flap M macs- i l l l t . l' I ‘ . l‘ '. i t l l 5 l by: L 12‘ g o i . . , z I ' I.r'l ‘ l l . i . .. £ >_- r, t .51 .t' v. t l 9.. 3 r l T I d l o . l: J I l‘: i n ‘t 1 O i - 1 t C j. \‘ 5 9 Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, SELth AGRICULTURAL it ill ill ll llllNlllJ-ntmna AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS 11A .\' l' i-‘ACT'C El if 1‘. OF PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Bridge Bolts Made to Order. Horse Powers, Slraw Czttlers, .2 and 379177 to Gang Plough and a good variety of Gmenu & Purpose Ploug/zs. A good as- . , _, sorz‘mezzl of Spring/0011; Har- “‘17:. (laps. Ready-Made Clothing. Gents’ Furnishings & Small rows, 5,166.1 yyarrowse 17.0,, Wart-s a! H'fzolt‘stz/a Prz'rcsfor Car/z. The Stock is well assort- Harrow; mm; [Vow] Harrow). cl it; every department, and everything Will be sold without ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT l‘u‘s‘tei'l't‘. from a needle to an over-coat. Remember, this is no L0“. PRICES To MEET THE TIME ' THOMAS ROBSON. 1:.uuhug or catch trade affair, but a genuine selling out and re- tiring from business sale. Now is the time for the shrewd, Fenemnmmï¬m \t'idcluwakc Citizens of the town and country to purchase firsl- ______.___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Mm goods at from 2.5 to for cent. less Z/zzm (lacy am buy t/ze The [P91101011 Fans Gazette. same quality drew/law. The I'Vhole Stock Must be in a short time, so make hay while the sun shines. l’. S.â€"â€"The store that I occupy is to let, and I have two houses for sale at a bargain. S. S. RITCHIE, Kent St, Lindsay. SOMETHJNG NEW. >:§:5 (i- IQ‘N'l‘IJEZ‘IEN, A’FTEN "PION ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF NEW SPRING .TAlLORlNC GOODS, tr. )‘tlzlï¬dwl of French and English Snitings and Trouscrings, Scotch, Irish and Canadian ‘1'“.vt-cls. which \Vcrc bought early and at a low price from a large assortment of goods. 5511:†Come curly and choose your Spring' Clothing while the stock is new, and get a Nobby Suit, well made and trimmed. A NEAT FIT GUARANTEED. Prices vaay Elowvn for Cash. CHTHELO & Co. Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. S. S. RITCHIE is retiring from the Dry Goods trade in Lindsay, and is ofler- ing the whole of his stock ot _______________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" Sold The Late Elections. The Provincial elections are over, and both sides are counting their gains and losses, which, as far as we can make out, about balance each other. A short time before the contest it was stated by the Globe, and not denied to our know- ledge, that the Government had a ma- jority of 20, and, according to the latest returns published in the same paper, 54 Reformer-s, 35 Conservatives and one Equal Righter (Mr. Campbell, of East Durham) were elected on the 5th inst. The Tory papers claim. as a mat- ter of course, that Mr. 'Mowat's majority is considerably reduced; but, even if their ï¬gures were correct, Ontario's G. 0. M. would still have a good working majority, and that is all that is needed. It the Tories can’t do better at the next four or ï¬ve general elections titan they did at the one just past, Mr. Mowat will be compelled by old age to resign the Premiership before they can put him out. At present, a hale and hearty man of‘70, he is euthroned in the hearts ofhis admirers, who form a large ma- jority of the electors of Ontario, smiling serenely at the baï¬lcd and despairing enemies who for so many years have raged against him in vain. In East Victoria the result of the election was diï¬'ercnt- from what was generally expected, Mr. Fell having been returned by a majority of 72. Owing to the erroneous reports that were sent in from the different polling places, it was for a long time believed that Mr. Campbell, the Reform candi- date, was victorious, and it was Satur- day afternoon before the Tories gave any outward and visible sign that they were sure of Mr. Fcli's success. Two of them have told us that as early as Friday morning they knew his exact majority, and, if so, there was some thing wrong with the telegraph some- where. Ou Saturday evening they had a bonï¬re on the main street. and a car- riage. in which were seated Mr. Fell, Mr. Xaylor. Rev. Mr. Logan, Mr. I‘lugh McDougall and Mr. Joseph Mc- Arthur, was drawn around for a while by a number of boys. preceded by the village band. and followed by a crowd of enthusiasts, some of whom bore torch- es Mr. Campbell was defeated partly M W. McKZEOWN Is Selling His antire Stock of FURN IT'U'TELE at and Below Wholesale Gust 01' nuuult‘uoture. in orer to lnake 1'00)“. for ner tit-signs and patterns. Cull early and secure hut-gains. as I am selling: ohoapcr than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT LN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRAZ’tl TED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. McKeowrtl, FRANCIS STREET WEST. FE/VELO/l’ FALLS. polling day was one; but chiefly by the over-conï¬dence of his supporters who locked upon his election as certain. while his opponents, knowing the odds were against them. worked desperately and successfuily to return their man; but 252, v0tes were knocked off Mr. Fall's large majority of 324 at his last election. W Penelon Falls Court of Revision and Council Proceedings. .â€" SIIOVELS, SPADES, PICKS, no A FULL .tssoururxr or A(.:-1::10UL'1‘1*RAL CFO OIJS» I Johnston‘s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. 7 . ' c ‘ ‘1 A be“ LOt 0f Daisy Bal rel Chul 115’ the BeSt (' 11 W. E. Ellis, That John Austin net as the marker" ohairman.-â€"Carricd. - I Moved by Mr. .‘chcown. seconded by Mr. Ellis. That the following chan- ' ‘ gcs be made in the assessment roll. viz: That Walter Jordan be assessed for the WILL SELL AWAY DOWN FOR SPOT CASH. l :3“il‘.§§'t°§.l‘ii‘.§T..‘lt-?..§g.l“.i§°tl assessed tor the premises lately occupied by Walter Jordan, and that Walter or ill/{CH 3‘11, EECIZCUICIC fl-H' Tl‘ItlL’t‘u‘c gllly- l J dan's name be struck off; that Wm. The council met as court of revision. Present. John Austin. rceve. and coun- cillors Ellis. .‘lclicown and Nevison. After taking the necessary declaration of ofï¬ce. it. was Moved by J. Nevismi. seconded by __________..__________ ‘ by a combination of circumstances, of which a rain storm on the afternoon of ‘ ll’tilX l’l‘ll’XllEll ti; ll.\l‘lllNlST,-f WC.†M r W n N l P“! “f lot 1 w, C. n. F. as tenant, and l each : that lot ‘3 north of Irene street l g l that 3450 be struck off Wm. Jordan‘s l he entered on the non-resident roll and : assessment for the same: that Waiter : Sll'lls‘ii 01? the “Shimâ€; ll“! E. 6112011" l l I l Ht-eley's name be struck oï¬" part A part 3 north of Irene- street. he reduced to 2 year. \s Millinerey‘,’ .‘lct‘aul be struck oil l'o=‘-tns tip-stairs on 2 be assessed for lot 10 Lake Avenue at lot 1 w. C. n. 1““ and the same he as. l 3200. and that his assessment for lot ll scssed to Wm. Jordan : that W, L, Joy- be reduced to $50 : that the assessment dan be assessed for lots 72 and 73 south of lot 1 con. 9 be reduced to $1700; of the river as tenant. and that the said that the assessment. of cast half of lot lets be struck off Wm. Jordan‘s assess- , ‘20 in the Cub con. be changed to Byron mom; that Fred Jewell be assessed for l Maybec for the southeast quarter at part of south part of the market square, ‘ $225. and John Chambers for the north instead of Richard Rooke; that Mrs. east quartet-at S223. and that the wcs Sarah \Velsh be assessed as occupant half remain assessed to I. G. Moynes of 10:. S s. F. w. 0.; and that no change at $450; that Donald Spence be entered shall be made in the values of the mm. on the roll as farmer‘s son with Robert going assessments, except the store and Spence. owner of part of the cast half dwelling occupied by William Heeley, of lot 17 con. 2.â€"Carricd. which shall be assessed at $550.â€"Car'd. Moved by Mr. Cbautberi. secomlt‘i Moved by Mr. Ellis. seconded by Mr. by 311- BMW“. That the Nil 35 00W McKeown, That Thomas AuStin be as. revised be ï¬nally adoptedâ€"Carrie]. scsscd 3500 personal property.â€"Carr‘d. The Council then adjourned. to meet Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded by at Rosedalc on the 17th day of June Mr. McKeown. That the assessment of 0'33!- Rcbert Wallace on lot 2 s. F. e. C. be reduced $50.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKeown, That the assessment of the estate of the late R. C. Smith bc cou~ ï¬rmedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Nevison. seconded by Mr. McKeown, That the assessment roll as now revised be adopted. and that the court of revision be dissolved and the council take up general business.â€" Carried. Fâ€"‘â€"â€"-__._______. _ - Powles’s Corners. Cori-35120111: are of the Guam. Sheep washing is now going on in this vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Bryson, of Cameron. pre- sided at the organ on Sunday, June lst, during the absence cf Miss Cullis. The report so industriously circulated that Mr. J. B. Campbell was an inzidel, caused a tow around here to refrain from voting at the recent election. Mr. Thomas Gillis has the contract for drawing the milk from here to Mr. Sandford's cheese factory at Fenclon Falls. Farmers, send your milk to the i'ncotry. and don't kill your wives and daughters. The annual Sabbath school picnic was held on the afternooon of Saturday, May Blst, according to antimincctncnt, in Mr. James Mitchell's grove. Swing- ing, base ball and other games were in- dulgcd in, and a good time generally was spent by all present. W FICSIO‘ AND Socmn.â€"â€"Thc Fenclon Falls True Blues had a picnic in Fitz- gerald’s grove on Wednesday aftct'ntz-on, and a social, followed by a hop, in ln~ gram's hall on Thursday evening The proceeds amounted to about 52.5 over expenses. DEN'I.‘AL.â€"â€"-Gas~â€"--Vituliml Air."â€" Don’t fail to call early on J. Ncclands, dentist,at the McArthur House, l’cn- clon Falls, on Tuesday, June 17th. Dr. Neclauds will have a complete gas ap- paratus. for extracting teeth without pain. Call in the forcuoou, if possible. HIS Lastâ€"Joe Hess's lecture in Dickson’shall, this evening, will be his last in Fenclon Falls, and brobably the most interesting of the three, as he will give an account of his career as a prize- fL-ghtcr. Those who have not yet heard him should avail themselves of this op- portunity, as they may never have another. FIsIIING.â€"-Bass and maskinongc ï¬sh- Tbe council met; present, the recve and councillors Ellis, Nevison and Mc- Kcown. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded by Mr. McKcown. That the collector be allowed the following abatemcnts. t-t': .- Mrs. A. Armstrong 32 30, Win. lrwin $2 30. Mrs. Pearson 3‘3 30, Jas. Sum- mcrs 8‘3 30. D. Washburn $3 45, B. H. Wills 311 50. the Napanee Paper Co. 3267 40, and J. W. Fitzgerald 874 98 ;, and that the following properties be re- turned to the county treasurer for col- lection : n. F. c. 0., south part of lot 1. $523 66; part of west part of block J. south of river, 69 cents; cast half of lot 51, south of rivcr, 3â€"1: 60; west half of lot 1 n. F. e. Clif, $1 15; east half of lot 6, s. F. 0. Clifton, 86 90; lot 141, south ofriver. $2 30; block B. s. F. e. c. 0.. S47 0]; block J. s. R. s. E., 34 60; east half lot 14 n. L., $11 50; block A. s. F. e. C.. 82 84; north half of west half of lot 2 B. c. C.. 33. 48, and the Martin estate, 815 76; and that the roll be accepted of? the col- lector’s hands, and that he be given up his bondsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. McKcown, scconed: by Mr. Nevison, That the following ac- counts be paid, and that the more give his orders for the same 1â€"H. D. Hand. Printing and advertising, $23.25; A. Q St. George, collector’s salary, $50; . Do., postage and stationery. 8'3; Thos. Johnston, work on sidewalks, 85‘; C. Curtis, charity account, (Mrs. Barkley) 52.75; E. Wood, do., do., 8'2; John S. , , Campde assessors, salary, 330; ThOS_ tng wtll commence on Monday next, and, Lane, work on Sidewalks, 31; w. E for a‘wondcr, the river is not biOckcd Ems, expenses Te mortgage, $1.85___ up with logs; but there are lots of them Currietp on their way from the north, and they Moved by Mr. McKeowu, seconded will_no doubt be here in time to impede by Mr. Nevison' That, 1)“ A. Wilson pavxgattou, if not tocntircly stop it. It be appointed medical health ofï¬cer in is said that the run of salmon in Brit- place of Dr. E. 5. Wilson, who has left ist (.‘olumbian and other waters is this the municipality, and that a by-law con- Se.“ alum“ unprecedcumdv and 501113 ï¬rming the some he introduced and 0f 0â€" Sports “link the “smug he“ read a ï¬rst timeâ€"Carried. “ll†[20 correfipondingly SOO‘J' Moved by Mr. Nerison, seconded by ACCIDENT TO A Chinoâ€"Last Fri- Mr. Ellis, That the clerk be instructed day Mr. Joseph McFarland’s little boy, to procure the necessary dog tags, and about 5 years old, fell. from the top oi that the constable be instructed to 001- the garden fence, and. not. only broke lcct the poll tax at onceâ€"Carried. the upper bone of his left arm at the Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. elbow joint, but dislocated one of the McKcown, That the street and bridge lower botle also. Dr. Wilson was Cfll‘ committee be and are hereby instructed led in to attend hitn, and, as no acute to examine the road leading to Greene inflammation set in, the little fellow was 6; Ellis's mill, and also the drain rc- out of doors thrcc orlourdays after the quircd opposite John Ingram's lot, and accident; but the injury 'was so com- take the necessary steps to have the plicatcd that a. stifi joint miy be the same attended to.â€"Cnrricd. result, though, of course, everything Moved by Mr. McKeown, seconded possible will be done to prevent it. by ,3“- N0Vl5001 That bit-law N0. _ ~ AL‘L‘II)E.\'T.-â€"â€"On Sunday last Mr. enmled 3 b.‘"l““7 mf‘l‘PW‘E 3"- ")‘3‘1‘01‘1 George Martin, while leading his horse health ofï¬cer for this mUDIClpflllt)‘: be l ___,, you“; and spirited ("WALD “myâ€, "0“" WEI‘OdUCCd and Wild 3 ï¬r“ Umc- ' was by some sudden action of the ani- â€"‘j/ll"“3dn . I l mal thrown. forward upon a pile of _rh‘3 bY‘la‘Ve llaY‘“5‘~_b‘-’en mad ‘0 90â€" l stones with such violence that he was mtttcc of the whole without amendment 2‘ knocked senseless and his face w“ cut was read a third tune and passed. . in um“). a dozen pluck... Whether L1,, Thecounml then mourned. to Ineotlnortt kicked him,or what. it did. he at the call of the recvc. ‘ cannot say, as he does not own remem- 1 her falling. but from a mark on the low - - , "r part of his forehead ovur his left eye. F u l n rt f e - 3 . e e 0 con 0 B Vlslon‘ 5 it is probable that. the colt. reared, and Gloom-m 3133. 23th, 189“. 1 in coming dowu struck him With one of The Council m“ as a Court of Rm: 113 fore feet. Dr. Graham decorated vision. 3;, the members prawn, On 1 his countenance with sticking plastcr, ~ ‘ ‘ - . ' y . motion of Mr. Daniel. seconded by Mr “0‘1 “c was up “mun†“ anew“?! b'“ a p - I 'l Graham. Mr. Berkeley tool; the chair. "' ““5 Canal“? 3 “ “1080 “all' .‘Ioved by Mr, Daniel. seconded by l Mr. Graham, That the The London Daily Cbmniclc appears W following l changes he made in the assessment mil to. be going back. to Mr. Gladswne's. of 1890: That lots 16 and 17 on Lake , support. Avenue, Sturgeon Point, be struck otil The Duke of Northnmbcrland is no the resident roll and entered on the doubt the greatest. landowner in Enz- nonrresident roll, eta valuation of Sm ‘ land. He onus more than 200.000 and 8100. respectively; that. lots 2 and } acres and has-a. rent. roll 018375.000 3 lie is eighty-one years of age. 1’ w. U. s. B.. and the some be assessed , 3'23 each ; that all. lets asaesscd m G. ‘ and all his life has been a great reader. . D to Samuel Newman, and that Wining) j Grandall' excep; 1915 4, 5, 6, 1 and 5 j “he ever read .. Tm Acres Enough... he 3' . ‘ I i Heeley be assessed tor part ot the south 1‘ north of Irene street be reduced_ ‘0 $15} 9,0“be did. no, “he much no“ u .u†s... “we; seamlï¬v ,...,_,,....- u