Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Mar 1891, p. 3

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A ?0m8 DABIHG ATTBIIPT. In. Bishop's Vain ates-t to leach muse, the forbidden City. The most adventuresome lad traveller of the past year is Miss Isabella ird, who is known to her personal friends as Mrs. Bishop. She has just returned to England from a dificult and dangerous journey, which she undertook to carry out a curious begin“ in her late husband's wilL Mr. B' op left a large sum of money to secure the establishment of a hospital " in one of the remote corners of the earth.” This gave his windows wide latitude with reference to the location of the hospital. She wished to found it in one of the outlying parts of civilization where the need of such an insti- tution was severely felt. She finally select- ed Cashmere, and went there to see to the building of the institution. Coming home she did not wish to follow the prosaic route through India, but she thou ht she wouldt to perform a feat which no white man been able to ac- complish since the days of the Hue and Gsbet In fact she had no less an ambition that to visit Lhassa, the capital of Thibet. The novelity and difficulty of the attempt fascin- ated her. Everybody told her she could not ossibiy succeed, but she saw no reason for lieviug that a woman would fail to achieve what men were unable to accomplish. As everybody expected, she was not able to carry out the daring enterprise, though she advanced a short distance into Thibet. In reference to her sext, however, the Thibetaus based their objections to her visiting Lhassa u a other grounds than those upon whice ey rohibit the advance of white travellers. I 'hen a white man comes too near the holy city of the Budhists, he is simply told to make 03‘ or it will be the worse for him. Mr. Bishop, however, in answer to her re nests for permission to advance, was told t at ccrtaiul she might go to Lhassa and not a ban would be raised to prevent her, but it was added that the chief official of every village through which she passed would certainly lose his good for permitting her to advance, and that every district that received her would be heavily fined for doing so. A tender- hearted woman was not likely to involve the Thibetans in such terrible trouble as this merely that she might gratify her curiosity and gasc upon the omes of the sacred city. She, therefore, retraced her steps, and passed through Beloccbistan to Persia and Armenia, meeting many adventures on the way, and winning a little reputation as an explorer, for she was the first European in modern times to visit'the sources of the Karun River, the scenery along which, she says, is magnificent. PREY OF THE JUNGLE. 22,970 People Killcdinu Year in. India by Snakes and Wild Beasts. The latest oliicial statistics from India show that in 1888 22,970 people were killed by snakes and wild beasts, as well as 76,- 271 cattle. Of the forms number 20,571 deaths were due to snuk bites, 975 to tigers 184 to leopards, 139 to wolves, 110 to bears 57 to clap ants, and the remainder to dogs, crocodiles, and other animals. The remark- able fact of these statistics is that, although every effort is being made to destroy snakes and other animals injurious to human life the mortality, both of persons and cattle, from thece causes of death is increasin . In 1888 20,709 Wild beasts were destroys and 511,948 snakes. The local Governments of India have just been consulted on the question whether nothing can be done to diminish the terrible mortality due to snake bites. The general opinion In India is that the efforts to reduce this mortality b offering rewards for snakes killed has fails , and is some localities has even stimulated the breeding of snakes. Some of the local Governments express the o inion that the most effective way to check t e evil will be to destroy the cover for the snakes near the villages and this experiment will be tried. The provinces most affected are Bengal, Ouhd, and the northwest pro- vmces. Suffering Austrian Children. Evidences of wretchedness caused by the the McKinley bill among the Austrain mother~of-pearl workmen have begun to ap- ppear in the Vienna schools. Of 294 boys and p 8 girls in a school in the Herzgasse. 70 boys and 42 girl are without shoes and 149 have no winter olothin . Of 616 pupils in a girls’ school 90 are wit out shoes and 112 without winter clothin. In a boys’ school 102 pupils wear no shoes at all, or only wooden those, and 102 are without winter garments In many other ublio schools frequented by workingmen’s ildrontheconditionofaiiairs Is not better. In the three schools mention- ed 858 pupils receive their lunchccns from the Central Society for Feeding Poor School Children. ‘The luncheons consists of a late of vegetables for each child. On holi aye, whlc are numerous in Roman Catholic Ans lria, these children get no luncheons at all, because as the society’s last re ort says, they can never get at home more t an dry bread euovgh for their breakfasts and suppers. This extreme poverty, resulting mostly from the stragauatiou iu the mother~of~pearl in- dustries, has been rendered acutely painful lfiy the unusual reverit ' of the weather. undreds of shooless an half~clothed child- ren are obliged to wade daily through snow and slush to and from schooL All the Vienna dailies are pnbllshinli appeals for help for the starving and freezing schoolboys and schoolgirls. Treasures Trove in Skye. There has been an interesting discovery of some treasure rove, in the shape of ve old coins in the island Skye, near the nor western coast of Scotland. When a few of the coins had been unearthed by the rabbits bur. rowing under a rock further search was made, and the result was the discoveay in a small cleft of 105 silver coins, thickly crust- ed with earth, but in afine state of reserve- tion. Some of the pieces are old Eng silver coins, minted about 900 years , in the time of Atheistane or Edward Con ease:- and sums appear t'ghbe the mintage casein; yuan . ey are nearty a t and light, alum:y the size of a modern English shilling. Some of them beer the words, "Edward, Rex Brit.” in old English char- ln‘i'imoa.“ ii“ 11$.“fi” “ ‘ iii.“ a re s e ‘ :- laad, as well as the Welsh swore all cc to Athslstan the son 0 Edward the dos, and ackno him as their lord. How these curious old ciins ever gt 9 to 900m isarvs to sxolaerslogls‘glO my A Fatal Rattlesnake Bite. Mr. Edward Buanquet, son of the well- known English banker, was bitten on Saturday by a rattlesnake while he was out shooting near Dayton, Florida. The snake struck him on the inside of the 1 above the ankle. Mr. Evelyn Walker, w c was with Mr Bosanquet, immediately applied his mouth to the wound, and endeavoured to suck out the poison. Then, havilfiktightly ban edthe wounded leg, Mr. W or rais~ edhis 'eud upon his shoulders and carried him to Dayton. It is feared, however, that all his gallant exertions to save the life of Mr. Bosanquet have proved of no avail. He is re rted to be in a hopeless condition. Mr. Wiiiolker himself is also seriously ill. .It seems that he had a slight sore on his hp, and absorbed some of the 1paoison into his system: On his arrival at yton, broken down with fatigue, he was named with an attack which resembled partial paralysis. On Sunda ' evenin , however, he was rather better, an it was lieved he was out of danger. Mr. Bosanqnet and Mr. Walker were spending the autumn and winter .at St. Augustine, Mr. Walker having his family with him. En land on Thursday. Mr. Bosanqnet died at aytcn short] after midnight in great agony. Mr. alker, however, is now considered out of danger. Tippu Tib Brings no Ivory. Tippu Tib reached Zanzipar the other day with no ivory, and only .a few raw porters in his caravan. He brought an immensepquantity of ivory as far as Unyamficmh‘e, dirtrict where porters are recruited for the journer to and from the coast. It happened to be in the hei h of the harvesting season, and Tippu ip could not get any porters. Au explorer, who happened to be at Tabora when Tippu Tib passed through there three years ago on his way to the coast wrote home that the great trader secured 2,000 ports-rs there to carr his ivory to the coast, it not being the ha it of Arab'ivor v and slave dealers in these days, when he owners of slave caravans hot for them by civilized govern~ ments’ to take to the coast the large slave caravans with which they start from Cen- tral Africa. Midway in their journey they hire porters. We Have Pound That no remedy in the market afi‘ords such prompt relief in toothache, neuralgia, and rheumatism as Nerviline, and it’s action in cases of cram s, colic, &e., is simply marvel- lous. Remar in this to a physician of ex- perience he state that from his knowled e of the composition of Nerviline no reme y could surpass it as a family remedy, and that in every household 9. bottle of Ner- viline should be available for emergent de- mands. Readers of this paper should try N erviline. The Head Surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be con- sulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resultin .«in man 'of the following sym - toms: ental epression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimuess’of sight, palpitatiou of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, sin in the kidneys, headache, pimples on t e face or body, itching or peculiar sensationabout the scrotum, wastin of the organs, dizziness, specks before t 6 eyes, twitchin of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, has fulness, depositsin the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, consti ation, dullness of nearing, loss of voice, esirc for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADER CIRCLE, oily lookin skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous ebilit that lead to insanity and death unless cure . The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance me. be permanently cured. Send you, address or book on all diseasespeculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint sp‘ells, purple lips, numbness, al itaâ€" tion, s ip beats, hot flushes, rush o b ood to the head, dull pain in the heart withbeats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can ositivel be cured No cure, no y. Sen for boo . Addres M. V. LUBOL , 50 Front Street East, To Trouto, Ont. The silk trade in Japan is in a very bad way. Last year the mechanic lost over 825- 000,000. Madame Patti was arrcstcd at Berlin on an order from St. Petersbnrgh, issued on the ground of breach of contract. The pope contemplates making alarge accession to the cardinalate early in the comic summer. The death of Cardinal Crista ori leaves 32 Italian cardinals and 28 foreign cardinals. Pink Pills are not a patent medicine. but a remedy carefully prepared by an experi- enced physician for the cure of female com- plaints and nervous disorders. Try them. The Cork Steam Packet Company strike has ended in defeat of the strikers after a fight of 14 weeks. There must be reat merit in SLOCUM’S re tions. H OXYGENIZED EMUL- §10§ of PURE COD LIVER OIL has taken the first place as a cure for consumption and kindred diseases. Every druggist sells it and no householder should be without it. The remedy is reliable and invaluable. The Fr ench artillery is ueiu an explosve made of cryolite in their sh 5 instead of gunpowder. Dr. Harvey’s Southern Red Pine for Coughs and Colds is the most reliable Medicinein use. A healthy adult, doing an extraordinary amount of work, will require from ten to twelve ounces of meet a day. In runnin , the fastest mile made by a mar. was accomp ed in 4 minutes 12§ seconds. How tocure in ' tiou and dyspepsxs.‘ Chew Adams’i‘uttl tti Gum befo and aims-meals. Soldbyalldruggistaan con- factionermbcenu. Mrs. Walker only sailed for- ‘ Favorite Prescription, compounded by a fie Rich Man’s Son. The fich’indn's son inherits lauds. ' And piles olhdck and stone and gold. Andheinherltssottwhitohands. . ‘ And tendernesh thattears the cold. Like soft hands, and tender flesh, many diseases are inherited ; especially tendencies to Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, and Stomach and Liver troubles ; but there is a remedy known as the “ Golden Medical Discovery,” which overcomes these diseases, and cuts of all tendenciestowardsa fatal re- sult. ‘Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, has put this remedy within the reach of all, so that even the poor as well as the rich can'obtain it. It is worth more to you than “piles of brick and stone and gold.” Ask yonrdruggist for it. It’s guaranteed to benefit or cure in pvegyedcase,eor money paid for it will be re- un . A despatch from Buenos Ayres announces that the Chilian Government troops have suffered serious defeats," and. that the in- surgent forces are rapidly increasing in numbers. Let the World Know You are in It: It seems almost a crime for a man to " hide his light under a bushel.” If he has something new, that will benefit the human race, he should make it known. Old.fogy physicians tread the beaten path of their grandfathers, denounce advertised remedies, and never learn anything new. Medical science knows no parallel to Dr. Pierce’s hysician of skilland lcn e crience, especr- slly for the maladies wiiiciipafllict women. It effects a permanent cure of those agoniz- ing disorders which attack her frail or an- ism, and is an anchor of hope alike to eli- cute girls and suffering women ; contains no deleterious drugs. A guarantee on the bottle-wrapper, refunding the price in case of failure. Of druggists, $1.00. A steam phaeton has appeared in Paris re- sembling an ordinary phaetou. It carries under the body of the carriage aboiler which cannot explode, with a funnel bent flown and discharging smoke under the back seat. The Secret of his Wealth- A millionaire said “ the secret of my wealth ” is in the word, S-A-V-E ; and the secret of my health is in the word. S-A-G-E. By this last he meant Dr. Sage, whose Ca». tarrh Remedy cured him of one of the worst cases of Catarrh, and thereby saved him from much sufi’erin and' premature death, enabling him to me. 'e his millions, and en- joy life. The cures made by this medicine are simply wonderful. - 4 Why suffer from catarrh and all its dis- agreeable symptoms when Nasal Balm will permanently cure you? Do not let dealers persuade you that some other remedy is just as good ; ask for Nasal Balm and take no other. I would not tell my private affairs to my most intimate girl friend, nor would I ask her importinth questions. Recommended to Sufferers. Gibbons’ Toothache Gum Price 15 cents A. P. 543. ~._. I took Cold. I I took Sick, I I TOOK sows N; II LS: RESULT: I take M Meals. I t 9 My Best, j AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; citing fat too, For. _scott’.s mulsxon of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites olemeand Soda nor ONLY CURED MY Incip- lent Consumption: our BUILT ME UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I ( TAKE ITJUST as EASILY as I no MILK.” ( Scott's Emulsion is put up only in Salmon color wrappers. Sold by all Drugglsts at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT 67° BOI’VNE, Bellwille. GENTS-Talmage on Palestinc,now ready Write for terms immediately. ‘. N. Meyer 8:. 00.. 60 Yongo St, Toronto. W NTED Ladies to Manage a rofltab‘o and philanthropic work at t cir own homes. For particulars address with stamp, J. TROT’I‘ER 93 Howard St, Toronto. Ont. SH 0 RTII A II II m§?1”5?t%‘i“i§§bi?i33 bill? are. Address Shorthnud Institute. Gait, Ont. AGENTS WANTED For the Patent PINLESS CLOTHES LINE, A wire line with which No Pegs are required. Illustrated circulars FRI-1E. Address : TAR- BOX BROS, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. GENTS snould drop overythlug and so A Tamraoss LIFE or Cnnrsr. entitled From Manger Io Throne.” Over600 quarto pages: 400 Illustrations from out paintings an aPanoramlc picture in co ors ten feet in ion h, of Jerusalem on the day of Crucifixion Sol only by subscription. Exclusive territory ts. Address for terms Wu. Barons, to en PubIlsher. Toronto. Ont. THE GREATWORM REMEDY . Da wson's Chocolate Creams. \ Sold by all Drugglsts, 25c abox. PARTNER WANTED. An old established Toronto firm desirous of extending their business by opening a branch in England waulsa gentleman of means and business ability. to assist here or to go to Eng- land. Address a. a c. s: 00.. Toronto Post omcc m mscs URE FOR 5 THE BEST coucu IEDIOIIIE. '6: SOLD 3! 9330613?! 1m N CONSUMPTION 7». $90AMOIITH $333.... to a few reliable persons to sell a line of silver warob sample. Sample Free. Don’t answer this no cos you are a worker and. desire a perâ€" manent situation. Address, loyal Silverware C... Windsor. Ont' ’su’ommrsnawsme . head educati attend con Cl {guesses lblleggcorner as "and Shawl: Sig. mule P. J. oils. Prin. mu... m,“ Milieu"! coih‘fn'mnummnmig . FA: L Q- sm 71,,” 7. V‘ . . A s ‘ , ~ ,_ ‘ ' Soormplc N me I Instant Relief, Permanent ‘. It. ,, Cure, Failure Impossible. lien IocalMdhu-eemsimpl symptomsy ciOataxrb,suenash - minor rims. mifmmi ,. I EI’ILEPSY ORFALIIIIGSIBKNES r s..."- m... E r you ‘ fo Isl-Land India! gamble. Give moire. Address: rt. (3. R001- rs. 0., Ice Woes Adelaide es. scarab Toronto, Ont. .. any of these or kindred symptoms, V. mepmmrmmu - - . rmss.:~i‘"‘.c§.imsni2§ . Very Beneflual'to Health. g‘fili'ibaunti'pu": b final”th .- ’ Ita‘ke‘pleasurolns powwow-mes 00)hyaddreniug _ .. FULFORD & 00,, -‘ I“; in that the St. Leon Brockvllle,>0.nt. r'; A : M oral, Water I have - used hasbeenvery bene- ' finial to my health. The 5 saline properties of the ‘. , {t water seem to luvlgorete the wholesystom. lean recommend its use as highly conducive to .‘tsfieucral health. D B. ,insn, Q. 0., 237 Unl- versi ty street. \ The st. Leon Mineral : “'utcr 00.. Li'd., Toronto. Branch Office: â€"- Tidy”! ' Flower Depot. 64 Yongo street. ATARRH CURED runs for Edmonton aftercare. Address THE GERMICIDE ., Toronto, Ont. WILFRIB . LAURIER On the Platform. HIS GREAT SPEECHESâ€"I87l-90. A656 page. 8 yo book. bound with portrait 0 MR. LAURIER. Cloth, $3.00; Morocco, 3.50 and £3.75; Calf, $4.00 an $4.50. Solo Agents for Ontario: THE ROBERTSON" PL'BLXSHING HOUSE, Mail Building, Toronto. mAgcuts wanted. D. OONBOY, MANUFACTURER or CARRIAGE 'TOPS AND TRIMMINGS EASY TO USE. They are Fast. They are Beautiful. They are Brilliant. I The leading carriage builders sell the Bonboy carriage Tops. They have all the latest im rovements. Are correct in style. Unequa led in quality. Price as low as the lowest. 80A? WON’T FADE’THEM. 485 King Street Wast, Toronto. Telephone Have YOU used them ; i! not, try and ‘ I be convinced. One Package equal to two 09 any other make. Canada Branch: 481 St. Paul Street. Montreal. » Sukiyaki/or Sample Card and Boot «incarnation; resins WILL LEAVE ON FEBRUARY 24th, I89! AT_9.00 P.M. AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAF’TER Duame MARCH AND APRIL ‘ WITH 00LOIIISI SLEEPEIIATI'AGIIED FOR iVIANITOB n C mm:- , ‘ THE WONDER 0F HEALING I cross GATABRH, RHEUMATISM, new. RALGIAfiORETEROAT,PILES,‘WOUNDS BbRNS, reruns consumes, mi HEMORRHAGES 0F ALI: KINDS UsedIntemally ctExmaIly. WWBIJLW earns EXTRACT 00. NcWYorkfaLOnM Is the Communion of the Vitali- , a 8 Zing Elements of" Prime Beef FLUID BEEF Concentrated. Confébcraticn life FIG ANIZED I87l. HEAD OFFICE, TORONT REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy. m NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMNT POI-1301‘? AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST -=- EARLY -=- DEATH -=- Provides an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTMENT. Policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Profits which are unoxcclled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated ever: five years from the issue of the pol cy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. Proms so allocated are ubso me and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future (line under any circumstances. Participati Policy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per cent. of the profits surfing n the class, and or the past seven years have actually received 95 or cent. a thefirafim so so D W. C. MACDOhALD, J. K. IACDO AL Acrcanv. LIANAOINO Draccron. 540 DOLLAR IN THREE MONTHS. ' - The Brooke, Ont. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., BRANTFORD, ONT. ' GENTS,â€"-I did a. splendid fall trade with your 20 inch standard Chopper. It satisfies my beat expectations. I have 20 tons of chop (toll) to soil. It is worth, delivered at Ottawa, $27 .00 per ton. Yours truly, CHESTER SPEARMAN. For full information and dcscri tivc pamphlets of Maultobo, N orth-west Terri cries and Brit- ish Columbm. apply to any C.P.R. event. fl 12th J an., 1891. CIRCULARS of Iron Plate'Mflls, admit that plates cost lo for every 5 bushels ground 3 actual experi- ence makeolit about is to 2 or 3 bushels; nsdal price for finding is 30 per,bushe1; so that iron platesmn 15 to 33%; absorbing all the profits of grinding. . ‘ For best French Bnhr Grinders, address TEE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS Cot. Branttord, Can- A ,. 1.4;: ;~' « __. :iéesinéso‘vaisr - a r .

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