SELLING OFF SATEDST -â€"â€"-â€"ANI)â€"â€" ~H»--...__ S. S. RITCHIE Bridge Bolts Made to Order. Horse Powers, Straw C m‘fcrs, moan ‘BcBStittJ IROX FOENDER & MACHHIST, MANUFACTURER OF , AGRICULTURAL y IMPLEMENT? l Engine. andâ€" Mill llorkl AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS PROMI'TLY ATTENDED 'I‘O. is retiring from the Drv Goods trade in Lindsay, and is oil'er- .) mm, infurrow G,,,,,,.P/0,,g/,). (V l 0 ing the whole of his stock of Staple 8: Fancy Dry Goods, and a good ziarz'ely of Gwzcrm ' Purpose Ploztg/zs, A good. as- sortmml of Sprmg-z’oolit filtr- llats, Caps, Ready-Made Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings & Small rows, Steel Her-fronts, from \l'ares a! l’V/zolesale Prizes/or Ctzs/z. The Stock is well assort- Harrow: and Wood [flatworm ed in every department, and everything will be sold without reserve, from a needle to an over coat. humbug or catch trade affair, but a genuine selling out and re- tiring from business sale. Now is the time for the shrewd, witleawake citizens of the town and country to purchase ï¬rst- (loss goods at from z’o per cent; [655 Man. t/zey am My [/16- some (pull it} e/savu/wre. The “Thole Stock Must be Sold in a short time, so. make hay while the sun. shines. P. S.â€"â€"The store that I occupy 1s to let, and I have two houses for sale at a bargain. S. S. RITCHIE, Iicnt St, L indsy SOMEjfltnc _ NEW. (ï¬iIflN '1‘ 1413‘) I EN , A'IVI‘ISN 'F’ION ! WE HAVE JLS'I‘ RECEIVED- A lll‘lAl'Tll’U‘L STOCK OF NEW SPRING TAELORENG GOODS, composed of French and Iil'nplish Snitings anti 'L'ronserings, Scotch, Irish and Canadian 'l‘wvcds. which Were bought early and at a low price from a large assortment of- goods. {35" came early and choose your Spring Clothing while the stock is new,.and get a Nobby Suit, well made and trimmed; A NEACF FICF GUARAN'I‘EED. I’l-iccs Acorn): Dovvn for Cash. CATHRO & Co; Opposite McLen-nan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. w. MOKEOWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of i FU'RN ITURE at. and Below Wholesale Cost 01' na:unnï¬u.~'uu'e. in order to )nuko roonx for ne‘v designs and patterns. Cull early and secure hut-gains. us I am: selling- cheaper than. any dealer in the. Clounty. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK, WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. w. McKeoWn, FRANCIS STREET WEST, FE/VELO/l/ FALLS. I have now on hand'full supplies of seam Goons. sHoVELs, SPADE’S, EICKS, "TAG. 1: ICUIJLTT-RA L TOOLS g}..- ’i Johnston’s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best Churn in the Market. I Too Much Stock and Too Little Money IE 1 l â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" l WILL SELL AWAY‘DDWN FOR SPOT BASH; t . . . . . i It’ugs Tit/rm m £.t‘(‘]1(.lll{/(? jor szmn‘e Only; JOSEPH HEARD.l " thur House, and soon Q ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT Remember, this is 110 LOW muons TO MEET 'rnn TIMES. THOMAS ROBSON. Fenelon Falls, Out. ’l‘ltc Fcnelou Falls (incite. r -Friday, Sept. 19thf1890. The McKinley Tariff. Though the McKinley bill, which prac- tically excludes Canadian farm products l'rom the States, has become law, very t. little consternation is felt this side of the lines. The new tariff goes to such extremes, and is so unpopular even in the States, that no one believes it will last long. and, if it. should, the prob- ability is that Canadian farmers will find a market in the old country for everything they have to dispose of. Their live stock and cheese already cross the Atlantic in great number and quantity, and successful experiments have been made in shippingr eggs, which reach the old country in pcrfthly good condition and sell at prices satisfactory , to all interested. The McKinley tariff" will undoubtedly disturb existing trade relations, but that will be its worst result, and, in the end, it may prove a blessing in disguise. The Ontario Cabinet. The Ontario Cabinet has been reor- ganized. Mr. John Dryden, M. P. P. for South Ontario, becomes Minister of Agriculture in succession to I'i'on. Chas. « Drnry, who retires. Mr. Richard Har- court, M- L’. P. for Menck, becomes Treasurer in place of lion. A. ‘M. Ross, who has withdrawn from active politics. Mr. E. H. Bronson, M. I’. P’. for Otta- wc,joinsthe Administration as Minis- tcr without portfolio. The Cabinet is, therefore, now constituted. as follows 2,â€"â€" Hon. Oliver Mow-at, Premier and. At- torney-chcral. Hun. G. W. Ross, Minister of Edu- cation. Hon. C. I“. ‘rascr, Commissioner of , Public Works. Hon. A. S. Hardy, Commissioner of Crown. Lands. llon. Richard Harcourt, L’tfovi‘nciali 'l‘reasurcr. lion. John Dryden, Minister of Agri- , culture. Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secre- tary. Mon. E. H. Bronson, Minister, with. out portfolio. Victims of Misplaced Uo-nï¬denco- A peripatcttic trader in human gulli- bility struck the village last Friday, and when he left by the early train next morning' he was a- good many dollars richer than when he came. lie called himself Dr. liedwlngs and claimed to be a regularly qualified practitioner from a medical college in Texas; and his mission was to dispense " a lid West " remedies to suffering humanity. Dres- sed up in what is popularly supposed to be cowboy costume, with an enormous revolver and. two rows of cartridges in his belt. he mounted a brilliantly illu- minated waggon in front of the McAr- drew a crowd around him by the strains of his banjo and the singing of himself and his cou- tedcratc, who by means of lampblack or something else had Converted himself into an artiï¬cial Ethiopian for the oc- casion. The " doctor‘s" little game was very simpie. but none the less effective. lie cotuna-necd by selling a preparation for extraCting warts and cows at 2.5 Cents per bottle. and when a good many had been disposed of he returned each purchaser's money, with a dime in ad- dition, to be expended in drinking his health. Next came packages of catarrh snuff at half a dollar. and wine of those who bought it got 72') cents. By this time the cupidity and crcdulity of the ; crowd were pretty thorouzhly cxcited,l and when the " doctor " offered other} uostrutua at a dollar. after stating that ' rold watches would be presented to the l » t'rst thirty-six purchasers, and that. all i would get a valuable present. he found , a host of eager to invest. The doctor's ! " hourltad come.†The “ wold " watches ‘i one of our Venn" ladies. h 1 . a ._ _....-... _. her attending to her household duties L again. If report be true. we are soon to lose The cause â€"â€" were made ofbrassâ€"aad very thin bmss l matrimony. tooâ€"without any works in them, and' the prl’SCllCS were “Colorado cold-point t ed pens." with which the doctor Said! the recipients could write testimonials; in his favour. of laughter, not unmixed with indigna- ' Personals. Mr. R‘. J. F'rost returdcd' on Monday There was a good deal from Grim“. Mr. Wm. Routly. of Kirkï¬cld, has- tio“: “3 he bnsmy dismount“ “'0'†the . has been at the Falls since Wednesday. Waggon and took refuge in the. hotel;, Mr. W. T. J-unkin went to Tornnt i. those who had [10$ 3‘05 biï¬iell‘ gleefully last Saturday and returned on \VQJL chaï¬ing those who bed, while many of, nesday, the latter expressed the opinion that the ; Mr. Henry Martin, who is employed: ’cnte genius from the Wild “'cst ought , at Midland, came to the Falls 0,, Sub, to be arrested as a swindler. 1 To All Whom it May Concern. I We are rcqpested. to mention that on the 15th of Nov. next the Rev. Wm. Logan. Rector of St. James" Church, will have completed his fortieth year in the ministry, and is now entitled to full retiring allowance. He will be ready to retire as soon after that date as pro‘ vision can be made for. his successor. The value of tlte‘endbwmcnt is, after 537- l nod assessments are deducted, $4395.20. with Rectory valued at $100 per annum. Mr. Logan takes one half of" this n- monnt as part of his retiring allowance, until such time as the Superannuatitm l Fund, just in its infancy, is ablc to as some its payment. Mr. Logan would thercf’cre take 8291, andleavc $197 and the. house to his successor... ' The min- imum. stipend fixed by the Synod is 5800- and. a. house. The sum of $603 . will have- to. be made up and guaranteed l by men ofi property. Mr. L :gan gives l this early. notice in: order that. this work may be gone-about at. once. The formation of the St. J‘amcs‘ con- gregation da-tes from 1.8391 Mr. Logan is the sixth. incumbent, and his incum- : bcncy has been something over three years more than the incumbencies-of the ‘ last siar incumbents combined. During the thirty (Ill-cc years that elapsed before . Mr. Loean came to the parish it was for ten years without an. incumbent, occa- sioned by vacancies between the several appointments. During on:I of the en- cumbencies the congregation dwindled down to the incumbent’s own family, without any one trying to destroy it. Mr. Logan has had during his time in the parish 24.2 baptisms, 5'0: marriages and. 97 burials. Another Fire in the Village. Early last Sunday morning a frame dwelling house on Lindsay street, owned by Mr. Edwin Wood and occupied by Mia. John. Craig, was destroyed by fire, which appears to. have. been causcdeith- or by a: defect in the building, or by the Stovepipe passing too near the wood- work in an upper room. The house was quite new and. Mr. Craig, who is a. bachelor, moved into it about a month ago, and has since been working at the model of a reaper he'has invented. A cookstove in the kitchen was the only one used until Saturday, but on that; day a box stove Was put up in one of! the rooms of the main house; and at night the first fire was lighted in it, as the weather was chilly and Mr; Craig, l who had been to: the Salvation Army" meeting, wished to polish up a model of one of his inventioais that he intended to take to Toronto with. him on. Mon-(hiya About midnight he and his cousin. 1 Charles McFadden, a ladzabout 11 years ’ old. who Was visiting him, went to-bcd in the front room on the ground floor; and when. they awoke four or ï¬ve hours later they heard the fire burning, over- head, and the- hall‘ was so full ofdensc smoke that. they could not get to the front door, and had. to escape though one of the-windows of‘ the room in which i they Slept. The house was soon entirely destroyed, together with almost all its‘ contents, which Consisted of Mr. Craig's furniture, clothing and tools, and the i models of the different inventions at which he has been working during the past five or six years. There was an - insurance of $300 on the house, which f Mr. Wood says cost him about $4.30, 3 and. Mr; Craig had 81,501) on his effects. . ..._, ,,.__ , _---_ l Powles’s Corners. , l l Corn-spatulencor rgl'lluz Gazelle. Farmers around here who are mam. bers of any of the difiercnt agricultural societies are making preparations for the fall shows. The directors af the Fenclon branch society lose a good mn- ny dollars by not. taking less than 82 after the lst of August. Many of the fit-mots do not. think about it. until that ‘ date has pissed. and then they do n'ti fch inclined to pay $12. An improve? meat could be made along this line. i X it much fail wheat. is being sowed l in this vicinity, as it is becoming a. thing of the past. I The many lriends of Mrs. W'm. \lar- l shall will regret to learn that she has? been lately taken down by inflammation ' of the loaf-s. She is under the cm: of ; Dr. Wilson, and we expect to soon sec“ 0 urda y. Messrs. Roderick McDougalland An- gus Fountain got home from. Midland-i on Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Austin left for Toronto on Monday accompanied. by her brother. Thomas Henry- Mrs. Win. Letts, of Toronto, left on: Tuesday, after spending six weeks with friends at the Falls. Miss. Sarah Prescott, who came home- for a visit some weeks ago, returned to Toronto last. Monday. Mrs- Fi‘ccd', of S'und'crlhnd', who. has been visiting at M'r. WI E. Ellis's, went home on Tuesday. Dr. E. S. Wilson, who left the Falls- on the 19th of May for the old country; got home on Wednesday. M'iss Katie MeGi'vcrn left the Falls last week for Rochester. where she in-~ tends staying for some time. - Mrs. R. McDougall, M'iss Robertson, Miss [Iceley and Miss Mary Nevisou went to Toronto on Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Campbell returacd. home on Tuesday from- a: six weeks visit to the lower province and the sea-side. Rev. Moses Methercll, of Cambray, visited old friends in the Falls and its- vici’nity the beginnincr of this week. Mrs. R. A. Dickson. of Toronto. who has been on a visit todier-parcats at the Manse, left for the city on Tuesday. Masters Willie Iletrd and Herbert Sandford left on the 11th inst. to spend: a week and see the sights in Toronto. Mrs. William Sewcll, who left the Falls on. the 23rd of June to- visit her relatives in Ireland, will probably be home about the 1st. of October, as her husband has received a. letter stating. that she-wouldsail on the ISM) inst. Messrs. Thomas Robson. Lewis Day- man, W. W2 Blott,.J‘o.=eph .llcll‘arland, B“. Sylvester, J‘ohn Craig, George Martin, Edward Fyson, Walter Ingram, William E. Ellis. Rev. James Fraser, J. Twomcy, Jr., D. Twomey, M. Has- kjll, K. Murchison andt 'L‘hos. McDian mid' went to Toronto to see the exhibil tion, and some of them have returned. Posrroxnn.-â€"Tho concert in aid of the village band, which was to have come off this evening, has been post- poned. for a week, as the B'obcaygcon Ladies" Band cannot: come until then. THE. BEST YET.â€"Mr. George Ellis wen: to G'oose Lake on Wednesday, and returned in the evening with live flac- ducks hanging fronthis gun barrel. llc shot six, but one full where he couldn‘t ï¬nd. it. This is the best record in duck shooting we- have heard. of tlllS‘SCllSt‘fll. Acetoneâ€"(tn Saturday last Mrs. John. Welch‘s second son, Percy in. his. tenth ycar, fell from a velooipede, in consequence of‘oue-of thc-whccls getting into a crack in the» si'ilbwalk,.and put. his right elbow out of joint. Dl'. Ura- ham, who- was called in, administered chloroform and reduced the dislocation, and the- little patient is- doing wull. A Good Slim:ES'l‘lUN.â€"To-tlay and to-nwrrow the village will. be full of farmers attending the show, and as a considerablepercentage of them are in arrears for the Gazelle, we beg to sug. gest that they Call in and make us hap- py- by paying what they owe. The suggestion is a good: one, and those who act upon it will be rewarded by the smiles of an approving COIISClUlICL‘. Solemn AT LINDs.\Y.â€"-.‘Lt'. John Milburn, an old and well known. resident of Lindsay, a stone mason by trade. committed suicide last Monday morni .-__; by jumping into the Scugog river, wlrcft flows near his house. lie was sulf'a'in; from w‘cakne~.~‘ of the brain, the remit of an illness several years ago. Out: of his sons saw him running to the river and tried to overtake him, but in vain. lie was not long in the water. but the attempt to resu~cit1tc him Was un~uc~ cesslul. lie was about 50 years of we, and leaves a widow and two sons _â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€" Thc potato crop in Limerick district is totally destroyed. Heavy rains have interfered with the harvests in Manitoba. Four inches of snow fell on Sunday at Ardock, Nurth Dakota. Prodigioua catches of nmckerel are reported from New Brunswick. Several valuable Ayrshire cattle be- longin; to an Ohio ï¬rm took sick and died at Detroit. Where they had been or. exhibition. The disease is pronounced to be few fever.