Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Jan 1892, p. 4

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«ax . -v ’ an? *5 ZEDundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millii‘e at lot 12. and on the line betwcrnhtho Stli and 9th eons. at lot 15.â€"Carried. SEASONABLEWé‘o‘To os momma? FOR [Box FOUNDER & MACHINIST, )Il'. Thomas Fee, of the township of t‘lOVed by Mr. Currin, seconded by Ops, has an article under the above Mr. Graham, That. a petition uskin-v l .uaxuracrirnna or “ best-ling in last week's Post that ought for the repeal of By-law 476 he not W “‘ -,_. i ‘ n 7- 7 , to Open the eyes of his fellow farmers. entertained -â€"-Carri‘d , V l .(j l T . x AGRICULTURAL 'l‘he “ruinedindustry " isthe Canadian Moved by Mr. iii-own, seconded by IMPLEMENTS, l egg trade with the United States; and Mr. Graham, That Mr. Chambers is é J, . __ l :lr. Fee shows by the indisputable C\’i~. hereby instructed to interview Mr. Win. ‘3. I - lit-nee of the ‘-.bluc books" and the Horn. in regard to the urchuse of : . A full assortment of Engme and M111 work War-Jun that the export ol'chlsin 1890 | road allowance alon': tlicpnorili sialc oi J . u I “"19 15370-061 dozen, and l" 1391 (ml? 1 lot 26 ill the 7th t‘\iiCessimi.â€"-Cal‘rietl. f'Silver-Ware Knives Forks & Spoons AND REPAIRS or ALL KINDS aaaa aa aaaaa aazaa. a... ....... at... m... a... i .‘ 5 I ’ rnonrrtr unseen 1-0, :91"! all: polultry trat‘lc have both been Mr. Brown. That John Brown and _ 'l e y t m monopn Hit) and restrictive Edward Johnston be notified to removed One case Of Brldg‘e Bolts Made to order, policy oftlie Gorprntnent, and Mr. Fee their fences oil the road allowance on - . , says that “ the armor who votes for the quarter line between lots 20 and "l B o H E M I A E y A s E 3' forge‘fjfwu’s, SEMI“) filial}: Sam Hughes or Charles Fairbairn is con. 7.-â€"-l}arried. ' ~ an 0- 707020 (mo- ouo IS cuitinnhis own throatziiitl his neiuhbnr's dItivtul bv \[r \l- -ia . . . . . _ o o ,, o . , .â€" . . . _ - . . at) me. seconded by A splendid assortment, posztzwly gamma, no fake but stralght and a- gooa’ za'arzczfy of General ‘00- It '5 the SW"? “"lh 0"}‘I‘Sllim: )Ir. Currius, 'l‘liat. J. E. h‘iitall be ,- goods, kakes for the boys and girls, and Pul¢ose P10250115. 141 0.00“] (13- the farmersraise tor exportation, .antl reappointed to Collect. the unpaid taxes 0 , b they are being surely if slowlv ruined tor 1891. and that he is be h ' - . - sort” t S ' 0-! l/ H - - - -“ - 'c 5' '"Sh‘h'l ' ' ' 36” 0/ I” 3”.) 00' 5 “7’ by the monopolistic and restrictive pol- cd to collect the same torthwiili.â€"t3'd, one Chance In our 1 6- 11116 0 11y oves r0205, S1661 ffm'rozus, [7’0” icy complained ol'by .llr..Feca_nd cvery~ Moved by Mr. Brown,scconded hv fflzrrows and [1/00“] Harrow: oueielse it‘lithlsuflicmnt pitellhuauocno Mr.i\1aybe. 'l‘liat Mr. Graham is hereby at present prices. The war going on between manufacturers A”, 0,. WHICH mm, 3,, 501.1) M. ligrtildiii; ariti‘ioii‘iiiiuc: ‘1,°(:xt';‘$':: $11310?” at m selll tIhSc “Sibel: (1)“ the t . ‘ as . . ' v . .. . u .‘ . ‘1 “ “ “3"; ' ‘ 100". too at oi. .-â€"- arrici. enables me to sell Stoves at less than cost of actual pioduction. LO“ muons ro MEET int. Tints. ,,, bench” 1.,,ns_,,.ef,,,,,.ce,,,sp0,. do“, Moved by Mr. .llitybcc, seconded bv HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS W The highest cash price paid for less than they werealiis time last year. Mr. Graham. That the following per- “ Rigid? or scrap lt'on delivered at the pliich sou): may thinkâ€"or rather iilkt‘ sons receive grants out of the poor rate ' . - - - - ‘ 'r i. te Wltltllltlllllilillli7â€"ls a "nod \Iai-v \1 li‘- d -. it" - E u ’ a z or 0' ‘ it n rific . ul 1 n 1 “mm." a n *a i . 0 «I in". as . Flthllmiise, r 1 u“ some to Clem 0 t at a y sac c C 1 n a” d see t 1e THOMAS ROBSON- thing for those who have to buy them; 37; Mrs. .‘lch‘ai‘quhn’r, 85; G, Vint, ~-.-< 'I have on hand a number of Men’s, BoyS’ and Youths’ .._ cl»; W9, - - Somerville Council. Recoust 'ucted. itSSOl‘tlllent. Fcnelon Fa115.0nt- but, in reality, it is a good thing for 35; W. Hutchison and will: $7.â€"-C'd. Joseph Heard. in fimm unbridy, because shun farm products Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by . ’ :' 10 0118 on a S azcttc arc ow times are id, as they are now Mr. Brown, That the followiu-r bills be Fcnelon F4115, Dec r 10th, 1891. ________:____._.______.__. M"..- notwithstanding the abundant harvest paid :â€"'l‘ownship oi‘ Eldon,aone-hali' Friday. January 29th, 1892. last year. . “Under the withering influ- expenditure on boundary at lot 15, .HERE YOU RE 3 . ope-lot :iliiglrtari‘lf,” als lit-gliec approp- Eldon, 8'3. 39 ; Joseph Cooper. pl‘iliiili: rintey terms it, here ins can a dirt-ct financial statement and election bills - ,ig I TO-MORROW, falling off in a single year oi'SZ.ll)0,000 $9 25 ; Cambray post-office, postage . in the one trade alone! What the total account for 1891. $10 40 ; II. J. Lytlc, M Two or three days ago word .was loss on till larm products must be we stationery 300011015 for 1391. $4 84; H””"”“““ ”H : received that Sir Richard Cartwright leave to the iinngination of our readers clerk, election expenses, $10 ; W. was unwell, and we began to fear that It would, we think, be difficult to find Downer, i). 'l'olmic, Jos. ll. Greer. those who expected to hear him in a farm with fewer than 25 hens, while and JflS- 11- Palmer, deputy r'eturninw R AT Dickson 8 ball to-uiorrow would be dis- on many there are 50 and on some ncnr- tifliccrs, cucli, $4 ; Cameron Orange ,.-‘ El E: n 9 apponitcd ; but a telegram yesterday ly 100. icckonine ten dozen of cgus Loafâ€"1’0, use Oflmll to date, $5; Canihriiv , . ' brought the welcome iulormation that. pet: year for each lien, which is a low Do. Do, do. do. forclcction. $3; Lovclv Wlllch I “.111 sell he had. recovered and would be able to estimate, the produce of a flock of 25 Grange, 010- do. do., 32; S. S. No. 7, keep ins-engagements. On Sunday the was reduced. $10 in value by the No use of school-house do., $2 ; J. L. ,, Hon. Wilfrid Laurier was seized with lxinley tarifi, and that tarifi‘was passed BI‘OW", use Of House (10-, $2.â€"Carried. ' 3. a severe atlileohbl'OUCllltlS at Montreal, by the Americans to retaliate the treat- The council adjourned to meet at. ‘ , zzdelltiiieplniytspiaps ttan-bade lllltu to :lliellb'illey had received From the Cnna- Cambrtiy. F" MMCh 7th: 1892- . . l ‘a’ )‘ racc‘ w‘.‘*' -' i ‘ ‘n . - as I do not want to carry them over. NOW IS your time to Get b ' ’ l? l a.) l . ‘ (.15 Lil) oui , iin Ol‘y.G0\LllllllQllt. bani Hughes ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ c . ut we or}. mppy to. ten tint he, too, made ii mistake when he undertook to it good Overcoat cheap. T iese goods are is recovering, and it is more than prob- talk nonsense about the ego: trade; and able illilt the “ silver-tongiicd orator,” if, is to be [)0ch [l|;1|:_ as R113 Fee is a , as he is called, will speak in h‘cnclon farmer his letter in he ’r - \ ' . The council met Januar'18th ursu- 8W an 0 e a es es . . . , t I )ot rill have 5 p ~ 7 Falls some time hv‘lOI'c POHIIIg duy. the efi'ect of Setting some few thinking out to statute. A" the ”‘3“"3' elccted‘ - . . who noverihought before, and, if it have. members were present and mo“ thepre‘ and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. Bl‘O- Willie-“'5 “HIM-“lent “WIUPHO dr- Scrl-bed dCCIM'monS; “my which the ccive his country readers will lose him chair was taken by M" James Wilson, votes on the 1m] prox. the recve, who made a neat and appro--~ priate speech on commencing the work -â€"A.LS 0,â€"- A Large $‘ioek of at prices to suit the times. Mr. Abbott has at. length accomplished ;; the diflicnlt task of reconstructionr the - ~â€"-~~--- â€"~ - - . , _ n .. of the annual for 1892. Oats and $51995 Cahlnef. “'thh “0“" 5mm“ “3 thO‘VS 1 For Whom Wlll YOU. Vote? The reciic nominated Mr. Findlev Premier and Prcsndentof Councilâ€"Hon. ' McDougall, of' Fcnclon Falls, and the J. J. C. Abbott (Senator). The elections in North and South ' ' . . . ~ . . . ‘ con mi ' ' MmISleI‘ Of Public WOI‘kaâ€"HOH- J- A. Victoria Will be held on Thursday. Feb as JLdit3£130::::ietilt £28. Yeoman Smith. ' L l . Ohmic” “V“ ’ Ql‘e) rnary lltli, and between now and then Moved by Mr Morrison seconded by . . , . Minister of Railwaysâ€"Hon. John G. th "'t f' l . . Haggai-t (Lanark, Ont.) 0 Hit“ 5 0 no different candidates M,-_ Burtcliall, That by-law No. 34:3, a Minister of Militiaâ€"Hon. M. Bowell “hd theh‘ POIthi‘l views Will be CHHCI'IV by-law to appoint an auditor and to con (North Hastings, Ont.) debated all over both ridin-rs and till: A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. Stit‘l'cml'y (“Shiteâ€"”0“- J. C.Pnttcrson voters will have Oppol'l-llllititl:Iiflleill'llltl firm the appetiitment 0F one by the ’F A R L A fig 3 (without. a seat) . . , - rvevc, be now read and passed â€"Ciir"d j! M 5 Minister of Agriculture-Hon. John the questions at the day discussed by BY'h‘W read and passed accordingly. T‘vonlcy’s Block. Curling (Senator). 50.")? 0f ”‘9,“1’10“ speak“? in the Do- Moved by Mr. Burtchall seconded Minister of Inland Revenueâ€"Hon. John mh‘mh- “‘0 great majority of the by Mr Howie Tll'll. by hw 1ND 349 ‘ . , . - . . , i . . . 9 . . . Fenelon Falls, Januaiy 27th, 189... Costigun (Vic‘totiit, N. c.) electors have no doubt mule up their by-law to "rant cermn sums of Mmmerorcustomsâ€"Hon.J.A.Clmplenu minds how they will vote; but a consid- to suppletiient any sir-int that aging): (Tcrrebonnc, Que.) ‘. ‘ . ‘ ’ _ ' . J U s T g ? E N EB Postmaster Generalâ€"Vacant. cubic numbei neither know 5‘“ caie made by the Education Department out Minister of the 1,,ter;0,_flon. Edgar mhclhlf anything, about [Wh‘h’l (1“‘33‘ of the Provincial poor school fund to Groceries, Crockery and Glass-ware. ' . . . Dcwdncy (East Assiniboia.) tlons, andwhcn an election is up much ,' . . ' . ‘ , ‘ ' l ' Minister of Financeâ€"Hon. George E. in: are in a state of indicisionp as to égdmteliffiiizmbsc"00'” [Paulo Ennéhlp 0‘ GW 00 08 ore 1n ewmdn S 1‘16 00 . F03l01’(1{ilig's, N. B.) which candidate they ought to support Z; . .' d ’ 0 now no. “m passed.â€" . . Minister of Marine and Fisheries-Hon. Such doubters should if ti“, [mm co ' antic ‘ Charles [1. Tapper (Picton, N. S.) servative lc . a n ’ dl ly : 1?“ By-law read and passed accordingly. Having purchased the manufacturing business of MR. HENRY Partner}, and added Minister of Justiceâ€"Sir John Thompson ‘ . ‘ anin.3s,.,.o an "3‘“ What ‘3 Moved b Mr. Morrison seconded a complete assortment of (Antigonish, N. S.) said on the other Shier and, if they do: by Mr. John Wilson That b -l'tw No . F - Without Portfolioâ€"Hon. Frank Smith. we feel confidcnt they Will record their 350, a by~law to lidlit the niiuiber ni‘ .A“ KIH‘ClS 0f Ready-made OOt wear, As the Hon. Daviddllills. says, “ no "0:95 E" favor 0f Ml“ BMW“: who l5 “‘3‘ tavern and shop licenses to be issued in i am now prepared to give entire ”mach-ML My ready-made lines are amount of reconstruction \vill serve a 0" y immeasurably {lhh'h'mh “5 a parli- Somcrville, and to fix the duties to be a. ‘ .. discredited government," and we look aincotary representative to his opponent, paid therefor be now read and 'lSSCtl BOUcHT or THE BEQT FIRMS IN THE DOMINION. aaaaaaauy a-aaaaaa aa a... a a..- Bury am... a... .orvoaed to aha â€" nan-act ’ I" ' ' and will be sold at the very Iotrcst li‘ri‘ny lam/its. Remember,â€"One Price to all. taut time when the T°".Y'Sl”l’ “"h be policy that has been so ”Juno“ to the BY'hl‘V read and passed flccOi‘dinHl utterly and liopclcssy ““30th 0“ the country. Moved by Mr. Howie sccnndcrl-Dlh I invite especial attention to my stock of Sf‘EOl‘dPlhb“: apgnion. tittlthougli lbt if F 1mg 1 P (1 Ski Bhl‘mh‘lhi That b)"hl\\' No. 351» i c none in o serva v s are ‘ ya egg on Ollllcl 1‘0066 lugs, y- ow to appoint a local board oflicalth BOOTS AND SI‘IGES OF MY OWN MAKE, to'the change, ’ there can be “0 ‘hlh'hl' be now read and passedâ€"Carried. ’ )t‘ which I will keep it full line always on hand, and guarantee satisfaction. None Eh“ 3 great many 0F the]? do "0‘ hm Cameron, January 18th, 1892. By-law read and passed accordin'vly. lint first-class workmen employed. ' it, and the outspoken loronto Nexus The following gentlemen took the Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by . . - - says: declaration of qualification and ofiicc: Mr. Burtcliall Tll'lt b -l \' '3"? - n s e . . y I 3W L 0- IJ:).:. lb Repaiiing Done at A? TlllleS-Wlth- N atness and DespatCh' “ Premier Abbott has. not, in the John Chambers, reeve, Dougald Brown, bydaw to appoint a ”milieu health olli~ m'if" lit-member the placeâ€")mnnan 5 Buck Blor-lt. reconstruction of his Cabinet, strength. deputyâ€"mew, John Currin, John Gra- cc“ for the municipality of Soniervillc ('3‘. 3K. 13E. JLIRCIE. cued his position to the same extent that ham, .llanly Maybcc, councillors. Min- be now read and p‘lSS‘Cd.â€"-â€"Cill‘l'idd. I ‘ i~‘t~nelon Falls, April 7th, 1801 . he might havc'donc. 1h“ .promotion utcs of last meeting read and approved. By-law read and passed accordingly. of Hon. .prllin dogging, t‘uiizllmvdviibzm '|~hleorccverappcintcd Mr. Byron 313be ‘I 310‘??? by Mr. Morrison, seconded by I I l I I I leiargcs 0 ie graves a in . n as us illlt itor. . r. ison, That the following' acc'ts R l made and allowed to. go unexplained, Moved, by )Iaybee, seconded by Mr. be paid: Dr. J. J. Broad, medicine and ‘ _. 9 was a iiipst'uonivisedhiug .to do. Even Currin. l‘liat J. R. Scott be appointed attendance at Drake's while isolated by i I Q .. . & a, more mlutlicious, it posmblp, was the auditor for 1892,_and that a by-law to i order of the board of health, 553; W. 1.. appotntuieut of lion. J. A. bliapleau to confirm his appotntnicnt and the ap- ] Shields, goods supplied to Drake. Sat 12; WWW the posmou of Mllllstel'Ol Customs. A pomtmeut of Mr. Maybce by the reevc A. E. McLaughlin, lll(?HSf3ll'_'(3l',ls7 49; man who allowed the hungry Senecal be received and read a first tinie.â€"C'd. John llam. goods sopplicdfsz ~15; A.‘ G ‘and stock of Winter Millinery just opened, C‘lllbl‘aclll” ‘0 8"” faith-‘7 ”"5"“ “PM ”'0“ (MW MOW“ by 5“- Gh‘hi‘ma 500004“! by h- Meltinghliua “at", 60 (“01115; N- S. ‘3 busmcss with {department where the Mr. Maybee, That \V. Downer be ap- i Frost, cost. ol’ ticket to Toronto for liar- r i XTEST ST 7' . : patronage is so iimitcal as in that ot‘thc pomted “fies”,- lor.1893, and that a l Clay. $5; 1.}. D. “and, printing, 87 50; 4.- I l . 5 Secretary of Nate is nit‘erly unfit to be b31431“, to confirm ms appointment be! G. W. Bcall, stationery, 3.7 86; 'l‘ho’s ; trusted as head of the bustems dcparb- received and read a first. timeâ€"Car‘d. l Griffin, work on 7th con. line, 83 00; WW mehia where the _P°5~‘lhlh“05 0f h’lfle' Moved by Mr Curt-in, seconded by John Fell, Sn, cast of getting cheque. ‘ _ _ mailingby uinlrr‘rmizals‘l “€1,560 milieu..- Mr. .Grfl‘mil‘,,m'ai ll. J. 15”” _be from Uourt re lludspcili estate, 83 so; Goo S First ass r1093 to sul‘t All . The 83910 WP.“ ch" , appomtc cicik of this municipality, John Fell, Sin, attending meeting ofthe ' I' l tion a '- snufile, and is evidently moved and that a by-lziw to coufirm the same , board of health. 82 3:"); W. S. Dowson, ' v ~ 1 ‘ r . lby stronger lcclings of dissatisfaction be rcCeix-cd and read a first tinie.â€"C'd. I do. do., 81 75; S. Suddaby, do. do. CALL AND SELEC'I X OLR HEAD ATTIRE. l than it cares to express A byolaw to confirm the foregoing f 81 85; Henry Doughty, do. do., 2; 1i", _ a W .t"t3W. '3 .13, ' ,3 'u,‘ ,. ‘95:? Dress and Mantle making done to cider. All work can“, ._Tiu- social held at Mr :iidmiiagitid in dd: hghLdfcgu::§,r§frj l iiiéiiéesuoguiiiiiieiaiiuIii (id-aiming ‘ _ . A, 4 .' A. . - t . ' ‘ _ _ . 'g . l - {7‘41"‘1’1/‘5‘1- L33“ taken 1“ eXCh‘mge' ; John A. Ellis's. on Wednesday evening, Luann [(11) ttpe enliaii".3 _ d y of Orange hall, Kininuunt, tor’elcction, ' . by the Ladies Aid Society of the Mcth- a ove y ' r. urrin, secon ed by 1 82; J. Suggcu’ 1),,va Returning-odiou- MTS. Rn MCDOUGALL’ lodist church, was well attendcld, and hlr. May-pee, Tha: tin;l clgk If; l'ilprcby . 8.4; nggughtlyé use of house for elec: i . . .r .- , 1 two or three hours were {leasaiityspcnt instructor. to non y t e rant run tion, .; .i u aby Returninu-Olficcr " , i 99 '1 “U doom North 0‘ the PUSt'Omce- by all PN‘SM“ The proceeds amounted 1 Railway Co., to repair the crossing on 84; S. Suddaby, for’usc'of th; Oraugd kpolou I‘ ails, Oct. -‘lld, 1391. I to about 510 ‘ the line between the 7th and 8th cons. hall at Burnt River for nominations and - i‘ - . .: ' . I4 ‘ 7. an yww. w~ wxvmvmquâ€"mâ€"WWR, raw” 0 mm‘ ,.

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