Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Oct 1890, p. 3

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RE NOT our? . genre 0 ~ o cine. They are n -‘ __-- “- BLOOD Bciwsn, TONIC and R3002:- ‘WI‘ -=- $5lllllll] -=- 3MB or rm) r3. GIV EN AWAY- Long Lives. Apart from the question of nationality and old age, a remarkable circumstance to be observed is that “more women attain great ages than men on an average, although more of the latter attain the utmost. extmt of longevity. Hufeland thus endeavours to account for this important fact- :â€"“The equilibrium and pliability of the female body Seem for A certain time to give it more dura. bility, and to render it less susceptible of injury from distinctive influences. iut male strength is without doubt necessary to arrive at a. very great age. More women, there- fore, become old, but fewer very old. In the first half of a man’s age, an active, even a fat' uiiig life is conducive to longevity ; but in l; e last half. a life that is peaceful and uni- form. No instance can be found of an idler having attained to a remarkably great age. Rich find nourishing food, and an imnioderaite receipt of price (50c. small size, and 81 large size bottles) by addressing FL’Ll-‘OBD & Co., lirockville, Ont. _________.-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Ange:- blows out the lamp of the mind. To be wood to the vile is to throw water .nto the .ca. . i 111311 Eating Bear Killed. Gaming finds a man a cullv, and leaves? _The mnmlls m‘m‘entmg hear of P“_”“‘“' him a km'uu ' , pun, n_ca‘ir Lusselkondnh, .who . is 5111.1 to I 11.“..9 “mu m “ff. 50m” 1055 of faith ~ h zvo: killed over twenty individuals, and , ‘ “ ‘ â€"‘ j. . ‘ ‘ “r ' | maule‘l many more, has at last succumbed Wile" I “may cmcs‘ , l to the ride of Mr. Somers Eve, the Executive Summer friends vanish when the cask Enginwr’ and has had her “weer of crime dmh’c‘l ‘0 13"“ ‘h'c'é'l' cut short. The animal'siferocity and cunning The t'iLl‘tll with its scarred face is the syuh . wrrc so great that every attempt to beat it bol of the post; the air and heaven of futur- out failed, and gcuerally culminated in some ity. jot thclieiitcrs being mauled. Mr. Somers Superiority to circumstances is one of the l‘-"0._ lhtjl‘ef‘OTC,”determined to “ beard {he most prom-meat characteristics of great 1 lion in lllS ucn,y or rutlieilp the bear in lei: mam , stronghold. l\ lien Mr. law came upon liei . : s'nc llZUl one cub on her back, whilst another A {Cw feel“ “"der ground rmgns so 3 slllli’llCll along by her side. She certainly ‘ch the Blood. curing A 1 disease! coming rom P003 and Wu“ . from The above amount will actually be Viru'rnn HL’XORS in ' . x . . . - 5°}me and also given free. Loch person niisn er zmsomto wd BUILD ing this advertisement. \vill receive a present. r the BLOOD and Srs'rim. when broken down by overwork, mental worry. disease. excesses and indiscreâ€" tions. They have s T he nhove odor is made to introduce Hep- burnjs Blood Purifier. which has hndn lnrgo sale in this lomilit- for the past four yt-nis. SPECIFIC Acriox on The conditions nre n8 l’ollows:~â€" , the SEXUAL Svsrnn of Hit the largest list of English words con - both men and women, structh from the letters contained in [he word restoring, Les-r Vic-on and correcting all “BLOOD PURIFIER" mhnhl'L-‘hlum Bhd Received up to November 151 ll, - $100 Tritium, and yet so muc}! mum“ kcln “9 her relmmtion for icrOCity’ for She “50 0f fl95hi do “0‘ Pmlong 138’ Insmnces 0f t.” “ v“- '1 SUl’PNiSSXO-VS- Received up to December Lilli - 50 1 ’ ‘ J " . . 3. charged the Sporlsmah at once: Shillith the the greatest age are to be found among men ' Who finds his mental fnc- lleccivcd u to December 25th: - ‘35 A mam must be excesm‘cly Stupid. “5 Well 1 cub off her back. Mr. Eve reserved his fire who, from their youth, lived principally on ulties dull oi- failiu . or There \vil also he llirce prim-s of ion doll;er his physical powers flagging, should take iese ouch, and seven prizes of live dollnn: on.le Finns. The will restore his lost energies. both given in each section of tine its indicate physical an mental. above. to the next ten largest lists in tho order not Ilial‘l‘l take heed ! l The some authority I h _ rcruiuc’d. J $j§$ig£‘int Even if you do not. win one of the rush prizes just quoted declared that “ there was not on m w“ “,m “um “ ,n . m “m “M. ,f m ‘ i - , . -' . ~‘ ‘rrc lari . whi inevita ' - 'i‘ . " . 'M‘ . . ' .l N l" "l ' one lhsmhbe 0f amelmlo‘ 1““th almmed 3‘ prekmns and 1 g“ y no whether it list. 0 words is sent. in H not. ' ' ' tail sickness when nonlectcd. ‘ ‘ ~ ' ' great age, and that the fact was as applicable c“ ° . ,. _.z\rh list or application must be llt‘vl‘lllllllllli‘d to the female as to the “"118 sexy Linn), alifs;}d“ffif°ctl§?°tlimlLil: i pil‘llibOIio lilojhirlfiii: which dollnr bottle of examples magma-live Of this sehSiblc theory suits of mouthful-bad habits and strengthen the . 3 l). “‘1‘ 8 .i 9‘“ . . “mud. “ in bu {and ml?“- . . _ ' _ Y - lhinprqmiiitioii is guumuloul to ho supoiior Will Occur to the reader. Scarcely 0- “ 88h system. [to anything yet introduced for tho roliof and as uncluiritublc, who believes there is no | “u the be,” was within a few paces of him, . . . l vegetables, and, in sOmo cases, had never virtue'but on his Side. 1| and bowled her over, but she recovered her- tasted fleshy Moreover, let, ‘hose who will It is the art of mankind to polish the 2 self :iliiiost directly, and, standing up on her World, and every one who works is scrub- ‘, hind legs, endeavoured to seize her antagon- bing at some part of it. ’ I ist, wlwn a well directed shot through the Fun has no limits ; it is like the human race and face ; there is a l.'.llllly likeness [ ‘rnin laid her low. The cubs, however, l among the species, but they nll difi‘cr. l l l l. ii cseupcd. The death 0t this bear has been the cause of great rejoicing amongst the PUMA“) h ’ h“ 0W3“ “Wm find to re_ l‘yuts of the district, as fenr of the animal . .Q‘. 3 I 3. . i I. ..fi 2, “with: 11 cm, {L ‘1 ’lt‘l‘l'c‘l them “1‘” entcrmg the Jungles to goes by but the fact may be met Wltll 0f Should take them. ,* cure of liver null kiduov .lroiiblos. Circulars Plus IINMJlLL ') “~50 "n “fl 9 3 " gather fruit and meL some aged individual (1vth and testlfyin r ‘ '1wa Yams \ull j\\’llll. tesliuionuils (ind full nifornintloii sent on tions are lei eled by death; a. position v. nich, . 1 .fi . f ‘1 .111 1 f 1 .1 In _ make them regular. receipt of n 3 cent stump). m t ‘e mu“ )m 0 L H i re“ 8"“ 0 c n ( u“ S For sale by all drnggist-s, or will lio sent upon (‘onlcst olosca Doom“ or 28th. the. list of prize however it may (lcject the happy, will _ seldom ull‘ord inucli comfort to the wretch- BllStle 111 3: Store- Cd- Eli's. Hayseed (on her first visit to towii) Noble blood, bzili'. “'hrit blood is more] v-“Olle would think that big store I was noble tlntn thth of the lion? And yet be is just in would do considerable business, but I only a. brute. It is merit, education, and suppose most of the crowd jest looks round flu meucvme “.holived m the 000 of 110. virtue, not blood, which lifts inch above the , and $03.3 “ht ugh“ My ! w“an file“: 0' l’le‘hudobeen iii’arrie'd to no "fewerothun' ten levcl 0i brutcs. conpnoiionflwhen I bought something and wives, the last, 0f Whom he weddud when. in Are you not zine-stricken, you . . . . Pm‘ h“ 1t' his ninety-ninth year, and who bore liiuia. . I ~ - ._, , .___u ' 9 ' - - who have passed'thi'ough manv struggles of H (“LL35 A colflmotmn ' . son when he was in his 1015“; l ' ‘ Mrs. Huyscod-â€"‘ Mercy! ycs. J estesqiiick _ - t . . defeat, success, crime, remorse to yourself V , 1 only known l to think how you are the some as t‘ll‘ll' Ch"”"§”l gm my mono)! Sh“ ’egm‘ yelling “cash like iiiadâ€"and half a. dozen You whom in childhood you remember be- 1. 1 H b. » . ., fox-e the Voyage 0, we began 1 ittu. onion )oys cat no rus ing up to see it. .¢_- The Model Cow. The characteristics of a. good useful cow (From the LONdO” Free Pre'lsJ were thus particularly set f'Ul‘llllJy' Secretary Lord Aberdeen on his way down Rich_ BMChCthI‘“0f CUDCOK'd. 3- 1L, h} h recent iiioiid up to the station yesterday ait'sernoon address: bl“) Sho‘llll I‘ll“: 3' “he, 1”“8 remarked to Col. Lewis, who was un occu- headflbe bmh‘l l’m’wceh the eyes! the eyes punt of the cab with him, that lie lind a. should be large and mild, the muzzle thin mm", {m nice tmvemm, cqnipment and he and wide, the curs thin I‘lll(l_~l_il(3 inside cover- thoufhm the disgluy Ufa Ajcx. Jojujfitm, & ul wiili yellowskiu ; the fore-(punters light, 00” '5“ the Maui Building, was as fine' as the bhdy “'C‘lgc'Sh‘ll’C‘l, ihcrmsmg l” Sh” l.” (in "thing he had the pleasure of looking the “31m theleéls “at “huh “he h°h93r the upon iiillld' London or Glosrvow and that thighs thin, the bones of the rump set. wido- he “mud have liked to has}, 11,841 a few 1y iipitrt, the buck broad and straight, the minute's more to inspect, minutely “76 ill}: ilhd hill‘fil l'Ohtlll‘l ""11‘11 “1‘13” Sl‘l‘llhfifvftlllle also joined with the noble Earl in praise of ill ongzinl inc, ie 11! (or sign mu ii , .1, muff i - °. A. ,, . extending well behind, and the large niilk- was“ “‘11,, zit-£333: veins under the belly should be full and The? Show some Special lines in Vunses‘ tormmls- A fiho hm'h: h ‘lecl’ yellow Skihv ‘v Cabin Tourist and Club Buffs. The Roller and a. general lcniinine elegance of form are ' 'pmy Trunk) ,.‘mnufactm.edmy J. Evelcigh also good iiidiczttions. A well sluipod cscut- g; (Jinn of Montreal, with whom Alex. John. stun 8: Co. do 1!. large trade, deserves more clieon on the back of the thighs and under Will do no llill‘lll, but experience proves that cm“, a passing notice_ The mw runs back some very excellent cows luck this eliarneâ€" in the “,1, am} a, lady desiring {0 get, any i-r- . e n o I tel 1°lhv- article on: of the bottom of the trunk need No further l'Clll:l.l’l-'.(‘.(l, that 1-10 pounds of 1 not, lift may“,ng out to reach it, but “mange ‘Vllh (’lfa'ht lll’hhll?’ 0f hhl'i Ol' 20 simply rolls the tow into the cover. The PO‘hhl-S 0f ‘h'l' hill'lfvfiY “1‘ (“ll lO‘l‘lCl'v, 01‘ hill'y lirin assured the Free Press reporter that in was about the requisite feed i'Ol' a. lOUll-pound a Very short time the Roller Tm}, Trunk 00W, P0P ‘hly. Ah (f-‘iUQhC‘lt-fa’rihh “llmh f'h‘ would supersede the old style, and from the the production of inilk in a. l000-pouiid cow, number of enquiries for the “new depart_ -would be four pounds of gluten or cotton~ “Fen in trunks, and also the sales made, the seed meal, two pounds oi corn meal and two reporter was forced to “Hype with the lead. POhhdS 0f “he‘ll m l)” h‘ldh- mg member or the firm in this respect. The 3“ 00“ lhhv 9‘03 133” l‘hfh 3:000 ‘llhll'l's 0f prices of the trunks astonished spectators mllk, 01' "lakes less lhhh ‘2”0 Pounds “f th‘ and eiiquircrs. The firm show trunks from ter in a year. Is uiiprolitaiblc, and yet the $53 up ; also some very choice ones with average production is for below this. The brass trimmings, made from] Evcleighis . . . . ., _ , average in how Hampshire is lol) pouiius. Rawhide Fibre. ,, patent material which is - . . » .‘ . ' . ) . . . . . , . At lh‘vS'v‘hl‘ [WW-‘3) 1t “’33 10 “his “ ‘l-ly to very light and durable. Some solid leather keel) h 00"" m the Name, 115.00“? “4'0 “Shhul’ work in trunks, volises and portiiiantenus is kept, so that the cow that gives seven quurts also exhibitcm A very handsome port" 0f “111k 1‘ day, lhht ‘5 50m 1"” three cents 1" muntcau on display caught the Rev. Father winners will be published in tho News of Ira- qnois the following week. , , . Tho Reeve of Iroquois. Rum-“lee” Postmaster of lroquo‘is. How To GET Addressâ€"(3.15.IIEl’lilllIN. ____________..___.â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" it. and how to‘ _ _ “NEE-“ti 1m‘l“0l8. 0M», (hm. G0 H kc‘cpit' explain. Lock box 2230. Cd in the HEALTH HELPER. Send slum ) for 527' Cutthis out us it may not nppear again sample copy to ilic’cditor. l)r.J.C. Dye, But lilo ' ' .4, .w. _ --_. . .. ‘ H . , Plllll.tla‘NflTl(‘ET()AFFLICTHD LADIES ,‘r; AVA“: "if i is, inordcr that you muy know that OAK ‘ Eff“: \JWOOD BALM is u positiyomugefiorfomnlo complaints, v.» . 'llLl-ltrl R8“ .. \NdeN [will send to tiny-.uddross onehnontb‘s trent- j" EnilDl'l’RTliip -‘: -. N - children to the third, and fourth generation, to the force and truth of the physiologists statement. The most notablciustmicc of this was supplied in the matrimonialexperiences of it centcnariuii Frenchman, a. certain Dr. receipt of price (50¢. per box), by addressing E R. JYILLIAMS’ URI). ('0. TH D fireckvillmmt Q. iiiciit or $1 or frcb 'sfimfilo to all ‘\\‘l10 address ' ‘ , . . " 1‘ - -. withsmin i. J. 'l‘ROTTER, 5 Richmond \Vcst, ” Toronto, ‘uii. . ' ‘ - Watsonb - Bough-Drops lJ-l RATTRAY & WHOLESALE TUBAGUUNISTS, MONTREAL, WO R M Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Autumn Scenery Along the Elud- ‘ 50!], v . as viewed from the triins of the New York Central &. Hudson River Railroad, whose tracks skirt for a distance of 148 miles the east shore of that noble river, is beautiful in the extreme. By taking the famous vesti- bule New York and Chicago Limited, leav- ing Grand Central daily at 9:50 A. )I., the Southwestern Limited, leaving (it 10:20 A. M., or the Chicago Express, leaving at l0250 A. M., or corresponding trains leaving Bull'alo for the East, at. 7:00 A. M., 7:45 A. M., or 8:50A. M., passengers are afforded a. daylight view "of natural scenery unsurpass- ed for picturesque beauty and grandeur on this continent. Moreover, the magnificent equipment of all through trains by the New York Central route, including drawing- rooni, sleeping, dining, and bullet curs, four tracks, easy grades and light curves, offers to travellers the acme of comfort and luxury in travelling facilities. Ha Royalty Notices It. Are the best in the world for the throat and cliestnnd for the voice. Uncqunllcd. 3-432;. .13. W- stamped on each drop. Recommended by physicians. .B'cin in‘ the form of a. chocolate the are )lcnsiiii to the Celcbl'fitpd .Crusadepand “010 Brands tusl'e.. Children never'rc use it c ioco lite cream. : Requires no uni-r Medicine. Ask for Duiv- ‘ . . ‘h ’ . ' , Ono trial is gunrnntcc for continqu use. .________- SOLID son's lllld Luke no other; Sold everywhere. 25 cciiis n Box. I _ Dawson Medicmc 00., Montreal. GENTS should drop everything and sell . '_l‘.ii.ii.\oi;‘s Livia or Ullltls’l‘, entitled. “ From Mongol-to 'l‘hrnne." Over 600 quarto puch ; 400 illustrations from 'cnt puinii ig's ; and u l’uiioruiiiic picture in co.ors. ten feet in , lcii th. of Jerusalem on the day of Crucifix‘ion. Solt only by subscription. Exclusive territory to nucnls. Address for terms, \YM. BlilGGS, Publisher, Toronto. Ont. “ Catch-all” boxes of Dresden china. are lined with silk and framed in silver. " .l-1 Wle- e- THE‘BEST couau EDllNE. Dr. Harvey’s Southern Red Pine will in- stantly relieve, as well as stop, a. severe fit of coughing. 3.; '. son 32 DRUGGISTSEVEBYWEEEB. - . ' - ‘ REIGN 91.- Sold by the Principal Boot gEAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. 3am] Shoe Dealers. lie st Goods; ‘ » - Every Pair Stamped. Sailing weekl between MONTREAL and th‘l-llll’ool. Sn oon Tickets $40,350 .und 350. Return Tickets. $80. $90 (ind $110, according to steamer and acconiiiiodntion. Intermei’liutt~ $3!) Siceragc$2l1 Apply toll. H. mums); Gen criil Manager. Canadian Shipping (30., 4 CUS TOM HOUSE SQUARE, Moxfriusiiu or to Luca Agents in all Towns and Cities. .__.â€"._..____.-.. . THINKUHT! . .- ~ . E GREAT UROPEAN DYE As a Flesh- Producer there can be no question but that _. In“ .â€" Chospeat and ~. B E S T P I. A C E in America to buy Band and Muslim 1 (limit is of very little benefit to lip‘r owner. Tm”,me eye and he lost no time in piir- Instruments, Experience pi'mes than. it cow “(Li yield at pinging it, {or his own “at Messrs. A. Muslo,&o. 2r . ....-';- .L p Address “'IIALEY, ROYCE ‘t 00., l'onge Street. Toronto. Sono [or Unmlouuo climbs EEKâ€"inns“ Loan and Savings Culipziny, " Unequalled hi metres: and Beauty c! maturingl 0 'â€" They are the OSLY pm; that (Skye, Toronto St, Toronto. Sumter lhcomc h)'dl"’l’l)hlg he" 0“” l“-‘l'“'00h Johnston 3:. Co. are to be coiici'utulntcd on scplelhbcr hh‘l N""°"‘h°l'i 01' i“ the {all the meritorious display tlicv iiiztkc, and the months: CSI’CChlllY if She is filmed Ohl’ lo bone. is expressed that. they'vvill livaiin as:ist Puss in the spring. The. green feed 51 iiiiu- “I: \Vestum pair “mm U, “Mk” Gum Exhp hill“, ilhd lh‘Oh'hf-ia lhe bilioii nsucccss in their line, us it has been lites niiew the flow ot / milking season. L‘ulvos, he slid, could be this year. grown on skimmed milk with a little lil‘ltll â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"«-»-â€"â€"-â€"â€"- or grain after they were two or three. weeks ‘ ' All Inc“, old, but a. dissciitcr i'ciiiurkcd that a llzit-rib- young, 01.1, m. undamaged) who find them. A. § at Pure Boil Liver fill an Of Lime and Soda is without a. .rival. Many have ggined a. pound a day by the use bed uninnil.bctriiycd. its scant-y cmly fecd- sci-(es newnns‘ weak and C‘hnuswd, who j 01 it. It cures __0____ WlLL NOT WASH OUTl m} Pull lhilt 13 “filled 0“ ‘V‘ll'hl 119‘" are broken down from execs or overwork, z l; Subscribed Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.500.000. WILL NOT FADE QUT‘ on k will have n. i'otiinuity of form that the , rusnmnn in mmw , fonu“'in:v symp. 5 ? Paid up Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500,000 1 There is Mllung hko hm" f"? SWJHBU'. 001011” Other never msgpsscm ‘- . _ "7 , . ‘i. . .. ~ . . .‘F , , SCROFULA. BRONCHlTlS, COUGR‘S AND K Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1340000 or Funnier-a. l Thins Mont -l (u messiah Jl‘l‘llld- ur ‘ old - - «~ - ' ' __ v ~ - -~_‘ , :~ ~ ‘ i - ' - v 5COLDS, AND ALL tonne 0F WASHNG Dis-l Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.500000 tiarachgcIQUALS5W:clan-ctbtrt'clnttcnzttot. H. :zgc, loss of VlilEllt)’, loss of memory, bud EASES. AS l'J LA 11131.13 .ls BULK. l -â€"-â€"oâ€"â€" ' i n on doubt it u, it. Yam, "mic will 1,, m, ’llll-l G. 'l‘. R. AND C. P. IX. droning, diniiicss or Sight, pailpitutioii of the jGenuine made bySccll& Beams.Believillasalmonl ‘The enlarged Cflhllill and TPSOUN‘OS 0" this i fiiu-llhlil‘yoiiiircliutyconi'inr‘rd nh- l’hnlrlill.‘ i'my- â€"--â€"â€"- hem-t. cmissmiis, hick of f‘llt‘l‘fi)’: pain in the ) Wrapper: steamer-132‘s. 50c. and SLOO- l (."ml’am' together “"l’h .lhc ““Tmlw‘l hwlh' . luurcolurs nrc mmluiu'l‘ui'lilnh "youumhrucing ~ - . ties it now has for supplying hind owners \\'ll.ll all new hllllllt a. mid othurn um mhlul u Inn-Ii on they -,â€"â€"‘--..,__ - .-\_,., bl‘COnlO fashionable. 'l'ln-y nn- wnrrmitcd to dyc more goods and do it better tluui tiny other Dyes. Same Price as Inferior Dye, 10 0125.. Canada Branch: 481 St. l’niil Street. MontrenL dendpouallur Sample Ca rd and Book qflmtructioi kidneys, headache, piiiiplcs on the face or body, itchingr or peculiar seiisution about the Scrotum, wasting of the organs. dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the lllllSClCF, cyc lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, ill-posits in the urine, lOSs of will power, tenderness of the sczilp and spine, weak and hubby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rented by sleep, constipation, (li’llness of .G-H~MC-\llChf‘ l_ V“ ____ hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, cx- :1 Pl"; .l).\Yâ€"â€"GO(;â€"(l‘-ll‘lcn and women. citiibility of temper, sunken eyes surround- l ( h-if . 1"=l-‘t-‘5‘ling zu‘Llclo. J. E. CLOSE. g 1 . v ,, ed with muons cini‘m-t, oilv lookin skin, ("H‘Elmfllfl"5"‘l".£9r°“l°;_ _ _..n “M” plum" 1"“ “Skc‘l ‘ “‘“S fl“ “plmwm” etc. are all svmptcms of iicrvous l ebilit r Gl‘lx'l‘s WANT” "ll '5 “.‘(“"’3" L’hl’l“ lytlicre linsiiol. but once more the uttcn- I [l ’ ,, ~ '. - . . . . . 1y I lm‘lliri- Cl'nll‘fll Of ll'l‘l‘ll01‘33 Alll'l.“ M . . . . p I mt. had lo insanity and death unlesscurci . , ._ 1: \- v .. . C ( Y ..~ vl‘ . tion of the piibliCis conspicuously drawn to Thes - , ,- 1 f , .- - u°“”- ‘1'." m ““E l)" Olll'fbl" 3.10"“) ~ prnig or um orce liming lost its these rmds. iiiid the knowing: HHCS “53°” tension every function wanes in consequence LEATHER BELTING. that this time some united move is conleni- 1 vv . . i . . - ‘ 1mm“. The pmhmtml vi.“ m. S”. JUSCPh ' lhose who though .ibiise C0lllllllltcd‘ iii 130,1, value". the. Dommmn: p. '11“ DIXON 5; TV} .r. h- . ,3, .it 1 u h \v , “t __ l u ‘ igiiorunot- may be permanently cured. bend CU., Mukcra, 70 lung street Lust. loronlo. " ‘ 1“ “ “ l" ‘ "l N“ ' “ll‘ “ . will? address !or book on all dicascs peculriir L4- 51 i d for Price Lists and DiFC'Olllllh‘.“ proposed hostile legislation threatened by l ,0 mm, “Mums M V IUBOV .30 Front -".,\..\‘ .‘ -;~;‘ -.~- w. 'x ‘I- “"" "‘ ‘ ..~.- ~ the in lul {AICN in“ lllls 1hr... two gicit m. h" Tommo’ on. “mks gem free acme“. FaTSnnlfepdygfu:ffiquxnasclrkjksIzggnfiz I R, Kill-"C S‘llKlJLâ€"lfizrdroâ€"gculling. taught by Miss ('liidib, U. nch Acent for On- liir.o, 4‘36} Yorgc slrccl, Toronto. Ont. _______ ‘TALYABLE i‘utcnt on Voloripcdc for sale cheap Henson, ill licult i. Address, l_n\'cnlors' Union. Toronto. CANCER nnd 'l‘uiiiom cur: d withle the knitSemi for book of treatment and testimonials, free. . M. 1).,03 NiaguiaSt.. Buffalo, XX. Cheap money. cniihlo the Directors to meet With proinptncss all requirements for louns ll)0ll satisfactory real estate security. Ap- p ii'ution may be inudclo the Company‘s lorul Appraisers. or to J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. A Combination of Interests Between These Two Great lilies Possible. hlthTlllf.\l., Oct. 3. lSll0.â€"â€"Fr(.uii time to time rumors have gone forth thitt ncgolui ions l l l were on f- 01. between the Grand Trunk and l. Support to The J a H N 3 T 0 Nag-hills dederful gal and Sustaining Infirm. l Power. 0th This '1") FDITOR:â€"Plense inform you. cadets that l have n positive remedy {oi tls above named disease. By its timely use thousands ofnopeies- use: have been pcrmunenlly c1 red. lshall i: glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to an, J your readers who lmv' em siiniption if the" will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. 8 M.c.. ise w.» “9“”‘7‘ M.- TORONTO. ONTARIO. Ciuindiuu l’ucific Railways lookii: to a union of these two grout trunk linesâ€"~or, if not a union. at least to closer l‘t‘.lllll0ll:i.flll\l, pcrhups. :i pooling of rcccipls. “ ls there iinvtliing in it '2” Is the question an inter- ... ‘ . ‘ .. .' . . , . . . a -v'.~. J... ~‘znv.'ot» 10ml? give rise [0 In l‘Ull‘5‘\I\lllllll‘-lr$..lillgll all? ‘ICartdlsease’phesyvlnptonlgof‘yluch “reflux” i3mm: Ind radical cure 1and is pctfcjtl’ . . V ,. . .- , . - . . . . . i-.. .‘ .v. :2; - “.2” “1M” U v . “‘ ’L 1” mus, pm 1e bps. numbness. palpitauou, .::“.::.2;..:;‘:."Ur;iscum.$32.3: result ' “ m My}. U‘mmmc l” 1”le um” 'il’ lw‘L'i iol ll‘h‘llt‘“ rush of blood to the . .. , . . . . , . . e niuiunl llllci-(‘Shs 3', vl‘inic will it ll ; but, in l hum, dun pain indie “can withhents Strong, , ,1 - . , , . , ‘ . . - . ~ 5 . . In severe uses where other remedies hive failed. ll“ “" ““ll‘h' lll‘l” ‘3 0"“ "“l‘l‘l “l’m‘ . rapid iiiid irregular, the second heart beat - nforwndinzafree Mule ls: l “14“ “1° r- ' \' i" 5-. ‘) i" “ ‘5‘ ~»,‘:_ . . . , A- be}. ., 4 ll}? mm. “H ""‘Vl‘ lffl' V‘lknl" ll“ ‘1‘”. 1“: “ I quicker than the tirst, pain noout the breast - if: .m It ilu‘s’wfiiunxifi'i: . ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘â€"“‘ Nl “ml 1‘ hhh-‘hh‘hh 3‘ “Hum “h” D» 1m“ l home, etc.. cunposiiivelv be cured. No cure. l let! {'1’ ‘ "ll" “‘“l 3‘ “‘“m‘m’e ' v - q hi will? Pulley Saves Timeâ€"Quicker lhan a lino. ingbelt. Saves Bolt-No wear; belt stands idle when not working. 'l 5; j ‘ ‘ 7‘ i ' ’ ‘- ' ‘ r v - ' - is carti’n. Give E: m) uxl bl ‘1 1' n" ‘3 ll“ “hi-l “"“"~‘ ll“ “‘Hur‘ pay. fiend Ior book. Address M. V. rotunda. Addxcszp elll-cluiil cure of cold in the heudund mmrrh [ ‘ " ' F ‘ ' ' i‘ j . . . ' - i . r nt btr“ as. t . in nll iornis llllil silicos. 'lhc lollowing‘i 03-”! O\' 50 u “b I s ' Fomm’o H- S3- ROOT M+gpolnsteovgfét Adelaide 3" i l o I . testimony from two \\‘cll-l\'llu\\ll otliviuls oi ' ___________._.____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lllt‘N' lines bmr out this assertion Mr. J. -\-i»‘~l‘~15‘ 'l‘hlll Fl‘lllil “hm 3“ Uhhl l'y 3“ 1). Kennedy, (2. 'l‘. R. agent at Brockvillc, , busclvnil phiycrs, etc. .'i cents. snvs : ".-\ short treatment with .\usul l'iailm i An expensive gum-pot for :i desk of out To {\licori) and expo! " Saves Roomm on shaft. Saves Moneymlnnsmuch as till the above cost money. Semi for New Shutting and Pulley Circnlpr, stating your wants. ““lh‘illly “'"h’lc‘l “11 Sli'hll‘lmm ‘lf “‘5' ; claws and silver, iiizitiiling n llowvr. stein, those 'le‘lllll," secretions cutarrh. The preparation is plcusiuit and , and leaves. and vailt the. au'pc 1.1m; ._. . . . , ,‘ - ,, - ri-gu n 1'. sliiiiii silo nun (do) to UN, ii‘in‘ gii LS "llllllitlllll‘lt-l rind poii Recommended to Sufi-ENR‘ hmm “pm” wmk WV,“ nuincnt rt‘llt'.. Mr. (mrdoii Nari. [ .l .l\. I (. . , _ ,. T‘ ,l , ‘1 , (a P -” i- n \l. until the\vlio‘corirunisni agent ut llrockville. says : “For some years. '“i‘x'n’ ‘ “l. n "‘m' n“ _" “““_“' _ is ruin-d lo hixlnwt 1 was troulilcd with n severe edit.“ olculurrli, l, \Cllm" alld- lilac flowers are Unified 101' i l‘('“m‘_h“-" ll‘lZZh-"l ’,h‘3 1 -- ~ - 11 . . j.” 1. q . a [“lllzllCl' ' drch unriiiturc 1nd time decoru- l “"'“‘"“t mm‘l’k 1““ iuu nus sen om lite‘lioui estwrr IA mm of. IL. , i )r ‘ ‘ ‘ e ‘ v ‘ ‘ ‘ niiiurcns-crislirrpowcr. l li'iul uniny remedies, but without uvnil. l ‘~‘-‘~‘H- “Nothing: in. f'xl‘lfllu'u procured a bottle of hasnl “lllll. and in less; Ti,“ 0““. “M”, “.m. in whim, T _\ SI 0_ iL‘il‘fl >3; \l‘:;;u than n “1‘14; liiV llcnililcllt’s‘ lmd ilislplk‘nn‘il (p “'y\\'(~l‘\’l'71vl) 1‘“ Lil él'OV J fl ‘ _‘ 1‘ " ‘, ‘ ' ' . - . ‘ . - . .I 3. . ‘. a. o. .. o ;sa\35.lh.nnl..-lont. ' together \‘tllllullfllllt‘l‘ symptoms”!cnturrh. l » lip-“H (10h LIVER 0x11 lms Wm] its “Jy ; u 1, Fun.“ “u. “m, . .c believe .\ns;il Bull“ iszi boon to iill suffering a in,” Pub“: (“or We,“ Wynn,“ for “a ; lfons: 3331“ 0‘ “37101;:le -. ,.‘ .1. i .n ~.,.. - ., s, _ ‘ ‘ ‘ i-uiii:.;-ii--\ :inA .iver firm“ {his}lr‘}'1?llll“i“‘l3‘- ‘3! sl‘l‘l'i'lfl: iiicrils. At the oilice of the company. ' 'l‘f‘iil‘rlv-Llll od lint-um. V rm“ ‘" l m l ‘l‘ “,‘n “r Yaml“ Tm“ ‘ \Z“ ; 'l‘oroiito, l,)iit., can be seen Scores at valuable 1’ lug. __i-:o. ljlus is the " . hh‘U: Pl“ “f f‘ mu‘cwl‘fl 3““ k Ԥ:‘_’“ 1 -‘ “l litsillliulllnls while any driiggisl will tell you 3 . 0} "r l‘mf'”? finitvom ’llv “‘ ‘ “° ll-M‘“ flllttl forull pulmonary diiiiculties it stands " ' ' ' t ' , . , l-or ulc by all \.-_‘~*.i.0.“.\.‘, ol' sent. iv-st paid. UH u,,,,.-,,iicd_ rm: 31'. Laos IBERALWATKR (0. run. ' ‘ - .i H 'I i .

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