLIES Fast Colored Cling" P A TENT hams for 100. MEDICINES Fast Colored. Mus- AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT W. Scientific American m'f . _ -. -. CAVEATSO TRADE MAR‘S‘ “ESION PATENT COPYRIGHTS. etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN a: co. 361 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Oldest. bureau for securing patents in Amer-lea. Every patent taken out. by us is brought baton the public by 3 notice given free or charge In the fitteufifit gunman clrenl tlon oton actentltlc paper in the war (if: S angina “plop {ateeeeerklp ltgglltl’ on: man a on e on . cor: 01.50 at: months. Audra-s MII’NN & 00.. 83438338. 861' Broadway. New York. The Eanada life hauntâ€"EH ESTABLISHED IN 1847. THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LITE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. line for 10¢. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. @ The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. T. .. JUNKIN’S.¢ Willi RY; MAN UFAC’IURER 0]? Capital at Assets as at the 30th or April, 1889. over $10,000,000. Annual Income for the year ending 30th April. 1885, $1,840,000. Total Sum assured to 30th April, 1885. amounts to $47,000,000. The profits of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Office doing business in the Dominion. and ill ratio of expenses to income are less than that ofnuy other Canadian or British office. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are. paith once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class office. All forms of polici s are issued. MCDOUGALL 3‘ BRANDON: is $290.3! 0. To make u n this amount in 4345'. Agents) Fe'lelou Fulll cash a second call wouldlhaw- to he mudl ____.______________________. on the premium notes for a large amount, I I leaving a sutplus of only 3574.218, even if W P . 5 there were no had debts, and this snrpluc n DEALER, IN V is made up wholly of‘ the unpaid lmlnnoo of‘ if mium notes already lienvll ' nsacsscd. 9 Thti company reports the Lisp“: adjusted but no mid at the close of the year at $6 - 387, bill the inspector of insurance find! that the liatilily for unpaid losses at tlu AND end of" the year was $3vt,280. 'l‘hc ca~h on All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and G‘ o O D S Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ' Stamping done REPAIRIN G PRICES & Studioâ€"SUIT CUSTOMERS. __ Done on the Shortest Notice. Call and see my 50. per roll Paper. to 60. it Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept in stock. hand to pay these losses only amounted to $t3,9ll. In view of' the foregoing facts home” will have ll') difficulty in deciding as to tho company in which they should be insured. For initit'ulth apply to E5. C01€N Pill). Agent, Linduy. W The “ Fenclon Falls algal." :: :: 7°- :2 :: Culbome Street. lenelun Falls. 5‘“ at???“ :: :: ,§§f . 1: :: DENPISTRY. Kelli-St, Lindsay, Ont. outfit... -â€"â€"___ or one cent. per week will he added as too. as it remains unpaid. Advertising:- Ital 08. find all the way to 50c. per Roll. GAS-“(VITALIZED AIR') Lot Go to J. Normans, Dentist, Lindsay, if' on Fidlcr's llill, owned by the late Daniel you want teeth extracted positively \vtth- Scully, and recently occupied by Mr_ Professional or business cards, 50 can per line per at.num. (,‘anual advertlm-tncntn, Paper ever brought into Lindsay. a", rm,“ Gus has bu." gin-n by him with. Alex. MeAtthnr, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 REMRMBER THE PLACE: gre;.t[s)ucc€ss‘ for org"?! rpm; lfeeaimdgt-d “- vvfll 1:0 501d Cheap. cents pccr line ful; every subseqnunt inner. . r p w,“ r to um," p“. M _ 1 "v 13., A) I to two. untracts ;y [to year, hall'yo-ar or Just UpDOSlie 1‘0“ P08! office, l [or of gas for extracttugteetl}. Numbers’ w y W_ E ELLIS. yum)“, pa”. ‘lunrl-"i‘t" “ comm" “" “335, "PO" WHO!- Keut Stu-em l"."artist.momma ifl‘l".";“.‘2i or to J- h A u - V January thh. limo, For Sale or to Rent, LIND.SAY. G. A. METHERELL. JOB PRINTITJSTG of all ordinary kinda executed neatly, c" really and rellonlblc rates. ' ' 3.0.1MND, hovel”. required any repairs. (luld crowns, pore»- lain crowns and bridgcwutk done. Visits Font-ion Polls, McArthur Home. on the ..._. third Tuesday of every month. Call early; The cast half of Lot 27, (,‘nn. 1 Vervlflmi in the day. 40%.]. Apply to Rev. Wm. Logan, Feoeloa rum, .9. ~...-....»..... . .m .nâ€"u... WM Im.‘ Ma.“ m- -m-...w . i t . l i v .8

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