n , ....-nv expresses her contempt of n .2 who idly wait for, or go boldly torth ' v L - ‘ , ' .t . ‘ , , _ . , . . . . 500 mg. 3 «33001311, m 3 l’n‘aht “mg†m 3 in the hearts of almost everyone thcrcisalong- cent“! & Hudson River Railroad, whose I CA3CER and Tumors cured without the knife. Demorcst’x Monthly, from which is quoted: the following; ‘ ‘ n. “My mother rays I’ve got to get married said a pretty girl in my hearing the other l mnwnmngthcm the day. “She dean-93 she won't have an old ' Words constructedfrom cttcrs‘c'ont dried in the I maid in the family." The remark was made in sober earnest ’- l in order of merit the followingadditional prizes « A riirrirmp Aims THE worm t This is the age of travel. The people are all educated and cultivated to such a degreelhat in to see for-cl countries and. view the places w ereofso muc has beenwrittenund said. Tan Ham: Fascrxa'ron Pub.co.. of Montreal.‘olfer3 agrand opportunity to see the world. To the pr- , . t number of Eng 15h f sentence: "GOD SAVE Till-2 QUEER," will I , be given A Free Trip Around the World. Also, and bore not even the outward semblance of n “.m be awuflcd: A We trip to Florida; ,A l a joke. And whereas the fair speaker is neither engaged nor has any immediate prospect of such a state of affairs, and whereas, moreover, she did not blush for herself, I blushed for her,â€"-blushed’ that. in these days of “higher education," ‘ ‘ woman's ‘ sphere," and all the other emancipations of women, a yonnv woman of fair intelligence should openly declare herself a husband- hunter, with 1!. pretty face and witty tricks of speech her sole stock-in-trade. I was, and am daily more so, ashamed of her. Her father is a physician with a practice chiefly among poor or non-paying patients. There are four children younger than she, but. she will not, and neither will her par- ents let. her, go to Work at. any honest and self-supporting business, f0: fear that she will, as they exrpcss it. “ spoil her mar- ket.†No parent can fail to hope her daughter will marry the man of her choice and " live ha py ever after"; that is the natural, fore- Ol‘t ained lot of woman. But in the course of human events, many girls are disappoinb ed in this prospect, if, indeed, they ever choose it. For many girls, in these modern days of busy employment for everybody, build up a plan of life which includes no future lover whatever. It is better so. He assured, if God intends you to love and be loved, no matter how closely you may shut; your heart, or how carefully you guard it with the sentinel of pro-occupation, the “ king of your heart" will seek you out and force an entrance ; and if there is to be no king, you had better be, fortified- against usurpcrs. V _ How much more admirable is the charac- ter, by contrast, or the “girl bachelor" of to- (‘nyl There are no more “old maids,â€â€"not in the city at. least. \Vomcn as they grow moleiudcpendcnt- are not- so much “claim- ing†their rights, as “taklug'f them, and among these is the right: to earn theirown “Villg. No self-respecting woman of twenty- ï¬ve or thirty, full of hope and ambi- tion and desire to do something for her day and generation, is content to sit calmly down nowadays and eat the bread of dependence, with nothing to ï¬ll her heart and mind but. the petty round of social life that: falls to her share, or not, as the case may be. Plenty of girls whose fathers have good even large incomes are today working for their livings. They have tasted the sweets of independence, and, better, still, know the blessedness of having an object in life. Such girls do not spread their nets to catch the unwary husband; on the contrary, they care very little whether he comes or not, and they are quite as apt to find or be found by the right man at. last, as their sisters who are ever sandy to smile upon “ (.3131ch in search 0‘. a wife" ; and they will be reward. ed, if they marry at all, by a marriage with ten times more real love and sweetness and earnestness in it. The "girl bachelors†of the cities are nu- merous enou h to form a distinct; class by themselves. . Iauy of them live with parents or friends, payin r their board or contribut- ing to the genera expenses of the household. ‘ Some have learned, however, to cvonbine and form households by themselves. ‘ _________.._ Dakota's {'rop Failure _ The. New York Tribune's correspondent at. l‘lllcndalc, N. 1)., sends the following, dated September 13 : Although at this date less than one-third of the grain hereuboub has been threshed, yet. it has become clearly apparent that the worst; fears of the farmers 1.3 to the out-come of this year’s venture will be fully rcalizml. Samplellclds ofwhat was recognized as the best. wheat in this county have produced onlyciglit bushels per acre, and these are unfortunately but few in number,thc gcncralrun of the yield being 8mm two and a half to five bushels, with a very considerable proportion at or below the lower liirure. And, as was expected, the the gun c is as unsatisfactory as the yield, the greater part of the wheat being so lhruukcu as to be rated “No 3 nortliernâ€atnl "rejected," wlicrc always heretofore “No 1 hard†has been the prevailing grade. In those countics adjoining on the east, south and west the threshing returns are no better than here in Dickey, but to the north I the showing is slightly better, though not to shorten to any appreciable extent the elongated visugcs of the unhappy farmers. The entire crop of this county will probably not. cxcccd 450,000 bushels, where a fairly good season would have produced l,.-'u)0.00l), and in no other county adjoining will there be a greater amount. than here. \Yith such A condition of atl‘airs, it is no consolation to the bankrupt thousands in this section to catch the echo of rejoicing from the fortitu- ntc counties along the Red river. Another drop was this morning addcd to ï¬lnstorm, which it is fcarc-l bais done. Con» sidcrablc dumzigcto thc unthrcshcd stacks of beaded wheat. Six weeks ago the same storm would have been looked upon us a godsend, and would have bccn worth an un- mensc amount of moucv. Now that the extent of the crop failure in the Jumcs river vullcv has becn ascertaiqu . with tolerable exactness, it has bccomc the order of the day to devise wqu and means _‘ for living through another hai'd winter, and make prcpiratious for conducting future 0 1:1 .itiuns. Quite a number of pmplc have a :cidy lch tltcir mortgaged farms and nior~ tgagcd stock in scarch of some lw-ality win-re Hwy can obtain a living as the price of their labor. Othch arc prcpariug to go as soon as they can settlc with thcir icrcditors, and thus find out whether they have anything to tako with them; but the majority will stay »~â€"â€" cithcr because thcy have no means of getting away. or lll‘t‘IllZFL‘ they are lotli to leave their improve- ments. or ln‘cause they still liclicvc that a country so casv of cultivation and with $0 rich a soil must have a pmspcmus future before it. lint of those who will rcmain mauv are in such straitcncd circuinstinccs ‘ > -. .c .4.‘ _ . . .. > . I . . that it I dinnult to are hm. they \\ill be, “Being mmmmw m ï¬lming“ means to gum. M 3, and upwar‘p n.,_.c,,.,..1 n! r "3..., able to live through the wiutcr without help. Ordinarily their neighbors would aid the-unbu: this year thercarc vcrv icw so situated that they will be able to lciid much that is a matter that will have. to be met and practically disposed of lslrr on. Mean- Silver Tea. Set.$6$; 7A Domestic Sewing 3-131- chlne, stildadice'orGenL-i' llk. Gold Watch.$o'). ' Aprosent will be ivcu to anyone sending a list ; I of not less thsz lnglish wordsof not 10% than 5 1 four letters. found in Webster's or \Vorcestcrs ; - Dictionary. allowable. lint-lose 50 cents to pay: l for a Grand Premium Catalogue and nonionths . . triï¬lï¬ubifliption to the beautifully illustrated | family storypapcr, “Tm: Hour: FASCISATOR.†The arson sending in the largest list of correct: war 5 may not be m a position, or care to make the extensive trip offered. the publishers give such *rson the choice of the trip 01‘51000 in cash. ADDRESS: “ nu: HOME mscmmn " talisman." Simpson, Hull. Hillel-st ('0. One of the most dazzling displays in the Main builthng'pf the Industrial Exhibition tliis'y’énr is that of. Simpson, Hall, Miller 5: C05, tlfe’ well-known manufacturers of ï¬ne electroplated ware, whose extensive factory and warehouse are at 18 De Bresolles street, Montreal. The eihibit is located almost at, the centre of ‘the ground floor of the big building and it is constantly surrounded by an admiring crowd. Mr. Lharles Grecn‘is in charge of it and his time is fully occupied in discharging the pleasant duty of showing to the people the many beautiful things in the two large cases. containing the exhibit and at the same time explaining the proces- ses that have produced such wonderful re- sults. The methods adopted by this ï¬rm, . which, by the way, carries on the second largest business of its kind in the world, are the most modern and widely approved, and, as might beexpccted, thegoods turned out: are of the first quality as regards originality 'ofdcsigu, workmanshipamlfinish. Their busi- ucsshas grown to enorniouSproportions simply because, beynrc quick to"i‘6cognize tliewauts of the public and able to satisfy them. This fact is amply demonstrated by the variety of their exhibit, which is tho embodiincut of originality and good taste. The fancy gilt in applied work is particularly attrac- . Spells, Purple “J’s, numbness: Palplmtion: tive. There is a silver set in rcpousse that cannot fai to delight those who are fortunate I head» dun Pain inthe heth With beats Strong» enough to see it, and another embossed and chased and ï¬nished in gilt; that is a. perfect gem. There could be nothing prettier than I bone; Etc-y 9311P°Sitlvely be me‘l- N0 ml“;- the Venetian nut bowls ï¬nished in old silver I “0 PM“ Send for b0°k~ Address M- V - variety. In addition to these, which are just a few of the features of the exhibit, are many small novelties that are being intro- duced for the ï¬rst time this season. Not satisï¬ed wiLh simply keeping pace with the rapid development. of artistic taste, the firm are constantly introducing new ideas, which, coming from such a well-known source, meet. with the approval that they so justly merit Everybody should make ita point to see this really fine exhibit, as a failure to do so will be a failure to see one of the most. notable features of the Exhibition.â€"The Iand fancy gilt, which are shown in great: i Toronto Empire. ll. ll. lvcs lb (‘0. Hardware Manufacturers and Founders. The exhibit of iron railings made by H. R.Ivcs & (10., of Montreal, is one that; should be seen by every person who visits Toronto’s great show, but especially those who intend purchasing iron fencing. The display is the ï¬nest that has ever been seen on the Exhibi- tiongrouuds. They claim that their com- posite wrought. iron railingis the best fence made, giving greater strength and durability, and more orniunental in design. One pair of driving gates is specially worthy of mention, the design and ï¬nish, or workmanship, being of the highest; order, in fact. there is nothing better made, except the gates sup- plied by this ï¬rm for the Parliament build- ings. Ottawa, which are acknowledged to be the lines: on the continent. This firm is, without. doubt, the leading house in the Dominion for railings, and our city fathers & Co. to erect; the beautiful and substantial fence around the Horticultural gardens. This fence alone would place them in the front ranks. Architectural iron work is an- othcr specialty of this firm. They are in a ' position to tender for all kinds of wrought iron work, iron stairs, counter railings and grille work of every description. They do . work all over the Dominion, and have now under one of the largest contracts of the, kind ever let in the city, namely, the Court bousc.â€"T/ze Toronto Empire. ..__â€"_~â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€". “'orni Symplous. l “'e have been asked frequently what are the symptoms of worms in children. The following have been compiled from the best , authorities :â€"â€"Thc countenance pale ; eyes l dull and pupil dilated ; picking of the nose ; ' occasional headache, with throbbing of the cars; slimy or furrcd tongue; foul breath I generally in the morning: appetite change- thc naval; the bowels costive or purged, not , unfrcl'plcntly tinged with blood : stools slimy : urine turpid : uneasy and disturbed i sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; starting up out of slccp ; brczithing occasionally dith- ; cult,gcncr;\l‘.y with biccough: tcmyet' change- ’ able, but generally irritable. \thncvcr } the above symptoms are found to exist, llaw- son’s Chocolate Cream \\'orm llr)ps may be. fdnpcndml upon to eti'ect accrlain cure. Sold ; everywhere at 25¢ per box. Dawson Blcdi~ cinc Uo., Montreal. . _...___.___._.. . _ Ills llollncss Drlults Beer. The Pope, we are told. has bccn ordered to drink beer instead of wine, and a quantity of bottlcs have been ordered from Vienna. t sccuis that the Pope's bccr is to bu pre- ' \arcd ditl'crcntly from tltc ordinary German ‘ lwci‘. From the accounts that reach us, the ; (lcrmuus arc in high glcc at the honor of , thus providing for the l‘opc's table. y NOTII'II. ! livery Bottle of Dr. Harvey's Southern * Red Pine for coughs and colds is warranted. The Great American Dessertâ€"pie. 5 hold your tongue when you ought to. as hell , as to have nothing to do with mun-.32 i Probably no modcrn medicine has obtain. “55mm†m um w“). 0‘. Clmrl‘y‘ H‘l‘VCVUF» 2 “‘1 Wider “'lu’rwl-‘v‘ Within a glut" lilmb inll'n?‘f. Coupons uttavhcd. l-Z xcc-ltor- ill: i lib‘“ the We“? “'Omlt‘l‘ml SLOL'L “'5 U.\l - , Trusu-cs unauthorized by law Ito invu-g in ii. : til-IXIZI‘ID EMULSION of PERI-l (:01); Debentures of thi~ (.‘nznpany. lilL’ carat! n' while scmc are talkiur of dmbling up two? l.l\'l-‘.ll OIL. To suzi‘cr:m from lung trou~ or time families in one hOZlL, to :32?ch a sa- ving l fuel and other li ling “guises. l l scll it. it is casilx obtained. lSoutthstem Limited, leaving at lO::‘-.’0 A. i - â€" kidneys, headache, piniplgs on ' the‘f‘ace on acted wisely when theysclectcd H. R. IvesI WIAGTC SCALEâ€"For dress cutting. taught . 4'. now To GET it, and how to l' kccpit. explain- . able ; bclly swollen and hard; 8. gnawing “A‘V 015’s.â€" ' or twisting pain in the stomach, or about i (:Huchu'Ei CREAMS, Q10 gentral cup of bittcrncss by a terriï¬c. . nlcs we say : take no other. As_all druggists V a: ;\111iltlt‘sl\~.~lll‘t‘d of pcrfr-cl sat-:3)“. 0 Autumn Scenery Along the 11nd. ; 5 PER DAYâ€"Good men and women. 331% :3“ nyg‘so , . ‘ 5 ‘ m , ‘ Fast so ling article. J. E. (21.053. son, l 59 Victoria street. Tomato. ‘ , sum-ad natal" an and t: “*3 as viewed from the trains of the New York ‘ mm as no wille drugs are used in mm lu‘m‘unmt Strum i Send for book of treatment and testimonials. free. tracks skirt for,a distance of 148 miles the G H uc\1,chuLM D 5‘“, 5 ~ - h mast-s Ibero other mantles inn failed. . , . ‘ . . .. . . ., . gun x. Buï¬aloï¬xh. I cast, shore of that. noble river, is beautiful in i ' “V m ‘°' W ‘ a" w“ h l "u‘ ‘2†l] h I mame to biot its on m ' s ’ . t“ non. . was you t e extreme By ta mg t e amous \cs 1 AGEXTS WANTE.‘_B.g money. Choice“ 1:: {M . MG!“ Â¥mmcrs r books. Control of territory. A ply nt Aï¬wéchs bulb New York and. Chicago Limited, leav- ing Grand Central‘ daily at 9:50 A- B n we ' (Trice. E. X. :IIOYER :‘c C0..l;‘0 \'on;eSt.. oronto , ‘ ' ‘ ‘ H- G- ROOT Mn 0., 188 West Adelaide 3!- †Toronto. Out. A . SOLID 31., or the Chicago Express, leaving at 10:50 l Efigugn-‘Wï¬g. nakcdptmfrotrhgioryr o‘f'n‘ï¬; - .: - v .4 in yo. use 2 e c A" ll,†“r em ‘fslx’l‘d‘lll-E "‘“ns ‘ff’ï¬lmg fast. selling Books and Bllllt‘é cs 1:5 .llistorv Bulla.o for the Last, at . :)0 A. LL, . .1.) A. I of Gama,“ by “ , yL \\ Rpm“: Ill)" hth {ma M., or 8:50 A. 31., passengers are afforded a : Titian everf publliislzcd.‘t‘tl‘t(‘t‘s loy‘, terms It . - .- .. " ' . .- . w. i cm rte or i ustra c: cich am an $3113“? ‘ ‘9" 0f lmuml leaner} “swim†[terms war. BRIGGS. Publisher. Toronto. ed for picturesque beauty and grandeur on this comment. Moreover, the magnificent - , - ,. «:1. , ;_ ... ._ . . equi ment of all through trains by the New ' ‘J L‘JQNEsv -‘ Yor { Central route, including. dr‘awing- “Lu, 'SIRA’TNE 1. 59 ENERAVER room, sleeping, dining,and buli'et oars, four gAgvgnrg‘sgych, ‘.. J‘WE‘STBFETEEST-I tracks, easy grades and light curves,, oï¬'crs P ‘0 S S TORONTO. CANAR- to travellers the some of comfort audlu'xur'y iu‘travellin g facilities. All Men. ' ‘. young, old, or middle-aged, who ï¬nd them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken downfrom execs ,or. overwork, resultin in many of the following symp- toms :' Iental depression, premature old age, loss of vitalit", 1035 of memory, bad dreams, diumess ,o sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the LEATHER BEL-ring. 'Bcsfvtflue in the Dominion. F. E.‘ DIXON & CO.. Makcrz, 70 Kingstrcct East. Toronto. mend torVPricc Lists and Discountsfï¬~J The Best Goods . ‘ Sold by the Principal Boot and'Shoc Dealers. Watson’s Dough DerSV Every Pair Stamped. , Are the best in the world for the throat and I; chest and for the voice. Uncquallcd. , R- 82; T- “W. stamped on each drop. V EAVER- LINE STEMISIIIPS. body, itching or peculiar sensation about; the B “ . ._.___ ' scromma wastmg 0f the 'org§nsn,.dlzzlnessi Sailing' week] between MONTREAL and specks before the eyes, 'C‘Nltclllng 'of the innings)?!“t oosanicklftgï¬gmsm .a‘pd ' 1‘ - leturn ic e s†. an . ,accor mg 0 i Engelsâ€, gyeyhds all-d emf“ heref’ liliï¬hfuh‘fssi’ steamer and accommodation. Intermediate $30 91ml“ ‘“ he mule, 033 0. V“ . Poke" Steers 0320. Apply toll. n. MURRAY. Gen i tenderness Of the scalp and spine, “Talk and eral b‘liginagcr.‘(}iinz\dlnn Shipping ($0.. 4 CUS lflabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure- to be TOM HOUSE batman. MONTREAL, or to Loca I rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of Agmtsm “n Towns and Cities' l hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- ; citability of temper, sunken eyes surround- red with LEADEX CIRCLE, oily leokino' skin, i etc., are all symptoms Ofuiervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost. its tension every function wanes i‘rrrconsequence Those who through abuse, committed m Band ‘ and Musics Instruments, ignorance may be permanently cured. Selznd , ,fl . our address for book on all dimscs'pecu‘air . ’ f , , ‘ , . fl . N , lo whom .assurance:can... w 7 ~ it St. 15., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed. ' ‘ -â€"- i.‘ " _ t1 ‘ u to s fwhicl arcfaint lHenltdlseuqe’ may! p m 0 1 ' In affiliation with Toronto University. F. H. TORRINGTON, Director. l2 and I4 Pembroke St. Toronto, Ont. Send for prospectus. iJ»..-RATTRAY & CO. WHOLESALE TUBAUGUNISTS, skip beats, hot; ashes, rush of bleed to the rapid and irre ular, the second heart beat quicker than t to first, pain about the breast MONTREAL, V Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, Front Street» East, Toronto. including Ont. ‘ . A. P 521- Celebrated thunder and lletjo Brands One trial is guarantee for continual use. .: THE PATENT :- Pinless Clothes Line. Ho‘t’s clothes in any weather. does not rust: or disr olor them, being galvanized. the clothes do not freeze to it. No clothes. pegs rcqun‘ed. 'lllE PATEllT DANDY BAG HOLDER. Agcnts wunzcd for both. For circulars and tun 5 send tnrcc ccnt stamp. TARBOX BROS, 75 Adelaide Slrcct “'nsl, Toy-onto. lElEPl-lflilES, Tclegra hic Instruments, Etlismh Lalon c. Burnlcy Dry, and , llussey Bluestone Batteries, ___E:9.ND s EXTRACT 00' Newyorkm‘ondon, Also all other kinds of Batteries. Canadian Headquarters for everything GREAT ROPE†l l/ . . ,/ "nus. _ ._ uu‘ 33103148302 NIVJ am. THE WONDER 0F HEALING! was; GATARRH, RHEUMATISM, NED! summons THROAT,PILES,WOUNDS, BURNS FEMALE COMPLAINTS AND animators or ALL Km’ns. oratIntemary aExtemale. Prim50c.$l.$1.73 . “11.1,: “.4 -¢ In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT 8: BOWNE, Belleville. Electrical T. W. NESS, 644 GRAIG ST., MDNTREAL. Send for large Canilouuc No. 2. Mention this paper. llilious Headaches G0. I had rheumatism in my knees and ï¬ngers, bilious headaches, etc, every few weeks. Mr. Higgins, Empire Laun dry, urged me to try ST. LEON MINERAL WATER. I (lid, and it set; me all right, bead- :ichcs and pains all gone. My wife and 3 children also use it. \Ve all find fit. Leon Water very good and healthy. J. 'l‘. S. ANDERSON. \Vutq-lnnakcr 8:. Jeweller. 316 Queen St rcctlYesL. ’l'orcnto. Mnnmnnt‘d‘t‘tv\t‘mww : a l a a l : g i a 3 i ; DOES CURE I a l l a a a g 5 g i a ? by Miss Chubb. General Agent for On - ' tario, 4'26; Yonge rtrcct, Toronto. Ont. V‘ r ANTED in every town in the Dominion reliable men to represent. the Dominion Bldg and Loan Asso'n, 6513? \ ongc on. Toronto. Unequallell f:r Edam as! Busty of Catarina They are the 02-1.? In’l-Ll that WILL NOT WASH OUT! . WILL NOT FADE curl There is nothing like thrul for Strength, Coloriq or l-‘astucas. 02?: mug: EQUAL: TWCclanycthcrryelntho mm! It you doubt. it, try it! Your moncy will be u funded if you are not. convincwl aftt-r a trial. Fifty {ourcolors are made in 'l‘urkla‘h "you. ttnhmclm all new shades. and others are added as noon as the: become fashionable. ’l‘ln-y M warm: t. d to d)! more goods and do it. better than any other Dyes. Same Price as Inferior Dye, 10 01:5. Canada Ilmnch: 451 SL l‘uul Street, Montreal. flmdposwlfur Sm:ch Card and Book v/ butth ed in the HEALTH HELPER. Send saunp for sample copy to the editor. l)r.J.(‘. 1,)ye,'liun'-.llo. I'ECIAI. NOTICE T0 AI-‘FLICE‘EED LA DIE-Ii x In order that you may know that OAK BALM isa positive cure for female complaian lwillscud tonny address one month‘s trcat- nicnt for $1, or free sample to all who address with stump, J. ’l‘ItO'l‘Tlall, 5 Richmond West, Toronto, Can. EE 3113mm JOHNSTON-S'â€" “ TAKING FLUID BEEF. ., . . as SURE] TO THE EDITOR :â€"Please inform you. -eadcrs that I have a positive remedy {0! th p above named disease. By its timely use thousands othopeles. cases have been permanently :1 red. lshall 3-3 glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to an", 0 your readers who luw con. sum tion if thev will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Res Ctiuli T. A. 8 M. “.cp“ [86 W599 hci-'a“‘$9 9’" TORONTO. ONTARIO. pc y. W his in [ii Pulley n‘: sow s DBUGGISTS snags . N: : £:Q‘NLS;U.M. 95.10151. i lecommended by physicians. Being in tlu ‘ form of a chocolate they are leusant to flu ' taste. Children ncvcr t't-fusc a c ioco ate Cl‘l'uln. Requires no uflcr lllctllclnc. Ask for Daw- son's and take no other. Sold everywhere. ":5 cents a Box. Dawson Medicine 60.. Montreal. \râ€"OURiNA'ME (End'i’eï¬zih'u Pencil nk and case 30c, (l for $1. $2 : .4 to $5 per day easily made bylivc agts. ‘cndaocfor sample and terms 'l‘nr: CANADIAN ltt'um-zu STAMP ('o.. 1 Adelaide 1;. Toronto. Mention paper (1131111 PERMANENT loan and Savings Enmpany. INCORPORATED A. D. 1855. Subscrle Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 4.50am ‘ _ p - ‘ _ Paid up Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.500.uul saves Tune___chkcr ha“ & bhlftr 1 Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3mm . L“! Total Assets ...................... 11.500.00t mg .lt. Sill'CS Beltâ€"X0 wear; belt Hands idle when not working. Saves Room-~ on shaft. Saves Moneyâ€"Inmate}: as all the above cost money. Send for New Shutting and P111151! Circulpr, stating your wants. Oflicc, Toronto St, Toronto. savx nos SANG; BRANCH. lltatcs of lllch‘L‘si. paid or compoundcl .znf )carly. DEBENTURES. Monet: rcccivcd for a fixed term of y-‘ar‘ {. Which llcbcnmrcs arc i4xilvli. “'llll l..llfâ€",\L.".‘.‘f l; assctu‘ of the ('omuany b‘in; pita-troll {I linen-'3' thus roccivcd. lliflktllllll‘“-llold€l“ a I N. mm'r mason. Managing Directs: Engine Works 00.. Hi. Brantfud. Canada. .1." 1:. .siwvlsc.