ELLTS’S Drug Store. School Books, Copy Books, Scribblers, Slates, AND SElifldL SllPi’LlES JUST TO HAND. W. E. ELLIS. I’enelon Falls, Aug. 13th,1S90. ALL KINDS OF Professional Cards. LEGAL &c. A. P. DEVLIN, PAIIIIISTEIL Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, (Succnsson TO Hanna 8; HOPKINS) ').\llltlS’l‘liR, SOLICITUR, &c Money ) to Loan at I} per cent. Otlice, Kent streetlindsay, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ‘ .li‘tIlISTERS, SOLICITORS, 550. Of- .) tiee,\\'illiam street,Lindsay. F . 1). Moons. A. Jacxsox. O‘LEARY & O'L CARY, )ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LATV, .) Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ofï¬ce, D ohcny Illock, Kentstreet, Lindsay. Attract: O‘Leauv. I'Iuou O’LEAnr. .‘ICINTYRE & STEWART, )ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, tire. , J Otliees over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Melxrrus. BARRON & MCI/l UG‘HL/IV. )ARRISTERS, F. .c. Ollice: Baker's Block Kent Street, Lindsay. opposite Yeitch’s Elotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 55;“ One of the firm will be at their of- :ice in Jordan's Illock, Fenelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. .foux A. BARRON. MEDICAL. T. Srrwanr. R. J. McLAt'outh. A. W. J. DEGIIASSI, )I. D., WOROXI’. 1, Physician, Surgeon. &e., (iiC. J Residence. llrick Cottage, Wellington street. Lindsay. Dl‘. A. WILSON, ~31. IL. 31. c. r. 1.- Ontario,â€" EIYSICIAXS, SI‘RGEUNS k ACCOI'- ehers. Oillce, Colhorne Street, Fenclon P Du. II. ll.’G-li.~\ll;\)l, ‘tIIADl'ATE of the I'ttiversity of Trinity 1 College. Fellow of Trinity Medical School. Member of the Royal College or treeous of I‘.ttgla:td.31etttbet' ot the Col- ot' Physicians 1'; Surgeons of Ontario. titlice and residence on I-‘rnnt‘ts-St.‘\\ est i-‘enelou Falls, opposite the (loam ofttcc. SURVEYORS. St lt‘ JAM ES DICKSO). L. Surveyor. Commissioner in the Q. 11. . . Ctllth‘)'lelCt‘T. kc. Residence, and ad- dress, Fem-Ion Falls. _.____._..â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"'. . AUGI‘IONEERS. .-._.___.o__.._.._f‘ WILSON & GRAHAM. LICENSED Professional Cards. VETERINARY. R- M- MASON, X'ETERINAIIY SIT: iI-IOX ; Ilonor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1RS~t ; It. )I. 0.11. A. _ Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Lease, streets, I’euelon Falls. DENTAL. W. H. GROSS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, will be at the “ McArthur House,†Fenelon Falls. the second Wednesday ofeuch month. Beautiful and durable artificial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. Nearly '27 years‘ experience. lG-ly. DENTI'éSTRXr. GAS.â€"â€"-(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. NEELAXDS, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want teeth extracted positively with- but pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over ‘21 years. He studied with Dr. Colton,0f New York. the inven- tor ot‘ eras for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearingr artiï¬cial teeth made by Mr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. \ tstts Feuelon Falls. )chrthur llouse. on the third Tuesday 61' every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. IS- L.Deyman,â€"Uâ€"tdertaker, Colbome-Sb. Fenelon Falls. My immense new stock of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Must; be Sold 1 â€"an (1â€"â€" First-class Goods at Low Prices will do it. Call and See me. [ti-'2?†My goods are all new, and are go- ing fast. In. 13eynlan. Fenclon Falls, July "“rd, 1890. FOR AGENTS. N0 RISK. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. N honorable and praiseworthy business without any possible chance of loss. Steady employment and control ofterritory. Have done business in Cannda 30 years. Liberal pay to the right, man to sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Send for terms. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY. NURSERYMEN, Colborne, Ont. 18-4. AGENTS WANTED. Ifyou want to make MONEY, take hold and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now 15 the time, write us at once for ternts. MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Ilocnssrnn, N. Y. 18-5’ ' lMISdELbAITEOUé. OR HIMIIIUN light Steel BINDER, Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Riding and Walking Plows, Root Pnlpers, Grain Crushers, Grain Sewers, Straw Cutters, -â€" AND â€"- ALL KINDS of Agricultural Implements, ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, v]. R’. Agent, Fenelou Falls, Ont. I ammunition. Insurance business to me, I am prepared , to take risks on all classes of property l;&t V'ery Loxvost Rates. l . . . . . I None but first-class BI‘IIISII and Canadian ' Companies represented. WFIXIRBI I’ITOPERTX' at very low rates. ' $50,000 to loan from 6 per cent. up. W. EIJIJIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Penelon Falls, June 25th, 1889. FOR. SALE. ‘20. 325‘“ le'ick 1101150 and Lotl Ot: Fidler's Hill, owned by the late Danie J. Scully, and recently occupied by Mr Alex. MeArthur, - AUCTIONEER82w-xvm Be Sold Cheap. for the County ot‘Yictori . Farm sales a specialty. JOHN WILS‘OX. .7. It. GRAHAM. 30-1! Lindsay. Pent-Ion Falls Apply to W. E. ELLIS. Penelon Falls. or to J. SCL'LLY. Lindsay. | January 16th, 19°0.â€"â€"4S-tf g. Navigate, â€"I’RACTIC.-\Lâ€"- P MW e: Paper-Hanger, --A‘.\'D DEALER INâ€" Paints, Oils and. Glass, Crockery, Glassware, Jewelry 8: Fancy Goods. All. Mdfdd from 50. to 500. per roll. OiluPainEd Shades a specialty. 3&5†Remember the placeâ€"2 doors south of J. Huann’s Hardware Store. Fenelon Falls, May 22nd. 1890. 14. Improve Your Stock! THE PURE-BRED lllllllllll lllllSllll Bllll ORCHARDSIDE’S KING, (No. 11,305 H. F. 11.1%.) will stand for service on Lot. 22 Con. 1 Verulam. Orchardsidc King, bred by Smith Eros. Credit Ynlley Stock Farm, and owned by Walter II. Stevenson, was cnlved April ltillt. 1.488.. Sire, Duke of I‘Idgely (5.32.) Dam. llelle of Orehardsidc (55911,) who has a tnilk record as a two-year-old of 1.115171, pounds in (:0 days. Duke of I-Idgely’s dam has a milk record ofï¬ng. pouuds'in one day, and a butter record of 19 pounds in seven days. IIer dam. Iierkie, has a milk rectlrd of {IR pounds in one day, and a butter of '20.} pounds is 50ch days. ; lso. at the same place, the fine your);r bull I’riuce Alcck ‘_‘nd,(1n..'is‘7.) registered "' Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his . in Dominion Shortâ€"horn Ilt'l‘tl 11001;. and the Jersey bull lliotcr. Tutorsâ€"Holstein-Friesian. no; Sham- hortt and Jersey. 51 no puck 33 ,_,.1. com. discount w‘Hn the cash is paid a: time 0; In. l . SCI'YICC. Tedar \l'. ll. STICYI’CNFI‘IN. '. Yerulam, June 5th. 1500. 1a.“, EGGS FOR HATOHINT lam prepared to supply eggs from pure- bred Iloudnns. Illack L‘ochzns. Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns. ALL OF THE CHOICEST STRAINS. 'Price: $2 for a Setting of 13. or $3 for Two Settings. lAt the poultry show in Iiowmanvilie last ‘ January I took lst prEZe for lloudans and ’ Plymouth Rocks: lst and 21 prizes for Black Cochins: and 2nd prize for White Legitorns. 11. ll. lllEW, Russell-st. lindsay. 1 Lindsay, Mann 2321., ‘ln .0 3:4». ‘ I "-’.:I.. FENELOX FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 1890. Telegraph l’l‘llGS Want Iwill pay a 1.23mi! Price for any quan- tity of thirty and thirtyâ€"five foot poles. de- livered at loading points between Lindsay and Ilaliburton before November, 13.90. Terms, Cash. Apply to J. 11. HARVEY. Coboconk, Purchaser for 11. D. )Ichtl'rey. Uswmo. N. Y. 264. f. INSUIQANCIC. IIE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. issues by far the best Farm policy in Canada. JO IIN AI'STI N. -‘l‘I/t 21!. Fenelon Falls, June 12th. 1890. 17. 43:93:13; ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, \‘S. THE LONDON MUTUAL, FOR FARMERS. The Royal Canadian ofl'ers the following: advantages over the London .llutnal: 1. It'a building worth $11109 is insured for say 31000. the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay $1000, ifa loss occurs. In such a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds of the cash value. or $8110. 2. lt‘a horse worth $90 is killed in the fields by lightning: the Iloyal Canadian is obliged to pay $90. The London )Iutual pays only $150. 3. For a cow worth $30 killed by light- ning.r the Royal Canadian pays $39. The London Mutual pays only 5'10. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London )Iutual pays not more than 35, no matter 110w valuable the animal may be. -1. In the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightningr while at pasture anywhere. In the London Mutual they are insured while pasturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically, such as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insured up to the cash value of the article. The London .‘Iutual pays only two-third of the cash value, no matter what the in- surance may be. 6. When -'-' ordinary contents †of out buildith are insured by the Royal Canadian ALL implements are. included. In the Lon- don Mutnal only one reaper and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the loyal Canadian insures under one sum the “ordinary contents " of all building not cut ofl‘ bya distance great- er than 40 ft., the saute as if the contents were all under one roof. The London .‘tlu- tnal requires a separate sum on the cott- tents of each building, if the distance is more than 1‘3 ft. This is a very important difference in many cases. 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part of the contract that standard s'rt-zltn Truncsunus may be used without a special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stacks or building, caretakers, pails of water. kind of fuel or' direction of the wind. Many of the policy holders in the London )lutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last season, be- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he should secure a policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pav it; losses within sixty days and usually takes much less. The London Mutual need not pay for ninety days, and since it has become so hard. up as to be obliged to bor- row money largely, it usually takes about the full time allowed. to. The loyal Canadian policy is subject to the statutorv conditions only. It has none of the numerous variations against the pt'llicyâ€"holder printed in red ink on the back of the London Mutual policy. 4 l1. As to security. the inspector of inst“. rant-e reports that the llnyal Canadian I111; Helms; (Nit holders. to enable the company to carry .1 its eugagvtuen's with it; pulil-v linsidss this he reports that it has to the good the Sill‘lJ'w') capital 2.1,“ m. cash by the Blutreliolders. and a net .~Ii!‘i.::,§ $117.15 17 making in all a total we Uf - to Inuit-("t li.‘ “ against. unexpected contingencng «lition to they} wash items it has: subscr: . ed capital of SII'H'JIIJ: 1m: mile-1:11., cart/lint: ti.e security of the London ',\1;,g.,,,] the insp-ctur reports that the amount of : earned premium it should have (.1, hum, ' ' .11' it. To make up this: mum-4,; 3,, ' a scootsz call would have to in; “13.3.: “"IZT.’?‘1T :;.- ,.:.:;_v.§:.1n notes for a lam-.- ammut. leaving a surplus of only .evcu if there were 111') bad debt“. and this. surplus made up wholly of the unpaid balance of premium notes already li"'.‘1‘.‘ll\'it>>‘ :"‘l. The company reports the inizt‘.‘ adj 52ml 'but unpaid a: the close of the vearnt $8.- SCT. but the Inspector of' Iflsl‘t'mttC': ï¬nds that the liability for unpaid losses at the end ot‘the year was $""1.".":G. The cash on hand to pay these l05:t‘5 only amounted to 313.011. In view of the foregoing will have I1.llillllflll’._’-' in decid nH as to the Company in which they should be insured- For i' surnnce apply to s. CORNEIL. Aga hinlsny. o t ‘< 9‘?! y I .- n . com. .735} the amount he estimates to be.‘ lit-- ' farmers 2 HER/FPS SALE OF is" HOUR}: vs. BRANDON. Ily virtue of a writ issue, County (‘ourt of the Co. Henry Brandon's inter in lite sen: of the cast half of lot No. ill in .. concession of the Township of \‘e will be ofl'et‘ed for sale at the Slieriil‘s t-.‘. '8 \lil‘ ll‘: (2} OS! ('1 . In the Tovvn ()I‘Liudssny . on Saturday. THE let DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT. at the hour ot‘ll‘.) o'clock noon. .IOIIN .\1c1.IZ.\'.\‘.\ .\'. \‘J Slterill‘s ofliee. Lindsay. August 20:11, 189â€. j F‘AIIBI TO IIIJN'J‘. Part of lots 15‘! and 111 in the nth con. if well and a creek. Distance from lit . Falls, 12. miles. Incoming tenant can ‘ a room for himself and horses while he is doing: {all ploughing. a: :I I possession will be given on the 1st «‘t.‘ Apr... Apply to ll'. '1‘. Juukin. Penelon balls. or to either of the undersigned. Wu. Ehidfi‘. '. .IOIIN JORDAN. Jz'a‘rcufurs oft/3v 31:5: Jr in; i.'.:'- :y. Fenelon. August 18th, 181' |. If a. ll". A‘ . >|dl-'|lll: . The I’euelon Falls (lattettc. Friday, Au 1159254. , £87367 Rough on Sam Hughes. On Friday last. at ('lsrootle llai‘. Jutng Rose gave his decision as to the question of costs in the celebrated Cooper-litmhes libcl case tried by him in the April assizcs at Lindsay. and w.- clip the lilllowing report of his judï¬u tnent from the legal intelligence in Saturday's Claim ,- Coornu v. llnounsâ€"Judgmrnt u:- on the question of costs in an action far libel tried with a jury at. .l.inds:t_'.'. n; which a verdict for the plaintiff for $2 damages was triven. Upon the rendvzw ing of the verdict the. defendant moved to have the. plaintiffs Costs t.li.<.~.-tllum-u on the ground that the libel complained of was written after great provocation by the plaintiff in a series of attacks in his newspaper, the ll'rm-lmmu. on rim defendant and others whose llllt'i‘n‘<.’.~i the defendant championed in his newsâ€" paper, the ll’urdor. After St‘lllll; oat; portions of the language uSed in both newspapers the learned judge com-Ended as follows :â€"“ The defendant's paper equals the plaintiff’s in vitut'lcration. outrivztls it in coarseness. and runs nlnbt in its distribution of filth. 'l‘lmt 11a.- worst of the material is correspondent-(.- and not editorial does not l'CllL“.’t: :ht defendant, for an editor is morally as: well as legally responsible for the eon tents of the paper. Such jtntrtialisu; would go far to reconcile one to the em- sorship of the press. if no othc‘ remely could be found. I am asked on the defendant’s motion to deprive the plain tiff ofcosts, to which as a matter ct law he is entitled unless I interfere. I think the defendant has not put himself it. I such a position as entitles him to con..- , to the court claiming protection and as- sistance. Immediately after tlw render ing of the verdict the cross, aeti n (:1 lluuhes v. Cooper, arising: out of tin- articles appearing: in the plaintiffs in- , per, was called on and a settlement at , rived at, the action being dismiucd by ' Consent. each party paying his own m s:-. .\t the moment this inflm-newl nu: ti. ;.~:u;:f.'est that a similar order 111341.: in 5 made as to costs herein. In that l haw no doubt I erred. and I am glad that l reserved the case fur «onsinlt-ratirm. rights of the parties cannot. I think. iv ’ affected by the subsequent Settlr'IlH-ut t l a suit, which setth-nmnt was quite imlc pendent. of the question of costs in tl.;< ‘ action. The jury have given the do fondant the full benefit of the ltll‘,".“w1’ :‘i . ety of the paintiti' in u~ing the lilIilel't‘,“ he did, by measurin': the limiting: s a: :-. nominal sum. Ithiuk he i-: not entity ii to further relief and that the judgment must be for the plaintiff with c-Osts. 11» ' ler. Q C. for the plaintiff. The defend nut in perSon. w r an. thmav Cmrnax..â€"â€"-l’rsnrs are out announcing that the IJlltfltit“. Central Exhibition is to be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. the 23rd, 24th and 25th of Septetnbt r. _ and that Baron Stanley of Preston. '3. ' C. 3., is to be present on the second day. ' when it is hoped and expected that the ' surrounding: country will empty :1: least > ninety per cent. of its inhabitants into the town. for the chance of bt-cln': 1. real live baron isn’t to he had every day.