Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Aug 1889, p. 1

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Silhll __x__o_.____ Sillllllll. Bit and everything needed for the opening of-sch‘ools JUST ABRIVED, .__AT._._ W E E I nuts 20c. a pound. ' ' MIXED CANDIES 15c. A POUND. D1€UG STOB~E. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 2m, 1889. LEGALâ€"Tee. -w.“ .. ..-__.. _.__. __-._.._._...... ..._.__ A. r. DEV‘LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-st-Law, Solicitor in Chancery,el{ent Street, Lindsay. EDWARD P. CONSI DINE, Attorney-at-thw, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyance-r. Money to loan. Hun-r Snorer, - - Lrsnsn', ONT. G. H. HOPKINS, (Successes ro. Mums .3: Horxlss) AltitlS'l‘l‘ZR, SOLICITUR, in biopsy l, to Loan at 6 per cent. Otiice, bent street, Lindsay, Ont. F. D. MOORE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, & SOLICITR ) ind Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. ""' i ii nsrnru & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, 830. OF I - fice, William street, Lindsay. A. Hunsrsru. A. JACKSON ougnanr a O‘LEARY, )AltRlS'l‘EltS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, T) Solicitors in Chancery, &c. thce, Dcheny Block, Kentstreet, Lindsay. Ari-rank O’Lsaav. llncn O'Lssnv. MCINTYRE A: STEWART ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. Ofllccs over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Mclnn'un. BAR 0/V & MCLAUGHU/V. ) ARRISTERS, F. c. Office: Baker’s Block T) Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Veitch's Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 36“ One of the firm will be at their of- fice in Jordan‘s Block, Fcnelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. Juana A. Bsaaos. , ___._._“ 7 T. Srswaar. R. J. McLauouuu, smelt. ‘lORONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kc. l) Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. “DRS. WILSON 3; WILSON, )llYSlOlANS, SURGEONS & ACCOU- l. cbcrs. Office. Colborne Street, Fcnelon F‘alls. R S. “'ILSON,!L a ,x. n., 0.11., we. r, a 6., Out Dr. A. \'.'n.so.\', u. s., u. c. r. a 8., Out. Ilu. ll. ll. GRAHAM, "tRAOUATE of the University 0t Trinity I College. Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons oi England, Member of the Col- .iege of l’ilysicutne 3'. Surgeons uf’Ootario Office and residence on Francis-St. \\ est l’en».lou Polls, opposite the Mucus office. W. H. GROSS, DEN'rrs'r‘, .LINDS.&X’. will be at the " lira rthor llnuce," i‘enolon Falls, the reread Wednesday (finial. month Beautiful and durable at‘liixcirtl teeth made, and all other ('1 ‘ntul work properly done Nearly 27 years‘ exocrience. lG-ty. SURVEYORS. Janus lllL‘KSON, ) L. Surveyor. Coin nissioocr in the Q. 8., . Conveyanrcr. .te. Residencr,and adâ€" dress. Pension Falls. hie the in "has.comments...“ SMOKETMENGO,’ \roussts on io’nmr. 2”": gjj;_l_lvsrsss. FISH, FRUITS. CANDIES, H CANNED GOODS. £3 l â€"â€"-â€"" _-S. I I uwmg Pnces : "Oysters, 35c. a ‘quart. El'itsddies 10¢. per pound. Fresh Ilerrings 25:91: dozen. Oranges 30c. a doz. Lemons 25c. a doz. 3 pounds of ILogor Dates 5ft): 250. Choice Apples 15c. a peek. NUTS- Granoble Walnuts 20c. Ia pound. Soft- shelled Almonds 20¢. a pound. Brazil Nuts 2%. a pound. Filberts 15c. a pound. Pea- THE GHOIth-iimccoss & CIGRlS. , the best 5c. cigar in the market. Canned Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, all the best brands. PURE a APPLE CIDER, 40c. per Gal. llyslels Served at Al Hams, cooked'or raw, by the plate or glass. Drink St. Leon Water 1 BUSINESE NOTIGE. Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swanton as a dealer in on. mwoowoowwuw i RailwayTies. Cordwocd, Telegraph l i Poles, Cedar and all kinds § g of Timber, Lumber and Shingles, : MONO-+0009». MWWWox will be continued on a much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HlGHEST GASII PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of‘ every month for all materials delivered. 36" One of the firm will be regularly on the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. H. Brandon, h‘cnelon Falls. SWAN'I‘ON, BRANDON «it Go. N. B.â€"Mr. Swanton thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years, and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"26-tf. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmithing in all its different branches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. A roomy and commodious Dwelling House on Lot No.3, (half an acre.) south of Louise. street in the village of Fenelcn Falls. The soil is good, and there is a fine view of Cameron Luke and the village. Mr. llnmv Aesris, Fenelou Falls. Also, the east half of Lot No. 20 in the lst Con. of Verulnm, with a dwelling and outbuildings thereon. Apply to Mr. Roar. \Wnlsn on the next lot. Apply to Fenclon Falls, Aug, l-lth, 1889.â€"2741'. PUBLIC stories. Owing to hard times. small profits, and slow returns,l are obliged to retire from the waggon. so I beg to call the attention of my numerous customers to the fact that, on and after the first of September 1 will stop delivering bread; but you will at all times find a good fresh loaf at my shop. For the convenience n-f' my cusmmcrs south of the river. Air. S. Huyhce will keep my bread for sale as niral. Thanking you till forllm pad. I lit-pr to be l...Vutlrv'll with your ruulin‘u‘tl patronage, which will have h" caret: l xttenhun l .‘lll'll n'wnys keep all-10k nu Bio, Barron, who, :lbly n-‘rl-‘l- or. band :1 20ml osmium-1:: of oil kinds of" ml by Era Hughes, is every «l iv ri~lug Ci'ws. not; Pastry, at a m-ilt‘ralc mice. i in {Le «stillntlitlfl of tlic .0rnli'JC‘l‘rl'H. r- if mid in , Bro. Faith-int ll::(l a case of his own tam. and he, like Bro. illlullt'fl, tried to draw attention from it by expnlinlinz! Blguit't‘ll L.t'..t-t:= for one dol'n. advance. Yours Respectfullr. \l'u Mcll'ATTERS. Penelcn Falls, August, 18 u.â€"2s.2w' l mm SALE. A Top Buggy and a Set of Singleiiurness, almost new, are bargain, on easy terms. Apply to W. E. ELLIS. Fenclon Falls. Aug.27th,1889. The Fenelou Gazette. Friday, August 30th, 1889. Sam Hughes’s Meeting. On the evening of the 12th inst., after the Gates of Derry celebration in this village, the following resolution was passed in the Orange hall : " We, the members of L. O. L. No. 996 present at this meeting, desire to express our indignation at'thc course pursued by Bro. S. Hughes, of 557 L. O. L., Lindsay, against Bro. John A. Barron, a member of this lodge ; and hereby request Bro. Hughes to publish the same. L. DEYMAN, Rec-Sec." It was “ rubbing it in,” we thought, rather unmercifully to ask Bro. Hughes to publish the above in his own paper ; nevertheless it appeared in the Warder of the 19th, and Bro. Hughes, after stating that he had been informed by members of the lodge that it was passed at. an unrepreseutative meeting (what- ever that is) by a few of Mr. Barron’s political friends, requested the gentle- men who passed it to attend and defend their casc at a public meeting of Or- angemen and ex-Orangemen in Ingram’s hall, Feuelon Falls, on Friday evening, August 23rd, at 7.30 o’clock, and in- vited Mr. Barron and his friends to be present, promising them an hour and a half in which to defend their case. When the Wardcr reached the Falls the members of L. O. L. No. 996 were surprised, and not a little annoyed, at Bro. Hughes having taken upon him- self to call a public meeting at which to discuss private affairs, and he was promptly informed that they would meet him in their own ball. but not elsewhere. This, however, did not suit Bro. Hughes, who wanted to deliver a meandering oration on a variety of topics, and he came down from Lindsay on Friday with a couple of carriage loads of friends and opened his meeting at the appointed hour in Ingram's hall. The attendance, we need hardly say, was very slim, the maximum estimate being from fifty to sixty. Of the few Orangemen present, the great majority were imported for the occasion, and of those who were not Orangemen quite a number were boys, who went in because they saw the hall door open and there was no charge for admittance. Mr. Hugh McDougall was chairman and nearly all the talking was done by Bro. Hughes and Bro. Fairbairn, the latter of whom probably thought the meeting would afford him a good opportunity of diverting attention from his own refusal to sign the Equal Rights petition by pitching into Mr. Barron, which he did with more vim and venom than Sam Hughes, if with not quite as much ability. Indeed, now we come to think of it, our member was not only the text from which both of them preached, but was actually responsible for the meeting being: held. If Bro. Barron hadn’t made himselfâ€"by being what he isâ€" the object of Bro. Hughes’s envy and halved. the latter wouldn’t have in- curred the censure of L. O. L. 996, and. enllsequently. there would not. have b en any necessityâ€"or, rather, any excuseâ€"for calling the meeting. Bro. B. is, therefore, clearly responsible for it; and if he could only have heard what they said about him behind his . back he would haveâ€"laughed. He was accused of pusltint: ten-dollargnld pieces under the doors of free and independent electors, of having an ardent sffecrion FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30TH, 1889. Barron. It will be remembered that at the close of ‘the meeting in this vil lage on the 12th inst. Mr. St. George, asked Bro. Fairbairn why he refused tol sign the Equal Rights petition, and hel replied that he did so beeuuse it wasl “ presented to him by a drunken boy ” ; l but Mr. John H. Moore. the “ drunkenl boy " alluded to (who is about years old and the head of a family) says, in a letter to the Imlepeudenf, that Bro. Fairbuirn said he would not sign the petition “ bCCause it was a censure ou Sir John A. Mucdonald and l his government, and he would not go back on an old veteran’ like Sir John, who had fought so much for his coun try ”; “ but," Mr. Moore pcrtinently adds, “ he must have known that the Equal Rights Association do not recog- nize party or creed, and it would have been much more to his credit if he had given a truthful answer to Mr. St. George, and not tried to get out of it by laying the blame on a person who was not there to defend himself.” Ob- viously, Bro. Fairbairn was in a bad fix, and he found it much easier to heap invectives upon Bro. Barron than to defend his own inconsistency. At the close of the meeting on Friday a motion condemning the motion on the 12th was written by Bro. Hughes, moved by Wm. McKeudry and seconded by Edwin Woods ; but neither the mover nor sec- ondcr is a member of L. O. L. No. 996. It was rushed through by the chairman and carried by a " servile majority,” before a young man whose name we do not know and cannot learn, and who had spoken sensibly against it, had time to prepare an amendment. The meet- ing, judging from the proceedings, Was called simply for the purpose of afford- ing an opportunity of abusing,r Mr. Bur. roo, and has caused M r. Hughes to sink lower than ever in public estimation. Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. John Nugent, Mr. and Mrs. G. London and Miss E. Gillis, of Peter- borough, have been visiting friends in this neighbourhood, and have returned. Mr. Jno. R. Ingram, grandson of Mr. Wm. Powles, has passed the second class examinations recently held in Lindsay. The two steam threshers owned by Mr. H. Eyers and the McGregor Bros. have been in this section for some time, and are doing good work. Horse-power machines are becoming a. thing of the past. around here. Mr. R. Argue, of Manvers, and his daughter, Mrs. E. R. Ryley, of Wau- bnushene. are visiting friends and rela- tives in this community. Personals. Mrs. James Dickson left home on Monday for a few days' visit at Port‘ Hope. Mrs. Joseph MeArthur left. on Mon- day morning for Toronto, to be present at the Exhibition. Mr. Robert Rutherford got home last Saturday from Valenti-.1, in Mariposa, where he has been employed two months building a church. Mr. Alex. Clark, Jr., went to Toronto on Wednesday to purchase fall and winter goods, and will visit his friends at Canninnton before he comes home. Mr. Wm. Lochead, of" Brantford, has been at the Manse, on a visit to his parents, for upwards of a week, and will leave the Falls to-morrow morning. Girls’ Straw flats at half price; Men's Braces, good, for 150.â€"II. lchorm:.n’s. FELL Down Sumsâ€"~01: Monday last Mrs, Thomas Lockliart fell down stairs in her own house, and was so much hurt. that Dr. Wilson was sent for. Fortunately, no bones were bro. for Jesuits, of hiring mobs of roughs , ken. but she was so badly shakz-n that to maltreat Bros. Hughes and Fair‘ buirn, and of other crimes and misde- meanors calculated to make all right- l it took her a good while to recover from the effects of the fall. 40 Ends of Dress Goodsâ€"Remnants of minded people shudder. The two Tory fine goodsâ€"v.1 less than half prict‘y a! orators had it all their own way, as Mr. Barrett was not present to occupy the proffered hour and a hall in defending his case, simp;y because he lttld none to The case, sf. far as. the \"lts' of defend. censure was concerned. “as not his. but Bro. lluulles's, and the letter. illslmld l ofaltcnlpting to show that the urtlrltrc ‘ was undeserved. simply avoich Limscll of the opportunity to make another lluuu .‘lleDothLL's. A CLEVER CAPTURI-Lâ€"Lust Satur- day while .‘lr.Julln Brandon, of the North Star Roller Mill. was across the river. his Irish retriever, Bob, which was roaming over the commons, sud~ d-.:nly sprung about four feet into the air and caught a young: chicken-hawk which was flyin: past, and which he carried. without injuring it in the least. to his mom-r. Al'tt-r kl'cplll: the bird for a short time. Mr. Brandon gave it to Mr. Wm. lieuslip, who happened to have a cage large coon-uh for its aclaom- ulodzitiun. and it. is already hall tame. us lively as a cricket. and takes its clique-oily upon the demerits ot' Uni l meals of raw beef with great regularity. l tier uncerlng at Shakespeare. u Floods. and Earthquakes. LATE ADVICES FROM THE ORIENTâ€"Too MANY menus To us COL‘NTKD. SAN Faaxctsco. Aug. 26thâ€"‘l‘he steamer Oceanic, which arrived today from lloiig~Kongz and Yokohama, brings advices to Aug. 10th of further details of the bursting of the Yellow River etubankmeuts in the Province of Shau- tnu July 2:... The destruction is wide.- spread. The breach in the river is over 2000 feet in length, and a swift current swept through, flooding to a dhptll of 12 feet a large extent of country lying adjacent. Many houses were swept away, and a despatch from Chefoo states that the number of persons drowned is too great to be counted. Ten districts are already submerged, and it is feared many more in the low lying country south will suffer a sim~ ilar fate. The latest advices concerning the. earthquake at Kumamota, July 23th, places the number of killed at 18 and the wounded at 19. Fifty-two dwel- lings were demolished. A telegram received on July 30th states that 53 shocks had been experienced and that they continued to be felt. The inhab- itants were sleeping in the open air. The same earthquake was felt in the province of Clukuuo. Considerable less of life is reported, but no particulars have been received. 0.. Discovered in Time. A PLOT TO BLOW .UP THE MICHIGAN STATE PRISON AT JACKSON. JACKSON, Mich, Aug 26.-â€"A great sensation has been unearthed at the State prison. Irving Latimer has been detected in a plot to blow up the prison, and a quantity of a terrible explosive has been found within the prison wall. Latimer is the notorious young dude and business man of this city who was recently convicted of murdering his aged mother, for the purpose of secur- ing her property and relieving himself from financial difficulties. Latimer was locked in the solitary dungeon at once, on the discovery of the plot. For six weeks past the warden has suspected that Lntimcr was at the head of a dar- ing: and devilish scheme to blow up the prison,and he has been watched closely. Last week a “ lumper,” or chorcmau, was detected getting a package near the north wall, which had been thrown over by outsiders during the night. A watchman got the package, having traced it. to Latimer. It contained a quantity of herculcs powder, one of the most terrible of explosives. From other, but reliable. sources it is learned that old prisoners have made use of Latiâ€" mcr's money and secured outside influâ€" ence to execute the gigantic. scheme, which would. if entirely suece~st'ul, have destroyed the prison and let 800 con- victs loose. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o-r .â€"â€"-_._. _.. The Minister of Education. (From the Winnipeg Free Press.) M any readers of the Free Press know Mr. George W. Ross, the Minister of Education for Ontario. and many more know of him. They know that all his life he has been directly connected with school affairs; that immediately after completing his own education he benan life as a professional teacher, and that from that day down to the present, lwithout a single break, he has been iconnected with the profession either as la teacher, an Inspector or Minister. 1 They know him to be a person of com- . mandng abilities, one of the very ablest lmen in any walk of life in Ontario. There is no more accomplished educa- tiouist in Canada. He is thoroughly ,traiued in all its arts. To his great abilities he has always been able to add an enthusiasm for his work which has never tired. As an expert educationth Mr. Ross unquestionably stands at the very front of the profession, not only in Ontario but in the Domini’n, not only in the Dominion but on the Continent. It would not be too much to say that he has extraordinary fitness for the l position he now fills, and if there is any man in Canada qualified to make a ~uccvss of the experiment they have tried in Ontario, whose people he on- iderstunds so well. M r. Ross is the man. If he cannot do it, no one else can. ,Wherc he fails no one else need try. There in something amusing. it is true, in such a man as Mr. Martin decrying the merits of M r. George W. Ross; a parallel to it might be found in White o

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