Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Oct 1890, p. 8

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The following cheap ruier ,. - in the finest section of \Vestem Unzaiuv Semi for the "Canadian Faint Advertiser“ to I. I. Daly & Co.. Guelph P. 0.. Out. It is 'seiit {re} and gives the acres cleared. Paris newspapers re ' it that the pope , : has culirenlcd to act ilfiiil'liiil‘ulul’ in the A 1 1 Kowloon land fisheries, ii' England and i â€"â€"-â€"--â€" p #87 - LOTS - 87¢“, : i’rauce request him to do so. 1‘ .- “ RSA E. ~‘ ‘ u F55h10\ F‘LLD F0 L ' sizes and kinds of buildings, NC“ .‘t‘cn oi The Vine City, Nevada, (.-'Iu-oui'cle says that a curious effect is wrought on i , , , the hair and boards of men engaged in Belonging to the Estate of the late D. i .. _ h _ me“ and :75 on," farms. 5 the Martin White mine at, Ward. The ; Scull)‘. Will be sold in Single 10“ 0U“ - I u . z r _ / No “on”, hill: or swamp on the farms. '1 Also a brmk ' T T and the coil is guaranteed deep. “Chg Clay house and lot on Fidler's Hill. loam that never bakes. Menoy sent it re- Urc i3 roaslcd‘ but no disagreeable per, blocks to suit purchasers. v <- v.- . A quired no guarantee, for expenses ii the I‘to‘v IS 3 OLR CPI-DIE {arms are not cheap and its Npreseuted.â€"â€" â€"â€" AS â€"- fumes arise from the heating process.‘ yet then: is some unknown substance and intending buyers, after seeing them. TI‘IEY ‘IUST BE SOLD left to decide for themselves, and thui A- that changes the hair, beard and eye- keep or return the money as they think For terms and particulars apply to Barron brows as green as grass. The hair is . not injured, but retains its softness and r, 1,“ . b ‘ Purespringwnter on cvcrv farm. good 5: McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to gloss. It is probable that fumes of the green tint 0r COP!“ contai‘md in the fences; land not hilly IIOI‘lflal. Lil‘m 1'1 roads, cheese factories. crcaineries. schools. W. E. ELLIS, Fenelon Falls. April 25th, 1890.â€"10tf . ore change the hair to that color. churches and post oflices near till the farms. ' l The Canada life Assurance [In y, When M rs. Henry “’ard Beecher . went out as a bride to her husband's :3?“ "3‘" °'°" "M" and mum" coun ESTABLISHED IN 18l7. first parish in Luwrcnceburg, Ind., the cm, enough money to bind the bargain THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE younz couple begun housekeeping in a “3“ "b0 69:“ "1“" ‘22:)?” :3:::?:gg' ‘ - . ' an t on GI’O n u 0 small domicile of two rooms over a p ' ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. of the price will be left on the farms. or less stable, costing them $40 a year. and than that, it buyers wish. payable Just to she sold some of her wedding fineries Capital & Assets its at the 30th or April, 1889, over $10,000,000. suit the buyers In every way. This will he ' ' ' put In writing and is the best chance ever to help furnish this bare abode. One cold room of a barn-like building served Annual Income for the gar ending 30th April. 1885, $1, .000. oftered to buyers. All buyers got good titles and their deeds when they take pos- us the church, and on Saturday after- noons it was Mrs. Beeclier's part to W Total Sum assured to 30th .liir11,1885, -TIâ€"III'Eâ€" amounts to 8l1,000,000. session. ‘sweep and dust it and fill the lard oil ll OYAL CANA DIAN $3,800. lamps, while the minister chopped the INSURANCE COMPANY, nood, cut. the kindling and laid the fires. vs. and burn, market town‘u-ith milway 2 "files: ’ .â€" V 7. TOT-:1 $7,307 ‘l “.i 't li.il..iit‘t‘ $4, liti.~‘ii_u‘iirii:ltt ‘figtlst', gum! or r i ' - . . 111E LONDON Mt. TL- AL 7 FOR FARMERS. as.» K? \Ve led the trade last season, and we intend doing the. same this season. . LARK 8L SON. W , O Goodhand s L1very, R 0 East Fraiiicis Street,Feuelon Frills. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the AND__ fuct thnt I have purchased the livery busi- T ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly, and PRO V I 810 l\ S. have made such improvements as will meet . T’ J' D GEORGE GOODIIAND the requirements of the trnvelling public. I am prepared to furnish first-class horses null comfortable rigs at the lowestliving prices. hand a splendid stock of ,___._..___..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"__ - fi“ “08“ House and Lot For Sale. The East half of Lot No. 2. west of Col- T b , q 1v Rfisius borne and north of Francis street, Feiielon Sugarslsyrups’ 0 ahco" uce’ ‘ Falls, Co.\'ictoriii, the property of Mary Currants: Starch soaps “"d all Other Colder. There is on the promiscst frnnie groceries, which he will sell house 2'2 x33 feet. For full particulars barn. iii at town only 1 mile. a” " ’ ‘ ' ioo' acresTSo clcurl-ii’fimm- $ ’ . and burnI uczir market town. ) 5 mumâ€"MW (50 acres all cleared. I‘m-ml $ 2 3 5 liuildingil. near Inizrkul. ? Till.“ “ 3 aided-AI" :illwcleurcilrgmul b] ’ b . buildings, our large ton n. "E‘- Howiflv “'fiiOO :ti‘rcsib'gclcnrcd. i; bush, $ , y , brick house and bank l».tin, market town with railway 5 miles. \illage nrar. "on; W T h _ i 7100 dries-,6“ cleared, to innit, , 0 large fresh water l.tlu.' is boundary at haclt end, mod house and burn, nizir'u-t town with railway 5 mi es. ’fli 3"" ~â€" ‘7 ‘ """205'...-res. .FZ-i;2.(r’£.i, lr~1 a) , . liardwood,lioiisc and harm, a village 2 miles. market town with railway 7 inilrx. 'im' ' I” 1o; zit-Fe; lwfirt)‘C-l:':_tâ€"r-Elitliili;li'tl , . wood, rodd house. small i‘.l!'ll, market with railwin i mile. large town 0 uiilrs. The profits of this old and rclinble Com- pany are larger than any other Life Office doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are'less than that of any other Gnnndiun or British office. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever alter two has no“, on yours, and policms becoming chums are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as uny first-class office. All forms of policies are issued. MCDOUGALL & BRANDON, Agents, Fcnelon Falls. The Royal Canadian offers the following l advantages over the London Mutual: ’ 1. No building worth $1200 is insured {or say $1000, the Royal Cnuudinu is obligâ€" ed to pay $1000, ifn loss occurs. In such 43.1y. :i case the London Mutuztl is obliged to pay will“: two thirds of the cash value, or $800. 2. li‘n horse worth $90 is killed in the rich]; by lightning. the Royal Canadian is obliged to [my $00. The London Mutual pitys only 3130. ii. For n. cow worth $30 killed by light- BUSINE hitherto carried on by Samuel Swuntou as Notice is hereby given that the business it deitlcr in s Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSVVAR apply to Mr. J. 13. Mod‘ut, Verulani, or to MARY CALDER, Nov. 19th, 1889. Omcnice P.0. E House and Lot For Sale. ‘2‘) wig.“ _ ' r M100 acres S5 cleurcd. 5 l\.l1ti- H35 , wood, tine brick house and large bank barn, market tn\\'irwitli ritil‘way 3 Illilt s. 7') 5 V I 200 acres, l.\'u i'lcait d, :13 10, Z balance hardwood, .' >rt~ of fine buildings, 2 bank barns and 2 good iiiillst'f. market town with railway : miles. can be '.l|'.tl idividedâ€"one of the best farms in the county. ~73“ , i h i i #300 ZICITCE_I‘l(‘I|I'l‘il, will; &) 1 , ) . $4,000 cash, lullsiiiu- in Illllg “)0 Royal Gallfldillll p:in $3”. The ocoeooooooom»wooooooooeonoovooooooowcoooweo . l 1 - l.)l1l0ll .\ ll 1 ' . 2 i‘ ' - . ‘ ' l ‘ ' ‘ S Pails Washtubs For sale? very Cheapfm. cash“ “1 f'flme suit iurcliaser, tine buildings that. Cost §itn0mh . Lug“. “letyllfll.v{1y5.oul5-.g 0. 011 0211311. E Rallway Tles' cordWOd7 Telegraph i hm thfmware’ Bloom ’ -’ 7“ 1 , corner lot and the buildings thereon, Op- 'l‘his‘iann adjoins City of Guelph. .and is out-pt 3 The Tallinn l3?) sndlie d1 e i Pales' cedar and all kinds i Blacmng'brusnes’ Chums-pins” ‘ .MG 165 posite the south wnrd school house. Fenc- ll‘”““‘.3“‘“‘“““ “‘9Ll151‘T,'lli2.‘_i‘.s."-”clillwnmm. ,' t ‘. A ; rt 1:5 to l' . . ' . , . ' es in great Vq-net . ' _ ‘ ., ,0 g 450 acres in luck. w, j 1i):‘t!l$5, no liinttcrliow valuable the animal 3 0f T'mberv Lumber and Shmgles, 3 and Other a‘tm] " t y 10" .F'ms.‘ Th" houlc 1,? 18,3314 fetish 1‘1 cleared. no \cry um I '""”“””"”“m”“”w””'“"‘”w‘: stones Ingh’ on a Stone 0"" ntlon’ “1 1 a ' valuable hardwood bush, 3 sets fine buildings, .' r .~h-~ wan-n... ;.-.-<_.m~wsmn.-. .. “~o. may be. -l. In the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightning while nt pasture ‘nuywhere. In the. London Mutual they are insured while posturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically, such :15 musical instruments, the Royal llnnndiuii is obliged to pay the full amount insured up to the cash value of the article. The London Mutqu pays only two-third ol‘the cush value, no matter what the in- surance may be. 6. When “ordinary contents " of out buildings are insured by- the Roynl Cunudian ALI. implements are included. In the Lou- dou Mutual only one renper and one mower are included, no matter how good others nmy be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the “ ordinary contents ” of all building not cut oil‘ by at distance great- or thun 40 it., the snine as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Mu- iunl requires :1 Separate sum on the cott- tents of each building, if the distnucc is more than 12 ft. This is a very important dili‘ereuce in many cases. 3. In the Royal Canadian it is a. port of the contrnct that standard srmn TIIIIESIIEIIB iii-iv he used without it special permit nnd without any restriction as to the distance from stocks or buildings, caretakers, polls of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Mnny of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last sent-tombo- will be continued on a much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. Banned llsh, Bull l Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter 8; Eggs and other farm produce. xiii? Flour and feed kept constantly 138’ One of the firm will be regularly on on hand, the road. For pnrticulnrs apply to Samuel Swanton, No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. H. Brandon, Fenelon Falls. SAVANTONJRANDON & Co. N. B.â€"Mr.Swnuton thunks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the continuance of the some for the new tirin. past ten years, and begs to solicit n Fenelon Frills, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"26-tf. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT JOSEPH MCFARLAND. . ...._â€" BEST VALUE. ____â€"â€"â€"- Fast Colored Gingr- homs for 10¢. Fast Colored. Mus- llns for 100. kitchen 13 x '30 feet and n. woodshed. There l are also it workshop 14 x ‘20 feet, it never failing well of excellent writer and a few fruit trees. The buildings were erected about twelve years ago, and are iii good condition. Apply at the GAZETTE office, or to the undersigned. M. GEO. W. MARTIN, IO Pearson Avenue, St. Albnn's Word, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"7tl‘. WALLE’APERS. New Patterns Arriving Daily FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall. Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES t untilâ€"ohm CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 50. per roll Paper. (I H H hunk burns, I tine new lirielt dwelling, near good market town with railways, best large farm ii. Ilit' :ountv, is fenced into3farmsâ€"mn :Icres, ign .irii-s, nnd 160 acres, will be sold sepurately or together. Send tor the “ Farm Advertiser." it gives lull particulars of these and 275 other forms and valuable Information about this country._ Address, J. J. Only at 90.. Guelph P. 0., on?! MRS. HEELEY, DEALER IN MILLINERY‘ AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Stamping dono __._.â€"â€"â€"- Cl‘illst‘ iItlwns t‘ounddto be impossible to com- - “ 60 pry mi 1 tie con itious of their permit. . E i T i F When u flipmerpuys forinsurnnce he should E F t C 1 d u u 7c. is u 0 l a St secure it policy which will hold him safe O u u 80' d u when it is most required. H u 9c ti u â€"â€"-â€" 1'. The Royal Cnuadian is obliged to pay D u “ loc- “ “ its losses within sixty days and usunllv liliiL‘S much less. The London Mutual need no' pity tor ninety days, and since it hits hrconie so hard up its to be obliged to bor- :"tiu' money largely, it usually takes about the toll time :lllowed. l". The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutory conditions only. It has none oi“ the numerous vnrintious against tin: policy-holder printed iii red ink on the i\.\l'l\ oi' the London Mutnnl policy. ll. As to security, the inspector of insu- rance reports llnit the Royal (.‘tliltltiillll hits $102,755, the amount he estiinutes to be necessitry to enable the Conltiiuly to carry out all its cugngeuients with its polici- DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT for 10 cents. w The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. IDHN BERRY, And all the way to 50c. per Roll. I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just Opposite New Post-office, Iient Street. LINI)SA1’. G. i. MEIHERELL. HEADQUARTERS Room Paper and Pinion homes â€"18 ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, , Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. Artlsls’ Goods 8 Specialty. i Machine Needles. Alabastine and Lye , linitlt‘l‘s. Besides this he reports tlint it has l i 1‘.) hzllXIWHK‘ulp‘l ltlp; 1311235030 ('1;pit;tl Faid' m . ‘8" Please call llnd see my be. Paper. l works Agency. ..:~ .' e s i: re to er: llllt it t ‘ ~ ' afl-T’Mvmm W“ r i >! lint": inukitw in '1” ii tot‘illcifb :iii‘plus MANUFACTURER OF Lindsny’ April 2nd, 1800. i . , = i _- u plus ‘ ' "I 3 oi column to protect its policy-lmldeps To 9 , against unexpected contingencies. In al~ i : .i:lio:i to these eush items it. lltlS n subscribr r l ’ ‘ General Blacksmuh ml mpitnl ot‘ Silltlginn not culled tip. [{c- A. X. .L o i ’ : garlilng the security of the London Mutual ‘ ' 3 - - i c , I‘ll: fliriinsppclor reports lthultd 1:10 amount oi‘l â€"â€"’â€"“ f , 6 S St” . -. x e e. ireiniun ts ‘ .' t . y i ‘ ,3, WW; T 11,30" ,We 0" "mid ! The ‘Fcnelon Falls Gazette” . TRU IN KS ' l . ‘ i, . l ‘0 pm. t up tiis umoum m l . I 3 l Iiiacltemithingin ull its different him: i. . , t).xt:s.'l“:{ :yrcpllltf cal :\ ould harp: to b.) made ' IS printed every Silllll‘tifl)‘ at the office, on v '0 ldone 0“ Elm“ “once “I”! “l H”: “mm. t t e c iulu no ‘sl I .i r ' ' ‘9“. r" l i ' i I i . t ,vag “ imp,“ 0". ()‘A'll‘fST4rl-E‘zsngl’ilelgnil,‘ T “‘0 com“ 0.551“) 3: Frunms streets. A n n": R, 3"; , living prices. Particular attention pm; '« c: 31,1“. no bad dgbtsdnnd this ygurpius SLBSCRIPTION SI A YEAR I.\ ADVANCE, _ â€"â€"“'â€" is prepared to furnish the people of Lind-l home-ghoang' mvc me u cu“ m“! i i" '1‘ :?.-‘l‘.'?.3..‘...‘1:2..‘t.3:’!l’;.i’2..f.§'§ ' °' be ' Everything belonging to the Jail{3ill-lit"‘i'l‘ll‘iiif’lilÂ¥io“{it " ‘ .‘ I . . e ' 5- s e _ s e iis upn: . ‘ " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘. ‘. 2‘ "" "m ""~'"""""""”'W " {f};f,.;:;§.',‘l’;‘fi-; grog-1x: enmity... adjusted Advertising Rates Saddlery and Harness Trade W“ MW“ “‘1 “mni‘c- ’ ,saconn nmsrou counr . .t. ‘ . s o icrenruISG- s ' . 357. but the ,ns 6 t . - ‘ ' Professoqu or busmess cards 50 cents‘ constantl Re C i . ‘ r ‘ ’ that the liabilityhi‘drohniiiilnul‘bgggkaihiii: 96”"13 per 3_"num' C331”! ‘dmryfiscmenlsi i y p StOCR ccrfiiibrciiifviirliomp”) given on a” kmdfi Ofi “0' Inm- cnd oi‘tl.c your was $11,251; The cash on Siam“ perrhne for u"? fir“ 'nscnion'l‘nd 2 : Mnrblb Tnblc Tops. Wash Tops Mantel l county 01‘ Victor!“- lmnd to P3! these losses only amounted to e cfms P" "‘9 3°? '3'“? subsequem "W31" ' ‘ l'ircrs Etc 8 WWW” ’ i " 3‘33”. 1' t‘ f '1’ ‘ :lsd‘rtefllgsrzifilubdihug: ltd?! 1:2:001. y R E I R I G i licin’l,’ fl lit-acticn‘l wtirkmnn. all should i The “‘11 Slulllh'g ‘1! “"3 “WV” CW1“ ‘-‘ “l :1 view 0 .ie orenoing acts farmers 2 i 3 "' , see his design-2 and compare rices tot-ion. be held in Dickson’s liuU Font-Ion l‘uli- wiil have no difficulty in deciding I8 to the l able terms. 1 - l ' 7 u < P v ’ ~ ~ ‘ purr lasing elsewhere. . v ' “WW. m whlch my would be insured, , JOB PRINTING , Done on the Shortest Notice. \,.,,,,Kfi_,n rm 0, W "mm on MW 3 on rrutJ-idu) , I’L‘Q’p Lind. / for insurance apply to . of alll ordinary kind: executed neatly, cor ' Mng “we” oppo‘i” Hume“? Packing ’ commencmgm w UVCIOCR in “m “HM” M S. 0012; .EIL, rect I an reasonao c rates. _ ' "W’c' i GIO- HAHN. E I) “M” ‘ client-st. Lindsay Ont. "m- cmam' ' v Hammer. 3 I North of the Town Hall, Fen-clot. Frills. July l‘.»t'r.-, “:86;

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