«ï¬ts and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. ‘ *‘l‘ .a'CKJ ~ 9 ‘f' dz / â€"_. S. A} ,xctsroxâ€"The Sulvationists QT Lindï¬y and other places had an 01- i cursion to the Falls last Wednesday, and spent about four hours verv pleasâ€" antly pic-nicing in Fitzgerald's grove or seeing the sights of the village. The steamer Dominion and palace scow Pa- ragon arrived a little after 12 o’clock with nearly two hundred persons on board, but how many of them belonged to the Army we do not know. The Lindsay Salvation band, which plays very well, was present, and headed the procession to and from the grove. ’ hulrnexr or LIVE STOCKâ€"On ‘ \l’odncsday last Mr. John Copp, who} has been buying for some months past l For Mr. Nicholas Weldon, of' Cambray, i sent ll head of cattle, ‘20 sheep, 40 l lambs and some calves and pigs from the lf‘cllclml Falls statirn to Toronto.I making the third car-load of mixed stock he has dispatched since spring. 'Un the 5th and 6th he drove or drew . 180 dry sheep to Cambray, where Mr. Weldon has 1'80 others; and on Wed- nesday, the 141th. the whole 460 were, sent by rail to Montreal, there to be shipped to England. )lr. Weldon has been in the live stock business for up- wards of seventeen years. and now has ï¬ve agents stationed at different points. )lr. Copp will. he tells us, continue buy. ing all summer. liltornslts l.\' MlsroRTUNE.â€"On the lilth inst. while John Dodd. son of Mr. . fluid, of Coboconk, was leading a cow she became unruly and ran away, throw- in: him to the ground. The rope, which was thin and hard, was twisted arouud this lel't hand in such a manner that, bel'ore he cou‘d let go of it, he was dragged about ï¬fty yards. and the flesh «was torn from his little finger down to the bone. 0n 'l‘uesdoy last his younger ltut-hither, aged about 12, was attacked by a dog owned by Mr. Peter Tully, who lives some distance from the village, and the savage brute hit two large pieces out ot'thc cult of his left. leg. He was at once carried home by his father, who was employed on 'l‘ully's farm, and Dr. ’J‘iroad, of Uobocmlk, dressed his wounds; which presented a ghastly appearance. A SUcccssrirl. Or1:n.tT10N.â€"-;\bout the lst of this month Mr. R. M. Mason, V. assisted by Mr. E. 1". Smith, vet- erinary student. removed a large ï¬brous i tumour, 1% lbs. in weight, from the shoulder of a horse owned by Mr. Wm. Imrie, oi' Fem-loll. The growth was situated between the shoulder and neck, Over the large arteries arising trom the heart. rendering necessary the greatest caution and skill in performing the op- eration. The tumour was ï¬rst noticed some time last winter, and was then so small as to cause no alarm; but after spring work the growth was so rapid that it. interfered with the animal’s ac- tion in walking. Mr. Ilnrie tried to remove the tumour by blistering it, but without effect ; and then consulted our village V. 5., and was told that a surgi- cal operation was llt.‘Ct‘>$ill’y. The horse is progrcsslnu‘ luvourubly, and will soon be. ready for work. l if the hride lit a l‘LlCt‘llb wedding ill New York received Sl.iltl(l,0tl0 worth of presents. as stated, it Seems about time to bring to a close the discusssion urn. ?" MI- I'$III'.I‘I IS. lllrrl.r.ro.v â€"ln Fem-loo Falls, on Tues- day. July loth. the wife of Mr. leorgo Lit- llz‘ton of a daughter, )1;\.1§1§IE1). Gl!.\ll.\\L-__;SitulT'ARllANfLï¬At the Manse. l-‘enolnl. l-‘.._'.ls., by the hit-v. Wm. Lochead, on Tuesday. July lmh, Mr. John Thompson Graham to Mary Adelaide, eldest dnughtcr nl‘ Mr. George McFarland, all of the town- ship ofï¬omrrville. I)II‘ID. (‘oox.â€"â€"ln the township of Vcrulnm, on l'hurallay, July llth, Mrs. John Cook, aged (1'1 rears. M FHN'lCLilN FALLS MARKETS. It'l-pr‘urfl-ax' to,- :»‘i: .\’n.â€".’.’i Shir Roller Mil? Co. l-‘cnelou Falls. Friday, July l9th. 1889. Win-M. full. per buslltzl - -S\l an 90 Wit-nit. snring. -- - - - 0 83 SM “flout. Scotch or Fife. - - 0 S? 9‘.‘ lLu-icy. per hu<ilel - - - ~l'J 45 thus. " '~ â€" - - . 1m 1%.) l‘cuse. " " - - - - 5†no POIKIHCS. “ 3'0 iii.- ii‘ntcr. per ll\.. â€" - - - - 15 l? ll\i:i.’,\1‘r sari... - - - - 5- 75 6 TM 5gp. per lion-u, - ~ - - 11 l’.‘ ila)’. pi“. ton. - ~ - - $1" ("Ll Sill tw ' Advertisement. ,1, a Noe-6... n «see. A RE‘.\'ARD or $5 I; l '- ‘ _ ~3 - ‘ t.»~ " '» v A ‘ ‘ - _ " . , .r . . I, 1 . . ,_ - _ . .12? r.::. 7 -, ~~ ~< , , - n .i' .,\ mitt...†.t.:c.:.. '..‘l-l:~.‘.\‘. I . -\ M... L INSURANCE. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. We intend making a change in our business on August lst, and in order to raise as much money as possible by that date we have decided to turn as much 01 our stock as possible into. None but ï¬rst-class Britishand Canadian cash before we make the change. compames rePresemed' \Ve are fully a 'are that we shall have to make a- heavy sacrifice in order to accomplish this 58' FAR3I PROPERTY result, and we are fully determined to make the sacrifice with the clear understanding that ..,,. at very low mes‘ we get SPOT CASH‘ for all Goods sold, as we will under no consideration charge any more “00’000t010anï¬'0m6 per cem' up' Goods until after the change in our business is effected ; nor will we, while this sale is in pro- W E E I I I S gress, allow any Goods to go out on approval. a n J J , Druggist and Bookseller. On the other hand, we will sell all New Goods at exactly COST PRICE; all Remnants and Fenelon Falls,Juue 25:h,1889. 20.. Short Ends at Less than Half Price; Millinery and Mantles at. Halt Pr1ce, Ready-made. *â€" Clothing for Less than the Cost of Making and Trimming Ordered Stilts. We are prepared to accommodate responsible parties who desire to buy large parcels front- Studv vour own interests and see our run 350 up, on 3 0r 4 months’ time by paying Bank interest and giving thcn‘ promissory note. 1' t'A‘.lt:lI~l ltbef . . . me 0 gE-iif; 0535511121,: 0†As every one knows, our entire Stock 13 New 1n every respect, and none but the \ e1 y Les. Quality. We have no shoddy goods to offer at any price, Peter Hanlilton Agricultural Depository, Fenelon Falls. J. R. GRAHAM, Agent. See the Peter Hamilton acs'rnnn BINDER, with steel sides and steel deck. The only Binder with canvas rollers running in metal boxes. See how convenient the levers are, and all within reach from the seat. Our Binder is easily managed with two horses. Our Binder does its work when wanted and is always ready. Our Binder has the light- est and strongest main frame on the market. OurBinder is the Queen of the harvest ï¬eld. The Pure.bred Durham Bu", Also the Hamilton Harvester, Crown Mower and Tiger Sulky Rake. Prices away down to meet the times. J. R. GRAHAM. New Advertisements. _._____.._.._.._- . ______a ._a Mr. G. Cunningth having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At V'ery Loxvest Rates. :s,,,,,,,m, antics: W5 City- SDI-apienfs, innit Clothiers, No. 2 DOBSON’S BLOCK. 2 DOORS WEST OF- THE POST OFFICE, KENT-ST.. LIND.SAY.. Fenelon Falls, June 28th, 1889. 20. W “WWW. gooooooooooooooooooooooo / registered in Dominion S. H. Herd Book, will be kept this season on the premises of the undersigned, Lot No. 22 Con. l, Vern- lam. Terms $l cash. Fcnelon Duke is 3 years old, a handsome roan colour, has taken the ï¬rst prize at Fenelon Falls Show for the last three years, and is a grand stock-getter. DEALER IN Fancy Goods, Jewelry, ol‘ the question, “ ls Marriage 3. Fail- l WALTER H. STEVENSON. Fenelon, June 4th, 1889.â€"-17-4w’ and Silver Watches, WALL PAPER, Oil-painted Window Shades, , WPICTURES. Veterinary Surgeon, : lenelun lalls. Picture Frames Made to Order a. Specialty. 9 Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, 1884. ‘ . . . } DiseasesofDomesticatedAnimals Treat- I i ed on Scientiï¬c Principles. , _ - . done 1n town or country. Equine Dentistry :1 Spcclalty. â€"â€" ' Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa St?» E EEI __ WWW ____________â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- ooovoomouoooooooqomooooouoovooooooooooom 3 The only exclusive Jewelry Store in Fenclon Falls, with all the leading styles, comprising Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. - o“oomoooowmowwowwooooww . W Remember, Mr. Frost is a ï¬rst- ; clnss workman, and those who leave ; their work with him can depend upon ; getting it done promptly and in ï¬rst- class style. All work warranted. § STAND : 1 Opposi’g’fhe Post-Ofï¬ce. R. J. ST. < Puritan Calf ’ cork-soled Boots â€"-watorproof, sensible ; , 1 . June 19th, l889. g ‘Walkcnpliast’ and ‘ Common Sense ’ Boots; ‘ Cardigan ’ Over- & s “"““"â€â€œâ€â€œâ€˜â€â€˜â€œâ€˜*““‘"“"'â€â€˜""‘" shoes. somethin new and something 00d. German Felt Sill- ' , a g ‘ LUMBER YARDS. )0000000000000000 I piers from 250. 1,9,. pair up ;,> see 20m, ; BOSS a. and t, Climax , lENElllll Hills All With. m seamless laced Bootsâ€"wothmg to, lope-and. We have for sale here and at Lindsay all THE. ‘ GREAT MEDJGAL DISCOVERY" BOOT, kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Scuntling curingCorns, Bunions, Tender and Damp, Feet. We show- samples of the leather of which a number. of our 5.3.30 Lino: are unnuiactvuect. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THE , ‘ . Anon: new STYLES THEY’RE «caucus Cnur stock of Staples is, as Ijllmk: [when [autheï¬clwle Munch“- ‘ ’ l-encc Posts and all kinds of l’lnned and t V y i usual, unsurpassea. linlcllell l4ll|llllCF from One t0 1“") vcnrs ()lil. f “"15, SChOOl Bootsï¬ a man-“tin†SN‘OOI'bug 0111' Common Lumber, holh Pine and v ~.. - - 1 , ~ llemlock inch and two inch, is mastly nr-w GROCERIES A.\D PROVISIOXS Chelce and lireuh. Eight pounds good Japan Tea Mock! cu’, I“, 5mm“, “.0†wow“: (1,, “m, for Si .00. TWO good Brooms for 25C- A good Scrubbing Brush for Se. bright, manufactured expressly for thi- lm'ul trade of Fcntlon l’alls and Lindsay and N. B.â€"WILL ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEON T EVERY FRIDAY. In: I I F E IN â€"â€"ANDâ€"- Boots and Shoes GUARANTEE PURE â€"_A.Tâ€"-. Afr . , .-. J . ~ ' -. . ¢¢0N90â€09"*V‘ oootooooooomoo , 000.00000O9990†’. . 0000.00.00.00... , co~oooo~~¢NNW .- «cocooooovooooo ...o¢o.o~oo~oo~: oooooooeoooooooo .99900009¢0900*' otoooooooechch «unncowwob ' n ooomvwoooocvv I I I W Wm om. wownuo-o“ WWW†. r f . , 7 ' I . 1 5 CcOt‘KEnY & GLASSWAPE 2 surrounding country. be an“ : \ “55:- AT (1051‘, «5.33 \ J J From our long rxpericnt‘c in the l)l15lll(‘.“. Noéï¬wwcomoowwvo‘woooowwoqï¬q . . I and “ping builders ourselves, we [mt-(- ,1 good idea of what is required for ï¬rst class or common building materials for llUll>".‘, of wind that blows. __ l :arns nm on lui l in 3. l STILL ALIVE sle NT BUN as, JOHN WALLACE i.trJiuitcii‘ttilcl“glut::;.::f'"u;l:::: ‘ “325 W inform the Public "mt he is Pre‘v from Sit 5-0 to pl-r M feet and upwards. and able to Conn.th 1“ nly Own The undersigned is now trianutactilringthei 1}“de 1-0 PXCCMC Orders f0! We have about two million feet that mm". above Builds 3‘- c tics rtquiring any of the allan stuck still i , , save money by calling ht'forr' purchasing l . . . he sold to mnke room for new Htotzli. Par- 3 line oi business and thank my ; . . . .. . - . .l - I numcious patrons lot thtlt ~, 6 Cents ptl‘ Square FOOL All Ready Fllletl. _ _ . t . ,1,,.,,.hc,,._ 0, 1,, swung ,M, hm, hm, ,_,. 3 kind support tor the last ten ; and wheeled vehicles or all min. to Lindsay in: quotations. Bills mammi . - . m . v v' ~ » The most substnnlinl'lilinds made. Useful; . . and l't'Ull'llWl for nt»er-'.'ll. (fun ship 3w. i'ftf' ~ ‘. . . _ i - _ _ , I I , . ‘\L n \ 1 h 1‘ C “ Ith‘ttx d “P and Ornamental. GIN good sntisialctloll .FaCtory over James Knox s blaCksunth loud; to ail, pulnts. Can get special m': k iposition ilVC times in the lilSi ‘ i shop_ Francisust, East, Fene|on Fans. Mn to April neat. Send on your fl.il"!‘~. i ten years in Fonelon Falls, and samples at .l. “card's llardwurc Store.l I __â€"â€" ‘ H{WINE}:Twig, 5i,1““,'liiâ€ll",rf Effiwl" will still be able to give satin-Q nib“ nut-m; wanted. iPRICES To SUIT THE TIMES, beifiiii'rlill’dl‘ii;is.“ WM I“! WW: mm. , i‘netion. us in the pzlst, utter: xv. II. ('tTIr'nCII.; (nu-zen: tennis. man.†lam. E having had tllirt)‘ .Vcnrs' ex~f reneimi l-‘:‘-.Z';~‘.l-‘i:i>. ifiill. Himâ€"lat". ‘ l‘L‘l‘lt.‘ll('t‘. - e _ MW-.. , . meme,“ ___ J. 31‘ ATERJ svnscnnina lj+‘()12, l VVatflmakerSfleveller ‘T E y ’ ill/y“ [CL/AV ['LlLLSd ONLY 03;}: DOLLAR ’PER YEAR. " wherever tried. lid?“ llepairs L‘XUClllcd with nratness and ' ldirlIJiL‘ll. ,1 l ZDoorsSoutnotMechanics'lnstiinte. i J03 PRINTING ExecuTlâ€"zn Tu Tu; Basi- STYLE nun AT THE Lowest EATEQ, r -;1-lijl’\" Ill/ll“ 'I.‘ [an l “GAZECmTEJi ..‘.;a.ua..«-.«~»