Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Mar 1892, p. 1

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,2” {4; \. $1 5». 5‘1", ..,-V .‘ .J... - FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH, 1892. 1 i’ l L l V t l l l l i l | i l m o 8 a a- N O I C E. I ‘ It is said that a certain lady at .‘ltztl: . O O 3 Eison, hla.. ato 17 catfish recently to- ! a -: O . I A'l Notes made payable to James Ban ‘ supper. Her husband, not to lose h i m E ‘ ‘ Agent, “‘l" llflVe 10 be paid to_ Frank Kerr a“; ruoro than shg. g o I- post-mastrr here, who holds said notes. It is said that goals in the Kahlmri :75~ ' 2 “to l P I F n, JJ-‘S'B'ggnfgfioxigtcfw frequently pass months without \\':\!t‘.‘t I I Q 8 g 2 a i we on “ °’ unc " ‘ '_ ' ' and, according to Mr. Mackcrzic. tliei'e. Fâ€"fl ' ' '-â€"'â€"Wâ€"â€"-â€" o . o .7. _l ‘ are ctrtain antelopcs u'litch are nertr O ""‘ . in E D INSURANCE" seen to visit the drinking laces. mg“ ‘0 Tltll ‘ k'plll' . ' ‘ a; CANADIAN INSURANCE l8 0 0p lOlIe 13 mil 'Illg l 10 at. It)? I now have In In} fitOCk Of an ‘fl Pd m“ 8 < in T 00. issues by {at the best Farm policy or UNION“! 5M9“??- Tllcé‘ “56d m ‘1" - ‘ o O '2'. z in Canada. thtii‘ own sho iing. marketing, o‘c. N-uv Pl Chome © :3) 2 p" E 5': ~70“N AUSTIN. they send their raiders by telephone, awl - "t Agent. , t. L. t- . “.1 t . “d .. .._ ,__] U) ‘ the no 0 exeici... Ins crust a.) .u. V m 3:" : Fenelon I‘alls, June 12th, 1890. 17. lcumulation of flesh I +3 I'd < A farmer lrnm near G-inanoqnu wont CS Q") to New York to get. $3,400 left him by 5 0 g a) m =- :i relative. llc breathe the fast t'i-ii-nl - 4;. of‘ a sharper, who «lrew the money :inl â€"A-N D“ w "U l-q CD “9 G packed it in a tin box for the i‘ariusr. , _ 0 c3 10 "‘ When the latter got home he found the Pg fl :8 pg â€"5 H g box full of rags. , : U I: 6% to The past year has been one ot‘ the no 0 ED h pi Worst. business years ever known in Sax- ‘ i 9-4 0 o :3. I ony. Over 40,000 distress \\‘tll‘l‘fll‘.H ' l 'll ll ' V i 50 Q CH "E ' \rcro issued in Dresden alone, an i- - seed, Wth 1 I W1 SG 9 g $ .~ '~ crease of nearly 20 per cent., and tho 3 Ci m o d '~ ' number of bailiffs has had to be air.- 0 Q) a: C i. sidei'abl Ill - . ~ _ . : qmented. CHEAP FOR CASH' i-Q E Q R E 0 v3 +5 -\ by. 1‘0 » -~ ll .r r= . O Q lg-t 0] '5 o A Haviuginstorc a large and well assorted ..‘ 03’ . )0?” 0‘ ’ lion ’ ' J ,m Call and get my prices before . h (D M Q B0 ,4 g} 8 (D Stock of tmilnia'ii, of Pickelring, gotshis asm o llll-f'l‘lt . to S-t ° . in u pairing mac iine on atur- ay. in buying elseWhere' g g . g 5‘0" Q Student’s EaSy Chan‘s, arm was drawn into the planer hair 9. “y, R ® (Q m "â€"4 8 o and torn into shreds to the elbow. .a 01' ' ‘ t a U,- N S, is m z . CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, doctor was iiuiiiediatoly' callol. 'l‘h». . W. E. ElllS’S Old Sland- Q ‘9 .4â€"7 55.4 a; ‘ “1 little fellow seems to be doing t'air‘y Fenclun Falls, March, 15th 1892. a 6 :1 iâ€"t m“ 3 ":3 BEDROOM SUITEb, well. ‘ .51 fi 8 fig: *3 ’1 S-i EXTENSION TABLES. l‘he Earlol‘ Rosse’s famous A'ncrmin- _ ' O " as. Q :-i '5 Qt ‘ . . , aloe, whieli,ou completingr the lion lrcnlth “:1 Q to o O '8 and everything usually keptin a first c-ass f .t . t) 1 7t 1‘ Ir t g ‘1 ’T" lq Qâ€"i m '6 Furniture Store, all in want of something year 0 l 5 en? “we a” ' “nus ’ *u‘ ' 1’rot‘essional Cards. 5 ‘ C3 ,9 g nice for denly bloomed into flower and rose to a. ' â€"~« :3 :4 " bl) ‘4 (:3 I I height of twenty-three feet, has now ' .â€" s; ' O r). :l . 8 further verified the tradition of its LEGAL 850' Q E g 9'" _ .3 £12 8 species by dying and leaving seedlings .W Fâ€"‘ F H +3 Q) P ts do “vell to can and springing, up at: in, base. 0 m to ggg g H resen ._ n .b _ n 'F ‘ ,a \I Q] by) 0 When 01 mt Spiaguo o Bangui \pmswg' 2,31,15,13,; solicitor a a Q g 8 Q) q S , E went to bed the other .lllglit he carried ‘iJChuuéer’y Ken, Sill-“Hunks”, Q) Q) F4 2 Q) 33 it? 0 before purchasing elsewhere. to lllS room a bull terrier pup. At lind- ’ ~ ' . ‘I I" ' \ 1' o ,1: a S 9? s... 2 .L'J 3 e.) W A“ good Goods,and purchased 10“. night Spiamue sIIOitil, and tho don "" G H HOPKIVS Q +9 CD 52. l: “M scratched lllS lace to aualtc him. . - 1 i 4" q 'to‘ fled the (low’ where" on the :1 o « ms .DEYMAN kinkâ€"“cw ,p, (succassom T0 MARTIN 3‘ HOPKINS) .‘ ~ O \ 'a 8 ' S“ 5' 8 14 ~ 9 animal, with true terrier instinct, Sell d ARRISTER, SOLlClTUR, rite. Money [3:1 pd o g 0 230+: Uxmm'uima & FURNITURE Deanna, his mast“. by the nose and shook mm m, w L0“ “" 6 P“ cent' Ofl'cc’ “‘1’ ‘9 '4: rd ’4 m Colborne Street Penelou Fans he wuuld a rat. The dog is dead now, "m" Sm'u’ "en w the Bunk 0‘ “mu-ML O to gay) N P fl b, ’ I and Spague’s nose has lost. much of its .-_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"~--- % '8 Ci (- ’9? 'F‘ 5 F" R, E: \{I { ’V7 A . beauty. . MOORE & JACKSON, S 8 ’13 H 7‘: 8 Jâ€" __ L Frank Farlow, of Saginaw, Mich . and. ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, kc. Of- 0 {IQ g o .3 0 Dr. Miss Rebecca. Bondy, of Big: Rapid-4,, l lice, “’“lll‘m “Webb'mfl‘i‘ J O (a z PU Ce 9“ 4; 60:93 Us removed four doors east m his own were married in Detroiton tho 5th inst-., F- 9- M001”; ' Ac“ x' PM L; .52 :3 l - - ' - t and the remarkable part of the exhibi- ,__W.___... ~~~â€" Q) . to O residence, nearly oppoSite Mr. Mcheowns _ . _ l f, l I _ l . , . ~ ,0 s... . furniture factory. tion has in he not tiat ticy ate tie 0 LEARY &’ O LEARY’ O Q :0: «m g 9-. fi 8% Fenelon Falls, July 23rd, 1891. 23-4. two fattest people in America. She is ARRISTERS, t'E‘TORNl‘l‘t'E-AT‘Bégr o :3 g m "" O '03 -â€"â€"-â€" 19 years of age and weighs 596 pouuds, Solicitors in ‘ mxcery ‘ c- a . as , , .. .. 1 cu . . ' oheiiy Block, Kcntstreet, Lindsay. a :3 2 g '5 '~ buflil-r'tc LimIiEPfi‘fr WUBhE.3H{l bz’ 1:. AnruoiiO’Ls/iav. IiUGlIO'LEABY. +3 m '3: fig :3 F" llb‘l‘lb” “INKâ€":1” alarm“ gel 01 .1: _““) W O , ici .us ant , w i0 us i sca e .i no MCINTYRE & STEWART, m ' Q E Q. g g: 55 The uudcmnned have Wallets-attempt of‘ the State of Illinois ARRISTERS, Selif‘immv F01““°Sv f‘c' o O ,E ~ to exterminate the Enulish Sparrow Ollices over Ontario Bank, kent strtet, to rd (5 :3 I I ' . . t i c: B H seems to he more expcnswo than suo~ Lmdhay' money [010“ at 6 p" cm I 0] O H a 'râ€"t '4 cessl'ul In three months 1'30 000 lspur t s. . , cm a ' ~ ~ _ - ‘ ~ v ~ ' I)“; \(l‘cli‘srrmi. 'l‘.S-ri:w1ia'r. a Q v% 0 cs :4? Of Horses for sale, rows have been killed at 2 centsa hand, -1- :.L_-,;”_~.~ S #2 g F: c H EA P F o n c A S H but the number of the living spzirrons (I) o "'4 ’ remains as larlrc as over. On the- nth r a 9â€"4 H . 5“ &’ o o c: a '2‘ 3 g m. pal-t cash and approved notes for hand, inexperienced marksmeuaremak- ARRISTERS, E 6- 0m“: mike” {31°C} IN :3 -â€" . 0, ' incr lil'o dangerous to a large art oi‘ the K tStrtet Lind‘ay opposite Vciiclis o :3 CD the bdlnnc '3 I f I". . T, I. pl. I (‘ll 3 a l l ' , ' c 1 iv a '_ Hotel. Money lo loan at lowest rates of H g 10 g t E GREENE & ELLIS 3:39;“? um (13013 ‘ ‘uol * P“ t. ' , _ -‘ ’ . . Riley; mnnox. R. J. MCLAL‘GHLIN. @ .â€" B a I‘enclon Falls, Dccr 10th, 1891. 42 4. An 0],] negro woman twmg a, Kt”, Feuelon Falls, December 16th, 1891. meZJLIZLTZ'J‘” w" JAMES iithsoN, ) L. Surveyor. Commissioner in‘the Q. R, . Coiirrynncrr, kc. Resnleneo, and ad- ! re", Feuclon Falls. â€"-â€"l8 ATâ€" DENTAL. i l .~ *"M outskirts of Columbia, S. 0., ini‘lsel i chicken or two from her hennery crory W "Fw'flvâ€"wâ€"‘Mâ€"flwwwfl in vain. Finally she bought and fed to g m: are some old hens some poison which at nil-I ORONER, Pliysiciitn,tiii'geon, -I - n j 1 d I t â€"--- 0 . .‘t ‘ ' - l l 1‘ \V "II . J Residence. 13”“ (“’m‘go’ “ enmg m S & Y e S) R. i)?“ prove certain death to anyone who ato~ ___._~____M __. ‘is pmpnmd to furnish the peoptc or Lind- them. One negro in the neighborle DR. A. WILSON. .. . . . . , - A. - t MONUMEN'IS AM) HEAD-STONES wards two or three others followed, Ladies’ and Gent s Dressmg Cases 111 Plush and Leather, C-ol- be,“ Mum, and Gmim. ’ Chicken stealing in am "ciuhbmmd HYSICIAN'. SURGEON‘ 3‘ “CPU?” lar and Call Boxes, Sharing and Perfume Cases, ° our. Ofliro. Culborne bxeel, tea: on cemetery wnrk Dr. Krug, a German scientist, clain s . . Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel that he has discrircrod how to make an. DR- no “- GRAHA M» y 9 ~ - WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the marl-ct on Camâ€" ”' - . - . _ I ‘- ‘ r - . . . . . . r , - ‘ ‘ is n ethol (30nth ol tiansl'ori t 'r ll 0. RADUATE of the UiiiverSity oi Trinity Christmas &. how Year s Caids, Pictuies and Pictuie Fiamcs Midge suemwppomc “mum”. Imkiug collulgsc in‘w grape sugar‘ 3 mi'bgranée . , t - - .dniissablo by the animal oruaniuni. 8 2i l, Member at the Royal Lollcge or U . , , 3 u , _ Being a practical workman all should :“ _ . . . r- . 835.2%“ m England. Member at the (.‘ol- and other Jen c‘lleiy, Musical Instiuments, m his designs and cunipiirc prices before lhe biscuit Is made by with": to this , S w ‘ Dolls and 'loys of all descriptions, Ot’fiee andresidcm‘t‘ 0“ WNW? " °5 . 8081: GHAMBEBS. oats or rye. l’liOstiliiitcs and all the Penelou Falls, opposxte the (matte otlice. all of which Ill" be sold at rock bottom prices. 1 Norm of the Town "3“ bouc elements may also be introducml . to be fed to cattle, for which it will take the plum‘ of oil cakes and other feeds compost-d of industrial wastes LC ’ ' i ' .' ' IN VlCTORlA COUNTY FOR l ' ' Oh! Mamma. Willie s tired of using poor Machine, 1 . ‘ , , San 1t rancich on baturduy from Sydney, N. S. W., brought news that. at 'l'aurang, The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction for all sorts of Machinery are ’ 5.. ‘ a stepson of the late mavnrol the tuna, M C c o L L s c E L E R A T E D ' Au w IN,S3 and who had been nfllictetl ivttli rt:- m K. H. GROSS, H ,_ I 5, 5r“ - n c um ‘ ,d m_ "fa , , 1,: 1.] . b _ _ _ Next morning: a milkinan found the will: will he at the M.‘!\€.~\;‘tlflll{ llut;se"'lpcunlt)|n “.SleIlllc l§i)()i']l.p;illlz‘fiso ni(‘ an Immune Needles. Alabama and Dye and family dying. “wit. brains having falls, the second ’t-i zit-st a; 4» one i mom i. t 1 ‘ r 0 l . . . t J ‘l, r ' v a a "will"! "‘d d‘m'bk “mm”! mm and“ , 6' Please call and see my 5c. Paper. rolling pin. Munroe was found on the Ru“, ,7 1",.“ "Fatwa, ‘64,. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1891. beach back oi the house stark naked. H I F S v morning for some time. She tried, ~mâ€" 1 y 0 various ways to stop the thicvery. but: A. W. J. DEGRASSI. M- D" «W ( ' fatten them too desirable point, hit tract, Lindsay. Consisting 0‘ say and surrounding country with - soon sickened and died. Shortly after- â€"I. 3., n. c. r. a 8.. Ontario;â€" Esiimates promptly given on all kinds of has OMSCd' Falls. *__ s I R _ ' ~“ L E W A 3 Pieces, etc., a snecialty. catablc and not: itious Cake out of wood. 1 Gulleac. Fellow “i “W”? ““dlM' a very fine assortment of Wedding Rings, Watches, house. loge of Physicians 5; Surgeons 0" Unlm’i‘l purchasingelsewhere. about 40 per ot-nt. of meal of when, S â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" This bread of “Whirl-glucose is intend“ The steamship .\lonnwai arrived at l . ‘ o u o l 01 ‘Read ans. Willie. Ilium Paper and Picture Frames ' go, Auckland, on Feb. 8 Duncan Munro ~- ',-. Baker’s Bloek.Kent-st.,Lindsay. i liL'iUUR mania for some time, only E , _ lrrei-ntly having been releasml from an DENTIS’I‘, LINDSA‘Y. .-; , ilflists Goods 3 Special“!- asylum, mined at the houneot'hisfamily. works Agency' been buttered out with a flat iron and and on other d..nnil Work properly doomi For “‘8 only by JOSEPH HEARD in pension Fans.

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