Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Mar 1892, p. 5

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Tramps in Conventitn. Arnnnouo', Mass , .‘Iarc'n ISLâ€"For . the past three days this vicinity has been overrun with tramps, who are holding their fourteenth a-mtnl conven- tion at llebronville. As a claist‘qnence, the hen roosts in this vicinity suffer sc- vt-rely. One 01' the knights of the roads told a reporter that all the trumps who happen to be near here when the time for the annual convention comes around, meet at the temple and talk over their hop: and mishaps since they last met. The section hands working along the old colony road here complain that they luv:- been held up by members of the 1- :ttm'nily, and forced to hand over to- bacco and other thinss the tramps want- ed The camp is well guarded, and pielt-‘ts remain on duty all night. The convention usually lasts a week. .-. ’l‘hoznas Nurent, who went from I’nck- enhazn to Dakota, was found dead on the llth of March frozen stiff in his '.".tl, with his horses frozen to death a- head of hint. Fred. Ilengle. a German goldbeater employed by l’ierce, Knrsh & 00., 36th street and Market, Philadelphia, delib. erately placed his head under a. heavy trip hammer and let it descend, crushing out his brains. The hammer weighed Itltl pounds, and had a drOp of six feet. ll -n-_vle had to use considerable strength to move the pulley holding the hammer in position. He leaves a wife whom he married a your ago. Mr. anton. of Virginia, states in a late number of Insect Life that he began spraying his orchard last. spring with London purple to destroy the codling moth, but he only sprayed one-third of his orchard. From that third he obtain- HI 1000 barrels of apples nearly free lrom worms, while the other two thirds yielded only 883 barrels of sound fruit. 11.: thinks his loss by not spraying the whole orchard was at least $2,500. um FENELON FALLS hi.&RKETS. Reported by the xvi)th Slur Roller Mill 00. Fenclon Falls, Friday, March 25th, 1892. Wheat, Scotch or Fife . 80 to 85 “'henl, fall, per bushel. . . . 78 80 Wheat, spring “ 73 80 Ilnrlcy, per busheL... .... 37 40 Unis, “ 25 26 I’cnse, “ .... .... 54 55 ltyc, “ . . . . . . .. 65 70 Potatoes, “ .... 15 20 llultcr, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 Eggs, per dozen.......... IO 11 Hay, per ton...... . 8.00 10.00 Ilides 2.00 2.50 Sheepskins . . . . . . . 50 9’) “'oul . . . . . . . ....... 18 20 ' s... savanna... To Farmers. So many infamous lies have been told respecting the GIANT CULTIVATOR by the Wisner agents, that I give the names of those to whom] sold last year. Mr. Sunset. McGee stated, March 17th, that he was satisfied it was the best culti- \‘ator on the market. Mr. .lomzun l't:.\t:.\' states that if he had to pay double the price he would not be with- out it. Mr. Janus Atusrnn says he considers it the best money invested on his farm. Now. I think I have the confidence of the farmers. I will do exactly what I promise. and that is :â€"l will warrant the Giant Cultivator for two years. I will have it taken tr nuy lield, in any kind of soil, a bi it it does not give as good sitisfnetion us any other cultivator made, I will hold my peace for ever after. Just to make it interesting, come and see me for prices. I have n \\'i ner, bought last year, that I will Sell for Sift. J03EPH HEARD. Fenclen Foils, March 18th, 1892. 4-2. E-Ec'rrow SALE ._.._op_._ VALUABLE PROPERTY. Finder and by virtue of powers of sale contuinwl in a certain mortgage made by 8 onto} Swnnton, there will be offered for I sale by public auction on Tuesday, rt: 3 2311: day at March,1832, nt Inulvc o'clock, noon, .;,,.,....Carpets and Oil-C l Execurons' NOTICE. i 3 Pursuant to the Revised Statues of 0a. g torio, 1837, Chap. ii", the creditors of John f Martin, late of the Township of \'crulam in i the County of Victoria, yeomnn, deceased, ;who died on or about the third day of November, A. D. 1891, are,ou or before the gem day of April, A. D. 1892, to send by post prepaid to W. 'l'. Junkin, 01‘ the Vil- lage of Fenelon Falls, in the County of Victoria, drnggist. one of the executors under the lust will of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities i (ifany) held by them. The said executors I shall, after the said 8th day of April, 1892, l he at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part. thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard have then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distrib- uted, to any person of whose claim such executors have not notice at the time of distribution of such assets or part thereof, as the CdSc may be. Dated at Fenclon Falls this 8th day of March, 1692. ROBERT JUNKIN. W. T. IUNKIN. 3-4 . Execute”. , I-IOTEL TO RENT. To rent on easy terms, that well known two-stery brick hotel, THE “MANSION HOUSE,” ' situated on the corner of Colborue and Francis streets. Possession given on the lst of July next. Apply to J. TWOIIEY, Sr. Penelon Falls, March 10th, 1892. 3-3m. AGENTS WANTED. Fontltill Nurseries. Largest in Canada. 700 acres. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stoek ; previous experience not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal; outfit. free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice New Specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us. We have given particular attention to the- propagation of HARDY VARIETIES suitable to the Northern section of Canada. For terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, 49-3m. Toronto, Out. The Head Surgeon. 0f the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themSelves nerv- ous, weak and exnausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss ot memory, bad dreams, dim- ness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, luck of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muScles, eyelids, and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and Spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LBADEN omenss, oily looking skin, etc, are symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who are sick thro‘ abuse committed in ignorance may be per- manently cured. Send your address for book on all (liSenScs peculiar to man. Book sent free, sealed. Heart disease, the symp- toms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat. quicker than the 1irst,pniu about the breast hone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Ll'llON, 2-1 Mttcdoncll Ave. Toronto, Cnu- - ndn. IN SCRANGE. Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Insurance llnsiuess to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property l‘Xt‘. ‘Vcry Losvoast lkates. AT THE (MUARTHUR HOUSE,» 1 Noncbuifirst-class British and Canadian in the V351 g- of FICN ICLON l“.-\I.1LS, the following valuable property: I-‘lrsl!y_â€"â€"Tl:e Sul‘llloozls‘l q-mrtrr of lot _\'o 2? in the ith concession of the Town- ship is! Fenclon in the (,‘ounty of Victoria, containing 5 1 acres more or less. St‘ '.):ttlif.â€"â€"The North west quarter of III No '35 i! the lib concessi in ot‘the said '1‘..wa~lxip of I-‘enelon, containing 50 acres more or less. ‘ Thirdly_-â€"Tlie south halt of the east hair of lot .\' :. ‘.'$ in the ith conct-ssiou of the suit Township of l-‘enelon, Cutlldiulllz 51 nercs more or less. 'L‘vrtu i.â€"â€"U.Ic-lenth of the purchase to int-v to be paid -l IWII at the time of sale. Liberid terms for the hnluuec will be nude ktum . at the ti no: or sale. For further particulars apply to llolllXSUS, U‘ililllih’ & GIBSON, Verdict-8' Solicilon, 3 J. It Church St, Toronto Companies represented. W L‘lel BI 1’1{OPEIRTX’ at very low rates. $50,000 to loan from 6 per cent. up. l ‘V’. E. EIJIJIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Fencion Falls, June 2511i, 1359. 20. _._-..._--, mm“-.. ._ e._._____ v Dawn Chambers, 1 l General Blacksmith, Francis-st... Fenelon Falls- 0 i Blacksmithing in all its diti‘erent branches done on short notice and at the lowest, living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a call and l willI guarantee 5:1.laT3CLlOD. (s-ly. l SAY * 7 invites one and. all ts examine his new Spring Stock, and. to compare his Prices. BOYS Are you with us for your new Spring Suit? CARTER, i only to the claims of which such executors l BET NG PROM BUS HESS. BURGOYNE 86 Co. \Ve have decided to wind up our large retail business in this place, and as a. first- move we here give notice that on and after March 1st we propose reducing our credit business. Hav- ing placed our orders for a large and very choice selections in all the various lines of Spring & Summer Goods before the firm thought of retiring, we will continue business until our lease expires. The whole stock we intend to place before our customers at wry low prices, and by so doing to rush it ofi‘. l Boots! Boots! Shoes 1 Shoes T We beat the band in all kinds of foot-wear. Everybodv is Interested, as the season is now at hand when every one wants something in this line. 7 $5,500’ Worth Now to “be Sacrificeci. Ve purpose to first open the ball in this line. All this large and new stock by the best makers in Canada we purpose sell- If you are, we will pm- ing at cost. Our stock is too large and varied to give prices. sent each of you With a. handsome Enema ' ll Bl. valued at $1 00, free of charge. A “OHNOMQM lililll, liliil ill llll Men’s Tweed Suits, good linings and trimmings, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 50 Men’s Serge Suits, good linings and trimmings. from ...... 2 50 Boys’ 2-piecc Tweed Suits, from.... 1 95 Boys’ All-wool Knicker Pants, from 70 Men’s Wool Pants, all sizes. . .. . . . . 75 All wool double fold Cashmere, black and coloured . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . i 23 See Our Big Drive in Prints, well Worth 14cents............... 10 Stacks of Ginghnms and Shirtiugs. . 5 Good Quality Table Linen, only. 17 Heavy Cottonudcs, new patterns . . . 10 Feather 'l‘ickings, will hold water.. 8 Handsome Bordcr‘d Towels, 35x17 in. 5 2 Pairs Men’s Elastic Web Braces.. 25 3 Men's Silk Ties, (100 designs,) for 25 Men‘s Heavy Waterproof Co.tts.... 2 00 2 Pairszllen's Wool Socks for . . . . . . 25 2 Slnndnrd Novels by good authors, 10.) stories, 1'or...... . . . . . . . . . 25 Boys’ Knock-about. Huts, (just in,) for 25 Girl's d: lioys' Cloth Tutu o’ Shanters 25 Boys' d: Girls‘ Blue Cloth Peak Caps, goldtrimmed 20 Beautiful Dress Challis, new designs 9 llemp Carpets, nice patterns . . . . . . . 10 See our Lace Curtains, lapped edges, very long . . . . . . . . . 05 New Brunswick Cotton Yarn, 5 lbs., 1 0t) 4 Fancy llordered Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ size, for . . . . . . . . 10 G White Linen Finished Handker- chief, if x f} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2" 3,500 Yards o1 Striped and Plain Shnkcr‘s Flannel, to be sci-.3 at Cudl. Clearing out our entire Tweed Stock at 50 cents on the dollar. We carry the Largest Stock of Ready- made Clothing in Lindsay. In Staple Goods we are the Cheapest. In Dress Goods you can depend on us for l the Latest Noreltics. In Gents' Furnishings. such as Shirts, Ties, Collars, Gail‘s, the, we take the lead. Our Hat Stock is New, Cheap d: Nobby. 1123‘ Letter Orders receive prompt al- lcntiun. Special I‘ricw (I Dealers and Peddlers. Sign of the Golden Lion. M. I. CARTER, The Lindsay Cheap Man. This is No Advertising Dodge. We are prepared to quote prices that will tempt all. Re- member, we are going out of business, and are bound to sell. All outstanding Accounts, Notes, etc., overdue must 7 be settled at once to save costs. URGGYNE 8: 60.33, The Leading Retail Men Fenelon Falls, February 22nd, 1892. GOOD FITS. WELL MADE. NICE PATTERNS. VERY CHEAP. ~ Call and see them at CLARK & SON’S. A Rare Chance 2 SHILOH’S »l~87 -L<fi:§_- 87% CONSUMPTION CURE. ' 1x FENELON mth FOR SALE, Belonging to the Estate of the late I). J. Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in blocks to suit purchasers Also a brick This GREAT COUCH CURE, this success. house and lot on Fidler's IIill. fQNtSlPhgl??IONi (3:55. is wilt‘lfinat a par- “ , _ ‘ ‘ e m e no 0 me. ru is N 0W 1:: 3- OUI‘: '1 13115 Iare authorized torZell it on a positive guartizngtfc, AS I a test that no other care can successfully stand. , _‘ , lIfyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, '1‘IIE‘Y DITIST 13114 550L153 use it, for it will cure you. If your child has -â€"-- the Croup, or Whooping Con 11, use it prom tly, For terms and pnrticulurs apply to Barron and relief is sure. It you dreadthatinsi ions & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate discasaCONSUMPTION, dm’tfailto useihit Linda”, Ur to will care you or cost nothing. 'Ask your w. E. ELLIS, Fenclon runs, Drugs!“ 10* Sim-403% CURE. Pncc IO can mm. and $1.00.. 11 your Lun s are sore or In lame, use Shdoh’s Porous? r. 25 Chi. April 2.3m, lSUJ.â€"10tf SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"0Y THE-â€" County of V'ictoria. R- M- MASON, nrsnmmv sunnuox ; Ilonor Grud- unte Ontario Veterinary College, To, ronto, H484 ; ll. .\1. U. Y. 31. A Residenceâ€"Corner Co.hot‘ne and Louisa streets, l-‘cncloo Falls. The next sittings of the above Court wlll be held in Dicksoli’s hull, l-‘enclou Falls, On MONDAY, APRIL THE 251h,1892, c°"'me"°:_"g‘,"'.:°,dilj’ggomflfbfirst“: Subscribe for the “Fenclon dog‘ibefagiii'viidlrin llIiIS'COIIII’l:.Lund l-‘Iriddj'. Fans Gazette,” 0‘11). a lien" A1"” 3”‘v i“ “'3' "um cum“! in advance. All kinds of Job : Gm M‘ss'm' 3' D"“"3',.,,_ Printing done in good style and at reasonable prices. Bailifi. I Fcnclou r..n., Jen'y 23rd, 1892. .-.. ’i . v ‘- [-3.429

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