'L'ROH DESTRUYED BY DROUGHT AND a indoor: ;_- r Lf.~.‘ rz': his he d don-curd lit txfilnut l-r-urkit'g his melt, bu: be: In unearths. 1 l Hard Times in Dakota. FARMERS Allihb BY PUBLIC CUABETY. W. A. Webster, Dominion Immigraâ€" ilull Agent, oi Kingston, Ont., is in the ‘2l(_h. He has just returned trout Lil) ex~ wizded trip through Nortli-'.\e~.tern Daâ€" kota, where he went to examine the condition at the aut'icuitur'i~ts, and the flute of affairs generally. Ht' says he ii and things in a most deplorable way While he wa< there public meetings v. ere held in Nelson, Ramsey and Walsh counties to devise ways and means to relieve farmers in distress, and to carry l them over till next year. In the West- | no part of Walsh county alone therel are tour hundred families who will have i t» be assisted by public charity untilll Lest spring. The crops in the districtsi vi<itcd by Mr. Webster have been ah, most totally destroyed by the excessive drought. To add to their troubles, the farmers are sorely burdened by taxav l ACQMPLETE HISTORY OF é . . andmNEHu'GH liliillllll i E‘LO()D,§ emb:acing,also, a history of the floods ‘, in Williumsport. Lock Haven, Sum; bury, and all the dioded districts in the: D C.. New York, Maryland, Virginia and l West Virginia, all of which caused the total 3, loss of over 11,000 lives and the destruction 5. of over $40,000,000 worth oi property ; By Geo. ’1‘. 1*‘erris, A. DI. . Octavo, 522 pages; Illustrated with 48 Full-Page Engravings. Price $1.50. First . We rsv our? 1 I edition issued August 10th. as ALL noose. AGENTS WANTED. 50c. for complete outï¬t. 11.8. GOODSPEED k 00.. New You. -â€"-28-4w Send anoint Veterinary Surgeon, tiou, the rates ranging from 20 to 30 ‘ Honor Graduate 0f Ontario VBlerlnary mills on the dollar on high Valuation. Personal property is taxed to its utter- nzost value; a man's watch is taxed. his scarf-pin and every nick-nack he has about him; old woru‘out tools and im- plements, and every article that can be lound on a. man's premises are all in-' eluded in the taxable property. Mr. Webster says, that with bad crops, tux- e.‘ and mortgages, the farmers ï¬nd them- I adv-ca in such a sorry plight that there would be a general immigration to Man- itoba if they could dispose of their hold- ' : lugs lor its much as would give them a decent start here. Farmers whose prop- erty is mortgaged in Dakota cannot leave under the existing law, which is similar to the " Man-on-the-limits †law that was at one time in force in parts at Ontario, by which a mortgagor can- not take any ofhis property outside the couuty in which he lives under penalty oi imprisonment or heavy line. A reeve who lately drove his horses outside the t’»-Jlliy in which he resided to transact some business was arrested, and he had to pay $100 to escape presecution. A large proportion of the land in Dakota is held by speculators, who use their in- iineuce to keep up taxes on personal property, in order to ease the taxation ull land. With such things, says Mr. \V’ebster, the lil'e ot' the average Dakota larmer is thickly beset.~â€" Winnipeg Free Press. _â€". -.__...-._..-...___ A Circus Train Wrecked. ’l tIlR'I‘Y RlNG HORSES AND T‘VO CAMELS CRUSHED TO DEATH. VVATEBTOWN, N. Y., Aug. ‘he M‘C'Hld train of the Barnum do Bailey shows was wrecked late last. night about two miles and it half cast of Postdatn, while on route on the Rome, Watertown .& ()gdousburu railroad, from Gouven- our to Montreal. A broken axle was the cause. Thirty ring horses, inclu- A) 9 .11).â€" ding one of the four chariot. teams, and i N S. two camels were killed. Six cars were derailed and two ware telescoped, so that everything in them was crushed. There. is little hope of clearing the wreck and restoringr the track so that :z-aina can pass before this evening. Barnum's partner, Mr. J. A. Bailey, i~ attire scene. He says it is difï¬cult to eatimate the loss at present, but it will be in the neighbourhood of 840,- l 000. He thinks the loss of ,the day's rect2ipts at Montreal will be about 818,- 000, and some of the horses that were killed were valued at thousands of dol- lars each. Money cannot replace them, for two years are required for training: them after the right kind have been smured. The latest indications are that the wreck will be cleared by noon. and that the show will b: sent on its way to ,blontreal today and to morrow. The trick ponies, which have attract- ed much attention, have suffered death in the railway accident, as did the 37.000 stallion which was driven by Vlrs. Adam Fot‘t-paugit, jr. It is saidl that Mrs. Furt‘pautzh wept bitterly and would not be consoled when she learned .)i the death of {lilo horse. The retty white mule, which also performed re-~ .tri .rkablc tricks, is among the lost. 5- \.'ll of the eight chariot ii-rrsts are: aw ‘lt'lul. TEN-r0 are about eighty liuild ol' liro stock stablctl .rut‘l pestur .. the mine of tho wreck. 'l‘iresci ‘-\.".t3 taken from the derailed cars. E 35 .vcn men wt-rr :akvrt out of one of.‘ et‘atK by t2. :‘itzl‘. there being no; a' wr any of Cgitha for mom. The roof, \. i» turn oï¬â€˜. At. (lit; men worn found “ hill'ijuru‘i 11-.nll' . _- -H......_..__ l'ite citric ranges in Montana arc; p llz‘. si"pt by tité. 1 Clue than in ll estrrn Australia owns :az-i couttofa ueerly 4,000,000 acres or is \l. .l. 'inzimn (Vi Trenton, [{al‘..~3‘~, sr-Zz d lati' i; _. it or of litl‘ t.ri:t;bt-r'n Clililz'tl..l 3-: Join | .\ U1". .nm Linn-cant pro-Hid a; withI CLL‘JZ‘iizl i.i :m. um.- Iint- .t..d \1; citsird to: two lilr..Ԥ The Lilli or! ' Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins College, Toronto, 1884. Diseases of Domesticated Annuals Treat- ed on Scientiï¬c Prmcrples. l Equine Dentistry a Specialty. Residence, Corner Colborne Gt Louisa sts. N. B.-â€"-WILL ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEON EVERY FRIDAY. c DEYMANo is still selling Furniture away down at the .._..__ Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2.50. Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. Good Kitchen Chairs 45c. Extension Tables, Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. UNDERTAKING promptly and carefully attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. 'L. DEVMAN. GROCERIES â€"ANDâ€"-â€" J MoflitLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh TEAS, COFFEES, tCurrants, Starch, Soups and allother groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blacking-brushes. Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. Canned Fish. liUll ll Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other farm produce. mg“ Flour and feed kept constantly on hand; JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Fenelon Falls, April 18th. 1888. Goodhand’s Livery, East Francis Street, Ferrelon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the fret that l have purchased the livery busi- ness. lately owned by Mr. Wm "ï¬nally, and have made such improvements nwill meet the requirements of the travelling public. 1 am prepar-n to furnish D'st class horses and. comfcrwble rigs :itthc lowest living prices. GEORGE GOODilï¬ND SEGOND DIVISION ~01 THE- )ounty ut‘.‘ Victoria. 698.35“? The next szttings of tie rib-we Court will be Esta: in b.6350 i’.‘ hull, E'cnelcn Polls, ()rt 'I‘ucxday. (Jet’r last, C‘)tiucnc.ag at to o‘clock in the forcnoon. Ole. trauma. E. Dilute. Bailiff. Clerk' Fuch Hails, Joly lat, WEB. ‘ _ . v I . ,i}. . State of Pennayrvnnnt; also tn “ashrngton. : l , tlarl Glark Lowest Possible Living Prices KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ___,_... _’â€"_ -......__. 0 to $9. this Fall inch 1 BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 0F Millinery at almost vaflalf Hitterâ€"‘36 Hats and Bonnets bought at Mrs. McDougall’s trimmed . free of charge. BS" Hats already trimmed from 75c. up Prices to suit every person. 3233' LADIES' UNDERWEAR already made sold cheap. nee“ DRESSES and MANTLES cot and ‘ ï¬tted, 30 cents. THE FINEST ASSOBTMEHT 0F 1‘ lonelon Falls. overcoatings, Trouserings and Sailings THAT EVER CAME INTO FENELON FALLS. & Son. .I AM NOW READY for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more building and space for my increasrng trade. I have new full lines of Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated chfor and Cedardale Grass Scythes andï¬naths, English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine 011, MGlass, Putty. Sac.__% JOHNSTON’S CELEBRATED “MIXED PAINTS, BUILDERS AND FARMERS will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- fore making their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture. I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support. of a. my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. ' HEARD. 1,000 Mill WANTED To wear out a. lot of New Tweeds at Mill Prices. CAMPBELL it GAMBLE, THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Is Selling His Entire Stock of at and M Below Wholesale cos of manufacture, in order to make room for new designs and patterns. Cull early and secure bargains, at»; I am selling- cheuper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAEHKG ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BBAROHJSS. M c K 3 «mm m, FRANCIS STREET WEST. FENELON FALLS. ~_._____._.â€"-â€"-___..___ [lld English Bouillon Ponder. used by such well known horsemen as, Joseph staples. Mann-H; Gt-u Worry Penelon ; Alhrrt War, l't neluu ; Wm rtc.,etc. TESl‘KD AND TlliED. or shinr, it won't hurt any animal. ,,,,,.,_,,,, “Tm 25¢. EACH, ca FIVE FOR 81. W. 1:}. ELLIS, AGENT. FENELON L‘ALLS. Ruin . .out pain. Hanoick Scanner-'1' Gui. Simu- ()ii I I I l 38" Calico Dresses made. at$l upwards. 13$“ Stuff Dress Goods made at $1.75 upwards. 3%“ Silk Goods made at $3 upwards. 363†Street Jackets, Wraps and Dolmans at $1.25 upwards. W Children’s Dresses cheap. 3%“ All work guaranteed. None but experienced hands employed. M rs. R.mougall, 2 Doors North of the Post-omce Newâ€"Dutch: Shop; The undersigned begs to inform the resi- dents of Fen-clon Falls and vicinity that he is now carrying on the butchering business wow Mioowoooowowoooowo l IN THE RED STORE, i new «omoow00oomoomw and is prepared to supply the public with ALL KINDS OF DIEAT at the l-o'westliving prices. 3%“ Patronage respectfully solicited. DANIEL DUGGAN. Fenelon Falls, April 4th, 1889.â€"-8tf. ,____.._â€"_ __.____.____â€"__.... DEN’l‘IS’ER‘Y. GAS.â€"â€"â€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. NEELANDS, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want. teeth extracted positively With- Gas has been given by him with great. success for over 2| years. He studied with Dr. Colton,of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth mode by Mr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and hrirltzework done. Visits Fcnelon Falls, McArthur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. i 40-t.f. oomph. Fast Colored Ging- hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus-- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. flag?- The freshest. Goods in the village at w. McKEOWN Wm. Campbell’s. E. lIAW, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, from large contracts to the smallest job. W Sash and doors of all kinda made or: short notice and of good materials. Work-shop on Francis Street. East; rvai- dance on Bond Street East. EDWARD HAW. Fenelon Falls, April Will, 1888. Lt. The “ Penelon Falls Gazette " is printed every Futnrdny at the other, on the corner ol May A»; l-rgncia streets. SUBSCRIPIOS SI A YEAR ii ADVANCE. or one cent per wet-k will be added as long. a.» it remain» unpaid. Ad vvrt bring- Intern“. Prnft-s‘ionnl or hn-inese cards, '10 crate. periitu; pv-r nannm (in Am! :ttivt Milkmenâ€, 8 cents. pr: lit e int tin (“’11l'l'ii'l'lluu,hn(lz Cents per line for i-H-ry relneq-Jrnt inner- tion. Conï¬rm-t, by thr u-nr, half year or quarter, tor a column or li'nd, upon reason- able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinda executed neatly, no: ready and reasonable rates. 9. 0. HAND, 1W