New Advertisements. Death Has No Terrors For Him. ‘ NEW YORK. Feb. 5.â€"Carlylc W. 3 Harris, the young medical student. con- victed of poisoning his wife, applied tor a new trial. When the verdict. sending . him to the chair of tire was pronounced l VALUABLE PROPERTY- by the jury Harris was nonchalant and 3 iodide-rent. No one in the court room' was as callous or careless as he. The frirhtl'ul testimony to his heartlessncss brought no drop of blood to his cheeks. , l'lr. Fowler‘s recital of the conversation TuBSdayt the 23rd 0f Feb y! 1892’ held in the room where the body of his M 2 O’Cloclï¬ in the afternoon: will: lay did not. more him in the least. AT THE N BENSON HOUSE †When the jury retired he quietly lighted . th ’ u cigar to mitigate ennui; when the â€"m eâ€" jnry returned with their verdict he laid TOWN OF LINDSAY» the cicnr on the window sill and listened the followin g valuable property :â€" AUCTION SALE -0}:â€" TEE PALACE BARGAIN HOUSE. . S The Las Monh of Win er. \ -- cL â€THIN & We are through stock taking, and ï¬nd that . s were bought on Nov’r 4th, and W9 have Still some i to that lateful word “ Guilty!" as though - - ' - . _ so he ,II d M Imamâ€, InIemIIu we alfair, Lot No. 22 In the 9th Concession of the received and passed into stock and when his doom was sealed he took Township 0‘ Fenelon’ 011 NOV’I‘ 9th, by l 1 [N2 ER 0 O 0.05 ' up his cigar, relighted it and puffed in the County of Victoria, containing 200 h h I e C ea “I n . . p a on hand. There W111 be lots of Felt Boot and Fur Coat weath- array as though nothing of importance acres more or less, save and except Plot er yet before “Balmy Spring†ensues. We have sold a large lot of Wmter Goods, and We have still some to sell. had happened. “ A n and Bloc“ †B" ““d “D,†“N 8 PM" i at 53 cents in the dollar, and Now Is Your Opportunlty’ I l Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will ' be produced at the time of sale, there will be ofl‘eted for sale by public anction on LARGE CASES OF -‘ A Lad’s Sh cking Death. Persnsono', Feb. 8.â€"A very sad accident occurred in the north part of the town yesterday by which Alex. lien- tnn, a lad seven years old, lost his life. He and his brother were playing in a room together. In one corner of' the room stood a gun which had been loaded wi.h peas by an elder brother to drive away a dog. By some means, it is sup posed with his foot. while playing, the older ol'the two boys knocked the gun over. In failing, the hammer of the gun struck the corner of a lounge and the weapon was discharged. A scream (IrultglllSll from the. 'ounger lad, who , , . was sitting on the floor: told that he had Fonthl†Nurser'es- LargeSt m Canada. received the charge, which struck him 700 acres. in the lower part of the jaw and neck, making a shocking wound. Calling for his mother, the poor boy'sunk down and immediately died. He was a son of' Mrs. \V. Kenton, a widow, and she was Our agents have many advantages, such prostrate-d by the shock and is ill. The as 3°“ng home-grow". Illaï¬dy (infill-dill" employees of the Auburn mills, near stock. Chance New Specialties,winchnre known at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to ROBINSON, O'BRIEN d: GIBSON, Vendor! Solicitors, 74 Church St., Toronto. eel of said lot containing [5 53-100th acres I have the goods all marked , . because all Wmter Goods 1n 7 .i. 7 by release registered in the Registry edit-e for the Conn y of Victoria as No. 5271 for prices that will make them the (Ital/fest Cloz‘lzz'ng ever heard BOOTS 8t SHOES AND C L O T H I N G" 1 Fenelon. 1 ofin will be cleared out this month regardless. Money is easier t0 Terxns.â€"One-tenth of the purchase l... l N S S A V .. stow away than Winter Goods. money to be paid down at the time of sale. I have every price and des- We Never Keep Goods Over ‘ Or to G. II. HOPKINS, EsQ., Barrister, eta, 50-3. Lindsay, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. Liberal terms of balance will be made cription of Clothing that mor- tal Man or Boy could wish for. Space will not permit me to enumerate very many prices. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal; outfit free. . . ' ' - l' which the accrdent happened, made up of value, and u Inch can on y be secured a purse of $72 for the alllictcd mother to-dny. 0*. An ice locomotive has just been completed at Fishkill Landing Machine STONE a WELLINGTON, $10 00,now .................. 6 00 they can save money by helping us to make room for our large l Works, and will be tested on Monday. 49-3m. Toronto, Ont. Men’s Over-coats, (Tweed lined,) SPI‘lllg Pul'Chaseso Try 70/5“: (3 dallar 202/! do at - ‘5 The inventor it Thomas Murley of New M‘â€" regulur price $6 00, now...... 3 95 '- York. It is attracting ' considerable The Head Surgeon- Men’s Black Fancy Worsted Uver- B U R G O Y N E & C o ’s l i attention. Of the Lubon Medical Company is now I 5 A clam farmer in Maine, after feeding them two weeks on Indian meal and celery, boils them, and from each bushel of clasm obtains eight quarts of juice, which sells for live cents a glass, and from us. the propagation of HARDY VARIETIES For terms apply to at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in We have given particular attention to suitable to the Northern section of Canada. Look, Read and Act. Men’s Tweed Suits, regular price $4 50,now ...... .. Men's Tweed suits, regular price coats, regular price $8 00, now 5 95 Men’s Colored Fancy Worsted Over- couts, satin lined and quilted, regular price $10 00, now.... . Men's All-wool Pants, any size, reg- 695 ........... 2 5O from one season to another if we can help it, and everything we are now offering is new, fres/z and latest. W34? Everybody come, and we W111 convmce them that The Leading Retail Men Fenelon Falls, February 8th, 1892. . . .;..:.._..;.._..‘.â€"‘.m ‘uwww _ , , . , uiur price Si 25, now.... . . 75 Z†,3} . l . . many of the followmg symptoms . Mental I _ I “10:51.!t:exiiilszé{grofdtt%l,19gpi;g: depression, premature old age, loss ol‘ Mons Tweed PM)“: regular PH“ ' to 8 he , l‘ m "3m 8 1' W vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dim- $2 00, now . ......... .. 1 38 I that all the llongnlxan mandnrlns who ness Pf sight, palpiuuion of the heart, Men’s Etotfe “mm regular price 1 aided in the recent outbreak in North- cmtsstons, luck or energy, pain in the 175 no“, ’ , a, ? eastern China, or who did not assist the kidfleljs. bead-ï¬che. Pimpl'es 0n the face 01‘ ,3 " , """ ' """ "a , b l. its suppression .. o... forerunners“Eraser“: or 3.1:â€? 3 9. l ._ ... . . . gn s [221- eg a pic 0 l.) n w...... ’ :19‘01t'JmIW been dismissed l'tom 0min†ness, specks, before the eyes, twitching of a , 1 “8 Government ‘3 paying all. the m' the muscles, eyelids, and elsewhere, bush- g demnlues demanded lor the killing or fulllCSS, deposits in the urine, loss of will E BR E i E : . i juring of foreigners and for ï¬re des. powï¬r, tenderness of the scalp and spine, 3 r ti f heir r0 er . wen and flabby muscles desire to sleep . . . . t ulsiei‘iicol’tiian‘ aii afcdth'tnkcr of Paris failure to be rested by sle'ep, constipation: Wlth evely BOY,S Slut and .’ ‘ ‘ ' dullness of hearing loss of voice desire for Vs; lliL I l 1",“! Y Erï¬fhgilc Idreumladliaw years! :Igo solitude, excitability of teuipe’r, sunken overcoat, a very handsome . i w not 0 ll!) 10 won 1V0 till I I0 eyes surrounded with Lsansu cmans oily 1 year 1902. He was so ï¬rm in the looking skin, etc, are symptoms ofnei-vous HAND-SLEIGH VALUE†AT $1. , belief that the dream was correct that debili'f â€mt It‘ll“ ‘0 insanity and dOD-th lq ICE PA I l Iii I a l q S. l he ll'ltl't monument erected with his unless cured. The spring of vital force Boys’ Heavy Serge Suits, regular , - ‘ I' huviuglost its tension every function wanes r'ce 1 50 n r...... , â€5 . i prune. “'50 and the d“'?- 1992- out upon in consequence. Those who are sick thro’ ? l S ,’ m - t ' ‘ 130 8 Fame ll orsted Suits re ular It. The old man hasyust died, and the abuse committed in ignorance may 1,, per- 3 .- v)’ ) g ‘ 7 IllR 5? CH IllAP marble cutter has another Pierre Ruan manently cured. Send your address for Wm" 83 00’ “OWN-1"" """ ' l 95 ' ° ' l inscription and date put on. book on all diseases peculiar to man. Book 303'8’ Fancy Tweed SUNS; regular Special Treasury Agent Soehngen sent frtta‘e, sileaIed. Ileaft diStï¬lSe, thelsylmp- price $3 00, now.... 1 05 I . tomso w iciare inn spe s purp c ips . _. , » - , .. has for some days been watching the numbness, palpitation, skip, beats, hoi Boys Fancy Overcoats, rtglur price , O 11 d see them at sales of horses at the Chicago horse flushosI rush of blood to the head, dull pain $3 50. 110W ------ ...... 2 20 a; all . market at the stock yards, in the expec- in the heart with beats strong, rapid and Boys' Fancy Cape Overcout3,regu1nr i tatiuu of capturing some smuggled ani- irregular: the Beyond heart be“ quicker price 84 50, now......’........ 3 00 g ' ' , nulls from Canada. The duty on horses â€Ila“ “"3 ï¬rs.‘g.$",‘“ Show ‘5‘“ 13‘5â€â€œ bone, Boys’ Double-breasted Pen. Jackets, 4 I, l , A R K & S . ‘ is $30 For n 8150 horse and 830 for :30; “golf ibi- yboikcureAï¬dr-egsc‘iie’ xix" gilt buttons, reg. price $3 75.. 3 25 ' I 0"ch $100 of added valuation. The union 24 Macdonell 'at-o. Toronto cool i ! ' high rates have lead to a great deal of ndu. ’ 1 E6“ StaCks Of Men S and Boys ' , ~.‘ smul‘vgdin‘;r of horses gram Canada, and odd Coats, Vests and Pants at A Ral'e 0113,1108 . 8â€! LO" 8 reports have reaohe t to treasury agents ‘1 {I By - “E33 that line animals in large numbers have EN % RA CE. your own prlces- 87 LOTS . 87¢... CONS†5-" PT] 0" been brought into the States from across ______ Men’s All wooi Cardigan Juckcts.. 75 *‘l‘ ' the border without the formality of \Ir G Cnnnin ham hm'n trtnsferr d l . Men's All-wool Socks, heavy (s: soft 12;. IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, - . . . 'l x . e u‘ . . . , , ‘ consulting the custom house. ,nsumnce Illl§iness Io "If, mu prepare-d3 pop: '1:[. StirrLSIIcolll.lIi;sl ittlllihcii. it: sBiillongiiiEliobthe palate oftlllc {up D. 51. c u R E, I M . '~ . ll 1. ~~ '- 0' 5' 5- “53' 00 ‘ 1“!“ch 3' 0 cu '. I e so In Stage 0 s orâ€! . . ~ DIED to take “aka on a 0 (133‘s ofproperty 3,700 yds Heavy Cotton Sim-lino block): to suit purchasers. Also a. brick This GREAT COUCH CURE, this success.- ~' . . ' . At Vex-y Loxvest Rates. ’ . ‘ "’ house and 10g on Fidlcr's Hill. ï¬llCQNSUMI’TION CURE, iswithout a par. Li.l.iS.-â€"â€"Ill \ cruhtm, on Friday, January f45L colors .. . -- ----- . - 5i I . r I I allel In the history of medicine. All druggists 29th. Florence Gertrude, second daughter . . . 2,300 yds. Fancy Shaker Flannel†. 7 NO‘V IS 1' 0171‘ 1131134 are authorized to sell it on apositive guarantee, , of Mr. Wm. A. Ellis, agedS years, 8 months None bUtï¬ISt‘CIass Br'l'Sh and Canadian Black Saxony Yarn regular price AS __ a test that no other cure can successfully stand. 3. and 15 days, Companies represented. 90 c'-nt-' now ’ 10 -. ‘ Il'yon haves. Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, l McCurc'n:o.v.â€"ln Fenelon Falls. on Blon- __ F' ‘ . “ Y, 'I'I“I" 'I""' "" 5 THEY MIIST 131'; SOIJD “use? font wVi‘lIIIcure ytzp. IIlt' your child has ’: ,1,ka February 3â€,, llrs. Margaret MeCutch~ W I , . . ,. Ingerlng urns, a 3 mt es...... . â€"â€"-â€"-â€"--â€" 4 e map, or coping ‘ou , useitprom tly. v N,“ aged (3;; years and 4 months. FAR‘I _1, ICOPERT‘S. White Wool lied Blankets, 6 lbs, per For terms and particulars apply to Barron ‘apd relief is sure. It' you dread that insidious ileumâ€"At Linden Vullrv, Fenelon, on M v") 0W Irates. Pal? . .. . . 2 50 & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate diisltlnseCONSUMPTION. donI’ItfaHto liseï¬'it 'r ‘sl ~. so on. it! uh 'r 'n " . . "'"""""' L' dsav orto W cm 3’0“ 0r mt notine- As your willi- ‘o’ll‘illr. leleiii'ir'ilcaain, «gird1 58 yeiii: ’ $80,000l010allil'0lll 6 percent. up. Beautiful Dress G°°d""â€' "â€â€ 10 m ' i “r E ELLIS Fenelon Falls. Drugglst {or SHILOH’S CURE, Price to cts., ' ' Double-fold Coatings, all shades.. . 75 'l 25th lsito. 10tt‘ ’ facets- and $1.00. IlIYOur Lun s are sort: or W , .â€" lam: ' i-‘l-‘VEIOY FALIS MKRKETS “T. E. E14 IJIS’ Forty-twoznch Cashmere.......... 25 Apr: ’ 1‘ .uSeSlnlohsPorousP r. 25cc. 1 " l ‘ ‘__‘_ i ‘ Druggist and Bookseller. , , - D DIVISION COURT l . . . r-G thln SE00“ . . errldbwhe norm M... on. no: 0o. ma... mg, June 25tb,1389. 20. M9†5 & 3°“ mm? 1° 3 _o, m_ R. M- MASON, ‘. . v Font-pm Fillls, «II-‘tIiduy', Feb. 12m, 1392. at Startling Prices. 0 t of Victor In ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grin!- :‘ ‘ ' u... l n . ' i i ' iviilidi: fiiliihirohushzl.... ti? ‘0 2; D 'd Chamber Furs I Furs 2 2 Furs 2 ! 2 on y to“Igaigagntï¬rxpf‘lgetevrlgzriCollege. 0 \l’lieat,spring .. 8‘ 83 aVI 5’ l for “on Women and Children at Prices The "c“ sittings 0! the “b0†00“" wlli Redidencdâ€"Cornor Colborne and Louise Barley, per burhel.... .... 40 45 General Blacksmith thatiwill make you (“I happy. ' be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, streets, Fenelon Falls. .: H u 9“" 5 3: ’ - 0n MONDAY APRIL THE 25th,1892. - 1mm. t a - F 1 115 aa- All I ask Is a call. - , 3.": :' W. 00 :5 FranCE-St., 8118 on F3. . commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoort Subscribe for the t: Fenelon Utah's. ‘ - -5 __ ' Mtb l892 illbe the last Butter. per lb...... ..... . 15 to . . _ . . BARTER “312335321; who“; and Mdâ€, Falls Gazette," only 81 aIyear . Eggs, per dozen 8(1); 10(1)? d BlacksmiIthlnIngalllte dilfl‘ezenzbrincbe: . I I ’ April 8th, in any other county. in advance. All lands of July "3 rs; per ton...... . . i one on s or no me an a. e owes . . 3.93Ҡ. . . _ . . . llidc's ..... . . ...... ..... 2.50 3.00 living prices. Particular attention paid to , i n 0 e [I B“ in“ “30' â€uhggiw. Clerk. Printing done In gOOd 8t) 19 o . Sheep‘kins. ,,,,,. .... 50 65 horseâ€"‘ltocing. Give me a cell and I will . l 08.- Wool a .... .... ...... 18 20 guarantee satisfaction. 45~ly. i Fenelon Fells,.len ’ 23rd, 1892' and at reasonable Pr 0 . I ‘ i ‘r'.