Comets and Oil-Cloths, N o. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. c'ection,'83; liobert Iféndcrson, work on new road in lieu of llth con. line, 630; Clerk, expanses to Lindsay. $2; » Rev. Mr. Spurgcon’s condition is still critical. " Locusts are making widespread rav- u. â€if The Palace Dry Goods and Clothing House. BURGOYN E & Co. life are busy; Everything Booming. Have 72.3) , ~ tame to write an advertisement this week. l A. Alcheson, rent of council room. 1991. 3 ages in Chili. -._, , ' l 810; David Morgan, for land taken for! Gull ore that essays $1,000 to a ton road. $10; Br. J- J- Brnad. services as 5 has been struck near Florisant, Col. l l l l l i l l preecdeutcd number of' 157 death notices in The London Times. for bad behavior, and revenged herself by setting ï¬re to half a dozen mattresses. with a view to burning down the build- ing, a result which was however averted. The second annual convention of the .lhristian En le'u'or societies of Victoria County will be held in Lindsay on Thurs- day and Friday. Feb. 18th and 19th. The opening.' SL'SnlOl‘l will take place on medical health Ollicér. 35.â€"-Carried. i A severe snowstorm has blocked traflic ‘ .‘l wed by Mr. lIowie, seconded by in the vicinity of‘ Watcrtown. N. Y. Mr. Burtchail, That path-masters who Uwin: to the severity of the weather b We not returned their lists be required thousands of cattle are starving,' to death to pay the amount of their statute labor ; in Southern Idaho. LARGE CASES OF and that other parties be allow-ll (0 0m! tiny last, week there was the on. pcrlbrin their labor for 1391 in 189'}.â€" . ‘3‘; Carried. . fl The reeve having left it was All the hospitals in Paris are so 1, : Moved by Jlr. llowic. seconded by,crowded with influenza sufl'erers that. j . Mr. Wilson, That 511' Morrison take vacant barracks are being temporarily ‘ " the chainâ€"Curriml. used. ‘ :tlrlk'u'l by .\li-.Jnhn \l'ilso:i.scconllcd , For the ï¬rst time in 6 years lake St. were bought on Nov’r 4th, and by Mr. Burtchall, That. the council Clair is frozen so solid that rigs are . - , - ' grant the amount of Railway fare and driven from the American shore across 1cce1ved and passed Into Stool‘ expenses at the Toronto general Hospital to Canada even as far up as the month 011 NOV’I' 9th, by to Charles Keast, and that an order be of the Thames. 7 given on the treasurer for live dollars According to a Brooklyn Eatzle , O I 1 r , to pay his expenses to Toronto and that report, U. S. Naval Secretary Tracy The Cheap man 01116 all] 66 01 011188 x as l Mr. A. Atchison attend to the matter thinks Uncle Sam‘s ennboats could . _ ' ’ ol‘scndin; him to 'l‘ormrto.â€"Carricd pounce upon the Chilian navy and I ll Z . 1 [Z l Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by gobble it up in 30 days. 5 - 20 la Q06 are C 02-72. . j 216., ,r) y . ‘ . Mr. Howie, That this council do now The American BeetSugar I’roduccrs' f ‘ i . 9 Z f (Illa Clonljllelle 5100]» (if adj vn-n, to meet avain on the 8th day Association has been formed in San .22. C 1/01/08 any care “I I ., / ,1 , ol February at lotb’clock a. in.â€"(lar’d. Francisco. The objectot‘ the association ' ’ j J 86 Pa‘ed m is to encourage the development of the r 7 . ‘ C ‘ i: C a t. f Cl] . t. beetsuear industry in the United States. at 03 cents 111 the (1011211, and DR Y GOODS OJtl y Onéofldb’m 0 NS 12m Annie Robinson, an inmate of the have the goods all marked 5 l1 covet. Girls Home, on Monday was scolded and stacked on the tables at RE DY MADE prices that. will make them the 'A' - CLOTHING-5 c/zeajï¬est Clot/ling ever heard BOOTS 9 ND SHOES of in 5 . Thursday evening and the closing on NEW Advertisements. 5:" ‘ GROCERIES CROCKERY Friday evening. The programme of 7â€"________â€"._~â€"â€":= . 5 5 topic.- for discussion is practical and AGENTS WANTED_ ‘ cmnprelmnsivc. It will include twoor I have every price and des- AND GLASS ‘3? A RE three addresses by able Speakers from Fonthill Nurseries. Lar est in Canada. c - - . ' other parts of the Province. The 700 acre: cx1pt1on 0f Clothmg thift 11101- smaller Endeavor Societies are specially ' tal Man or Boy could Wish for. urged to send delegates, as the local We want relinble,cnergetic men to sell Space Will. not permit me to ,. :«ws'fl’ï¬â€˜iéï¬fï¬rrwm ' 1. work cannot fail to receive inspiration from the attention of their representa- tives at a meeting of' this kind. our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal; outï¬t free. enumerate very many prices. OUR MOT’I‘O; . Our agents have many advantages, such , . W as selling home-grown hardy Canadian LOOK Read a (1 Act “ / f - , . 0 ' ~ . l BUsY.-â€"-We have been kept so busy stock. Choice New Spe’cinlties, which are 5 n I â€S handle 7720 t) “376. G006! 90063-5 at Sinai! ‘- this week with election printing that $501311?» and “'UICh 6“" only be secured Menis Tweed Suits, regular price â€" pTOï¬tS. .,. ._‘ . lie cimld "1“ Spare tuneto lulu†up local We have given particular attention to 34 50:"°“’----- ------------- ° 2 50- lg, :1 â€0'1“; “"1. consequently he (gazette the propagation of HARDY VAIuE'rIES Man's Tweed suns, regular price it 0 9; contains lCWCl‘ than usual. “ 0 “1'0 suitable to the Northern section of Canada. $10 00),,0“. 6 00 n 5 '2‘ ‘ ' ‘ , . ‘ ‘ ............ . _ _ 3 sorly, but can t help ‘t' For tetmssogggnt: WELLI‘IGTON Men’s Over-coats, (Tweed lined,) The Leading Retall MEIII "' llnroau Conmrrnn Roons -â€"'l‘hc “ ‘ ' ' i ‘ " regular price S6 00, now 3 95 F 9»- ' o . - . , nan... ~ e11 1o ‘ . a . Reformcrs have opened a committee 49 3m“ ’ Toronto, Ont Men’s Block Fancy Worsted Over- €10“ Falls, OCtObel â€â€˜th’ 1891 room in Jordan's block, next door to coats, regular price S8 00 now 5 95 .3. . . . ' Junkin’s drug store, where they will ,For Sale or to 1%cnt. Men’s Colored Fancy Worsted’Ovcr- 13' 8"“FN 8t Class Dress 11105711675 (Hid TCL’ZZO‘lS '. h )ld there committee meetinws and be - - i - , ' ~ )leased to meet their friends “Ea†hours The east half of Lot 27, Con. l, Verulnm. coats, satxln lined and qurltcd, _ QW-Sta/Z’) 8' I " ' Apply to Rev. Wm. Logan, Fenclon Falls. , regular PW“x $10 00, now ----- 6 9'0 twrunnnn ruon D.\KOTA.â€"Mr. Men’s All-wool Pants, any size, reg- John C. .lunltin. nephew of Wm. ch- 170R SzXLE uiar price SI 25, now.... . 75 ry ultlllklll,.lh‘-flb present visitingrelativcs A Good thmn_cheflp. Apply to Men’s Tweed Pants,-regulnr price In this vlcnilty. He has been in Dray- THOS ROBFR'I‘S $2 00, now ........... . l 38 ‘9‘“ NM“ mom, for “"9 5‘3“â€, ““1 Fenelon Fans, Aug. 26th, 18.91. 27-4.r ' Men’s Etofl’c Pants, regular price likes the country well. Tunes appear 31 75, now. ..... . ...... 1 25 to blc better .there tlllan here, as he in- ’ Meii’s Black Wool an PeaJackcts, tool 3 returning: in he spring. 'l'h [I d ['f A ' B regular price $5 75 now 3 95 .. I -_ ’ uni-l. CHRISTIAN ENDmvouâ€"Rev. Andrew" ll llllil 3 l B SSUlallCB â€Y Y. I I '1 ‘ - a “ â€80",. 3.1. {KH‘Of BLllCVIllL: addresed ESTABLISHED IN 1847. . the Christian Endeavor Society of the ‘ a Methodist Church on Tuesday last - J - , ‘2 ' THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIIE - ‘ 7, 1 r The Rev. gentleman was formerly 1." ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. Wlth evely B01 S Still; and bobcaygeon and stopped here on lIlS __ 0V . l) 't ‘ 11 Cl om V‘l Ell l M Z§ D E: Way “0"“? from flddl‘C-‘Sl'lg the Sunday Capital &.lssets as at the 30th ofllprll, 0100“ ’ ‘ vely an S e ’ school at the anniversary there. 1889. over $10,000,000. T , r y ‘ -._ -. Annualm’fï¬ggthf 23r0%%mng30th HAM) SLEIGH lALUED AT $1. 4 . Aprls .5 9 I . Boys’ Heavy Serge Suits regular ! I l lR l q S A Dead Man at the Throttle. Total Sum assured tgo1 30th gnarl], 1885. price 31 50, now ..... i . 75 . 'â€"â€" amounts to -,»'l,000 0 . , ‘ , ~ . , CLAYTON, Ill., Jan. 25.-â€"Considcr- , Boys 1:3an “ orsted Suits,1egu1ar 5 able comment has been caused in rail- The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- price b3 00’ "°W“â€_â€" """ ' 1 9 I I “LA I . road circles here over the statement by lmny “"0 “11‘3†â€1“" any other Life Ofï¬ce Boys Fancy Tweed Sluts’ regular ï¬reman Edward \Varbel‘, who was on ï¬stiilggofl’gfligi‘iisi'iotlillfcolzli’c'flzic‘J'ig““3112: B I’lI‘Ii‘CC $3 30. now.... â€.1. 1 95 ‘-- . . Y ' -' 5 ' 55 o nne' ot ' ' 'co the 1†fated “it stbound “ abosll H Can- that of any other Canadian or British ollice. 5,1,, I: ‘l vcrc a 3’ reg at p“ ., 0,. . . _ nonball express that dashed into the The policies of this Gompanynrc indisputn- j“ "0’ now """ ' """ ' """ " “° a, 3,111, see them at onsthnn-ul cxxn'ess nt Aladdin, near bio on an)’ grounds whatever after two Boys IlancyCapc Ol'el‘comsimg‘llm‘ ' 1'} M Hannibal. about a week ago. l‘in- years, and policies becoming claims ore price S4 50, now...... .... 3 00 V :ineer llurehard of that train was killed, 3““ “inolii'as'll‘ll‘:EMS: “Iii“:gglgglslï¬Ã©lc‘: Boys' Double-breasted Pen. Jackets, 4 i A: R E3 & SO IF I ’S * - 2 l ' l “l ' ‘ . _ . . . -. :tud'azl, ti“? railroad "lieu Willsdlered h‘ow Allntldinis of policies itre lssuZ-d. gilt buttons, reg. price 3’3 75" 2 25 I "" “m" ". "‘“E‘ “3 "3 9°.“ â€â€3 ‘9" McDOUGAlJ. a BRANDON, pg» Stacks of Men’s and Boys’ by the switch In the fog as he did. 43.1“ Agents, Fcnelon Falls. Warber, who is recovering, from hurts ' Odd Goats, Vests and Pants at A R1 38 01 ' 9 in the wreck, says that Bin-chard .was > 0111‘ 0WD. rices m (1 lance ° undoubtedly dead in the cab bel'orc EN S5 LR g NQE y P ' -â€" reaching): the switch, having died of ’ 0 Men’s All-wool Cardigan Jackets.. 75 «$.87 . LOTS . 874%.. cousum PTION heart disease soon after leaving,r Hull. Men’8 All-“'001 Socks, lie-"V." & 5°“ 13-} I‘l FEVELO‘I F ‘ll I 8 FOR S . Tl ’. \"- -l 1‘ . ~ bil‘. us ~ B - l -{ . . \I '~ '1‘ Sl'rt‘ collars attached.. 50 i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' ' ALL†us nnou non Lilt.\t.. as me )8]! - _ . . , . ens op . n s, . . ’ . Mr. G. Cunningham haying ttnust‘t rred lns . ‘ , c U R E (lltl not take llls head flow the wmdow Insurance Business to me, I am prepared 2,500 yds. Grey “tool I‘ lannel, only 15 SBelonglng to the Estate of tille late D. J. I once ulï¬mdeeynn; llnll: Railroad men to take risks on all classes ofproperty 2,700 yds. Heavy Cotton Shining, 5 blicildllds. tdh bliitbtiluslfbll?fllsitl‘rjlnï¬lllSLO'li-i 8&5: This GREAT’COUGH C‘URE,‘this success. “mm 3‘ “w†too “01-" e-Xt- V’cry Loxvcst Rates. 30:33:03)“ ank “ll '1†' 5' house and lot on Fidlcr‘s Hill. lglefglNgglï¬lalglgï¬nggthf wifllfliiniggii ...._.._..-.-.-. -_ 2, y s. ‘1"le .. la -er . annc .. . . . . 2. 4 ._ . .. . , . 0 †i, areauthozcdtscllt t'r A than giving the name of fly. G. Nonebuthrst-cless Bl‘lllsll and Canadian Black Saxony ‘Iarn, regular price N W IS :ZUI TIDIE a test [1181211003m!Clit:2a?lg::i:;:fl§l‘l;r;:tncs: Dowd was captured by the New lurk Compames represented. 20 cents, now . . 10 r â€"" It’you haveanugh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, police early Sunday morning in the net - â€"-- PFRTS.’ Fingering Yarns. all slmdes...... . 5 THEY M'UST BIC SOLD 3:352:13 T‘ll‘curc year. 113‘ you};: child til†.l‘ ' ‘ .. . : '5 II x: . i - r F XII-BI l’lï¬O ‘4 ' ‘ W 18 d Blmket~ 6 lbs. we: â€"â€" . ,.r (â€ng °“ "‘5“ Pl°".‘. 3’! ;. .catftlul“ l? “.131†fillut“ â€'1 â€â€œ9 in: W 4 at verv 10“. rates. “ lute . 00 e t 3’ ’1 ., .0 For terms and particulars applytollnrron arid rebel ls sure. If you dreadthatmsxdious ill 9. t“ ‘1‘)†LL†0 â€\bllln up l in" r - ‘ ‘ pmr...... .o-on. oc.... . ...... a .J (h; McLaughlin Solicitors for ï¬le Estate dbSCaSC CONSUMPTION. don’t/ail to Use“. it '5" “WWW“ when he 3103' â€10‘" l" (â€0110' 09.0 000 {010311 lI‘OIIlb )01' (30111.1! . Beautiful Dress Goods ..... . 10 Hudson 0,. to, Will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your e. o , . 3' Dru" ttor SHILOH’S CURE, 1" l5 spat would pounce upm them and ._ _. Double-foul Coatings,all shades... 73-} “RE. ELLIS, Fenclon Foils. oci’sglitnd $1.00. It your Lun 31:22:32; f 1:21;“ 21ml†if“; 03;,m“ 1:“: “razor. lube ‘V. E E 1.1 IA I S , Forty-two inch Cashmere... ' 2° April 25th, 1800.â€"lfltf ack lame, use Shiloh’s Porousl’ ter. 25 etc. I? l. s on 'th u 1.. :s memo. is ‘ ' __ . . ._____._ _.____, victims so far number ï¬ve. DWIâ€"’31St "“‘1 B°°k5°ll°'- Men’s & BDyS’ Uuder-Clothing .j‘ A Mexican named Juan L-‘lpiz, living Fenelon Falls, June 25th, 1889. 20. ‘ M Startling Prices. SECOND DIVISION DOUBT R. M- MASON, E 1., on a ranch north-west of Silver City, -â€"â€"-â€"â€" ---â€"--~~~~â€"â€"--~ ‘ ‘0’ “â€7" VETERINARY SURGEON ; llonor Grim. . .7 N. BL, four years ago caught a young . Ch b l Furs ! Furs 2 I Ful'Fl ! 2 2 County of Victoria. untc Ontpripi liftg’m‘ilnry College, To- ,- mountain lion “‘1 “is“ ““5 a pet. DaVld am ers! l for Men Women and Children, at Prices . ron.o,‘1884, l'.‘ ' ‘ ." 'A' . 5 He had th‘ animal mm up.“ und‘r , ,1 t will ".ch rou feel happy The next sittings of the above Court will RCSldeceâ€"Comcr (.olhornc “11d LOW“ . . . †. P1? ‘ -. ." General Blacksmith, ~“‘ “ ~ ' be held in Dickson's hull, Fenclon Falls, streets, Penelou Fells- ~ subjugation and It was llllCllc with hun _ All l ask is a can _~ ; as n house cat. Lupe; was recently iFranCIS-St“ Fenelon Falls' â€'29- ' 0n MONDAY, APRlL THE 25th,1892. ‘ “ ‘ .1 married “lid lilf‘ â€0“ “Wk n (ll-*lliiu‘ t" ' l commencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon subscribe fly)? the .. benchâ€. T his wrle. During the man 5 “nguicl ltlick-mitbingin allitgdit‘ftrentbrsl chesl M ! GAR I ER TuesdayJan.12th,1891 will be the lam Falls Gazette, only :51 a \‘(ï¬llr . . .. N . l s ‘ l - . . .' ,h' last week the eultnalmttaeked ï¬ll“, mm ‘m short notice and at me lowestl | I d‘ny ofscrnce. "1 advance. All kinds 0‘ Jul? ; Z , d Lo ex and tore her to re es. [lo tlleu . . - - .. - - (IF-0v M“Hm". 3- DJIun, - . - ,. P p c . . ,. . . i l I . 4 l . l lnmg tht‘s. Particular alttntion paid to u Buil'fl. Cl 8 PI‘llltlllO' done ll] "00d ‘1‘. l, ‘ ; fled [6‘ the mountain‘s. LOP?“ has bc- i hor.<\-‘l|ocin2. Give me a call and I will 8' ll 0f the Gnlden lllllh i u ‘ c â€1 I " ‘ if come in: one with grief. l gunmntee satisfaction. 4543-. Fcnelon Falls, Jan’y 23rd, l892. illld at reasonable prwes. . ;'