«ax . -v ’ an? *5 ZEDundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millii‘e at lot 12. and on the line betwcrnhtho Stli and 9th eons. at lot 15.â€"Carried. SEASONABLEWé‘o‘To os momma? FOR [Box FOUNDER & MACHINIST, )Il'. Thomas Fee, of the township of t‘lOVed by Mr. Currin, seconded by Ops, has an article under the above Mr. Graham, That. a petition uskin-v l .uaxuracrirnna or “ best-ling in last week's Post that ought for the repeal of By-law 476 he not W “‘ -,_. i ‘ n 7- 7 , to Open the eyes of his fellow farmers. entertained -â€"-Carri‘d , V l .(j l T . x AGRICULTURAL 'l‘he “ruinedindustry " isthe Canadian Moved by Mr. iii-own, seconded by IMPLEMENTS, l egg trade with the United States; and Mr. Graham, That Mr. Chambers is é J, . __ l :lr. Fee shows by the indisputable C\’i~. hereby instructed to interview Mr. Win. ‘3. I - lit-nee of the ‘-.bluc books" and the Horn. in regard to the urchuse of : . A full assortment of Engme and M111 work War-Jun that the export ol'chlsin 1890 | road allowance alon': tlicpnorili sialc oi J . u I “"19 15370-061 dozen, and l" 1391 (ml? 1 lot 26 ill the 7th t‘\iiCessimi.â€"-Cal‘rietl. f'Silver-Ware Knives Forks & Spoons AND REPAIRS or ALL KINDS aaaa aa aaaaa aazaa. a... ....... at... m... a... i .‘ 5 I ’ rnonrrtr unseen 1-0, :91"! all: polultry trat‘lc have both been Mr. Brown. That John Brown and _ 'l e y t m monopn Hit) and restrictive Edward Johnston be notiï¬ed to removed One case Of Brldg‘e Bolts Made to order, policy oftlie Gorprntnent, and Mr. Fee their fences oil the road allowance on - . , says that “ the armor who votes for the quarter line between lots 20 and "l B o H E M I A E y A s E 3' forge‘fjfwu’s, SEMI“) filial}: Sam Hughes or Charles Fairbairn is con. 7.-â€"-l}arried. ' ~ an 0- 707020 (mo- ouo IS cuitinnhis own throatziiitl his neiuhbnr's dItivtul bv \[r \l- -ia . . . . . _ o o ,, o . , .â€" . . . _ - . . at) me. seconded by A splendid assortment, posztzwly gamma, no fake but stralght and a- gooa’ za'arzczfy of General ‘00- It '5 the SW"? “"lh 0"}‘I‘Sllim: )Ir. Currius, 'l‘liat. J. E. h‘iitall be ,- goods, kakes for the boys and girls, and Pul¢ose P10250115. 141 0.00“] (13- the farmersraise tor exportation, .antl reappointed to Collect. the unpaid taxes 0 , b they are being surely if slowlv ruined tor 1891. and that he is be h ' - . - sort†t S ' 0-! l/ H - - - -“ - 'c 5' '"Sh‘h'l ' ' ' 36†0/ I†3â€.) 00' 5 “7’ by the monopolistic and restrictive pol- cd to collect the same torthwiili.â€"t3'd, one Chance In our 1 6- 11116 0 11y oves r0205, S1661 ffm'rozus, [7’0†icy complained ol'by .llr..Feca_nd cvery~ Moved by Mr. Brown,scconded hv fflzrrows and [1/00“] Harrow: oueielse it‘lithlsuflicmnt pitellhuauocno Mr.i\1aybe. 'l‘liat Mr. Graham is hereby at present prices. The war going on between manufacturers Aâ€, 0,. WHICH mm, 3,, 501.1) M. ligrtildiii; ariti‘ioii‘iiiiuc: ‘1,°(:xt';‘$':: $11310?†at m selll tIhSc “Sibel: (1)“ the t . ‘ as . . ' v . .. . u .‘ . ‘1 “ “ “3"; ' ‘ 100". too at oi. .-â€"- arrici. enables me to sell Stoves at less than cost of actual pioduction. LO“ muons ro MEET int. Tints. ,,, bench†1.,,ns_,,.ef,,,,,.ce,,,sp0,. do“, Moved by Mr. .llitybcc, seconded bv HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS W The highest cash price paid for less than they werealiis time last year. Mr. Graham. That the following per- “ Rigid? or scrap lt'on delivered at the pliich sou): may thinkâ€"or rather iilkt‘ sons receive grants out of the poor rate ' . - - - - ‘ 'r i. te Wltltllltlllllilillli7â€"ls a "nod \Iai-v \1 li‘- d -. it" - E u ’ a z or 0' ‘ it n riï¬c . ul 1 n 1 “mm." a n *a i . 0 «I in". as . Flthllmiise, r 1 u“ some to Clem 0 t at a y sac c C 1 n a†d see t 1e THOMAS ROBSON- thing for those who have to buy them; 37; Mrs. .‘lch‘ai‘quhn’r, 85; G, Vint, ~-.-< 'I have on hand a number of Men’s, BoyS’ and Youths’ .._ cl»; W9, - - Somerville Council. Recoust 'ucted. itSSOl‘tlllent. Fcnelon Fa115.0nt- but, in reality, it is a good thing for 35; W. Hutchison and will: $7.â€"-C'd. Joseph Heard. in ï¬mm unbridy, because shun farm products Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by . ’ :' 10 0118 on a S azcttc arc ow times are id, as they are now Mr. Brown, That the followiu-r bills be Fcnelon F4115, Dec r 10th, 1891. ________:____._.______.__. M"..- notwithstanding the abundant harvest paid :â€"'l‘ownship oi‘ Eldon,aone-hali' Friday. January 29th, 1892. last year. . “Under the withering influ- expenditure on boundary at lot 15, .HERE YOU RE 3 . ope-lot :iliiglrtari‘lf,†als lit-gliec approp- Eldon, 8'3. 39 ; Joseph Cooper. pl‘iliiili: rintey terms it, here ins can a dirt-ct ï¬nancial statement and election bills - ,ig I TO-MORROW, falling off in a single year oi'SZ.ll)0,000 $9 25 ; Cambray post-office, postage . in the one trade alone! What the total account for 1891. $10 40 ; II. J. Lytlc, M Two or three days ago word .was loss on till larm products must be we stationery 300011015 for 1391. $4 84; Hâ€â€"â€â€œâ€œâ€œ â€H : received that Sir Richard Cartwright leave to the iinngination of our readers clerk, election expenses, $10 ; W. was unwell, and we began to fear that It would, we think, be difï¬cult to ï¬nd Downer, i). 'l'olmic, Jos. ll. Greer. those who expected to hear him in a farm with fewer than 25 hens, while and JflS- 11- Palmer, deputy r'eturninw R AT Dickson 8 ball to-uiorrow would be dis- on many there are 50 and on some ncnr- tifliccrs, cucli, $4 ; Cameron Orange ,.-‘ El E: n 9 apponitcd ; but a telegram yesterday ly 100. icckonine ten dozen of cgus Loafâ€"1’0, use Oflmll to date, $5; Canihriiv , . ' brought the welcome iulormation that. pet: year for each lien, which is a low Do. Do, do. do. forclcction. $3; Lovclv Wlllch I “.111 sell he had. recovered and would be able to estimate, the produce of a flock of 25 Grange, 010- do. do., 32; S. S. No. 7, keep ins-engagements. On Sunday the was reduced. $10 in value by the No use of school-house do., $2 ; J. L. ,, Hon. Wilfrid Laurier was seized with lxinley tariï¬, and that tarifi‘was passed BI‘OW", use Of House (10-, $2.â€"Carried. ' 3. a severe atlileohbl'OUCllltlS at Montreal, by the Americans to retaliate the treat- The council adjourned to meet at. ‘ , zzdelltiiieplniytspiaps ttan-bade lllltu to :lliellb'illey had received From the Cnna- Cambrtiy. F" MMCh 7th: 1892- . . l ‘a’ )‘ racc‘ w‘.‘*' -' i ‘ ‘n . - as I do not want to carry them over. NOW IS your time to Get b ' ’ l? l a.) l . ‘ (.15 Lil) oui , iin Ol‘y.G0\LllllllQllt. bani Hughes ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ c . ut we or}. mppy to. ten tint he, too, made ii mistake when he undertook to it good Overcoat cheap. T iese goods are is recovering, and it is more than prob- talk nonsense about the ego: trade; and able illilt the “ silver-tongiicd orator,†if, is to be [)0ch [l|;1|:_ as R113 Fee is a , as he is called, will speak in h‘cnclon farmer his letter in he ’r - \ ' . The council met Januar'18th ursu- 8W an 0 e a es es . . . , t I )ot rill have 5 p ~ 7 Falls some time hv‘lOI'c POHIIIg duy. the eï¬'ect of Setting some few thinking out to statute. A" the â€â€˜3“"3' elccted‘ - . . who noverihought before, and, if it have. members were present and mo“ thepre‘ and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. Bl‘O- Willie-“'5 “HIM-“lent “WIUPHO dr- Scrl-bed dCCIM'monS; “my which the ccive his country readers will lose him chair was taken by M" James Wilson, votes on the 1m] prox. the recve, who made a neat and appro--~ priate speech on commencing the work -â€"A.LS 0,â€"- A Large $‘ioek of at prices to suit the times. Mr. Abbott has at. length accomplished ;; the diflicnlt task of reconstructionr the - ~â€"-~~--- â€"~ - - . , _ n .. of the annual for 1892. Oats and $51995 Cahlnef. “'thh “0“" 5mm“ “3 thO‘VS 1 For Whom Wlll YOU. Vote? The reciic nominated Mr. Findlev Premier and Prcsndentof Councilâ€"Hon. ' McDougall, of' Fcnclon Falls, and the J. J. C. Abbott (Senator). The elections in North and South ' ' . . . ~ . . . ‘ con mi ' ' MmISleI‘ Of Public WOI‘kaâ€"HOH- J- A. Victoria Will be held on Thursday. Feb as JLdit3£130::::ietilt £28. Yeoman Smith. ' L l . Ohmic†“V“ ’ Ql‘e) rnary lltli, and between now and then Moved by Mr Morrison seconded by . . , . Minister of Railwaysâ€"Hon. John G. th "'t f' l . . Haggai-t (Lanark, Ont.) 0 Hit“ 5 0 no different candidates M,-_ Burtcliall, That by-law No. 34:3, a Minister of Militiaâ€"Hon. M. Bowell “hd theh‘ POIthi‘l views Will be CHHCI'IV by-law to appoint an auditor and to con (North Hastings, Ont.) debated all over both ridin-rs and till: A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. Stit‘l'cml'y (“Shiteâ€"â€0“- J. C.Pnttcrson voters will have Oppol'l-llllititl:Iiflleill'llltl firm the appetiitment 0F one by the ’F A R L A ï¬g 3 (without. a seat) . . , - rvevc, be now read and passed â€"Ciir"d j! M 5 Minister of Agriculture-Hon. John the questions at the day discussed by BY'h‘W read and passed accordingly. T‘vonlcy’s Block. Curling (Senator). 50.")? 0f â€â€˜9,“1’10“ speak“? in the Do- Moved by Mr. Burtchall seconded Minister of Inland Revenueâ€"Hon. John mh‘mh- “‘0 great majority of the by Mr Howie Tll'll. by hw 1ND 349 ‘ . , . - . . , i . . . 9 . . . Fenelon Falls, Januaiy 27th, 189... Costigun (Vic‘totiit, N. c.) electors have no doubt mule up their by-law to "rant cermn sums of Mmmerorcustomsâ€"Hon.J.A.Clmplenu minds how they will vote; but a consid- to suppletiient any sir-int that aging): (Tcrrebonnc, Que.) ‘. ‘ . ‘ ’ _ ' . J U s T g ? E N EB Postmaster Generalâ€"Vacant. cubic numbei neither know 5‘“ caie made by the Education Department out Minister of the 1,,ter;0,_flon. Edgar mhclhlf anything, about [Wh‘h’l (1“‘33‘ of the Provincial poor school fund to Groceries, Crockery and Glass-ware. ' . . . Dcwdncy (East Assiniboia.) tlons, andwhcn an election is up much ,' . . ' . ‘ , ‘ ' l ' Minister of Financeâ€"Hon. George E. in: are in a state of indicisionp as to égdmtelifï¬iizmbsc"00'†[Paulo Ennéhlp 0‘ GW 00 08 ore 1n ewmdn S 1‘16 00 . F03l01’(1{ilig's, N. B.) which candidate they ought to support Z; . .' d ’ 0 now no. “m passed.â€" . . Minister of Marine and Fisheries-Hon. Such doubters should if ti“, [mm co ' antic ‘ Charles [1. Tapper (Picton, N. S.) servative lc . a n ’ dl ly : 1?“ By-law read and passed accordingly. Having purchased the manufacturing business of MR. HENRY Partner}, and added Minister of Justiceâ€"Sir John Thompson ‘ . ‘ anin.3s,.,.o an "3‘“ What ‘3 Moved b Mr. Morrison seconded a complete assortment of (Antigonish, N. S.) said on the other Shier and, if they do: by Mr. John Wilson That b -l'tw No . F - Without Portfolioâ€"Hon. Frank Smith. we feel conï¬dcnt they Will record their 350, a by~law to lidlit the niiuiber ni‘ .A“ KIH‘ClS 0f Ready-made OOt wear, As the Hon. Daviddllills. says, “ no "0:95 E" favor 0f Ml“ BMW“: who l5 “‘3‘ tavern and shop licenses to be issued in i am now prepared to give entire â€mach-ML My ready-made lines are amount of reconstruction \vill serve a 0" y immeasurably {lhh'h'mh “5 a parli- Somcrville, and to ï¬x the duties to be a. ‘ .. discredited government," and we look aincotary representative to his opponent, paid therefor be now read and 'lSSCtl BOUcHT or THE BEQT FIRMS IN THE DOMINION. aaaaaaauy a-aaaaaa aa a... a a..- Bury am... a... .orvoaed to aha â€" nan-act ’ I" ' ' and will be sold at the very Iotrcst li‘ri‘ny lam/its. Remember,â€"One Price to all. taut time when the T°".Y'Slâ€l’ “"h be policy that has been so â€Juno“ to the BY'hl‘V read and passed flccOi‘dinHl utterly and liopclcssy ““30th 0“ the country. Moved by Mr. Howie sccnndcrl-Dlh I invite especial attention to my stock of Sf‘EOl‘dPlhb“: apgnion. tittlthougli lbt if F 1mg 1 P (1 Ski Bhl‘mh‘lhi That b)"hl\\' No. 351» i c none in o serva v s are ‘ ya egg on Ollllcl 1‘0066 lugs, y- ow to appoint a local board oflicalth BOOTS AND SI‘IGES OF MY OWN MAKE, to'the change, ’ there can be “0 ‘hlh'hl' be now read and passedâ€"Carried. ’ )t‘ which I will keep it full line always on hand, and guarantee satisfaction. None Eh“ 3 great many 0F the]? do "0‘ hm Cameron, January 18th, 1892. By-law read and passed accordin'vly. lint ï¬rst-class workmen employed. ' it, and the outspoken loronto Nexus The following gentlemen took the Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by . . - - says: declaration of qualiï¬cation and oï¬icc: Mr. Burtcliall Tll'lt b -l \' '3"? - n s e . . y I 3W L 0- IJ:).:. lb Repaiiing Done at A? TlllleS-Wlth- N atness and DespatCh' “ Premier Abbott has. not, in the John Chambers, reeve, Dougald Brown, bydaw to appoint a â€milieu health olli~ m'if" lit-member the placeâ€")mnnan 5 Buck Blor-lt. reconstruction of his Cabinet, strength. deputyâ€"mew, John Currin, John Gra- cc“ for the municipality of Soniervillc ('3‘. 3K. 13E. JLIRCIE. cued his position to the same extent that ham, .llanly Maybcc, councillors. Min- be now read and p‘lSS‘Cd.â€"-â€"Cill‘l'idd. I ‘ i~‘t~nelon Falls, April 7th, 1801 . he might havc'donc. 1h“ .promotion utcs of last meeting read and approved. By-law read and passed accordingly. of Hon. .prllin dogging, t‘uiizllmvdviibzm '|~hleorccverappcintcd Mr. Byron 313be ‘I 310‘??? by Mr. Morrison, seconded by I I l I I I leiargcs 0 ie graves a in . n as us illlt itor. . r. ison, That the following' acc'ts R l made and allowed to. go unexplained, Moved, by )Iaybee, seconded by Mr. be paid: Dr. J. J. Broad, medicine and ‘ _. 9 was a iiipst'uonivisedhiug .to do. Even Currin. l‘liat J. R. Scott be appointed attendance at Drake's while isolated by i I Q .. . & a, more mlutlicious, it posmblp, was the auditor for 1892,_and that a by-law to i order of the board of health, 553; W. 1.. appotntuieut of lion. J. A. bliapleau to conï¬rm his appotntnicnt and the ap- ] Shields, goods supplied to Drake. Sat 12; WWW the posmou of Mllllstel'Ol Customs. A pomtmeut of Mr. Maybce by the reevc A. E. McLaughlin, lll(?HSf3ll'_'(3l',ls7 49; man who allowed the hungry Senecal be received and read a ï¬rst tinie.â€"C'd. John llam. goods sopplicdfsz ~15; A.‘ G ‘and stock of Winter Millinery just opened, C‘lllbl‘aclll†‘0 8"†faith-‘7 â€"5"“ “PM â€'0“ (MW MOW“ by 5“- Gh‘hi‘ma 500004“! by h- Meltinghliua “at", 60 (“01115; N- S. ‘3 busmcss with {department where the Mr. Maybee, That \V. Downer be ap- i Frost, cost. ol’ ticket to Toronto for liar- r i XTEST ST 7' . : patronage is so iimitcal as in that ot‘thc pomted “ï¬esâ€,- lor.1893, and that a l Clay. $5; 1.}. D. “and, printing, 87 50; 4.- I l . 5 Secretary of Nate is nit‘erly unï¬t to be b31431“, to conï¬rm ms appointment be! G. W. Bcall, stationery, 3.7 86; 'l‘ho’s ; trusted as head of the bustems dcparb- received and read a ï¬rst. timeâ€"Car‘d. l Grifï¬n, work on 7th con. line, 83 00; WW mehia where the _P°5~‘lhlh“05 0f h’lfle' Moved by Mr Curt-in, seconded by John Fell, Sn, cast of getting cheque. ‘ _ _ mailingby uinlrr‘rmizals‘l “€1,560 milieu..- Mr. .Grfl‘mil‘,,m'ai ll. J. 15â€â€ _be from Uourt re lludspcili estate, 83 so; Goo S First ass r1093 to sul‘t All . The 83910 WP.“ ch" , appomtc cicik of this municipality, John Fell, Sin, attending meeting ofthe ' I' l tion a '- snuï¬le, and is evidently moved and that a by-lziw to coufirm the same , board of health. 82 3:"); W. S. Dowson, ' v ~ 1 ‘ r . lby stronger lcclings of dissatisfaction be rcCeix-cd and read a ï¬rst tinie.â€"C'd. I do. do., 81 75; S. Suddaby, do. do. CALL AND SELEC'I X OLR HEAD ATTIRE. l than it cares to express A byolaw to conï¬rm the foregoing f 81 85; Henry Doughty, do. do., 2; 1i", _ a W .t"t3W. '3 .13, ' ,3 'u,‘ ,. ‘95:? Dress and Mantle making done to cider. All work can“, ._Tiu- social held at Mr :iidmiiagitid in dd: hghLdfcgu::§,r§frj l iiiéiiéesuoguiiiiiieiaiiuIii (id-aiming ‘ _ . A, 4 .' A. . - t . ' ‘ _ _ . 'g . l - {7‘41"‘1’1/‘5‘1- L33“ taken 1“ eXCh‘mge' ; John A. Ellis's. on Wednesday evening, Luann [(11) ttpe enliaii".3 _ d y of Orange hall, Kininuunt, tor’elcction, ' . by the Ladies Aid Society of the Mcth- a ove y ' r. urrin, secon ed by 1 82; J. Suggcu’ 1),,va Returning-odiou- MTS. Rn MCDOUGALL’ lodist church, was well attendcld, and hlr. May-pee, Tha: tin;l clgk If; l'ilprcby . 8.4; nggughtlyé use of house for elec: i . . .r .- , 1 two or three hours were {leasaiityspcnt instructor. to non y t e rant run tion, .; .i u aby Returninu-Olï¬ccr " , i 99 '1 “U doom North 0‘ the PUSt'Omce- by all PN‘SM“ The proceeds amounted 1 Railway Co., to repair the crossing on 84; S. Suddaby, for’usc'of th; Oraugd kpolou I‘ ails, Oct. -‘lld, 1391. I to about 510 ‘ the line between the 7th and 8th cons. hall at Burnt River for nominations and - i‘ - . .: ' . I4 ‘ 7. an yww. w~ wxvmvmquâ€"mâ€"WWR, raw†0 mm‘ ,.