Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Mar 1892, p. 4

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'tl“ ‘ ' ' Dnndas &. Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, hilllllTéliyy. ~ * t MYVCUS r v- ‘ iji:i o notice that I AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS . PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. er 8 l Bridge Bolts Made to Order. a Horse Powers, S trzzw Cutters, .9 and 3-furrow Gang Ploztg/zs next they will be handed over to other parties , and“, goodmricg, of Gama; .to collect. Accounts that have been running Put/9056’ Hons/'5. A good as- , , sortmmt 0/ Spring-toot}; Har- for two or three years Will pass to a lawyer to rows, Steel Harrows, Iron enforce. I do this to give Harrows and W 001! Harrows FAIR NOTXCE ALL OF “'IIICH \VILL BE SOLD AT to all parties concerned, and for my own pro- LOXV PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. .tcction. J 0 S. HEARD. Fenelon Falls, March 14th, 1892. roe “WW I have on hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ ~OWER-a @Qfi'fi‘gg which I will sell R dASl-l, no? The highest cash price paid for wrought or scrap iron delivered at the fouudr '. ’ THOMAS ROBSON. Fenclon Falls, Ont. 'l‘he Fenelcn Falls Gazette. Friday. March 25th, 1892. NORTH VIG I‘ORIA. Another Protested Election. - Just at present there are are a good many trcmulous Tories in North Vics toria ; for by this time the newsâ€"pleas- ant or unpleasant, according to the pol- itics of the recipientâ€"that a protest. was entered On Tuesday against the election of Mr. Sam Hughes will have spread nl. over the riding. The Gazette was always of the opinion that nothing but boodlc would beat Mr. Barron, and felt very sure that money would have to be spent so freely that quite enourh in- stances of bribery to unseat Mr. H ughes would quickly come to light. Money was spent and promises were made by wholesale and Mr. Barron was detected; but so many proofs of the means by which he was defeated wore obtained, that it became the duty of the Reform- ers, in the interest of political morality. to enter a protest, and it was entered accordingly, with thc‘cush accompani- ment in the manner and within the time pcrscribcd by law. Knowing what we do, we have not the shadow of a doubt that Mr. Hughes, M. P. pro tent for North Victoria, will be d privcd of his ill-gotten seat, and there are grounds fora strong hope that he will be dis- qualified also. In a lditinn to the pro- test against Mr. Hughes, proceedings .will be taken against sundry and various pcrsOns who made false declaratioas for the purpose of putting upon the voters’ list names that had no right to be there. _ Many Conservatives appear to think that all is fair in polities as well as in love and war, and hundreds of voters \Vcre made by a process which the law declares to be perjury and punishes as such. To be defeated fairly is bad enough, but to be defeated by such tactics as were resorted to before and during the recent contest by our oppo- nents is outrageous, and not to be sub mitted to without an effort to obtain redress. Mr. Hughes is said to have declared he would win the election, no matter by what. means; but he and such of his supporters as acted in the same spirit will probably regret before long that they allowed their zeal to outrun their discretion. M eosr raters , as I do not want to carry them over. Now is your time to get a good Over-coat cheap. These goods are h All New and of the Latest Styles, and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. --A.LSO,â€" A Large Stock of .oots and Shoes at prices to suit the times. , i Groceries, Crockery and Glass-ware. _ A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. s. M’Faataun. TVvonxey’s Block. Fenelon Falls, January 27th, 1892. ' ' Is Selling His Entire Stock IT'U'RE at. and Below Wholesale Gust of ninnnl‘actnrc. in order to nnake roonl for ncxv designs und patterns. Call early and secure bat x'g'uins, as I am selling; cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. 1W®K®®WEn9 FRANCIS STREET WEST. FE/VELO/V FALLS. Illiterate Voters. The Toronto Nurs- (Conservative) says: “ A stupid blunder has be m commit.- tcd by the Government in civic; Ilia rieht to vote to British Columbia l;~ . dinns. These people are abulutcly in- steapablc of pronouncing inelligcntly Ki upon the questions involved in a l’al‘ TE: ' '.li.llllClllill‘_\,' election, and an ignorant uh I m I l vote is always a Corrupt vote. Iistcn-l M of extendng the franchise to other In- dians, many of those who are now Voters should have the right taken away " The above is but aucthcr sample of the lengths to which the Givcrnmcnt, will go in order to retain its urtsp upon this uol'nrtunate Dominion's throat. , Many of the lndians probably cannot speak E relish and tune of them know i l u n - anything.r abmt I ublic affairs; but they Goods First Class. Prices to Suit All. : “1‘” be we on men flick; . ‘ ol sheep and Will ol ciurie rote. prac-g ' CALL AND SELEC" YOUR HEAD ATTIRE. l W ,,,._,,,,,,,,,n,-, tienlly cu in 13s.”, as directed by theirl Tory " shepherds.” . ’ -."~ ‘.. ~. s" 's '; ": £6“? Dress and Mantle making done to order. All work a m“ a ""T t” l "L '3 h" .h "8“" "’51 f . ; so many wlute men are nbvmualy unh: : guaranteed. Eggs taken in exchange. ' that we have never been in favor ol'i Mrs. R. MCDOUGALL, minhood suffrage; though it. would be i better than our expensive and Vt‘X'lllllui Two doors North of the Post-office. Echelon Falls, Oct. 22nd, 1891. Grand stock of Winter Millinery just opened, embracing ALL THE LATEST STYLES. W” mar approach to it, and the illiterate; voters on one side of pfl'ltic‘ would about counterbalance and nullity thou .THBHAS ROBSDN, § uun' rcoxnna & mealxisr, C MANUFACTURER or l l ,AGRICULTURAL , whose Accounts are past due, I beg to give’ IMPLEMENTS.. Engine aidâ€"Mill Worl‘ on the other. But with Indians it is difi‘orcnt. They have n it b-cu brourht up to call themselves Reformch or Con scrrativcs, asthc illiterate whites have been, and will mark their ballots (or get somebody else to mark them for them) in accordance with tlt.‘. instructions of the Government officials who have to deal with them; ani that is why they have been given the elective lranchisc. Phoncgraph Concart. Mr. Wm. H times of Warkworth who has been in Fetielon Falls some fcw days with a phonograph. nave a concert on Monday probing, under the auspic‘s of the Home Circle, in Dickson's hall. hr the benefit of the village poor. D '. Wilson was to have been chairman, but as he was unavoidably absent, Mr. Bur- gess oflisiatcd in that capacity. The programme embraced about a dozen reproductions, vocal and instrumental. by the phonograph, rccitations by Miss Willie Greene and Miss Fannie Mc- DJil’lllld, who acquitted themselvm admirably, a brief speech by the Rev. Mr. McCamus. and a short reading by Rev. M r. McKinnon into the ear, or‘ mouth, or bell, or whatever it is called, of the phonograph, which two minutes afterwards reproduced it. word for word. The instrument is certainly a most wonderful one, standing. in the opinion of many, at the head ol .\lr. Elison’s list ofastouishing inventions. The sour, speech, or piece of instrumental music given to the phonograph to take one of is jotted down in faint. lines on the out. side of a small hollow cylinder made, apparently, of some kind ol wax, and can be produch after any lcxuth of time exactly as it was given. Whether the machine will ever be of any great practical use or not “we will not venture to predict. It is a recent invention and may be greatly improved ; but at present an audience must keep very (plot and listen intently to hear what it is saying, though persons sitting close to it, an-l holding the cup: at the end of the speak ing tubes to their cars, can catch every word or note quite as easily as when listening at a telephone. lts utterances have at times a somewhat metallic ring, though not enourh to disguise the tones reproduced, and the voice of Mrs. Dr. Wilson, who sang into it a few days ago, would have been at once rccognizfl by the audience even if Mr. Holmes had not told them whose it was. We may say of the phonograph as somebody (we forget who it was) choc said of a dancing dog : “ The wonder is, not that it does it so Well, but, that it dies it at all." The hall was well filled, but the price ofadtnissiou was so low, especially for children, that the receipts did not amount to over $21. The concert was brought to a close by the an licnc: rising and singing “ God Save the Queen " W Personals. Mr. “’m. Heaslip, Jr., who has been clerkiug since November in Paterson & Co’s. store in Lindsay, was home on a visit on \l'e'inesday and Thursday. Messrs. Davis Horton, Wm. Jones and le. Lucy returned home on Wed- nesday from a North shore lumber camp, where they have been working all win- tcr. The Misses Smyth, of l’eterborough, are at the Falls on a visit to their sick uncle, Mr. George M inning, whose fa- ther, Mr. Thomas Manning, Was here from Thursday ol'last week until Tucs- day. Mr. Samuel Swanton, who had his right arm broken yesterday week at Golcrt, called at the Gazette office on \Vcdncslay mornin: on his way from Mr. John Brandon's, where he has been staying since the accident, to his office in Jordan's block. His arm still pains him a good deal, and he says that it causal hlzn far more sulf;ring than he endured on either of the two occasions on which he was laid up with a broken loz. Mrs Swanton and three of the children came to the Falls on Saturday, and returned to Toronto with Mr. S.vau~ ton this morning. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_.._ AttithED.-â€"â€"'l‘he chemicals for the pulp mill arritxd .as; We lucsday. and the men now having a holiday will go to work again on Monday morning. COltltE‘J'l‘ION.â€"Aln mgst the disburse. ments in the auditors' report for School Section No. 3, published in last truck's Gazelle, was one of $5.31) to Mr. John '1‘. Thompson “ for cleaning closets,” but it ought to have tea-l " for whitewashing and knlsomiuing,” and Mr. Thompson is naturally indignant at. the mistake. STILL THEY Go -â€"-On Tuesday last Mr. Samuel .Swnnton, (the less,) Mr. Jas. StllHou and Mr. Christopher Lamb left. for Manitoba, Mr. Ab..- Danicl for Dakota, and Mr. Albert Peal-ct: for DJ troit. It is not often 80 many of the residents of the village or its vicinity , leave at once; but there is a steady em- igration from this as well as otllsr parts of the Province, and the worst of it is that, of those ‘who go, Very fcw came back again, except for a visit. 0in two of the live above mentioned were going direct to the States; but, as all left in the hop: of battering thems ~lvcs. and the cfiiscts of the N. 1’. and the Men Kinley tariff are felt in Ma-iitohi as well as in Ontario. the other thrcc will probably drift across the line before my long. 'l‘uar Wonkâ€"The suspicion that the \volflatcly poisoacl in Mr. Rlbll‘t \l’clsh‘s swamp was not the only 0 l). in this vicinity is verified by Mr. Divid Stinson, who saw can a few d tys ago In his farm near the Beehive. in Vorulasn. six or seven miles from Mr. \Vclsh's. There is not lunch fear of it attackingr anyone, as a single wolf is always cow- ardly, and it problbly has no diflisulty in getting plenty to eat; but it is .I had neighbor, if only on the sheep's account, and the sooner somebody kills it the better. ACCIDENT '.(‘0 LAPIDIST Conanâ€"- ‘chterday morningr tln Well known trot- tinc; stallion L ipidist Chi.-.f slipped and fell and broke one of his fore logs just below the shoulder. while being' driven on the road near Cnncron by his owucr, John SilllISO z, who now resides at that village. Dr. Mason, of Fenclon Falls. who was at once sent for, set and band- aged the broken limb, and every client will be made to saw: the animil, as he is not only worth a lot of money but ll'H been for years the pride and pet of Mr. Simpson, who raised him. ACCIDENTS.â€"â€"Ml‘. Henry Austin ran a tack into one of hislect several days ago, and was confined to the house un- til Wednesday; and Mr. George Man- ning's youngest son, Sidney, met with a similar, but mire serious. accident 0.: Thursday of last week. While in the the stable, with nothing: on his feet but a pair of socks and old rubbers, he stop. cd backwards on to a nail projectingr from a piece of board, which went half illl'ollgll his left foot, causingr it to swall to such an extent and become so painful that he is hardly yet able to put it to the ground. S. S. ANNIVERSARY.â€"-Thc Ebenezer S. school anniversary was held last Fri- day evening and was in every way a marked success. Mr. Wm. Brokenshirc was zappointcd chairman, and, after a capital speech, presented a long and at- tractive programme, consisting of read- ings, recitations, dialogues and singing . by the scholars of the school and by the Methodist choir of Fenclon Falls, and addresses by Rev. Messrs. Fraser, Mc. Kinnon and McCamus. Refreshments were served after the entertainment, thus winding up a very enjoyable oven- ing. There Were several loads drove over from Fcnelou Falls, and all appear- cd to have a “ pretty good time." RUN.\WaY.â€"â€"Mr. S. Nevison, our vil- lagc constable, who was away from home last Friday on business, returned with a. broken «latter in cons:qncucc of his horse takingr fright, when near a railâ€" was crossing, at an approaching train. H : jumped out and ctught the animal by the‘ bridle, but. after being dragged some distance, was forced to leave g0. and the horse galloped away over a piece of ground thickly covered with stumps. Fortunately, however, it run into a snow- dril't against a [crane before it had gone twenty rods, and the damage to the cut- tcr, which Mr. Nevison expected to see snuslicd to pigces, can be repaired for four or live dollars, and the horse escap- c-l without a scratch. A Prin Puzzle. If a frog is at the bottom of a well ten feet deep, how many days will it. take him to get to the top if he climbs up one loot each day, and slides back six inches each night. 0.10 Hundred Dollars in cash will be paid to the person who sends the first correct answer to the above priz: puzzle, an elegant pair of Dian md ear-rings in solid gold settings given to th; one son lâ€" in;r second correct answer. A cnnplctn education at business cillegc given to fourth correct answer. An imported .‘Iu~ic Box (playing six pieces) given for fifth CH't'UUl answer. A silk dress pattern for each of the next five correct answers. A handsome parlor lamp to once of the next ten. AND .1 SOLID 301.1) ercu row The snow conancr asswna ram: noon raovmcn. Every person answering must enclose lour three cent stamps for two sample copies of the finest i.lustrated publication on this con- tinent. We give these prth simply to introduce it. A-lill'nss, Lima-5' l’icro- aw. “'EEKLY, (22 Toronto, Cain-- Add. _~._.-.-_ The Frenchman who supports his family offivc on the proceeds of crops raised on 2% acres of land has probably not reached the limit of the cell's pro- ductivnness. Yet. when we consider, and compire what these thrifty cultiva- tors have accomplished with the average results of Canadian and American farm- ing. we feel that we have but a dim idea ; ofthc pmibilities of an acre of land in this country. . . < ~ a. - ~*-= my: ,4 :men n m-w M5 'w" *“m -...._......a ,

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