Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Oct 1890, p. 4

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s- s- RITCHIE has engaged in other business, and is lvlng up he Dry Goods Trade in Lindsay. He is offering the whole of his, fine stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS at Wholesale Prices for Cash. The Stock is well assorted in Fall and Winter Goods, and consists of Grey and W/zz'le Cottons, C ottonades, Snz'rtz'ngs, Tz'r/éz'ngs, Denz'ms, Dncl’s, Towels and Towel/mg, Blaze/zed and Colored Taéle Linens, Hollands, Prznls, Dress Lzmngs, IRON MURDER & MAORI-NET AGRICULTURAL Bridge Bolts Madeto. Order. Home P owers, Straw C n tiers, and a good variety of General Purpose Plong/zs. A good as.- : sortment of Springâ€"tooth Har- rows, T MANUFACTURER or AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. '9- and’3'â€"fnrrow Gang Pl ougle Sleel . Harrows, Iron HOMAS 00380“. 1 1 J. D. Naylor 8: Son. Sow with? one 9 year. 1 J. Quible, 2J. D. Naylor d7 Sou. year, 1. Jr. W“. Suddaby, 283th“ Dny. Aged sow, ‘1 Nathan Day, 2 Whiter H. Stevenson. Sow under one year, 1 Na- Engine, andâ€"Mill 1101' than Day. 1 John Lamb. {Thomas Robson. Tim-furrow- plough, 1'1 T. Robson, 2 Sylvester Bros. Scut- fler, 1 Thomas Robson- Harrows, 1 T“. ,Powor-strawcuttcrs, 1 Thomas Robson. drawing, black, 2: Miss throne. Wool- len yarn, single, 1 Mrs. Day. Woollen wreath, 1 Mrs. S. Nerison. Hair work, 1 Mrs. St Nevison. Motto, 1 Mrs. J. Chambers. lVorkedtslippers, 1. Mrs. S'. Nevison. Crochet work, wool. F Mrs. Oxby, 2: Mrs. J. Chambers. Embroid- ery in silk, 2' Mrs. T. Johnston. Arm. senc work, 1 Mrs. '1". Johnston, 2 Mrs- John Chambers. Quilt, sowed down, patch. 1 Mrs J. Jordan, 2: Miss Jordan. Drawn work, discretionary. Miss Jor- dan. Quilt, patched, calico,_1. Mrs. by. Rag carpet, 1. Mrs. Stephen Nevisoix. Counterpane, knitted, 1 Mrs. Nnvlor, 2. Mrs. Oxby. Door met, 1 Mrs. Naylor. Woollen yarn mat, 1 Mrs. Manning. Hand straw-cutters 2 Thomas Robson. . . . . v ‘ . . Silk Quilt, l. Mira. Oxby. Quilt, patch- 1’000 Shlnf’les’ 1' JOhD A" bulg' Plank' ed, cloth,1 Mirs. T‘. Johnston. Crochet. not ticketed. Men’sboots, 14 and 2". H. - . . ‘ V work on cotton, 1 Mrs. P. Johnston. Pcme' 150‘“ m“ r D-m‘w’bm' Suit ol‘ clothes,1 H. McDougall. or... Sinalc harness 1 J. J. Nevison. Whif- . . . = ’ _ _ . , crettonnry prize recommended tor Side. tie-trees and neck-yoke, recommended. board exhibimd by ,1. Dcymnu. , Poultryâ€"«Black Spanish. 1 George Large Swinemny basedâ€"Aged boar, John D Naylor & Son. Aged. sow, Pigs, small breedsâ€"Boer under one Special prize by H. Austin, Implements, &.c.â€"-Plough, 1: and 2 Robson. Land rollbr, 1‘ Tho's Robson. Fancy, Grey and Navy Blue Flannels, Full Clot/as, Yarns, Kid and Cas/mzere Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Blade end Colored Dress Goods in lileltons, Cas/zmeres, Henrzeltas, Surges, Silks, Plns/zes V elvetems, [Mantle C lot/is, Ready-made Clot/ling, Overalls, Bed C onzforz‘ers, W'oollen Blanl‘els, Hats, Caps, Gents" Fnrnz's/n'ngs and Small Wares, and other lines too numerous to mention, all of which must be sold and the Store vacated BEFORE FEBRUARY NEXT. N ow is the time to get . many lines below, Wleolesale Przces for Cos/z only. 8.. S. RITCHIE, .( Great Bargain House.) Iient 513., Lindsay. SOMETHlNG NEW. (}Eer‘I_JE1VIEN, A'f'ZDEN'I‘IOJN! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK or NEW SPRING TAILCRING GOODS, unnpuscd of; French and English Snitings anti"1‘rouscrings, Scotch, Irish and Canadian 'ilwccds, which \Verc bought early and at a low prtcc from a. large assortment of goods. 1M?" Come early and choose your Spring Clothing while the stock is new, and get It Nobby Suit, well made and trimmed. .A NEAT FI'D GUARANTEED. ‘ Prices vaa-y Dovrn for Cash. . CK'CEH‘RO Co. Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. 15 Selling His Entire Stock of your Fall and Winter Goods at, and V v . - ~ ‘ ,nvwfl 1 D. Sinclair. Foal of1890, 1 D. Sin- W- MN lelair, 2- P. Perdue. Two year-old, 1 w. Littleton. Bhfi'Cbchins, 12 Geo. Little- .ton. Silvter Hninbnrghsrl H; Panrse, ‘21 Geo. Manning. Light Brahmas, h and. .2 G'corgc Littleton. 1 and 2 George \Ianning. Brown Leg- horns, 1 E. D. Hand, 2 Geo. LittlctOn. I‘luudaus, 1 E, D. Hand. Bantams. 1 George Manning. Grey Goose, 1 Wal- Fter H’. Stevenson. White Ducks,1 Gent Manning, 2 John Jordan. Dark Ducks, 1 William Jordon. Tm‘kcys,1 J. l . Suddaby, 2 W. 1%. Stevenson. ‘ Grain. Ecoâ€".1341” wheat, 1' N. Day. Spring wheat, 1 John D Naylor & Son. White Russian wheat, 1 J. Suggett. 'Harrows and I'Vood Ha-rrows ALL OF WIHICIL \VIBL. BE. SOLD. AT LOW PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. THOMAS ROBSON. Fenelon Falls, Out. M The Fenclon Falls (idiotic. FridaY, October 3rd, 1890. ‘4 Birohall to be Hanged. The Birchnll murder trial. which commenced at Woodstock on Monday, the 22nd of September, came to an end Outs, 1 J. D. Naylor MSon, 2' Nathan last Monday night, when the jury,,nfter Day- Barley,_ll Nathan Day. Rye. L a short consultation, returned a verdict. -;J.ohn D. Naylor tit-Son. Beans, I Geo. of “ guiltyfi’ and Birchall, who declared 'Manning, 2 Nathan Dny. Buckwheat, his innocence, was. formally sentenced (recommended,) J. W. Suddaby. Flour by Judge McMahon to be lutnged on 40 lb9., 1; McDougnll &, Brandon. R‘oae Friday, November 14th. No one who potatoes, 1 John Fell, Jr., 2 John A. has read the evidence can doubt that Ellis. Elephant potatoes, 1 J. W. Sud- the verdict was just, or that before the dztby. Hebron potatoes, 1 J. Willock. party left England Birchell intended Sweed turnips, 1 John Lamb, 2 John to murder Benwell, and had fixed upon A, Ellis, Aberdeen turnips, 1 John the Blenheim swamp as the scene-0f the .dean. Carrots, white, L George Man. crime. It is said that the condemned uing, 2‘ John Lanlb._ Carrots,,loug red, man is as lively and light-hearted as 11Jolm Fell, J15, 2,11 1); Naylou 001. before the trial, but his. wife is utterly 'cry, 1 Thomas Johnston. Pursuips, 1 prostratcd by the conviction of her J. W. Suddaby. 2 W. Jordan. Man- husband. golds, 1 John D. Nnylor & Son, 2 G00. ='â€"â€"â€"'â€"'== Manning. Beets, blood, 1 George Man- The Prize‘Listl. 'ning. Beets, turnip, 1' Gen. Manning, Following is the list of successful .compctitors at the Fenelon Branch Ag- ricultural Society's fall show, held in this village on Friday and Saturday, the 19th & 20th ult. :â€" Drztught Horsesâ€"Span owned. byva farmer, 1 J. Cullis 8.1 Son. Brood mare, 1 George Manning, 2 John Jordan. Onions, top. large, 1. George Manning. Onions, seed, 1 John Jordan, 2 George Manning. Citrons, 1 Wm. Jordan, 2 Nathan Day. California. citrons venom.- imended n prize. Mtht), musk, 1‘ J'ohn D. Nnylor. Melon, water, 1 J. D. Nay- lor. Pumpkins, 1 J. D. Naylor. 2 Na- than Dny. Corn, yellow, 1, E. Wager, ,2,J.,D. Nnylor. Corn, white, 1-. J4. D. ’Naylor, 2‘ Greene & Ellis. White sweet corn recommended a prize. Butter in tub, 50’lbs.', 1: Mrs. Day- Butter, 5 lbs. Hewic. Yearling colt, 1 Walter H. Ste- veusou. General Purpose II‘orsesâ€"Spon own- ed by f'armcr, 1 C. Curtis, 2.1L Lamb. White Leghorns, : Peasc, small, 1 John D. Nnylor 8.: Son. . '2 John Willock. Onions, potato, small, . 'in that. direction. Great Fire at Kinmount; On Friday, evening- last fire broke out' from some unknowncsusc in Win, Dun. bar’s hotel stable in the village of Kin- mount, and in a little over an hour nothing was left on either side ol' the main street cxccpt Bowie's new brick hotel; Werld’s store and an .old black- smithshop. Af for as we can learn .the losses and insurances were as fol‘. lows zâ€"Dunbar's Hotel, stables and‘ sheds. loss above insurance about 61000; J. Watson's store and dwelling, loss. above, insurance, $2000; Joe. Wilson, general'store and. post office, insurance, SMOO on buildbtg, no insurance on- stock, portly saved; G. T. Henry, blocks smith shop, dwelling and implement store, loss on stock $500 ', Mrs. chett's millinery and dress making store and, dwelling house, stock total loss; M. A.” Hopkins, general store stock insured For. $4.000, part saved ; W‘cllstood's boot.- nnd shoe shop, insurance not known ; A. Moore's jewellry store, stock snved, no insurance on building, total loss; Curry 8;.Johnston’s drug store, estimated. loss above insurance $1000 ; Sivanton, Bran- don & Co's store, estimated loss $6000 ; Orange Hull, insured for $500; M. May’s blacksmith shop, loss above 2200.. Along-Travellers. There was great excitement south of the river, lust Tuesday evening, over the disappearance of Mr. Joseph Laver- eau’s little daughter,- something over five years old, and soon parties were out searching for her in all directions; her uncle, Mr. Paul Sova, and others going; as far as the plains cast of the village, thinking she might. have wandered oil. M’nuy feared that: she had got into the water and. been drowned, and the locks ondoannl would no doubt have been dragged, but about at and W Below Wholesale Cost 01‘ “manufacture. in order to make room for ne‘v designs and. patterns. Call. early and secure In: t'guiust as; I am selling;- cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MQULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. McKeomn, FHA/VO/S STREET WEST, FE/VELO/V FALLS- I have now on hand. full supplies of SPRI G” J "l Brood mare, 1 W. Howie, 2.33. Fell Jr. Foal of 1890, 1! T. Sproul, 2 A. Jamie- son. 'l‘wo-ycnr-old, 1 N. Day, 2 C. Cur- tis. One-year-old colt, 1 D. Sinclair, 2.N.athnu Day. (Discretionary prize recommended to John Quibell for cartcr's horse.) Carriage Horsesâ€"Brood mnre,1 J. Cullis 8:. Son, 2;H‘;ugh McDougull. Fool 01' 1890, 1 Hugh McDougall, 2 John Cullis &. Son. Two-year-old colt, 1 & 2 A. Gillis. One-yearold colt-,1 Samuel Suddnby. Single driver. owned by far- mor, 1, “I. Weldon, 2'John Al. Ellis. Single‘driuer- otherwise owned, 1 Thos. Austin, 2Dr. Mason. Span owned by former, R. Oxby. Span otherwise own- ed,:1 Brandon «3'. McDougall. Speeding in the ring, 1' JohnA. Ellis, 2_W.. Wel- don, 3 Dr. Mason. Durham Cattleâ€"Bull two years old, 1J0hn Cullis &. Son. Bull one year old, 1 Thomas Newhousc. Cow in calf, 1 and 2 John Cullis & Son. l-Icil'eiztwo years old, 1 and 2 John Cullis SsSon. Heifer 1 your old, 11 John Cullis & Son, 2 Walter H. Stevenson. Bull calf, l \V. H. Stevenson. lleil'or calf, 1. and 2 JohnCullis &,Son. Best herd, 1 John 2 Mrs. Nztylor. Butter, 3 lbs, 1 Mrs. Day, 2 Mrs. Manning. Tomatoes, enn- qucror, 1 Mrs. Day, 2. Mrs. W.m. Rob. - son. Tomatoes, other kind‘, 1 Mr. Greene. Tomatoes, small, Mr. Greene. Grapes recommended a prize. Bread, homemade, 1. Miss Ellis, :ers. .1. Wil- Ilock. Jelly, 1 Mrs. Johnston, 27M’rs. 'Mnnning. Preserves, 1 Mrs. Nnylor, 2 Mrs. Manning. PickJes, 1 Mrs. Stephen Nevison, 2 Mrs. N'aylor. Honey, comb, 1, W. L. Robson. Honey, strained, 1. W. L. Robson. H'ouse plants, 1' Miss ,Ellis, 2: Miss Jordan. Fruitâ€"(loldon russets, 1 John Fell. Duchess, LJ. W. Suddaby, 2 W. Howie. Roxhury russcts,_1 Mrs. Chills, 2; Mrs. J. \‘éillock. Show, 2 Mrs. Cullis. Fall gpippins,1 Mrs. Cullis. Variety cook- ing apples, 1 Mrs. John Fell Jr., 2 Mrs. James Lamb. Hyslop crabs, 1 Mrs. J. I Lamb, 2 Mrs. G. Manning. Variety of crabs. 1. Mrs. George Manning, 2 Jnmes . anb._ M'r. F'crris’s prize, 1 J. Fell Jr., '12'J‘nmes Lamb. Fancy Workâ€"Slipper holder, 1 Mrs. T. Johnston. Foot rest, 1 Mrs. John- ston. Whisk holder, 1. Mrs. Jnlinston., lVorkcd foot rest, 2‘, Mrs. McArthur. 10 o'clock Mr. Sutherland, the station master, heard that the child was mis- sing, aud‘sa-id'that ho. had. seen her on the smoking car of the train that leaves at 4 p. m. for the north. At that hour the telegraph offices were all closed ;.but- us soon as possible in. tho~ morning it message was sent to llaliburton, and the reply was that the little one was all right, and would be home by the train. Conductor L’ym, seeing her alone on the cur, took her-to his wife who hap- pened to be on the train, and Mrs. l’ym took care of her until next morning. She told the conductor her name and. where she lived, and said she was going ,to. see her: fathcr,who.is away from. home but not at lI‘aliburton. m Personals. Dr. W; M, l’syuc, 01' Cleveland, Ohio, who some years ago taught school in. Verulam, has been on a visit todnis. old friends in and around lt‘cnclou Fltlls and Bobcaygcon, andtlcl't for home last Tuesday morning. Mr- Wesley M'anniug, socand son of \r‘777â€"117T - s73: .77 t4 HOVELS, SPADES, PICKS, AND A rum. .-\.~T.SOI‘.'I‘.\1E.\'T or 4‘.GI{1CUIJVL‘ITI.{ .A. 1.4 +:= 'I‘O() IJS I Johnston’s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. , . Cullis tit-Son. 'Bcrlin woolwork, flat, 1 Mrs. Oxby, 2 Holstein Cattle,â€"Bull mo yam-s old, Mrs. Nevison. Berlin wool work, raised, 1 Walter H. Stevenson. 1 M John Jordon. Toilet set, 2 Miss Grade Cattleâ€"Cows, 1 and 2, A. Jordan- Crazy work, 2 Miss Jordan. 'Jnuiiesou. Heifer two years old, 1 John Painting on shell, 1 Mrs. John Jordan. Suzzctt, ‘3. A. J'mnlcson. Heifer. calf, \Vorkcd foot rest, 1 Mrs. T. Johnston. 1 .Tx‘. Jumicson. Fat beast, 1 Jolm Sng- Water-color painting. 1 Mrs. Naylor, 2 gett, 2 John Cullis & Son. Miss Emily llaud. Fancy table mat, l ‘ Best bull, any age or breed, 1 John Mrs. J. McArthur. Painting on marble, Cullis. 1 Miss l‘lzlis. Fancy wool mitts, knit- Lciccster Sheepâ€"Aged ram. LJohu ted. 1 Mrs. Osby. lCullis M501), 2 ll. Lamb. Shoat'ling WW. ‘3 Mrs. ()xby. Tuning, 1' Mrs, i mm, 1 James Lamb, 2 J. (.‘nllis .k Son. ll. Mellougull. l’cncll drawing, 1 Miss Runny knitting in. ' of Mr. George manning, came home last lt'ridny from Algmna. and left yesterday morning for British Columbia. Mr. ll, M; McKenzie, who left the Falls a few months ago for Toronto. is back again, having accepted at position in Mr. Henry Austin's store. Mr. Mc- Kenzie was Warmly Welt-mqu by the many lricnda he made during his lormcr residence in the Vlll;|'_'0. ‘ M'n. \l'. 'l'. Junkin returned home on Tuesday lost from Toronto, where she had spent upwards 01 a wet-k. A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best Churn in i the Market. Too Much Stock: and Too Little Money I? linlu lamb, l and 2 ll. Lamb Aged “ewes. 1 Richard Lamb, '2 John Lamb. , Shoai'liu: CWL‘“, 1 John Lamb, 2 John Cullis é; Son. l‘lwo Lamb, 1 and 2 ll, Lamb. Bust 1.0ic\-:tct‘lsinb 01‘ any ago, John Culds k Sn. Snutlidown Sherp.â€"â€".\j_jtd ram. 1 J. l Emu,- Hand. on Painting, 2 Mm, Digs mm ‘23- Wile sotllonw Nuylor. Sample fancy work, by child 1 1““, “ Ux‘ll‘fv‘s‘lifif l""'“ 3 “'t-“Jk’s V13” (0 under 12 years old. 1 Miss Chambers. 3 “W” “Mull-c" l” M“”""”""‘ Toilet set, workwl, 1 Mrs. John Chain-l om. Braid work, 1 Mrs. John cum-l hers. Braid Work, flat, 2 Mrs. ()xby.l \l'ool mitts, l and 2 Miss Ellis. ()ill " . . _ . K. _.=‘.‘ Powles’s Corners... Carr! fruit-lam". [Jr/.1.» IIIIIZ’I'!‘ . Roy/s Titian (in. Etching/c for Tinu'm'c Only. . l‘ Nitvlr-r 5; Fun. llzttn lamb, l l Jll‘fi. Joseph .Y'lCAl'llllll‘. Painting on E and 2 J. D. Navlor t‘; 5-»:1. .Xuvr'l owes. ; 't'(‘lVL'[, -li.~cr«:zi-')n:try, Mrs. ll. MCDJIL l l and 2 J. I), NJVlUl‘ .'\' Son. Sharll‘llng 3.13.1. l’tihlmwcn: work. 1 Mrs. J. Jr”. ewes, 1 J_ 1)_ _\’,;-,-} ,.r x 5 .11. Two 5W0 idau. 2 Mrs. Jolt” Chambers. Painting 3 hwy-,3 I and 2 I). _\',1\‘lor A; Son, 3 0!) silk. 1 .‘lla‘ 2 Juiclml.E ' V ' silk. 1 Mr-T. J. Jm'tl HI.“ ' lor X Son. Sim-rial pill: by Mr. Wei-9 Flue Shirt. 1 Mrs. tlxbv. l’uncil 'lmw- ' JOSEPIIJâ€"fiâ€"EARD. l Fat shut-p, 1.1.3111} \Yiifick J. l) Ntv-l Embroidery on idea, 1.19m Cuitls. ling, colurcl, 1 .\1i=s met-w. D. Nz-ylur .k Son. Shutrliug mm, 1 and painting. 1. Min, Kills. Solo cushioa.’ . j J 'i‘lllLL SELL AWAY BMW F638 Sill BASH. . A vt-ry interesting occurrence tool: plan»: at the rasidcncc of Mr. John Brown on the 17th ult., bin: the marâ€" . rlaze ot' Mi“ Etta Brown to Mr. Frank Mill/11.", ol' Burk's Falls, Mu~kok:i. The list. .‘lr. l’urkcr performed the (:urc- mony in his usual g-u'l style. Comment unmmcssory' us to the presents, which l’t-ncil , wett- numt-rous and C0:ll','. The happy

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