“no.5... â€" _.. -. Dundas St Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery, , __._~â€"â€"â€"-â€". _.__..._. -..___._.-_._- say basswood, and by a process of stain- Mr. Wm. Adams, of Bowmanville, is ing, pressing and another preparation at Mr. Heard's learning the hardware s RITCHIE! T WAS “053M . . . . . . _ â€" z the thin sheets oi wood are made Into , business, in which he intends to start l & artistic patterns in imitation of any l For himself as soon as he knows enough i MANUFACTURER 0F , expensive wood, from which it .cannot l about it and can ï¬nd a good opening. ‘ be distinguished when used in l'cSl- l Mr. James Dickson left, last \Veduosâ€" l dences. The atnount of stock subscribed day for his annual Government survey, . 5‘ I is $16,000. The directors of the com- ; somewhere between here and Manitoba. u ipany are Messrs. Joseph Barrett. S. S. , Mr. James Cullon, of this village, and l ' ' Ritchie, H. G. Silver, George Penn). jl'., l Mr. William Smith,o$ Koscdale accom- l l, and Wm. Parsons. How many etnploy- 1 panicd. him. ’ es the factory will engage cannot yet be AND REPMRS OF ALL K‘NDS Meebauics’ Institute Meeting. exactly stated, but the number will be PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. . Board met at regular meeting, Mr. between one hundred and two hundred. Bridge Bolts Made to Order. T. Robson in the chair. Directors pres- has engaged in other business, and is I I _ ting in Lindsay. He is offering the whole of his ï¬ne stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS at m . u H arse Powers, Slraw Cullen: $911001de Heating' ipéiDigffiï¬.n,-“lsebolï¬gkbofrpï¬ld, Hugh .. . . . . d . f {-2 “"4 3'f’â€"'0w_G"â€Â§' P101431â€, Fenelon Fins, sep. 30th. Mode by Mr. H. McDoiigall. second- Ihe StOCk 15 we“ assorted m Fan and Winter GOOdS’ an consms o ‘ and a‘ gOOd warmly of General The board met. Present, all the mem- cd by Mr. D. McDougall, That the initi- Purpose Plozlg/IS. A good (15.- bcrs except Mir. Austin. utus of last meeting as read be adopted. - , . f 5 )‘i’zogt of], Hay- Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. â€"~Cnrried. lhvz'zms, Ducks, Towels and Torrie/lug), Blew/zed and 50â€â€â€˜6’15251 p11,“ ifotiw [r0], Nevison, That the following accounts Moved'by Mr. H. McDougallï¬econd. . . , Colored 'lizble [42328115, HOlltma/S, P777113, 07355 Linings) ZZ‘ZOWS mm, ,Vood Harrows be paid, and the chairman give his or- by dithbzh‘nqlg‘, 131a; {pro fiéllnwigng‘nc- Friar, Grey and A5121)! Blue Flamzels, Full Clol/zs, yams, ' d0“ fl“ “‘0 Sam“ 00mm 0 PM - t - ~ - I“) 0"» vii-W ; li'zil amz’ Cas/mzere Gloves, Hoszl‘ry, Corsets, Black and ALL 01" WHWH WILL BE SOLD AT M" McDougi‘nt Salary ' ' $137 50 5' NOViSO‘h 3353‘; JOS- Ward'.$5.l-i- . . ~ Miss Anderson do. - - 75 00 â€"Carricdt ‘ ' . ' LO“ PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. ‘ Colored Dress Goods m life/tons, C as/mzeres, H enrzeltas, Mis McNivcn do. - - 68 ’75 Moved by Mr. D. McDougall, second- .53'1'333. Sills, Plus/165 Velveleezzs, [Mantle Clot/25, Ready-made THOMAS ROBSON- Miss Hand, do. - â€" 53 12!; ed by Mr. Arnold, That. Messrs '1‘. Rib- (flo/lzz'ug', Overalls, Beat Comforters, PVoollazz Blauéels, (.‘mr mm’ lV/zz'le Cations, Collonaa’es‘, S/zz‘rtzizzgs, Tit/tings, Feuel‘m Fans’om‘ Miss Sullivan, do. - - 75 00 son and H. McDougall bc a deputation. M 1 , . . I , , Miss Haskill, do. - o 53 121; to wait on Mr. J. A. Ellis with regard jam: CLIPS: Gents FZ‘V’NS/‘H‘gS and Small IVmeS’ The “51161011 Falls Gazette. Tlios.;‘{orthcy,. do. - - 20 00 torcnt nnd‘the-repairingof the Institute Wm. McKend‘ry, do. - - 11 2'5 lFriday, October 10th,1890. 60- 60- plhnxvoodw 2 2» Thos. Northcy, cleaning w. c. i') 00 â€"Carricd. The South Ward Boys' Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded by â€" - Mr. Ellis, That Mr. D. McDougall be It is something over a year since the . - - , . - a , retained for the year 1891 at a salary mischievous little rasca.s south of the 0,.3600._Carried. river saw the error of their ways and . - - n, - Moved by Mr. Nie, seconded by Mr. left Oï¬: dam" ewl' 8“ because they km Robson, That the chairman and score- and repeat at next tauntingâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Nic, That the secretary be instruct- ed to write Mr. Williamson, Port Hope, with regard to his settlement of an ac. count with the Mbnelary Times oliice. â€"Cerri‘ed. ‘ Moved1 by Mr. D. McDouuall, secnnd< ed by Mr. Nie, That Mr. H. Mt-Dnu. gall be instructed to-oommnnicatc with an 'i other lines too numerous to mention, all of which must be sold and the Store vacated BEFORE FEBRUARY NEXT. Now is the time to. get your Fall. and. Winter Goods at, and many lines below, EV/zolesale Prices-for- Cas/z only. 8. S. RITCHIE, Iieut St, Lindsy. .Gi‘eat Bargain HOMO their love of it, but because the fright given to the few who were taken before Col. Deacon had a salutary effect, not only upon them, but upon their wide circle of friends and acquaintances. It will be remembered that on that occa- sion a group of juvenile dcpredators were charged with breaking into the SOMETHING NEW. (fr EN“)IJ.E:‘:IEN9 ArETEN'L‘ION I railway station and abstracting a few' Mr. J'. W. Bengough, of '1‘ornnt-~, with a view of his giving an entertainment. in aid of our institute at some future dateâ€"Carried. The board then. adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. W ..... .â€" _ ._. Posrroxmxâ€"l‘ho concert in aid of tary wait on the different teachers of the village schools regarding re-engagc- ment for the year 189Lâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded. by Mr. Nie, That M r. Rcazin’s semi-annual report be adopted as received, and that this board is very much pleased with the report.-â€"Carried. the Methodist Church organ fund, which was to have been held on Tuesday even- ing last, was postponed on account of the weather, but the date has not yet been ï¬xed. Son'rn V'w'ron-i.i.â€":\Fr. Win. Lawns. ‘borough, of Mariposa, is to be the Ru:- l‘orm candidate in the approaching bvc election for the- Commons in. South Vic- toria. The Censcrvntives have not. yet- chosen their man. ORANGE lhvrnmmrxiruxr.â€"We are- rcquestcd to give notice that the Orange- men of Fenelon Falls intend to give an- ,entertainmcnt on the 5th of November, instead of their annual tea meeting. No pains will be spared to make the pro- gramme attractive. POsters will appear later. - LIVE S'i‘OCI{.-â€"-O‘ur villager, Mr. Henry Austin, is doing his best to ClC'll‘ this part of the province of live stock. which he is forwarding to Toronto at the rate oi" thrcc- cnrloads per.- week. Messrs. Wm. Webster, Jns'ph Mnyncs ‘and '4 Wm. Waliie, his buyers, anacon- sautly scourng the country, and since Monday last 6-! head of Cattle and :30 sheep and lambs have left the station here. A PURCHASEâ€"Dr. lI-. H. Graham has purchased Mrs. Calder's property, Consisting of a ironic house-and quarter jacre oi land’on Francis street, for stiilli ; about what it is worth. in. the present depressed state of the village. The doctor intends to move the house farther WE HAVE JUST‘ RE'CEI'VED: A BEAU'PiFU‘L STQ-CK OF- NEW SPRING TAILORING GOODS, composed of French and English Suitings and 'l‘ronserings,Scotcli, Irish and Canadian taverns, which were bought cit-sly and. at a low price (Prom ii. Large assortment of goods. £3: " Come early and choose your‘Spi-ingt Clotltingtwhile the stockisuew, and get a. Nobby Suit, well made and trimmed. A NEACCJFI'E GUARANCITEED. Prices ,Awny Doxvu for Cash. CKTHRO & Co Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. W. MOKE OWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of FUR-N ITURE‘T“ at. and Below Wholesale Cost 0 t' nuuurflrciurc. in order to make rooni for 110‘“? designs-s and patterns. Cull early and" secure bu i'gasiimi, us I sun. selling. cheapo» than any dealer in the County. DOORS, BASH, MOULDINGS' ETE. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER: ALL WORKWARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED To IN ALL ITS B'RA’NCHES' _ _ , advance during the incuinbency of the Although 3" ‘mmenso “mount'opume present head master, as proof of which duck, convert it. into an oflice and kitch- WO M c K e 3nd: .money dis -nnnual,‘}y 9’39“)de i" [ take great pleasure in calling: Your I‘Cll, and-build a largcrdwcllinuin.l‘rrint. . WWW-U Pm “emf-i a" ‘l’i‘mmmg al't' . attention to the success of Fenclon Falls ' It is a an )lt:tl location. for a. m‘JtllL‘ll FHA/V018 SZBEET WEST.. FEll/ELQIV FALLS. ‘ lClC-‘i that “hilnately Prove Worthless. 1 pupils at entrance and third class teach- titan, being within a very few rods of some few inventors dell": large form'le‘ ‘ eas' examinations. the main street. :fmm “‘0 f‘i‘llits 0‘ their ingenUlL)’. and All of which is respectfully submitted. sometimes “Wanna-V mfling “Hides Y-OmTObed't "CNN". Fenclnn Falls Methodist Church anni- Elmvle Exceedâ€â€˜5‘y ‘ “inhibit I .Aluoni‘: HENRY. REAZIN, 'vcrsary is to be lield'lthis year in October illicuzhogï¬zx :fligl:1;::q:321{$?3: Inspector. instead‘ol' Christmas. and sermons will ‘ ' "" ' ' ‘-’ ‘ be preached on Sunday next, the 12th. the patent-for a new kind: of veneering by me Rm, C L Thompco" or wflrk Wthh‘ though ï¬ery "inactive 1" "ppm!" worth. On Tuesday. the Hill, there : i - ‘ ‘ . i - n . . . lgï¬girziflfï¬gaxoï¬,fi? M. Henry Martin returned to Parry “'4er 3, $0“',"109l:10g Ebb“ basclpicint iclc is nearly ready to commence opera. hm‘biml‘ last Monday; Olfpt 'e‘ clillgc “ling, ‘ inï¬ll; “1 _ N tinns at Mimi“), and the Toronto Np,†Miss laliz-ibcth Sandford returned Rf wade“ ‘5’ "9‘3- 1 - lb“ ‘milll’sr’fh which recently contained a cut of. the home "" we‘l‘ms‘h‘y' 310565 ‘ “heâ€; in", It,†i 'f'“: Miss nobsmmr Lindsay. is onavisit “W†"mm" ‘5' °â€â€˜â€œâ€™" “""‘“ ‘- buildiunr says:â€" - . . . "’ . u ' : . fave l.')~cents. Lhotcemdcetiuna ~ \ n S - . 0 her uncle, Mr. lliomas Robson. 30m". ‘ ,‘ _ LaSt you 'Ir' Hu‘h llvcr’ 0f Lind t of music Will be rendered by the choir. say. patented an invention for manufnc. I Mrs. William Scwcll, who left the , turing interior licCHl‘allOHS of wood in l Falls on the 23rd of June to Visit her A Fruitrixu l.’.\ii'ri'.â€"-()n \Vctilli‘ï¬â€˜l'ly clabn};\tc designs for the inside ï¬nish relatives in Ireland,gothomclastwcck. afternoon night of our villa_;crsâ€"-I.'I;. of rotirlcnccs, It has the exact-appear. Mr. & Mrs. W. 11. Robertson and Messrs. 1‘}. li. Edwards, lino. Whisrlc. ancc of the most expensive ï¬nishing,- in | family, of [’ctcrborougli, were at the Thomas Robson, W. '1. Ellis, Ellwarrl mahogany or any other wood, and is falls from gatllriiay last until Monday. l’izzcrald, l". li. Bailey, Henry: (,‘un- produecd at a fraction of the expense. Mrs. Annie Clarkoi: lh‘pchestcr, N. Y., ninghatn, and Mac McCallnui â€"â€"-lcl't by Already it is causing a revolution in is at the Falls on a_vI51t to herdau'ghtcr, train for llaltburt-m, with about a dorm the art of' making artistic designs for Mrs. Stephen Nansen, and mil stay for bounds and all the necessary appurten- A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best- Churn in , , _ _ the embellishment of walls, ceilings and same months. l anccs, appliancrs and provtsions lor ’t floors of palatial homes. But it can be Mr. Robert Jones, who has served his ï¬shing and limitng expedition on a the Market. Produced so much cheaper than the time as an apprentice to the tinsmith ’. grand and effective scale. The scent: l article l'ormerl)‘ used that. the houses ofl business with Mr. Heard, is about to ol'tlieir exploits will be on and amunl . me €1,031,†0135,; can also be beautiï¬ca, ‘ leave for Oshawa. ' the Madawasca river, where it flew l Already me cmnpany have many order, Mr. W. W. Biott has bacn suffering through the township of .\yr, and they to manufacture from Toronto builders. for several days from an attack ol'in- , expect to be away from home at long; Many other lines of [manufacture in the flammation of the lungs, but, under the i three weeks. Messrs. Henry Austin, same article will be produced, but the ; care of Dr. Graham, is now recovering. 5 John Chambers, Jr., Joseph Moincs Nous Ttlli'C‘ll' an. Erclz.((nge for Tiiitt‘are Only. hundred cigars, to be used for the pur- MR- REAZFN'S REPORT- pose of making men of themselves while Fenelon Fans Sept. 29th 1890. they were infants in the eyes of the law, To the Board of Edu'c‘ï¬on ' . ' ' , t i , and not much mom in reality. 'lhc Fenelon Fans. terror produced by the interview with ’00]. Deacon has evidently faded from Gentlemenvâ€" their miners, and, judging by their ac, l-have the honortost-ate that tions, they stand in need of something during yesterday and today I have worse than a scaring, for they have made my semi annual inspection‘of the again selected the Grand Trunk railway d‘ï¬cf'eut departments or the bench“ as their ï¬eld of operations. This time Pub!†Schooxgt and beg to‘ make the M" they probably considered it unsafe to lowmg report'â€" ‘rcpcat their last offence. but instead hit NORTH WARE upon a new pastime, which was no nth Grade 1.-â€"On roll, 35;. present, 30. Cl' than abstracting the paeliing illld Order and management, decidedly good. black oil from the axle box of a loaded Grade 2 â€"â€"0o roll, 41 ; present, 30. car in Smith's lumber yard. This done, Order and management, good. the thought apparently struck them that Grade 3,â€"On roll, 62; present, 35. the car would not run well without Order and management, good. packing of' some kind; so, to make it go Grade 4.â€"-On roll, 84; present, 67. nice and smoothly, they tilled the boxes Order and management not good, but .Vwitli sand and gravel.‘ The matter was considerably improved. since my last placed in the hands of G. T. R. detec- half-yearly inspection. Apart from the the Spence, who came to the Falls on . government, there is no fault to ï¬nd Wednesday, l'crrctcd out; and severely l‘ with the teaching in Grade 4. reprimanded the culprits, and informed ‘ SOUTH WM“). their parents that, should the like ever Grade 1, __On m" 7,, , resent 4,) occur again, the law will be allowed to ' ’ "’ p ’ ' rder and management, good. d‘alw'l Ii e;~s, {, ' ,._.O , V titcuymftc; 1:302: "$51," ,,,;,‘g,“,‘,‘,st,f’o‘lit ‘ Grade 2.â€"0n roll, 81 ; present, 40. p ' « Order and management, good. packing, it is hard to conjecture whatl 1 regret to say that the certiï¬cate 0,. the result would have re ‘ i k' â€" . - - .. J - bi n ’ b.†[no lly the teacher of Grade 2, south ward, cx: ,its condition was discovered in time to . a - pircs at the close of this year, and she ' revcnt an accident. . . . P is not eligible for re-cngagemcnt. The- stand:th and! efï¬ciency of the schools as a whole have made a decided m..- A Valuable invention, I have now on hand full supplies of.‘ f a"; '3 ,_ 5V 2" ‘5'. ’{z‘ .53. f' .4. ' { g, «F .. s: 1.? -_" Personals. snoVELs, SPADES, PICKS, AND A FULL, ASSORTMEXT 0F 4‘.(IX“I{IOUIA'1‘ITI{£&IJ a "rmlIJS ! Johnston's Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White L‘ead‘. All Brands of Machine Oils. leading industry is the interior decora-l Mr- 52 Mrs-Job" Barrett,oi Toronto, and Wm. Wallis will follow them I'r {ion of homes, The invemign has been 7 are at the Falls. Mr. Barrett. was laid morrow. We wish them plenty oi sport, imam-50d by architects and builders 2 up for several weeks with typlioidvfcver, and, in return, shall expect our custom everywhere, Md patents have been ap. l and Came here for a change of air, which 5 ary annual chunk of venison, when they J 9' plied for in all countric. of the world, appears to be doing bima great deal of come back laden with the Spoils o‘. . . . ‘ l The secret lies in taking a cheap wood, good. the Chase- annmstt AleV.Elts.\ltY.â€"Tlie' , .v.... A,“ _-_._..-â€"-. . .