Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Oct 1890, p. 7

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_â€" fl‘ U” *_ “_â€"“_.â€"_â€"-.â€"’__ V S a - \ l to u tron. ” ' a]: lbmmtc of ammonia, finely powdered. ten _: 1- - ‘E‘f‘lul‘z‘e'fldf‘c ‘ Pri‘e 1?, cents - ' :gmins. Mix again thoroughly, and place gc'lb ions 10‘“ lat 1" ‘Ln'l- ‘ f G l " â€"_ l in a twodrzun bottle. Shake Well at each Too great display of tilelteacy can and does I ' ' l using. limplovcd as a snutf. 'l'hus carefullv ' some-tines intringe on t ecency. , . s as. t . . . - , . - l _, , . Antldomq to Pm o apr-‘V‘ red. this is said to be an excellent ; QATAR Rn amt ASLHAL‘, “TE-e not so u ‘lll""- lreadilv controlled and cured betore l. A. . The following valuable lists of :t‘ v ‘1“, 73715"- 'I A "'W’ 1 Carlin” oil is a drug which has not yet been, and is not likely to be, altogether , ‘ ,supplantcd by its more modern rivals, says of poison, the propcranttdote (“All I": pr‘otnpb ' the firth]; Jitd'ya/ (LVN/.1131 ; “everuwkssy 1)" it‘lllllHE-‘itcrc‘l “'llllmlt ‘l““:§"3r‘)l“ ‘lU‘I-V' , it has been found that patients often decline When the poison is unknown, thi is 1.11 to take it. and choose .s- one more palatable, trr iillli‘lil. : l‘rovokerepeated vomitu g ; glV but less etii icnt substitute. The best way bland liquids ; stimulate 'i necessary. of taking aster oil is thorou-vhly to mix the For ls,â€"â€"sulplmric, nitric, niuriatic, dose With about fo‘ur tllll;,‘s as much. p‘bot oxalic : (live an alkali : provoke \‘->:inttiigz_ lilllk‘” Ell“ 1-5 “W-‘l “>r'3'4lllil.-l}' {lcconll’ik‘dclll givcbland lluids -, Sculll‘c rest; stimulate n gum. g I the two toggdicr pm ‘a Roll 1, . . "\lllL‘ll they do not moic than .mlt till. “WW/MW. \l'l‘cn tztl' In as above directed the activity . ‘L- H: -â€"â€"l artsborn soda otash, lye: . ‘ 7‘" ‘ _‘ I .‘ ’ ‘ . ~ "Alma!" ‘. l . ' ’. ,, - - 1, ol the oil seems to be increased, and, being {in}, A“ MM: “111014;,” : provoke \tjl'lll‘tlili-i ’ ‘ rendered vcrv limpid by the milk, “.5 oily pix-c bland liquids; secure x-c:t; stunu a 0 nature is not- pcrwivcd. Chimmn take it ” “""t‘s‘i‘ry' , l very readily in this form, in which, indeed, 1")1‘ “Picnic. Paris green. ,90110010‘5 gm?“ i it is scarcer distinguishable from rich milk. l)""""'l“’-U Vomiting iglm ‘llulyhgl “'0” “ml: Flannel next to the skin is an important hilll (Who‘ll- FC‘TNI tlmL‘sl' in“: ,‘lcse "1 ' preservativeagainst cold. It. not merely no.5 Cxl'lwl' Oil; 36011113 “3513 Eullllllute n EUCQS' as a nonconductor of heat, but gentlvstimu- WV."- lates the skin and assists it in throwing oll‘ bur sugar of lead: (live Persons who have in 'sllpel'iiltulls matters. provoke vomiting (repeat. several times) any way to take violent exercise, so as to give bland liquids; give dose of castor Oll.. stout‘u's HXYul-lxlxrlll rmrrsmx {of run: mp turn on. came into the; libtl‘l-ie'. Evch drugdst is plcascd to ban- dle it for the)" all know its value. For tightness of the chest and diliicult breathing it has no equal. A. P. 5‘15. for poisons taken from :he should be elosclv studied by every purer. . V so that, in the event ofaccidentai swallowmg I s 2 ' v-i ‘3 act: ll "I: “In C it is a certain and speedy euro for Cold in the Head and Gambia mm stages. SOOTHING. CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. " Manv sotcalled diseases are simpl lympt oi Cutarr'u, such as b-‘xu- ache pnnial dullness, losing Hus: of wall. foul breath. hawkng and spit- titu. nnnSeB. gencisl feeling nl dc- bihty. etc. 11 you are troubled with > any of these or kindred symptoms, pour lune Catarrh, and should lost: no time In irocuring a bottle of Nisan Dun. Be warned in‘umc. neglected Cold in head results in Catarrh. {ol- lowed by tonsum M n and death. Nun. lunar is sold by all drzizuists, or will he mm, post paid. on receipt. if ptice (50 cents and $1.00) by addressing FULFORD & 00,, Brockvllle, Ont. epsoni salts w. «o l l l produce frcqulent and copious perspiration, . . . V ‘ .‘ , i should wear l annel next to the skin. So _1“.'" .‘.".””5.“:0 Slll’lllm'fel ill: “maxi l should those who are frequently troubled 1 lilm’l‘c \Umnmg ’ file “10‘1". in)”, é,” ,‘ with cough or tenderness of the chest, or “‘“k l}"'l"'“l,5“"'~;ml lulled.) i fill 0‘ l‘l“ 3?”? . who are liable to general dcbilitv. All elder- l‘.“'1 “H” gum “030 0f emu” (“1 ’5tllnll ML 1y people require the warmth aiid nourish~ ” '“""“""S“r~v' , _ _ ment which llanttel ali‘ords. For wearing 13”” l’l“""l’l‘(’l‘“S i Prnv‘flil‘ W-mtmg: 31"“ next to the skinthinllannelsho..ld be chosen. “"0 .‘s'l‘illn (10505 Sl‘ll’lljfic 0: Wl’l’m'? 22"“: dos” and should be taken oil' for the night and 0f “‘L‘E‘I‘T‘Slu, but no oil. i spread on a chair, so that the moisture may I Lunar caustic (nitrate of silver) :. Give pass oil. In general, it should be borne in strong salt and water ; provoke vomiting re- ’ mind that a little llannel next to the person a t r ‘ ANCER a‘nd Turner's cured I'i FXGENTS “‘ANTE .lâ€"B g money. liner. 1-2. X. Morten x to. lnvcntors’ L'nion. PERSONAIrâ€"A lady who has sutl‘crcd for l r ml will send to any , the remedy employed tor ‘10c. ' ' i , Hurling. or. J. 'l ruttct‘, .3 Richmond \\ est. 10‘: 3mm HElltlll ‘ chlvr. Dr. JNO. H. DYE. Buffalo. New YO Casings in lots to suit purchasers. pcat inany times. Iodine: I’rovoke vomitin water ; give bland lluids. Opium,-â€"â€"morpbinc, laudanum, paregoric, etc., chloral: l’rovoke vomiting, repeatedly give strong coll‘ec, without milk; keep up th breathing. Strycbnine: Provoke vomiting once or, twice; give u. purgative - secure absolutei . I quiet. Aeonite: I’rovoke vomiting; stimulate . Provokei e powdcrcdl u g Hive starch and is l c l t l well. Jamestown weed, hemlock, nightshade (belladonna), toadstools, tobacco: l’i‘ovoke vomiting ; stimulate well. Alcohol: l’rovoke vomiting: give harts- born and water. Decayed meat or vegetable vomiting; give a purgativc ; giv charcoal. To provoke vomiting, warm water may he even in the annals of the sen" “SW1 “'“l‘ or “1mm” Elmund “msmm (‘1 - the crewbocmue prostrath by the Mauritius tablespoon to a pint of water), or ipccuc (a teaspoonful of the powder, or a. tablespoon- ful or so of the syrup, and thrusting a. linger down the throat. (plantities (that. is, u. pint at a time) of warm water whenever vomiting is to be excited. llland liquids are milk, of grucl, etc. Stimulants are ten. coll‘ee, whiskey, wine, etc.. or hartshorn and water. -()i this a tea- spoonful in a teacupful of water will be enough fora dose. In making tea or coll'ee, one must not wait to do it; as if for the table, but mix hot water and the leaves or grounds, squeeze them well, stir together, and give the whole, -â€"lcaves, grounds, and everything. At. the same time, some may be made regularly, if there are conveniences for it. Alkaline antidotes are hartshoru and water (a tablespoonful in two teacupl‘uls oi water), soap and water, lime, whiting, soda, chalk, tooth-powder, plaster, magnesia, white-wash and even wood-ashes. Acid antidotes are vinegar and lemon- juice Care of the Hair. Numbers of persons stiller with loss of hair, while the presence of dandrull' is to others a constant cause of great annoyance. The most. simple and valuable trcatnn-nt we have found, both to arrest the falling out of hair and remove dandrull', is the free use of extract of witch hazel, or Hamamclis. It should be thoroughly rubbed into the roots of the hair night and morning. The exn'act of witch hazel should be kept in every house : it is a most valuable remedy for all: lug inflammation, for cleansing and healing ‘ old sores, as a lotion for sore eyes, bruises, sprains, and cuts. Acute Rheumatism. Acute rbcunuttism, neuralgia, toothache, i It is best to give largel l raw eggs, some sort; is of more avail in preserving health than a large quantity of outer mulllings.â€".\ “(zonal Star/cm a u . Guts, Wounds and Bruises. The tincture of calentlu/u. diluted in nine parts water is far tnore valuable dressing for cuts, wounds, and bruises, than any other simple remedy we are. acquainted with. Every family should keep an ounce of this simple but valuable tincture in the house. It is made, as most. of our readers will remember, from the llowcrs of the yellow marigold. nflnflfin- Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHflsPHlTES _â€"___._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" An Australian Grace hat-ling. Pall Mall (hustle: On April 3 last the Johanna, a German barque, well-known in Australian waters, left Mauritius for Mel- bourne. For some days everything was plain sailing; then there followed a. series of disasters such as are not often met with One by one Vmumn "u..- wanna”..- "i a... Soda is a pry-fur! 12' unis-ion. It fever, and when almost every hand on board I h '13 a wonderful Flesh Product-r. 1.! as the was lying ill the ship \ 'as caught in a gale. loan and Stillâ€"figs Eumpany, Subscribed Capital... .. . . . . . .$ 4,530,060 Paid up Capital. . .. Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets .. ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"_====._._____.___. ._____ .ihnn: the knife. Semi for book of treatment and testimonials, free. .H..\lc.\lichacl. M. D., 63 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY. Choicest books. Contml of territory. Apply at 01' Yonge St..’l‘orontu Ll-fil’litcnt on Velodpedc for sale lcasou. ill but ltu. Address. '1 oronto. __ $5flfllll ‘GIVEN AWAY- yThe above amount will actually be given free. Each person answer- ing this advertisement will receive a present. 7 A L L' A ll cheap .‘ears with Female \\'cakncss and is ‘t' l - a :tlress. ten days supply of] address. alts. Send stamp for sample copy to the '1‘. I 110, Can. HOW TO GET IT! HOW TO KEEP lTl Fully explained in tho Thz‘ubove ott‘cr is made to introduce Ilcp- burn‘s lllcod l’uriticr, which has hadulnrgd sale in this localit for the past four years. The conditions are as follows: a For the largest list of English words con- structed from the letters cunt-incl in the w.r d: “BLOOD PURI FIER" EALTll HELPER. LEATHERâ€"i BELTINGT“ Best value in the Dominion. l“. E. DIXON 5'. 0., linkers, TU King street East, Toronto. I llcccivm} upto iovom‘bcr lldiill, - $130 7 ..~ , . .. _ ,1, , v. iccctvct up to ccem u'r ..t _ - . u lactltd lll]l.(l_1..l. itLl illll.‘..m necnved u - 25 v to December 25th, There will also be three princs of ten dollars leach, and seven prizes of tlvc dollars each given in each section of time as indicated above. to the. next ten largest lists in the order l‘L-t'citlcll. Fvcu if you do not win one of the cash prizes you will receive a rcscm'nirvtvay of some. val- uc whether a list 0 Words is sent in or not. Each list or application must be accompanied with One Dollar for which a dollar bottle of llcpburu's lllcotl l’uritier will be forwarded. "“‘is preparation is guaranteed to be supcrlor to -n_vthing yet introduced for the relief and . arc of liver and kidncv troubles. C‘rculars \\‘llll testimonials and fullint‘ormation sent on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. (‘ontest closes Del-ember 23th. the list of prize winners will be. published in tho Nuws 0! er~ quois the following week. ., ,_ , .(Tbe lecvc of Ira unis. ‘Lf‘wm‘h 1 Postmaster of Iriiquois. Addressâ€"C. E. lll‘lPRllRN. Druggist, Iroquois. 0nt.. Can. Lock box 230. 5:: Cut this out as it may not appear again 339:1. 82!); .. ._....oâ€" «as ‘va. igll‘lit’lfiltfislu. also? sisalâ€"sass .étnu'npos‘Est- » 3“ 03WWI$AN A= SAUSAGE GASlllilS. Importations of finest English She} p Casings rriving weekly. Also small American Hogs Ne l J AS. l’Allli & SON, Toronto. The Red River Valley in North Dakota. otl'crs line induccnu-nts to new settlers. t‘losc to markets. schools, churches, ctc. \Vritc to l“. 1. \\'urr.\‘i«:v. (i. l’. & '1‘. .-\.. ti. .\.lly St. Paul, Minn. or J.. .HUCKINS. Toronto Ont., for Maps. Books. etc G‘ â€"- 1m: -â€" Cheapest and BEST PLACE. DZLlGUS t in Americauto ibuy gags. 1:: rs .t n A c n n 5 Band and us c: 1K}, H lrstruments, ‘3,- M (NJ. 'e. O I, u r â€" u o - magic. & L i ' I had themnutism in my ‘ \‘ws. knees land Illngcrs, llll- ' l ' ‘ c i - r ‘3 ‘tc Address w rum-2v, noun .v (‘0. {0313 , 1y f a I 3gp; L . 2. Street. Toronto. Sena tor L‘atalosziio hm]: “ '(lrv. urged me to try 5'1“. Ll) o x M 1 x 1‘: na 1. \VA'i‘l‘lll. I did, and it: set me all right. bend- ncbcs aml pains all gone. My wife and three chil« f drcn also use it. \\'c all find 51.1mm \\':ttcr very good and healthy. J. T. S. 05'. “'nt clunnkcr & Jeweller, 316 Queen street. west, Toronto. J. RATTRAY & CO. WHOLESALE TUBAGGUNISTS, (‘ANADA Humanism l l INCORPORATED A. D. 1855. 2,500,099 1,340,003 .. 11,500,000 , (mien, Tore tto St, Toronto. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. C:unts of $4 and upwards received at (‘urrent l " - x . .1 c .0 , \- .. ." Beat 1'3")"“111 101‘ CGNSUE’IPTEOZV, lintcs of interest, Jilltl or compounded half- “0 turn a.( on w man to“. Lit to . _ . ' . _ . J . 1 work the vesselâ€"Captain Meimler‘s, Mrs. scromha Br9ndutlsfi‘73‘5tmg Bf? 3“ ‘l' >DEBENTURES' Memdcrs, and the chief mute. 'l.hc Cap- cases: 0‘33“: Gin-15:15 aud- com‘" “0,,,,,,,.(.,.oi,.cd m“, fiwd Wm, of “,1,wa ,. . . ’ . ,. tam 5 won, the hcrome of this brief uarra- PA 3.. TABLE: AS 3:11.“. , which 1),.i,,,,,1m.,.,,,,,.c ismcd' Wm, 1,,,1f,w,,,.1y I llhllllhmtumlb Ulf‘l'llbllllllh DUNK-UL £15113: She SCOWSEHIUEWIii‘mlyD111uni SillHIODCOlOT interest ('oupons attached. Executors and “1" ‘1‘ mg . tiveâ€"â€"had a double duty to perform. t l l E the mate in the dillicult'. task of running the ship during the gale. But», in spite of her eli'orls, death was busy. The sailors (lied one after the other, and finally the captain himself was st ‘uck down. Mr". Meinders and the first mate were left al 110 to light the storm, and to bring the vessel to port. For forty days this woman stood at; the wheel, saw to the rigging, and took an active part in the management of the ship. llclow, the crew lay sick and dying ; around her \ 'as nothing but ceaseless work, danger, and anxiety. To crown all, her husband died. But the brave woman held on to the very end, and the vessel linally reacheda haven of safety. The heroine of this story, Margherita Meindcrs, is only ‘27 years of age. She was married in 1882’ aml has been at sea ever Since. She has two childrenâ€"one a boy now being educated in (lcrinany, the other a little girl of 5, who run about the deck of tlte..loh:tttn:t. through all its cxpericm cs. It remains to be noted that the good people of Melbourne have determined “that the. suf- 1 t'cring of a widow and a woman shall be lightened by all the ways that are within the working of luunaus.” ..___- m._ V_ 6.. . I g ,,‘â€"_â€"...I y. .. .. _â€" “MAA” 13, A010 Sthtldl‘m-For dress cutting. taught; l, by lb. ljliubb. ticnc ~a'. Agent for 011- tat-.o, 4265 Yosge street, Toronto, Ont. ER DAYwGood men and women. P Fast so ling article. J. E. Cnusn, 5-9 Victoria slrcel. ’l'oronlo. GENTS should drop everything and sell 1 ’l‘Ammon's low: or CHRIST, entitled. “ From Hunger-lo Throne." Over $00 quarto pages ; 400 illustrations from great. painti \gs ; and a Panoramic picture in colors. ten feet in length, of Jo 'nsalem on the (lay of Crucifixion. Sold only by subscription. Exclusivelcrritory ton-rents. Address for terms, WM. Batons Publisher. Toronto. Ont. etc, will usually readily yield to ten to lif- . tccn grain doses of salicyluh of smla, taken in a. little syrupoi tolu. Always drink from one. half to one glass of water after takiugl thc salicylate of soda. It should be repeat- ed every two hours if pain is very severe, until it is relieved ; then give a dose every three hours for a day or two. \\'c have known the. most severe cases afacute rhcuma- 1 tism and neuralgia speedily relieved by thisl remedy. ln toothache it rarely fails promptly relieve the pain. ‘ Adam‘s to, “'hose turn may i'. be tomorrow? “'hat weak heart, confident llL‘lUl't.‘ trial, may not succumb under templa ion invincible '.‘ llow'l‘o M715: ll." . I 1 l’atuplilct.Appz'oved lwlt-ndingdah mcn. steadily in country market, l’ricc lltt'. Send to Slualllield ft :‘on, ch'rcury, licnt‘rmv. (.‘nt. .‘ . BUclNESS CHANGES. ‘ . o" '5 a" . .r . '- a ‘ 11' 4's .aufi~-- maroon :2. we. A practical fillllt‘lt‘fll‘ llultcr made thisplttn now bringing Zoo. per. lb. 100 or more along the (lrcul Norlli- crn Railway in Minnesota. North Dakota and Montana. “'ritc l" l. \Vurrm-zv. (l. l’. Se ’l‘. .-’t.. G. N .\'o nation can last which has lll‘ttlL‘ a mob l of itself, howevcr generous at hmrt. lt ' must dimiplim: its pa. sions and direct them, t er lllt"\ will disc] ilinc if one day with scor- . , E 1mm “1mm 1 ’ ‘ li‘orcnto, Ont... fur liooks, Maps. &t'. Improvtsdigestion and strengthens the" _ _‘ Cough Drops ! 1 voice, cleans and preserves Are lllOl)t‘.-l in the world for the throat and lllc lL'Uill, 'l'uttl Fi'ntti (,illlll. Sod by -~‘ dru'v-tists and confectioncrs. . . . rt? ‘ chcstanu for the voice. lvnequalled. P- 8:. T- W- stampctl on each drop is. 5 cents. Discimulatiou is as feminine a virtm-, and I CHESTER’S CURE. as necessary to a wonutu, as religion. Mn llmucdv. f--r the: turn of Dr. llarvcy's Southern lied l‘ino for Coughs and L‘olds is the most rcliaba: Asthlmt llxou. bll 'nlarrh, fur(‘ou;;hs, Folds, Lozu‘sem-ss. lot ’alrbyallltrngggists. l’rit-c medicine in use. liverv man‘s road in lilo. is marked by the _ ‘6: l‘nt'lm‘zc. mill-3110 lor small box. If your own drtumsthasnot. got ,I in stock, remit all by graves of his personal likings. mail and you will receive one ht x, prvpuid. by The great (‘anad All .“cn. 1' Forum, Old, or middle-aged, who find them. 5 return. Address. “1 II. é'lllI-‘TEH. 45' I 3‘ ‘ l l “"‘ll‘k"lt.“lCl‘C ‘1" ‘ct \lou're l yseivus nervous, weak and evhausted, who , “'°‘ ‘ f_‘ g, _" ‘L ' ‘ “ “' tare broken down from execs or overwork m s - If ""- 73" A “in”: _ ‘‘‘‘‘ ~ ‘ ’ [3.“ ER LIKE STEARESHXPB. Treatment for Burns. Some time since a gentleman sevt‘rclyi burned the halls of his lingers by liltinga- lice-c of burning wood which be supposed to c cold. was not broken. llciuuucdintclyapplied cold water in which a large amount ot soda had l‘k't‘ll dissolved (a very valuiblt- treat- ment for slight. burns". ll living 1:) the severity of the bu ‘n, and the many nerves centring in the ends of the linger. the. pain was \'t ry intense. .-\ physician prrscnt l‘té‘ conuucndcd the followng treatment, which proved wonderfully ctlertive: lunncxse the lingers in a four per ct in. solution of cocaine until the pain ceases, then innuvdiatcly mint the entire burned suriicc with collu- ilion. This was done: in three or four minutes the pain was rclicvvl. After the fingers were printed as directed no more trouble was experienced from the burn. H. .u I The Domestic Doctor. .‘lilk of almonds is a good remedy for sun- burn, and may be obtained of a druggist. Through and frequent bathing is the best means of keeping the complexicn pure and clean. Hands may be kept smooih in Cold weath- er by avoiding the use of warm water. “'ash them with cold water and soap. The following isstid to be a good hay fever remedy. l‘owdeml borax, one scrrple; fresh powdered capsicum. pure. tiftecn grains. Mix very thoroughly, and add car- 'l‘he burn was deep but the skin. 3 resulting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad . dreams, diumcss of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itchng or peculiarscnsation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, (limitless, SIn'L‘l-IS ln‘fut‘t‘. the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere. bashfuluess, deposits in the urine, less of will power, tenderness of the so.in and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to Slttp, failure to be rested by schp, constipation, ‘tv'lncss of bearing, 10% of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability oi temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADEN ctncmz, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ' ignon‘. we may be permanently cured. Send : your .\tidrc:\s for book on all dicases peculair ‘ to man. Address .\I. V. LUllON. 50 Front . ‘ 8:. l“... Toronto, On. Books ee ll. ircc scaled. Hutrttiismse,thesymptomsoinhich art-,t'aint spells, purple lips. nuin mess, ptlpitatiun. ‘ ship beats, hut dashes, rush of blood to the , head, dull pain inthc lit-art withlxats strong, inptd and irregular, the second heart beat qlllu‘ Sailing weekly between .1!0.\"I‘Itl£.ll.nr.d l.§\'llrt|'00|.. Saloon Tickets Stuff)“, id :10. llcturn Tickets, 58". $90 and $110, according to steamcrand acctmunodution. Interim-diam 82H 1 Slecrngc 5‘10. Apply to II. E. .Vll mut’. Gen cral .\lnna;.:cr. (‘nnalllan shipping (‘0.. l L‘l's Agents in all Towns and (.‘ities. S minnow;- CHOCOLATE CREAMS. Recommended by physicians. living in the form of .\ vhmulatc they trc pleasant to the . taste. ('hiidren nn-ver refuse a |‘.lt.)(‘O ate trcam. l Require». no allrr .“cdlrlm‘. lson‘s und take no other. Sold everywhere. 125 cook a Box. AGENTS WANTED l ker than the tirst, pain about tin- brctst ; I l l l ‘I ‘lty., 3:. unit. Mm... t..- J. M. HUJKINSII l ‘11).“ llotrsi: SQUARE, .\lox'rm-:.u., or to Luca! A sk for Haw. Dawson Medicine 00., Montreal. I Celcbr I had in the first place to intend to the Sickfimd wrapper. Avoid all im :itionscr . institutions. { ’l‘ruslccs are authorized by law to invest. in tho . . ‘ . 1. .. . ..-. . r. . , . Soldb‘ all Drugui. :t .. mlSl.00. '1)cbcntu. ;stif this Company. The capital and ‘ l " “ t' ‘ l‘ ; ,“ m the next 13..th to assist llCl husband and l . 7 L. HORNE, Renewing. sum,“ 0,- ,he Company being “caged rm. and cumin!” l1 0 l 1 ands incite)" thus rcrcivct . Debenturc-holdcrs are l at all times assured of perfect safety. J. 1132‘ aBBRT MASON, Managing Director. Ono trial is guarantee for continual use. and a valuable 'l (callst‘. .is reim dy i! . asurc :md radnal cure and is perfectly hallllb‘ss‘ as no utJlltbm» «hugs are med in In severe cases where ("icr remedies have failed. My reason {orbscmling t (we bottle IS: 1 want the g')‘ ; . IllCKlICIllu [0 (3 “S OH] rccoxn- ‘. Leathel is certain. (iivn 13:;rc5: and Post Ullicc. Address: H. G. 5200? M. 0., l36 West Adelaida St. E; a Sits preparation. I will warrant 'it to cut. mentlaunn. It costs 3' .u mth. Toronto, Ont. 1" Y Add ,1 Send at once tor a 1‘ l‘. uu'l"'l‘l.“ EPILEPSY DR FALLING SlCKNESS ing for a trial. and n llt.icnllturc tpggyrsn Enter ,5 ’00.. 'o. The Best Goods. Sold by the Principal Boo] .;\\l and Shoe Ebcalerr. I Every ’air Stamped. l Mulls! to: marine" and Beauty a wild they are the mm m... \- .. WILL but WASH OUT' .. WILL NOT Face 00"“ Then in naming like chm. tor stratum. cm) or Fashions ' 0N1 Puun EQUALSTWCOX :‘::tne.0n'.n'.z::n'n - I: run mum It. Ir) In Your money an: no t! [ended I! you are not Joni".ch or.» n no- I.“ '1 lourcolon we made in Turkish Du... what! .1. new lamb-3.31m other! Meadow u no It. a. t!» meow! fashionable 'lhey ul- euraniol u. ‘ l tame Ems as Inform live. 1 O 018} mun (MH‘AHU Jolt better may no other Dru. Uni-mu Branch: 481 on. I‘m. Juan. Marble... ( Catapulqu mmpu. mu um an... .9 numb“, DR. NICHOLS’ -: Food of Health For (‘lllldrcn and Adults. Invaluable for indigestion and Constipation. FRANKS & (70., London. England, Proprietor ltlome-z u. HH-‘n'n, I? St. John Street. Dr. '1‘, ll. Allinson. l..ll.t‘.l’.. London. sayst~ “ I like l)r..\'i(-hcls' ‘ Food of llcalth ' very much 1 and find it. of "rent dietetic value in many d s- enses. As :\ lbreakfast dish I prefer ll. to unl- n-cnl. For the regulation of the bowel»: it. cat.- not be surpassed." Send tors-ample HUSH. martian”; men For All “ho Need rs ax STRGNG NDURISHMEHT In an EASILY DIGESTED Form' sent.“ " are CURB) ciltl'tr‘ that l have a positive remedy {0' tn 0: nannies- -456! have been permanently :1 red. '5 an. .4 your readers who havv out *(espcctlnlly. 1'. A. 32-00;“. E El its d l TL) THE Eln’l‘nltzâ€"l’lease inform ,0... above “3.51mi diLCRZE. By its timelynsc thousands [shall 7: glad to send two hctt‘t'. ;f my remedy FREE t sumption if in w --.-ill SC (1 me their Express and Post Office Address. "" TOROPFI‘O. ONTARIO. “.3” [88 Wâ€"ot 1.6 “ET-Tu. Saves Tittleâ€"Quicker lhun a shift, ing belt. SIIVPH “(dimâ€"No wran belt stands idle when not. wotking. Saves Rollin. mi ollltlt. SZKYO< “ltlil‘t--â€"luvm:nuch the above cost money. Send for New Shutting and Pulley Circulpr, swung You? as . all bone.etc,canrmsitivelybecurcd. Keane” Inn pow {tic l).r.\i;ii..:i :- Fcll 63AM. 'no nv. Send for book. Address )1. V. P103 IRON FENCE- lin-«l i‘vr-wntage Wlintfi. :t.ul;o.\', 53 Front Street East, Toronto.lii:131;.n“-El'klfffrogong‘lglfiaflmg}“adl [F r, . F -. n r to... can: -he Mons inme links [10,. Ltd, Blanlllilll. Uania l

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