e , Ad Oil-Cloths, NO. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. couple tookgthe train next morning for Niagara Falls and other places. The Sabbath School Anniversary will be held here on Sunday and Monday, 12th and 13th inst. Rev. Mr Thomson of British Columbia will be present. All are cordially invited to attend. Proceeds in aid of the Sabbath school. mfgâ€"‘- LMD- OYEmâ€"The School Board met on Tuesday evening, and we have the minutes and Mr. Reazin's report; but we are cmnpclled to lay them over until next week, in consequence of the length of Mr. Logan's communication and of the prize list in this issue. METHODIST Cowmanâ€"A concert in aid of the organ fund will be held in the Methodist church, Fenelon Falls, on the evening of Tuesday next. the 7th inst. Music- wirll be rendered by the choir, and elocutionary exercises by )1 rs. McNeil. Admission 10 cents. MILLINERY &C._l‘IrS. ll. MCDougall’s new advertisement relating to millinery and mantle cloths, hats. bonnets. feath- ers, plumes Sicâ€"of which she has re- ceived a large-stookâ€"vzill appear in our next issue. Look out for it, and, in the meantime, go and delight your eyes by an inspection of the goods. Tun; BAND Concourâ€"The concert W The Cheap Man’s NINE W†Hill llll I'OR THE NEXT ALWAYS GO T0 in aid of the Fenelon lialls brass band . was given in Ingram’s hall last Friday evening, according,r to announcement, and was very well attended. Circum- stances prevented us from being present, and we were told by a friend who was l there that we missed a treat. we can afford neither time nor space this week for the pt'OZrn-tmue, which comprised vocal and instrumental music, readings and rccitntious. The playing: of the Bobcaygeon Ladies’ band, as well as of our own village band,was much admired. Mom: Boors & Slicesâ€"Mr. Henry Austin has rented the store lately vaca- ted by Mr. Joseph McFarland, lvhich he has had ï¬xed up and painted, and is now opening out a large and choice as- sortment oi ready-made boots and shoes, a good many oi which will be on the shelves and ready for inspection by the time this announcement is in the hands of our readers. Mr. Austin has also chartered half a. column in the (J'uchc, and next week. will- ï¬ll it with matters ol'intcrcst to. all in wantâ€"or likely to he in wantâ€"0f the various commodities in which he deals. m The Chicago Times has discovered that in an outiofithc-way corner of a B'oston gravcymrd’stands a brown board, showing: the marks of age and neglect and bearing' the inscription, “ Sacred to the memory of Eben Harvey, who departed this life suddenly and unem- pcctedly. by a cmv kickingr him, on the 114th of Septmnhcr, 1853; Well done, thou good and faithful servant.†The following advertisement appeared the lady wearing spectacles, who, on Thursday evening, the 7th inst, drove a dark pony and four-wheeled phncton. with groom behind; along llalewood road, and injured a valuable saddle- horsc by not taking her side of the road, kindly got a better pair of glasses and take driving: lessons before she ventures out again '3†M DIED. Wm:su.s.-â€"In l-‘onclou Falls. on Wednesr day, October 1st, Mrs. Geo. Whissile, aged. l l CARERS in The Liverpool Daily Post :â€"â€"“ Will Black Hunt-lotto, 40 inches wide, only 25. Bankrupt Stock Store for Great, Big. WW 2 bus. cotton Grain Bags, per (102, $1 75 Heavy Grey Flannel, per yard, l0 All Wool. Grey Flannel, per yard, 15 All Wool TWeeds, per yard, 25 Feather Ticking that will hold water 7 all to be had at CARTER'S, the Cheap Man. Cotton Shirting, fast colors..pcr.-yard’, 5‘ Men‘s Winter Shirts nnd'Drawers, 25 Men’s Cardigan Jackets,- worth $4. 25,. 75 Heavy Wool Knit Shirts, 50 if'you are in want, see CARTER, the the Cheap Men. Men’s All Wool Grey Socks, only 15 Gents' Beautiful Silk Ties, worth 35c., 10 Colored Henrietta, 40 inches wide, only 25 CAIITER'S Bankrupt Stock Store is ttfe place. Beautiful Check Dress Goods, only 8 Plain Dress Goods, all shades, 10 Something-New in Stripe Dress Goods, 10 The Wonder Sox, 7 pairs for l 00 CARTER is the Poor Man’s Fritznd. Ladics’ Black.Cashmere Gloves for. Hundreds of Men's and Boys’ Cups, Extra Heavy Steam loom, only 1-1: Good Boy’s Suit for 1 CARTER is satisï¬'ed'with‘ Small Proï¬ts. Mr-I CI 0! a CI ID 30 .“t‘m‘ï¬- Men‘s Bound Worsted ()verconts, 4'. 00 ‘ ' ‘ Y ‘ V ‘ g ‘ Q " Beautiful White Wool Blankets, Bibs, 2 50 FIIJSI'AilDA l' .l‘Ll.> .‘l.\l\l\l‘4Ts.o A‘Ienvs \Vhile Shirts, only 15' '[un'h' I [:1] Me .Yorl/t Slur [bl/er .lli'll Cd. Tflweig’ per-dozen" 5O Font-Ion Falls, Friday, Oct. 3rd, 1590. Hen“'3' T'e‘low'r‘s! G5 Witt-at, Si'uttrll nr Fili- son; to sino » Extra Hoar-y Etofl‘e Pants,. 1.. 75 Wheat, tall. per bushel. . . . ‘JU 95 CMâ€. . , - - so want you to see his Bl Bar inns. Wheat, spring; " 90 9'.’ 3‘ g g ilurlcy, per bushel . . . . . . . .. 40 50 All Wool Blue Serge 45 Oats. ‘ . . . - . - - . 353 3'3 l Beautiful l-lrints, only- 5 h ‘ .; nr~ n. . __ {,‘lm" , ' ' " _ l tluavy Rullt‘t‘ 'l‘owcling,_ vc “ . . . . . . . . i a . ,,;,,,’,,Oos . . ‘ D . . . I . 3,) 35 a Heavy Grass lunei‘.,. 10 Butler, ['cr ll) . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3 14 i 2 Spools Black or White Thread, 1‘ rings. per dozen . . . . . . . . 13. 14. 3â€â€ 3“le WC“: f"? ' ' l 5 llay, per ton. . . . .. . . . . . . Céli‘o' 7100 l Eenutifnl Sealette Coating worth Sin, 6 50 l‘llllCS ....... . ...-u. 4.... 4.00 , Ilrxnp Carpet, onlv Sheepskins. . . . . . . . . 00 1.00 . ' Cottoundo Uveralls, only 50 New Advertisements. \" A. ’1‘(‘I I IJC)ST. Lost on Monday. Srpt'r 213th, between.- Franris Strut West and llurtou's form, (by \\.t\' of 1‘ 4.‘ railroad truck.) a lndv's small (iold Witch. (‘hain and Locket. 'l‘iic tintitr “m h. ,-.--.vurdvd upon leaving them at the i - in. (1:1: .. mutt’. â€"-.. sign/m 8.4.15 0F mans.- MOORE vs. BRANDON. ll)’ \‘ll'lilt‘ us" a writ issmd t-lli. of the i‘iilllll}’ l' i ' \ cruiszn .. .'~.,:>..:. . A. .‘AAL‘ .it llu‘ >lit'ufi: U.l.ct‘, ‘. ‘ ti; In the 'l‘tnvn ut'IJudsuy. u-i Suzi.“ l'u‘. THE lel DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT. ‘ ' \.'I ' . .;:‘ 01 13 at†tut ..\l 1.. at 1h.“ :tt- JOHN llcl.ii.\'.‘i'.\\'. v2. ,~~ p212, itsmj ,,,._.,EM. J. At CARTER‘S Great Bankrupt Stock Store. , 6 White Linen Handkerchiefs for ‘25 ' S m icrs of Pius. short as needles 5 I l y ! Satin-ï¬nish Table Uilcloths 3‘2 l . ,, , - f, Ladies. St‘r our liiack (.ashmcre Hose 2;) l The Demand the Rich go: and nlikc ‘ .-\'l‘ (‘.~\'RT1~ZI‘.‘S. Men's Duck Driving Gloves. only i 00 Ladies, see our new Coatings. at SS » ‘-’ see our new Drrss Hobos. h we :ll("\\' the Largest Stock of Dress . Goods in Lindsay. ‘- go to Guzrin's for your Kid Gloves. â€"_..â€"â€"_. Terms Dash. and One Price,‘ AXE C2XIIT1211.S- ,. ‘ 0'3- CARTER make: :1 Spock-dry oi‘Gc-nts‘ w l k .t)l.....,{. l The Noted Cheap Man. 3.; C ,5.» qt . 5‘ 't"' ll WONDER was what they said our low priced system of business would be. W ho said it 2 Our competitors, of course. Still they admit and the nine days has lengthened to ninety and" is going right on. C .S n enables us to make two bargains for one and save money to our customers besi‘d‘c; i'W'e buy better and. lower, and. sell better and; lower, than any credit crippled. competitor. Extraordinary bargains all the time. PRI‘C'ES AS’ LOW’ AS C'AN POSSIBLY'BE MADE. OUR IMPORTATIONS OF C ill “it are well Forward and will be fully complete next Week. Come with cash. and see what advantage it gives in. prices. and quality of goods. .. (Thisdiouse is reliable.) ‘ i and ll('iilf: builders oursa-lvt-s. \\'(' have a 1 or common luui : burns and outln. CARTER, ' and. crry, The ï¬reat Bankrupt: Stock Men, ’2' ‘ RS 3 ST UP THE; DALY HOUSE, LINDSAY. WA MEN, local or travel- ’ ' . ing, to sell my guar- nnteed .\'t'nsnnv Schtc. Salary or-Commis-â€" sion,.p,aid weekly. Outï¬t free. Special at- tention given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for particulars. E...0..GRAHAM, Nurseryman,. ’l‘bnoxro, ONT. 29-10.. GREENE 86,. ELLIS’S. LUMBER. YARDS, FENELUN liliillllll llNllill-v. We have for sale here and at Lindsay all j kinds Of liuilding Lumber, Joist, Scantling l’lnnk, Timber, Lnth. l’ickcts, Shingles, ) li‘ence Posts and all kinds of l’lancd :tnd ' Two-rowed Barley For Sale. The undersigned has 100 bushels of two- rowed Barley for sale at $1. Wiper-bushel, the Toronto price. WANTED. Reliable 1%thng Bit-n i: sell choice Nursery Stock. Complete a:- sorlmcnt. A Splendid opportunity oil't-rv-I. for Spring work. My salesmen have good success, many selling from Sloo to S‘JW per week. Send for l’rot'f and Testimo- ninls. A good pushing man wnntt-d hert- at once. Liberal Terms and the best goods in the market. Write I’lthlllinlt‘fl l-Z. YOUNG, Nurserynmn, Rochester, Y. Stir wiiriti â€"-â€"â€"A.\'Dâ€"â€"- Wu. C. FELL, Lot 18 Con. 2, Smnerville, I’cnelou Falls 1’. O. Semrrillc, Sept. 22nd, 1800. 3l-3.‘ DON’T lie Zed (natty by cverypufl of'wz'ncl that blows. STILEâ€"Aâ€"LIVE ’ l :aud able to compete in my ownl Matched Lumber from one to two years old. ,linc of busincs‘. and thank "1‘. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new illlllllCI‘OllS stock. out last season. well roofed, dry and tkind support for the lngt ten bright. li!:\nllfd(_‘llll‘t‘ll expressly for the l0t':ll trade of Fcntlou Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long cxpericncr in the business, by buying your MILLINERY at line. it. MCDOEIMLL‘s. where patrons for their years. I have withstood op- position iivc times in the last good idea of what is required for first class ling lil:llL‘l‘li2l5 for liulis‘t'S lilinqs. We have :\~'<ni‘fi."i ud piled by thcm=clves , luoth qualitii-s l0 suit purch.t<~r.~‘. Prices from S.: 3H to :SJ px-r .\l foot .lli‘l upwards. , Wi- l::t‘.‘i- Alum! in o million lt'-'i that must ‘---3 sold to nuke room for :uw stock. l’ar- ' I..,.r any n’.‘ 7l;-: above stock will " I'lY-V by l'.’.llill'_’ iii-fort- purchasing c. u:- by sending :lirir lvills' 'c or lliiis l‘ :nntcd 'jri-i'al. (Lin ship by an,- I‘ai. L'nl .=;i~ t-Eal rates f.i'.m.":~. ,na to . t 301:? orlcrs, ‘v "Unv ltvlii I " in liar: Earned.’ . ,‘ TAKE: -:-: alum: is all gang lum- ‘ bar, Ewtl'dilt‘l -.-.'i-" i l Hill-ZEN}: .‘c lil.l.l.‘<.!1~nalmz F1535. SAI-i'L. i‘AIISUNS. Jpn: J: I.i1:..".'..ty itcn years in Feuelon Falls, audi ;will‘still be able to give satis- it‘action, as in the past, nitc1‘,A {having had thirty ycnrs' ex-, ' pericuce. of the very latc=t and mm! inï¬ll-liq? -- Nliilirtcry is always on hand. â€"â€"Illl-â€"-â€" As usual, great attention will be given ‘ i l Watchmaker & Jeweller _ PEN]; . UN m ILLS. D R 533'“ Al“ N C: .2 Doors South oi Mechanics' Institute. iii???â€{filoiilii"£355.:iii‘dii"Zill’. -: neatly and auntie-ally lllfl'lt. WEI?“ Sulwcribc for the Fen-i Mrs R Monongall .clon Fullr‘ “ Gillette, ’ tml)’ lla .VL‘ZII‘ lll illâ€"lvallcc- Font-iota l'ltiii,.lutiu 'Jlid, i514â€. 2 lhors North of the i’oit-ofllrr-~ -. "q a Maw ,- ‘~4 .._.._._..._...