I The qdestion of the hour : ‘Wlmt time is I! restroom. a .li: “ csmhniinrnscmV m“- . ' r Codi.“ sud;ng pro 2!- ly made from'it are ï¬ndoubtedly‘ the" t remedies for pulmonary complaints. Many emulsions have : ~â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€".â€"_ ms. For Circular Address it 3 CHARLUl'l'E, N. 0., May 7.â€"The Caroling but :33 perm p9 hug; a, DOANia so", Late-y landedâ€"the newly engaged young Central trainmen have been buying a pecnl-V ï¬va& 0 April‘s: :' V,“ “ also†Ave†Torontm man. Woman is always thinking herself ag- isr experience with caterpillars. East of Lumberton the railroad goes throng-hugs, D ’ER OIL. Their Lahore at Wflï¬elside St., - . - 1 k- p -d 053. “big swamp†on trestlework, broken here Toronto Grief: épt‘con's .éoing end * V grggsï¬lï¬â€˜: ngzhgo trifle: Starstrophes and there by embankments of earth. Lust every druggist in the country is 811ng ‘3. .Vf .. 5’ EALINQ , - i» _ , ! in the money market lye called a. ï¬nancier ? Tumday “‘3th of mun-plum began "‘0‘" WM) the, ‘ _ .3. L,» MSW v ‘ , Th ' Red River van a _ . ‘ The wheelman dilutes on the present bi. mg out Of the swamp’ and When they reach. ' A‘ï¬xed id“ 5'3ka “Beale-M WhiCh CHM’ mm" [mm ' N ‘0! Minnesota and’blorth Dakota cycles, the historian on the gone-by cycles. Clothes do not make the man, but the gay youth frequently owes a good deal to his tailor. Any manwho c-xts buckwheat cakes 31 ed the streams over which the treaties carry the rails they massed on the ruilroad,‘md proceeded to cross on the trestlcs. The rails and ties were covered inches deep with the moving muss, and the ï¬rst train that en- countered them was brought to a standstill ,- ‘Toréntoy Cahan and . o tsrrh. Icahn-om cameo! :3" 1:3... mm. m? m ‘ml .pu. ,xnnses. H olde- i‘xii,.... 11%... some. thuoorktndzedsm lumen,“ Ian no sculptors put statues. and sustains" ' ii. i. a. It impules The [lead Surgeon V Ofthe Lubon Medical mwygis ngirpt . ’ 51m: cow hasnorer had a failure of crops. look at itsrccord: " p 090 bushels t wheat in 1370, all million ushels' in wit; The gain _ every your smco has kept pace with the 11101151350 in noon, . In lSSS it reduced 26.000, 0 “’inter will benrash man in the Spring if he the driving wheel, of the engine- slipping either up...“ min-eta...- mam chronic “a, ,3, mm“ _ » ggsgrgtgmyggggï¬gge Widen “a. . around as if the rails had been Oiled. The diseases pecuuaptoflm, Men, young, old, ghï¬msgonxd (lath. . In 1m metamoch sbmcuï¬heh { The devil may no“. and the“ miss a Pmy_ gagineer exhausted the contents of his sand or middleflgedrw'hgï¬hm themselves “new- 1 :‘mhmgï¬tné ondlmwmgy . -. {n gseggï¬gggaggggsj , . er meeting. but he never stays away from a 1" before he got through the 3mm)? and 0‘18. W831i 11ml eXhausted. W110 arebl‘Ollen ‘MVVEVWFULFOMRD &: cmofl m V lama"; 33:0â€: Mb“ sh 81:0! church. It isn’t every man that wants the earth But evory man, when buying a sailing ves- sel, wants the hull or none. That time is money is again proved when a man bets on the horse which comes in a couple of seconds too late. The men who profess to love their father- land the most are usually the ones who go to some other land to prate of it. First Studentâ€"“Is that new student city bred '2" Second Student (fucetiously)â€"â€" “ Oh, no ; he’s a. country squash.†. Mrs. Manly--“ Very few faces look best in repose.†Mr. Curryâ€"~“ True; so many people sleep with their mouths open.†Sunday School -Teachcrâ€"“ Now, Johnny, tell me what took all the sanp out of Sam- son." Johnnyâ€"“A home-maid hair cut, ma'm.†The man who “ feels himself to be differ- ent from other men †shouldn’t always brag about it. Dime museum freaks are in the same ï¬x. I . . “ But he is a fashionable dentist?†“ I Should say he was. He receives his clients in the parlor and operates on them in his drawing-room." ' ’ Sheâ€"“ Darling, do you love me? " He (kissing her rapturonsly and repeatedly)â€" “ Do I ‘2 1 wish you were a two-headed girl. That’s all I can say ! †Jud vcâ€"“Hsve' you anything to say in your efense prisoner? †Only this, Your Honor. It was all a. mistake. I intended to rob another house but mistook the num- ber.†“ Is your husband a. religious man ‘2 ’ “I'm not quite certain; When I hear him talk in the prayer-meeting I think he is ; when I hear him speaking at home I think he isn’t.†4 “ Habson says that he is going to be able to walk from his new house to the oflice in twenty minutes.†. " He ~cuu’t do it, my boy. There are too fl many saloons on the route.†' I v . A man named Snow, living in the suburbs, was made a. father a. few days ago, and be sent this announcement to the local paper : “ A little Snow drifted into my house last night.†V Binkersâ€"“ Hello, Winkers, I hear you married a. woman with an independent for- tune !†“’inkers lsadly)-â€"‘ ‘ ’Twas a. mistake, my boy ; I married a fortiuienvith en inde- pendent woman.†» ' .Bnglcyâ€"-“ Bronson must have hard work to misc the wind if he is as slow with all his friends as he is with mc.â€'Bruccâ€"â€"“ Hard work ? He’s got so he can't borrow trouble without an indorser l†,V Mommaâ€"J ‘ But,-.Florn , how do 'you k now i reached a. clear truck. The next day a. train encountered an army of caterpillars cross- ing the trestle, and had the same difï¬culty. The Charlotte bound passenger train on Friday had a. similar difliculty. The rails and cross tics of the trestle were obscured from sight by masses of caterpillars, and the ground and swamp on each side of the track were littered with fragments of millions of caterpillars killed by the wheels of passing trains and from this mass on unendurablc stench arose. Where the caterpillars come from is not known. Swarms Take Possession of a Rhllwny “ “Track and Delay m an. â€"¢â€"____ There are 14,056,750 horses in the United States, 2,296,542 mules, 16,019,591 milch cows, 36,875,648 oxen and other cattle, 43,- 431,136 sheep, and 50,625,106 lionsâ€"and all these animals are on the farms 0? the coun- try, not counting those in the Cities, towns and villages. ROLLED Arrms Dennisonâ€"Peel and chop ï¬ne tart apples, make a crust of one cup of rich buttermilk, one teaspoonful of soda. and flour enough to roll; roll half an inch thick, spread with the apple and sprin- kle well with sugar and cinnamon, cut in strips two inches wide, roll up like jelly cake, set up the rolls (on end) in n dripping pan, putting a. tenspoonful of butter on each, put in moderate oven and haste them often with the juice. Use the juice for the sauce, and flavor with brandy if you choose. .â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Say, Mister! Is it possible you are suffering from catnrrb, and have not used Dr. Sage’s Ca.- turrh Remedy '3 All the terribleconsequences of cutarrh in the head may be averted if you’ll but make the effort! You know, too well, its distressing symptoms 1 You: possi- bly know, if neglected, it invariably goes from bad to worse, and is likely to run into consumption and end in the grave ! Here is a. way of escape : Its makers are willing to take all the risk, and make a. standing offer of $500 for an incurable case of this loath- some and dangerous disease. You can get- 3500, or betterâ€"a cure l . A rich man. lives under a. microscope, which exaggerates both his virtues and his vices. ' A Fight Between Giants. Both desperate, both determined? The King of Medicines in contest with the'King ' of Maladies! .Dr. l’icrce’s Golden M cdical' Discovery against “ Consumption l†It is not the struggle of a tidy, but the ï¬rst blows are the’fa‘tnl blows! In its early stages, ,Con- sumptionlwhich is Lung-scrofnlzt) will yield tolthis great Remedy ! proven beyond a. doubt by innumerable suc- cesscs ! Actin directly. upon the blood, its scope inclut cs all Scrofulous affections, This has been' down from excess or overwork, res'ultirig‘in - many ofthe'following symptoms}: Mental ' _ , VV VV mam“ 0" depression, premature old sg'eeloss of vital- ":17" ‘ ‘ ‘ ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the ‘hEart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the. kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itchingd'g} ' peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast- ing of the organs, dizzinea, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness,‘ deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the .. . v, . scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles,‘ YOUR SAvas, Can desire to sleep, fLiluie‘tofbirested by1 sleepé péacppgélhpuigr‘i‘q‘séd Preg- consti ation, dullness o caring, ass 0 0. , H '. , 5â€" voice,Pdesire for solitude, excitability cf 1953533: 303;,’v113753;{Rye'flffggiwy 301:3 temper, ‘ sunken eyes surrounded with cases GU’ARnlgTEED. MINING: Real Estuto, LEADEN cw, oily skin, etc.,‘qpe Loans. _Fields :â€"British Columbi. , Wushmg- all symptoms of nervous detbility that lead Eeggémggscggg'cd_Nf€ggi.eg$t€£‘g .gï¬stlï¬vggt to insanity and death unless cured. The om..." “Silver Tip," “Comm 13.An)erjcan'" springfor vital force having lost its tefpï¬ion ‘I'vaglsgggi Cgii’stiliiidlpigegdé 3.31% QLIV‘Ico‘i-tlélgesï¬gg ever unction wanes in consequence. ose , . . ~v ‘ 1: h; whoythrongh abuse committed in ignorâ€" omhg's, Slhldiï¬dlleagggl’giflxdrbug once may be permanently cured. Send your ' ’ address for book on all diseases peculiar to Ottawa. and Montreal, Canada. mun. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E..Toronto, Out. Books sent f... sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are. faint s ells, purple Ii 3 numbness, palpitag V L: . .» ,_; ‘ = ' tion, sixp beats, hot 'n’shes, rush of blood to WHOLESALE TeBAccoNIsrs the head, dull. pain in the heart With 6.“? ;‘.-‘ ' ‘ 'MONTREAL, ‘ - Strong’ .mpld and Irregplo‘r’: th‘l second heart Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, bent quicker than the first, pum about the * - ' breast bone, etc. , can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, T09, r mto, Ont. ' , v BEEN CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Toron to, ‘ofl‘crs Country pupils special discount off Shorthand and Business Course. Catalogue tree. Address I’.J. WELLS, Prin. Celebrated Crusaderaud llero Brand .0116 trial ls >1}; guarantee for'coutinual nre ARALYSIS Kidney é‘c Gravel Sthon Relieves . ' Nov. 5th. 1890. .DEAR Sm. -As you know I was sorely troubled with Paralysis for many. years ; of the A. P. 553'. I gpt from you, St Leon, , is end over . have received» the greatest ‘ ossiblc relief from inking the water y, and would not be Without2 it. Also ~' kidney {ind gravel it; has raved itselfunc nailed n' my ease."M.'Sh ISER " - 5:, ‘Aultsville, Ont * - «f Stlconfllmcrnl Waiter -\ $0., ltldu Tor-out. 4 0f rule: can 'Liverj Gil and? ; _ You 69:35, 5 of-Limc aaan ' Soda? . - » .. .r “ Emull .1: $95.35 Fillilï¬lm on... Best chwdzl'for CONSUMPTIGN, serofuln, Bronchitis,Wosting Dis- eases, Chronic coughs.qu Golds. v5", ’ , V. V Tonliitrdhnnwnnr. I must; candidly soy medicines I ever came across in my life. I have intend to recommend it; for and wide. To CHESTER, Montreal) , . yonr druggist has not got it in stock, re urn. remit 81 b many remedies I have ‘ tried, the mineral water . HYPUPHESPHWEg’ ' "‘“i‘n-nen ! Oc :ll‘lidi‘s’hllowbr' D‘e‘iaotf 1'64" " For. sale by all druggi cow Address ‘W. E. CHESTER, 46). m $33,me tomvhontulone. Farms can no had on the crop plan, or op longtime payments. It is a common thin to pay for u. farm ‘ trom the races of one or two crops. It has all or t o advantages of an old country ‘ in school, church, social, market, postal and railway facilities, and all the chances otunow'country in cheap lauds. ‘ ’ rich soil and increase in values. It has a large Canadian population and all are doing we .‘ Itis one of the most V V fertile and promisrn regions in America not yet I}! y occupied. It has room foru million morepoople. Write to V J. M. Huckms, 4 Palmer House Block, Toronto, Ontario or F. I.V “'hitncy, St. Paul, Minn , ior particulars Letters of inquiry promptly answered ' and publications ShN'l FREE. Send at once for : FRI-El; BOTTLE ‘ and a valuable Treatise. This remedyls asure end radical cure and ls perfectty harmle as no injurious drugs no used In 1 its prepanuon. 1 VII“ warrant it to an _EPILEPSY,9R FALLING SICKNESS in some cases where other Aremedies have ï¬lled. My reason {or sending a free bottle is z I mt the medicine to be its own recom- l mendnucn. it costs you noth- ing (has trialhsnd n radical?an es: in. . we £39m Oï¬ce. Addâ€: . H. G. ROOT 70.0., ISO West Adolaldo 8t ‘ Toronto, Ont. including 1 , V ' , ' ;EASY TO use. They 'are‘ Fast. . ThEy are Beautiful. ' ' ' ‘V'They are Brilliant. SOAP mm Firemen. Hsve YOU used them ; if not, trya.’ ’ be convinced. One Package ‘equal to two of any other make. ‘3». l \’ v W.~.o. :r AF , . - , ~ , , Canada. Branch: 481 St. Paul VBtrcct. Montreal. ' V Jiiendpostal/orSample midï¬el- .4 Instth Jug Asthma, Bronchitis, catanh, coughs,†“lasagna. that (yours ‘is ' one ofctlio most extraordinary cause an indeï¬nite number hereto use it, and E. O'KJGEE‘E, Brewer, Toronto. ate. (Largo box $1 ; small, 50 cents. I: mall, and ouwvill receive one box prepaid, by uguuchetloro street. Montreal. E that this young man loves you? 'Has he Liver and Lun 1-3 . _ ,-_ .V . ,. , ‘sV ;' told you so '2†b‘loruâ€"“ Oh,†no, momma. ï¬ 1 .- _. 1- g ( 1- eases' A3 2" 1,)100d Pu†PALATAVBLE A5 §HLK' ‘. But if "on could on] see the “"1 ' he looks er mu “t4 lzer’ It stands unequ‘dedi Scott‘sEmulswnxs only PM up'm Salmon ¢°l°r ‘ ‘ y . ‘3. 9,, Love looks through spectacles which wrapper. Avoidall imitotiousorsubstitutions. at me “hon I am not look ing at him . , . . . “ made copper appear like gold, property Soldby all Dmggxstsntwq.snd $1.00. V M111 3°310W_ UliPers,» the 3110???? like riches, and foul tours like pearls. ' 50-9“ ‘l‘ BQWNEe B""°“"°' nroum ie corner ins us merrier IS ' ‘ ‘ _. ‘ ’ . - . fourth wife." Mrs. Goleowâ€"“ You don't V “ Peak "1!“ “ileum†. , _ , I - , _, mean to tell me. _Wcll, I .hope he A friend of minchad an odd way of mix- ownï¬cvs ‘x‘bmusvmt‘m' . V 3,: ,7. . v. 1. Will follow the advlcgglven t0 Shoemakers ing her words. Pei'fcctly, unconscious ‘of it, ‘ ‘gures Dyspepsia. MPIUnH 31.00)) = 'v " ‘ t i and sud; to lug Iasb' “he. I‘lf'oulllkflgelfl ,Ilnukc ~folllis 'lailigh. She ' ONSTH’ATIGN, . Spldbyau drum. _ [I e ' S 8Q u 0 "v , Now †said the. teacher, who had been WOIH ,Spcu’ 0 00 lug “ on our weeble,†EEEED ,1. Tu ,5: d 1}, .t 3.1â€"}, “- ‘ ': trying to instil her class with love of nature, for weak and feeble. .and “ caster ill ,poils,†C Send ,fortzid‘okof .ï¬ï¬‚lsï¬â€˜gï¬nf icsdimniixsir'ii. ' G DUE-311 “gs. '_ “ which of the seasons do you like best? for castol‘ 911 pills. But she was weak and G-H-MCMlCh‘lel"M‘.D"633l“3ms‘" Bugab'N'Y' INCHES INCHES Johnny may answer.†And Johnny prompt- fetible. “9‘11 5“? took. tlmtliowjel‘flll. invigor- ‘ » L . ~â€".â€" \ V f V > 1y answered, “thc_ba.sebull scuson.†V ntmg tgnip, [‘1‘ I‘Vavorite Prescription,†which PECIlï¬L SESSION. forI lstqugitsBarLd VV V K. Q j V g “ I’veâ€"aâ€"hud at least a. dozen ditl'cwcnt 5° “'0†01' u y "lll’m'ts ‘trenglhm the Whom kcu jfai.n°iSSh%iiiT§3¢$3§rs£y Bani... ‘é’oil ' ‘ " ' ' " FEET morn» mimhs in my time," said Chouy’ proudly. “stochahdtoi‘he wombunldittis appendages 163g: Gï¬monh , V V l ,............. V V J v g u. The proverb doesn’t hold good Vin your in partxcu 8.1. or O\ eiwor 9 women, Vrun- ANADIAN' PATENT AUTOMATIC ‘ h x l case, then.†said Cynicus. “What ‘Pro- dowu,‘.v°m(3n’ “m1fgeble'wom.e".gcn?muy’ RAILROAD ALARM ’AND SIGKAI' ' » : verb 2.. it Oh, “mt one about nine mile-rs Dr. 113211361: Envorlfc,£rescripltlion is ï¬nd ï¬giiqlehtggp‘gogsptneuble, Address Inxgnutpns s o R D making it mun.†eq‘m 0. ,' 13 1mm “El 9.19- 1" ï¬lm“. ‘3'“ - ' ' ' - ’ V " ‘ ' “H , d- 1 w “W m , subduing nervous exVCitabihty, irritability , AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS CUTTING. v poem $3,. 1;;{:128%0::§cdm322 aghisrgi'eug: exhaustion, .prostration, hysteria, spast fl" 0 gpgggngMiSS ($121311. Ggonesfli Agent ; A of mine \Vislxington.“ She didln’t slay any- ggggggf; 3:33:35luggzvggzgmfomi m AZ’fsmr'Esm; -m“ ' AFTER USINGYOU WONDER tl‘ "1' “. ttut ‘v . _ , '. AND ‘ .. ;. 'nnv. ‘mg' ind ‘ 1119' mice" 1 -0ui’ht organic disease. It induces refreshing slce OHS. WrCtCth ’mortals.’ Should flow You MANAGED WITHOUT IT' to send it to u clnropodlst and have its feet d 1. ‘ t l t V d d P read the HEALTH HELPER It attended to... chlmyrc icv es men a. some ) an espon-. ten? I“;wa “mm 500 a year, will,†, ' S G G K “\Ir.Gl d s " ' lthut c tleman’ v'f ' . . . . “0‘31†"’0' “385' . t i ' ' ’ ' rather settlers}: “Sluwnnt gall to glifb‘tlufl’; That "m" 19 happy Who hves 0“ his own mmor’ J' "' DYE’ mm." Bmalo' ,N‘ Y' , v typewriter of yours the sack.†“ Youure 13"?“ _ . " _ ,GENTS should drop everything had see â€"â€"â€"_"‘“' a. little behind the n o my dear ; I gave her A'nInvrgomtmg and healthful confection, ‘ TALMAG‘E'S LIFE 01" "CQRIBT. entitled “ n a mm. m For H w r' n o thawequ end preserves theteeth ; Adazns’ ,. unsweetened sieves“ ~ BA NAB-IAN AND 00 - OPERATIVE â€"â€"â€"erâ€"â€"-th,atâ€"isâ€"â€"ycs, I’l discharge her to- Tutti Frutti ‘ Gum. V,Sold .by all Druggists m, a mom“ pictur'om calm u?" to“ . _ V. _ , V I (um-row. ’ and Confectioners. 0 cents. V th,lotheru§alexin§ntheyguylgsfi01-ucf ion V J. M. KIRK, President, Montreal. Que- Shortâ€"“So your wife’s dead eh?" Pi. I “Chuructcriswhut mun is in his inmost o my ysg 801:" 01“ ‘xc. V0 wry' U. ‘ ' H G. A'. GROVER " ‘ ' 8. CHADWICK \ . crust--â€"“ Fore. fnct." Shortâ€"“’Mnke over! tlIOll'lll. ' gu‘blgl‘ites‘r Tdro‘iirtgwoiiotl.‘ terms WM. BRIGGB' lo oper- ‘ “BMW-l Sulm’inwndcm Geller“! Manager ' HM a" bx VV )_ V b r - 48 Yonge Street 228 st. James St. ' d he; propertintot1 you '31 rIicriisttâ€"Jl‘Must ' overworked, broke? down, prematurely atcVVoVthhc hues TORQNTOV out MONTREAL. QUE. pcriencc stuff, 6H Ollo 80. ' Iroug l 101‘ l 0 8 10 was aged men or thosevsutering from excesses or I ‘ ORDER. MARK AND SHIP ALLYOUR modern 5 stem and mukm over dresses, bounets, wra s and all indescretiuns'will ï¬nd a. certain cure in Dr. 0f the G‘ and EXPRESS MATTERBY' ' . 3 that, 8 1'0 go; so in the habit; of mu 'ing over Williams’ Pink Pills. They supply the g, “ Trunkand Canada. Cqml’mem. and at "lOd‘ l “"83 t "l" 8‘19335 1° CO“ I“ escape ï¬xing material necessary to enrich the blood, build , .V , _ l". v V , h - - r . - s emu; r ms “wide. 501' Pml’crty 1“ the “me WAY-n ' up the nerves and restore the shuttered 801,", an,“ ' ' ‘ " Atlantic 1““lway ’ â€' system. Never fuil. Sold by all dealers, .7 «_ gr. nimnnc,"§3_m§"§flm l reaching every City and prompt and nimble “or. A STARTLING DISCOVERY. V. , or sent on receipt of priceâ€"50c: per box, or ‘ " -‘ - " 'V V_ nearly an the impormnt Vice. C. O. D. s, Lollco- , ï¬ve boxes for oilâ€"by nddressmg the Dr. M o '1' E E R s " ‘ . _ tions, Merchandise, l’ack- “WNW†m“ “m'dfl‘â€. c°m°mplmcd Williams Med. 00., Brockvillc, Ont. town I m Ontario 911d " p . 1 pm luc suicideâ€"A Sharp unin- team: In In. « R . t , ddm t, I t Mkfmwui m thatyou set - r , d 0388. are“. l 0. cen' ‘ ' ' whii:l to fire Lgtei'ozlallilgn et en, Dawson’s Chocolate V 011331118, V'Qucbec. the 1151115 8‘“ ens .V Printed mutter, bumples A startlin discovery was made the other ‘ sane}; i Tm†are†Worm Remedyo and Pro‘luce “mm†of and valuablcs’ at luwo“ do ' by Mr. ameron, the geoler nt L’Orig- Every bottle of ‘Dr. Harvey’s Southern Soldvby‘nll. dlzltggialï¬ 25 cellist). box.. Ontario. the ï¬shing grounds current tubes, Specialmm Z no . In the cell of the condemned murder- Red pine for coughs and colds is warranted ‘ 4 . . - ‘ ' d ,. , on v consignments of rncr- ". er Lamoque was found a. blade of n' pen- ~, . 4 ’l . ' t of the greatlukcs 3“ 1“ e" ' , r 1 . d I i ‘ hxtrcnnsts are seldom Just. I ' a“- . l n, .chnndlse of .100 In. an knife, sharpened to an edge as sharp as s . _ . and the Athntic seaboard, C 11 V d. razor-’3, which was Concealed under the rimt- 4 (“3303's morugcug Gun _ . ~ â€" - supwords. a. car ' tree; of his bed. Although Larecqumhns _ y , ' , ‘ ' _Fh'bfl_- . .. g - ,« 1 With ’“Plel’lc “ml "3‘ 2 V, . ' , V « oflice 1131.3 and receipt ' V b?“ m9“ “all'liel'mtc‘l “ndgmd‘h‘lmouled LI,“ With Waves and you mu learn to MAGDONALD Mhflupgcfuamg dob! liable connection for ‘f‘lert' Bright! 0°E1n°°w« - books furnished to '5. since his conviction, it ispllun that he hes ll°W - ' , Dehgent, E11126 r1811) Faith- ‘ 8'. . had suicide in his thoughts, upd’tlmt he in- tended using thekuifc~blndc with which to end his life. The blade was taken away Demonstrated. Sometimes it costs hundreds of dollars to convince at man ; very often less is required, 231 mu: Sir-errant} Toronto ATHLETIBE, ll points beyond lines of op- ful,‘ Genicl, Honorable, Intelligent, Just, Keen, Liberal, Moderate. Necessary. regular shippers in cities and all large and. Latrocquc left without any means .but in the ease of Polson's Nervilinc, that ‘ y f lewgt‘iwpmu9 Quick! Re'iahle.,:SuccessIul, .. tum" of self-destruction. He eats heartily sud soverei remedy fdrpsin, 10 centsiootsthe @’ Useful, Vigilant, We. chful,†Icellent, (if) E sleeps well. and seems little} disturbed by the poet of his approaching death on tho ’bill, on supplies enough Nerviline to con. vincp every purchaser that it is the best, Trusty, swarms? um Youthful and Zeal due: scat old. He has not as yet 3 *eu any most prompt and certain pain remedy‘in Ana, uxrcments'dtthec‘rlcketer To a word of confession that he is ’ ty of the the world. Nerviline is good for all kinds , Player. $3331.11... necrosis: and only terriblecrime for which he has been new or pain; pleasant to take, ud sure to cure 2 01 Sport and Dilemma - ' sums - tenccd to be lunged. cramps Lind all internal pains. Itwis also! 1' 1 ~ I 1 '5‘“- ? ~ 0“ ----.--â€"r--‘ ‘3 ' nicgï¬o rub outside, forit has agreeable Also WE RPM; mavens ; . .» »: . .1130" ‘ Nut to Pete“ 8m ,.<luit_e “011117 “Oman .ot emprepam- ' u'i . r J ~ ‘ r ‘ - ~ a I saw-mi mules-em: rem, m *3 .. “3â€â€,“i’l’msw a?†- ~ I v .1... g...- . I - .. m... .. ‘ 4 , V p , amuse ‘po" ‘ instill s‘ctu use. 'it now. ‘(o ‘ g- than 5. . - s .- V I. V. the vonnmedgliuessc. Byltstlmc n th .d 3H .el. :5- h vob a my,» w = '~ . - *aï¬nothnow ï¬rstha- he hss'n’ ’y’Sj’lO‘ceut orig cam ‘Bottlm' .Polson's ,sm v pr ’ '*?§‘:uudn%â€gwlg’mï¬'dzn‘gmï¬â€˜ff’oï¬aï¬s‘ f 'ï¬â€˜iï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜fï¬t '.‘ V a. . f 1. vhmlum;-.WOVAf-bflel ; can)... ,2. “.1841? em.§3§§§§;}pronm. _ _ Bernowullvf'. AJf 5.25% e .flV.§-E,:;..,‘,,,én,