Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Sep 1889, p. 8

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regs-i»; zlwi . â€",E _C ..H____________.__ An Iuiernaionil Contour}. A COMPLETE HISTORY or fill l â€"â€" i and rpxrnircn i There is 1 man in Itsnver “ho has \ALLI‘Z! an idea thit the country ‘Jullil to give FLOOD. up the precut method of di:pn~ing of embracing. also. a history ot the floods . in Williamspori. Lock Haven. Sun- u"‘d ball'u‘b “ml 3d"?l ""9 Winch h“ bargain! all the flooded districts in the surge-5:5. He does not advocate en mi ; 5:32.} of Pennsylvania: also in Washington. Lion. nor anvtldn; dirt: which, :0 far as i l). C.. New York, Maryland, Virginia and is known. uppmré r.) 1,3“; Luca sup-“3%. WeSt Virginia, all of which caused the total '\ l loss of over I 1.000 lives and the destruction ‘ ' ' r e <1 . 's scheme is- , . . - ed by any )lll r r ..r M) Hi i. , 0: overflofiuuymu worm U, propeny, to freeze the dead im-lv in water take e , - . . . ‘ - ' (:0. E. Ferrls. A. )I. the block oi re: in which tne body has I B“ G V M x ' , . been ir 'Z"l and carrv it to the uor‘h ‘ “cum” 522. page” "instill"? with.” ‘ “ ‘J" . “ v . ‘ ’.. Full-Page.hngrai‘lngs. Pricerijur. First “"d d“?"“‘ n 0“ ll“: “hon-’5 Ol 0‘“: 01 edition issued August 10th. We: rav nt‘rv the Arctic seas. lie says that he has ‘ as ALL UUUKS. AGENTS WANTED. Send alreadv mad..- more favorable progress. , 50¢. fur cilmplflf 0'}lm- , _ and that an l‘lnuiish syndicate is con.| 11-5-5001”?th 5" L0" 53" ‘0“- 4 ~ . .- - l â€"-'.’.b'-‘W sidcrin: the Crltllilblllucut'fll an inter- ’ a A, .3. lilllll. lililSOll, national Ceilietery on the shores ot'i’iafâ€" Veterinary Surgeon, tin's Bay, where, he says. luture gene- rations may go to find the faces of their ancestors of thelllth centuryas natural l as life. .__‘~_c. ___.....,._._____.-____ Fatal Shooting Accident. sing accident occurred yesterday by College. Toronto. 1884- whieh a young laid, a son of Mr. 'l‘hos. . . , Howden, butcher, will lose his life. It Diseases 0f Domfisncgtegémmfi: Treat‘ appears that a number of boys were Ed on smenn C “new . aruusintr themselves with a revolver ; V - '. . - . ‘ i'o ' shooting at. a mark on Sandy l’oini Equlne Dennbn) t1 blleblflil}. about a mile-below the locks about 2.30 1 yesterday afternoon, when a dispute arose as to who should have the next shot. In the scufiie which followed the revolver was discharged, and the bullet ..____.__â€"â€"â€"â€" Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa sts. N. B.â€"-“’lLL ATTEND AT BOBCAYUEON EVERY FRIDAY. I , , a 1-3-7 iBlllllllll idllSil Pernanoao‘, Sept. illâ€"A disti'e'sâ€"i Honor Graduate 0f Ontario VeterinaryliS YOU WANT Mi VENOM, YOU WANT A sum, Clark & Son?sl l for good-fittin g clothes i AM NOW READY for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more building and space for my increasrng trade. I haVe now full lines of Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated. Rexford and Cedardale Grass Scythes and Snaths, WM SE illicit Milliner at almbst "C‘itxHalf Hats and Bonnets bought at Mrs. McDougall’s trimmed free of charge. 315$“ llats nlrvady trimmed from 75c. up to 33'. Prices to suit every person. Bid!" LADIES" I'NlllilHVlCAll already made sold cheap. my“ DRESSES and .\l.-\.\"l‘l.l-IS cut and filled, Li“ '\‘\‘lll$. 54:)“ (‘alii-o llroSscs made at Sl upwards. mi?” Stuil' Dress Goods lllillll‘ at $1.7."- upwards. 3d,?“ Silk Goods made at $1} hp\\tutl.~‘. neg?“ Street Jackets, Wraps and llolinuus at Sl.‘.’5 upwards. ilk?” Children’s Dresses cheap. 51:35” All Work guaranteed. None hul experienced hands employed. Mrs. ENEâ€"Dougall, ‘2 Doors North of the l’ost-ofllrc New Bntghq Shop. The undersigned begs to inform the resi. dents of Fcnelon Falls and vicinity that he is now carrying on the butchering business O‘OOOQOQOOOOOOOQOQOO909000.DOQOOOQOQoooQOOOOQ‘O<0009« ooo~oo 0.... IN THE RED STORE, cooooooovooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~onooo and is prepared to supply the public with o l . l l . i struck young llowdcn at the base oi'l, the nose, half way between the eyes, 2 and entered the brain. As soon as pos- l siblc the horrified lads Carried the news ,, ‘of the accident to people living in the 3 vicinity, and the unfortunate youth was i I I - 1'cmoved to a house near by, where he now lies. Medical aid was promptly «W English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine Oil, summoned, but not the slightest hope as entertained of the lud’s recovery. â€"â€".â€".u-_-â€" o . c~-â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€" 'The Chinese Minister’s Wile. The new Chinese Minister will be accompanied by his wife and family, the first instance wherein a woman of high estate has been permitted to ac- Cnmpauy her husband outside of the Celestial Kingdom. The strict surveil- lance which is there exercised over when will be followed in this case, for immediately upon the arrival of the new Minister with his family they will drive in a closed carriage to the Lega- tion, where madame will be at once in- stalled in the suite of apartments as- signed for her occupancy. With one ex- ception, when the members of the Lega- tion will be formally presented to the mistress of the household a few days af- ter her arrival, she will not at any time sec visitors or be seen by company. The Minister will take his wife to dine occasionally, when her health demands such exercise; but, instead of permit- ting her to take part in any social du- ties, the Location will be conducted in all respects as a bachelor establishment. â€"-Washington note. q... “ The skeleton market, at present,” said a dealer in those gruesome com- modities, “ is very dragging. You can get a first class article now for 835, whereas the price three years ago was $65 and 370." At Hobokcn, N. J., Charles Miguard, a compositor, was bitten on the nose by a mosquito. Ilc rubbed the spot with his hand while it was stained with type lead, which caused blood poisoning, and he died in a. few days. The ship W. H. Starbuck, which ar- rived at New York on Saturday from Rio Janeii‘o, picked up an eagle on the 10th inst. in the Gulf Stream, 150 miles south of Cape Hatteras. The bird was in an exhausted condition, but it soon recovered. “ Aunt. " Young died at Louisville, Kentucky, on Friday, at the residence of her brother, Dabney Page, the rich- est coloured man in that. city. She was born in Albermarle county, Virginia, in 1776. and the records of her birth are still in existence. Miss Chambers, housekeeper for Mr. 11. ll. O'Reilly. of Owen Sound, While doing some housework on Saturday, fell from a chair against the end of a carpet- sweeper handle, and received injuries which resulted in her death about 3 0'- clock on Sunday afternoon. Some idea of the Shah's travelling expenses may be. formed, when it is stated that a cheque for £35,000 has been tirrwardel to Messrs. Cook, the tourist agents, on behalf of the Persian monarch. The sum comprised expend- iture for certain hotel accommodation, as well as for rail and other costs. DEYMANo W is still selling Furniture away down at the Lowest Possible Living Prices ___â€"_ Good Hardwood Bedsieads at $2.50. Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. Good Kitchen Chairs 450. Extension Tables, Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. UNDERTAKING promptly and carct'uliy attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. L. DEYMAN. GROCERIES -â€"A.NDâ€"- PROVI SIO NS. J McFEiLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice. Raisins Currants. Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWA RE, Earthenware. Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blacking-brushes, Clothes-pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Banned Fish, hull it Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low. est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter 85 Eggs and other farm produce. 116' Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Fenelon Falls, April 18th, 1888. Gocdhand’s Livery, East Francis Street, Fenclon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the fact that l have purchased the livery busi- ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly, and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. 1 run prepared to furnish first-class horses and comfortable rigs at the lowest living Kari l“.likt‘ll$lt‘lll is the name of thel pil°°5~ inventor of smokeless powder. Three: years ago he was an unknown chemistl in Vienna. He offered his invention to the Austrian War Otlice. but no inves- tigation of his \lL'Vlt‘C was made. llis-i e«_.:u:'.:..ui by this refusal he went tol ll ‘!.l'l, ani hurl an interview with the llznpcrnr and (Ina: \l'aldersec. llis lilVCIillJH w...~‘ thoroughly tested by ex~ parts, and the smokeless powder was “‘3 50” Mil Glo. Maxim. rights to the German Government for a; pronounced a success. GEORGE GUODHAXD SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"o)‘ mt:â€" Count)‘ 01' W'ictoriu. ‘ The next sittings of the above Court will ‘ ‘ be held in Dickson‘s hall, Fenclon Falls. ‘01: Tuesday, Oc-t‘r list. commencing at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon. E. D. Hun. Bailiff. Clcrlt‘ large sum, and is now Living in luxury. “3‘1” “115: “I! “h 1539‘ IV \//”D new Glass, Putty. Sac. JOHNSTON’S CELEBRATE!) MIXED PAINTS. BUILDERS AND r'x'lIi’MIE’RS will find it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- fore making their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture- I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of my customers, who have so liberally patronlzed me. Jog. HEARD. 1.000 Mill Wlllllll To wear out a. lot of New Twccds at Mill Prices. CAMPBELL ll GAMBLE, THE CHEAP CASH STORE. W. MCKEOWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at and i Below Wholesale Cost of lnanufactux‘e, in order to make room for new designs and patterns. ‘all early and secure bargains, as I aln selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. McKeown, FRANCIS STREET WEST ,FENELO/V FALLS. Old English Condition Powder, used by Such well known horsnrncn as Joseph Staples. Minverz; Goo. Worry I’enclon ; Albert Ware, l-‘cnelon ; Wm Hancock, Mariposa: lit-o. Skucc, Ops ctc.,ctc. TESTED AND TRIED. Rain or shine, it won’t hurt any animal. nnronn. AFTER. 250’ EACH. OB. FIVE FOR. $1. W. ELLIS, AGENT, B'L‘NELON FIXLLS. JXLL ICIN])S ()1? BILLA’L‘ at the lowest living prices. W Patronage respectfully solicited. DANIEL DUGGAN. Fenclon Falls, April 4th, lSS‘J.â€"8lf. 1) EN '1‘ I S 3:12.717 . GASrâ€"(VI'l‘Alil ZED A ill.) Go to J. Nnunanns, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want teeth extracted positively With- out pain. Gus has been given by him with great success for over 21 years. He studied with Dr. Colton,of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by Mr. Ncclands '20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and hridgework done. Visits Fenclon Falls, McArthur House. on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 4n-t.t‘. initiator. Fest Gobiâ€"oi Gingu hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. 3:35? The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. E. 1-1 give?“ CARPENTER AND BUILDER. FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to L'xtft'nlt. all orders with which he may he favoured. from large contract“ to the smallest job. 36)” Sash and doors ufull kinds made on short notice and of good materials. Workâ€"shop on Francis Street East; resi- dence on llond Street. East. EDWARD HAW. Fenclon Falls, April 10th, lens. Ll. The “ Fenclou Falls Gazette ” is printed every Saturday at the can», on the corner oi'lliny Jr Francis .‘iil'Pl'lé. SUBSCRH'HH SI .\ YB“: l.\ ADVAM‘H. or one ct-nt per week will tn.- added as long as it remains unpaid. Advvrz ising; Intros. Professional or business cards, 50 unis pox-line pi-r annuiri. (.‘zw‘unl nrlvvrtisl'mrulr, i: cents per llm: :nr the inst iri.-4~rlion,isr:-i ‘.' cents per Him {or "wry subscript-n1 intr- lion. Contact} if ll“: )I-iir', huli' year or (planer, lo: a Column or imp, upon ftflzhfi - rill turns. JOB PERJIN'TING of all ordinary kinds viceuttd neatly. cor rcctly and rcuaonahlc rules. 3. D. HAND. fnyrtctw JAN

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