Deeming. P300]I THAT THE NOTORIOUS MUEDEREE LIVED [N THE NORTH-WEST. “’INNIPEG. April 16.-â€"-The report that Deemiug, who is new on trial in Australia for murdering: his wife. had It one time been a resident iii the North- west, guilt! by the name of Williams, and had drpartcd suddenly, taking' with him considerable amount of property boo longing to Other people, is Confirmed by Mr. liewuiil. public school inspector of Me'usmnin, who writes: I noticed an item to the effect that Mr. Dee-min: (the murderer). under the name of Williams, had resided in the Territories. In the spring of' 1884 a man named Williams arrived here. and, alter hanging: around for a time, rented a small oï¬ice from me and start- ed business as a matchmaker. After a few months he >uddenly decauiped. tak- iog with him all the watches he had in for repairs, including a Valuable gold watch belonging: to a gentleman near Wapeila. He was of a taciturn, morosc and unsociable disposition. Doubtless this was the Williams referred to in your paper. â€"â€"-w-â€"â€"â€"â€"-c 9.. A Terrible Affair. WOHEN AND CHILDREN KILLED IN A cause .Ct'r A RAILWAY STATION. LONDON. April 18.â€"-A terrible catas- trop'c took place at Hampstead Heath this evening, by which two women and Iix children wore killed and thirteen other persons were seriously injured. llampstcad, which is a favorite holiday resort about four miles from London, was visited by thousands of excursion- ists to-day, and as the day closed there was a great rush of' people to catch the trains to return home. In the crush somebody fell at the foot of' a staircase at the railway station, and in 9. moment the hundreds of' persons above were thrown into a struggling mass. The police at once closed the doors and set to work to extricate the dead and injur- ed. Four ofthc dcad have been iden-' tified as Eniin Hamilton, aged 55; An- nie Anglia, aged 40; John Connor, aged 9, and Thomas Longf'ord, aged 14. The other bodies are those of" boys from 12 to 15 years old. Many were iujured. .- Thinner Than Tissue Paper. An active competition has for a long time past been carried on among the English iron masters as to the degree of thinness to which cold iron could be rolled. In one case the'slicets have been rolled to an average thickness or thinness of the eighteen-hundredth part of an inchâ€"in other words, eighteen hundred sheets of' this iron, piled one upon the other, would measure only one inch in thickness. And this marvollous ï¬neness of work may be more readily understood when the fact is borne in mind that the great number of 1,200 sheets of the thinnest tissue paper meas- ures a slight fraction over an inch. It also appears that these wonderful iron sheets were perfectly smooth and easy to write upon, notwithstanding the fact of their being porous when held up in a strong lightâ€"The Age of Steel. 0.. Columbus, Miss, is full of people from the surrounding country, who have been driven in by the flood. Fourteen persons are known to have been drawn- Ctl, with a probability of many more lives lost. Mrs. Hillier, of Tuckerton, N. J., while houseclcaning, threw some rubbish into the stove. A small sack of powder happened to be among the rubbish. Th 4 stove was blown to pieces and the woman's 4 year-old son killed. Alexander Milsap, of Nottawasaga, was working in a mill near Sundridge, when a belt flew off and the balance wheel broke, alarge piece of which, weighing about 75 pounds, striking him on ihc temple caused instant death. l} l\'cl‘ Curtis Perry, the Lyons, N. Y.. train robh.~r. gives his keepers in} prism no end of trouble. He shows us . . . , ' , ,. peeiul animosity llH\;t."Il.‘ Deputy Loliins, who arrested him. Wnen food is given him he ï¬res the crockery in which it is served at Collins, and the other day he Was about to doursc the deputy with I some alOps, when Collins drew his re; vnlver. This had the desired effect. i Fred hasten, a young; man 21 ycarsl old. lll‘llllY esteemed by all his neighbors, met a tragic death near Webster last: Saturday. Ila was at work with a { threshing crew near his farm, when a Couple of vicious dogs began ï¬ghting. ‘ A man named Olsen undertook to part I the animals with the handle of a pitch- ~ fork. Au efl‘wt was made by one of, the crew to take the tool from Olsen to avoid the dJlt;cl‘. He draw it. violently back Larsen, who had been sitting in the rear of Olsen. started to get up. and ~ ’r Carpets and Oil-Cloths, N o. 9 Keenan’PsPB‘loCk,Kent-.Street,_Lind Bellerille is pushing her claim for the brigade camp this year. Fore>t fires are doing an immense amount of damage in Prussia. England defeated Scotland by 4 goals to 1 in the international football match. It is said that calves two or three days old are killed in considcrable num- bers at Cainpbellf‘ord, and the carCases . sent to Montreal to be made into bone- less turkey. Irene, the twclve-year-old daughter ’ of Geo. Stanton, .‘liddlcinarcli. was se- verely burned about the hands and face __ _ by the explosion of‘ a bottle 01 quicksih ver which she was shaking. m ' FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, April 22nd, 1592. Wheat, Scotch or Fife .... 80 to 82 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 78 80 77 Barley, per bushel . . . . . . . . 35 40 Cats, “ 25 25 Peitse, “ - 54 55 Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 65 70 ‘ Potatoes, “ . . . . . . 15 20 ' ’ l7 Wheat,spring “ r 75 Butter, per 1b . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Eggs,per dozen . . . . . 9 1f) . n C H '. ..... . ....... 8.00 10.0( ..... . Inw‘tes one am all Sheepskins............... 50 23 to examine his new Spring Stock, and to compare his Prices. Wool .............. 18 New Advertisements. Notice to Creditors of GEORGE MANNING, Deceased. WW Pursuant to R. S. O. 1889, Can. 10, 590- B 36, the creditors and others ‘having claims against the Estate of George Manning, late of the Village of Fcnelon Falls in the ' County of Victoria, Bailiff, deceas’ed, who us died on or about the 26th of March, 1892, are hereby required to send in to Joseph McFarland, of the Village of Fem-Ion Falls, one of the Executors of the said deceased , 7‘ _ 9. statement of their names and addresses: are? ‘V6 V‘ 111 pre the full particulars of their claim and the security (if' any) held by them, on or before the First day of Jane, A. D. 1892. r a. handsome And take notice that after the said date the Executors of the said decea~ed will distribute the assets of the said George Manning, deceased, amongst the parties en- ‘ - ‘ titled thereto, having regard to the claims @ ‘ of which they then have notice, and that i 4 , they will not be liable for the assets, or any Q 7 part thereof, so distributed, to any person of whose claim they had not notice at the Salsas: the distribution thereof or a part valued at 00, free of charge. ltlll, with ill! G. H. HOPKINS,. Men’s Tweed Suits, good linings and Solicitor for trimmings, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 50 JOSEPH McFARLAND and JOHN F. PALMER, Men’s Serge Suits, good linings and trimmings. from.............. 2 50 9_3. Ezecutors. Boys’ 2-piece Tweed Suits, from.'... 1 .95 him for Sale or in Bent. F E N E L O N, Boys‘ All~wool Knicker Pants, from 70 The west parts of' lots 23 and 24 in the 11th concession of Men’s Wool Pants, all sizes. . . . . . . . 75 190 acres, close to the Village of Fenelon All-wont double fold Cashmere, black Faus- ’ and coloured................. 23 Acres Cleared, See Our Big Drive in Prints, well and part seeded down. The unseeded por- mirth 14 cent“ - -- - -- . . u . . . . . 10 tiou ploughed and ready for spring crop; Stocks of Ginghams and Shirtings.. 5 the remainder of the land in wood. Good Quality Table Linen, only. . .. ' 1‘! GOOD mARKET AT FENELON FALLS Heavy Cottonadcs, new patterns 10 Feather Tickings, will hold water†8 ‘Handsome Border’d Towels, 35x17 in. 6 2 Pairs Men's Elastic Web Braces.. 2-5 3 Men’s Silk Ties, (100 desigiis,) for 25 Men‘s Heavy Waterproof Coats.... 2 00 2 Pairs Men's Wool Socks for . . . . .. 25 J' D. SMITH, }Port Hope. 2 Standard Novels by good authors, G.H.G_MCVITY’ 100 stories, for........ 3-â€, 288 Huron Street, Toronto. Boys' Knock-about Hats, (just in,) for 2 Girl’s & Boys‘ Cloth Tom 0’ Shooter: 2 Boys‘ is Girls’ Blue Cloth Peak Caps, for grain and cord-wood of all sorts. Good Dwelling, Barn, Stable it Fences. [6’ Price Low. Terms Easy. If not Sold soon, will be leased. Apply to J. G. WILLIAMS, 0' U! I-IO'L‘EL TO RENT. gold trimmed . . . . . . . . . . . 20 To rent on easy tcrqlS, thal- Weu'known Beautiful Dress Challis, new designs 9 two'smry brmk hmel’ Hemp Carpets, nice patterns . . . . . . . 10 THE “ MANSION HOUSE,†See our Lace Curtains, lapped edges, situated on the corner of Colborne and V“! long-non u†65 Francis streets. Possession given on the New Brunswick Cotton Yam, 51b1," 1 00 15‘ OfJuU' "0“- Al’ply ‘0 4 Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, J. TWOMEY, Sr. ' Ladics' size, for ...... . . . . . . . . 10 Fcnelon Fans: March 10â€" ‘89)†33m' 6 White Linen Finished Handker- â€' chief,§x§} . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 AGENTS WANTED. ' 3,500 Yards of Striped and Plain Shaker’s Flannel, to be sold at Cost. Foothill Nurseries. Largest in Canada. 700 acres. Clearing out our entire Tweed Stock at 50 cents on the dollar. We carry the Largest Stock of Ready- made Clothing in Lindsay. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nurscrv stock; previous experience not i uecessarv; any man with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal; outtit free. _ ‘ Our agents have many advantages, such i In Drcs= b°°d3 1°“ 9““ depend on 115 for as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian i the Latest Novelties. l stock. Choice New Specialties, which are i 4 ~ . _ of value and which can only be securedl _Iu Gent†Filmmhmgst “Ch 3'3 Shm’n from us_' Tics, Collars, Cuffs, &:c., we take the lead. We have given particular attention . 0m- Hat Stock ;, New. Cheap & Robb» the propagation of HARDY VARIE'I‘ILS‘ suitable to the Northern section of Canada. For terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, 49-3m. Toronto, Ont. NOTICE. In Staple Goods we are the Cheapest. 128‘ Letter Order: receive prompt at- tention. Special Pricec tJ Dealer: and Peddlers. l Sign of the Golden Lion. . All Notes made payable to JAIRS Bruv i one “i we “"05 or we to“ “ruck 11"†‘ Agent, will have to be paid tthranlt Kerr 1 just Ibo“! the '33“ 0f 91¢ right 05¢. Pen‘ posbmaster here, who holds said notes. 2 I I ’ etrltiug the brain, death resulting im- mediutcly. JAS. JOHNSTON k Coo: Echelon Fells, June 3011:, 189Lâ€"l9 Lf. The Lindsay Cheap Man. | w RETIR it FROM BUS . BURGOYNE & Co. We have decided to wind up our large retail business in this place, and as a ï¬rst move we here give notice that on and after March 131: we propose reducing our credit business. Hav- ing placed our orders for a. large and very choice selections in all the various lines of before the ï¬rm thought of retiring, we will continue business until our lease expires. The whole stock we intend to place before our customers at very low prices, and by so doing to rush it off. Boots! Boots 1 Shoes! Shoes l . We beat the band in all kinds of foot-wear. Everybody is interested, as the season is now at hand when every one wants something in this line. $5,500’ Worth Now to be Sacriï¬ced. We purpose to ï¬rst open the ball in this line. All this large and new stock by the best makers in Canada we purpose sell- mg at cost. Our stock is too large and varied to give prices. This is No Advertising Dodge. We are prepared to quote prices that will tempt all. Re- member, we are going out of business, and are bound to sell. 3% All outstanding Accounts, Notes, etc, overdue must be settled at once to save costs. BURGOYNE a. coxs. - The Leading Retail Men». Fenelon Falls, February 22nd, 1892. GOOD FITS. WELL MADE. NICE PATTERNS. VERY CHEAP. Call and see them at CLARK & SON’S. A Rare Chance ! SHILOH’S «r87 - Lcï¬s- 874% CONSUMPTION IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, CURE. Belonging to the Estate ofthc late D. J. SCllll'. ‘.'ill be sold in single lots or in blockjs to suit purchasers. Also a. brick This GREAT COUGH CU'REtthls m house and lot on Fidler's Ilill. ï¬ll CONSUMHION CURIE, 15 Without a par. _ r _ , ‘ ,nllel in the history of medicmc. All druggistl NOVV IS '1 OD R. '1. IDIE are anthonnd' to sell it on a. positive guarantee, AS a test that no other care can successfully stand. Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, TIIEY DIUST BIC SOLD use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Group. or Whooping Con 11. use itprom tly For terms npd particulars apply to Barron and relief is sure. If you dread that insd' i & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate CONSUMPTION, don’t/21:2 to use it, it w r r“... 9v. commit.“ v . go or rice 1 . ' _ \l ELLIS, Fenclon Falls. acts. md $Loo. If your L“ ‘ in mm 0; April Zntli, 189~J.â€"â€"10tf k lame, use Simon’s Pom ' 25c“. .â€"â€".â€"~ sacoun nnnsmu noun-r David Chambers, â€"-or run-â€" County of Victoria. General Blacksmltg, 11 The next sittings of the above Court will FranCIS'St’w at s- be held in Dickson's ha!" Feuelon Faun’ Blacksmithing in all its different branches 0n MONDAY, APRIL THE 25ll1,1892, done on short notice and at the lowest. . - living prices. Particular attention paid to commencingat 10 o'clock in the forenoon homedhoemg Give me ‘ cu“ and I "m Tuesday,April lith,1892, will be the. last guarantee “,ismc‘ion' 45“} day of service in this county, and Friday, .______._ ....... April 8th, in any other county. Subscribe for the “ Fenelon Wit. Wants, E. D.Baan, D‘y Builifl. Cle Penelon Falls, Jan'y 23rd, 1892. in advance. sayo‘ ‘ Spring &. Summer Goods... (M WIMM’ M a“ Falls Gazette,†only $1 a year .r .a -â€"-. -~. '7 .‘-- _. .1 a"... V 9.