Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Oct 1890, p. 8

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((Coucludedjroufird page.) ‘ by wrote Gibb. veslry, thereby breaking 3 A. z '2 7 I . i ' W # : deed of trust, by converting one trust into p I 7 . \K‘ The ‘0‘ another, a thing that the Svnod has no .. - . â€"-â€"â€"' in me finest ‘ J . Send for the “Canadian .. .. .lsel power to do,and would not do. lreccived - ' the land in question from my predecessor as so much glebc, yieldingn certain portion IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, .ofmv income. I hold it now against the . -. ' . . . Belon n to the Estate of the late I). .I. hymn! by "gm 0' pomss'on’ haying held Sclllly.gl“gill be sold in single lots or in il for over 18 years. Mr. ichougaii says - ‘ k , that a good deal has been said (cc. Yes, blocks113:5:u;;dpl::c::s;$]erél§%|E bnc enough to leave the impression on the minds‘of those who do not know better that NOVV IS I’OUR TIME the congregation made up from their own AS __ resources the Endowment Fund they ap- ' _pear desirous to control. One cent of it, THEY MUST BE SOLD . T however, was not made up in_that way. m we only "Herc!" the congregm'on have m For terms and particulars apply to Barron til: matter is to receive the ministrations . . . , E w ____ -â€"- ur the clergymu supported by it, and to & McLaughlln, Sollcltors for the sta , . . Lindsay or to try and proht by them. It, on sllgbt refiec- ' v y . . . tioll, will be seen that it might be disaster- W-E« ELLIS: Fenelon Fan‘- s w a V l -ous to those intended 'to be benefited ii the Apri125th, 1890.â€"10tf * I, l to _l. J. Dally & Co., Guelph‘i". afoul. n is sent tree and gives the acres cleared. sizes and kinds of buildings, &c., &c., oi these and 275 other farms. No stones, hills or swamp on the farms. _â€" and the soil is guaranteed deep. rich. clay __ loam that never bum Money sent it rte qulrod no guarantee, {or cxpens if the farms are not cheap and us rcpret ted,» and intending buyers, after secin them, left to decide for themselves, and then keep or return the money as they think right. Pureeprlng water on every farm, good fences; land not hilly nor tint. Gravel roads, cheese factories, creameries, schools, churches and post offices hear all the farms. Good Water every where and healthy coun- try. Only enough money to bind the bargain need be paid until taking possession. and than 60 per oont., $60 of every “00. of the price will be left on the forms. or less than that, it buyers wish. payable Just to suit the buyers in every way. This will be put in writing and is the best chance over offered to buyers. All buyers get good title: and their deeds when they take pos- union. management of the endowments were en- trusted to the congregations. In a smell 1 congregation like ours it is easily possible c d L'f A c l .t . . t mat a. majority of those entitled télhvotebmf B a l e B Y] w \Ve the trade last season, and W8 Ill-tend (101118 the Ill ' h bel t h 0 - Elfgllltllldetrolâ€"Idhgyfand f:gsor:elh?ng e‘l: to- ESTABLISHED IN lSlTr same tlllS season. ‘morrow, and therefore be able by their mere -â€" 1 votes to carry the endowment with them tr: THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE 0 N € tllelr new home. Happily under the presen ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. I management such an event cannot happen. Though Mr. McDougall's letter is a very ‘ ‘ . k r Capital & Assets as at the 30th or April, . short one, it suggests much .It spea s o 1889’ over $10,000,000. my leaving the parish. While I am cxplain- log I may as well explain fully. I would Annual Income for the aggrendingiiflth ‘ _ . have left long ago, if I had not Seen “lat Apnl. 1885, $1, .009. EastFrancls Street,Fenelon Falls. I wish \I there Was 8- delerminfllion 0’" the PM“ Of Total sum assured to 30th ADI-11,1885, to draw the attention of the public to the * t ' '. I will not allow " , __ fact that I have purchased the livery busi- some 0 drive me awn) w amounts to $41,000,000 __AND Hess lately owned by Mr. Wm- Emmy, and any one to drive me away. This was tried, __ . ' 111'“ bl’ endeamuring 10 empty the Chur'éhl The profits of this old and reliable Com- I S have made such lmprovements its lvlll meet under We imPNSSIOD “1‘”- When 50 “mm”! pany are larger than any other Life Office ' the requlrements of the trtlvclllng public. I would have to leave. This has, however, doing business in the Dominion, and its I nan pregnridbtlo furnlsl: t‘llilt'stl-cl‘nsstillorses rnol ha fined yet. The next “tempt “"13 ratio of ex enses to income are less than on. com or a e rigs a c 0 ‘es lving ' by llwppsubl'lle contrivance 0f 9' 09”“! that of anyyothcr Canadian or British office. J prlces. V i brought here With me in °°“°°“l°d ‘3."3‘ ' The policies of this Company are indisplltn- ' . GEORGE GOODIIAhD "lion 0f SuPPlM‘l-ing m9: Whl‘m came t° “ ble on any grounds whatever after two has now on hand a splendid stock of Very disulmus “unit‘s-“0n- Though it years and policies becoming claims are , fresh ’ was pretended that the Cum“? “rung” paid [it once. The rates charged by this fine House and. Lot For Sale. ment was for the benefit of Cameron and Commmv are as low as an). firsgclass office. Gummy. yet. immediately “it” “=3 9°" All forms of policies are issued. ~ The East half ofLot No. 2.west of Col- W l 10 acres, 65 cleared. l5 .lrn-s ! . tine maple bush, good house and burl market town with flill\\'a}:_d_il‘li‘l£s:nwu_ 10 ucree,80 cleared, luillllcc ’ 0 bush. brick house, good barn, mar ct t0\\~_l1£nly;l~1n1i_t-. <_“ g V __ 100 acres, Socleured, house 9 . and ham, near market tolul. ,_.____._.___..__â€"â€"-__ . _ _ 50 acres all cleared good $2 ’ 5 00. buildings, near lllurlte't. 65 acres, nilâ€"éleiietiimo g ’ . buildings, near large town. "' looKEr'cs. ss‘éleTn'Fetlg'xg' lulu.) y . brick house and bank burn, market town with raillt'nyfls‘rnilfiiillnge year, 80 100 ncrcs,90 cleared, lo lili>h. , - lnrgc fresh water lake is boundary at back end. «not! house and burn, nlnritct town with rnilwny 5 ml 1;: 6 7,505 acres. 90 cleared, rest , . hardwood, house and burns, a village 2 miles. market town with rallwav'; miles. “A” _ in se it was so estetl to me by Mr. McDOU- , 1 - - - borne and north of Francis street, Fenclon _..__â€"_._ ___..â€"w" 3'31 limit “15th should give up 0mm .3. “wOUGAXL.E.E%‘Z§.‘i3.Ni.u. SBKS‘S-‘SympsuT°‘za~°°si Rice’Rmmé mm, on. victorsa, the property or Mary $5.90 . 1.3:.tit‘s‘ aslzztztiuul‘. and Cnmbrny and fall back into the old ' y' g ’ ' Currants, Stal'cli, ECEPS mid allow” Calder. There is on the premises aft-lune my)”, with railwaylmile,lurgctownouulcs. rut. I did not do so, nor do I intend to do groceries, which he “"11 Bell house 22 x feet. For full partlcplars "qz igo‘ggfi; §g‘é1;.;,};rd.";im,,l_ so. The machinery for the removal of ll l “ ‘ ,‘W‘ ‘ ‘VV clergyman is very simple, and can be put in motion by any one. 1. Any one can make an accusation that through age and infirmity the clergyman has become unable to perform the duties .appcrtnining to his ofiice. :2 Or that he wilfully refuses or neglects to perform such duties. 3. Or that the clergyman is immoral. If any of these accusations are made to the bishop he will then appoint a commis- sion to inquire into the facts of the case, and if the accusation, whatever it may be, be found true, the clergyman will have to apply to Ml‘. J. B. \lofl‘at, Verulam, or to U . ,â€" . wood, lillc‘ brick house and Cheap for 0315119 MARY CALDER, Lumber! blmtzwket ‘.°‘Y.‘331’i"_‘.TEXTURE“?r _ 200 Acres. l’So cleared, and to which he invites the attention NOV-19thl1889' Omemce P-O- balance hllrdwoodfiscm Nouce is hereby given “mt the busmess of the ublic of fine buildings, shank barns and a good houses, ' ' ' ' ' ' t. l -: l . llltllerto carried on by Samuel Swanton as p market town with railway 2 miles. um it. int n t dividedâ€"one of the best farms in the county. a dealer m CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, __ S 336 3.5... pain-p, my - ,0 ans , lu unu- tn . . ‘ . Pans washtubs For sale, very cheap for cash a half-acre . ’ . . _ ' , . RallwayTles, COFdWOd, Telegraph l Earmeanre’Blooms’ ’ ’ corner lot and the buildings lhereon, op- $3.‘l‘fiiffiaififigifi?cliygifiéfiil, ai'gfi’flt l . é POIBS, CBda-r and all kinds Blacklng-bruslles’ Clouuminns‘ ‘MatChes DOSlle the $011”! \Vltl‘d school house, Feue- the best grain and stock farms of lts sizeinlltnrio. - - ' . ' a ‘ t variety. I F 11 Th 1 ' ‘ 13 -9 f g 473â€"0 :lcrclsfllll‘lllllck. do of Tlmber. Lumber and Sh, and other articles in “lea 0,, ,, s_ e muse ,S A“, (m ]_ ' v _ H _, ' ' ngles’ l stories high, on a stone foundation, Willi ll. d“"°d’ 9° “W m" I [t & V t ' ' ' l 'bl h d d b sh scts fine buildinrs z kltc'llen 13 x 20 feet and a woodsllcd There ‘3‘” c “ “'°° “ M3 - l” ' . ' ‘ in k barns, l fine new brle dwelllnr near good Will. be continued on it much larger scale ll are also a workshop 14 x 20 feet, 1, never IRE“: tow“ wim railways, best hwfiflrm in me than formerly by the underSIgned, Who failing well of excellent w“th and a few :ounty, is fenced illtogfnrmsâ€"zoo acres, lsu norm, my the “WWW 0f the commiSSiO". Bud. Will PM: 1‘5 hitherto. of the very best brands and at the low- fruit “0% The buildings were erected 1329100 acres. will be sold separately or togstllcr: if, not the accusers would have to pay the est; possible prices. about twelve yean ago, and are in good send for the “ Fnrm Advertiser," it gives expense of the inquiry. Before my leaving it good many preliminaries will have to be accomplished; the paying for my improve- ments at their present valuation will be about the first. I have now arrived at the age at which I can ask for superannuation, l l l l farms and valuable information about this i ‘ but lt rests with the bishop to grant or Apply at the GAZETTE Office; 0" to the country. Addreso,J.J. Dalydtco.,0uoiph and other farm produce. _ llnderSlgned. P. 0., 061-: ' GEO. “r. MARTIN, & condition. lull particulars of these and 275 other and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month (or all materials , . 1 l' . ' de “'8er m” Flow and feed kept constant y 10 Pearson Avenue, 13%“ One of the firm will be regularly on on hand, St Albfln.s Ward ' I “19 W‘d- JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Toronto, For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, _ Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"7tf. N0. 52 ,Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. H. " I ’ Brandon, Fcnelon Falls. ‘ SWANTON, BRANDON & Co. ‘ P DEALER 1’" i N. B.â€"Mr.Swnutou thanks his numerous I I. p ' . customers for their liberal patronage during ___.. the past ten years, and begs to solicit a l t l continuance of the some for the new firm. ‘ Fcnelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"26-tf. I . Fast Colored Gingu ENGLISH’FgfifiAN _AND $510019; 1...... for too. FANCY GOODS C 1 d M Hag’dmnlng EDDY", Dean/fins goom and or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. F3540 0 01‘9 113' e rimming?nféilgtioilirs’ - SUPPLIES fins for 100 . PRICES turnsâ€"fin CUSTOMERS. Stampmg done I. ‘ 01:11 and see mmfper roll Paper. MEDICINES Fast Colored. Prirl’tsaZ “ 60' “ refuse it. IfI should stay ten years more my superannuation allowance could not be increased. lam entitled now to as much as I can be. All other arguments having failed the apostle of mischief, the consecra- tion dodge is being used extensively in the present crusade. I am represented as hav- illg sold consecrated ground on which to build it stable and houses ofit like character. The land was-never consecrated, the grave~ “,1; _yurd, of which it was a part, not having been fenced at the time the church was consecrated. It is intended that that por- ~ lieu of the land which now forms the grave- yard shall be consecrated when the bishop next visits the parish. But suppose the land llnd been consecrated, what would be the dilfercucc between Mr. MoArtllur’s houses and those of Mr. Kerr and Mr. McClcnnen, which are on the land by the sanction of the congregation? Only this, tllnt the latter have been dcsecrnting the land for to yours, whereas the former have been do- illg the some thing for less than one year. Si. I’tlul gives excellent advice to those A whose cllicf oatzupation it is to accuso their neighbours: “For wherein tllou jutlgcst nnutller, tllou coudclnnt-st thyself; for thou tlur. jlldgest doest the same thing.” St.. James llli- some strong remarks about the a . a 7.. u u Eulbume Streetlenelnn Falls. l it Be. t‘ u c. tongue and its government which are i 13‘3- “ u "M ‘ Wonhy of consideration : “ The tongue is a A G. “ “ fire, a world of iniquity. . . . . . and it is set f t l H Q on tire of hell . . . . . . But the tongue can no s. And an the way to 500' per Ron‘ IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR : S ‘Ihaenh dth 1 â€"t neig- The freshest Goods in 1331,21. 83:, broeu ffigfiéiwau . A g Y Room Paper and Future llamas the village at REMEMBER THE PLACE: â€"â€"-lS AT... F lJusillppositc Nell'Post-oflicc, w. A. GOOD'WIN’S, wm' SI limit Street“ Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. L I N D S AY. Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. AT JOHN BERRY, G. A. METHERELL, .. . 3%” Please call and see my 5c. Paper. works AgencY' MANUFACTURER 0F Lindsay, April 2...], mo. ’ LINDSAY General Blacksmith, JUNKIN’S. EARN-Egg . , , 1 7 ‘ , Southern tier of counties. but. it will ’ lib. ‘ FranClS-St" Fenelon Fans“ _______.___________________ , 6 ‘ V n ‘ -urfrisc many to learn that Mr. G. ll. The ‘ Penelon tans bazette .l“l|\\lt‘l' of Burford has secured from the l is prinmd "er-V SWmm-V 3‘ ihe Office! on v the corner oflllly .e Franc-ls streets. ' northern countries, and is now engaged in fucking, fully 20,000 ban-01$ A SI'BSCRI?TIO.\' $11 YEAR IN ADVANCE, man tame, it is on unruly evil full of deadly poison." Then the tongue that never wags without throwing its “ deadly poison " on somebody, must he the one “set on fire of 1‘ hell." When St. James said the “tongue can no man tome," he must have meant the remark to be confined to his own age or to moral persuasion, for we know that wllut could not be accomplished by Christian preaching in St. Jztmes‘s duly, has often at,” llcl‘ll accomplished effectually in our day .1...‘ by the ltpplicntion of the civil law, which is an excellent, though often an expensive, corrective in such a case. _ Yours, . Wu. LOGAN. ; A Big Shipment of Apples. A very general impression has gone abroad that the apple crop in Ontario is almost a failure. This is true of the R B ,.,r done on short notice and at the lll‘dt‘nl ... l. 0 , ,_ . . . . . . w z t J- M :' ‘ llvzng ilrlt'i‘ii. l’llrtlculnr attention paid lo â€"-â€"â€" Blrtcksnlitllingin nllitsdifferentbruit-hrr l -l ,g Prepared m furnish we poop“. of Lind“, horse-:llocing. (live me a rail and 1 will “11"”, reporter fin“, samples of the fruit ’ or one camp“. week will he “dyed as long Ever be“: - Fltv and sxlrrullntlin r mt . .- ‘ nv lti 1'. v 1- -f - :_ . I H ‘ I ‘ ‘ J n In to the, _' ' H ‘ ' L (‘ mlrt mu, t, l.lr ltL bli lb action. 401}. and “Owing finer has ever been markctcd ; As It I'L‘llllllili unpnld. saddfe g d H g g T d “(mg-“FEAST {3’5" [Hz-’H'STOXI'IS: ~~-~-~~~‘~--- ~â€"â€"~ v- -â€" -vâ€"~â€" - n .. t . . - .. .. Advertisinw R . or an arness ra e » '0‘ 1- I" W1 Granite- . in l llludi rllt ltast comfortlll- pale! 1.â€" atcs- l __. ‘ of the mutter is dull. tllis immense ship l Professional or business cards, 50 cents constantly kept in SIOCk. I':‘llrfinllf§ promptlv L'lt‘i'li on all kinds rle v! . . I 5 ,lerlille per annum. Casual advertisements, v lll -ut will go to Glasgow and Liverpom. “m, T“- l } ’l‘lilt'll'fjv' work. , '8 cent~ lot line ‘ l ‘ . - â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- . .. . , . - I! may be added that, Mr. Fowler lltls' - a} - L for we first msuuonl.‘md l i " .‘lill’lrlt' Iuhll' rl'i‘n Wail: ’l‘u Hunt-“l ' (39“th 0‘ Vieti’l'ul- . d r ‘ . . cents per line for every- subsequent lust-p. _Y , ,,. Ix”. I _ I. g h t I , o . buvll tllgagt or some yours lll llll: _ “on, Conn-nets h). um Fm"! ha” Fe,” 0,. P ls P is I R I (l‘ . “1.x: ', H H it‘. .|‘ ‘LE. 1. ,I ‘ V . - ~ . Buy“. and b). pcrmlum‘! [HS brand ,0 . quarter! ,0“, column m. less. "Pm, reuse,“ J A . . _ J‘, _x .- u... .l' i...“ ..t.. ..m .lnnn. Ml Elmllul 'llz. nl-xl sitting: of tilt; “inn-t; l mu: m” ' - . . . *i‘i. ~‘l“~._’ll~:.2.* .;.n; - . m. ,ul., . - -.-.'7 i-re' '. '. .\ - '1 hr but only on lllt‘ best quullty ul :lppios; :llxlc turms. ' Done on the SI 0 t t N ‘ 1 g 1‘ ' I z m gnu ., l'._rl in l. l. .u Do ..-on .. hall, l:41.._.t,:tl_.,.p. _‘v ,.='. . .‘ '. . ' la- 2 ll'eS l . ' “" """" . . nth l.ll'_\|} Ullllllllllletl [0 {hi in‘l'illfili. G " 0 cc i ‘l‘. “HENâ€"~13 tux. »‘ ll." lll.l.'l\"l '/!l I .lm- (’11 '1 "(.“(Iu."! ()"1"' 71hr ’ .--=.' ‘t' v! l‘lll' trade With the old country, Of all ordinary kinds arm-null “cum-T cm _-â€" i, ', _ . r‘, u; ;« .‘d-va ,.- -,., Lung; (“’FHIHHH "It: Ml- l'J u cit-ll. El. HJ- fun-m or; _ HO-.- __-_ Irectiynud reasonable rules. i l' - l (,1ng um”... y I, “H. u. . . . S. I D V) , - n q . . ' ‘V > “I .1. tinge: in Manitoba EVCl‘ugcé e Coulii D Lia l ROD ‘ ' U “AMBERS' M’W' ‘ ‘L’k , a} r. r.- I l .‘w.:'l: oftln; Tuii'll llmll,’ Frur lun hulls. Jul} “mini-:10. v i

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