Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Oct 1890, p. 4

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~â€"-«--9W p“.- Vr \â€" .am N ' «has... Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods * fl " % immersion. 5" S“ RITCHIE‘IRON reurnnaamcuixisr, MA NY FACTURER OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS' Engine alid_ in Work AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Bridge Bolts Made to Order. Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, 2 and 3-fzerrow Gang Plouglzs and a good variety of General Purpose Plozeglzs. A good as- sortment of Spring-toot]; Har- rows, Steel H arrows, Iron Harrows and lVood Harrows ALL OF WHICH “'ILL BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. THOMAS ROBSON. Fcnelon Falls, Ont. has engaged in other business, and 1s hing up he Dry Goods Trade in Lindsay. He is offering the whole of his fine stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS at Wholesale Prices for Cash. The Stock is well assorted in Fall and Winter Goods, and consists of Grey and I’V/zite C ottons, C ottonades, S/zirtzbzgs, findings, Deuims, Ducks, Towels and Tozaellzlzg', Blaze/zed agza.’ Colored Taéle Linens, Hollands, Prints, Dress Linings, Fancy, Grey and A’avy Blue Flamzels, Full Clot/ts, Y arm, A’z'd and Cas/zmere Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Blade and Colored Dress Goods in flIeltons, Cas/zmeres, Hezzrzettas, Serges, Silks, Plus/zes Velvetems, [lfantle C lot/2s, Ready-made Clot/ting, Overalls, Bed Comforters, I/Voollen Blankets, Hats, Caps, Geats’ Farms/tings and Small Wives, and other lines too numerous to mention, all of which must be sold and the Store vacated BEFORE FEBRUARY NEXT. Now is the time to get your Fall and lVinter Goods at, and many lines below, PV/zolesale Prices for Cas/z only. rl‘he Fenc-lon Falls Gazette. IFridaY, October 17th. 1890. Our Defective School System. The attention of the Minister of Edn- cation has been directed to " some seri- So ousdef‘ects in the working of the edu- Iient St, Lindsy. cational system of Ontario, and he is be- , ginning to consider thequcstion of rem- ; edies.” It has been discovered that 45 SOME l HING NEW. per cent. of the children who are sup- posed to be reaping the benefit of the GENl‘IJE-IL‘IEN3_ ATTEN'FION! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF heavy taxation for school purposes do NEW SPRING TAILQRING. GOODS, not attend 100 days in the year, and another “ very serious detect ” isf‘ the composed of French and English Suitings and Trouscrings, Scotch, Irish and Canadian 'l‘wccds, which were bought early and ata low price from a large assortment of goods. immaturity of a large proportion of the teachers employed ”; and, as a remedy £55“ Come early and choose your SpringClotlfingwhile the stools is new, andugct; ‘ a Nobby Suit, well made and trimmed. lor the latter, Min? Ross proposes to raise A. NEAT FIT GUARANTEED. (Great Bargain House.) the minimum age at which teachers’ certificates shall be granted=f1'cm 118 to 21'ycars, This proposal will no doubt be heartily. endorsed, by v the young per- sons already in possession of certificates, as itwill 10.55%, competition . and. raise salaries ; :but it, will _ b0 . a bittecdisap- pointmcnt to the boys andgirls who are now workinghardnt. their, books, and &, illi’illliiilé‘i l3 221351}.Elgé‘lé’ctlfilt‘lll ' To them, it willnnotflonlybe a disap- Opposite MgLennan’s Hardware Store, L1ndsay.. pointmcnt, but an injustice as well ; and, if the age is to be raised-,"at-lcast two or Is Selling I-Iis Entire Stock of_ threeycars’moticc,should be given. 'l‘hccrowning defectof onr schoolsystem at and appears to havobeen,‘overlooked by the Below Wholesale. Cost Minister of- Education ,' but The, Week points it out when itsoySJâ€"a. 01' nianul‘actune. in order manual“) .l’OOlll for never. designs and patterns, Call our]; and secure “.Wc have always contended that the boasted unityoflplan'in our school sys- hau-guins, as I an: selling: cheaper; that; any}. dealer in the County. ‘ tom, a consequencc of, which is that the DOORS, SASH, MOULDING'S ETCQ. l’ublic School'work is carried on mainly with reference to the High School,,and KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDEDTO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. to see that Mr. lloss proposes some con- thatollytlicd'ligh School mainly with reference to the University, is really e K,e Q W was . . . . . ccssion 1n lavour of this common sense Frill/V678 STREET WEST,VFE/VELO/V FA£[8._ Ivicw.” l Prices vaay quyn for Cz1$]1._ one of its radical faults. The result is, in each case, that the interests of the many are sacrificed, or at least subordi- natcd, to those ofthc few, for no one can doubt that the courses of both Pub- lic .and ,High ,Schools could be much better adapted to the wants of'the great majority in‘cach, whose education pro- ceeds no . further, were those courses arrangcd with special reference to the needs ol'lhosc majorities. We are glad The Flaan theASchool’House. Scmc months ago a deputation waited on the Minister of Education to urge that steps be taken to secure the hoisting of the national flag on the school houses ol the province in the proscncc ol' the l have now on hand full supplies of, (' ALZJ.~/.4£Z.)le/_£J_ SPRING GOODS. \/1x21.71277274277:27:212777777Jt273:227.}; ; ‘ history. This movement was at the time lavorahly received and commented on throughout the province, but since that time has not been lollowud up by anything practical except in the case of the Toronto schools. We are glad to notice one of our leading papers, the Empire, now Coming lbrwurd to revive I the project. and give it an impetus by oli'cring a large and handsome flag for snovnij, SPADES, PICKS, AND A FULL ASSURTMENT OF ALGI{ICUI41‘III{{¢&In ’1‘O()IJS‘ I . ccmpctitim among the schools of each Johnston’s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. Province})g‘helfla; is“; l»?- tth “omit;- , - . ‘ ion 1 ag, 1. cut ong. ana is to We awar... Au .Bl ands 0f maelune 0118' l cd to the school in each County sending A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best Churn in in the best c>~ay not exceeding o'th . words written by a m ill. on " The Put. the Maikot. I . l l riotic lollucncc ol Hoisting :1 Flag on 1 E iildlisgiilloiildcqin g be authorizcl to borrow the sum ol'rix ‘ l l WELL SELL AWAY [3ch Fun sp'r eggs-L z be heartily approved by all citizens who ,look to building up and [)».‘l‘i-ull2(illllg The old British lltg may be “ only a bit loi bunting,” hut around i: cluster mem- ories which make the pulse boat faster, Rags Taken in Jiit'cizangc for Tinware Ollzy-landthc bosomswcll “m.pithâ€"um..-» E OrlL‘S, (00, ll) \Vlll‘dl Culla'llallS 339‘ Such ! K I ). ll 5 ' h . yr -kqu.â€"' l ' children on days memorable in Canadian ' days in our history will tend to raise up a generation proud at their country and deeds thus brought to mind. The idea of a competition which will stir up a , Clothing, Millineisv‘. - 1 prepared to emulate, if need be, the U 1 Personals. Dr. E. S. Wilson came home from Toronto on Monday. Bliss Kate .‘lorgon returned to the discussion of historic and patriotic sub- Falls on Saturday last. jects in every school section of the prov- Mr. Howard 1’. llcming. of Toronto. incc is a good one, and we hope it Will was at the Falls on Wednesday and be entered into heartily by the young Thursday. people of this county.- m The Pension Falls Foundry. For a long time past Mr. Thomas Robson has contemplated moving his foundry from its present location on the F shore of Comcron Lake to a more cen- tral position in the village, and he has at length taken the initiatory step by applying to the council for a site, which will no doubt be granted, convenient to the locks and the wharf. Since the locks were built all the stcamboats on these waters have been brought to the Falls for necessary repairs to their pro- pellers, shaftings and other parts of their machinery, and such work could be much more expeditiously and conven- iently done if the foundry were handy to the locks. The Mr. Wm. Parkinson and M r. E lward Finley, of Mariposa, were at.thc Falls on Wednesday. Mr. M. W. Brandon came home from Kinmount on Saturday, but is going back again in a lbw days. ' Mr. John Austin, reevc ol‘ Fcnelou ails, lth for Kiumount on Wednesday. and expects to be back by the middle of next week. Mr. &. Mrs. John Barrett, of’l‘oronto. are still at the Falls. Mr. Birrctt it rapidly recovering health and strength. and hopes to be well enough by next week to go back to the city. w. Powles’s Corners. â€"_. Correspondence oft/z: Gazette. The Methodist Sabbath school auri- prescut situation of versary sermon was preached by Rev. C: the foundry has the advantage of being L. Thompson, late Of British Columbia, near to the railway track.but its distance from the centre of the village is a great drawback, and Mr. Robsonâ€"who ought to be a good judge of the matterâ€"thinks that if the foundry were located near . the main street and the steamboat land- ing, its business would in a. short time be from fifty to one hundred per cent. more than it now is. Everybody ad- mits the excellence of the work turned out and. the thoroughness with which 'all.repai_rs.ar-e executed; and we have no doubt that, if Mr,. Robson obtains the desired site, his most. sanguine ex- pectations will be realized. Methodist Anniversary-a The anniversary services of the Meth- odist Church were held duringtheprps:~ cnt weeks Sermonstwerepreached} to the delight of all who listened to them, by the Rev. C. L. Thompson, late of British Columbia. Mr. Thompsonis an effective .and versatile speaker, and.- rendcrs good service to.the,.causo he represents wherever he goes. ‘Large and appreciative congregations greeted him on Sabbath morning and evening. At any time in the future Mr; Thomp- son will _bc a welcome visitor in Fenclon Falls. _ On Tuesday, the 14th inst., the anni- versary tea-meeting was held. Owing to the unfavourable weather, andthc factzthat'thc affair is usually held,at Christmas, the crowd was not as large as usual. The meeting, however, was well attended. Instructivc and excel- ‘lcntaddresscs were dclivcrcdby Rev. C. L. Thompsonglll, Methcrcll, and also by our resident ministers, Revs. Wm. Lockhcad and James Fraser. The choir rendered some choice selections of music. The committee of management beg to tendcrthcir best thanks to all who con: tributcd-in any way to the success of the anniversary. um Village Council Proceedings. Fenclon Falls, Oct. 6th, 1890. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment; members all present. The min- utes of last meeting read and continued. Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. llclicown, That the l'ollwing accounts he paid and that thc rccvc give his orders for the same :â€"'l‘hos. Robson, account for fire hose and repairing cu- gincs, Silla‘ll'); James J. l’owcr, work on streets, 35 63 ; llobt. Wallace, work on streets, Si; Goo. Goodhaud, work on streets, $14.92 ; Samuel Barr, work on streets, $5; Clerk for selecting jurors, , $6 ; Miss Bell, for sheep killed by’dogs, $5._‘Calil'illul.. )lQ‘ijtl .Ly 3h.â€" Mcltcown, seconded by .‘l 1'. Novison, 'l‘hat Mr. George .‘lan- ning be appointed collector ol'taxcs lor the year 1500, at a salary ol" lif'ty-lirc ing the same be now introduced and read a first timeâ€"Carried. ly law read a second time in com- mittee ol'. the whole without ammcnd mcnts, 311'. Ellis in the chair. By-law road a third time and passed. .‘lr. .‘lcl\'«.:mvn gives notice that at the next meeting ol‘ council llC will in- tl'oducc a by law to lulu: 'l'hos. Robson a portion ol' the strczt leading from (,‘ol- on Sunday afternoon last. The church was filled to overflowing with an appro- ciativc and attentive congregation. On Monday night the annual tea 'was» held;- wlren the cheese factory was well filled with an audience that did fulljusticc to the excellent rcpztst pre- pared by.~ the~.lad‘ies. After ten the audience repaired to the church, where good music was rendered by the choir, and instructive and interesting addresses. "jworc.delivcncdgby Revs. M; Mcthcrcll, C‘. D. Thompsocand ,0. Parker. m DENTAL â€"â€"Bc sure and call on J. Ibloclands, the dentist, at the McArthur house on Tuesday, Oct. let. lic will havc.a complete gas apparatus for ex-_ tractmg tooth.“ ; Anornnn Louâ€"Mr. H. Austin ship- ped 31 head of cattleâ€"all young steers and heifersâ€"to Toronto .last,’l‘nqsdav., They were the best lot sent froxn.tlio. village this season. . BUSY as BEES.â€"-â€"Clnrk'and Son have . just received another lot of fall and win- ter clothes of, all kinds, and are busy as . bees cutting them up and converting theminto garments. Sec advertisement. GOOD Newsâ€"We are authorized to announce that the Canadian Jubilee Singers are expected to give a concert. in the Methodist church, Frenclou Falls. on the evening of Thursday, December 25thâ€"Christmas Dav. Taxesâ€"$111. George Manning-175‘s: bocn appoiutcd‘collcctor, and is now going around the village politelyvprc- senting the ratepayers with .thcir tax.- bills, at the .bottom.ol which is printed the notice that,”Ii' the above is not paid \Vithinfcurtccu days the same will be levied with costs.” ‘ WILD Gooss Soonâ€"Mr. Georm, . Ellis wont to Goose lake last Saturddy al'tcr ducks, but, was lucky enough to. fall in with bigger game, as he managed - to shoot a line largo wild goose, the only One killed. in this vicinity for a long time. Mr. Ellis, though a. youthful sportsman, is apparently becoming a crack shot, as he seldom goes out with- out bringingsomething home with him. , THEY. l:I-:l"r.â€"â€")lcssrs. ll. Austin. “'11). Walllc, John Chambers, J12, and r Joseph )onucs lcl't on Siturdriy, as [Hfi' agreement, to join the party of night who started 'ou the provious \‘lcdncmla‘. for the Madawasca rivcr. Mr. Austlh has so much business to attend to that he only intended to be away for a wool: . but the others-or, at any rule, tin; majority of thornâ€"will not. be how: much before the end at tho mouth. 'l‘nn Sinnw.\I.I<s.â€"â€"Smnc oi the vil- lage sidewalks arc in a dilapidated am dangerous condltlon, and ought to be. repair-:1] atoncc. A short lllllc ago a ’ couple of men \vont around and llitlllle 3 piccos of board ovm' the Worst holu: but others have since made their app «u? once, m-lny ol' Ilium being big enough to take a number 11 boot. \l'lntow-r we do without in our present inpccuuimb‘ condition, Hike, if not elegant, sidewalk: are absolutely ncccswtry, as a. sirul' broken leg might C'bal the corporation hundreds of dollars. A .‘ll'sll'Al. TILE \'l‘.-â€"'l‘hc l‘l’ffl'lv‘l'F: rd l l can proudly claim a shareâ€"and the, PI A, P , I~:i'::-: ii :l..~r\.. 31. s ; " -.~. -~‘~ «1 -‘ »â€"J--‘- -_.-‘~ ’1 -5 5' . I. -. . .. . -, l t dollars (35.3) and that a by-law coulirnr bornc street to the steamboat. landing the (IV/idle may look liu'tt'ard to :1 var.- l’or the purpose of meeting an iron : musical Hunt 0!! the evening oi Norm.- fouudry. her the 71th, as the Orangumuu have ‘-'.'v Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by .‘lr. [lel‘ml the rL'l'TlC-’F of Mrs. T. l}. l’ilkic. .‘lclieown, That the recvc and tl'c_*:t.~.".ll'cr l (foruurrly .‘liw‘ Roberta) oi Lindsav. who, it is said. will be accompanied li'.’ hundred dollars from the Dominion ‘ llcr lll'ltllcl‘. .‘lra‘. lillbcrts. a» Mani-ii. Bank, and that a by-law to that mil-ct be i also .‘lr. l'cltlc, nl' Lindmv, will h now introluccd and read a lint time. i present and contribute very-largely ti __C,,,.ricd. 3thc entertainment. Ju‘lgiu; from th" By-lmr read a second time in com- 3 numerous highly culogistlc' picfi ll"- mittcc ol' the whole without ammcnd- llCCfl, MW “nil” ll“ few. irony. Huff.“ meats, Mr. Nevis..in in the chair. ‘; riors in Canada as a I)l'0f€.Ԥ>lllll2tl singer. 133.13“- rcml a third time and passed, .‘ll'S. McNeil, Ol l’CllClull Falls, Will)?“ ’ CiQ‘Zjlllllll‘il'j' 1':7'.'.’.:l‘1 an; of 1 My. 1,1- 1“ _,_, .. . .. .l-l‘dzu 1,, l

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