- ---~.W w....â€"â€".._.- v a..-†_._.‘_.'.â€".â€"â€"-â€" ~ .... .. . T {WWâ€"ww vâ€"M. .. ‘93:? Row Teachersariflafldimpped- #3, Rare Chance ‘ “ America holds the future." declared Matthew Arnold. May we not with l (-«pial truthfulnessdeclare that the teach- er~ hold America ? But alas, it is i also tragically true that the board oi" education hold the teachers and, in most cases with such a paralyzing grip that, is: some schools the Partingtonian ex-i pression. “ a corpse of teachers †is too true to be quarreled with. The sense- h-ss cramping and hampering of teachers rrsult naturally in the machine leaching, “here the revolution of each mental, i l l l \\ iivjcl mast be duly counted and correct- ly recorded in elaborate and expensive day-books and legch suitably prepared "1" these important mathematical en- tries; in the deplorable cramming which has been aptly described as pumping in a kettle with a lid on; in the discip- line which requires of little, living, grow- in: children the same order and quiet. as is displayed by the rows of tombstones in a graveyard ; in the promotions and graduatious which are determined by measurements of bodies and brains like time of a clerk at a dry-goods counter; in exhibitions in which the teacher's in lgment and conscience is at perpetual s'rii'c with official requirements. In the city of London every teacher has about one hundred and seventy books and re- turns to keep, so that the average a- mount of clerical work required from a , patty are larger than any other Life Office teacher is a great deal more than is done by any clerk in the War Department. Anl all this labour is in addition to the regular hours of teaching. There are 300,000 teachers in Americaâ€"four times as many as the legal profession, rive times as many as the clergy; and, as the late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher used to say, “ They are of more Value to the community than all the lawyers, doctors and ministers rolled up to- lWGiieot Discovery." gntlieriâ€-â€"-il1[ss Caroline 13. Le Row. piloted in (he New York Critic. â€"â€"o‘ N orth-west Crops. The wheat crop in Manitoba and the NortlrWest is becoming year by year a matter of increasing importance to the whole Dominion. Amidst the many con. dieting reports which were current during the last two or three weeks it iris diiï¬eult to determine with any degree of certainty whether the year was to be set down amongst the failures t r the successes. It is gratifying to be nor: informed, on the authority of the Minister or Agriculture, that very com- plete reports have been received by his Department from all points, and that there is no longer room to doubt that -' this year's grain crop, most of which is now harvested, is a magniï¬cent one. the yield heavy and the quality excel- lent." This is indeed good news, and. if conï¬rmed by the crucial tests of threshing and marketing, will not only bring needed prosperity to the farmers and other dwellers on the prairies, but will help to confirm the reputation of the country for wheat-growing to an ex- tent that must tell powerfully upon next ssason's immigration.â€" Week. Quick Work in a Printing Oflice. As a result of the recent gas strike in Leeds the town was in darkness, and it was with the greatest difficulty some of the newspapers could be published at all. Mr. Wilson Hartnell, engineer. of Volt Works, Leeds, volunteered the ser- vices of an cflicient stall to assist the Yorkshire Post out of the dilemma, and the management at once aeccptcd the dim. Work was begun within a few minutes of one in the afternoon; exca- vations were at once commenced in the basement to provide room for the driv- ing pulley, and the necessary founda- tions for the dynamo; countershalt and pulleys had to be specially turned and bored respectively for the neceSsary belts. and at 10 50 p. in. the dynamo marred running with forty lamps ol'50 i‘liilllc power and twenty lamps of 16 mnlle power in the composing room, n-nl tl lamps of 100 candle power in the machine room, the wiring for which was l'r‘llllilchtl, and each lamp provided with s‘llltlblc shade, in the short space of live and a h-ill' hours. This was smart work. « - --â€"â€"O-c Spgzikltig: of the proposed missionary «*zltt'l‘lil'lic in India. the Rev. Dr. George Pentecost says it was suggested to him by some higli~castc Hindoos, of which Lat-re are 5,000,000 in India. The -‘ Feitelon Falls Gazelle; ;â€"‘ printed every Saturday at the oï¬ice, on tile corner of .\lay & Francis streets. Sl’BSl‘Bll’TION 81A YEAR IX .UJYINCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as it remains. unpaid. xtdvcrtising' IRutes. Professional or business cards. 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements. ,4 (cm,- pcr line for the ï¬rst insertiou.and'.l cents per line for every subsequent inser- '.'.iill. Contracts by the year, half-rear or as trier. to: a column or loss, Upon beacon- able tennis. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinda executed neatly, cor hwy and reasonable rates. 5. 0- HAND. J‘r‘prulov, l \ will be continued on a much larger scale ~§~87 - LOTS - 87¢r l.\' rizxanox FALLS FOR SALE, l Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick house and lot on Fidler’s Hill. NO‘V IS X’OLTR TIDIE â€"â€" AS TI'IEY DIUST BE SOLD For terms and particulars apply to Barron .i: .‘lCL‘lllglllln, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to W. E. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls. April 25th, 1891-10“ The Canada lilolssuranoo Co’y, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ..-â€". TIIB OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. â€"._.â€" Capital 6; Assets as at the 30th of April, 1889. over $10,000,000. Annual Income for the ear ending 30th April, 1885. $1, 40,000. Total Sum assured to 30th April, 1885, amounts to $47,000,000. The profits of this old and reliable Com- doiiig business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are less than that of any otlr-r Canadian or llritisli ofï¬ce. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ‘b'le on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any ï¬rst-class ofï¬ce. All forms of polici s are issued. MCDOUGAIL & BRANDON, 43.ly. Agents, Fenelon Falls. ï¬g? Real carefully and act wisely. Many 39;? valuable lives can be saved by the RPS?" use 0f.-::- .._..-;.â€"_".;: ...._*::":..â€"_‘â€"~-â€" ' 3&3†MOSES COUR' EMANCHE’ S comcoowooooeo “oeooooemwow Elwin sriiiig, «owwvwco¢¢oooocootoooooomenwo Wl‘his is undoubtedly the best lung med- flï¬iciuc in the world, and for Dyspepsia Wlllts no equal. Manufactured by Moses WConrtemanche, Midland, and sold by “W. E. Ellis. Fenelon Falls. â€"5?.-l’i'.3m. nomination" Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swauton as a dealer in oooomm¢wooo too onuomoco oeoeooooowmcoun RailwayTies. Cordwod, Telegraph i Poles. Cedar and all kinds i of Timber, Lumber and Shingles, i‘ ooooooevocoo coo...co0906".»tooucomcooooooooovowcowwz than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASII PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on‘ the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. 363†One of the ï¬rm will be regularly on ' the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Swanlon, No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. ll. Brandon, li‘enelou Falls. SWANTON, BRANDON & Co. N. R.â€".\lr.Swunlou thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years,-and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new ï¬rm. li‘enelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.-â€"2G-tf. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT W. T. J UN KIN ’S. GROCERIES Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other CLARK 1 â€"ANDâ€" Paovrsrons. J. MCFARLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins l groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blanking-brushes, Clothes-pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Earned ilsh, iiu'il ll Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- est possiblc prices. Cash Paid for Butler Si Eggs and other farm produce. 11%“ Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. BEST iiiuiE. m ’â€" Fast Colored. Cling» hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- llns for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. ioiiN BERRY, MANUFACTURER 0F SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES. Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept In stock. REPAIRING Done on the Shortest Notice. Kent-st, Lindsay, Ont. fact that l have purchased the livery busi~ the retpiireiucnts of the travelling public. I am prepared to furnish ï¬rst~clnss horses and comfortable rigs attlie lowestliving prices. FARMS FOR erg: gig .d o l i, The followingvcï¬hgptmd i farms are in the ï¬nest section of \\'cstern Ontario. Send for the “Canadian Farm Advertiser“ to]. J. Daly {Y Co.. G! lph P. 0.. 0m. It is sent free and give ' the acres cleared. sizes and kinds of buildings, &c., ML, of these an :75 other farms. No stones. hill: or swamp on the farms. and thosoll In guaranteed deep, rich, clay loam that never bakes. Money can: it re- qulred no guarantee. for expenses it the (aims are not cheap and as rcpresen!ed,- imd intending buyers, after seeing them. left to decide for themselves, and then keep or return the money as they think right. Pure spring water on every farm, good fences; land not hilly nor flat. Gravel roads, cheese factories, creameries, schools, churches and post oï¬iccs near all the farms. Good water everywhere and healthy coun- try. I Only enough money to bind the bargain need be paid until taking possession, and than 60 per cent., 860 of every Sloo, ' ‘ ' ofthe ricew'llbeleltonthefarms Dries: @ We led the trade last season, and we intend domg the mm Jim. "ibuym WM. payam.’w m same this season. cult tho traitors in every way. This will be put In writing and is the be“ chance ever oflered to buyers. All buyers get good title: and their dead: when the: take poa- sesolon. & S N I â€" 110 acres. 65clcarcd, 15 urn-a 9 o $ tine maple bush, good house and barn, market town with railway 2 miles. "a 100 aercsTSo clmcd. balance $34, 0 bush, brick house, gin-d Goodhancl’s Livery, East Francis Street, Fcnelon Falls. I wish ‘ l‘im‘v “m'kc‘ ““Vl‘ “"1" ' “M'- 0'757“ g V i n 100 SO clenrcdfliioiisn b: 3 9 ). and Iunl,'ne:ir market tru u. _,___..._. o draw the attention of the public to the , . . . . . . ' . ‘ ‘3 5 n 7' 50â€" acres allâ€"{larval mod lt:: lately on ned by Mr. \I m. Routly , and b4, hundingg' “car "mutt iavt- made such improvements as \‘l'lll meet . "I. (SJâ€"Term, ni"'€i.~-..i’.l.’i;"£.....i h 2 , buildings. near large luu ii. "7â€"3 VVâ€""'â€" 10b ifcrcs sscliai'rétl", r; limit" brick bolts: and bank barn: ’ ‘ V market town with railway-75 I‘llllSEjIlllgclll‘llr, G EORG E GOODlI-‘\-\ D 75.6. ï¬â€"TSHâ€" A fig-160 :it‘rus,go cleared. in bush, E ’60 I large fresh water l.llll‘ is boundary at back end, gloodhnusc and barn, that hot House and Lot For Sale s ...._ » t ' ( 205 acres, 90 cleared, l’l.’>l V o , I . hardwood,housc and burns, The En“ 1m†0f,L0t 1M?“ "‘ we“ of COL .a village 2 miles. markcttmrn withrarlwaywnilcs. borne and north of Frauch street, Feuelon i" ""â€"‘ lira‘cmsflqomhaul» F'tllls, C0. Victoria, the property of Mary $ 9 . wood,guodhouse,smallbarn, Calder. There is on the premises (l. frame markcgyigyrriilyviya iu_ilgï¬aygctoyfltitmiles.m house 22 x 33 feet. For full particulars 7:5 ‘ 100 acres. 85 clgarcd, 5 lumi- apply to Mr. J. 13. Moii‘at, Verulanl, or to l b’ kl ' k :‘V‘Wd' "If, ml?“ in“‘“.‘,â€â€œâ€˜ ar e an iarn mar c 0\\‘n\\'l irai \vav3mt cs. MARY GALDER7 , g (vii-:7“ 5260- acres: lStrâ€"clbari-tl, Nov. lOlli, 1889. Omemee P. 0. 00. balance liardwozul,.-srts of ï¬ne buildings, 1 bank barns and 3 good houses. market town with railway 2 miles, can be and is House and Lot For Sale. Emails??? fororganisesivy-W __ ")6 300 acres cleared, only ï¬g) 1 ’00 - $4,000 cash, balance to For sale, very cheap for casli,n half-acre suit purchaser, ï¬ne buildings that cost stoma». corner lot and the buildings thereon, 0p- This farm adjoins City of niclph, anars‘uncpt Dog,“ the south “.an school house, Fe,,c_ the best gram and stock farms of its_s_iz_c_in( ntarm. , u . , 450 acres in block. 3'0 lon Falls. The house is 18.\24 feet, lg. . cleared. 90 ,.,.,,. ,,,,,, glories lngh’ on a Stone roundm'lon’ with a valuable hardwood bush, 3 sets line buildings, a kitchen 13 .\' ‘30 feet and ti. “'OOllslled. There hunk barns, 1 line new brick dwelling, nt-ar good are also a workshop 14 .v 20 feet, a never Perky} if“? ‘f’l‘s‘. ‘2â€l“gag;sfï¬nlï¬gï¬f‘wg fallmg “loll 0f excellent water and a few iiz‘dnidbldcrbgfliiiill‘bzssoald separatelytidltigelthcri. fruit trees. The buildings were erected ‘ " ' ‘ about twelve years ago, and are in good condition. . Apply at the GAZETTE oilicc, or to the undersigned. GEO. W. MARTIN, 10 Pearson Avenue, St. Albnn‘s Ward, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1800.â€"â€"7tf. 83nd tor the “ Farm Advertiser," it given Tull particulars of these and 275 other farms and valuable information about thin country. wAndrew, J. J. Duly ll. 00., Guelph P. 0., One: MRS. HEELEY, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. limping Done. New Palloifliiiiing Dally FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall. Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES 8i STYLESâ€"ï¬at CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 5c. per roll Paper. u u 66. II it :: :: gg; :: ;: Eolboino Sineldonolon Falls. it u 90. it u .._..__.â€"â€"- “ “ 10c. n u HEADQUARTE IN VICTORIA COUNTY l-‘Oll Boom Paper and Picture iiamos â€"-IS ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Bleak. Kent-sh. Lindsay. And all the way to 50c. per Roll. I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. REMEMBER TIIE PLACE: Just Opposite New Post-ofï¬ce, I€cnt Street. LINDSAY. o. i. MEiiiEiiELL. 38" Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1800. Arlists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dye Works Agency. Bell/mars. General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. â€"_ LINDSAY Marble Works. R. CHAMBERS iii;- is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MOXI'MENTS AND Ill-JADSTON ZS, both Marble and Granite. _ SECOND DIVISION COURT Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, Etc, 3 specialty. living a practical workman, all should . The next sittings of the above (10an all; sr-e his designs and campare prices before i be held in Dickson" 1mâ€. I’i-‘Di'lon Fall‘- pnrchasing elsewhere. ' WORKSâ€"1n rear of the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthews’ packing house. HDBT. GHAIHEBS. North of the Town Hall, Blacksmithing in all its different branch» done on short notice and at the lowrfll living prices. Particular attention paid It- horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will I - . guarantee satisfaction. 45le -â€"07 THEâ€" County of Victoria. 0n Tuesdav. Oet’r 7th, commencing at 10 o'clock in the lorenoo- Gzo. Murillo, E. D. Ilnn. Bailiff. Clerk Petition Falll, July 10th, 1890. was