Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Oct 1890, p. 8

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arm- aw-.. . ‘v ‘ z ‘ ' I. .l ; '. :4. i ) ’l ‘2. it'r. '3. iii- v; .'l 4: tr- '5 1i? 9‘8 I la 3. t v: u. a.” 1 w. s" . n, l 1' iii ‘ i i S. ‘s‘. “e r ...i .‘ The King of Holland's pli sicians have decided that his condition )i'endersl A ! him unfit. to reign. Carleton Place Herald : Another freak of nature is reported from Raven Lake. Manitoba. A cmv belonging to Mr. James Snider gave birth to a legless calf with a large tail extending out behind with which it propels itselfalonz. its head and neck are natural. It -tl rinks milk, but in other ways resembles ‘u large fish ; therefore it is called “ lish r-aif." It has projections on each side which resemble fins. It has created unite a sensation and people are coming drum a distance to see it. The Vienna Frenulenblutl, of Oct. ltlth. in a bitter article calls the McKin- ley Bill a measure of violence worthy of a nation accustomed to the use of the revolver. It appeals .to the countries ofllumpe to act "in concert to prevent l l4'87 - LOTS - 87+» IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in blocks to suit purchasers. Also a. brick i house and lot on Fidler‘s Hill. NOW IS YOUR TIME â€"â€" AS â€" THEY )IUST BE SOLD For terms and particulars apply to Barron k McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate, L l indsay, or to l W.E. ELLIS, Fenelon Falls. April 23th, 1890.â€"lt)tf ‘lha Banada life Assurance Ea’yr FARMS FOR SA . The following cheap and ‘3} s an: in the finest section of \ em Ontario. Send for the “Canadian Farm Advertiser" to]. J. Daly & Co.. Guelph P. 0.. Ont. It is sent free and gives the acres cleared, sizes and kinds of buildings, &c.. &c.. oi these and 275 other farms. No stones. hills or swamp on the (arms. and the soil is guaranteed deep. rich. clay loam that never bakes. Money sent it re- qulrod as guarantee. for expenses it the farms are not cheap and as represented.â€" and intending buyers. after seeing them, left to decide for themselves. and then keep or return the money as they think right. Pure spring water on every farm. good fences; land not hilly nor tint. Gravel roads, cheese factories. crcnineries, schools, churches and post ofliccs near all the farms. Good water every where and healthy coun- tr . gniy enough money to bind the bargain need be paid until taking possession. and then 60 per cent.. 860 of every 5100, of the price will be left on the forms. or less than that. if buyers wish, payable Just to 'tlit‘lt‘ becoming tributary to the new wvorld. England, it says, threatens to ESTABLISHED IX 1847. ~ 'rompensate herself for losscs‘by securing .â€".â€" wrcitstu‘n markets. Thus the McKinley ‘ THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE' urll threatens to engender enmity bc- Assuuivcn coupmy It; 0”“), tween Great Britain and Europe. The w ‘ . ‘_‘_ i i i - i I .2nuuicipal authorities have voted 50,000 Capital 5; Assets as attire 30th ofiipril, ‘florins to the funds of workinguien 1889. 0"01‘ $10,000,000- :t'nrown out of employment through the l Annual Income for the ear endingSOth .aetion of the United States tariff law. Aprils 1885' $1, 40:000' W TOIBI Sum iiSSiII‘Cd to 30th .IDI‘II, 1385, ; amounts to $42,000,000. TIOYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, W'S. Tun LONDON MUTUAL; FOR FARMERS. suitthe buyers in every Why. This will be put in writing and is the best chance ever ofiered to buyers. All buyers got good titles and their deeds when they take pos- session. ___________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" ' 1 10 acres, 65 cleared. t5 urn-s , . line maple bush. good house and burn. market town with railway Jillillt‘s. â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€" ~__._-_.._.___.. . .. r- m ,r ’ 11“) acres 50 clchtizd. bnlanri- 353.1139 Q ' bush, bi‘ick house. good barn. tnnr ct town nnlv I nulc. Goodhand’s Livery, EastFrnncis Street,Fenelon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the fact that I have purchased the livery busi- ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly, and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. 8 0 85.norcs, all cicxt‘ré‘tiflioml 1am prepared to furnish first-class horses 11 a o M‘ldmils-“mrmin't‘ “m”- 73 WW.â€" â€" I w“ 100 acres, lkiClE'ii‘cd. rum...- » I . and burn, near market to“ “- h 5 W 50 nc'rcs, allâ€"Flared, grind wad ’ . buildings, ncnr IIIIITI\CI. ..,_______...__.â€"..â€".____,.-_.._ . GROCERIES â€"â€".ANDâ€" PROVI S10 N S. J. MoFâ€"ARLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, The profits of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Office doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are less than that of any other Canadian or British office. The policies of this Company are indisputaâ€" blc on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first- class otlicc. All forms of policies are issued. MCDOUGALL 3.: BRANDON, Agents, Fenclon Falls. and comfortable rigs at the lowestliving ‘ 100_.~icrcs,s‘5cicarcti.igtmlir, ) . brick house and bank barn. irice . I s GEORGE GOOD” yVD 1:131:36! town with railway 5 miles. yilluge near. 3 , 8007"l.fi;i"%§:rf'sszrf:i ass-12 House and Lot For Sale. boundarv at back end, gland house and burn, market I The East half of Lot No. 2. west of Col- tmvn with railway 5 In cs. â€"Mâ€"b~”*‘â€" IM‘EO‘S acres, no clcztrctl, n-st $6 ,000. hardwood, house and burns, borne anti north of Francis street, Feneion *1 Village 3 “film “1mm WV“ willimilwai‘7m?!“- Falls, Co. Victoria, the property of Mary Calder. There is on the premises a frame house 2‘2 x 33 feet. For full particulars #'â€"”'~"â€"â€"1"653‘~"TT‘~1- -i. - t . ivooilirgcdoI Rdulsrdf‘sintil‘lbiii-‘n. apply to Mr. J. I}. Moffnt, Vet-ulnar, or to MARY CALDER, market with railway l mile. large town 6 miles. Nov. 19th, 1889. Omemec P. O. The Royal Canadian offers the following :nilvantngcs over the London Mutual: l. Ifa building worth $1200 is insured for say $1000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay $1000, ifa loss occurs. In such a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds of the cash value, or $800. '3. lfa horse worth $00 is killed in the fields by lightning, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay $90. The London Mutual pays only $00. 43.1y. nsrasssaanar. Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swuntou as a dealer in 77:“ 2"‘""‘ioo acres, 55 cleared, 5 hard: 3D ’ . wood, tine brick house and large bank barn, market town with railway} li‘lllt'h. r. 2"?“ canines, is.» t‘lt‘uft‘tl, gt , Q) . balance hardwood, .: scts of fine buildings. 3 batik barns and 1 good houses, market town with railway 2 miles, can be and is dividedâ€"one of the best farms in the county. House and Lot For Sale. :l. Fora cow worth S30 killed by light- ning the Royal Canadian pays 33'). The London Mutual pays only $20. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more than $5, no matter how valuable the animal ‘rtiziy be. ' i. In the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightning while at pasture anywhere. In the London Mutual they are insured while pasturiug on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically, such as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insured tip to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only two-third of the cash value, no matter what the in- surance may be. r‘.. When “ordinary contents” of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian ALL implements are included. In the Lori- don Mutual only one reaper and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one srrrn the “ ordinary contents” of all buildingr not cut oil‘ byn distance great- er than 40 it., the same as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Mu- tual requires a separate sum on the con- tents ot' each building. if the distance is more than 1?. ft. This is it very important ditl‘crcnce in many cases. 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part of the contract that standard STEAM runnsusus‘ iil‘l\' be used without a. special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stacks or buildings, caretakers, pails of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Matty of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last season, be- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When n. farmer pays for insurance he should secure at policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. ti. The Royal Canadian is obliged to par its losses within sixty days and usually takes lllllt'li less. The London Mutual need not pay tor ninety days. anti since it has become so hard up its to be obliged to bor- row money largely. it usually takes about the full time allowed. in. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutorv conditions only. It has none of the numerous variations against the policy-holder printed in red ink on the back of the London Mutual policy. ll. As to security. the inspector of insn- rancc reports that the loyal t‘unadian has $302,758. the amount he estimates to be necessary to enable the company to carrv out all its engagements with its pone} holders. Besides this he reports that it has to 1!.e good the Summit) capital paid in :41: by the shareholders. and a net surplus .11le makingr in all a total cash surplus 3‘ :ifiiiairli’ to protect its pr)lic_\'-lroltlers .txaiust unexpected contingencies. In ad- .i :Iun to these cash items it has n subserib. l‘t‘t capital of Sllw.‘='|0 not called up. Re- garding the security of the London Mutual :Lre inspector report: that the amount of unearned premium it should have on hand r$‘.’.'r‘.;'.-".|. To make up this amount in S ,. tutsr: :t Sl'k‘t‘ll'l t'.lll would lizu't‘ to be "1min . on tire premium holes for a lJFgc amount. l leaving a surplus of only 57 i213. even if ti;:re were no bad debts. and this surplus :< nude up wholly ot' the unpaid l):tl:iil(‘t‘ nxnritrnr Holes already heavily assessed. 'i‘ 9 company reports the losses adjusted 7. z: unpaid at the Civic of the _\'t‘:lrtll $21.- $47. but the Inspect-1r of Insurant‘e finds that the lialriliLy for unpaid losses attire end of the year was $333230. The cash on it in-i I.) pay these losses only amounted to “~ :9! l. ‘.... will have no dizii y in deciding: us (-1 the s.‘o'.i1ii.\:l_'~' it: which they should be insured. 2"»: insurance apply to S. C‘OI‘NI‘ZIL, 17-3 . Agent, Lindsay. oooowwotwcoofi >90§¢¢oo¢ooowovoocoo¢ooooooowcmc RailwayTies. Cordwod, Telegraph t i Poles, Cedar and all kinds g i of Timber, Lumber and Shingles, MNWNWQMMNNWOOOQOOOOO”OOQ””OM” will be continued on a. much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. 11$” One of the firtn will be regularly on the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Swnnton, No. 5'3 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. II. Brandon, Fcnelon Fnlls. SWANTON, BRANDON a: Go. N. R.â€"â€"-Mr.Swan ton thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years, and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1880.â€"-â€"20-tf. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT W. T. JUN KIN ’ S. l ___.__ ______._-_-_ _____,. The -" Fcnclon Falls Gazette ” TRUNKS, is printed every Saturday at the other, on the corner of May .t Francis streets. SI'BSI'RI'BTION $1 .I YEAR IN ADVANCE, as it remains unpaid. J‘Ldvcrtising liutet-s. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per unnum. Casual advertisements. : ' 8 cents per line for the first insertion. and ‘1 cents per line for every subsequent inser- ‘ tron. Contracts by the year, half year or , airlo terms. I ‘ JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatlv, cor ' rectly and reasonable rates. " S. D. RAND, Proprietor. l r l t r t l l i l l g l Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blacking-brushes, Clothes-pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Eannad Fish, lrull & Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- est possiblc prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other farm produce. 116?“ Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Fast Colored. Clinge- hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 10c. MEDICINES Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. {fir The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. BERRY, MANUFACTURER OF SADDLES, HARNESS, VALISES. or one cent per week will be addedns long Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept in stock. REPAIRING l . _ ‘ ~ ~ quarter, tor a column or less, upon reason-; in \‘l-‘Vv' u: too foregoing facts tarmch ‘ ‘ Done on the Shortest Notice. Kent-sthâ€"iâ€"nlsay, Ont. WALL PAPERS. ' iâ€" 360 acres ér‘eériiu'.‘.mry , 0 $4.000 cash, balance to . , ' ' _ suit purchaser fine buildin vs that cost $io,mm. comm lot “"1 the bmldmgs ulcreon’ OD 'l‘his farm adjbins City of uelph. and is out-of IWSitc the 50111“ ward 5011001 house! Fenc' the best grain and stock farms of its size in Ontario, lou Falls. The house is 18x24 feet, l). "r 'fiâ€"‘r ".150 nut-{iii'iiiucit ‘m - - - 0 stories lriglr,‘on a stone foundation, with a 000. cleared. 90 very nnr kitchen 13 x 20 feet. and u woodShed. There valuable hardwood bush. 3 sets tine buildings. .2 . . . . . 9 bank barns 1 fine new brick dwelling. neargnotl me also 1" “ OIkShop 14 x ‘0 feet’ a never market towii with railways, best large farm in the failing well of excellent water and a few :onnty, is fenced intogfurmsâ€"Joo acres, i5.) nt‘rrs, fruit trees. The buildings were erected “"dmom‘msi‘vilLEE S““l§$€£fl?§',"_fl‘3l§9““"'a about twelve years ago, anti are in good For sale, very cheap for cnsh,a half-acre Send for the “ Farm Advertiser." it gives condition. full particulars of these and 275 other A , ,1 - at, the GAZETTE office or to the farms and valuable information nboutthis undégsizmcd ’ country.-.Addreso. J. J. Only a. 00.. Oualph a ' P. 0., One! GEO. W. MARTIN, 10 Pearson Avenue, St. Alban’s Ward, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"-th. RS. HEEIEY, DEALER IN New Patterns Arriving Daily FROM AND ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND F C Y G O O D S AMERICAN MARKETS. or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Stamping done Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES & STYLESTO SUIT CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 5c. per roll Paper. ‘L ;; ff ff ff Enlhnrna Slrael.ienalnn lalls. H it 90: (t it â€"â€"â€"â€"-~ “w- â€"»~â€"-â€"â€"...~â€".«_â€"~ ..â€"â€"_ . â€"-. . H (I H (I And all the way to 500. per Roll. 'â€"'â€" IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR I have on hand the largest stock of Wall . flanm Paper and Prclura lrarnas Paper ever brought into Lindsay. -â€"â€"lS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Blook. Kent-sh, Lindsay. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just Opposite New l’ost-otliec, lient Street. L I N 1) 93 A17. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. a. A. nniirnnaLL. Works Agency. 32E” Please call and see my 5c. l’uper. __._. David Chambers LINDSAY General Blacksmith, 1 Francis-st.,_I:er_1e10n Fans, lllaelzsmitliing in all its rlitl‘vrent bronchi - ,«lone on short notice and at tin: ll.v.t~~t l living prices. Particularattention paid to Lindsay, April 2nd, i800. "'- R. CHAMBERS ill"- l lrorJ-r-rlroeing. iii'fl,‘ Hit: it cull and l v '1; is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- l sa)‘ and surrounding Countrr with l H‘lllmlllw El‘llfi‘Wli‘m- 4345'" Mtlh'lIMI-IX'l‘S AND lll£.\li;\':l‘(.i.\‘l£S, both Marble and Granite. ,_._ -. .,.__- N.-. .. __ _~_ s ISECOND DIVISION COURT ~â€"f:I' Ill!!â€" I-lstimatcs promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. i ., . Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops. Mantcll (’ouuty 0‘ Vlct‘u‘h" I’ll-eras, I-Ztrn. a specialty. l lit-int; a prartieal workman, all should ’ Tl“: “'33” film)!” "I ill" “PM”: (7'13" “5" See lns design: and compare prices before I l!" MM in Dickson": his”; l"‘-'-'"Il‘:Â¥2 “lib purchasing elst-wlrtre. r () r i , H r 11 1110.1 - --’-" “(ilihtcâ€"ln rear of thr- mnrkct on ('nnl- - hi hi“ I 1)‘ ( l “in”. pnng “mu, UMVUEUQ Shunt“? Fucking, cointnencrnga'. 10' o'clock in ill.- IUN:tlr.‘i!t , f.irr./..\i.t:.,\1m:. house. ll. l).ll. r-ri. near. CHAMBERS. mam ‘ l (it-n; North ofthc Town Hall l Fcnclon l’alis. Juli 10th. 1530.: I . .

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