Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Oct 1890, p. 1

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_. -._._.__________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" VOL. XVIII. Professional Cards. VETERINARY. R. M- MASON, VTETERINARY SURGEONv ; llonor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- FENELON FALLS , ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 318T, 1890. No. 30 :o:-â€"â€"â€"â€" i s nt’ Sr s coaansronnsiicnf ’ Karma Cin', .\lo.. October 15th, 199:. To the Editor ofthe Fenelon Fall: Gareth. 5 8011001 Books. Dear Sin,â€" 'l‘he season of the “ scar and yellow leaf" is here, and summer is about ended. In June, July and part of August we had inciting hot weather, and sweat or sun- strokc was the order of the day; but since that time, which lasted little more than two months, we have had very bearable weather. We had white frost weeks ago. and some very chilly nights. Now, in a free and rambling way,l want to tell your readers some interesting things that hau- come under my observation in Kansas City. There are many “ niggers " here, and they compete so well with their white brothers that the latter are jealous of them; and in truth the negro population is a thorn in the side of Uncle Sam which he will find it an impossibility to extract. I can only cou- cludc that he is reaping the reward of his . R. c. o. v. OTHERS MAY COMPLAIN. I . Ta Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louise. _ , o “mast Fellow“ Fans“ Noisy competition has no chance of scoring us. Good Goods well bought are N i half sold We have bought well, and ask you to call and look over our stock of DENTAL. M BOOTS & SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. E I S S DENTIST, IJITNI)S}L-.Y9 2V hegnlyou llliachl’ooke‘d it over carefullyl and inquired the prices, you will say we L L will be M the “Johan” House,” Fonda“ an .e we . c are are to stay. llS ts no blaster, but it IS solemn truth. D (Falls, the second Wednesday ofeach mouth. ST, Beautiful and durable artilicial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. and the quality higher than the highest. Nearly 27 years’ experience. 16-ly. DEN’FIS’FRY. rug Store. IO: â€"---â€"-â€" OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Copy Books, Scribblcrs, GAS,â€"â€"(VITALIZED AIR_) is, as usual, supplied with the Freshest Goods that can be bought. if".l"5‘ltf°_““ff$"°ed. i" Silel‘llllga‘ll‘,‘;m[9"? i-oni tom 2 mean Jung es in c H r an s. Slates, ,v ' ,‘ 'f 'l‘ho negro as a rule is fat and happy. Go to J' FEELANDS’ DentISt’ Imdsny’ l , whether bending under his load of bricks you want. teeth extracted positively with- . . . in ta '0' ' ' . ' . _ out pain. Gas has been given by him With Ct’ m ‘ymmg that people 1001‘ 1‘01 m ’1 filSt Class Greecry. great success for over 2] years. He studied with Dr. Colton,of New York, the inven- & tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers in great vcriety and of elegant designs, cheaper than ever, of persons are wearing artificial tcethmade H. AUSTIN. by Mr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never and morter or bending over his customers in the capacity of a barber. Any labourer who settles here must expect to compete with him; but I don’t notice. him much in the mechanical trades. One of the princi- pal things to be noticed here is the street railroads, which have four or five different AND ALL KINDS OF Sfil'ldhl. SllPPLlES JUST TO HAND. ‘ '- d ' re airs. Gold crowns orce- - . . . _ {igf‘éfownnna‘l Mg bridgcwork dorm ’ Brim“ Cunningham 5 BlOCk, East Side Colborne Sh, methods of locomotion. The principal one Fenclon Falls, McArthur House, on the FCUClOD Falls, OCtObCI‘ 8th, 1890. 33-1y. is the cable cm” There may b° 50”” “'l‘” ' I I third Tuesday of every month. Call early don’t know how this is worked. The cable in the day. 40-t.f. . a car is run by means of a wire rope than [61101011133115 Aug-13m 1890- M I" ~ & M 4 runs underneath the. track of each cable ’ i ‘ ' ' 1 y e a 0 railway. ’l‘lic rope is connected with great ' " "'“ “‘“" “"" power houses placed in central positions in WWW the city. Immense and very powerful en~ l’i-ofcssional Cards. gines are working itt these houses, driving pondcrous wheels around which the wire ropes are wound. The ropes stretch along in different directions the whole length of the street railroads, above them, and at tltu terminii wind around great. pulley wheels and back to the power house. By the rev- olution of the great wheels, driven by the engines, the ropes are kept constantly run- ning at a rapid rate. The method employâ€" ed to connect. the cars with these ropes is very simple. There is no permanent fixture to fasten the car to the cable, as that would necessitate the stopping of the rope to stop the car; but a device is used called the “ grip," which is a kind of lever that stretches front the interior of the car to the rope underneath the centre of the track. The top ofthe lever or grip comes verticalâ€" ly through the bottom of the car and is placed convenient, so that the driver or gripman can handle it. Right along, exact- ly in the centre of the track, is a groove or narrow opening abuit an inch and a half wide, bordered by strips of iron ; and thro‘ this opening the connection is made be- tween the car and the cable underneath by means of the lower end of the grip. When a car is put in motion, the driver clutches the top end of the grip and moves it, which causes the lower end to grip the ever-mov- ing rope, and the car is instantly in motion. By moving the lever in the opposite direc~ Lion the cable is let go and the car sinpl. ’l‘hus scores upon scores of cable cars are running all through the city. on double tracks, for travelling each way. All fares are five cents for whatever distance travelâ€" led. Aiiother, and more wonderful, method ofdriving street cars is the " electiic.” As the name implies, these are driven by elec- tricity, in the following manner: A motor house is placed somewhere convenient, front which stretch wires d'rcctly "have the centre of the tracks, about two-thirds a, high as an ordinary telegaiph wire. Pow- crfiil electric currents are kept up along these wires from dinamos in the motor houses. A pole or a rod. or lever some- what resembling n. fishing-rod, protrudes through the middle of the (up of these can, at the extreme upper end of which is a small wheel, grooved all around so as to ________________._.-â€"â€"â€" LEGAL &c. -______#_._,____.____. A. r. DEV LIN, ' ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor l in Uhaticery,1{eut Street, Lindsay. M Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Plumes, Birds and Wings, perfect 111 every detail. WW no CAPITAL REQUIRED. . New Mantlegoods have Just arrived, T Nll‘mombleandmummybusiness which embrace nothing but the latest styles a, II. norKIhs, without vosswle “1055- and shades, all of WlllC-ll Will be sold at the . - Steadyemploymentand controlot‘territory. (buccsssou 'ro MARTIN tic Iloraiss) I v , , , v ' . . _ Bannisrmt,SOLICITUR, 86c Mpney “N am bums meander“) Wrs- most teasonable prices. Dressâ€"making done llice, {cat 5 H . d t R . unexcclled Nur ety Stock. ben for crm.. . 1007,76 guaranteed. m “mm M 6 per cent. Liberal pay to the right man to sell our CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Mrs. R. MoDOUGALL, stroot,liitidsay, 0M- ___.____'________. NURSERYMEN, Colborne, Ont. Two doors North of the Post-office. Fenelon Falls, October 8th, 1890. fi.«-» FOR AGENTS. no RISK. ,.....,,.-..., Lindsay. easy terms. OR ll. .1. Mclki‘rits. T. STEWART. "anal & WWW, HAMILTON light Siccl BINDER, , Altlllfi'l‘l‘lllfp‘, F. .\:. Ollicc: llaker’s lilock l Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Ycitcli’s to loan at lowest rates of ') lice, William street, Lindsay. AGENTS WANTED. ()‘LEARY & O'LEARY, lloh 'lll ck, lieutstreet, Lindsay. Rs, p c m MAY BROTHE that keeps on stepping, MclN'l‘Yl‘tl‘l & STEWART, 18-5' 4 Money to loan at 6 per cent. on IF YOU INTEND BUYING pinata-runs, SOLIUI’l‘ORS, &:c. or. 13-4, 1:, n. Moons. A. JACKSON. gm“ ,____,~___________________,.._.__â€"â€"â€" If you want to make MONEY, take hold \ltltlS’I‘liltS, A'l‘TORNEYSâ€"AT-LAW, and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is Solicitors in Chancery: 550- Omcet the time! “The us M once for terms' Y H E A i C H AaTnUtt U‘hrsuv. llumi U'Lsaav. _-_.-_ . WWW Nurserymen, Rocnssrsn, N. Y. . . AlllllS'l‘ERS, Solicitors Notaries, kc ~-â€"~..»-â€"~m . r. R. E t F t ‘ mm.” owl. ()umrio Bank, Kent street, 6 0 m E o â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" , All lVatches repaired or sold guaranteed to give satisfaction, good Gold or Silver \Vatclt for Christmas, please examine my large and carefully-selected stock. Mowers, Sulky Rakes, RM ‘Valkh‘g “M Rings, Pipes, Clocks, Watches and Silver-ware Money Hotel. interest. _ . 3335“ One of the firm will be at their of‘ lice in Jordan’s Block, Feltclull Falls, regu- lnrly every Tuesday. Root Pulpcrs, Grain Crushers, . R J ,, LAW”, Grain Sowers, ordered for the Christmas trade_ Joint A. immort- “M’H‘wâ€""n'mwâ€" S ,2 C k M - motif utters R J_ FRosT’ 0 ALL KINDS of Agricultural Implements, PPosite the Post office. RV. J. M D" Fenelon Falls, October 8th, 1800. â€" ALL AT â€" ' ' .(HIONER' Physician, Surgeon, kc" &c. fit the \virc.‘ This wheel .does 'not work on Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, $ N . tzlrilsfixl‘l‘lfsl:'li‘f0, :;ltltll;1:{s;l.‘}l: her; the an. e l_n 15;”. CALL OR » e c , 1' 1 ' 3 ii. rot insome strc t, .i i _ 0 e U manner so that the little wheel cnmes in Contact with the overhead wire; by this J. 1‘. :‘gcut,, whistling along as fast as a horse can trot. with blue sparks of electric lire ilying on: betwrren the wheels and the rails. Winn BI.- tlic driver wishes to stop the car 1.0 pm,” y the r-d, disconnects the little wheel from .._A};I, DEALER n;â€" ‘ the WIN: owrhrad. and so the car stow. ; This methed is in operation in Annourfluu, MM Algclllll'l‘i 1w“ "ill'll'lls “CHIS” the Hun-- W 13:11231'. 1)1=01)I‘.:I{T" I 1 at very low rates. y’ sas state line. but both Connected wig; it”; 850,{l00 to loan from ti per cent. up. ' Jewelry 85 Fancy Goods. main city in Missouri. The liist rueniionmt ANI) CI-kall'KS l Must be SoldliWAU. PAPERS v N T llll. A. \\ llabOt‘h. Fem‘lun Fans, Ont. ‘ --I’RACTICALâ€" means the electric Current is brought dowa ___u‘ “.1”. C_ P. as 5," 0,,‘.‘,r,o’_ ' through the car to some mechanical Conn-.â€" HYSWMNS‘ SHNEOXS & ACCOIL ‘ J" ‘ . . P A vuncc rmJ'cr it belwrcn the “'llt't'l! tlmrrmi P ‘l ' ‘. Otlire. Uolbornc Street b‘cnelon‘ ‘4 T D , = T i h I 3 ' i)” H". "UL" [dun " km)“, MW (’IOClr'Cllf' i. iir: i i S {I , . _ . is made to operate on the wheels of the Falls. - W 'l “ ‘ " _._.AND__ car; but it does operate, and drives the cat RGMNS. _, ..-_.__-.. ,,._.,-_._..-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"--‘-“’" n... ~ - - i ‘ ' ‘1 Mr. G. \riiillllllg‘lltllll haying transferred lllS lllt. ll. ll. (ili.\ll;\. . Insurance Business to me, I am prepaer l l l utthl'A'I‘li of the University 0t Trinity to take risks 011 all classes of property 1 College. Fellow of Trinity “Nl‘c’dl‘xc ‘Vory Ii()\vs‘.~‘t 1:31.09. I School. Member of the lluyzil Col)legc (p, §L D U (1 t k 1 l 1' < ~'.r;:\‘.\il~ itl‘(‘l-, . . .. . , purgatory":his}:ki<\};‘ri:w::1: «of 612W)” 1 Nonemiéfirst-class British and Canadiani . fl a e], W. " W i ‘7“ ‘ om anics re resented tltl -~ Jllil residence on liautis-bt. \\ Lst p p _ ‘ I Panelith Falls, opposite the Iiitnzltr otlicc. Cmbome St... Feuelon Falls. SURVEYORS. .__â€". My immense new stock of other motive powers used for street rail- ways are mules and Fif'fllll. The “Film i~‘ heic commonly called the dummy- llt't-k‘, I new] not tell you how mull-H t-a-il' car-2 and llt-P'l only say there is nothing; very (.iiginnl to be got out of them. They are hitch-l on to the front end of a Mr (lll'i liflilll‘llvrl by cuss words and whip. There are sewn) miles of elevated street railroad": built 1.! iron_ on which run the dummy or steal”. driven cars, and unlit r they- run the «34%).: cars I am glad to learn my old int-gm, hir. St. (leiirge, has struck such a yum] spot. It would seem his {it'tjn'gnt (,g‘ p, town is in gay ("-lllrllzi to my .ttfl'li'l'il or this place. i hare lwpm. lion-"Var. 11,.“ l l . -1“. mp.-.‘ V ‘ .l _\.\ii-‘.s Mt‘lerN, __ l . . ‘ v 7 ‘ A‘ “ ) L. Surveyor. (‘t‘ltlllliirliillf‘r in the Q I». . «J. It) I.) IJ I ~ I , i‘ul‘.\'.‘_\2lll\‘t‘l'. kc. Residence, and ad- [huggist and “‘mks‘lnpr. I dr - ‘s. l" ‘ticlntt l-‘alls. I Rb l ‘ _______________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€";â€""T""â€"â€"' AU CTIONEBRS. Fenelon Falls. June 23th, 1439. 20. FOB- SALB' ,l‘irst-elass Goods & Low Prices 3gb" lh-it-k Ilouso and 1301, will do it} on l’iillcr's‘ lliil. owned by the late ILigiio‘ . 7 " iahAM, ‘ . , & J. Scuily. and rr‘v'v-ritly occupied by Llrl LICENSED C Ales, lie. :thur. m l . A UC‘I‘IOJST .cs“ERSjw Witt no Hold (“1105pr a" and See 8' a specialty. t l Applv to of fare I son: you in my last epi'tlc. The __andâ€"â€" from 50. to 50c. per roll. ..__.â€".. . __._. A-“ _ , ,._.__ ' i â€"â€"â€" l l i l 32$?“ My goods are all new, and are go- I3arm sales f r llH.‘ County of Vicinth . o «5‘ Sli‘Ir-l:'.ll\-_ W. l'? ELLIS. Marlon Falls. 3 ulS “‘5‘- pfmcmhnhe ,n P a d m! 1'1"" it‘ll?” “'3” he quip: it“. “Nice (I! . r . \u- - . ., . v . |' i. i C.â€"- s v ,. . .I.” V ; M 50”}; \\'ll..\‘t‘|:‘l. .l. Ii. GRAHAM; : 0? -0 H -l . 1‘ i Ill . l.ii.d:.1,‘- IJ. I)(§) 1111.111. of J. llEAizti'; Hal-dwarf, Sm". 00” South l Lnofiuggngfil It? :Ivel:':rkifi:ur!ifl liitl'r NI. 80.“ Lmdm‘v. kcut‘Aou lull"! Jnx‘uzlr3. "’1!" -""~' “'“lf Fenclon Falls, Jul." 23rd, lSQO. Fcuelon FallS, May 22nd. 1890 14 (I-urcludej on Vlahl;ay:‘)m “3 gr"

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