Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Nov 1889, p. 7

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___...â€"_â€"â€"- » â€"’ ‘ ‘ fbfifllGfl EEWS, Ccnnt Anthssktfi' in the most northern Afiomeinthe West. HAWK LINE STEmSHIPs. 1 portion of Siberia, .whare the ground 1 Join the m: “my of homemaker“ and -â€"â€"-â€"â€"- l continually covered With front. The Wonders “can 480 .cxes of government [and in the Saille Weekly between ssoxrnnu. and l l QM The (‘rand Dcch an inn f Russia is a - - . . ‘ J ‘ serg ° lnl ODJEC- shoots forth from the frczm soil Devi], L51“, Tums Magnum 0,. Mouse ‘80. fifihg‘n‘g distinguished authorus new writing the - . . v . only on the first day of each succeeding pm, dh. icm {Dkota_ Fort . _ m d mo 3‘, “on. I t: mama ml . 1"" 0f the I“upl'ew” °l R“““' year. It lives for but a single day. than fgmstlon‘mapg. rates. &c., appl;r::e;‘“i Rcfidr'r‘riu I‘ickeamfill. Slang: :20. APP” ‘0 G- L Aâ€" S S The latest Parisian novelty in gloves has "when to 1:. original elements, Theluve. ‘thn‘y 'G P & T St PM!) Minn. ' ‘ n. E. MURRAY. General mum: Canada Ship- & a small purse inserted in the palm. wherein are three in number, and each about three ' i I I u. .. ’ &"ff£°:.i.5."fif°.‘il figgiunmfim m Dem-gm myths: mffilimk urge“ sunk The looped tablior is infrequentlys can on W“ I @09- .. women can carry their railway ticket and small coins. An Eifi'sl tower in diamonds, which has been on exhibition in Paris, may be expected in America soon. It has been purchased for exhibition in this country. In the recent autumn maneuvres in Ger- many the (unifying of an intrenched position with barbed wire fencing was found to be very silicaclons. Polish Roman Catholic soldiers in the Russian army complain that various under- hand means are taken to induce them to r¢~ ceive the ministrations of Greek priests. The Emperor William has ordered every branch of the German cavalry to be armed with the lance as its chief weapon, though neither the sword nor the carbine is to be discarded. The erection the other day of a monument to the Dines who fell at Oversee in Schles- wlg in 1864 is regarded. as the first public irchrs in diameter. They are developed only on that side of the stem toward the north, and each seems to be covered with microscopic crystals of snow. Prince Adslberr, the third son of the German Emperor, isnot yet: promoted to the dignity of trousers, but he has already shown that he possesses a cuteness beyrnd his years. At an exhibition of the phono- graph before the German court circle the other day each of the little princes were re- quested to say something into the receiver of lhe machine. When it came to Prince Adalbert's turn, instead of following the ( xample of his elder brothers, and reciting a verse of poetry, he shouted into the machine which was to stereotype his utter- aucc for far-eff cars, “Will papa please give me a pony?’ It is not recorded whe- ther this reasonable rtquesb was granted. A short time ago a young student applied for admission as npil to the priests' semin- ary a’a Kalocsa, ungary, and, being duly new gowns. McCausland & SOD, ‘ C°nsnm9n°n smely Cme‘i‘ xpmeversureme(“NW-“Mm”? x 72 i0 76 Kim} STREET WEST TURUNTU. To the Eiitor :â€" 20 ‘VEEKS ('OI'RSE in BI'SINFSS TRAINING positive remedy for the above named disease. slon to Primary, Drawing and Collegiate Cla~ses. One A 13"“ “mum orTRUST :â€" Pleue inform ya" made“ ‘1‘“ I ll“? 5 including Siioarussu and Tri'swsmxc. Free adn is- . ' C u e Year Sli-U. Parr Beams, of Toledo, Ohio, FUNDS to Loan at a very By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases 0 93 Dinner. Fawn). o, m mum", low rare or interest on first have been permanently cured. I shall be . “mg BELLF‘.HLF an“ “flu-“y, _{ppr so glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE ALBERT 101‘ ’ ‘ ' to any of your readers who have ccnsump- w' P' DYER‘M'A" Pusan!“ Really, ChillinCk, BlaCkStOCk Gilli, ______________________._.__. illon if they will send their Express and Barristers and Bol'cliers' P- 0- addrefl’g- R5527) T- A- SLOCUMI Wellington St. cor. Church, (over Bank hi'rcrouto. M. C., 164 W est Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. TORONTO ONT I A... 473 ROYAL nan. STEAHSBIPS. ' ' THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE BHDIGE FARMS FOR SALE ill ALL PARTS 05 And still to the fronth regard to the prm isiou made for the safety on! comfort of its customers. VVrclily Sailings Between liver-pool, (Has. gow rind the St. Luwrcncle itdl’ortniglit- I g: 1y Berries from tom on uring parties Mama“ to pumm“ ,m raved “much. 3. summer Momm' Farms. from 80 acres upwards, pwith ll!)th %, Mail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland possession. call or write to G. l. MADISON. loo ‘ via. Halifax during winter. Glasgow strainers eai- Arthur's Block, lilain st., Winnipeg. information throughout the year to Boston and Ehllarelphia, call furnished free of charge. and settlers assisted ,to a, ’2; ‘i r ‘ l admission of com letc reconciliation between - - the Danes and {hair conquerors. prowdEd Yi-th Sxangnation cerffficgtea’ 7 in: at lri=h ports and Halifax en route. _ making seleotlon. . “" once re‘mve ' a new pal“ ‘3 8130* V For rates of passage and other information apply MON-HY To Lou Ono of the visitors to the Eiffel Tower has the same life as the other inmates of the SCROI’ULA H. nOURLlElt. cor. King and goose Sta, Toronto. ; A! CUB“, Ru“ 0’ m expressed in the Paris “Figaro” his sense of establiahment, and showed 5 marked din. m- n, 5;, A, ALLAN, Montreal, or .0 the local agents In “381‘- its height. “I would throw myself down from the top," he writes, “but time I am afraid of dying from hunger before I reach the bottom." M. Nantct reached the Paris Exhibition after a seven days' journey from Brussels in a phaeton drawn by a pair of dogs. He is a humane man, and when his dogs wore tired he went between the shafts while they mounted the box. “ Gen. Faidherbe who died recently in Paris, was almost the only French com- mander who in the war of 1870-71 gained a position for study. A few days ago Cardinal Haynald visited the seminary, and in the garden met the newcomer, who bowed respectfully, but, contrary to custom, did not kiss the Cardinal s hand. Bis Eminence not only noticed the omission, but it led him to examine the candidate priest somewhat closer. The efi'eminato face of the young student; turned scarlet: under the scrutinizing gaze, whereupon the prelate uttered a few words in a low tone that caused the former to return quickly to the house. Five min- utes afterward this mysterious personage Eiglélhsggl‘gggggs Not a Meal Flavor J OIN Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Scott's Emulsion is not It Secret remedy. Containing the stimulating Hypophos- phitcs and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely in- creased. It is used by Physicians all over | The great army of homescekcrs and secure 408 Acres of FREE Government Land, in the ,ncvll's Luke, Turtle Mountain, or I Mouse River districts of Dakota. For further in tormatlcn, maps, eta, apply to J. M. llllCILlNS Canadian Passenger Agent. St. P., hf. & hf. R)‘., Q Palmer House Block. Toronto. BUT M EAT ITSELF - - . had left the premiers and has not since the world. 0 t, - n b N C V . ' ‘ d d . d t th ’ . . on nine 8. o e UTRITIOUS o. S'l‘lTUllh'rS A ‘_ diffifimfinqmgbtim “03?; 2%: :28: in 2 801m; backfi fRfimor 9W3 Pailbllndlvmgfil Wig: P ALATABLE As MI LK' of Meat and is therefore the moss STRENGTH Pimth battle (“mud the Germans to rc' a a y, w o e an Ines“ ‘ 1° voc‘ mu Sold by all Brawl/leis. 50c. and $1.00. ‘ Gwmg‘r‘: 0' on TNT CA “N. MILLSTONES FINEST CRINDER iNTHE wants an RENEWING become a priest. W treat. The postal card was twenty years old on the first: of last month. Austria has the One Hundred M1168 an Hour? credit of first adopting the invention, though Sh, Edward Watkin h“. on behalf of the it was first advocated by the German Post~ M - - , ‘ etropolitan Railway Company offered Y‘SMFM'ECQHN' Dr- bteph'en. x911 Ovb- 1’ the manager of the \Vuber Railway a piece 60‘ 8‘ birrcspondeliz hwte fit" but“ of ground near London on which to lay on the “tomafmd (“oatmenml World' down alluc two miles in length. We shall, Complaint is made of the ' wholesale 60- therefore, soon have an opportunity to try strncnou of Egyptian antiquities in conse- when, if the accounts are true, must be the ‘t llELl'll BUSINESS COLLEGE, Guelph Ontâ€"Tho sixth scholastic year ileflluu nept. 2nd. .An Art Departn ent has been added in which Drawxng and \Voodcsrvinz wi‘l be taught hv the most noted specialist in the Dominion. Our Short- hand Department his accomplished phenomenal re- sults. We lead the van in Practical Education. hi. MacCORhllCK, Princ'pal. ATQVTE procured. Patent Attorneys and experts Est'u 1807. Donald C. Bldout dz (10.. Toronto. quence of the permission given to Greek and vel- our;- cf motion, The can-in 65 run . . '5 Arab treasure seekers to dig, on condition on Shares oyr slides, but between tEe slide g 1:355:31Ogossfigglisfiooinatz ' ..... V '3. . gang '3)“ they Show everything found to the and the rail is forced a film of water, which 5' “LMCM'EHARL' 3" D-v " ,, Boulak Museum. As a matter of fact the prevents all jolting, bumping, and shaking, ____.__..._ NM; mm” "L’ mm” N'Y' W11?“ 1 §“¥ Oil-RE I 6‘91 £112“ mfiwe‘i‘figfgyrlg $5 museum does not see every thing they find. and, in fact, makes the carriages skim (“smugâ€"Season 155s, New °i‘;,,‘,’}l§' finmfif‘cfl’oum “"5 A Biamamk Museum is to b.) openefi at along 9.: a. boat, does on the 333., Then, too. importationqof Enqli-h Sheeps, I have made the disease 02 9g Berlin Dex“ Apr“. on the Chuncenor’a the pace is 8' hundred mu“ an hour' If Orders filled for any dgiir:?(Ad:§€i€?n\l/Igfegoat?!Bilge or 2.9 seventy-fifth birthday. In in to contain the new railway is really practicable for l 5' p ’ Na :8 every species of objrc: relating to the Princo’u long distances, all England will be a suburb JilliIES PARK & SQN, FALLING SICKNEbr. a": public life, inoluciug a large collection of of London and Surrey will be saved from 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, Toronto, Ont. Alifelong Stud - IWABRANT my remedy t0 5 Cums the wors cases. Because others nuvo failed is no reason for not now rcccivin a. cure. Send at once for utrcatlse and a FREE mum of niV'INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Ex nose and Post 011100. It costs you nothing or 9. trial, and it will cure you. Address 11. G. BOOT, 1&0" 164 West Adelaide St. TORONTO, isn'Z-IK'A-l -; . ‘.- i "1-." donicbcrution flifc TORONTO- becoming a chessboard, covered with what the auctioneers call “villa residences stand. ing in their own three acres and a half of v.rklikc grounds.” A hundred miles an hour would make Bath as accessible as Brighton is now, While Manchester could be reached in an hour and fifty minutes,â€" London Spectator. I,___._._â€".â€"---â€"â€"-â€"- It Seemed Quesr. "Ill seems queer that yellow fever is al- ways packed in cases,” remarked Mrs. Suaggs. “I don’t quite understand you," said her husband. “ Well, occarionally I see in the papers that a case of yellow fever has arrived in New York." Gentle Sarcasm. " Mrs. Mulligan,” said Mrs. Ginty, “is it well yer faliu' the day?" “Yis, very well.” " An’ shtrong '3" “ Xis, quite shtrong." “Then, p’r’aps it’s able yc'd be to bring back the two wash-tubs yrz borricd last Monday." - [Merchant Traveler. poems, praising, denouncing, or ridiculing him, and an immense number of caricatures. It may be that: the now powders now be ing invented for European use will lead to a marked change in the style of guns. The German powder is said to explode in a manner to render the gun liable to be blown out near the muzzle. The new French powder has bursa several guns in the some way. A subterranean river has just: been dis covered in the department 0 Lot, France. I The discovcrcrs worked their way down stream for a couple of miles through a suc- cession of wonderful grottoes sparkling with shalaciities. They found seven lakes on their way, and had to about thirty seven cascades or rapids. A French statistician has just: ascertained that a human being of either sex, who is a moderate outer, and who lives to be 70 years old, consumes during “the days of thc years of his life " a quantity of food which would fill twenty ordinary railway baggage cars. A “good eater,” however, may require as many as thirty. On the day of a general election the French, is would seem, allay their excito- ment by heavv eating. On Sunday, Sept. 22 they ate 432,300 pounds of oysters and 152,000 pounds of fowls. On the previous Sunday, a very fine day, they consumed 100 000 pounds loss weight of oysters and 8,000 pounds less weight of fowls. The Bank of Russia has just discovered that the new bills of ‘25 rulbies which were put into chm osi'y‘a short time ago have already been forged in a very perfect way. Several hundred thousands cf other forget? bills are supposed to he in circular in: throughout Ruggia. It is supposed that the hills are manufactured in England or in the United States. It was noticeable at the Paris Exposition this summer how rapidly two wheeled vehicles in France are suppluutiug fourv wheeler . There wore 300 000 four-wheeled and $00,000 two wheeled vehicles in tho Hummus, can make money during vacation by canvassing for one or more cfour fast selling Books and Bibles, especially History of Canada, by \V' H. Withrow, D.D., latest and bees edition var published. prices low, terms liberal Write rcr illustrated circulars and terms. WM. I Publisher, Toronto. BR GGS BARKER'S SHURTHAND SUHOUL, 45 King Street East. Toronto. formerly for over five years Principal of the Shorthaud Institute in con- nection with the Canadian Business University. Typewritln Department under the management of his. GEOR E BENGOUGH. Agent for the Remington Typewriter. Ap ly for Circular. Mention this in writing. p paper MERCHANTS. BUTCHERS, and Traders generally. We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up GALE'SKINS or us. Oash furnished on satisfactory guaranty Address, 0.. 8. PAGE, Bros Pans. Vermont. U. 8. LIVE MEN WANTED To sell our Hardy. Home-Grown FRUIT TREES. Prices Low. Good Pay and Steady Work. Free outfit. THE D. W. BEADLE NURSERY COMPANY, [Hill St. (Samarium, om. Artificial Limbs: FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS; J. [JOAN 8s 00-, 77 Norihcote Ave... 'loronio. Out The Albert Toilet Soap Coy’s A N D O A P I T A I... S IR. W. P. H O WL A N D. President. “3 (l. MACDONALD. \Vhl. ELLIOT. E. HOOPER, J. K. MACDONALD. } { Mas/ionic DIRECTOR. F0 R SALE.â€" 0 O r. A MN “New Model" Machines, much below the ordinary prices , â€"wh--n th so are «one no more are to in had. Those in want ad machim should not of a go miss the opportunity. and all are g‘mran‘eed near. perfect. and first. close in. every risprct. A. 1‘. DALLAS. Deals: in all kinds of Metals, Machinery. etc. 38 Yougc Street. Town”. l’s} ment may be nude by dust or Vi rought lrcu Scrap, {or which Highest C‘ceh Price wizl he ailowef. Writ - for parthulars Vice-Passions“. Am [my Never Got Over It. Miss Pyrteâ€"" What makes you such a confirmed woman-hater, Mr. Olebach ‘2” Mr. Oiebachâ€""Well, when I was a young man, a woman made a fool of me.” Miss Pyrtleâ€" “And you never got over it 1’ â€"'_- Gocfl Points in A Woman. A clear bright eye That can pierce the sky, A rounded cheek Where the roses speak, A chest so grand That the lungs expand ; A steady brain That can bear the strain, A manner bri .ht And a spirit light. Who does not wish for these, or having I A POSITIVE CURE. A PA This the Patent Age of New Invenlion. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL aces .51... ""5 DISEASES OF MAN 1 Lubon’s Specific .. it WM fifteen years ago. A circular has been addressed to the artists of the Dresden State Theatre warning them that for the future it will be considered a breach of discipline to accept offerings of flowers and other tokens of admiration, or in any way to recognize the presence of the audience during the course of the performs ance of serious operas and dramas. This regulation has been in force for some years at Vienna and at other places in Germany. The German purists are s'ill continuing their campaign against the French element in the language of the Fatherland. Finding that they cannot erj-y their cigar under that name, they have had some difficulty in finding a suitable German term to take its place The cigar manufacturers of Duusldovff. however, recently adored a prim for the but Teutonic substitute for _ the obnoxious foreign vocable, and their Th" “m‘n b‘mnet “ moribnnd- oh ion has fallen on a coinage of Pastor- lfyou havecatarrh, use the surest remedy Zsllr-r oi \\'siblingenâ€"" R-ncbrolle." â€"Dr. Sage's. The festivities at Athens to celebrate the marriage of the Duke of Sparta and Prin- , ecu Sophia oi Pruisia are to be on a scale of ‘ Joy Indescribable. ,_ , them wish to kec them, yet when weak- . I, ._ s» country in 1514 Tue number of the former n8", irregularities? Sick headache. “Noam ' Th0 flmgngcflglfigggg‘ggfiydfiggzg 30311118 . is .now 1,100,000, while that cf.tho more no". and inflammation“ atmck her. “no”. ‘6”! V. I The Terrible Consequences oilndiscrellon .y . aristocratic conveyances remains Just what flan can he accompuahed by the use of Dr. p “ , c . fl Exposure and Overwork. f" ' YOUNG. MiDDLE-AGEDélDLD MEN F“ a») Pierce's Favorite Prescription, a medicine designed for woman's use, and placed with all druggists for their relief. Sold under the manufacturers' positive guarantee of satis- faction, or money refunded. ” ; MAKES THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXION BEAUTIFUL. See that the Coy'n name it 3.- Siumpcd on the Soul) and on .24. the \Vle‘). ' Beware of Imitationa. ‘ Who are Broken Down from the Effects of Abuse, will find in No. no. Radical Cure for Nervous chility, 0r- gnnic Weakness. etc. Send your Address and me. in ‘stamps for Treatise in Book Form. on Diseases of Man. - Address, MN. LUBON.41Wc|lingicn-sl. E.’l‘oronlo. Can - A man without wisdom lives in n. fool's paradise. ‘ ' I. g \ A PERMANENT cuss. “fiffitlfi‘gE-P- A PLEASANT cuss, 4 ' ._( . Eatire dresses of crocheted wool are worn by English children, orpocially delicate ones, in cold, damp weather. The tight coat sleeve is dead. What A Dunce l suffered with fever, hot head and foul breath Willi stomach disordered-was sick unto death. 1 here it a weekâ€"surely I was a duuceâ€" Then i took a few "Pe lsie"-â€"tbsv cured me at once. What a dunce, indeed, to neglect such a remedy and suffer a week, when quick relief coulci have been found in Dr. Piercc’s Plea- sant Pnrgativc Pellets. The two-piece dress is moribund. RDUM DARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA (moonpouarem A. MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOC'N ‘ iSOLlD lXVESTflENTâ€"By pa)"an to the show nonunion ORE Call! PBB Dal, a person aged incest-two, and two cents per day a person aged forty-four can secure Five Dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accident. amo for two and tnreeornia per dav. persons aged as more can secure for their dependants, Five Hundred Dollars is event of death. LIVE bTOf‘K OWNERSeau provide spinning. it death wrung: disease or use: ice: of their stock at say rates. Those interegad. send for prooykectud deis, ' . ‘ eats van in care roses 1 Accounts have been received of a sc-caile l Bead Otii:eâ€"-â€"Toronto, Out. Demands un- at.“qu A; p sou .. ii «or, laid to have been discovered b1 precedentcd, so please order early. wrsuau JO'ES. Masai" Director. E. G GOODERUAM . Manchu. J. C. COi’l’, Sud-Tans. mwfifim," 1.1mm.) unknown in Greece. 1),). “a nigh; irritation, pain, burning This mutilate in Wine NEE “1°” “"5 909‘“ kidney trouble, etc... made life to me miaer. 1“ “ring the Greeks, w 0 new “PC” in“ able. For the past four months have used the famous pmphi‘t‘)‘ “in b" ‘hlfi‘h‘fo Sr. Lhoa' Mineral Water. It cured me quick- “ carding m cinch the Mn one of 5'. {trains 1y. Hive travelled much and have tried a: Loatslehtlm'lflc W131 b‘ “tum”! w 99"" many things, but have found nothing in the tian Hit-“hip bi‘ ‘ ("*3 L‘DPQN' “‘59” world to equal St. Leon. The flow of high nuns shall be ‘Lcus'm true. In“ "503° "if? spirits and joy it bringsis indescribable. h to beeilledbmphis The Dukeoibpartas Wu, Gun name is Con-aunties and that of his bride : Jag-Query em “up”, n, Aidan. '3; we“, Sophia. Toronto. 4 \ ."'/ ~ \ / O'FH :, “‘-.~E$TQUALITY& GODS REPLAED 31 REFlNlSHE. vu-i 1' ___._.â€" .g..-» «Aww -

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