Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 Oct 1890, p. 8

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. -â€".-.. l.- \. tut: 5am..- may pertain. or fir the benefit ot'i aft-h the same may be held: shall also : have pOn'er to sell. alien, and emvcy any ' lands or pcrso.:alty which now are. or hereafter may be vested in, or conveyed to l l l Unit at Fem-Ion Falls, to the first Ilishop of' ' ol' the cash valtte, no matter what tlte in- (runtt'nuelfrom fin! page.) ' l l the said Bishop for the purposes, use or en- ‘ dawntent of, or pertaining to. any Church. ; tf‘napel. Parsonage, Parish, Mission or Liv- SCHNL “rm be sold in single lots or in 5 l Me. Now the Fenclon endowment was blocks ‘0 suit purchaseri Also a brick‘ grunt-d by those who formed it, tor the‘, ltfllt'l‘ll of the Uhurchof England cougrega- l 'l'orouto. There is nothing, howevcrfitt the { above extract which rcq tires the cmxcnt oil (it ' Willy/rytlliull to the alienation of the prop- erty It»! [for their benrfit. although the Cott- reat of tlte Rector or Incumbent is required 3 Wu“! “"ll‘ r085“! ‘0 "CSNY'ml‘elmgi l & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate,5 tin-l how they shall b.- l'orntcd. -‘ The “5- 1 Lindsay, u;- to try shall be formed at tlt ise HALF. members i o-t' the cangrmatiun of such church or place of worship, wlto shall be of the full ago of; 21 ymrs. who shall be members of the l Church of England, attd who shall snbsctibe tzte {illowing declaration the." H I solemnly declare tltat I am a member o: the Church of England, and of this eon- paw-gallon ot‘St James". Fenclon Falls, and I .tzn an habitual \vorshipp r with this con- pregation. atid that I do tint. intend to V'utt: as a member of any other congregation l during the ensuing year; and Iain ot' the tlt- t'ull agi- nf'll years.” Anything done at a vestry meeting otlter- l \tise constituted is of no legal i'oree. and it ‘ i. only a waste of titne attending such lthcllllgi. l l Yours Sac. Wu. LOG AN, Z-‘I‘HEâ€" ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, . "8. THE LONDON lVIU'rUAL,l FOB. FARMERS. The Royal Canadian olTers the following advantages over tlte London Mutual: l. It'a building worth $1300.is insured for say $1000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay $1000, iftt loss occurs. lit such a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds of the cash value, or $300. 2. Ha horse worth $90 is killed iii the fields by lightning. the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay $90. The London Mutual pays only $60. It, For a cow worth $30 killed by light« nin;_r the Royal Canadian pays $2M. The London Mutual pays only $30. ["or other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more that $3, tto matter how valuable the animal may be. 4. [it the Royal Canadian animals are l'lSllrt‘tl against. lightning while at pasture anywhere. lit the. London Mutual they are insured while pasturing on the premises of t‘te insured ottly. 5. When articles are insured specifically, such as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amoitnt insured tip to the cash value of the article. The. London Mutual pays only two-third surancc may be. ti. When “ ordinary contents ” of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian ..\t.t. implements are included. [it the Lott- -dou Mutual ottly one reaper and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are notjoincd to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the “ordinary contents ” of all building not cttt ofi‘ by a distance great- t-r than 40 tt., the same. as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Mu~ taal requires a Separate sum on the cott- tents of each building, if the distance is more than 12 ft. This is u. very important difference itt many cases. rl. In the Royal Canadian it is a hurt of the contract that standard srnm 'rtnit-zsnstts Ill“! be used without a special permit and without any restriction as to the distance 'trout stacks or buildings, caretakers, pails ut‘ water, kind of fuel or direction of the '\\‘lutI. Matty of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last season, he- muse it was found to b'c impossible to cont- ply witlt the conditions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he should “mu-u ,\ policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pav its losses withitt sixty days and usually takes much less. The London Mutual need not pay for ninety days, and since it has two lIllL‘ so hard tip as to be obliged to bor- row money largely, it usually takes about the full time allowed. lit. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutory conditions only. It has none of the nutttcrous variations against ,1“. 1H)1i\“\'-hi)ltlt'l‘ printed itt red ink on the MC},- M‘ tlh- London Mutual policy. It. _-\s to security. the inspector of insu- t'.tut-o reports that the Royal Canadian has 5:02.753, the amount he estimates to be necessary to enable the company to earrv not all its engagements with ‘its policy holders. lit-sidss this he reports that it has to the good the $l'lllJJ‘0 capital paid in tatsh by the shareholders. and a net surplus $117,:i»? making in all a total cash surplus l nt‘ $317,017 to protect its policy-4103.1“,~ ttzztittst unexpected contingencies. Itt ad- ditiou to these cash items it. has a subscrilr Q (Hi capital of Simumo not. called up, le- utrdiug the security of the London Mutual this inspector reports that the amount of‘ "manual premium it should have on hand ‘ is $31tngllzl. To make tip this amount itt wish a sec-Hid call would havo to he made «r! the premium notes for a l-tl‘ge amount. I leaving a surplus ol~ only $74,213, even it' “pro were no lia'l debts. and this surplus is mult- np wholly of the tinplitl balance , ut' pr tnium notes already heavily assessed. ’ he company rep~rts the losses adjusted lill'. unpaid at the t‘low‘ of the year at St},- ‘s-tt, but the Inspector of Insurance finds that the liability for unpaid losses at the end at the year was ‘3'.’ L286. The rash on hand to pay these losses only amounted to $13.9: t. In view ot‘ the foregoing facts farmers will have no ditliculty in deciding as to the i c) npany in which they should be insured. For insurance apply to :5. CORNEIL. l H-Jtn. Agent, Lindsav " v - l A Rare Chance i487 -LOTS- 87 «‘ - Total Sum assured to 30th .tprll,1885, l l a I FARMS____EQ_B SALE. ‘ i The following cheap and good farms are i In the finest section oi \\'estem U do. , Send for the “Canadian Farm Ag?) H to]. J. Duly & Co” Guelph P. 0., at. It 1N FEE”:ch FALLS FOR SALE’ a is sent tree and ves the acres cleared. t -_.__...O F’â€" . sizes and kinds 0 buildings, &e., &c., 0! ‘ these and 27 5 other farms. No stones. hill: or swamp on the farms. ..._. “v Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. ' ' “ 'll . and the soil in guaranteed deep, rich, clay house and 10‘ on Fla“ 5 HI . l loam that never bakes. Money sent it re- : i v v TI‘IE i . ' qulrod a. guarantee. for expenses it the NOW IS 1 OLâ€"R * l I i farms are not cheap and as represented,- As i and Inttdndlt‘lig buyer‘s, nitey seeiugcI tlypnt. , T i left to eci c or ttemse Yes, an lt'll THE} BIL sT BE SOLD I i keep or return the money as they think -â€"‘ l flt'l‘lt. For terms and particulars apply to Barron : ‘ Euro spring mm" on even hm“ goo“ i fences; land ttot hilly nor tint. Uratrl t roads, cheese factories. ere-nineties. schools, : churches and post offices near all tlthRt‘ttts, - Good water every where and healthy coun- “W W. E. ELLIS, Fenelon Falls. Busy As BEES- lhe lanada life Assurance En’y. . ESTABLISHED IN 1817. | - try. N . Only enough money to bind the bargnm ' need be paid until taking possoaaiOn. ‘ and then 60 per cont.. 860 of every SIOO. of the price will be left on the farms. or less than that. it buyers wish. payable lost to suit the buyers in every way. This will be I put in writing and is the best chance ever i l t l l l l t l l l ofl‘ered to buyers. All buyers get good I titles and their deeds when they take poaâ€" session. ' l l l TIIE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. .â€" _______________._ __-, . ~ 110 acres. (is cleared. t5 arrrn (£5 Assets as at the of Apr”, . tinc'mapte- hush. good but»: over , and ham. market town with railway .t tntler. - *Vâ€"i 7M- cleared. liaison; Annual Rigslxllielégggigggfo‘ggmgsoth i 0 C E S East Francis Street, FQttelon Falls. I wish egzigtz:tnld‘iniiiil't:i‘_.i‘:ic' my“! to draw the attention of the public to the i ‘00 “my sodmrcdfhdfin. fact that l have purchased the livery husi- q, 9 . and burn. near market turrn, amounts to sn’uoofioo' _ANDâ€" ncss lately owned by Mr. Wm. Rontly, and i, FITâ€"’FMOI 56 acres. all rat’s-(i; good i :15 9e) , l l ‘ 7‘ - t ' ‘ - t. t. The Pr‘lfils 0f “135 Old Md reliable Cottl- ! I N S have tnude such improvements as wrll meet 0 bulldmgs- "U" "N" t l 0 the requirements ot the travelling public. pauy are larger than any other Life Ollicc 1 h r . 1 r .t c] I“. “OFF doin business iii the Dominion. and its' am prepare-t o nruist trs - In: . .3 s WW .__,__V_mfl__4___ . v; ‘_ ratiogofexpcnses to income are less than i T and comfortable rigs attltc lowestliving that of any other Canadian or British oflice. ‘ J D prices, ,. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ' . ble on any grounds whatever after twu has now on hand a splendid stock of yenrs’ and polides becoming Ch‘ims are fine fresh boundary at back end, good house attd barn, market paid at once. The rates Cllllt‘gcd by this nyty'yyrthwnultvay Smiles. ____W_-___._>_ r ' fi<1flb‘ -' (t 'lr-~t ‘ . , ‘ . . . . . .1 . . .3 i ~05 acres. Ix chant. l ‘ bfimpun) are I‘D low a: an) fir“ (I “8: Office The East lltllf of Lt)! NO. 2. west. Of Ctll- 9000. llMd\\'Ood,ltousc and l\.trn~. All forms or 160“ch are issued. ' ‘ "I ‘ t 'l * k tttwtt with r‘lll\\"l\‘~lltilL\N ' ' - , - - . borne attd north of Franc-ts street, l'ent-lou itlflgfi} l1“ ffiflflf tam 7, __-_~-. I 7, - “ML GAE“ 5‘ "‘i~““i°"’p n Sugar-9v Syrups, T°ba°c°st 1"” “W” ms. co. newt-ta. we tronem- or W" $5.90 1:32;::°::.a::;3.:r:l;:an: ‘ l ‘ i ‘ .‘ . ' , ' . ,. . . , 43.1y. I gonna, cm. on n 5- Currants, Starch, boaps and all other Cum“.- There is 0,, the pmmms ,, mm”. “lurk” with wins“. I “Me. mgcmwnmmm' groceries, Wlttclt ho “‘tll sell house 22 x 33 feet. For full particulars $~5~~2*()'(- “’jooj‘,g,‘.ésys§ ;.1’,.,,,.;;,'L 5mm}: ! o , ‘ apply to Mr. J. 15. Moll‘at, Vet'ulam, or to , wood, fine brick house and Cheap for 03’51‘9 MARY CALDER, largebnnk 1‘9"). “Elk” warr'ill' railways "tilt-r- , . V . Aidâ€"’35th ant-5:180 rltiared, and to which be ithtCS the attention 1‘0" 19m, 1359' , t?) g -m‘-“ - "V 65 _tâ€"t-crcs. all “cleared, {3le $2 , . buildings. near large to“ n. , . ' market town with railway: 5 tttile§._\'ill:tgr neat. G RG B G DOD” A ‘\ D l â€"T;D“-A_â€"â€"H-M F ""1007 actual}: Cleared, to hush, I I large lreslt water lake is . ) Trâ€"‘wâ€"v" j ommec I ' 0' $ 10, 2 50. balance hardwood, sect.» Noticc'is llC l‘Cb)’ given llltll. the business of fine buildings, shank barns and 3 good houses. of the public. hitherto carried on by Samuel Swantou as . ' "l 'l - ' 'l", ' l -. d' t .1. -. CROCKERY GLASSWARE Hans and Lot Fr Sale. interest:3r:.:.t:::.;'at.:.t::a. '- a Cl -rt , , v» nit) “H: "O sooner}; cleared, Erna . . . . . , . . fi) - $4 000 cash balance t4- Eartltcnware, Brooms, I’atls, Washtubs, F0? Silk: “12‘ UM") f0! 03:11,“ lltllf-flcre , ‘6 ‘4 ’0 O - ' EOOQMWOMOOOOQOMO«OOQN“QQWWOO: I . I ' ' « .- _ . it I: ‘- , ti - bttildin '5 that cost Summit. : RallwayTles’ cordWOd’ Te-le mph 3 B]. H "brushes Clothes-pins. Matches c°“.""1"t “"d the “mamgh ‘1‘”00'“ 0" iiiiislliiiitiiiitrjottigtcnv of bacilli), :llttlismtcnl i Pales, Cedar and all km s E ac \ "h- .h‘ . ’ . p051l0 lllC Sl‘llllll \l‘tll‘d school house. FCHC' the hestgrainand stock {anoint llibihclll‘kllltlrin. 3 of Timber Lumber and Shin [es ’ flUd Other Mimics 1“ great ‘anety' Ion Falls. The house is 18 3124 feet. l5 v “.75 pr " 450 afies in block. 3m ’ " g ’ i stories high on a stone foundation with a ’ firmed. 90 “'0' NW :onoo Wemvowwmnomwwo. ‘ " 7 l , i ' u u 81 kncl'e" 13”” MW“! " ‘wodslmd‘ TIM" i'"hi2“ii° h“”‘i~"°"d b“‘il'ri§k“iiifiifiii"’iifiiii'i2mi '- ' i ’ . . - - _ ., liltt arns t the new H v. r: .v “1111.2? ‘mgzlgqilgggér‘ffigle ’ are also a “ orl‘ShOP 14 x 2'0 ‘ett’ "' "0‘ U. market tmvh with railways, best large farm in lllt‘ ‘ . - ) will pay, as hitherto, DEALER IN .. Eulbume Sheet, lenelnn Falls. 1N VICTORIA CUI’NTY FOR Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. of' the very best broads and at. the low- Elliitwfigl. “E:"fillfifiin‘gfilei‘é‘i£333 iil‘i“.‘;‘.'z.Ԥc‘.i2fiflsll‘l‘étfilit'lgigllliltfi 1 i v 0-“ Flo-“SI 0 Pl'lces' about .twelve years ago, and are lit good send for the “Farm Advertiser." it give; THE mm?“ 0”“ mugs, Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs wfigfizggr-M u, g, ,0 .1... armaments; .ttztsstg‘szzszfi... and I‘Mmems “'11 be Womml) mud? 0“ d l farm roduce_ undersi nod. country.._Addreao.J. J. Dalyaco..0uelph _ the 15th of every moutlt for all materials a" M I” p g GEO w ,H A‘RTIV P.0., 0.1.: delivered. 11%“ Flour and Iced kept constantly 10‘ “1‘;an Av‘clmw W one Of thetlizmuiiitii be regularly“ on lmud‘ JOSEPH McFARLAND. S" Aimwsiiiiiilwa For particulars apply to Samuel Stvanton, ___,_ ._._ Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.-â€"7tt‘. No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. 11. I , Brandon, Fenelon Falls. SWANTON,BRANDON & C . N. B.â€"Mr.Swanton thanks his unmet-0:5 B E. customers for their liberal patronage during the 3m,“ 3°" $3223.33 rii‘iite‘ieifiiiii “ â€"-â€"- N P t ' ' ' M I I N E . _ 8w alerts ltnvmg Dally ' Fast Colored Gmg~ FROM S O ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND f AMERICAN MARKETS. F C Y G O O D S C. All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and 01" ALL 1’1‘3501‘11"“UNS- Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, . Corners and Decorations. ' ‘ 1 SUPPLIES PRICES 8t STYLESâ€"WIT CUSTOMERS ampmg ( 0110 . I I has for 10c. ' â€"â€" Call and see my 2c. per roll Paper. it It c. H H _ ' u u 7 _ u I MEDICINES Fast Colored Prints .. u 83. u u H H 13c. tt ti â€"--â€"-~~~ - .- . . v (I H c. H U And all the way to 50¢. per Roll. H . I have on hand the laxâ€"est: stock of W 11 , A w Th“ freshest G°°ds Paper “ragtime Lindsay-a Baum Paper and PlClUlB Frames ‘ the village at REMEMBER. THE PLACE : ~â€"t5 A'r-â€" C b 11, Just Opposite new l’ost-oliice, W. A. GOOD’WIN’S, "l r 7' e S_ licnt Street-r Baker's Block. Kent-sh, Lindsay. bFOC’IX i m" amp LIN 1)SA_‘I. ! Ar]: t 3 Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. A” T 38 H N B E a GI A. M E T H E R E L L. i Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dye \‘l . i 365‘” Please call and see my 5c. I’uper. l W '7 AgencY' MANUFACTURER 0F Lindsay, April 2nd, lS‘JO. . u i i 7 F . r11. __._-_-_._.-A___._~_._.._._.j DaVId Chambers, S 9 I LINDSAY ' eneral Blacksmith, _._.: ._.L ! HARNESS! Marble Works" --â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-*- «-' ' l. l . i The. “ Fenelon Falls Gazette ” i, rams; __ i ‘3 “iii’.“éi.i§°.'§rii‘.i§3Tithoil:dill? °" VALISES. - 4:5: R, CHAMBERS :39: i iii-iiigiiiisfiihiiiiiiii.tiiiliuii..iiii ,‘iii 3 SUBSCRI?TION 81A YEAR IN ADVANCE, â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"“â€" is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- Illacksmithing iii all its dim-rent bram tau . liot';-v-‘~hoeint;. Give the a roll and I “it: I - . , . . - ‘ . ‘ u or one cent per week will be added as lon ' Ever thin belon In {0 the “W. jih']."”"““"ilmfl “mm” mm L “mmmu MHIJMUWI “'1',- ” h mm“ unpaid. 8 Y 9 9 9 l non Ill-ATS no lll-IAUSTUNES, . - Advertising Rates. ? sadd'"! 8"" “arm” Trade W“ -“““"“ G"“““"- Lsecoun ntwstoa cuua-r Professional or business cards, 50 cents i constantly kept in S‘OCk- Estimates promptly given on all kinds ofi -â€"( y Tarâ€"- l'l'l' line per annum. Casual advertisements. l ct-tnett-rv Work I i i l I 5 cents per line tor the tit-st inscrtiou,and 2 Matbli- Table ’l‘ops. Wash TopSy Mum“ ‘ ("Runny or "in! "Pb" l «55, upon reusotn, see his litiriL’H: and entizl'art- liriees hetore l‘” MN l“ 1"”;‘5““I= lli‘“: 1” ""1"" Fit“- a ole ts rats. you inning: cisrn here. “ ill-K5â€"-lll ll'atr hr ll-I' tttatrltitl on ('um- l‘ri‘llzt.‘ étrkcl, opposite Matthens‘ packing ""“”““‘Cl"I-T‘Il 3‘1 u llLl‘it ll: tl.n- tun-ii. m. t . . ' Done on the Shortest ltottce. ()n 'l‘nnsduy, 1)....3. cud, l I cents per line for en-ry subsequent laser-t 1 ‘ ’ ‘ T 1 l I‘ll'("'~. lite a sin rialtv lion. t‘outraets bv the year half year or 14 I) I I C t I‘ ' I ' I. ‘ I ' ' r. . I . . r , , , .cttm a rlitt'lit'zl “hikna It. all slunll T!" “'5‘ Mimi" “r ll'” "I" “' ‘ "NI “ “7 quarter, tora column or M ‘ J 4‘ ‘L I ' h I A I A I i of all ordtnary kin-ls executed neatly, Cot” . rectlv and reasonable rates. l I hum” ' UN 34qu l' ' t " " '~ ‘..l.Il.t. sonnet), , “an Lmdsay Ont nos-r. GHAIBEBS.; am, i l'roprutorJ '3 I ' North of the Town Hall" I‘enelen tum, Jug, MU“ “W n . . , . ., l l i

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