1" S ‘rim.._k...~ VOL. XVL‘I. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 24TH, 1891. No. ll. SEWEEDS. Clover Seed, \ V Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, JUST TO HAND AND GUARANTEED FRESH AT W. E. ELLIS’S DRUG STORE. OIL CAKE. Call and get your supplies mrly. W. E. ELLIS. Fenelon Falls, March 26th, 1891. Professional Cards. LEGAL 8w. A. 1’. DEV LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. F.-. G. H. HOPKINS, (Succusson 'ro MARTIN & HOPKINS) AltRlS'l‘ER, SOLlClTUR, are Money 1 to Loan at 6 per cent. Ofï¬ce, “ll- iiinm street, next to the Bank of Montreal. moons a JACKSON, . ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Sec. 01‘- lice, William street, Lindsay. SEED. Moons. V AJACKsoa. O’LEARY & O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Ofï¬ce, “.bhcgyï¬lcclry‘lvge‘utstreet, Lindsay. ' Anrnun O’Lunr. MCINTYRE So STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, ire. B Offices over Ontario Bank, Kent street, 'Lindstt)’. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. a). J. Mclnrral. W Elie/201v amt/100mm. ARRISTERS, E .c. Ofï¬ce : Baker's lilock Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Veitch’s dlotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. never Boon U'L'flné... T. Srswsar. One of the firm will be at their of- ï¬ce in Jordan's Block, Fenelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesuny. Jenn A. Bannon. -._":x'_':.::~ R. J. McLauonux. MEDICAL. ,_‘__n - ..__._.. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., OIIONER, Physicinu,Surgeon,&c., kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. “who. A. WILSON, -â€"u. 3., u. c. r. a 5., Ontario,â€" )lIYSlClAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- ‘ our. Ollice, Coiborne Street, Fenelon Falls. I... * Dn. H. H. GRAHAM, ‘iRADUA'l‘E of the University ol Trinity I College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ot England,.\lemher ol the col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Chloe and residence on Francis-St. “est Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette odice. suavsroas. “.3-._.__...____.. W JAMES DICKSON, ) L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., I . Conveyanrrt‘. kc. Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. r. ...... My...» mcaxsso AUCTIONE ERS for the County of Victoria. Farm sales a specialty. WILSON. J. R. GRAHAM. “till: Lindsay. Fenelon Falls. prmg ICOS. 1 cost, which willbe sold for the next 1gina ty days at Wholesale pr and summer trade. THE WHOLE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED OUT, six so come and get some great big Bargains. Men’s Rubbers only 45 cents. ATWO Thousand Dollar Stock of Women’s Shoes for 600. Men’s Long Boots $1.60. 1:204TS AND SHOES, m All New GOO ds, bought direct from the manufacturers within the last four months for the s a. 0 Cl CG 5% m U) Q) râ€"l 45 Cl 03 O ‘53 .94 6 LCD ‘5 +3 .21 50 S O ’22 c5 MORTGAGE SALE .0,â€"â€" Z VALUABLE 1mm PROPERTY HENRY AUSTIN’S OLD STA ARNOLD a GRAHAM, ,4 CHRISTMAS GOODS. 00' s- NEVISON has just received the largest stock of Christmas Goods Falls, consisting of ever offered in Fenelon CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S CARDS, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, DOLLS OF ALL SO RTS AND SIZES, Toys, Vases, Fancy China-ware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, such as Violins, Accordeons, Concertinas and Mouth Organs, a large stock of PICTURES & PICTURE a very ï¬ne assortment of FRAMES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, RINGS. BROOCHES, and other Jewelry, Plated Ware, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW BLINDS, all of which will be sold At the 'Very Lowest Iniving Prices. 9 Call and inspec and you can hardly fail to ï¬nd something to suit you. Fenelon Falls, December 18th, 1890. t the Stock, two doors 'sonth of Heard's Hardware Store, S. NEVISON. _ GEO. Manama, Fenelon Falls, Marcll 25th, 1891. --l.\' Tillâ€"- Township of Verulam, In rna Cousrr or i’icronu. Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a’mortgage in which dtfauu has been made and which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he offered for sale by public auction AT THE ‘»‘ McARTHUR HOUSE.†in the Village of Fenelon Falls, in the said County of Victoria, at the hour ofal o'clock in the afternoon 0n the 82‘}: day ofMay, 78.97. the following lands and premises, namely, The East half of Lot Number 25 in the 4th Concession of the Township of Ver- ulam, in the County of Victoria. There are erected on the premises a frame house about 18 x 24 feet and a frame barn about 30 x 50 feet. The farm is about six miles from the Village of Fenelon Falls, and is readily accessible thereto by good roads. The soil is a. clay loam and about 40 acres are cleared. Terms or Parmesanâ€"Ten per cent. down at the time of sale to be paid to the ven- dor’s solicitors, and sufï¬cient within thirty days thereafter to make, together with the deposit, one half of the purchase money; the balance to be secured on the property. Interest 6 per cent. The other terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. Further particulars may be obtained from the undersigned. HALL A: HAYES, 116 Hunter St, Peterborough, Vendor’s Solicitors. April 13th, lï¬91. 8-4w. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"or- runâ€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will he held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, On Friday, July 3rd. commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon- Monday, June 22nd, will be the last day of service“ E. D. HAND, Baiiifr‘. - Cleric. Fenelon Falls, April 24th, 1891. man The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday. April 24th, 1891. Village Council Proceedings. Fenelon Falls, April 20th, 1891. The council met at the call of the reeve; members present, the reevc and councillors Ellis, McKeown, Sandford and Nevison. The minutes of last meet- ing were read and conï¬rmed. Moved by Mr. Snndlhrd, seconded by Mr. McKeown, That the following ac- counts he paid, and the were give his orders for the same: Jos. McFarland. charity to Mrs. Barkley, $4 55, and for telegraph poles for bridge, $10 80; E. D. Hand, election notices and ballots. $5; F. McDougall, election expenses, $13; Barron & McLaughlin, account up to January Ist. $25.~-â€"Uarried. Moved by Mr. Saudford. seconded by Mr. Ellis. Thnt Mr. Patrick Kelly be appointed Sanitary Inspector for this municipality for the term of two months from the 2lst of April, at a salary of $11 per month, and that a by-luw be passed conï¬rming the saunaâ€"barrieJ. Moved by Mr. McKcown, seconded by Mr. Nevison, That By-luw No.--â€"â€"â€". entitled “ A by-law to appoint a Sani- tary Inspector for the village of Fem-ion Falls, he now introduCed and read a ï¬rst timeâ€"Curried. By-law rend three times and passed. Moved by Mr. Ellis. seconded by Mr. Nevison, That Mrs. McIntyre and Wm. Waflle be allowed a rebate of 82 90 each 05 their taxes for 1890. on account of their property being destroyed by ï¬re early last summer on Francis street east. -â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Sandford, seconded by Mr. Ellis, That Dr. Graham be al- lowed 83 to drain out and repair cul- vert on Francis street, opposite Mr. McKecwn's fuctory.-â€"(,'arn'cd. Messrs. Joseph Heard. and J. D. Nay- lor were heard in reference to the ad- visability of investing the accumulated sinking fund in good debentures, or with the county. and securing an inter? est of six or seven per cent., instead of four, as is now paid by the Dominic" Bank. The mutter will have due and careful consideration. Maved by Mr. Sundfordï¬monded by Mr. McKeowu, That the were and orial to the Dominion Government, ask. . ing their immediate attention to the ~ construction of a swing bridge where the G. T. R. crosses Fenelon Falls river, , in order that steam boats and barges may pass through into Cameron Luke. Also to advise them of the condition in which the high water and heavy pres . sure has left the dam, and request that . a new dam be made or the present one . put in a state of good repair.â€"â€"Carried. _ The council adjoui'ncd to meet the ~. ï¬rst Monday in May. ~ . W Somerville Council Proceedings. Burnt River, April 18th, 1891.. . The council met this day pursuant to adjournment; present, John Fell, reevc, and councillors H. F. Pcrdne authlex. Morrison. The minutes of last meeting were rem, approved, and signed by the, reeve and clerk. Communications were read as follows: From A. II. Melville, respecting a safe which he has for sale. 'From A. Morrison, rc road allowance re G. Scott near Urego's crock bridge. Moved by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Perdue, That By-luw No.â€"â€", a by- law to appoint path-masters, fence-view- ers and pound-keepers for the year 189] , be now read and passedâ€"Carried. By-luw reud'and passed accordingly. _ Moved by Mr. Pei-due, seconded by Mr. Morrison, That the treasurer be. in- structed to deposit any monies received ._ on account of sinking fund in the Mon- . trcal bank and Ontario Bank at Lind- say on interest, until further instructed by the council.â€"Cm-r[ed. Moved by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Perdue, That the following acc'ts against the municipality be paid: Sam Hughes, stationery and printing, $6 15; Swanton, Brandon & Co., nails.-81 72 ; Sam Suddaby, part salary, $25; J. W. Cooper, charity, to be placed in hands of A. Morrison, 35; A. Bettie Jr., serv- ices re bridge, $20.-Carric¢l. Moved by Mr. Perdue, seconded by Mr. Morrison, That the council adjourn, to meet again on Saturday, May 16th. -C'urricd. S. Sunnanr, Clerk. Powles’s Corners. Correspondence of the Gazette. Mr. R. Cooper and Mr. W. Worslcy have gone to the North-west. They have our best wishes. Mn. N. E. Johnston is home again from Toronto, having completed a course in the military school..- Mr. Joshua Lever is home from 1 Michigan, where he has spent a few months. He didn’t like it very well. Mr. W. H. Cullis is visiting friends and relatives at Cobourg. We wish him a pleasant time. Mr. A. S. Willock is not improving very fast; but the ï¬ne weather will no doubt help him, as he will be able to be out nearly every day. Farmers around here are busily pro- paring for seed time, and for the hnr- vest that will come by and by. m Personals. Mrs. Tugman, of Toronto. is at the Falls visiting her daughter Mrs. Thom- as Shane. Mr. John A. Barron was at the Falls from Tuesday evening until Thursday morning. Mr. Fred Cullon left last Monday for Huntsville, of which thriving village his. brother Thomas has for some time been. a resident. ' M r. Thomas Robson, of the Cameron. Lake Foundry, left on Tuesday to take a look at Huntsville and other villages- in the same section ol'conntry. Mr. Roderick McDongnll returned on Saturday from Pencil Creek, about 8'. miles above Buckhorn, where he has been employed about three months help- ing to build a dam and slide. Mr. W. W. Blott. accompanied by his little daughter, Maud, returned on Saturday from Dunnville, Ilaldimand, his old home, He was summoned a fortnight ago last Mouday to attend the. death-bed of an elder brother, who only lived two days after his arrival. W. . - . GHOOXBIBS.â€"At Arnold k Graham's, (ll, Austin's old stand,) the shelch are loaded with new Teas. new Raisins, new Currants, new Figs and the choicest Gaocerics of all kinds. Their prices will always be found exceedingly low.-â€"â€"9-l. Tn! Career. FACTORY.â€"Thc Fene- lon Falls cheese factory will open for the season on Monday. May llth, with about the some number of patrons as it had last year, the very few who " scced. clerk be instructed to draft out a mem. ed †having been replaced by new ones.