PG SUNS! 0..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Pure Paris Green. Strong Hellebore. [load Shot Insool Powder. 0 The real genuine stuï¬â€˜, at ELLIS’S DRUG STORE, FENELON FALLS. W. E. ELLI.. . l’rofessional Cards. <1 re a be so ,H 2 ‘lb PU t4 R- M- MASON, 7ETERINARY SI'RGICOX : llonor Grad- " nate Ontario Veterinary College, To- i ronto, 1881' g R. M. (I. Y. M. A. POISONS. istreets. It‘enelon Falls. Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisa‘ __.._.___â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" W. H. G 058, DENTIST, LINDSAY. will be at the “ McArthur House," l-‘enelon' Falls. the second Wednesday ofench month. Beautiful and durable artiticial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. Nearly 27 years’ experience. lG-ly. DENTISTRY. GAS.-â€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. NEELANDS, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want teeth extracted positively With- out pain. Gas has been given by l11n1 with great success for over 21 years. He studied with Dr. Colton,of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing,r artificial teeth made by Mr. "Neelands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. Visits Fenelon Falls, McArthur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. .. As ............ M...â€" LEGAL &.c. A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorneyâ€"at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. M we. H. HOPKINS, (Successon 'ro Mums & Horrors) ARRIS'I‘ER, SOLICITUR, &c to Loan at 6 per cent. street, Lindsay , Out. of 001m & JACKSON, ARRIS‘TERS, P..â€" Money Ollice, Kent SOLIUI'I‘ORS, om. or. BIG MONEY PA FOR AGENTS. HO RISK. N0 CAPITAL REQURED. N honorable and praiseworthy business without any possible chance of‘loss. Steady employment and control ofterrttory. Have done business in Caunda 30 years. Liberal pay to the right man to sell our unexcellcd Nursery Stock. Send for terms. CHASE BEOTHERS COMPANY, N URSEItYMEN, Colborne, Ont. 18-4. DENTAL.’ I 3‘ S, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 52TH, 1890. .3. " It L.Deymao,Uodortaleo, Colborne-St.. Fenelon Falls. , My immense new stock of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Must be Sold ! â€"andâ€" First-class Goods & Low Prices will do it. Call and See me. 38“ My goods are all new, and are go- ing fast. 1:4. 1)eyina.n. Fenelon Falls, July 23rd, 1890. S. Nevison, -â€"1’RACTICALâ€"â€" â€"â€"-ANDâ€" Paper-Hanger, â€"AND DEALER INâ€" Paints, Oils and Glass, Crockery, Glassware, Jewelry 85 Fancy Goods. as. Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount INTER INSURANCE. THE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. issues by tor the best Farm policy ' in Canada. glycol. JOHN AI'STIN. I Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. I one»; ROYAL C‘ANA DIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, vs. THE LONDON MUTUAL. F OR FARMERS. l The Royal Canadian offers the following advantages over the London Mutual: l. Ifa building worth 51200 is insured for say 81000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay 51000, ifa loss occurs. In such a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds ol‘the cash value, or $800. 2. Ifa horse worth $90 is killed in the ï¬elds by lightning. the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay $90. The London Mutual pays only $00. 3. For a cow worth $30 killed by light- ning the Royal Canadian pays $30. The London Mutual pays only $20. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more than $51, no matter how valuable the animal may be. 4. I11 the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightning while at pasture anywhere. In the London Mutual they are insured while posturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically. such as musical instruments. the loyal insured 11p to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only twoâ€"third of the cash value, no matter what the i11- surance may be. 6. When “ordinary contents†of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian 111.1. implements are included. In the Lon- don Mutual only one reapcr anti one mower are included, no matter how good others may he. 7. When the outbuildings are notjoincd to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the “ordinary contents †of all building not cut otl‘bya distance great- er than 40 ft., the same as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Mu- tual requires a separate sum on the con- tents ot' each building, if the distance is more than 12 ft. This is a very important Tnéyiiitiimcé‘sé'ï¬oï¬i c....s........ A London paper says :â€"â€"" Canada was not unrepresented :zt Imrd Moreton's sale of shorthorn cattle a: 'l'ortwortlt Court, Gloucesterahire, the other day. Mr. Henry Wade. secretary oi the ricultural and Arts Association of tin. tario. was in attendance. and his prer- cnce was specially marked by the host. About 130 shot-thorns \Vctc sold. and the prices averaged about 40 guincas each. The highest price was 155 :uincus lbr :1 bull intended for Australia. There were in all some 400 rcpw-t-utntirt-s of agriculture at the lunch. many ul them well known in the tanning World. and among the toasts proposed by Lord Moretou was Our Visitors from Across the Water. Mr. Wade responded. and remarked that he was \'1sitin;_v this coun- try in his ollieiui capacitv to examine the flocks and herds oi (ircnt Hrituin. All the good cattle of Canada had come. from this country in the. ï¬rst place. and in Canadian herd-books the names of Lord Moreton and his lather were freâ€" quently to be lound as the original pos- sessors of stock which had made a name in the Dominion. Canada's hich pos- ition to-day as a cattle-exporting country was largely due to the impertution of such high-classed Ilritish stock.†.â€"Aâ€"~â€"v an.-. â€".â€". Sable Island Disappearing. HALIFAX, July I9.-â€"The Govern- ment steamer Newlicld has just return- ed from a visit to Sable Island. Capt. Guildl'ord was greatly surprised on reaching the island to ï¬nd such a re- mnrkable change in its formation since his last visit. The western end is rap- idly washing: away and the bar is mak- ing way to the north. The captain is of the opinion that a survey ol' the is- land should be made at once, as it. would greatly assist vessels sailing in that di- rection. Few mariners are aware of the rcnmrkablc change the bar has 1111- dergouc during: a very short time. Since 1880 three lighthouses have been erect- ed on the island, two of which have been washed away. The sea is now eating into the sand which surrounds the third. It is not a very 1011;: time since the is- land was 40 miles in length ; at present tice William street,Lindsay. F. D. )iooue. . A. Jacxson. / AGENTS WANTED. 0‘LEARY 8: O‘LEARY, Ifyou want to make MONEY, take hold ' = ‘ Stock. Now is y : ATTOR‘IEYS-AT-LAW, and sell our_chotce Namely AEti‘liiiltdtirisin Chanceiry, &c. Ofï¬ce, the time, write us at once for terms. Doheuy Block, 1‘°“‘9“e°"“‘“ds“y' MAY BROTHERS. r Horn O’Lsanv. ARTHUR 0' limbâ€... Nurserymen, .â€" 18-5' Rocussrsn, N. Y. ï¬duciaryâ€"an STEWART, ‘ M . u ' ___“~ H -'»‘_VV_‘.U_ ~ N 1 RIS’I‘ERS Solicitors, Notanes, . B xtilflices ovcr’OntariO Bank, Rent S‘I‘Cet‘t Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. McINmn. diï¬'erence in many cases. 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part of the contract that standard STEAM rmirsusns mav be used without a special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stacks or buildings, caretakers, pails of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Many of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last season.he- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he. should secure a policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pay its losses within sixty days and usuallv takes much less. The London Mutual neeil not pay for ninety days, and since it has become so hard 11p as to be obliged to hor- row money largely, it usually takes about the full time allowed. 10. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutorv conditions only. It has none of the numerous variations against the policy-holder printed in red ink on the back of the London Mutual policy. 11. As to security, the inspector of insu- rance reports that the Royal Canadian has it. is only twenty miles long. Should this washing away continue for any great length of' time Sable Island will beat thing of the past. Capt. Guild- lord is of opinion that the carrier pigeon service about to be inaugurated by the Dominion Getternment will effectually solve the question as to how news of disaster occurring at the Island can be forwarded to the mainland. There have been no wrecks at the island during the past two months nor has there been any wreckage washed ashore. WALL PAPERS from 50. to 500. per roll. cannula Shades a specialty. 3%†Remember the placeâ€"2 doors sonth of J. Brands Hardware Store. Fenelon Falls, May 22nd, 1890. 14. Improve Yflo Stookl THE PURE-BRED Hlliillll illlilllll Blill ORCHARDSIDE’S KING, (No. 11,305 H. r. H. B.) ,_._ '1‘. Srswaar. OR BARRON .o McLAUGHL/N, HlMlllUN light Stool lilliilili, heirresistor: Sulky Rakes, ' Money to loan at lowest rates of Rldlng and Walking PIOVVS, Root Pulpers, Grain Crushers, Grain Sowers, Straw Cutters, Q... -.~ . ..__. The Russian Government has ordered the building; of four new ironclads. Wheat cut in the neighborhood of St. Thomas will average 37) bushels per acre. Mathias Splitlog. chief of the W} an- dottc Indians, is not versed in the arts of reading and writing. but he knows cnouch ol' the third R to estimate his Hotel. intgit'onc of the ï¬rm will be at their of- ï¬ce in Jordan‘s Block, Fenelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. Jons A. BARRON. P...†R. J. MCLAUGKLIN. â€"â€"â€"o-‘-â€"“-"' _ r _. . . ' - o, -l‘-l . u 1:: 31,000100, ADD w1ll stand for serv1ce on Lot. 22 Goa. 1 $202,753, me amount he estimates to be mnuqui 1"? if?†n “l u . .) t M . o Vcrulam. Orchardsuie lung, bI‘Qd by Smith necessary to enable the coynpan‘v to carr‘. Ab 0.) CHHI". â€â€œ .Ouu r nigh" " _________,.____.___â€"â€"- M “II, of Agnculmml ImplementsI 81.08., Creditvalleystock Fam’nnd owned out all its engagements with' its pone-V boy of 10 stole mto his htthur's house, A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., __ A“ M. _ by “'altcr H. Stevenson, was calvcd April homer; Besides this he reports um it bn's and on being spoken to ï¬red and killed 16th. 1.988. Sire, Duke of Edgely (552.) - - kc. &c. , ORONER. Phb'ï¬lcmn, Surgeon. _ i r Dam Belle of Orchards1de (5899) who has Residence. 3"“ Cow‘gc’ wellington CALL 0,, , a milk record as a two-year-old’ of 1,037} street, Lind“?- pounds in 30 days. Duke of Edgely’s dam HMâ€... J. R. GRAI'IAIVI, Agent, has a milk record of 90% pounds in one day, Fenelon Falls, Ont. WILSON 5; WILSON. and a butter record of 19 pounds in seven days. IIer dam. Eerkie, has a milk record .1 ‘ ‘. NS 3: ACCOU- H‘MC‘AN.S" SCUiibSiiï¬ Street, Feuelou - of 98 pounds in one day, and a butter chers. Odom. '0 or 20% pounds is seven days. . u 1 N s URANCE. .. E‘s. “Tum,†LID†cum, uic. . “0m bull Prince Aleck 2nd. (10,587,) registered Dr. A.\‘v'11.sos, u. 11.. we. r. s s., . ._.._â€"â€"- Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his in Dominion Showtlom Herd Book! and the i. i P l, \n Y“ Insurance “"5"â€35 10 me. I am Prepared Jersey bull Rioter. D‘t. l_ r \.‘ ; . , I . iuivcrsity ol Tr1n1tv to the good the $400,000 capital paid in cash by the shareholders, and a net surplus $117,607 making in all a total cash surplus of $517,607 to protect its policy-holdch against unexpected contingencies. I11 ad- dition ,to these cash items it has a subscrih- ed capital of $100,000 not. called up. Re- garding the security of the London Mutual the inspector reports that the amount of unearned premium it should have on hand is 8290.309. To make up this amount in 5 r - ' cash a second call would have to he madc To“. that thn law“: "2 Hm “ “L "n. on the premium notes for a lélrflc amount. bei‘â€! rapidiy ti‘kc" “I†“ I'L'm'm' lml'w leavinga surplus of only $74,2l8,evenif1pre'licts the abdication of the cu'tlc there were no bad debts. and this surplus - kin; and the extinction of the COW-law, is made 11p “holly of the unpaid balance r of the hue, 'H mid . __;c The mun“,- his father and mother. He said he “:13 tired of waiting tor the old folks prop. ertv. The Minnesota Farmer‘s Alliancu has combined with the Labor party oi the Suite to put a State ticket 111 the did. The joint convention has adopted :1 plat» loom, in which the McKinley Bill and other outrages me lict‘t'cly attacked. to take risks on all classes of property T3“-“â€~"‘H°lstein'Friesmni '52 00? Short‘ †‘ I. w“, I horn and Jersey, 51 00 each. 25 per cent. GRARF‘UR,1"..L w “r Trinitv Medical At Very LOVVOSt lzfl-tes- discount when the cash is paid at time of Co e1: " " ’ t‘ the Royal College or service. . ., . ~ . . . , v ' of )r-mium notes alreaovl v’l . .- . = . . . school. it ‘ _. mm»... of the Col- Nonebutï¬rst-class BrthshandCanadtan w ILSTEI msox. T1,: Lo",an mm. “,0 l thh ranting spurs. 1m, leather in»... bitrgtzipl}: p 'A Snrgwms of Quay-,0, companies represented. Verulnm. June 5th, 1390. iii-Lt. hm unpaid ,{t me ohm. or me 5.0mm}! 5.1- ers. his broud-hrimmcd hat and l1i~ «lo- lebt t . ~ We nu l;mucis_m.\test 307, but the Inspector of Insurance ï¬nds Uilice nun maid.- . ' ‘ V ‘ Fencinu Falls. opposue the (.70th ol‘hce. 38'†FAIIDI PIZOPERTX’ that the lialvility for unpaid lo<ses at the end ofthe year was 320.256. The cash on j that swagger, will soon join the '~1:1;-‘ i driver, the hunter. the scout. the 11 p at very low rates. $50,000 to loan from 6 per cent. up. W. E. EIJIJIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Fenelon Falls, June 25th, 1839. '10. i sonvnrons. = :1' and he mount i1 c.\:)i re- '1’ 3:..- hand to pay these losses only amounted to ~ p - t a I . i n x. I i . \or. I 1 . 1.’ 1 ~.:. 0 13:111.. Intu- 310†H_ ‘p'ocesstou ti 1: IIO’VS r ln‘t l_" t ' In View .â€".;‘ 1h.- forpgoing he†(“mus ‘ ({‘llct, peaceabie, commonplace tray~ (.i will have no difï¬culty in deciding as to the l lll‘c." cogltlni‘l' 1" “"1"â€! “11"5'3110111dh‘: insured- Thc damage in New linsiaud hr ti...- " v v v . ' or mwm‘me “W5 m present drought is new 1-2-1 oven-Hy. S. COIINI‘III“ lwhatevcr the future weather may he. Agent. Lindsay; Most districts have bet-:1 '2'1:i:v.u: r..i:1 t suilicicot for a growing ‘Lft‘m’tll fir w~::l-;-. ' i i ‘ $1.73, guy . .' .. 1 w Corn and tenacco on tlu: .l.'-'.;..'!'l~ :zrw- t ., L. isetthclin c M - . .. N; _‘ til In] . Suit in fair condition. l'u-t't. w are do};â€" t_‘l()ll :tlls “ Gazette," UNIV .51 ‘ inn up, rendering the "Illi‘,’ iv din: of .. . - s c cuss-.22 . :1; a \eat in advance. All kinds i0 " n H v’. . ‘ 3 '1 ‘ H) , _ ' tue beds of snaimw « " of Job I rinture executed neat-i Grass i< the not; about 1 Arrh' ‘0 . q ~ (i ii i L, d or m N"- lli ’8 n l1}: CXEN‘IIIIOIIslx'. . l EGGS FOR HATGHING. lam prepared to supply eggs from pure bred IIoudans, Black (.‘ochins, Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns, ALL OF THE CHOICEST STRAINS. __ __ .___._...4. A.- .. ._â€". v...â€" â€"â€"â€"- JAMES DICKSON. L. Surrevor. Commissioner in the Q; R. P. Convcvaiucer. kc. Residence, and .ad. dress. Fcuelon Falls. u lT-Ilm. POE SALE :Price: 82 for 21 Setting of 13, or 33 for Two Settings. ..\t the poultry show in Ilmvmanville last “:1--._~-â€"â€"-â€"- .35" Brio‘k 11011:“! and Lot 5 -_..â€"._.._.._.._ WILSON & GRAHAM. ion Fi-ller‘s Ilill. owned by the late Iltllit'. J. Scuily. and recently occupied by Mr Ltcsxsm I Alex. McArthur. l i AUCTIONEERSSWVSWH 13.: Solo. Cheap. Farm sales January I took 151 prize for llnuduns and Plymouth Rocks: 15: and 12nd prizes for Black Cochins: and Bud prize for White Leghcrtis. Ftrtzltm -::~ ‘:‘~ ail“ now .1, __ for the County ot‘ Victoria. w» I mm 3 a specialty. .ltlliX “11.503. J. ll. GRAHAM. . ~ . P 1!: SILK-tr Lindsay. lk'-s~-‘«'-‘ 11â€â€œ , . ,, ":3 v 1... 3., and at wJrvilane ...r..rl m LX..;..IL . l [1 "‘1... c... .t .': - 1... .o.~.'.‘[.u auxin“. .. ...u0 - v fit-l" rm 5 u 1 January 212::2. i~ii-.=.â€"-‘S~1f Lindsay. March L‘Sth. 19071â€"0“. liltitlt‘ItlIC‘ Pl‘iCL‘r‘. “Lb-c, l ‘W"4'Ltmuï¬aï¬ihgiï¬iinkimiua. ,. . A ... as . use... . n.1,»!- .~' ~â€" m r a»