(Concluded from ï¬rst page.) story. Good old John Bunyan says, I think it the Pilgrim‘s Progress: H The bitter must come before the sweet, And the sweet will taste the sweeter." And again: ‘- llr- that i- down need fear no fall, lie that is low no pride; And he that is humble ever shall llave God to be his guide.†Scripture says: “ He that humbleth himself aimll he exalted; he that exalleth himself shall be abused." The dark clouds that ‘murrrd over me on my ï¬rst arrival here arr breaking; “sailors' breeches" are up- pearing in the rifts; what are left of the dark clouds have a silver lining; and in a i'r-w months I hope to show the residents of i'rirtlun Falls that I am not an absconding A Rare Chance ! s87 -LOTS- 87+ v-‘I‘N FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick house and lot on Fidler’s Hill. NOW 18 YOUR TIDIE _ AS __ THEY )IUST BE SOLD For terms and particulars apply to Barron & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to W. E. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls. April 251b, 1800.â€"10tf __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~ The [lanada life Assurance Co’y, ol blur nor yet an incurable dead heat. Yours truly, JAMES TEAGUE. PM Canadian cheese stood in the front rank and received the highest awards at the annual show of the British Dairy Farmers' Association in London rc CL‘IIII’. Charles Rievling, a clerk in the Bed. ford Bank, Brooklyn, stabbed himself right times with a carving knife on Fri- day night. He had quarrclcd with his wife, who, with their three daughters, witnessed the stabbing. The man is «lead. The Shelburnc Economist says:â€" “ People who are in the habit of using ‘llurï¬c small potash lozenges for throat allccrions should be very careful, as they are explosive. Last. Monday, at Me- laucthou Council meeting, Mr. Richard Smelt, township treasurer, had the lining of his coat badly burned. Some match- rs had come in contact with the lozenges in such a way as to cause an explosion resembling the tiring of a small quantity or powder. Ofcourse the ï¬re was speed- ily extinguished. The editor's brother, H. 'l‘. Slack, had a similar experience ESTABLISHED IN 184?. THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LII-‘1! ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. __ Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, 1889, over $10,000,001}. Annual Income for the ear ending 30th April. 1885, 31, 40,000. Total Sum assured to 30th Anrll,1885, amounts to $47,000,000. The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Oilice doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio ofexpenses to income are less than that of any'other Canadian or British ofï¬ce. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any ï¬rst-class ofï¬ce. All forms of policies are issued. McDOUGALL k BRANDON, 43.ly. Agents, Fcnelon Falls. during his sojourn in Shelburuc. Prob- uny some mysterious house ï¬res have had their origin in the same manner.†W House and Lot For Sale. sosrnssisonos. Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swauton as a dealer in i RailwayTies, Cordwod, Telegraph Poles, Cedar and all kinds of Timber, Lumber and Shingles, MWWN owumwmoo W§ For sale, very cheap for cash,a half-acre r-orncr lot and the buildings thereon, op- posite the south ward school house, Fenc- lon Falls. The house is [8x24 feet, 1; stories high, on a stone foundation, with a kitchen 13 x 20 feet and a woodshed. There are also a workshop 14 x 20 feet, a never Juiliug well of excellent water and a few fruit trees. The buildings were erected uimlll. twelve years ago, and are in good irorltlilinll. Apply at the Gamma ofï¬ce, or to the undersigned. will be continued on a much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASH rotors} and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month for all materials GEO. W. MARTIN, delivered. 10 Pearson Avenue ,- SL Alban,s ward, 5%†One of the tilirémrgarél be regularly on Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"7tf. wALLiaPERs. Pillow Patterns Arriving Daily FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in ‘Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. urrorrs & STYLESâ€"Min CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 50. per roll Paper. For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. H. Brandon, Fenelon Falls. SWANTON, BRANDON 8: 00. N. B.-â€".\ir.Swantou thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years, and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new ï¬rm. Fcnelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"26-tf. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT ;; 3E :: :: MEDICINES ".1 2‘. ,33; 12 ii AND And all the way to 50c. per Roll. 1 have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT V'V. T. J UN KIN’S. .' ‘ ‘u 1 The ‘ leuelon hills Gazette." is printed every Saturday at the ofï¬ce, on the corner of May & l’raucis streets. SUBSCRIPTIth SI .l YEAR IN ADVANCE. or one cent per week will he added as long as it remains unpaid. xtdvcrtising Rates. REMEMBER THE PLACE: J ust tlpposite New l’ost-oilicc, lient Street. I... I N 1) S £137. a. r. MERERELL. ï¬ve." Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay, April '.‘nd, 1890. g g mwnsav Marble Works. R. CHAMBERS '34 is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- sn- and surrounding: country with Ililxl'lil‘INTS .-\.\'l) lll‘IAIH'l‘OSl-IS, both Marble and Granite. .u- Estimates promptly given on all kinds of curnrtr-ry work. \larhio Table Tops. Wash Tops, Mantel Pin-vs, Etc. a specially. lining a practical workman, all should x“- his designs and compare prices before purr‘iusin: elsewhere. WORKSâ€"4:1 rear of the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite llatthcws' packing Iowa. 8081'. CHABERS. North of the Town Ila‘. A Pro‘l-ssi~'rri;il or biliincst cards, 30 cents ,rcr line per a mum. t‘asuzil advertisements. 3 cents per line for thr- ï¬rst lnSL'rLIU l. and 2 Cents per line for every sr-l).cqr:t- ll. inscr- tiou. Contracts by the your, l‘ull' year or quarter, tor a column or lCnS, upon reason- :tlrir‘ It THIS. JOB PRH‘N‘I‘TNG‘ of all ordinary iilull.‘ --x~-r-'m-d neatly, cor 'ectly and rcasnual-lc- :- .w: *1 D. HAND. I‘rrrpnelor, GROCERIES â€"ANDâ€"- PROVISIONS. J. MCFARLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWA RE, Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blocking-brushes, Clothes-pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Banned Fish, iruil ll legelables of the very best brands and at the low- est possiblc prices. Cash Paid for Butler & rggs and other farm produce. W Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. __â€" BEST TAMIL ___._â€"â€"â€"â€" Fast Colored Ginge- homs for 10c. Fast Colored Mus- lims for 10c. Fast Colored. Prints for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. Milli EMT, MANUFACTURER 0F SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, Everything belonging to the constantly kept in stock. REPATRING Done on the Shortest Notice. VALISES. r Saddlery and Harness Trade W, cm, ' 393’Allk‘~l<nf.lrlP-:,',.I, .-: Kent-SL, Lmdsay, (int, 1- . ..,. ..:.,,;,_.;';;,,:.§:.::‘,:3, -‘I'HEâ€" ROYAL CAI‘PADIANl INSURANCE COMPANY, VS. THE LONDON MUTUAL, FOR FARMERS. The Royal Canadian offers the following advantages over the London Mutual: l. Ifa building worth $1200 is insured for say $1000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay $1000, ifa loss occurs. In such a. case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds ofthe cash value, or $800. 2. If a horse worth $90 is killed in the ï¬elds by lightning, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay $90. The London Mutual pays only $60. 3. Fora cow worth $30 killed by light- ning the Royal Canadian pays $30. The London Mutual pays only $20. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more than $5, no matter how valuable the animal may be. 4. In the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightning while at pasture anywhere. In the London Mutual they are insured while posturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured speciï¬cally, such as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insured up to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only two‘third of the cash value, no matter what the in- surance may be. 6. When “ordinary contents †of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian ALL implements are included. In the Lon- don Mutual only one reapcr and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the -" ordinary contents †of all building not cut oti'byn distance great- er than 40 it., the same as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Mu- tual requires a. separate sum on the con- tents ot' each building, if the distance is more than 12 ft. This is a very important difference in many cases. 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part of the contract. that standard STEAM 'rrurusunrrs may be used without a special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stocks or buildings, caretakers, pails of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Many of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last season, be- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he should secure a policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. Tire Royal Canadian is obliged to pay its losses within sixty days and usuallv takes much less. The London Mutual uccil not. pay for ninety days, and since it has become so hard up as to be obliged to hor- row money largely, it usually takes about the full time allowed. to. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutorv conditions only. It has none of the numerons variations against the policy-holder printed in red ink on the back oftho London Mutual policy. ll. As to security, the inspector of insu. rancc reports that the Royal Canadian has $202,756, the amount he estimates to be necessary to enable the company to carry out all its engagements with its policy holders. lit-sides this he reports that it has to the good the $100,000 capital paid in cash by the shareholders, and a not surplus $117,6er making in all a total ca>h surplus of SSlTï¬rr? to protect its pclic_t'-lroldcrs against uncxpr-ctr-d conlingeucir-s. in ad- (litian to these cash items it has n. subscrib- ed mp3,,†“f summon not called up. tr:- garrling the security of the London Mutual the inspector reports that the amount of' unearned premium it should have on hand , is $200.}ll'rit. To make up this amount in cash a seerlnrl call would havo to ho Illttrlc ; on the premium notes for a ldl’gr- urnourrt,i leaving it sll'pltl-l of only $74,218, even ifi there were no lull dwins. and this surplus? is rnndr- up wholly of the unpaid balance of pr- rniur‘n notcs already heavily rune-st d. The (‘IvIlllulil‘V rnunrrs lire l.)x‘~t"§ ltrlj'lslvll but llnpai'l at the clmc of thc your at ."J.-' last. rm rm- r.r.3-.r-r:r.,.r of Iriurrzl'it'r' ours '- Illle tilt: ll.i'lllr_'.' for unlaid tones at the <- year was Singlet}. 'l'hr- cash on hand to pay these luizt'i only amounted to $111.31 l. In rEr-w of the foregoing facts farmers w.ll have n) difiir-ultv in (it'(i'iiu;_' n-: «o the company in which they should he Lri:urcd. For illJUllillt": apply '0 Pi. (JOILNX‘JIIJ. Agent, Lindsay. lT-Lim. ,. r. r - . _-r.rr the times. FARMS _r_o_r__a SALE. The following cheap and good farms, " , In the ï¬nest section of \Vestem 3 Send for the “Canadian Farm Adve ' , Guelph P. 0., Ont. It gives the acres cleared. i IOJJ. Daly 3: Co. Is sent free and sizes and kinds of these and :75 other farms. No stones, little or swamp on the tarmo. and the soil is guaranteed deep. rich. clay loam that never baku. qulrod no guarantee. for expenses it the {arms are not cheap and as represented..â€" and intending buy left to decide for buildings, &c., Sim, d . NM r... Money can: It ro- ers, after seeing them. themselves, and the. v keep or return the money as they think right. Pure spring wnte fences; land not hilly nor'tlat. r on every farm, goal Gravel roads, cheese factories, crcamerics, schoola, churches and post ofï¬ces near all the farms. Good water every whore and healthy coun- try. Only enough money to bind the bar-gala need be paid until taking possession. and than 60 per cent., 860 of every moo, of the price will be let: on the tarms. or ten than that. it buyers wish. payable Just to suit the buyers in every way. This will ho put in writing and offered to buyers. I: the best chance evor All buyers get good titles and their deeds when they take poa- session. #110 acres. 65 cleared, 15 an; $3,800o tine maple bush, good hon-n and burn, market town with railway 1 miles. ___..__ 57R . ‘ barn, market town cuil Q i a - 160,-;t‘t‘es, So \‘lcareâ€"d, hon; (It 7 . and burn, near market town. 00 acrrerFcle-Eircd, balance bush, brick house, good v 1 mile. WIS-b A 50 acres auTrn'rEIiï¬Ã©El RD 2 9 5 00. building's, near market. â€"r 6 85 acres, all rlt:.ircd,zool $ , . buildings, nearlargc town. ,f $3,400. 1 004ncrcs, S'g'crc.ir'é.i,' 1:, ball, brick house and bank bum. market town with railway 5 miles, village nag, assoc. 1 boundarv at back end, 00 EEEETQSYl‘ehrEd, {6' 6.17.5. large Iresh water lake 'u good house and barn, marlta town with railway 5 miles. In†255 acres, no cleared, rent , . hardwood,housc and hams. a village 2 miles, market town with railway 7 miles. wood,goo house, sma lbam. ’ lï¬a?rcs,td5oclenrrtl, rfharih- market. with railway 1 mile, large town (7 mtlel. , o 100 ucrcsfsg'Lindidfs‘hiï¬l $59 wood, ï¬ne brick house and large bank barn, market town with railety 1_m_ilen. Ill (.7 2130 acres, iSo cleared, 3D Q) . balance hardwood, 2 acts of fine buildings, shank barns and a good house; market town with railway 2 miles, can he and}. dividcd~onc of the best farms in the county. ___._____-_-..._u_. ll} 360 acres clearéd, 0;“:1 a) 1 , 0 $4,000 cash, balance tn suit purchaser, ï¬ne buildings that cost _$ro,ooo. This farm adjoins City of Suclph, and is one of the best grain and stock farms of ll.S size in Ontario. g 450 acres in block. 360 ' cleared, 90 very hoe valuable hardwood bush, 3 sets ï¬ne buildings, a bank barns, 1 ï¬ne new brick dwelling. near good market town with railways, best large {arm in the :ouuty, is fenced into}, [armsâ€"zoo acres, tgo acres. and too acres, will be sold separately or together. .__..__.._...__. ..~--...... 38nd for the “ Farm Advertiser," it give: full particulars of these and 275 other farms and valuable information about this country._ Address. J. J. Only a 00.. Guelph P. 0., on?! I‘lEElEY, DEALER IN lillLLlNERY AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Stamping rlorro Bulborne Slreel. ienelnn Falls. HEADQ UARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Paper and Picture Frames --â€"lB ATâ€"- w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker's Black, Kent-sh, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastino and Dye Works Agency. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksurithing in all its dilfcrr-ut brancth done on short notice and at the lrwelt living prices. l’artirtulur nitration paul Io lrur."t~â€"Clru"iug. (live me a call and I wilt guarantor: satisfaction. 45-ly. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"bl’ Till;â€" County nl' ‘V'ictoriu. The next sittings. or the nimvv (Tour! wilt l;(.‘ Itt'ld Ill i.'i('l.:'1 [On '.l‘u(-:a'(lxt5‘, l)u(e’r 2nd, 1 comrueur‘in g at l0 Glo. Mass-rm. Bailiff. n': hall, liarluu Falls, w. ...._.....â€" .. p. o'clock in the forecourt a. o. nun, Clerk l-‘enelon Falls, July 10th, 1890.: