Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Oct 1890, p. 1

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.u 1’rofessionul Cards. VETERINARY. W.A.__.___._ ..._-.._.__ ._-.. ._ ._._â€"-..__ R. M- MASON, VTETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- Uneasy Lies the Head. 1 l I l l I l THE TERROR-STRICKEN AND REVENME‘ l-‘L'l. t'lAll. LONDON, Oct. 5. Advices from litls sin represent the Czar as taking new precautions for the protection of lii.‘ person. None except Cabinet .‘llllihll‘l‘r are admitted to an audience without the presence of an officer of the guard, and the eastern custom of tasting lend before it was placed on the sovereigns table has been revived alter hat-in; bet-u in disuse since the days of Emperor Paul. The Russian autocrat seems suspicious of everyone around him. and even his favorite advisers are said to dread interviews with him. The recent attempt to wreck the train on which he OTHERS iiiâ€"KY COMPLAIN. I lmntq188{;R. M. O. _ {a i Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisa : _ O ‘ smels’ Fencion Faus' NOl-‘Y competition has no chance of seating us. Good Goods well bon-vht are half sold. - We have bought well, and ask you to call and look over our stock of DENTAL. l -~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"#lBOOTS & SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. W. H. GROSS, , I When on have looked it over carefully and inquired the prices, you will say we ' 3 E L L I S S DENTIST’ LINDSAY” team set? wen we I -- t t n a - b. . b - ~ will be at the “ McArthur House," FcnelonI ' H me 0 s ay' “5 ‘5 “0 “filer, “t It is solemn truth. Falls,thesecondWednesdayofcachtnonth. Beautiful and durable artificial teeth made, and the quality higher than the highest. :02 o. ....A T.â€" Drug Store. and all other dental work properly done. S l 1 B 1 S Newly 27 years, “Del-mince. “my. -â€"â€"â€":0:-â€"- W518 supposed to be riding has greatly . (2100 001: . . dd 1 C t. , 1 DENTISTR Y- OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT ties: mm.“lit-:“t‘it Copy Books, ‘ . . , Orders tor the ttnmedtate deportation to is, as usual, supplied with the Freshest Goods that. can be bought. GAS.â€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Scribblert-J. Siberia ofa largemumber of persons States: G. r... as... NEW TEAS, NEW FRUITS. NEW COFFEES, 33:;ffgggd°;ifgsgjffigt0‘ 333:2 ‘ . A g 1050 v . you want teeth extractedpositively withâ€" AND ALL hmns 0} ottt pain. Gas has been given by him With great success for over 21 years. He studied % G< â€". - I with Dr. Colton, of New York, the inveu- _ ' A / k ‘ tor of gns for extracting teeth- Numbers in great vertety and of elegant designs, cheaper than ever. of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by Mr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never H. re uired an ' re airs. Gold crowns orcc- - . . _ . 1 laiit crowns3 and bridgework done.’ yl'isits cunningham S BlOd‘l)‘ East Sld‘e (’Olbome S") Fenelon Falls, McArthur llouse, on the *enelon halls, October 8th, 1890. | ' I third Tuesday of every month. Call early ill “10 day. M 1 Y 8i an e G nth. W W i" ' "seasonings. ‘ W6 Professional Cards. __.-__ “1:31;v:';::'“i-‘:::::::::: Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons Feathers Plumes IG MON ., H , , _, , , ._ ° , B FOR AGENTS-Y Buds and ii mgs, petfect 1n evely detall, in fact, everything that people look for in a first-class Grocery. unfortunmes are two sentinel; “tum. duty it was to guard that part. of the. line where the obstruction was. placed. They were sentenced by the court mar- tial to be hanged, but they have had their doom eomtnutcd to a lingering death in the mines. Three peasants who were arrested near the spot have, been terribly knonted, one of them fatally, although there is said to be no ground whatever to suppose them guilty ofauy connection with the train wreck ing. The two others, half dead, had their lives spared for tltc titnc in order tnat a confession might be extortcd from them. The wife of the peasant who died under the knout went mad when she heard of his late. The further J US]! TO H AND. 33-1y. Fenclon Falls, Aug. 13th, 1890. MW . A. P. DEVLIN BISKI ‘ , ‘ . , l ARRISTER, fittorllgy-M-Li‘vydsolicitor no CAPITAL REQUIRED m6 Ner 313111th gOOdS have Just arrived, statement is made that Nihilists are ac- iu Chancery, (0M ‘ll'eel: i" 5“)“ I ' . - ‘ . , , tive and that the friends of the victims * """' N honorable and praiseworthy business \V}11(J}’1 embrace 110thlng 0f Siberia“ massacres d0 “0‘ menu “WY shall go unavenged. S'r. l’n’rmtsauno, Oct. 5.â€"â€"Thirty ar- rests have been made in connection with a workmau's political movement. The prisoners have been secretly examined by the police department. In the in- terior others have been arrested charged with the manufacture of bombs. G. ll. HOPKINS, without any possible chance of loss. ~ . . . . . . . . ,- ~ Sleadvemploymcntand coutrolot‘territory. (bL'LChbSOH 'ro Manna vi. Ilotatss) ‘ ' . . w _ | v ‘ c _ wnamu,summon, k. money "M We bum“ WWW” W”- most reasonable prices. Dressâ€"making done ) ‘0 Mm“ "'l 6 l'” cem' omcc’ hemlunexcclled Nursery Stock. Send for terms. order QUOTA; flu/afranteecl Liberal pay to the right man to sell our street. Lindsay, Ont. ' CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Mrs. R. McDOUGALL, Nuasnavnnn, Colborne, Ont. Two doors North of the Post-office. Fenelon Falls, October 8th, 1890. IF YOU HAVE A WATCH that keeps on stopping, Get R. J. FROST to Fix it. All Watches repaired or sold guaranteed to give satisfaction, IF YOU INTEND BUYING a. good Gold or Silver Watch for Christmas, please examine my large and carefully-selected stock. Rings, Pipes, Clocks, Watches and Silver-ware ordered for the Christmas trade. R. J. FROST, MOORE & JACKSON, fitmsrsas, sonic-trons, &c. or. 18-4. ) lice, William street, Lindsay. W..-” AGENTS WANTED. F. D. Moons. A. JACksos. O‘LEARY 8" O‘LEARY’ It‘you want to make MONEY, take hold Al‘vlllS'l‘l‘iRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, _nnd sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is Solicitors in Chancery, Etc. Oliice, the time, write us at once for terms. Doheny Block, Kcntstreet, Lindsay. Aarnuu O'LBAILY. llcntt O'Lsanv. . ‘ IV urserymen, Roctmsrstt, N. Y. 0.- Death of Mrs. Gen. Booth. LONDON, Oct. 5.â€"The wife of (it'll- eral Booth, commandetuiu-chief of the Salvation Army, died yesterday. The deceased lady was the Gencral’n help meet in a deeper sense than the word is generally used. She was in- tensely attached to the Salvation Army and its work. In fact her labors have been so abundant that her health has several times given way under the se- vere strain. She was a graceful, earnest and pathetic speaker, a writer of no mean literary ability, and had the sym- pathetic gift in a high degree. She won friends for the Army in the higher ranks who would not have been S‘ll'lll‘l‘tl through the equally-enthusiastic hut illiterate advocates. Many of the feat» tures of the Salvation Army work were of her origin, notably the Prison lit-ig- MCINTYRE 8'. STEWART, 18-5' BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc.'.... ._ (lflices over Ontario Iiauk, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. OR D. J. Mclsrvns. T. Srswnnr. "rim atrium; Httttttttt (it Steel BINDER. ARRISTERS F. .\2. Office: Baker’s Block ' ‘ 13 Kent Street: Lindsay, opposite Veitch’s hIO‘VFIZS, Slllky Rt‘tkgb, Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of Rldlng and \Valklng PlOWS, interest. , W One of the firm will be at their ofâ€" ROOt’ PlllPe} 5: Gram Crushers, fice in Jordan‘s Block, Fenelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. ' Grain Sowers R. J. McLauantts, ‘ a - - r r 7:“ Straw Cutters, Jens A. BARRON. MEDICAL. â€" AND _ 0 . ade, the work amoth fellow-women, girls ~â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"r _¢:oâ€"â€"â€"»â€". ' ppOSlte the Post office. reluch and cognate miSsions. Mrs. i-“ttiwvt‘rWJifl ~151GB KSSI \I D or Agmculmml Implements, Fellelon Fans: OCtOber 8th: 1890- Booth travellch many thousands nl' Mina“; .thzcmn‘ Slugggni‘t: &c. _‘“‘L “nâ€" tnilcs, and has spoken in all the pl‘itl~ O-llcsi'de‘nc’c, Brick Cdttage, W‘ellington S lepatl‘cuifis oi (rt-cab Byttpiu aqnd snipe r. l.‘ d‘ . . o te uropcau npttu .o war». 5 to“, w my CALL 0“ . Spread have the Operations of the Army J. R. GRA.IIA.1‘I, Agent, Fenelon Falls, Ont. become that in all quarters of the globe thousands will regard the death of lint .3 .5 ; “:3- . Generttl's wife as a personal id‘s. lit-r «Mans ‘ " ‘ articles- in the War Cry were highly 13HYSICIANS. SI'RGEONS & ACCOU- 12““, ‘7 iii“; Prized. chers. Office. Colhornc Street, r‘enelon S I a Falls. . â€"ANDâ€" W M . . _ " _‘ .Mr. C. Cunningham harm transferred his. . . . . V _ DR. H- 11- L'RAHAM‘ lnsftrance Business to niefrl am prepared ' 3 1 4. .The engineer of the British stunner \ â€" Picton at Liverpool. lrom \\ tltningtnn, ! ’ D 3 -_i.).1.1' A. â€"-I’RACT[CALâ€" -â€"-n. 3., u. c. r. a 5., Ontario,â€" ‘tnADUATE of the University oi Trinity to take risks on all classes of property , . . _ . . N. 0., ts suffering item a disease ~anl ' to be cholera. l A Washington correspondent tnentinm the fact that a nieklc mine in Nun-via Penelon Falls opposite the (Anette oflicn. -â€"â€"â€"â€" Palnts’ and has been found so rich that it ma). «tlil-r , “W FARM PROPERTX’ serious competition to the Surllmry ,_ A, M 10w mm Crockery, Glassware, ,m,,,,,_ n u T T A ' s es.'ful 5.10 of itnhet _ J “IFS Selig.“ $0,000 to loan frombper centup. ewelry& Fancy Goods. l be,,,,,§f;{,w ‘ifjin; RM“, W, .,.,f,m,,q_ V ‘ - Ba districls was held lat-t week by tin' L‘Sul'e-Vm' Commissi‘3M'i" the Q' B" ‘ ° E“ E 1-4 14 I S 9 AND CH‘AIIIS i i Croywn Lands Department of the Phi- . Conveyanccr, rise. Residence, and ad. t b S ' , Fenelon Falls, June 25th, 1889. 20. J- e O 0 dre“ l-‘cuelou l-‘alls Druggis‘ and BOLT-semen vincial Government. . “y i . Two Roman Catholic priests from I t‘ lle e, Fellow of Trinity Medical r . v v ‘ School], Mgcmber of the Royal College (pr’xt ‘ 013 L0“ est Ratbs‘iL D U G t ‘ - v1 .‘ y l t I a o .1 ' _"-I I . “mm” M Lnbmm’nm‘wr 0 “ Nonebutfirst-class BritishandCanadtan . ll fl , lege of Physicians & Surgeons 9f?!ll$ll'i0.l I Utiice and residence on Francrs~bt. \\ est ‘ Companies represented. ColbomeSt" Fenelon Fans. -â€"-AtNI) DEALER INâ€" 3 My immense new stock of “‘“s‘umans. l ~ “‘ “ t . - . l t __ d_ from r ;' , Lurope hired by Bishop Ireland a» AUCTIONEEB ' i ! an . . ‘ dc. to Joe. pcr ron' teachers in the Catholic college at St, $31.,“ Home an d Lot,First-elassfioods&Lon Prices . mt, mam... have been denim n WILSON & GRAHAM, ‘ will do in; on Fidler‘s Hill, owned by the late Danie; ' ' Philadelphia under the contract labor J. Scuily, and recently occupied by Mr} l laW- ' LICENSED . r. . . Alex. McArthnr, : c n , V . l Several Toronto Separate hehoot 'l ru-‘- AU C TI 0 NE E RS . w- Will Be Sold Ghoul»; a a d me' ‘1 fpeeling - l tees, taking advantage of a prov-hint. ni for the County of Victoria. Farm sales App], m ‘ ‘fi‘fly goods are all new, and are go- _ a the Liquor License Am" Law “my. ,, a specialty. W. E. ELLIS. Fenelon Falls. mg “ ' 38‘ Rememberthe placeâ€"2 doors south 7 Strong protest against the granting ul u IA. I)eyn1an. at J. “man's Hardware Store. ‘license to a saloon near one of their J. scour. Lindsay. Fezielon Falls. July 23rd, 1890. Pent-Ion Falls, May 22nd, 1890. H. I schools. J. R. GRAHAM. or to 30th WILSON. Penelon Falls. 304! Lindsay. : t January tozh, 1890.â€"â€"48-tf I

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