I ) wastaken as Rein as possible to Dr “'iison's ofï¬ce in this vil .13, where, ai-' continuc, and re: nearly l."rl3i|i-~l’1.‘illl'iu ital bwu administered. the «rounded lino-rs \vere ‘ tlt‘ti::-3d ano th- iitt'.) .nffmcr Ul’l'i", as: comtortabae 11‘ 1102's; )1. Rob-rt. Jacket was descending iron; his nasztm. he laid his hand on the hind quarters of one of his horses. and. aim-nub he spoke at the same time t‘m- animal kicke'l. striking: )lr. Jacket on the 0;, and breaking: both bone.s boom the knees. Dr. \\iis0u is in at- lc‘il’lJ‘IC“ upon the sufferer. M Mr. Gladstone Talks. AN ADDRESS ON THE CONDITION 01" Till“. WURKlNG CLASSES. Losoos. Oct. QRâ€"Mr. Gladstone made an address at Chester on Saturday on the condition of the working classes He contrasted the English workman’s positimt today with that of :30 years ago, showing that. during the hall'cen- tury there has been an increase of 50 per cent. in wages, while the cheap food and clothing now obtainable are better than heretofore. He urged English Workmeu to study the history of th: American Revolution. ile ciaimct that it Wars by and frotn this country that a love of freedom was sown in A mericu. England now in return reaped advantages from the AmeriCan vindica- tion of those principals of freedom which animated the Revolution. The system oi government in America com- bined that love of freedom, respect ot law, and desire for order which formed the surest elements of national excell once and greatness. It was no extrava- gance to say that, although there were onlv 2,000,0“0 of people in the thirteen States at the time of the Revolution. the group of statesmen that proceeded from them were a match for any in the whole history of the world and were superior to those of any one epoch. Their fortunate appearance was un- doubtedly due to wellâ€"regulated muscu- lar freedom. 1...“..- .â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" ticnry Labouchere. now Tur‘. GREAT CYNIC AND l-Inl'rou 0F TRUTH LOOKS AND TALKS. Mr. Laboncherc is thus pictured iii the New licvicw 2 “ 'l‘hc smoking-room ol' the House of Commons is his shrine. I and there, poised in an American rock- ingchair and delicately toying with a cigarette. he unlocks the varied treas- ures oi ltis well-stored memory, and cnunciatcs the far-reaching principles of his mild philosophy. “in voice is pleas- ant and his utterance deliberate and cf- t'cctive. He has the kcenest possible eye for absurdities and incongruities. the kccncst insight. into all‘ectntiou and bombast, and an admirable impatience of all the moral and intellectual quali- ties which coastitute the. bore. lie is by no means disposed to be overawcd by a great reputation. and is apt to att- alyze the personal and political quali- ties of great and good limit in thc Libe- ral ranks with an agreeable frankness which would probably astouish those strenuous politicians who have already Plt‘L‘trd hitn by acclamation to the re- vcrsion of the Radical leadership.†..-.. ._ A lion riding upon the back of a horse has been the chief attraction at the Paris llippmll‘otuc the present sea- son. it drew immensely and the rcâ€" cripts exceed SSOOJHHL .\u nation -.ri:m of New York asserts ancestors came originally from lioscommon. lreâ€" land, where the name has been indigen- ous tur over ll-l‘cc hundred ytats. and that iitlttl'zzt‘ Washington's is at the present day very common. Farmers living in the vicinity of 31 Oil t l he led away by crm‘ypto‘f recently sold llltli cotu rob pipe factory are exceptionally l'ottuuate. posrs kt cps up. .\ tarmcr \\';tsliitt;tuti. Mon i bumcls ot corn for Still and not 5'37 lot- This is at. thv' rate o:~ 57¢. a bll‘lttfl. and. ii. only s. their-at. )lissouri mv-rtschanms were smoked to make the demand larger. thinners would soon be raft. Corn cob pipes are manufactured 3, _ l “,“d “1)‘10 t0.(‘0nlll0to In I“). own i The undersigned is now manuthcturing the lltne oi business and thank my l for their I, 5 [int Cubs. by ‘1 very simple process and are in fair Some demand {Iii over tlte country. \wre rcecndy shipped to Europe, and my.» arrival. were ordered soon alter \l .\ lkllll'll). ‘ I ;\ltlttttl;;l\ many millions of eon~ at: buruv d or adowed to rot every year, the price for pipe making pur- ltvin; near their . . , llillltl support tor the last ten I have withstood op- position livc times in the lastl The reports of suffering at Johnstown . $2,000,0L0 contributed for the relief of the John:- tuwn sufferers remain in the hands 0‘: the Pennsylvania Flood Relief Commis- ]--...'l'ni~ (' Friday) morning. 3‘ l Sim) ! PENELON FALLS MARKETS. qurtei’ by (lie .Vorth Star Roller .llt'll Co. l-‘enelou Falls. Friday. Nov. lst, l859. Wheat, fall. per bushel - - $0 65 80 Wheat. spring. “ - - - 0 To SO Wheat, Scotch or Fife, - - 0 To 52 Ilarloy, per bushel - - - 35 4'1 "tats. " " - - - - 23 ‘15 l’ease. “ “ - - - - 45 50 l’otatocs, “ 25 30 Rutter, per 1b., - - - - â€" 15 17 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 15 lluy,perton, o - - - $6 00 $7 00 New Advertisements. LOS'P. On Thursday last, in the neighbourhood of the north word school-house. a. pair of gold~rimmcd Spectacles. A liberal reward will he paid to any one returning them to the Gazette ofï¬ce, or to M. W. Bnaxnox. Fenelon Falls, Oct. 24th, 1889. 37-3. STEICI‘ STRA‘YED. Strayed frotn my ï¬eld, on the 4th inst., a dark red steer,3 years old, r0und built, small of his age, and with short horns. .\ny person giving information as to his whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. 11. AUSTIN. Fenelon Falls, Oct. 17th, 1889.â€"37-3w. WILSON & GRAHAM, LICENSED AUCTIOlfl'Eâ€"ERS for the County of Victoria. Farm sales a specialty. JOHN WILSON. J. R. GRAHAM. 30h Lindsay. Fenelon Falls. 3 A R N U M KNOOKED OUT IN ONE ROUND at R. J. Frost’s Model Jewellery Store. Opposite the Post-ofï¬ce, Fenelon Falls. on g. « 1,. 7: :9 Ell-c . O Q .’ ‘. LADIES .txn GENTLEMEN, If you want to get wedding presents, this is the place to purchase. LADIES, Call whether you want to purchase or not ; we will always be glad to see you. No trouble to shcw goods. GENTLEMEN, It' you want to take the ï¬rst step in the matrimonial direction, he sure and call on us for equipments. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Including Ladies, Gentlemen. Young Ladies, Old Ladies, Young Gentlemen or Sprouts, Merchants, Farmers and Furmers’ Sons, Mechanics, Sailors, Doctors, Lawyers, Ministers, Teachers, (male and female) in fact all who breathe the breath of life. This invitation includes yott all. WCome and see our ï¬ne assortment of Watches and Jewellery, and satisfy your- Selves that it pays to deal with us. {tiï¬â€˜tlur assortment. of Silverware. which was purchased from ottr predecessor for a song, must be cleared off at once. to make room for Christmas goods, and bargains may be relied upon for the next month. m3?"\l';ttcltes and Clocks carefully re- paired. All work warranted. R. «H. Filiéiï¬â€™i‘. “ The JeWcllcr.†wt "at-[ml that blows. l tnutuerous patrons years. \ Omvowoooooowooo0009000000900....o~ooooooOOvOOO Mr.Catl1ro and Mr. Mark have Retired. A In future our business will be conducted by Mr. Sootheran, under the name and stvle of Sootherau and Co. Giving to this change it will be necessary to have money, and in .order to realize as quickly as possible it will be necessary to apply the most vigorous means. We have therefore decided to inaugurate a MAMMOTH SALE, to begin at once, and in order to make business hum and the money roll in we are prepared for any reasonable sacriï¬ce of profits. All our accounts will be made out and mailed this week, and we trust our customers will respond heartily and pay up promptly, as we Inustihave money. During this sale no credit. will be given; but for Spot Cash you will find us the.- cheapest place on earth to buy your Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantlcs, Clothing, Merchant Tailoring, Hats, Caps, &c., &c. SOOTHERAN & CO... City Drapiers and Clothiers, No. 2 DOBSON’S BLOCK. 2 DOORS WEST OF THE POST OFFICE. . tutor. MRS. Hooters IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO FOR DEALER IN l. l... ii E hi Fancy Goods, Jewelry, â€"_ANID- Fancy Goods. can“ pm - Lace Curtains, Embroidery and Materials for Embroidery in Silk and Wool, Filoselle, Arrasene. Ribosene, etc. Also, Collars, Cuffs, Handker- chiefs, and Fancy Goods of all descriptions. Mrs. Gold and Silver Watches. WALL PAPER, Oil-painted Window Shades, “PICTURES. Picture Frames Made to Order a Specialty. it. it. start, DEALER IN Foragin- amlDomestz'c Fruits, (.‘lzoz'ce’ Confectionery, [M' C ream 65’ Oys/crsz'fl season. done in town or country. 7/13 136511 7051156085: and Cigars, Canned Goods of all lcma’s. Also a stock of C Izoz're Grorcr- Oysterskibiiziiilagoi(ï¬liifimw 07'- &y 1/10 glass. A l l en’s .S‘rt/ccl Cz'zlerjust' arrival Parlz’cs coming- to town will ï¬nd 17sz just tlze place to gel (1 Lmzc/z 20/162; required, (If (my /101l7‘. IN Boots an Shoes A'I‘ _ ‘ omouooboooow . 0900009.. mo... . ‘ OQOOWwooo ; ‘OWOONOQqQoâ€Â¢ 1 :MOOOQOQQQNoyo at, ‘ y. ._.A, -‘ 00099090999994. . “n...†. W- _, __ «.u....233222: 33.742333: _ [NJ â€,.¢....â€.H.q I ooooocooonouoo / It / lib ‘Puritan Calf" cork-soled Boots â€"â€"Waterproof, sensible; ‘VValltcnphast ’ and ‘ Common Sense ’ Boots; ‘ Cardigan ’ Over- shocs, smoothing new and something good. German Felt Slip- pers from 250. per pair up ; sec ’cm. LUMBER YARDS, illllllllll llllillll llllllSll. We have for sale here and at Lindsay all hinds of Building Lumber. .loist, St-nntliug , l’lank, Timber, Lath. l’iekets, Shingles. Fence Posts and all kinds of l’luned and Mutt-bod Lumber frt in one to two years old. ' ()ur Common Lumber, both Pine and . lletnloclt‘. inch and two illt'll. is mostly new Eng!†pounds good Japan Tc“ stock. eut inn Hl‘ltrllll. well roofed, dry and A g00d Scrubbing brush for Se. bright. manufamurml expressly for the lot‘ul trade of l-‘enclon l-‘nlls and Lindray and surrounding Country. From our long experience in the i)lli-in('f-"-‘. and being luuildt-r: ourselvw, we have a good idea of whnt is retinier for first class or common building: mail-rials for houses, barns nntl outbuildings. We have asst-rim! and piled by themselves ‘ Boss ’ and ‘ Climax ’ seamless laced Bootsâ€"nothing to ripâ€"and THE ‘ GREAT MEDICAL DESBOVERY ’ DOT, curing Corns, BunionS, Tender and Damp Feet. We show samples of the leather of lines are manufactured. DON‘T FAIL TO SEE T1â€) ABOVE SEW STYLES THEY’RE (IORKERS Our stock of Staples is, as usual, unsurpassed. We give with every pair or our celebrated (lirls' School Boots, a Beautiful School-bag which a number of our tine GROCRRIES AND PROVISIONS Choice and Fresh. Two good Brooms for 25c. “9009...... >0†OOoobohooboooooO Ich¢v900>0~0090000 I o UllOf'KEllYk GLASSWVARE J J’ e I I I 0'... o 9 o o o my“ .-\'I‘ com; “'35:; , BEVEL-ED GED .___._.__ l - l ' l I)IEN'EI. 7' ‘I _7. l h 1 ‘both qualities 1,. wit purchasers. l’rievs lGAS.-â€"(Vl'l‘.»\l.17.l«ll) AIR.) . M , We have about two million feet that must .! o mid to rial" room for new stock. l‘ar- ‘ (‘0 toJ..\':r.u-s - ‘= ‘ = - " ’f‘" . l, . i . L t },‘L 'D†D('l“"f. .11"!de H l ties F'qllli‘lltg any of thn- above slot-l; will i231: “nail (Riggï¬ftfnmwi.[malilwild “llllglhtve money by calling before ptlrl'l.‘fl.‘lillt.! ,Irml: “2" h ,l :v::0.ll,gl;' n ’3'†“m “,l‘, clsn-n'ln-rv. or by sending their bills here or 4 ,. e I ‘S.\ ‘ ' I .4. ‘ \ v. ' ‘ r ‘ r U ( L ' ‘3 qr L “mun {Hist-slimmed above Blinds at AND 7 CENTS PER SQUARE FOOT, i 3†rmdy mmd' t li‘l(l='l\' t] r ‘1'“ lttlltv'ts‘ i . . . with Dr. Coltnn. f New ' ‘- p ' u - ’ " ' ‘ ' " ' . . l The mos: “m:l“n““l m‘mls "mde' 1 “fl†1,â€- ..f r‘~ r“. Jinn-H ,turï¬' “{â€" mz; †and returned for approval. (.nu ship b'.‘ eat . .. . . . L: s .l. H, ' - , _ v v 5 . . . ' and Ornamental. (un- good sattstacnoo PM “yoâ€. t O W "in IHEI‘FL. 1|“ Itlun t; ,mds m m, ,Wmm pm, 2.“, Spry,“ m,“ _ J ' .7 - I 1 ~ . '1 ‘11 ." . i ‘3 ' ' ~ wherevertrted. ‘ g I“ l ‘ "m on to April nv-xt. head on your orders. ‘- ' .. ., - . , Uâ€, iy Mr' Mound" w “Iâ€: “go’ and mi“ "One [)ollarh'aw-d is 'l'wollollnra linrm-d.’ " ,_ I. . ..,.__ .‘A,.;,n,s,x\" . ... ‘ » -‘ . 1‘ ‘ ~ . 1 M h~‘--lln\M--J- -“ ll-l lv- ‘ -‘ -‘ ~ " ' it'll \ cuts 111 l‘t‘llt‘lmt Btlllmï¬tlltl . bamplos at J. “card's Hardware More. requuml any l"[\t\lt‘.=. Gold crowns, porce- .\l.' Jodiua Richard» '1. i' rkcring lay l‘o-v.‘ . ‘ . . . -. . . . ,, - ; ._ , . " 4 _\'t tt",â€"'l'l--al‘(v: '5 ll '1 n 'li â€" Ur l’.»-ri-t m .\.~.'.-.v..’.w Urt. any lit! Will :‘illl lb.“ able to LIch Stttlï¬- uzidJJlelv‘arlami's grocer". Agentswantcd. 15ԠCW“ if “'1 “NWH‘WR dmm' \ N" 1Aâ€. linn is} t I H l l a U ‘3 lm .' . I. ‘ ‘x. J - \ n: {J p. \1 up 41 ‘ - - ‘- . l ' l‘t‘nelon ialis. lic.-\rthur House. on the be": lot-m u w. t n, . i, Sign l.,~;i‘:l~ll»‘>3 “mm ' M "lm‘u‘ ltlcilOII. :L“ 111 Illt‘. past, :liiC‘l‘ ; VV. II. (.11 Il' liC‘II. third Tue day of every month. Call early CRY-ENE 3" ELLIS: ""40" I'M!†‘ "‘“ ' ‘ ““ ‘ Fenelon FalisJ‘eb. 15th, lSSU.â€"t-tf. Im the day. 40-1.!â€- Rant. musoxs. new! at hinder/- .‘lu.r.r:â€"â€">wttu.stâ€"~.\t the Methodist pnr- . having had thirty years' ex-‘ stump-e. LiudSay, ltv Rev. Dr Williams. on . l t . , . pcrtenee. l “rdzmsday. tier. 3min. Mr. Robert .‘lagce. ‘ l l l l l SUISSCRIBE 170R gTHE “GAZETTE.†l ONL‘Y ONE DOLLAR PER ‘YEAR. l JOB PRINTING EXECUTED II THE BEST STYLE mm AT THE. LOWEST RATES. t at Fl‘lll‘iuil PAL-21o Miss Margaret Switncr. 3" S I E R ' u! l'eurluu. I . a . pxilz'i'af.’ ‘ ‘ i Watchmakew Jeweller, Duncâ€"In the township ot lone-on. on , vvng‘NYE‘ 101:" LL‘SV. Saturday, tlct. .‘czh. William. third son of‘ J. 'z “A rich: rut l.‘ rears. ll mouthsand‘ . _ g; din-Li ‘5 i ‘ ‘ l 2 Doors South of Mectamcs'lns’ntute.