Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Apr 1892, p. 4

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m‘ n c ‘ -~ ' WW" am: 15‘ . 0-“, TONY CUSTOMERS whose Accounts are past due, I beg to give notice that liter the him Apr' next they will be handed over to other parties to collect. Accounts that have been running for two or three years will pass to a lawyer to enforce. I do this to give to all parties concerned, and for my own pro- tection. Fenelon Falls, March 14th, 1892. T0 fih® maflfiefis W ' ‘ y‘fil‘ "s . if .. ,n, T .‘ u -‘ ,J' .1 Millinery an Millinery Requisites. WW NerrShapesl Correct Styles! Right Prices l W We make it a point,to have everything in the Millinery line that may be asked for, and to have a stock sufficient for all demands, and to maintain that stock complete throughout the season. Soliciting the favor of an early call from you, we assure you that it will be a pleasure to us to make it to your interest to give us a liberal share of your patronage. Mrs. R. MCDOUGALL, Two doors Nortlrof the Post-office. Fonelon Falls, April 14th, 189:5. 1 have on hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ .GWERI- @QRT@9 which I will sell ET MST hhlflEh WE SAW, as i do not. want to carry them over. Now is your time to get a good Over-coat cheap. These goods are All New and of the Latest Styles, and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. â€"ALSO,â€"- A Large Stock of nets and Shoes at prices to suit the times. Groceries, Crockery and Glass-ware. A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. J. M’FARLANQ, T\vonxcy’s Block. WWWWW F'cnelon Falls, January 27th, 1892. W. MQKE @mm 15 Selling His Entire Stock of - FURN ITURE at and W Below Wholesale Gosh of uuuuu‘uoturo. in order to nutko room for nq-xv designs and patterns. Call curly and secure ban-gains. us I am selling; cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING Al‘i‘Eli DED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 'w. .McKeawâ€"mzmg if FRANCIS 87/?557 WEST. FE/l’ELO/V FALLS. . ! morass meson. 3 IRON FCUNDER &_ MAORI-MST, MANUFACTURER 01“ l nemcnnruasn ‘ IMPLEMENTS. 1 Engine and lllill an AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS PROM PTI." ATTENDED 1'0. Bridge Bolts Made to Order. Horse Powers, Show Cutters, .9 and 3-fnrrow Gang Ploug/zs and a good variety of General Purpose Ploug/zs. A good as- sortment of Spring-foam Har- rows, Steel Hrzrrbws, Iron Horrows zzmz’ lVooa’ Harrows ALL OF \VlUCIk-AVILL BE SOLD AT LOW PRICESTOiMEET THE TIMES. W The highest cash price paid for wrought or scrap_\;_iron delivered at. the foundr ". l THOMAS nonson. Fenelon Falls, Ont. The Fcnelonl‘alls Gazette. Friday. April 15th, 1892. Only in Fun. When Mr. Abbott, before a commit- tee of the Senate, and Sir John Thomp- son, in an ame-olection address, express- ed u determination to root out and pun- ish wrong doing, without regard to the social or political position of the guiltv parties, their hearers (some of whom must. have been shaking in their shoes) probably believed that the honorable gentlemen meant what they said, but subsequent events have proved beyond a doubt that. they were what children call “only in fun." By the ipsc (limit of Judge ,Elliott. of London, the seal in the House of Commons for that. con- stituency was taken from Mr. Hyman, who won it. by a majority of lawful roles, and conferred upon Honest John Carling. who has'grcatly lowered him- self in public estimation by accepting it; and when a petition for the removal ol Judge Elliot was presented in the House it was promptly rejected» on-thc ground of some trifling ingregularityin its prep- aration. “Vermilion that, Mr”. Edgar brought. againstiSir Adolphe Caron a number ofgravc charges, the most seri- ous of which Was that he (Caron) had obtained large sums of money from railway companies that had received subsidies at the instance of the Cabinet of which he was 'a member, and spent the same in bribing constituencies. Here was a chance for Sir John Thomp son to root out the wrong doing and punish the guilty; but. did he do it? Not. at all! on the center , he got up and made a speech intended to prove that. there was no way by which Sir Adolphe could be hauled over the coals; and that titled personage will probably get some more money from the same source the next time an election is pend- ing. That. it is not Reformers only who are finding fault with Sir John and Sir Adolphe will be seen by an ar ticlc in another column from the Con- servative Quebec Chronicle, and the Toronto News, which is also Conserva- tive, says : “ In his reply to the statement made by Mr. Elgar, the Minister of Justice declared that it is for the courts rather than a committee ofthc House to inquire into charges made against members whose election is alleged to have been secured by corrupt means. Unfortunate- ly, however, it is too late to .ipply to the judicial tribunals for an investigation of the off-nee of which Sir Adolphe Caron is said to have been «guilty. A protest against the election of a lliL‘llibcr of the Commons must be entered within thirty days after the return of the writ. and that period has long sine-3 expired in the case under consideration. The only means by which an inquiry can be had is by referring the charges made by Mr. Edgar ton. Parliamentary Comâ€" mittee or a Royal Commission. So ex- tensive Was the corruption which this gentleman alleges to have taken pinch, that. a rclusal to allow of the fullest investigation in (he only way now open would be unjustifiable, even if the money used had ‘nr-cn taken from a private purse. lint Since it is solemnly declared that the funds which corrupted the elec- torate were taken nlm st directly from the public treasury, the demand that the truth or falsity of the charges be estab- lishwl incomes absolutely imperative. Should the Government persist in its refusal to grant an inquiry only OIIC’ inference is pa.~..~.ible_â€"â€"thnt the slate- mcnts made by :he members for We»! Qatari-1 are true. And the Government I whizh is prepare-l to maintiin in ofiicc I l Liiiuiszur “nu has bought his one and oillcrs' way imo Parliament with money stolen from the people is unlit. to rule this country." Dehorning Cattle. An animnled controversy has for some time past been carried on in the Toronto papers regarding the dehorning ofcattle. a subjr-ct regarding which it appears there is a good deal to be said on both sides. There can be no doubt at all that horns are a nuisance, and were it not. that s:nving them of? must be a very painful operation. and that the. rings on them are the only reliable means of (el- ling the age of neat cattle, scarcely anyone would object to their innncdiaie removal from the head of every animal that wears tin-m. The disputanls who favor dchorning insist. that. the pain caused by amputaling them is. so trifling and of such brief duration that the yeild of some cow's' milk has actually been increased by the removal of their horns. (which seems incredible.) and that for more painful operations are performed on domestic animals without any outcry being raised, because people are 'used to them. which is probably true. But if, as one or two writers assert, the horns of a, calf can be prevented from growin;r by an almost or quite painless operation Called “budding.” why don't the rival factions direct a eompromi 0 instead or wasting time and ink in a vain attempt to convert each other to their different views on the subj ct. Let vicious an- imals be dehorued ; let quiet ones go as nature made them; let all calves it is intended to raise be " buddcd " when a few days old; and in four or five years from now comparatively feW horned animals will be seen, and in nine or ten years they will be scarce enough to be regarded almost as curiosities. There is every reason why horns should be abolished, if it can be done painlessly. as they are of no use until after the animals' death, and then all but a few of them are wast-ed. Supplying the Patrons. Mr. C. Curtis has entered into an agreement to supply the Patrons of In- dustry contiguous to Fenelon Falls with groceries and provisions for one year from the first of the present mouth. The other merchants think he made an April fool of himself when he closed the contract; but Mr. Curtis says that, although he will have to cut prices un- usually finc, he hopes that the largencss of his sales will enable him to make a Tch dollars profit. Mr. Sandford is do ing the flouring, gristing and chopping for the Patrons at reduced rates, and his mlll has been full of bags whennver we. visited it; but whether he and Mr. Curtis and the Patrons will all be satis ficd at the end of the year remains to be seen. It. is quite certain that many prominent and thoughtful farmers have declined to join the Alliance, and no doubt have, or believe they have, good reasons forkccping aloof from it. Our opinion is that a weak spot or “ missing link " will sooner or later be discovered somewhere, and that the combination will fall to picccs just as its predeCcssor. the Grange, did, as no men like to sell goods for less than a fair profit or work for less than the “going” wages, and if the farmers succeed, for any length of time, in compelling them to do so, they are smarter than we give them credit for being. The keen competition now~ uvdays existing in almost all kinds ol business keeps prices lower than in many cases they ought to be; and if it weren't for the long credit which farmers, more than any other class of buyers, have in- sisted upon, merchants and mechanics could sell and work much cheaper than they have been compelled to do in order to make a living, The Industrial League is very attractive in theory : but to talk and to do are two very different things. Somerville Council Proceedings. Coboconk, April 8th, 1892 Council met pursuant to adjournment; all the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by Mr. Burchall, 'l‘hat. By-law No. 357,:1 by-lnw to preserve public morals be now read and passed, and that the clerk have 100 copies printed.â€"-â€"C:n'ried. By-law read and passed accordingly. Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by Mr. Burchall, That the auditors' report be adopicd and that the clerk get 500 copies.printedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Burchall, That the following ac- counts be paid: Chas. E Cole, bag for uSScssor, 81 5|) ; Joseph Heard, for two stone hammers, $2 75; James Wilson, rmrve, fees and mileage to date, 810 4|); J )ilfl Howie, councillor, do. do, 88 70; A. Morrison, do., do. do., 88 50 ; John Wilson), do.,do. do., 89 10; B. Burchall, do. d i. do , 37 57); mean Smith, for attending council, in: nuditors' report, Si 25; W. 5 Damon, burying bidy of victim: ofi' diphaiicria, Si 50; James Spencer, digging drain on Cameron street in Cob-iconk, to be paid on up prnval of Mr. Burchall. SS.-â€"-Cnl‘ricd. Moved by Mr. \\'Il~on, Seconded by Mr. Burchnll, That the council now adjourn to mch at call of rce\'e.â€"-C'd. Powles’ Corners. Cor-reaper: knee. of the Gazette. Mr. W. A Gilhs has purchased 1 thorough-bred llnlqien Friesian bull from \V F. B-dlert, of Oxford county, Out. Thii animal will be shipped in about a week to Mr. (.iillis. and we may see. in less than five years, every lawn? in this part of the country with a fine herd of high grade and thorough-bred llolsticn cattle which will eclipse any- thing in the past. as good milkers, 33:“). record has been 84 lbs, of milk per day. We wish Mr. Gillis every success in his enterprise. W. W For Oil Cake, Cattle Fond, Condi- tion Powders. or anything you need for spring feeding, go to W. 'l‘. Junkin‘s. Dnsranâ€"Dm't tail to call on J‘. Neelands, the denti~t, at the. MoArthu'r House on Tuesday, April 19:11. Mr. Neclands will have a complete gas up. paratus for extracting teeth withou: prin. M souamcs' INSTITU'I E.â€"'l‘hc annual meeting ol the members of the Mechan- ics' institute, for the cleciion of office" and directors, will be held in the reading room at 8 p. m. on Monday, May 2nd,, and a full attendance is requested. A BIG EGG.â€"-’I‘hc annual competition amongst. the hens of this vicinity as to which can lay the biggest egg has com! menced, and on Tuesday we saw one that. Weighed exactly four ounces, and measured 6& inches around its [equator and 8 inches around its poles. Its meâ€" (her is a halfSpanish half Leghorn hczi owned by Mr. Wm. Byrncll, ol Fenclon, Foa SALE on To ltnN'r.â€"â€"’I‘hc well known “Smith farm " just outside the village boundary is elk-red for sale or to rent. upon easy terms. It. consists of the west parts of lots 23 and 2! in the township of Fenclon, and contains 190 acres, 100 of which are cleared, and either seeded down or ready for spring crop. For further particulars sco nd~ vertiscmcnt in another column. . MISS Poemsâ€"As there was no au- dienceiu Dickson’s hall on Saturday" evening, when all the stores are kept open until a very late hour, Miss Lil‘ lian M. Phelphs did not deliver her lecture as advertised; but addressed large audiences in the Presbyterian church alter service on Sunday afterâ€" noon, 'and in the Methodist church in the evening. She is an earnest, clo~ qucnt and convincing speaker. fully dc- scrving oi the eulogiu'ns showered upon her by the Press, and all who heard her in this village were very much pleased. Lammsr Carenâ€"We are glad to learn that the report we heard a few days ago that Lapidist Chief had been killed was not correct. Ever since he broke his leg, March 24,11e has been in a sling, in.~ which he will have to rennin several weeks longer; but. he is so gentle and tractable that there is no difficulty in managing him, and Mr. John Simpson, his owner, has strong, hopes of his ultimate recovery from the olfects of the accident, thou1h, as he is getting up in years, it is hardly likely that the leg will be strong enough to stand more than very m ale-rate work. A lloasr: INJIHED â€"-â€"()r Monday afternoon as Mr. E S nitheravn, of Fen- elon, was driving hom: with a load of lumber from Fenelon Falls, his horses-â€" a fine team four and six years oldâ€"took fright. at a milk stand at the road side, and, giving a sudden spring, snapped the double-tree and ran away. After runningu short distance they collided with a tree and one of them (the young- est and somewhat the best) injured its spine in two places, and had to be dl'uW'l home on a stone-boat. At last, accuuut it was still living, but. its hind parts nro paralyzed, and there is scarcely any hope that it will ever be of use again. NEARLY Osmanâ€"A few days ago Mr. W. l‘. .lunkin put a gong on his store door, and the glad tidings instant- ly spread amongst the village boys, who ever since have been lurking around, trying to get a ring at it without being caught; and on Tuesday evening some of them were nearly grabbed by Coa- stablc Nevis-m, who came upon them unexp’etedly. but. they nnuaged to es- Cape after a long and exciting chase. The gong is a Yankee invention and of a navel and improved design; for instead of having to strike or pull a handle, you simply turn a projecting piece of metal either to the right, or left, and a streak of melody is emitted. STILL ANOTIIEILâ€"'l'hc business men on the west. side of Colhornc :treet up- pzar to have an unaccountable propen- sity for falling into their cellars, for three of them have done it within a very limited period, though fortunately with. out serious results. The third mishap

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