Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Apr 1891, p. 3

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’==‘ =“€tib7"?m:mw'm J. \u-g'v. I \~K__._:.._ : ‘ ulna Benny ufwa m. em”"s_n_mmms Between Paris and London» ROASTED TO DEATH. The Queen and Her Cooks. Telephone A death by tight lacing isreportcd from near London. She was single, aged 22, a laumircss. One of the most old-fashioned Evangelical churches in England, Camden Church, Cam. bcrwell, is about to discard the black gown in the pulpit, and to begin chanting the Psalms, like its High Church neighbors. The accommodations for the great Crimin- al Court in London are such as to cduce this remark from the Standard: “ How long, we must ask, is justice to be housed in the greatest and richest capital in the world after a fashion which would disgrace the pettiest and poorest. provincial city of a sec- ond-rate European nation?” Reports on the effect of the extraordinar- il y sevcrc Weather in ("ll-eat Britain last week are just beginning to come in. For example, five thousand lambs and sheep perished on the lVelsh hills in a single week. Bodies of wild birds have been found in enormous numbers on the melting of the snow. Fish also perished in great quantities. Mr. \Vm. King, managing director at Leighton Buzzard for a London firm of car- riage builders, while out hunting with Lord Rothschild’s stag-hounds in the Vale of Aylcsbury, on Monday, fell from his horse in a fit and was taken up dead. I A shocking accident occurred on Sunday at the chemical works of Messrs. Muspratt at \Vidnes. A labourer, named .Dwyer, was crossing one of the vats containin boiling liquid, when he overbulanced an fell in. His body when afterwards recovered was almost reduced to a cinder. A young gentleman, named Nelson, be- longing to Los Angeles, California, where he ran away from college, was sent ashore from the Umbria at Queens-town on her last voyâ€" age as a stowaway. He related a most eventful career to the passengers, who raised a subscription for him to return home. Mr. John Sexton, Poor Law Guardian of Donogan, Clare, and a man named Patrick Griffin, of Cloonlakeen, were walking home from Miltown-Malbay, on Sunday evening, when they were fired at from behindafurxe- covered wall at Cardu“', the bullet passing in front of them. X0 arrest has yet been llc Spends Nearly 'hvo Years in Explora- tions on the nobsngl Blvrr. It is nearly two years since Capt. Van Gele left Leopoldville in the two little steam- ers En AmtandA. I. A. to explore the Mobangi River audits tributaries. V cry little has been heard from him since, though two weeks ago ashort despatch was printed giving afew details of his discoveries. The Congo Government has at last received a. long re- port from him, the substance of which has Just been printed. During his first expedi- tion, when Capt. Van Gels discovered that the Mobangi was identical with the Welle- Makoua of Schweiufurth, his instruments were not of sufficient accuracy to enable him to determine with correctness the course of the big Congo tributary. in this expedi- tion he was equipped with the best scienti- fic instruments, and ascertained the interest- ing fact that the great northern bend of the Mobangi appears on his first map thirty miles too far south. On his new Int-1p the most northern part of the Mobangi's course isabout five miles north of 5° north lati- tude. He found that for several hundreds of miles the Mobangi has no ullluents worth mentioning on its left bank. which shows that the water parting between the Congo and the Mobsngi approaches very nearly to the latter river. Along the north~ ern bend, however, he found several tribu- taries emptying into the river on the north bank, one of which he ascended for nearly , seventy miles. This is the Kouangon River, and he did not find a single village on this stream. Another very large affluent, which he ascended only for a distance of ten miles, is the Kotto River, which is believed to be one of the largest tributaries of the Mobsngi. This river he foundto be extremely populous. The people are known as the Sakaras, and they are quite another race from those who live upon the Mobangi-Makoua. They are particularly distinguished by the extraordin- ary abundance of their hair, which they arrange in the form of a bonnet, with the brim extending over their foreheads. . When Van Gele ascend the Mobangi two years before, he was turned back near the twenty-third meridian by the fierce Yakomas, who fought him with the utmost desperation for two days, finally surrounding him on an island, where he would have succumbed to tncir superior numbers had it not been for his firearms. During the present expedition, by patience and tact he was at last able to overcome their ferocity. In the month of May last year he was able to enter their country in peace. Their boats at first timidly approached him, but confi- dence was aroated by the friendly treatment and presents be distributed. He finally made a treaty of friendship with the Yakoma chief, Dayo, who was his greatest l AGOWK’S BBRAIEI'IIAN wear can .f- In thevillage Sâ€"‘-â€", “Perthshire, lived Willie \\_'uddcl. wright, joiner and collin~ tion,” the minister maker, &c. A dolicc, honest, hard-working surprised you did not send for me. fellow was “’illie. A neebor 0’ his bad hap< When they got back they found Dauvidl ste pin’ through the floor, rather perplexed at Villie‘s p ~ ‘ , . “I’m grieveo to hearof your and die- ; ” and I am much lsurely might have been of some benefit in your pened to begowre ae morning at Dauvid sore trial.” Grant‘s and fan’ him in a can state shoot the loss 0’ a coo that had choked hyrselei’ sic‘ a wark aboot, quote Dauvid. a turnip through the nicht. Dauvid had twa or three acres 0’ lan’ aboot twa miles fra‘ S , and was thocht to hse some bawbees i’ the bank; and “ I canna unnerstan’ what ye’ne makén' CC ’0 would has done me no guid supposin’ I had sent for ye. It’s me will has too bear the loss, an’ I wasna thinkin’o’havin’ ony bother shoot it.” though he had only himscl aun Janet, his;~ â€"“ After what has fallen from yourl lips, wife, tae keep, yet the loss 0’ the coo was a I‘s‘ee there is no use trying gey serious matter. to reason With you;and lam truly sorry to think that After he had heard 0’ Dauvid‘s lamenta- such a man as you arcâ€"a member of my tions, and had set all on the road home, he thocht tae himscl’ he mght mak’ a guid lauch owre puir Dauvid’s mis‘ortune’. It was the first 0‘ April, and if he could man- age to send \\-'illic \Vaddcl owre tac David Grants’ w1’ the strauchin’ board on a gowk’s errant garrin him believe Janet was-laid in- stead o the coo, it wad he .\ gran’ joke. It was nae scarier thocht upon than it was wrocht upon. As soon as he got too S , he gaes awa up tee a we widdcn erection “’illie bad dignified wi’ the name 0’ the warkshop. “ Weel, \Villie, what are ye throng \vi’ the day?’ quo’ he, as he entered. church ; not only a member, but an elderâ€"a man of no principle, not even of common decency :bu'c I can assure you, sir, I shall expose your conduct, 1 shall call a meeting of the congregation, and have you expelled. You can no longer be an elder of mine.” ” Ye can ca’ a meetin 0’ the Presbytery gin ye like l” exclaimed Dauvid, now fairly nettled, “ fer onything Icare ; but it wud be a lang time before ye wnd ca’ 8. meeting '0’ the congregation tae help me tae get auither, an’ I’m no thinkin’ I wud be llllllckle better o’t if ye did." “ I shall stay here no longer to be insult~ led,” cried the minister, and making his way “ No muckle,” says Willie; “ jist makin’ for the door, when he was stopped by a- wee chair for Sandie McGregor’s youngest \Villie, who saidâ€" ane.” “0d, sir, ye canna richtly leave the “ Ye’ll has to let that stan’ the noo, then, house until we come to some understanding. an’ tak’ in hau’ wi’ a job that’s in a greater Ye see, if that auld heathen ’11 no due the hurry, but one ye’ll nae like sac weel, I’m thing that’s right, somebody maun do’t. Ye thinkin’.” “ 0h, it’ll be a queer job I’ll no like the noo, an’ wark sae slack ; let’s hear what it it, man.” “ Weel, ye’ll tak’ yer strauchin’ boord an’ gas awa’ ower to Dauvid Grant’s, he’s fan’ in wi’ a sair lyss. puir man, och, nou’ ! death’s aye busy !” “ What,” cries Willie, “is Janet died ?” and without waiting for an answer, continu~ ed, “ What was the matter? what did she dee o’ ‘2” ' " She choked hersel’.” _ “ Choked hersel’ ! Lord, bless me, that’s extraordinar’ ! Dauvid will miss her sair, for she was a clever-handed woman, was Janet. But I mauna stop here claverin’; I’ll awa’ owre this minute ; and throwing down his hammer, he hurried toe the hoose, an’ bad’ his mither mak’ his parrich and get oot his Sunday clues as soon as possible, as he was wanted in a hurry at Dauvid Grant’s. (I should hae mentioned that Willie wasna married, but leevcd wi’ his mither in a bit hoosie off an’ on wi’ the shop.) \Vecl, after he had gotten his parrich and himself cleaned up, awa’ he gaes to Dauvid’s wi’ his boord ower his shoultcr, and wi’ na mair idea. he was gaun a gowk’s errand than I see 1 hae brought my own strauchin’ board, and I’ll awa and get some 0’ the neebors and get her laid oot in a respectable and Chris- tianlike manner.” Dauvid cocked his lugs at this, and said, “ Stranchin’boord for a coo l Lay her not in aChristian-like manner ! What on airll - does the man mean '3” quo he. “ What dae I mean ‘2” cried “Tillie; “ yer wife lying deid in here, and you has the im- pudcnce to speer what I mean i” “ My wife died I Has y‘e ta’en leave 0’ yer senses a’thegither, man ?” “ I’m afraid there’s some mistake here,” said the minister. “ Is your wife dead, David ‘2” . ” Guid be thankit, no, sir ; at least she wasna two. hours sync. “ And where is she?” “ 0d, she gaed awa ower tae her brither’s. Ye see, Nelly, the dochter, that was waitin’ on the lady, cam home. The lady’s deed, an’ left Nelly sax hunner pounds, so Janet gaed awa ower tae hear all the news. But who. sent ye here wi’ the board ?” quo Dauvid, turning the Willie, who was scratching his head and lookin’ a wee foolish. ,, “ 0d, Peter Low earn up toe the shop this Makes the ' weak Strong printing. The marked benent‘ which people in run down or weakened state of health derive tron: Hood‘s W conclusively proves thoclalmtbattmsmodlclne“makesthoweak strong.” It dou not act like a stimulant, imparting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but in the most natural my Hood's Sarsaparma overcomes That Tired Feeling creates an appetite, pin-lacs the blood. and, in short, gives great balm, nerve, mental and digestive strength. _ v “I derived very much benefit from Hood’s Sarsaparllla, which I took for general deblllty. It built me right up, and gave me an excel- lent appetite.” En. stxnrs. Mt. Savage, Md. Faggod Out “Last sprlng I was completely tagged out. My strength left me and I felt sick and ml:- erable all the time, so that I could hardly attend to my business. I took one bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparllla, and it cured me. There is nothing like it." B. 0. 830013, Editor Enterprise, BellcvlllepMicb. Worn Out: “Hood's Sarsaparilla restored me to good health. Indeed, I might say truthfully it saved my life. To one feeling tired and worn out I would earnestly recommend a trial of Hood‘sSarsaparllla.” Mas. Puss Mosuxa, 90 Brooks Street, East Boston, Mass. N. B. It you decide to take Hood's Sal-sa- parma do not be induced to buy anything else instead. Insist upon having Hood’s Sarsaparilla Soflbyalldruzglsts. 51: six forss. Preparedonly by C. I. HOOD & 00., Apothecarles. Lowell, Man, :00 Doses One Dollar His Unbiased Views. Willie’s composition on soap is worth - He writes : is kind of stufl‘midc into n’c 3-1001:- ‘ ‘ Soap ing cakes that smell good and taste awful. Soap juice always tastes the worst when you get it in your eye. kimosc don’t never use soap. a Eskimose.” My father says the Es- I wish I was made. assailant during the first expedition ’l‘he - - w . . ‘ ' the man in the mono. When he ot tae the mornm,” and tell: me to come mm Wash w: __ On Friday evening a man named Palmer, larglest hosplaahty was now omired to the house he set. the boord down at? the door, the bOOI'd: as ye had met Wi’ a sail‘ 1035-" who_had Just been cenvicted at the Down- 8’5?) wer’k‘m 9‘ "um er 0f 3am,“ 0f, the and, steppin’ in, got Dauvid takin’ a reek o’ “ Did he say Janet was deed, Willis '3” Whack Plettyil Sessions, was being conveyed tvl‘;n6é(:‘i>e Sigriputgglgteliimnxfi (2%??? the pipe. “No, he did“ iii"t say that: When I u to t o jai , w cn at Belfast railwa station ° . ‘ . ' u y : -: , - n mind ; but of course I thoct it could be no he slipped his handcuffs, made off, iind man- Plorer ascended for about SIM-Y. Hull’s the wmIiiooqi :8“,ng its": day’ Danna? qua other body. aged to get clear away. The police cmn- z")! halide “V313 NIbomu’. “'thh 13 “11- “ Jig; midfiin ,, 'VViuie 1“ middun ” “I see it a’ noo,’ cried Dauvid, fa. in’ into mcnccd searchingin all directions for him, ‘0‘?“ .y the large“ tributary 0f the But mkeaspat 3;,(1 rest 8",] ° a. chair roarin’ an’ laughin”. “Low was but Without success up to the latest report. Mgcaéggiiing to Van Gel“! information the u I’m real "vexed to heal); ,3: ye, 1088’» con_ ower here this morning, au’ I was tcllin’ On Tuesday morning at numerous deputa- name Mobangi is not likely to be applied to filmed “rune, after he had taken 8' seat" hm] “boat the deem o a coo, Ind thellgIl‘Ie tion ofsweepsinterviewcd SirMichaclHicks- the 'Wellc-Makoua, which has heretofore " Ye,” miss her sair' I hae na' doom” has gaen and niade 8" gC‘Mk 0 pooIk 1 18 H d h f l 7 Beach at the Board of Trade’ to ask his snp- been regarded as its upper course. He says “ Its 3' bit hard lob for me,” says DMWid-S (II-I the heed o-I' - Did It neieAI sifiwe you, ow 068- 6 as _He feel-3 portinabillâ€"a draftof which was submitted that the Mobangi is formed by the junction “ but I man“ try 911' tl}°le- ‘3 ken we’re 111,? hat IhIIIIs 1:318 III 0t R” ' h. d cranky, and .15 constantly expen' â€"-to require that no one should be allowed of the \Velle-Makoua and the Mbomon, the ten" to be“ our tma'ls WI, Patlen,c°"’ I 6‘ 6.”. Vii“; tulst mmli e’thexc Ime mentmgi dlehng hlmselfs adopting to practise as a sweep without being rc_'<- name Mohairgi not being known until the i "I’m vem glad Y9 t8!" that View 0’3)” 0b‘ e' ee ’ "I 0001:: e ggwané strange notions and changing the tercd and certificated. Sir Michael advicch region is reached Where these two great served ‘Vmie, I‘ for I was feart ye might 0d, 1191133 ’38,?!" me on agow s ermn an cookin the dishes the hours 11nd I them to get a rivate member to take 11 rivers unite. H vi ' ed " - bra-k doon a’tlle “her.” nae mmtake' ’ - - - g, ' ’ ° ’ I P p e sit hing Bangasso g u 2 the matter, and have it ventilated in who rules the country along the Mbomoii "Hoot, Willie. there’s no fear 0’ that GQOd'bye.’goo?i-bye’ galeithimm‘isfigr’ manner 0f Ins eatlngâ€"AUgUSI Parliament. River for a great distance. Van Gele de- The things bad enough: b1“? 1'1“ no 8mm '00 funnfip’,ooItg the film’s, t eye ear 1m Flower the Remedy' An inquest was held at ShclIicld on Sa- scribes him “3 a most imp°mmt Pommmer bmk my heart Ibo“ It" I "mun 100k Ibo“ 313?; la We'llIIax I8 :dmIlgiiuvid after da on .. . ’ as trul worth of the name of Kin as h an see an’ getanither, for I cannaweelwant .e‘? ’ l ‘8’ Omar" ’ How does he feel 7â€"He {5915 at tur y, a man named “llllalll Hadley, y y g t e ,, the mlnlgter had left “ ye hae done me ~ - - - - who methis death under terrible circum Muata. Yamvo. All the tribesfor hundreds 8115-, , , mm id than on thing I he got this times a gnawmg, voracmus, insati- amnces. Hedyey’ who was subject to fits, of miles around, as far as the hlobangi, re- ’11 D923: Phat; truefcnougli':_nguV1d, but whilef‘ligut dinna 130k sue sheepish’ man; able appet1te,wholly unaccountable, Iii-as seenlpy neighbours sitting in front of the agimzeflllns “"3101. lay find P‘W “it”? t‘OBlnm yOOhDEIdiflggfiellliigyzlbzszifi I". the scam there’s no harm done. I’m thinkin’ o’ gaun unnatural and unhealthy.â€"Augu St 2; ..°.::‘.‘:.:: 1‘"? P*P‘=‘..A :‘w'trmir‘r mansions assess. .12.; when... no... mm... ower we withers, come Flower the: Remedy- in on ie icar w . . . ' , " ' , ' ’ - face on the fir-g: is clothing was biirii'mf: elephants. “'8 resents forf’he “Meme!” Tw° putt“; 8% minef, In IIICI’ I 1:1“? e e on 3310132333; ivnliaiiilda siiniiinifm? HOW does he feel ?â€"He feels no while the face and head \verelitcrally roast- yoa‘flg 3mm“ 5 w”? “mimed’ “nil Vm‘Gele fiia refill: ' “I m IeIIe I e I I wee she’s worth lookin’ after, noo, my lad." desire to go to the ‘ table and 3 ed to a under. A verdmt of “Golden, 1 took them away With him, but it was not ta“ - - - - d . . . a ; . . _ , u I d th ht th t_ After some coaxmg, Willie consente tea umblm ,fau1t_findm o epnmc. death was returned, long before they died m captwrty. ” We no. _ 00 ey were 553 9353' 8° ae Wi, him for he had amt-t side we Nellie gr g: . 8‘, T . , I Then Van Gcle continued his explorations ten! Bald Wflle' g d ~ 311 to Granada ’ ty abOl-‘t What 15 Set before hlm When . b3 followmg “mended “once has bee.“ labout fifty miles further up the Welles-Ma- ” Mimi, Wilkes When 3'9 11“ twa 0? three amo wifina I d Dguvid wi'd 55° ever wee he is thereâ€"August Flower U10 l2. “2:. are. a.” New by s" I at within bares 1’ yer pouch, ye can get New b... snail... an... . Rm... 013?)? (Lo .â€" cilldielsproceedingonleuye l ten miles of the most, western place which wale 0 them ; but Ill be a wee cautiops coo! Dale-lane am’i Christianity 1,, an, sync “" 0,“? i “3 We Nth“"‘_““'93 findellll' :Dr. Junker visited in 1883. Here the ex- More I take “’8' . Ye see! when they re I ‘ y ‘ fi HOW does he feel 7â€"H f 13 dren, wrl beconveyedata smgle fare for the‘ 101.0,. “qu Sm ed 1, . - M f u ower auld ye get little guid o’them an’ mar “3 lfhe was 83““,mto 0' t' , . e 88 double journey at any station on any rail- i fimids 1,51,] impgizd ,,,g,::g:‘;::‘:,,1,30,: they’re a long time before they come the be ,At 1?“ Willie belt him unless heddcgpnge after a Spell Of this abnormal aPpeI payt between which .through fares are .in 11,11,005 on the Mohangi, but the impediment o’mucklc use. I’ll be cautious and get a blinseh’lgnd :ésé’ag’gesiiog’e zgrwazn:;;: tlte an utter abhorrence, loathing, 0:1:°‘1P"9‘}“°§1°€“t“lebookmgmllce is not sufficient to prevent steam navigation glud “ea Whalfle I m M 15: nether ower: gizgerfigga ' ’ . and detestatlon of fOOd 3 as If a ,5 "I C“ “‘5'” Y “"3 comm‘mdmg between the Zonso Rapids and VanGele’s “"1‘1 °“ YWPS' . . . . - . . A“ 31') . ~d cruised to 35, memin mouthful would kill himâ€"August 0 car. furthest at the falls of Mokwangou, a dis- 83 “"5 t‘mc “Gums surprise had- "sen b tits an” pr y g Flower the Remedy. h:hltl’ inquest, was held on “'ednesday on Fame of spout 500 miles. There is, there- 2:) ("mt geaigfe' 1H6 0".“1‘1 onéy 3” and I When' they got there vvmie W's puzzled 1 I t c 0d fl“.~ t \V ° y ‘ ore, on his treat. river two st etcle f are“ 3‘” 3c“ “"1855 m “'0” 81" w. I â€" - Grennd y o‘ rues atyts, I’ru ate of the “Mi able “at; from its mouth torthe £03” 00 ,, wee], Dauvid’n at, lengmhe remarked, whattac dac wi «he heard, for he had brocht HOW does he feel? .He has it 101‘ (maids, who u as killed during a g E’ . - - t ’ h t b t on the road home 111 b 1 nd 1 t - (“mu-01°" sum-d“ “i M a 1 - Rapids 400 miles and from the Zongo Ra- “ 1'1“ Indeed Surpmsed an, vexed we hear 373 I In Im’ as 1 WIS a I - - I reg III owe S a pecu III s 005 tion with whose deal.le Iatricknbllffh; pids 93;" “'hioh hi3 drugged his little‘St‘iam‘ Speak in that manner’ I think ye micm’ get gozvdeddridlihim gudtIIaI.l 1111,:832; August Flower the Remedy. (I "~'“t.:uun1s, and Thomas Ruslitoil,.\ledical slag grstofihc furthest point hej'eached about ggfuggefefgn,‘p§rdeggntlt We Wm ye mug“... .heiuldfoik.,.nd.nnd 81...... ..- _......e.-..-.-. . w. Corps, are in custody. Tlhe Jury found that 000"“19319113' The ‘1’5°°’:erles"fv"‘n Gele’ .. r.- ga Ie' - u - frac Nellie so he soon felt himself at home All in the Trimming é dcccusrd met his death by kicks given by togethcriw’th those 0f HOd‘su’r’ Beekeri and l :Yeil’ finswimd Dallgig? I dmnfi see amang thein Th (1 l f h '“ ‘5' eith D ll- _ two or time othera cuts of the Con St t , 100 in WI‘ ma 6 any 1 erencc. ow- ' . - e mo cat lOllBer 0 now w o moire: “‘ ...::. .l‘..il.”‘lfi?§li‘9ll§;’“till.33°23}; have :0. been 1m to “acme Naif-t“ rains: timeliness: Her husband’s word that death was accelerated by the alcoholic the tribumriesi “We added 3“ immense a“? yard um} “fmrnoon’ an, mt her mm no: her hand in his tliIc servant lassio B01538 m t’nm all“! once more state of deccased. of facts to our map of that part of 3:22:05 I 08mm 5011 her 1100, f01k8 are 338 can; rinnin» an. "yin," u’ 0’ mistress, why, ‘5 mu" hat 0f “WW- Tho first official trial was made on Tues. ' u rd G t! ” ' d Vv'm ud de'ed?Wh8-'S deed 2" And then all throu b the Summer mnn'hs day of the newly-established telephonic . '__ no .m’” mu ' _ cf"? 1 , er 3‘3 ye ., D d , Lash bless me lusie there’s , v . _ 8 , , - i . . . think black burnm shame o ourscl tae ee ' ' ’ ’ ,, While She “5 sully 8W1mmmg. bfig’f‘sg‘gfififnfilEyegd‘mi- African Tracking. 8 eak tac me i’ that manner, au’Ig’e an elder nafibgggags‘gdl' yfiazfizlziizamm} :3 3:130 KPH? hlllsbandbltfii? and 311W” ‘0 Pay a mu. '! ' . ‘ . ' ' t' '. the voices of the tclcpbopists at the London g Tracking is a science, somclmvc natural (1);":‘11'7111‘131: 1,353,235,, ,tsg’figfiféi‘gfi b88011), 311' there’s 9' BthChIP' boom the"), er I a or nmmmg end being distinctly audible. .\I. Amiot. in- l ‘luiCkneSS and “Ptitude for it. Others me Of awa ower tae the minister and as him, an an, 3'9 ken there,“ “3‘3 use {mm “"1835 some‘ specter-general of tclegraphs, accompanied 1 no use at all at it. The keen way, for in- 30.0",“ 0’ er conduct e an} shameless body s deed.” b his assistant hf. Thomas Went es -‘ 11 - Estance in which Fara Ala can follow 11 a I y i ' ’ y ’ B this time their attention was drawn tyL ’ ’ Dem“. .\ , . v , g _ P heathen. Itstnne he kent whatsorto eld- 3’ . . . , . 0 Outlon to be present at the telephomng , native track is wonderful ; the slightest sign 0,5 he has n and win that he Dot at the door towards Dauvrd, who was thstln in hrs of the first muss . 1's iot'c d b ' h' . The col ' t h - ’ - ' h ' " face liken nor-west munc At 8' l ’ bl’ '3 3k.’m . f. d 3 1" t 3" re The mouse was aboot two hunner yairds f 3‘12“: at t . t l h. ~ ‘ . {sem es irac mg is “ m ing 'our wa ' - l - ' - , ast e um 00 wr’agrea rosro’ auc in,” _ I? “'1” .um (29%“ dines at the P313” i ’nbout in the bush.” A clever built nativiz Ii,“ .Daund a 8-88- wmle wait; as Ian-g’gettm an’ screcled and yelled until they thocht he \ilnilnr in public or private the name of l r - - t 9"" The mm‘smr saw mm comm » and: - ._ W . , . v ‘ incur his own home, actingas your Inide, no ' h- 1 d 'd-_ as fairly gaeu mad. After he was able to l\( I) dish put on the table bears the name v I meetmg “n at t ‘8 0°” 53‘ - Y' ' ' ' ‘ _ _ , . . _ _ .mntter how much you may have tw1sted and u \ v ‘ - v , 9 speak, he cries, “Oh, “1111c, Willie, hae of tilt cool. “ho is responsible for it. IlllS ! . . y I l .n d i l ' 1tell, William, whats the matter . ,1 n h 1,“, t ,. is her Mom. was mm or z agents; ..“‘:..;.°‘::.3:.:i.“:r There wrong when me’r.:*...:fi.mzs .: .Z'Iigé’i . y ‘ . . a v . ’ . - . ,In N c ’ y ’ ‘ :iiiigiglkgebfizgafo’2fioife”buts??? “There,” and point out the direction. d "ifffi‘ggg “£11353, say that in exclaimed \Villio i’ the 't: “and well tell them t e . _ ' f . . . "PC" a" ‘3 ° knows where his home is, just as the wild “'11- ufo a. - noo’ for thc’ll iar o’t at any rate.” (ILl‘llldll origin. It obtmned rule a century bee d . h 1 . ' - - 1 "3' em 3 someth’ng mngv and ~ d 1 1 b .80 at, {1035043338}, and "my inform them 0'33. .e “15 "luntfiny “11d “‘fthmely awfu’ wrang. I wish ye wid cam awa ower “Yea, an" Dav“! 1’“ m,” Elle“ I e 5 mu, 1, m , dmghm of Geom [I who been yarrymg on a traverse» carefully tae Dauvid Grants, for I think he's gaun stems? c021“ "3° M “mm P “1.8 “PM: i m the first to u“ in ' a' ' noticmg the angles of deflection and the (Mr 00, 0’ his judgment." an Willie himsel' caught the infection, and At mum“ hm A"_ \I ‘ l . J ~ . tancctravelled over; this_he has plotted in u I wish you would explain yourself, Wi1_ lauched as loud as (my 0’ them. . I . “Pu” gi mason . till a}, ,llstlL‘O ; his mind, and when asked where hots, he 58_ What is wmng with David-z» inhe left for home, w: mony kind lllVl- ‘3‘. I pause sentence of 18 months hard reads the map he has made on his brain, and u w . h- - - tations no tao be a stranger amang them, 5 1‘,” H s . . . . eel, ye see, is safe Janet is dead. . to“ any pears (26), cleotrxctan, for lets you knowthc result. It is fatal to m- i -. r which he took every advantage of, for he . x. “mm the dam“ m om wo , She choked hersel through the nicht, an I . r man named terrnpt a tracker by unnecessary speakm . L f t 'v “1 t - r was there four or five times a week, and at . G‘u‘g N b, mmwin l. med m I b , was sen 'or segue ower wi cs rauctin . . g 3 _ g a‘ lg para a f dou is are cast as to the skill of thel - board Wee] when I gaed m Dunn“ er last got Nellie for a Wife. lamp at her, on her interfering to make peace ing nun, and he feels that he is not trusted, t- I, we ' D, -d 4.; b’ k h yfled He’s noo in Dundee in abig way 0’ dumb I he‘weens db“ wired“. L \ hm nf . . pee in see av: mar. ro en- es . , , N l . } P913911 lqgtquam most pro y co uslon wdl follow. Judge 0’ my “rpm” wh n he began mum, an , frae a accounts, a he s sax iunuer . GInghII died m I few hours m (Imam! me he had the thodht of cttin' another Puma” 1’“ doubled use" by this time' I may. -' I - wife as soon as ibleâ€"in act, he has his hm” tin‘l‘lfl‘" “9 ‘Pmefimea '“frPriszd ‘ I; Attire Birmi l Ami/res on Saturdayâ€" . . e'e on anc y;an’ when I telt him he w an “y “" mm” 3” m. l' .° i More Jug Vi". - A Chef of Pohoe. - . strauchin board, tae sachhe turn red 1’ S j Derby, magnified stigmmt‘ 0: There is no body of me'n'moro liable to $$§3t°£lle£§ 11::d :aIEIpIiI?lih:iIri “1° “93:”, 1%!me in too Ianchin’; but 6 C e 15 a cattle dealernamedlrvies, at t suffer from exposure than the police. But Ebole in the yalurid, Ii'f he mulldns solldhcr. ‘1” am)“ m' I 1‘9“ - . .’.,_ Bttdgo,’ Stalin-douse orbreo o promise. asan enmpleofbow they get rid of their nthe’s demen ; isgrief utnrne his , \ z. . .. l . . I . . . Plaintifl‘l déoribed the action as maladies, the following is cited : Green Is. brain. I thinkl" ‘ :‘ Well," said Mrs. McGudely, after her rather ofabunmthau sromsntic nature, land. .'. 'x'., U. S. A., Feb. ll, 1889 : u 1' “ David’s wife dead 1” observed themin- visit to rumble social “em. “ I have ' '5, both psi-tees of mature age, the pm". suffered Wm, “magi, in the had, but is‘er. " I’m much an rised that I have not heard about society showing each o.her the U flfl',aschool~mutreu, beingforty-sightyeus found instant relief from the application of heard of it before, mesomear him. too. cold shoulder, but from the way some that . .. HAS N O E Q o 5; old. The lettersreadiu thecuowene devoid St. Jacobs Oil, which cured me." E. P. But stay a little; I'll get my in and go I saw were dressed I didn’t wonder at their ' if my sumac expressions of sfi'ection. Bellingcr, can: a Police. I along with von." would... hang chilly," 1 T IS THE 9

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