Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 May 1891, p. 8

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c»..â€" l~f- -.“:a,:.»~;.,.,.,«s..~.a., « -. .. .“ ..u'a:¢:st~é:.tr;§ z.- 1.....;_‘,-. 96 “ rims “ "Clem" "a‘yell‘lrt hi": or we 3 ion Falls. with building, engine and boiler M W.â€". How Barbarians Shave. 1-1 my wanderings about the world, For Saleâ€"mi Bargain. Lot No. 6 north of Bond street and west of Culboruc street in the village of Fene- . ‘ ~ANDâ€" if an type, a hunter and a hairy man, l ...{unnerly listed as a exuding mill. 1 lave tested the barbets of many na- Apply at once to t: -r..~, and bought their sptcial implc- 6J1- HOPKIXS’ r:.c..ts too. The raztr oi ladia, though l ,, ‘ f nullity“, at and . T. . a. k' '-a-.t.-..r..o at “ " ' ' . MCF \RLABD :fifnil;lll‘lla:dlél,‘dTJCIE‘iISIWIEI‘N ll: nati‘ivel _THE_ W has :1“ on ham: a qdcudid flock of l. .nds, nn scalps (as a religious rite) and u. rou;h faces, very neatly and Comfort- ably by merely moisteniug the cpidcrmi villa Clld water, soap being prohibited. Many a time has that primitive instru- trmrt ero~scd my chin without making a scratch. At the courts of Oliental tyrants drawing a drop of blood during (i=4: opcr‘atitu of shaving was a capi-nl ctl'..-nccâ€"â€"a prt-c .utiouary edict, no doubt. .\lu.~‘.~el shells were, till lately, used b savages for the removal of hair, till tine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, liaisius of rnztnul‘ucttu‘c..in order to )nake r001“ for uexv designs and patterns. Cull early and SC :nro bargains, as I aux selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. Currants, Starch, Soups and all other ETC° groceries, which he will sell KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ch e 111) ib l. 0 its]. ~ UN DERTAKIN G ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. l W. cKe omngl INSURANCE COMPANY, , "5. THE LONDON MUTUAL, FOB. FARMERS. and to which he invites the attention ‘ t 'r ' l . - Tin. Royal Ctnadt tn 0th rs the fol cwrng of the pubhc. advantages over the London Mutual : illOYAL CANADIAN l w. MacmiGRERI W Is selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURElPROVISIONS. the important discovery that a fragment 1 cl’brokcn bottle is far more efi‘tcrive. Such is the east- with those fierce island- ers ol‘ the Andunaus, who ope-rated in this rough fashion on two escaped Iuâ€" , um cJuvicts, whose lives were spared, as they were c msidercd desirable " young: teen," fit fur a tribal alliance by marri- n;c. When afterwards rescu.d, these i olish truants described their sufl'crings n rd. r the ccrcnmuinl installation as ter- ‘ridc and of long duration. Prehistoric man used a flake of that to remove his looks and eyebrows, “ dis' ii .uring his countenance " on occasions of mourning. The modern Iliudoo shows his grief, at the barber's hands, 3 : the same l'ashiou as did his mother- lrll‘l, old Egypt. 1 have nice specimens of Norwegian (:dlitfl'y, but not until a few days ago .(iiti I know that the inventive Norseman lad marched before us in razors. A Lieud who has been travelling' hard two whole years came to stay with me, n:.d exhibited the most. beautiful pair nl these toilet tools I ever saw, of very lighly finished Bessemer steel, simple and scientific, being merely thin flat l'ittlL'S or metal inserted in grooves of t ickcr stuff. The agent warrants their t.l;cs to stand three months, when the 1 .2. We must be sent: to him, dismounted 2.1.1 sharpened, having to be removed l'r.nn the grooved back to do so. Chaut- r «y, the sculptor, made one of hard lmmz: with a keen and cfl'cctivc edge, :. .tl there are relics of Pompeii manu- ttctnred in that. alloyâ€"Pillsbury Dis- }; Ito/z. " ~*â€"â€"--~~~*0 Au Indian’s Haunted Grave. 0 s the shore of Oneida lake is an In- tl.an'.~ grave where, at times, light. makes i..~ appearance. It is described as a L..l o1 lire about the size of a large orange. and sways to and fro in the air ah H.” :30 feet from the ground, confining its irrc_-ular movements within a space about 100 feet square. People have attempted to go near enough to solve tztc mystery. but it would suddenly dis- appear before they could reach it. A very peculiar story is told by the neighbors near the spot. They claim that many years ago the locality was a part. of an ludiau reservation. ' A man ‘ at' the name of Bclknnp frequently . dreamed that there was a crock in the ladinn cemetery containing immense treasures, and that it' he was there at the hour when graveyards yawued he c add secure it. These dreams were repeated so ol'tcn that they had a strong «fleet, and he went. there with pick and shovel, according to instructions, but he lititcd to turn around three times when he found the crock, as the dream direct- ed. llc stooped to pick it up, but was stunned by a flash oi lightning, and I lltt.’ crock disappeared. Since that time ; r...- spot has been haunted by the mys- terious “gnuâ€"Oneida .lz'ut'l. .._..._...__.... or -.-...-. - ,__. The Gipsy Moth. Our l'ruitgrowers and crttoruOlOgists I should keep their eyes open for the gipsy moth. which is making great ravages iu , tnc forests and orchards ol' Ezisteru Massachusetts and is said to be march- .in; westward about a tnilliou abreast. A public meeting has been held in Med ' ford to consider means of defiance, and the Massachusetts Legislature is hold’ . in; a council of war. A Massachusetts paper says:â€"-â€"" The Gipsy Moth Corn- ftnissiou is acting for the State at. large to prevent the spread of this scourge, and, so far as the State at large is con- ,ccrtmd. it could afford to pay many times over the expense of levelling and burning every tree, bush and blade of _3.;ra.~.s in the town of Mcdlbrd rather In”: have the gipsy moth pest. extended indefinitely throughout. .‘lassachuwtts; _a:td it would. no doubt. be better to have vegetation of all kinds in the State ‘ul‘ .llAssauhusctls destroyed than to have 3.1m Ipcst extended throughout the coun- tu'. ' _. ..__...._...--. .. _._ ___ ii. A. Joy. ot'Old Orchard, 310., has ,parchathCcu. Grant's old log cabin pnr $5,000. and, it. is said, will not per- ,tntt tt to leave St. Louis. The body of the late Mr. l’urcell, ex- '-.\l. P. tot Gleuunrry, has been stolen no... the cemetery when: it was buried. probabiv with the hope of obtaining a nappy}! got its return. -‘v- m r â€"- .. a... --._...-.m from stacks or buildings, caretakers, pails of water, kind of fuel or direction of the l l is $290,3u0. l 1. [to building worth 51200 is insured for say 81000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay $1000, if a loss occurs. In such a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds of the cash value, or $800. 2. Ifa horse worth $00 is killed in the fields by lightning, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay $00. The London Mutual pays only $60. Fora cow worth $30 killed by light- ning the Royal Canadian pays 33‘). The London Mutual pays only $20. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more than $5, no matter how valuable the animal may be. 4. In the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightning while at pasture anywhere. in the London Mutual they are insured while pnsturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically, such as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insured up to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only two-third of the cash value, no matter what the in- surance may be. 6. When “ordinary contents” of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian ALL implements are included. In the Lon- don Mutual only one reaper and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the “ordinary contents” of all building not cut oil by a distance great- er than 40 tt., the Same as it' the contents were all under one. roof. The London Mu- tual requires a Separate sum on the cort- tents of each building, it‘ the distance is more titan 12 ft. difference in many cases. ' 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part ofl the contract that standard srnau Tunasnslts I may be used without a special permit and l without any restriction as to the distanflo l wind. Many of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing lust senson,bc- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When a). farmer pays for insurance he should secure a policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pay its losses within sixty days and usually takes much less. The London Mutual need not pay for ninety days, and since it has CROCKERY, GLASSWA RE, FRANCIS STREET WEST. FE/VELO/V FALLS. Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blacking-brushcs, Clothespins. Matches | l l This is a very important ' A W ell-P tiling Suit 0f Clothes imbucs a man with confidence, and preposscs others in his favorâ€"which is important. When rich, 2:. man may indulge his ccecntricitics, and appear in the shabbicstnttire of the very best brands and at the 10“._ without losing " caste," but not so the young mar. who is Just making lllS \vay'rn the world: it's ruinous to his chances to wear ill-tilting cltothcs. #ovowoqwooooooonomouwoo» Our New Fall Goods Hate Just Arrived, and comprise a beautiful selection of French and English Sailings and Over-Coatings. Scotch Irish and Cananian Tweeds. etc, which have been purchased most advantageously, enabling us to make the prices con- siderably lower than usual. GEN TLEMEN , and select the. material for your Fall and Winter Suit and Overcoat while the Stock is ‘ livery article guaranteed a good litâ€"well made and well trimmed, and the new. COME EARLY PIIICES A‘VA‘Y DOVVN F013 CAtSI-I. l l t l Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. and other articles in great variety. Banned lish, fruit 8: Vegetables est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other farm produce. w Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH Mclt‘AR LAN D. Fast Colored Ging~ hams for 10c. Fast Colored Mus- bccome so hard up as to be obliged to bor- 1 row money largely, it usually takes about the full time allowed. 10. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutorv conditions only. It has none of the numerous variations against the policy-holder printed in red ink on the back ot' the Loudon Mutual policy. 11. As to security, the inspector of insu- rance reports that the Royal Canadian has $202,758, the amount he estimates to be uceessaryto enable the company to carry out all its engagements with its policy holders. Besides this he reports that it has to the good the Sltto,000 capital paid in cash by the shareholders, and a net surplus $117,607 ranking in all a total cash surplus of $517,607 to'protect its policy-holders; against. unexpected contingencies. in ad- tlitiou to these cash items it has a subscrib- ed capital of $100,000 not called up. le- gardiug the security of the London Mutual the inspector reports that the amount of unearned premium it should have on hand To make up this amount. in cash a Second call would have to be made on the premium notes for a large amount. leaving a surplus of only $74,218,cveu if there were no bad debts, and this surplus is made up wholly ot' the unpaid balance of premium notes already heavily assessed. The Company reports the loSscs adjusted but unpaid at the close of the your at $6.- 337, but the Inspector of Insurance finds that the liability for unpaid losses at. the end of the year was $30,286. hand to pay these losses only amounted to $13,911. in ricw of the foregoing facts fat-titers will have no diflieulty in deciding us to the company in which they should be insured. For insurance apply to S. COIENEIL, Agent, Lindsay. l‘ltc “ t‘cuclou Falls Gazette” . is printed every Saturday at the oflice,cu the corner offluy ll; Francis streets. SEESCRIPTIOS $1A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as it remains unpaid. Ad vcrtising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per-line per anuum. Casual advertisements-,4 5 cents per line for the first insertion,nnd 2! cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or quarter, tor a column or less, upon reason- able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, co: rt-ctly and rsasonublu rates. ' S. D. HA ND , frog-mar. The cash on 1' l l l l i I l once l l l l l l t r l This farm adjoins City of l l l l t I $21,000. I Davao Chambers, 2 - .. eneral Blacksmith ;, 1' f G _ ’ :U ' _ 1b " CI Frauds-st, Fenelon Falls. g a, d U) U I . o m Blacksmithlngin allits differentbranchea o g. 555:}? z done on short notice and at the lowest > '5‘ a; > living prices. Particular attention paid to z p, ' 092 a): (IQ horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will > 5- 3:59, ,_ m :3“ guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. U 3 O ggg o S- " - : .. Q 2 P '7' .â€" , tn 0 H‘ , FARMS. .F____OR SALE' :5 B. t-t my”, I" C t3® The freshest Goods 1n 'I-pe following cheap and good farms are ‘I g ,4 o (a; a l- ": % in the finest section of \Vcstern Ontario. «I: §% 3 O a the Villaue at Send for the “Canadian Farm Advertiser" 01 g gfi '0 m m E a ’c to]. Duly & C0., Guelph P. 0., Out. 1,! h 9- 1-1 g 13 a n- C_. is sent free and gives the acres cleared, 0 g1 0 all,” 2 O W 7 sizes and kinds oi buildings, &c., &c., of .1 a Q 02’5- Q C m S these and 275 other farms. 9‘ g. 2. ya '1 b ' ' No stones, hills or swamp on the farms, 5)) n l) 5‘9 - l- 3 and the soil is guaranteed deep, rich, clay 5 o u $1) M W loam that never bakes. Money sent it re- :3 l4 (,0 -- 1:: ,, quired as guarantee, for expenses if the CD 5;. III __,. ' farms are not cheap and. as represented,-â€" H- 8 El 8655:? 3 ‘ 5 and intending buyers, after seeing them, .j,‘ l> fig a 0 Z i left to decide for themselves, and then ._1 p, w 3,, g .11 O MANUFACTURER 0]? keep or return the money as they think 0 S“! 9, fig 9) E ~ = as. n s Pure spring water on every farm, good m % “Em D E (ii; D L ’ fences; land not hilly nor flat. Gravel O :93 9 m 9‘ m ,_l roads, cheese factories, ereamerics, schools, 3‘5 3- 'fi 9) Q =- chnrches and past offices near all the farms. 2 E',‘ p . __ 7 Good water every where and healthy coun- _} 9‘ a 5 CD try. Only enough money to bind the bargnln G :1 GQ 9 need be paid until taking possession, and then 60 per earth, $60 of every 8l00, of the price will be left on the farms, or less than that, if buyers wish, payable Just: to suit the buyers in every way. This will be put in writing and is the best chance ever ofiered to buyers. All buyers get good titles and their deeds when they take pos- session. flo acres, 6' cleared, 15 acres $0, fine maple liush, good house and barn, market town with railway 2 miles. 4 4 l" 100 :tcrcs,80 ell-lived, balance . 9 Q) I bush. brick house, good barn, market town onlva mile. 100 acres, Soclcared, house . and burn, near market town. "If; 55 acres all cleared gm & A i O 0 . building's, near markdt. Y?) 2 65 acres?” cit-:iii‘ed, good b , . buildings, near large town. (“a 15““ “l 100 acreâ€"ETSS‘cie-afid, r‘bEislT, (b ‘ 7 . brick house and bank burn, market town with railway 5 miles. village near: 100 acres, 90 cleared, {aim-sh, ’ . large fresh water lake is boundarv at back end, good house and burn, market town with railway 5 miles. ZOEâ€"times. no cleared, rest . ), . hardwooddmusc and barns, a village 2 miles. market town with railway 7 miles. â€"':’a‘ P “(i 0 l 65 acres, 1 go cleared, is hard: %5 p) , Q A . \yoodgoodhouSe, small barn, ' market with railwnv r_tmlc. large town 6 units. ""0 {-7â€""m 9‘ loitTd-TrL-figiéiéim: 371573- “01), wood, hue brick house turd large hunk barn, market town with railway 3 miles. ill-Kl aci'zs, L‘So dental, balance hardwood, 35¢:le of line buildings. a bank barns and a good homes. market town with railway : miles, can be audio dividedâ€"one of the best farms in the county. ” 3.00 aa§.clcar:d. only I l $4,000 cash, balance to buit purchaser, {me buildin '5 that cost $0,000. clph, and is one oi the. best (train and stock farms of It: size in Ontario. 450 acres in block. 3m ad 9 0 cleared. 90 very tint: valuable lurdwmd bush, 3 sets fine buildings. a bank barns, t fine new brick dwelling, ncur pond - market town with railwavo. best large farm in the l l l l l :ounty, ts tented intojfai'uuâ€"m acres. tso acres, and too items, will be sold separately or time-titer. I . .. __ fl“-..- 3and for the “Farm Advertiser,” it gives l full particulars of these and 275 other I farms and valuable information about this . country. Address. J. J. Dal: a. 50.. Guelph i P. 0.. 03;: W Subscribe for the Game-cal; uuel dollar .t year in advance; ...__. w" .,-_-_... ' ‘1, .. “WALL PAPERS. New Patterns lnivlng llain FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES (ll STYLESâ€"Tm” CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 5c. per roll Paper. “ “ Be. it u 70. H H H H 8c. .: u u u 96. u u H to ‘locI i. u ‘and all the way to 506. per Roll. 1 have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. REMEMBER THE PLACE: l t l VALIEaES. Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept in stock. ~â€" REPAIRING- Done on the Shortest Notice. Kent-st, nudity, Ont. N S URA NOE 0 Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his insurance Business to Inc, I am prepulcd to take risks on all classes of properly At Very Lowest ltutcw. None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. .â€" 58“ 133111371 I’IIOI’FJIi'I‘Y at very low rates. $50,000 to loan from 0 per cent. up. Just Opposite New l’ost-ollice, VV. E. 11'} L L I S , Kent Street. LIN 1)SA_Y. G. A. METHERELL. W Plans: call and see my be. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 180). 3&3” All kind: of Job Printing done in tlut‘elms style at the Gun“: 012cc, and at prices to suit the lime]. a l Druggist and Bookseller. Fenclon Falls, June 25th, 1889. 20. FOR. SALE. W lirick House and Lot on Fidlcr's Hill, owned by the late Danie J. Scully, and recently occupied by Mr Alex. McArtbur, wWill Be Sold Cheap. Apply to W. E. EhLlS, Fonelon Full. or to , J.SCCL1_.Y, Lind'ay. Minty runs, :39): ‘ a r, . u . w . 5.. v “M... .; -.. ,â€" ~«.-p-..... -..' “Lu-..” 3'. Mmm". .‘ a..- w. h. ourâ€"rm â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- a ‘Wuâ€"w-mâ€"o .r.v-»'vâ€"-â€"< ,.._. , - my...“ pa..- NJ... . » .. 9-..u

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