.. ......_..â€"w-uw~:lwo-. . .. .. . , â€"_ ...n...... - relation 00. militiâ€" brought home, where it was thought that death would soon come to relieve mo of my sufferings. Last September, while in this landing, set in the midst of orchards on the side of a hill sloping down to the sea, and the oppressive silence of Selkirk’s time has His Afterthonght. “ I’ll let you know to-morrow eve," She said and closed the door, sT. EATON Co. ' helpless and suffering condition, a friend of given place to the bleatin and lowin of . . Help!“ for Ya“ and handed Prom mine in Hamilton, 0nt., called my attention flocks and herds, the merryg shouts of chgild- wh’k’ Aspen’ “he moved “,ny' wlm’ -. Hospitals“ Incumble. to the statement of on John Marshall, ran and sounds of human activity. ,,'iml;:::“t’iï¬ Ehgggï¬slï¬gmd M In ‘Toronto. arch The Remarkable Experience of Chas Qnant as Investigated by an Albany (,1. Y.) Journal Reporterâ€".1 Story orSnrpassinz Interest. Albany. N. Y. Journal, March 4th. Sanarma, March 4th.â€"For some time past there have been reports here and elsewhere in Saratoga county of a most remarkableâ€"indeed, so remarkable as to be miraculousâ€"cure of a most severe case of locomotor ataxia, or creeping paralysis, simply by the use of a pular remedy known as “Pink Pills for Pain People," prepared and put up by the Dr. Williams Iedicine Company, Morristown N. Y. and Brockville, Out. The story was to the effect that Mr. Chas. A. Quaut, of Galway, who for the last six or eight years has been a rent sufferer from creeping paralysis an its attendant ills, and who ad become utterly powerless of all self- help, had, by the use of a few boxes of the Pink Pills for Pale Peoplehbeen so fully re- stored to health as to be able to walk about the street without the aid of crutches. The fame of this wonderful, miraculous cure was so cut that the Evening Journal re- porter iought it worth his while to go to Galway to call on Mr. Quant, to learn from his lips, and from the observa- tion and testimony of his neighbors, if his alleged cure was a fact or only an unfound- ed rumor. And so, he drove to Gal way and spenta day and a night there in visiting Mr. Quant, getting his story and interview- ing his neighbors and fellow townsmen. It may be proper to say that Galway is a pretty little villa e of about 400 people, de- lightfully locate near the centre of the town Galway, in Saratoga county, and about 17 miles from Saratoga Springs. Upon inquiry, the residence of Mr. Charles A Quant was easily found, for everybody seemed to know him, speak Well of him and to be overflowing with surprise and satisfaction at his wonderful cure and restoration to the activities of enterprising citizenship, for Mr. Quant was born in Cal- way and had spent most of his life there Mr, Quant was found at his pretty home, on a pleasant street nearly opposite the aca- demy. In response to a knock at the door it was opened a man who, in reply to an inquiry if Mr. (gaunt lived there and was at home, said: “ I am Mr. Quant. Will you come in 2" After a little gen- eral and reliminary conversation, and after he has been apprised of the object for which the Journal reporter had called upon him, he, at request, told the story of himself and of his sickness and terrible sufferings, and of the ineffectual treatment he had had. and of his ï¬nal cure by the use of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and cheerfully gave assent to its use for publi- cation. He said : “ My name is Charles A. Quant. I am 37 years old. I was born in the village of Galway, and, except while travelling on business and a little while in Amsterdam, have spent my whole life here. My wife is a native of Ontario. Up to about eight years ago I had never been sick and was then in perfect health. I was full six feet tall, weighed 180 pounds and was very strong. For 12 years I was a traveling salesmat for a piano and organ company and had to do, or at least did do, a great deal of heavy lifting, got my meals very irregularly and slept in enough ‘ spare beds ’ in country houses to freeze any ordi- P builder and nerve rcstorcr and have met with unparalleled success in the treatment nary man to death, or at least give him the rheumatism. About eight years ago I be- gan to feel distress in my stomach and con- sulted several doctors about it. They all said it was dyspepsia, and for dyspepsia. I was treated by various doctors in different places. and took all the patent medicines I could hear of that claimed to be a cure for dyspepsia. But I continued to grow gradu- ally worse for four years. Then I began to have pain in my back and legs and became conscious chat my legs were getting weak and my ate unsteady, and then I staggered when I w ed. Having received no bene- fit from the use of patent medicines, and feeling thatI was constantly rowing worse, I then, upon advice, began t 0 use of elec- trio belts, pads and all the many different kinds of electric appliances I could hear of, and spent hundreds of dollars for them, but they did me no good. (Here Mr. Quant showed the Journal reporter an electric suit of underwear for which he paid $124.) In the fall of 1888 the doctors advised a. change of climate, so I went to Atlanta, 1a., and acted as u out for the Estey Organ Company. W ï¬le there I took a thorough electric treatment, but it only seemedto a gravate my disease, and the only relief could get from the sharp and distressing pains was to take mar- phinc. The pain was so intense at times that it seemed I as though I could not stand it, and I almost lon ed for death as the only certain relief. n September of 1888 my le gave out entirely and my left eye was rawn to one side so that I had double si ht and was dizzy. My trou- his so eï¬'ecte my whole nervous system that I had to give up business. Then I re- turned to New York and went to the Roose- velt hos ital, where for four months I was treated y specialists and they pronounced my case locomotor ataxia and incurable. After I had been under treatment by Prof. Starr and Dr. Ware for four months, they told me the had done all they could for me. Then went to the New York hospi- tal on Fifteenth street, where, upon examin- tiou, they said I was incurable and would not take me in. At the Prcsb 'terian hospi- tal they examined me and 1:01 me the same thing. In March, 1890, I was taken to St. Peter‘s hospital in Albany, where whose case had been similar to my own, and who had been cured by the use of Dr. .Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. In this case Mr. Marshall, who is a prom- inent member of the Royal Templars of Temperance, had after four years of con- stant treatment by the most eminent Cans. diau physicial been pronounced incurable, and was paid the $1000 total disability claim allowed by the order in such cases. Some months after Mr. Marshall began a course of treatment with Dr. William’s Pink Pills, and after taking some 15 boxes was fully restored to health. I thought I would try them and my wife sent for two boxes of the pills and I took them according to the directions given on the wrapper on each box. For the ï¬rst few days the cold baths were pretty severe, as I was so very weak, but I continued to follow instructions as to taking the ills and treat- ment, and even before I ha' used up the two boxes of pills I began to feel beneï¬cial effects from them. My pains were not so bad; I felt warmer; my head felt better; my food began to relish and agree with me; I could straighten up; the feeling began to come back into my limbs; I began to be able to get about on crutches; my eye came back again as good as ever, and now, after the use of eight boxes of the pillsâ€"at a cost of only slimâ€"see lâ€"I can with the help of a cane only, walk all about the house and yard, can saw wood and on pleasant days I Walk down town. My stomach trouble is gone; I have gained 10 pounds ; I feel like a new man, and when the spring opensI expect to be able to renew my org'rn and piano agency. I cannot speak in too high terms of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, as I know they saved my life after all the doctors had given me up as incur- able. †Other citizens of Galway, seeing the won- derful cure of Mr. Quant by the Pink Pills for Pale People, are using them. Frederick Sexton, a sufferer from rheumatism, said he was ï¬nding great beneï¬t from their use, and Mr. Schultz, who had suffered from chronic dysentery for years, said he had taken two boxes of the pills and was al- ready cured. Mr. Quant had also tried Faith cure, with experts of that treatment in Albany and Greenville, S. C., but? with no beneï¬ci- al results. A number of the more prominent citizens of Galway, as Rev. C. E. Herbert, of the Presbyterian church ; Prof. James E. Kelly, principal of the academy; John P. and Harvey Crouch, and Frank and Edward Willard, merchants, and many others to whom Mr. Quunt and his so miraculous cure by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, are Well known, were pleased to have the opportunity of bearing testimony to the high character of Mr. Quant, and of verifying the story of his re- covery from .the terrible affliction from which he had for so long a time been a suf- ferer. Truly, the duty of the physician is not to save life, but to heal disease. The remarkable result from the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in the case of Mr. Quant induced the reporter to make further en- quiries concerning them, and he ascertain- ed that they are not 3. patent medicine in the sense in which that term is generally used, but a highly scientiï¬c preparation, the result of years of study and careful ex- eriment. They have no rival as a blood of such diseases as paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus’ dance, palitation of the heart, that tired feeling which affects so many, and all diseases depending upon a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves. Dr. Williams’ Pink pills are alsua speciï¬c for troubles peculiar- to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale or sallow sheeks. In the case of men they afl‘ecta radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. On further inquiry the writer found that these pills are manufactured by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, 0nt.*, and Morristown, N. Y., and are sold in boxes, (never in bulk by the hundred) at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail, from Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., from either addresses. The price at which these pills are sold makes a. course of treatment comparativel y inexpensive as compared with other remedies, or medical treatment. â€"__â€"â€"+â€"â€"-â€"-" ' BO BINSON OBUSOB'S HOME. flow the Isle Juan Fernandez Appears t: the Tourist. The first thin a tourist does, on going ashore on Juan ‘crnandez. is to start for the famous Lookout, from the top of which, says the historian, oor Crusoe used to watch for asail. “ an yet no sail from day to day.†But he is likely to be long on the way, though it is less than a. mile from the landing place, because there are several points of interest to be viewed on route, says a writer in the San Francxsco Call. First, there are the peopleâ€"a hundred hands to be shaken and a thousand eager questions to be answered; for the arrival of a ship is b no means a matter of . every day, and w en one does appear in the harbor the lonesome islanders, old and young, troop down to meet her. ‘ Though voluntary exiles in the beautiful and made of the bri ht yellow straw of wild oats, woven in and Wattles and thatched with the same. Their beyon shaded by straw thatched porches, remind- ing one of French Canadian cottages or chalets in the valley of the Seine. Each little home is inclosed within a wall of stones and brushwood, its rustic gateway overrun with luxuriant vines, and within the inclo~ sure are granaries, storehouses and other outbuildings, all set up on poles to keep them out of the water during the heavy rains of June, July and August. There is no winter in this latitude, but the wet sea- son, though short, is more trying than north- ern ice and snow. himself enthusiastically welcomed by every soul on the island, and receives just as many pressing invitations to lunch, to dine and to stop over until some other boat comes along, as there are homes on the island ; and if he has been so thoughtful as to bring along a few old books or newspapers he has earned the lasting gratitude of the people. Beside caring for their flocks, the settlers raise fruits and vegetables to sell to passing vessels. The soil is wonderfully productive especially in the northern valleys where de- cade vegetable matter and rich deposits of burned earth have washed down from the mountain. are excellent people, industrious in their ways and honest in everything, but entire- ! 1y ignorant of the world as it really is. The ! Throat, etc. Russians look upon them as foreigners, and are apparently willing to let them go. message. in towerimg aloft in the light of heaven, cou- sequeutly orders and messages are pouring in from every quarter. For all deadly iii- The houses are extremely picturesque, out through bamboo high, peaked roofs project all around far the walls, and the doorways are \Vhoever goes to Juan Fernandez ï¬nds Grass and oats spring up spontaneously in the open space, and vegetables of all and tell the storyo kinds grow abundantly wherever the seeds 5 If it does not, if the complexion is devoid of are scattered. Wild grape vines and ï¬g trees, bearing excellent fruit, flourish on the slopes, and there are many natural orchards grown from seeds planted a century ago by I Selkirk and other mariners. Beside peach- es, apricots, pears, quinces and other fruits common to temperate climates, the chuna is everywhereâ€"a species of palm which produces a delicious berry, and among an endless variety of indigenous trees are pim- ento (pepper), sandal, corkwood and myrtle. â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"+â€"â€"-â€"-â€"o 300.000 GERMANS COMING TO AMER- 10A. They Wiil Leave the Volga Provl nccs of Russia for the United States. San Ps'rsnsnunc, Mch. lO.â€"The 300,000 5 the Russians, while it allows the Germans in equally necessitous circumstances to starve. The salaries of the German clergy and schoolmasters, who are sober and faith- ful and in these respects in marked contrast to the Russians, have gone unpaid for years. The people have been reduced to the neces- sity of using manure for fuel, and this makes the atmosphere of the village at times in- tolerable. _â€".â€"-..oâ€"_. A Question. How can we raise more com to the sober Why, of course by using Putnam’s Corn Ex? tractor. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extracto- has given universal satisfactian, for it is sure, safe and painless. Like every article of real merit it has a. host of imitators, and we would specially warn the public to guard against those dangerous substitutes offered for the genuine Putnam’s Extractor. N. C. Polson & 00., perrietors, Kingston. Music seems to be organic with Italians' My Patient’s Life Depends On It. Send bbl. St. Leon immediate.â€"“ Boston " Thus the grand pyramid of fame At Saratof the Russmn Government feeds ‘ I ternal disorders, kidney, liver, or bladder, St. Leon is proved to be unrivalled. The wonder is that any family would be without a jug or barrel in the house. Fall drinks should not be cut full in the neck. \Vortli its weight in gold. Adams Pepsin Tutti Frutti Gum for all uneasiness at the Stomach. Sold by all Druggists & Con- fectioners 5 cents. Alien-peeked husband is often chicken. ( , hearted. Elsewhere in this issue we publish the particulars of a remarkable cure that fairly outrivals the celebrated case of John Mur- shall, of Hamilton, which created such a sensation throughout the country. The particulars of this case are vouched for by the Albany Evening Journal, recognized as the leading newspaper at the New York State capital, and one of the leading pa ers of the United States. There is, there ore, no room to doubt that the particulars of the case are accurately and carefully set forth, in every respect true, and must therefore prove of the deepest interest to our readers, we therefore commend the article to their "'"‘ careful perusal. . The best muzzle for a dog is a rcvolver’s muzzle. Before I pop ed, for fear She’d send me itiu’ with a ’no ’ A ringin’ in my ear. “ But since I’ve gone au’ asked the gal, And come to think. by jings ! Of fam’ly jars I've heerd 'em say That marriage of’en brings, And ’bout the ’sponserbiliiies It allers has in store, I’m skeerder now that she’ll accept 'lhen what I was before.†John Quicklyï¬xtsmporised Five Tow Bags This, is a meaningless sentence, but it contains all the letters of our alphabet. Five The store catches the cadence of the Easter music and arrays itself in the most gorgeous colors. Out of weeks of preparation there bloom the fashions and fancies for spring wear all in grand array. The store is a sight, that's true. It has worked itself up to its full capa- city, and tried to discount, over and again, it’s own past. You’re welcome of these letters spell “ woman,†and large to see and pass judgment. numbers of women believe in the virtues of Dr. Pierces Favorite Perscriptionâ€"a strictly vegetable compound, for her use only, and an unfailing cure for the many ills that be- set her. It recuberates wasted strength, restores the functions to a normal con- You buy dry-goods, house-furnish- ings and what not, all the time. You dition, and ï¬ts her to bear and rear healthy either buy of us or you don’t. The offspring; promotes digestion. puriï¬es the udOn’t’sv are the ones we’re after. blood, and gives activity to the bowels and kidneys. In a word, it is woman’s cure and Every store, we’re willing to believe, safeguard. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, strives to be fail. a'nd prompt, else or its price ($1.00) refunded. Cold Charityâ€"Giving a tramp a plate 0 ice-cream. Blood Will Tell. Of course it willâ€"that is if it is good healthy blood. It will glow in the cheek, color, the muscles weak and flaccid, some- f they'd lose your conï¬dence and cus- tom; so you see we aren’t a bit more particular than other folksâ€"other stores. Very often, though, one store f perfect physical health. possesses much greater facilities than another; infinitely greater assortments; thing ought to be done about it at once, for lower prices, because less grasping for in such cases delays are dangerous. For torpid liver, “biliousness,â€and the thousand 1: 0‘reedy proï¬ts, quick in filling orders and one ills to which these conditions of the and delivering goods; careful about system lead, there is no remedy in the world equal to Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical having nothing sent out .that isn’t Discovery. Boils, pimples, eruptions, scro- fresh, new, stylish, trustworthy. fulous sores, salt-rheum, and all kindred diseases are cured by it. \Vhen honesty is a man’s policy it loses its virtue. Behind the Scenes. On the stage the tinsel, the glitter, the powder and the paint, show forth the most, but step behind the scenes, and you will be- hold the truth. The chorus girls are not all “ fancy paints them,†but rather what they paint themselves ; just so with many of the Germans who are preparing to letwe the flamiugadvertisements ofso-called“catarrh Volga provinces for the United States, are cures,†Get back of the scenes, andthey very different from the natives of Germany. are not cures. The real one, and the only They “1‘6 ninetfienth centqu Rip Van remedy that is a. cure, is Dr. Sage’s Catarrh lvmklesi gaunt 1“ form: Wearing garments Remedy. Lift the curtain, and you will of the style of a hundred years ago, and having the furniture yet that their ancestors i brought from Germany to Russia. Theyl ï¬nd the naked truth to be, that this Rem edy is the one that cures the worst cases 0 Catarrh in the Head, and no mistake. It is also a remedy in all catarrhal conditions, such as Catarrhal Headache, Catarrh of the We think we are that one store. And more than that. In merchand- ise, in bigness, in opportunities, this store wins. It stands on record as the largest, most modern and complete dry goods house in Canada. For con- venience, utility and adaptncss it isn’t surpassed by any in the Dominion. The store and its merchandise. Whether you know it or not, you’re always welcome. IVs want you should f all know it better. Those who live too far away to visi the store in person should send for samples of what they want. We will Hurling bricks at each other is missle- ï¬ll mail orders the same day as recoiv. anemia sport. GIBBON'S TOOTHACIIE GUM. For sale by Druggists. Price 150. A charity entertainment is general a “ pool show. ‘--~ of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- phoephltee of Lime and Soda is almost as palatable as milk. A HARVELLOUS FLESH PRBDUBER It is indeed. and thellttle lads and lassles who take cold easily. may be fortiï¬ed against a cough that might prove serious. by taking Scott's Emulsion after their meals during the winter season. Beware of substitutions and imitations. SCOTT a BOWNE, Bellevllle. 3‘ m omnonoywmil "‘ (Leeks, JEWELLERY sun élLvfl-valm£ .337 UN '6 “5“ c“ aicches_ ‘Nu arearmc 60095 n » l _,> i 3-", lSEue 50! m (M'ALeou: - If an: a coupon u:- cLoseo WHICH vou mw ilqu MW“ In 93W .1: . A ART-ac: “MM PERFECT DIGESTIUN .â€" 1.... ed. â€"â€" 6’ . ‘9‘ T. EATON co'v, (LIMITED) YONGE ST. QUEEN ST. .EO,192.194.196,198,200. 10min . . course All under one Roof. AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS CUTTING. taught by Miss Clnibb. general agent for Ontario. 256} Yongc St., Toronto, Ont. ORONTD BISGUIT AND CONFEGTIONERY 00 make the best goods. Try them and .sec. Headache, restores the Complexion. Get Free Sample at GARFIELD Tna AGENCY, 317 Church St.. Toron . GA FIELD TEA cures Constipation,Slck ‘wusu’s 0011011 DROPS. Are the best in the world for the Throat and Chest, for the voice unequalled. B. a T. W. Stamped on each drop. n n DR. TAB‘T‘SASTHMALENE our§iressfld we will {1931' grill ottle. DR. TAFT BROS. ROCHES- TER, KY. Canadian Dept. 186 Aelnide St. w..'i‘onou'ro Can/nu. v lcl‘onpmmptioggfiï¬id allâ€"Inuit: Trouble; as can cure y it enriches and Vitalizcs the Blood, gives new Life and Health. Whole- sale by Evans a (30., (Limited) Montreal. WANTEDâ€"B a Canadian House a. Man with $5, to buy an interest in their. buisncss, and go to England and take charge business con trolled by them l'.0. Box 23, Toronto. GENTS WANTEDâ€" For “Out of Darkness , into Light, or the story of my Life." by Jozeph F. Hess the converted Prize-Fighter and Saloon-Keeper. The story of his travels and thellfe he led are more thrilling than the age of fiction. Semi for circulars and terms. QVM. Biiiocs. Publisher. Toronto. Ont. MONEY; money; MEL LONDON AND cAuABTAN LOAN AND Aniach on LT!) W 103 Bay Street. Toronto. Capitalâ€.................95,000.000. Money to Loan on improved farms, city and town property on liberal terms of re ay- mentand AT nowesr ( UliliHNT ners. UN Prof. H. II. Hun frankly told my wife Place. Where naturelms been lï¬l'iSh if‘ 9“)†NEW YORK. INSURED Cii‘Al. DEBENTURK‘SI’L neimsno. my case was hopeless: that he could do plying everythin necessary to sustain life Flt ant new but}. t glee . . _______-, Applyw localappralflcra orw nothing for me and that she had better without labor, t io colonists pine for news ‘ g ' I ’3 .Plug 03m. 03p?!» E I J, F, max. Manager, take me back home and save my from the distant world, whose echoes coms ally built for this seerce. leave Union I P N Choice tarmsforsslcinOnt.GzManitoba money. lint I wanted to make a. tothcm likeuugclS' “few and inrbotwcen- Station daily, except Sunday, at 455 p.m., TUTTI-FRUTTI. trial of Prof. Hun's famous skill and I remained under his treatment, for nine weeks but secured no benefit. All this time I had been growin worse Though no longer a convict colony, as in the days long past, the island is virtually a risen, whose bolts and bars are ocean 'llows, and many a modern Crusoe \‘01ces I had become entirely paralyzei from his predecessor's sentiments: my waist down and hid party lost control Osolitudo! “'hcrc are the charms Tint sages have seen in thy f.on running through without change to New York City over the popular West Shore route Lunches are served on these cars, and they contain every comfort and convenience, and are so perfect in all their appointments Ofï¬ce of Dali. GuernseyJaï¬ Fifth Are. Raw Your. October 22, iwi. Anna 3 Sons Cm: Physiology te uhnstlmta certain amount of saliva secreted by the unwary lands oi the moatn.andmixlng with the food .loro or alter it paneslntothe stomach. heucuilai to dum- don. The chewing of your Tom-ith Gum, before or after a meal, especially when emu. -.MM“~ w or, “.7. AMA. .AM‘M ‘AA.-4~-‘o-A-;-.A of my hands. The pain was terrible; niyl logs felt as though they were freezing and y in stomach would not retain food, and i fall away to ii") pounds. In the All!!!“ ' hospital they put 17 big burns on my back one day wit red hot irons and after a few 5 hined withso valuable a digestive as" Amcui's l‘cosin,"not onl '.' increases th 0 flow oisalltabnt all; n materiallyiol ti strength rota town a perfut digestion at the same (line correcting any odor of the breath which may b eprcscnt Eonan Gizzasatzr. MD. Said by all Mats and Confectioners in be. Mensa,†for box of waned samples which rillbcscni by mail, postage paldto any address on receipt 0125 cams. that a trip to New York is made a pleasure, all tedious transfers and the annoyance of Fernandez, mostly German and Chilian lune“ counters bemg dispensed With. sun. rauchiiien and their families, for some years days law" T°mut° 3" 12:20 P‘m-s connect- ago the island was leased to a rich cattle ing With a through car at Hamilton, Train Bauer dwell in the midst of alarms Than reign in this horrible place. There are about 100 residents on Juan CONBOY’S “MOHJRZI days they at ll more burns on and treated i . s . . v , . . . ', he have now as man ' as 30 000 ~‘ ’1‘ - v d 0 50 [ohm me .nith electricity, but i got worse rather : minim“) w , ,- 3' ' 10“"“53 "onto ‘3‘ "3 “y at l-- v P- "1-; ’"TT 1.1- . R . nun mu“ ; 1°“ WNW!" of my ’mwe‘s and l :‘idglfli'mmiiitfztii Shiitliizsarrondwtralltlgys aiii‘l oh connecu a" Hamilton With through Sleeping THE T 60 Yloiigigt 'l‘loidiiltbctgit: are the I‘flnt T l lips i f -a . . . . w ' * n e manic am ave pa on c. in: rorcznents not found lnanyolhcr wak’. on or one from your Carriage maker. Take another Lind' , water, and upon advice of the doctor, who, - ..~ f N Y k "3 f] - , ‘ the green foothills. she cottages of the c‘" 0" cw 0" - 3"“11‘8 l- 0 0 lowms um um" m“ “a 40"" {or m" I wulcolouisla are mostly within sight of the morning.