Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Mar 1891, p. 7

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I, "'1‘; ' nan roman saws. France'ands ’ havesgreedtotheir gdwinagebeiggminternatigal legal ten- Austris now requires Russian Jews to holds special concession to trade in the country. The French Senate has adopted a bill mak- ingParis time the standard time for the whole of France. Influenza has reappeared among the sol- diers in garrison at Leghorn, and the hospi- tals are crowded with patients. Germany's second crematorium is to be erected at Heidelberg, the one now in Ger- many being at Goths. Another universal Iangua c, after Vola- puk, has been invented in ' ' by a naval surgeon. Itis entitled “ Ls Lengua Catolica.” Dr. Marcus Fay, a Hun ria’n physician, has announced to the Me ‘cal Association of chreczin a complete cure of cancer by the application of aniline. The Colonies and India saysthat- the New Zealand Government is considering a pro- sal made to them to mist to settle 300 I ova Scotia families in the Colony. The Farmers’ Club of St. Petersburg cleared last year over 20,000 rubles from the sale of plsym cargds, and 8,000 from fines for late arrivals at the meetings. The great manoeuvres of the French army this year, will, it is said, be conducted on a more imposing scale than any that have yet been undertaken in France in time of peace. The Botanical Gardens at Ballsrat have . been attacked by the locust plague, which -. hasravaged the wheat crops of Victoria, I ‘~ gidusing a loss of 18,000,000 bushels, ten 'niillions of which were for exportation. " French railroad men propose to build a net of railroads in Poland by which the most po nlous towns and factory districts of the w ole region will be connected with the principal lines now in operation. Their mmnmtives are a present in Warsaw in for the sanction of the local Govern- ment ortheir roject. Obtainingthis, they will go to St. etersburg for a charter from the principal Government. The statistics for 1889 show that in that ear 6,290 marriages were contracted in St. etersburg. Men between the ages of 26 and 30 years marrying women of 21-25 form- ed the largest proportion of the above num- ber ; next in proportion came men Of 31-33 marrying women of 21-25 ; least in propor- tion were men over 60 years old marrying women of the ages 51-55 years. Most of the marri es took place in the month of J an- uary ; ay was the next month propitious for marriage ; in June the least number of marriages was contracted. ' Dr. Fortoonatofif reports to the Geographi- cal Society of St. Petersburg that he has found a easant with only two fingers on each has and two toes on each foot The hands and the feet of that subject were form- ' ed like the talons of a crab, but he could walk as easily as any man and perform with his hands all the work required of him as a laborer of a flour mill. On inquiry the Doc- tor found that the parents of that peasant were of a perfectly normal constitution, but that his randfather on the father’s side had been as eformed as he is. ‘ It may be ersumed that Lord Salisbu is quite satis ed with the way in which a - fairs in parliament are proceeding, but to the general ublic the session is intolerany dull. Not or ms.on years have the pro- ceedings been so mi 0 stirring and exciting episodes, or the Ministry been permitted to 10 along with so little opposition. And what has been is likely to be throughout the whole session. Mr. Gladstone iscredit- ed with saying recently, “We shall not be able to do anything against the Ministry this session. Thereisnoweak 'tionopon and our forces are too muc scattered. Something may occur. At present we can only wait and look on.” It 13 an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and no doubt the British Premier can thank the Irish row for the quiet progress he is making these days. The President of the “ Noblcmen’s Bank 3 of Nizhneo Novgorod, M. Paniootin, was ind cred a few weeks E) for misapplication of the funds of his be and put In prison. His wife,, who was said tobe the cause of his rum, returned from a pleasure trip in Italy two days after his imprisonment. She had had no knowledge of the difficulties into which she had ut_her husband by her extravagance. Fin ‘ g her husband in prison, and his affairs in an irreparable state, she committed suicide on the second day after her return. Mr. Pauiootin, he- hiud the prison walls, did not know of his wife's rash act. By the end of February he was bailed out the “Merchant, Croesus" of his cit , . Rookavishnikofi‘ and was horrific to learn what had happened. His friends now keep strict watch over him last he follow the example of his wife, whom he loved ardently. The Paris police are actively engaged in trying to discover the whereabouts of a man who has carried the art of swindling to a pitch of unwanted perfection. Some weeks ago an advertisement appeared pro- minently in all the Paris papers, intimatin that rsons having a limited supply 0% capi , and no objection tor-asideina ros- perous and healthy colony, would ear something to their advantage by calling on Monsieth such a number in such a street. On proceedin to the address the applicants were ushered into the presence of a man of winning manners. who stated that, Cardinal Lavigorre had matured a plan for the rebuilding of the city, of Carthage. Several thousand workmen, he said, had al- road been engaged, and the Cardinal had lentliim to Paris to recruit active and ener- getic men, who could act as clerks of the works, foreman, superintendents, cashiers, and so on. The em yment Would be for a number of yarn, an it would be well paid, each n receiving five hundred francs to eight undred francsa mouth. Those whom he appmved would have to proceed to Tunis and report themselves there at the office of the works. As a guarantee of their good faith, and as caution money, it won] be necessary, asthe wouldhave thehan ' ellargnenma, to odgewithhimadm‘ by ad fromtwotothreethousandfnnes. aim e~mkinded ages were! deluded d'opoengen emu nto partiugwith theirmonoy,andonagiveudaywere run- nhrgabout'l‘uniainqueet ofthcimngirury doctor the rebuilding of Carthage. The fieverxwiudlergotclsorofl'invingnetteda “emblem . Heretics! Epitaphyisademoraliaing kindoitaffy. It on the tombstone, and euloginee the esdalmosttqtheverystamfl‘heusnal method of is: “ Here lies.”Very suggestive, for the ‘espre frequently quite astonishingâ€"almost enough so toboth amuse and amaze the dead of whom they are writ- ten. A truthful epitaph, in many instances, would be: “Here lies one who omitted to takeDr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. ” If sick andsufi‘ering, and dreadin premature death, test the tent remedy. t cures all chronic, liver, Iood, and lung diseases, as biliousnese, skin and scalp diseases, scrofu- lous sores and swellings, saltrheum, tetter, erysipelas, and even scrofula of the lungs (or Consumption), if taken in time. A man’s idolatry in for an idea, a woman’s for a person. She Was Willlng to Give Up All. When Queen Elizabeth of En land, found death approaching her, she crie despairing- ly, “ All my possessions for a moment of time I" There are wealthy ladies to-day, the world over, who would gladly exchange their riches for sound health. Many are made well and happy by Dr. Pierce’s Favor- ite Prescription, a never-failing cure for dis- eases so common to women. As a corrective for all functional weaknesses it is of univer sal repute among the sex, and thousands of pale, worn-out, cnfeebled victims have been changed into vigorous womenend girls by its use. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or price refunded. Druggists have it. Fuss is the froth of business. “ Two Souls With Data Single Thought.” As they sat side by side, they sighed. “ Oh, my idol I” he said, and then idled. ” Dear Luke,” said she, as she looked, “I will wed thee if thou wilt,” and he wilted. The honeymoon passed in an excess of joy. Excess in eating rich food brings indigestion, sick headache, and frequent attacks of dizzi- ness. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets will cure all these. They are tiny, sugar-coated, and easy to swallow. No other preparation com- pares with them as 3. Liver Pill. They are guaranteed, and one is a dcse. Jealousy is the forerunner of love, and often Its awakener. * No douche or instrument is required to ap- ply Nasal Balm. lt is easy to use, pleasant and agreeable in its effects. Use nothing else for catarrh and cold in the head. Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs. Purely Vegetable. First the bud, then the blossom, then the perfect fruit. These are the several stages of some of the most important ingredients composing the painless and sure corn cureâ€"- Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. The juices of plants greatly concentrated and purified, gurus and balsams in harmonious union, all combined give the grand results. Putnam’s Extractor makes no sore spot, does not lay a man up for a week, but goes on quietly doing its work until a perfect cure results. Beware of acid substitutes. St. Evremond compared the passions to runaway horses, which you must tame by giving them their run,â€"a perilous experi- ment. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are the greatest specific of the age for the cure of blood dis- eases, suppressions, irregularities, female weakness, etc. Give them a trial. Never fail. Love is a severe critic. Hate can pardon more than love. Probably no modern medicine hasobtained wider notoriety, within a given time, than the really wonderful snocmu’s OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE con LIVER. 011.. To suf- ferers from lun ' troubles we say: take no other. As all uggists sell it, it is easily obtained. Do you suppose the world is so satisfac- tory, that those who are init never wish for a while to leave it? An invigorating and healthful confection, that cleans and preserves the teeth. Adams’ Tutti Frutti Gum. Sold by all druggists and confectioners. 5 cents. A light heart lives long. NOTICE. One dose of Dr. Harvey’s Southern Red Pine will instantly stop a severe fit of coughing. Friendship is no plant of hasty growth. Recommended to Sufferers. Gibbons’ Toothache Gum. Price 15 cents. The [lead Surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be con- sulted either inperson or by letter on all chronic diseases culiar to man. Men, young, old, Or mi dle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from exces or overwork, resultin in many of the following sym toms: ental depression, premature o (1 age, loss of vitalit , loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness o sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitchin of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, has ulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rented by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with nsanss 01301.3, oily lookin skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous ebili that lead to insanity and death unlesscu The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent] cured. Send your address for book on all 'eases peculsir to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. 15., Toronto, On. Books sentfreesealed. Heart disease, thesymptomsoi which arefaint ls, pu la 11$: numbness, lpitation, ip beats, ot hes,ruah ofbood totho head, dull iuthe heart withbeats strong, rapid and ular, the second heart beat quicker than s first, pain about the breast bone, eto,ca.u ‘tivelybecured. Nocure. no . Sea for book. Address H. V. gullggl‘l. 50 Front Street East, Toronto. t. A. P. 645. ems “oan dro everything and see 1%‘Tam'd‘x's Lnrzpor Canter. entitled mgr no Tunisia; over Mounts ' ens pununfi m Parser-anus picture in . ten fleet NASAL BALM shamans-am NEVER, Mfumeququ FAILS. Sammy’s. CLEANSINO, EAuNu. Instant Reliefi Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. "3% "mutt... i first“ an o eeeor s m drbencuarrhmnd no sin rocndn‘ abottleoflhnx. BALI. warnede eol’dlnheadzuulnln sol- lowed by comma den and death. Iii-annulled b anew»? otwillbeseutqmet oar ptu FULFORD a 00,, Brockvllle, Ont. Two liters THINK 0F IT! As a Flesh Producer there can be no question but that a 0i Pure d Liver Oil and Hypoposphlles Oleme and Soda is .without a rival. Many have d d. da. b th census 4 V 5' “3° CONSUMPTION, SOROFULA BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND OOLDS, MID ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- EASES. AS PALATABLE AS MILK. Genuine made byScolt& Bowne.Bellevllle.Salmon Wrapper; at all Druggists, 60c. and 81.00. .m GENTSâ€"Talmugo on Palestine,now rea Write for terms immediately. E. N. Meyer 85 00.. 60Yonge St., Tomato. .5 P 08,30“ '85 W. J. GRAHAM, l Yonge ., Toronto _______________â€"â€"- ADIES can make mone at home solicltipg L orders for Madame illiamson’s Com , nation Corset and Shoulder BraceqFor partied li‘irsaddress C. C. Pomeroy, 49} king St. W., oron o. _________________.__ SHDRTHAN D 2263£t§oii§hÂ¥t¥£ ners. Address Shorthand Institute, Galt, Ont. nuns crn' nnsnvsss commas, Toron to, offers country pupils special discount ofl’ Shorthand and Business Course. Catalogue free. Address P. J. WELLS, Prin. ___.__.._______.__..___â€"â€" CANCER and Tumors cured without the knife. Send for book of treatment and testimonials, free. G.H.McMichael. M. D.,63 NiagaraSt., Buffalo, N .Y. D CANADIAN INVENTBRS: CORTLAND 82‘. CO- 60 Adelaide street East, Toronto, Ont. Are prepared to purchase and introduce Inven- tions of. merit throughout Canada and all parts of the world. Correspondence invited. BUSINESS DPPDRTUNITY. A reliable person with from $3 000 to $5 000 can procure an interest in an Established Manufacturing firm in Toronto. ObJect to extend business. Profits fully 100 per cent. P.O. BOX 523, _ - TORONTO. 5 0‘51 :cTU. RTE“ so R .. D THE BEST coueH MEDICINE. 0" . .0 80133201100013“ EVERYWHERE. ,_ . “1' wagon-ngmm.PTIQN . .54; . 55.4 'nâ€" l I. I. The leading carria e builders sell the Conboy Carriage Tops. hey have all the latest im- rovements. Are correct in style. Unequalled quality. Price as low as the lowest. ‘ Semi three-cent 3* V stampforsamples , _ j massif-measure ":5 '_'~‘_., xxientblankawill *' ’ . include linen tape measure}! you ‘ mention thispaper DOMINION PANTS CO. 362 and 364 St. James Street. Montreal. J RATTRAYSIDD WHOLESALE TDDADDDNISTS MONTREAL. Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated Crusader and Hero Brand One trial Is a guarantee for continual use. I The Dress makers O R D E R will ".1 . mot cutti improved and aim used; complete in Orr: max. g Taught by Miss Chubb, y GenerslA ntforOnmrlo. . . Perfect tttln SLEEVEa . Wale Liningeand run out for 85¢. Sleevelncluded. Direc- Forrester-Dram,“ Just south of College. THE power of convic- " the noise and demand 0 return. eow MAGISEWSDALE we r Hons for monument lup- PoliciesarOnonâ€"lorteltableaftcrtbe I Don-sets Made to Order. 3" Adjustable Wire Drum mummmum. mmmmmentiuwwuotlossmanmperoenhofthe M05931! 3.3 The Great Worm Remedy; Soldbyalldruggists. ficentsabox. Now toilet itl How to Kee it The HEALTH HELPER. Sendstam forsam- Fullexplain in ' ple copy to the editor, Dr. Jb‘o. . DYE, Binnie, New York. 1333. (53 Years.) 1891." ~Send for catdldgue free. P.O. BUY 75mm Finest Tea. Canisters â€"FROMâ€" MADDDNALD MANUFADTURING .DU'Y, 231 King Street East, Toronto AGENTS WANTED For the Patent PIN LESS CLOTHES LINE, A wire line with which He Pegs are required Illustrated circulars FREE. Address: TAR BOX BROS, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. 4 tion is causing all forSt. Leon \Vater. The reasonis lain.Thispure, natural, ife;givmg min~ eral water is pro-emin- ently adapted to perfect u the organism. _1t regu- latesgently builds up stead (yyou reach the. exalte upinnacle, finest health f 10! enjoyment. and so friend urgesfriend to drink St. Leon Water You will find it so good, more than you can ima- ge. Such convincing timony exglains why the rage for t. Leon is spreading so fast. The St. Icon Mineral (b, Tidy's Flower Depot, 164 Yonge street. NEVER IL _F__A|LUHE I The Red River Valle of Minnesota and orth Dakota has never had a failure of crops. Look at its record : 4 000 bushels of wheatin 1870, $31: angler. bushels in I1121371 ;h k ega every year s as as O t ace with the increase in ace 0. p p In 1886 it roduced 26,000, 0 bushels o wheataloue, besides other cereals and live stock. In 1887 over 27,000,000 bushels, ~In 1888 over 29,000,000 bushels, In 1889 over 3000.000 bushels, In 1890 over 33,000,000 bushels, or $33,001,000 for wheat alone. Farms can so had on the crop plan, or on long-time payments. Itis a common thin to pay for a farm from the rocee s of one or two crops. It has all of t e advantages of an Oldcountry in school, church social, market, postal and railway facilities, and all the chances of anew country in cheap lands, rich sorl and increase in values. It has a large Canadian population and all are domg we . Itis one of the mos fertile and promisin regions in America not yet fu y occupied. It has room fora million more people. Write to J. M. Huckins, 4 Palmer House Block, Toronto, Ontario orF. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn , or particulars. Letters of inquiry prompqt'lly answered and publicatmns SE FREE. DENNIE’S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, '9I NOW READY. MAILED FREE UPON APPLIDATIDN Ronnie’s Seeds can only be procured direct from WM. RENNIE, TORONTO, GAII. W WANTEDIadleeto manage a andme at eiron homes. addrenwltbshmpJ. Dawson’s Chocolate Creams “mme SE'MN-Ont KAI/7mm . MA‘Cfi/NE ~ MANUFACTURED 57’ _. CREEZMAN Bl-l‘O.S p- 7 GEORGETOWNENT 1'.“ v THISADVERTISEHE-xfu‘1‘. . 5: ‘IITISGOOD ran 32 srsvrsrA-wr . mo ram: gs THEME”? o y e rinci al 800 and Shoe Dealers. p t Every Pair Stamped. -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"..._.-â€".____- Send at once for I FREE BOTTLB and a valuable Treatise. This remedy la a sure and radical cum and is perfectly harmless as no lulurleus drugs are used In Its preparation. lmnwarnnt lttoceu EPILEPSY DR FALLING SICKNESS in severe cases where other remedies have filled. M nl‘orsendln afree bottlelnlwsnttbe I meydlcifie to he Its gm: recom- B inundation. It costs you noth- Inz for a trialha‘ad a “manila cumin. re Express 0506. W! I.- 0. ROOT M. 0., I30 Went Adelaide at Toronto. Ont. Water (10.. Ltd., Toronto. Branch officoâ€" I I TRAINS WILL LEAVE ON FEBRUARY 24th, I89! AT 9.00 P.IvI. AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAF‘I‘ER DURING MARCH AND APRIL WITH DDLDIIIST SLEEPER ATTACHED MAN ISISOB II: CANADIAN NDRTH-WEST _ For-pa trons Oil r Sroc Ks Cholo rill S I fsreigpgfafwn l~’ he a tree h ed ro Ex press 1 F5Ih,q».' leey oron to [I "' ., For full information and descriptive pamphlets of Manitoba, North-west Territories and Brit- ish Columbia. apply to any C.P.R. agent. I I EASY TO USE. They are Fast. They are Beautiful. They are Brilliant. SOAP WON’T FADE THEM. Have YOU used them ; if not, tryand be convinced. One Package equal to two of any other make. Canada Branch: 4818i. Paul Btreet. Montreal. Wmetal/or Sample Card and Book a] I Attractions. USE GEESTIEIR’S CURE! FOR Asthma, Bronchltls, Qatari-h, Coughs, Colds, Etc. TORONTO Enemy. I must oandldl say that yours is one of the most extraordinar an medicines I ever came across in my life. have cause intend to recommend it far and wide. To W. E. Curl-BramE Montreal) 0 our dru ’st has n y gm Address Indefinite number here to use it, a E. O'KEEFE, Brewer. Toronto. For sale by all drugglsts. Large box $1 : small, 60 cents. It got it in stockvpeufilt fib 81135115: pould on will receive one box prepaid, by auchotlere street. Montreal. :QESU? seems; “RED: TO THE EDITORâ€"Please Inform our readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its time y use thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad Ito send two bottles of my remedy PREP. to any H your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Post Office Adder»: Respectfully. '1‘. A. SL000”. ll. 0., 186 ‘Wcst Adelaide 51., Toronto, 0n.. Gonfeberatlon Tito ORGANIZED I87]. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE I mm NGONTESTABLE from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation Paid-up Policy and Cull Surrender Value Guaranteed In each Policy mo POI-IO I AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAJNB'I. -=- EARLY -=- DEATH :-= Provides an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTMENT. Prof! whichereunexcelledb any theissueofthe nus-WareA late and n meat of two full annual Premiums. mpany doingbusineulnCan arealleoatedever 07. or at longer as be . thebsured. ot liable to mall-oer! onus-Deanna at an profits earned . demandtorthepastsovenmrshaae actuauyreecioed95pa-cent.qfthe profane earned 4263‘ Yonge St: m w. c. MACDONALD, Acrom. J. K. MACDONALD, alumina Dram i I i . I I

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