Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Aug 1889, p. 4

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'k...-ar ‘ SEE the PRICES at KEAN’S. ..o _ .-_ ._. â€"- The Hit hpltceo s Bargains. l_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-Â¥-.O.-<â€"â€"-â€"â€" I i l Gbod Factory Cotton at 30. worth 50. Good wide White Cotton at BC. worth 80.. Beautiful Cretonnes at Sc. worth 12.34;; Bicavv Table Linen at 1‘50. worth 250. ‘ Heavy Hemp Carpet at 10c. worth 15c. i {Rig drives in Summer Dress Goods. Special Values in Prints and (linghams. Clearing all lines of Hats and Caps. The Best Value in Boots and Shoes in Canada. Boys' 'l'weed' Caps for 100. worth 50c. Men’s lleavy Overalls for 4-50. worth 750. Boys“ Odd Vests for 250. worth $1. Men's Odd Vests for 500. worth $52. A Man's heavy Tweed Suit for $3175 worth $8. Smoking or Chewing Tobacco at. 371m. per lb. Silver Gloss Starch at he. per lb. Pure Gold fresh Baking Powder 250.9. lb. Fresh Hops 121330. a lb. 3 Cans of Mackerel for 250. 55 Cans of Beansfor 25c. 3 Guns of Apples for 25c. :55 lbs.of Dried Apples for $1. 25 lbs. of Barley for $1. 25 lbs. of Prunes for $1. 55 Bars of Soap for $1. 5 lbs. of choice Japan or Black Ton for $1. 5: doz. Clothes Pins for Se. 3 good Corn Brooms for 25c. A 10c. Scrubbing Brush for ‘50 15 lbs. Sugar $1 ; 4 lbs. Tea $1 ; both for $2. We are clearing all linesof Crockery &.Glassvare at half prices. COME AND SEE F03. YOURSELF. F. KEAN, SON do CD, THE GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK MEN AND TERRORS TO HIGH PRICES, W GRAHAM 84 LEE’S OLD STAND, NEARLY OPP. NEW] POST-OFFICE, LINDSAY, ~â€"-ANDâ€"â€"â€" Fee-melon Falls. ____,__._â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".. Mela a. ’sDry Grit Repel. 3 Cansof Cern for 250. 3 Cans of Peas for 25c. 3 Cans of Tomatoes for 25c, r WWW Ripe Bargains DURING THE LAST 0F AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. il'dd lines of hills. Marked Away [lawn in Clear Them flail All Whol‘ Dress Goods worth 250. for llle. 3 Good White Muslin at Pa ‘asols for 200.. and 2:30. ' All wool Tweeds, 10 different pat- terns, for 40c, Worth from 60 I to Sllc. 1 Black and Colored Git-svcs 5c. and ' .lOe. per l’air. l A Good Suit of Clothes for $2.90. men‘s sizes. Gent's Ties, Shirts. &c.. at a sacrifice. T30 Ends of Carpet at less than cost to clear. Shirtings. Cottonzules, 82m. the biggest assortment in the (.‘ounty. COME ALONG IF YOU WANT BARGAINS. They will. not last long. Remember, this is no chronic l » l l l I I r l l l i if YiAGood Second mi 200 doz. Ladies‘ Kid, Silk or Tofl'ata Gloves at 25c. worth 50c. \ â€"â€"’"â€" THRESHING MABHINE â€"ANDâ€" HORSE POWER IVOR SALE. Apply to THOS. R 013 s o N, Fenclon Fallsr'Foundry. “Echelon-Falls Gazeâ€"fie. Friday, August 3'Oth, 1889. A Child Drowned. About half past 111 yesterday fore- noon a painful sensation was caused throughout the village by a report; that Percy Ellis, eldest child of Mr. Wm. E. Ellis, was drowned, and, unfortunately, it proved to be too true. The news, thonghvit elicited; expressions of negret from all who heard it, did not cause a great deal of surprise ;.as the poor little fellow was so unusually tall undistrong for his age. only years,. of such a roving and enterprising disposition, and so fearless, that thercvwas no keeping him out of dangerof' some kindor an- other without confining him closely to the house, which would have been down- right cruclty,_or. employ ing some person to constantly watch him. It appears that he and a little boy named Wallace McCreuric. not much over 6 years old, were amusing themselves on the point between the entrance to the lower lock and the river pulling bark out of the water, and that Percy at last steple-l on to a floating log, which rolled over and threw him off: When he arose he called to his play-fellow to pull him out; but the latter ran, crying, away, and it was not until he got home in a terrible right that anyone but. himself knew of he accident. A crowd soon assembled on the wharf and locks and a seach for the body was commenced; but, though it was continued indelhtigably until nearly midnight, it was without success. But by the time the Gazette is printed, or perhaps earlier, a diver, for whom Mr. Ellis sent this morning. will have arrived from. Bobeaygcon with his pro- fessionnl dress, and it is hoped that he will soon find the body of the pour litre boy. It is needless to say that Mr. and Mrs. Ellis have the earnest sympathy of the whole community in their deey affliction. Ensilage Corn. Last Wednesday Mr. Geo. Manning broughtto the Gazette office four s'alks of corn, two of which measured 12 feet 6 inchessaoh and the others not quite 11 feet.. They were grown on his quar- ter acrelot (on which the» tannery for- merly stood?) on Louisa street, and Mr. Manning says he has no doubt that there are some taller still ; but the growth is so dense that it is almost im- possible to go amongst the corn without trampling a. lot of it down. The seed was bought of Messrs. McDougall & Brandon at- $1.40 per huslicl,,and would have been cheap at a still higher price. as it yields an immense crop.. It is sold as “ cnsilagc corn," but no. doubt has some other- name. After showing us the stalks. Mr. Manning gave the long- ,est two to some stranger. who wantcdi . to take them away with him 1; but the other two are on exhibition at this office. How many cattle an acre of such corn. would feed throngh the winter we dn' not know, but all authorities say that it is by far the cheapest fodder that can be groivn,,nnd it is surprising that far- mcrs do not raise . more of it than they do. The produce of a. very small piece :of land Wfillld feed half a dozen cows ‘~ from the time the grass fails until wru- ter sets in. and it would be more ac- ‘ ceptnblc tovthcm than hay at that time. i of year. as Well as more ccnnomical. Mr. John D. Nnylm‘. whose farm is just . outside the village. is not only raising. several acres of cn~ilnge corn. but is: building :1 silo (the first. we believe. in . this county) to store it in, and his ex- ample will. no doubt. soon be followed -hand i ;hy others. He can hardly be said 10‘» 8 be trying an experiment. as. silos passed the fxpcrimcmal stage long ago. andi their contt‘m: are eaan eagerly, uotl| only by cattle and horses, but by pigs l r and poultry also. < l selling out, but a (7&1:le UI‘N E CLEJLR IN(} SIKLE. TI'II{)IS. “ SPO’L‘ C;\SII." l H U’GH M CDOU GAL L. . . .. .~ . â€" . :5:!:M 35:11- is «1. 3011:: Boys and birls Cotton Here for o and lUc..all $1238..i.T;:Bdlfé;fi'n‘Augg;: gn‘dszgfembsiFSJ: Sm}? DOWN.â€"The North Star Roller Mill was shut downâ€"as far, at least, as ficuriog is concernedâ€"at the beginning of last week, as it was necessary to have eight pairs of the steel rollers rccorruv to Toronto, and are expected back toâ€" morrow. Every part of the machinery has been closely inspected. and by Tues. day next, if there is no delay in the full operation, and doing as good work as when it was first started nearly five years ago. 323' Five Ccsrs EACH: Ladies‘ Belts, Ladies' Gloves, Children's Hose, at McDougall’s Cheap Sale. TusSwmo Batonsâ€"On attempting to open the swing bridge last Wednes- day it was found impossible to do so, in consequence of the approach at the south end having given way ;. but next ter, managed, with the assistance of two or three others, to make it work, though rather imperfectly. As soon as the bridge was found to be out of order, Mr. McArthur telegraphed to Mr. Rod- Trent Valley works, at Petcrborough, who is to be here on Tuesday next, and will give instructions for whatever is necessary to be done. Gloves and Hosiery-are less than half the usual price.. See them. BIG FISII.â€"â€"Iu our last issue-we no- ticed that Mr. J. McArthur had caught a l5-lb. lunge in the canal, and‘ now we have to record the capture of two mane nearly as large, betlrin Cameron Lake; for on If-i'iduy morning Mr; Heeley caught one weighing 13:}- lb3.,.und. in the afternoon of the- some day. Messrs. Wright & Gamble got one four ounces heavier than Mr. l-Icclcy's. W hen three such fishâ€"to say nothing of a few fair sized onesâ€"can be taken within thirty- six hours, it is pretty fair evidence that our inland waters are well stocked with them yet. What sport the Indians must have had lorty or fifty years ago ! ONTARIO Rirmmas..â€"â€"'l‘hc members of thc‘Ontario Rifle Association lltltl their annual meeting in Toronto this week, commencing on Monday and end- ing on Thursday. On the first day Mr. J. H. Brandon, of Fcnelon Falls, was one of the six members of the. can. battalion who competed for the battalion team prizes, and Major Hughes. of Lindsay, was a competitor in the Mac- douald match. They did. good work, though both have madebcttcr scores on less momentous occasions; but Private Brandon was perhaps a little nervous, and Major Hughes was probably some- what rattled at his meeting in this village last Friday evening and had not quite recow red. DUCK SHOOTING.â€"‘Tll0 season during which wild ducks can be legally shot September, which many sportsmen think is too late, as long,' before that the young birds are nearly as big, and can‘ fly as swiftly, as the old ones. They are said to be rather source this year, and wefch pretty sure that they are not quite as numerous as~thcy were a week ago,.having good reason to believe that some few have been shot within the past three or four days. Illegal shoot- ing. like smuggling, is looked upon by many as a very venial offence, but those who persistently indulge in either are generally caught sooner or later, and then they wsh. they hadn't. A word to the wise is, or ought to be, sufficient. Asoruna YACHT.â€"'l‘ho Pulp Mill C0. now own a steam yacht, which they bought in Pctcrborough,, and which arrived by train last week. She is somewhat larger than Mr. Burgoyne-’5 Hobby, as she is 32 feet long, 6 feet wide and four feet deep. Though not new, she is-in good condition and fit for immediate service; but we hear that she is not to be launched on Cameron Lake until next spring, beforcwhich , time she will be painted and undergo ; some slight. neocsmry repairs. The i new purchase is Cullml the HM. which 2 may cause some little confusion, as one - of Crandcll &,l‘lllis's steanmm bears the 1 same name ;. and as. the, yacht under- lwcnt inspection at Brockville, and is i chartered to carry a few passengers, her name cannot be changed. : Naxr “mommiesâ€"Our country i friends are requested to make a note of l the fact that Wednesday next is f” be in civic holiday in Fenelon Falls, and i that all the stores will he closed. 5 iness is to be ignored from the rising of I the sun until the going down thereof, 3 and the day is to be devoted to pleas- iure, for which it is to be hoped the 3 weather will prove favourable. The ? village. no doubt. will have a deserted appearance, as there is to be an excur- sion, for the benefit of the Mechanics' Institute. to Bobcaygeon by the steamer l Dominion and palace scow Paragon, which can carry 30 large a crowd that} there will be plenty of room for as many ‘, from the country as may feel disprsed 3 to acct-pt the invitation extended to l l arrival of the rrllers. the mill will he in x l l Ar MoDoucum's Dress Goods, Mus'lins,, does not commence until the 1st of Bus- ' morning Mr. McA-rthur, the lock-mas. l Sir Provo-Wallace. aged 98: l l filled with singing birds. Carriage horses. fairly well matched, bring $5,000 a pair in Buenos Ayres. A white kangaroo, the first ever known. gated. for which purpose they were sent . is on exhibition at the London aquariunn. The Pope is reported to be in very poor health and speculation as to his successor is largely indulged in. England has accepted an imitation to participate in a maritime conference at Washington. The three-year-old son of John Lore, of Port Arthur, has been missing some days, and there is an awful fear that he may have been carried off by bears. California fruit growers, who used to throw away their peach pits, are now getting $6 a ton for them. They are. worth this for fuel. They make shot and aromatic fire. The oldest Admiral in England is- He- mm in the fight in 1812‘ between the Shan- non and the Chesapeake, but he never commanded a steam vessel. Four men boarded a train ‘ at Wads- worth, Ill., on Thursday night. They gets, superintendent engineer of the had no-tickcts and were put off, when one attempted to climb-back and, beiu-L,r rcsrstcd, struck Conductor Perkin with. the butt end. of a revolver. The con- ductor-shot him dead. In a lecture at New York a young convert from Brahamism, Mr. Vishun, gave the number of Christians now in India, including Protestants and Cntho~ lies. as about 3.000.000; and said that if the increase in the number of convcrs sinus-should continue as in the last ten years, the whole of India. with its p0p~ ulntionnf over- 250,000;U00, would be Uhristiauised-within a Century. Me. Gladstonc's library. at llawarden is one of the finest private libraries in England. It has more than 20.000 volumes. Mr. Gladstone loans his. books out to any one in the neighme hood who wants to read. them.- Effl- mcrly people eould keep them as long, as they liked, but a few years ago the rule was made that a book could be kept for one month only. It is the reg. ular free library of the district. A combination of eastern capitalists has been formed to purchase all the coal- property along the Monogahela River; and control the river coal business. It will require $13.000.000 to swing the deal. It is said all the heavy operators. have given options on: their. property. lt is estimated the combination wiii save $250,0ll0'per year in the expenses- of shipping and mining coal. Wm. l’. Shinn, of New York, is said to be Pres- idcnt of the new Company, with head- quarters in New York. There is in Ozark, Mo..a remarkable relic of the tornado that devastated Marshficld in lSSO. The day afterthe disaster E. S. Wilson, a. blacksmith of Ozark, found a black qnart bottle that had been bent so that the neck of the bottle touched the edge of the bottom, and yet the glass was not cracked. Prof. 'l‘ice, who visited the scene of the tornado, attributed the bending of the- bottle to electricity. It was fonnd.in the wreck of one of the Murshficld drug stores. A curionsdind has been made at St. James, Nob, by l). I. Brewer, proprie- tor of a flour mill. While digging to make repairs to his dam he unearthed the remains of a monster that probably roamed the prairies thousands of years. ago. About thirty-six feet of the spi- nul column and ribs, with one shoulder blade and part of the-forc-lcgs, have l thus far been brought to light. Sections) l l l l of the back bone measure six. inches across. Some arch in fair state of preservation, while others crumble when exposed to the air. It is estinmtcd that the monster must have stood fif tecn feet high. commiifiicarxons. The Length of Mr. Fairbairn‘s Orangeism ‘ 7’» (hr Editor rgr‘liuz ("melon Fri/la (lunar. Sin,â€" 1 see 1.," your last i==uc that Mr Fairhnirn has attempted a reply to my charges. Had he rt-Inained silent I would have credited him with wisdom. for Solv- mou Says that ('Vt-ll n fool, wiwn he holdwh his peace, is ('ullllih'l wise ; but when a man wilhout understanding plunch into print he is sure to make the WOMkIIPFv‘ of his nation more apparent and the untrulhfnb mess of his stall'meuls more Complcll‘. 5!:- . I’uirhnirn asks all your readers now "I i accept for his reasons for not signing the l Eqqu [tights petition that he would not go against the Hm of the people's representa- tives. Mr. Moore, in his letter to the Bulb 'cuygcon Indeprmltnl, makes this plain-Ir l v and give: us flu,- key to .\lr. Pairl‘air-l'a position, by saying that he (.‘alr. l-‘nirhiirvn , snid he would not sign the petition in emu-3 t he Conld not go back on an old veteran like Sir John Maud .-nuld. Now, Mr. Editor, l call your reader; attention to these slate- mcuts as compared Wth what Mr. Fuirbmrn gave for hia reasons in the grove for nv'. signing the petition, and see how they agree. Why did not Mr Pairbuirn com». out at the True Blue celebration on Angina 12th and say that he could not go luck on Sir John ? why did he rhirk the issue“ Was be afraid of his bn thren knowh g his them in another column by. one of the‘ "u, pomion in Orangrism7‘0r mm he members-of the Institute. afraid of some of the weaken pitching into.-

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