Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Jan 1886, p. 1

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VVfllhm E. Cramot, editor of the Mll- wnnkoo Wuoomin. in one of the most to- xnukoblo journollou of the Northwest. Ho ho: boondoo! Ilnoo boyhood md in totnlly blind,yot he): one ohhohudut wcrkon and moot thoroughly posted men In the proton- don.‘ Ho ha been in human nearly fifty yam, and his office hours non rognlu- u when he won young. He knows the city thoroughly, and can without ditliculty go Alone to ony poln: orhouo he may desire to villha The Into M. l‘enlu of the Comedic Fran- oall when a young man was betrothed to a nmnrklbly beauulul young wom m. She fell llljlth‘lmnllpox and WM @infigurod {or we. The tint pehon to vlnlt hor amen she guguowpd» .f'°.. racgivo guy 0319 was M. l’anln. “Ah!" said lbs; with a smile, “you htve come to be not free from your ong emant " "I have come," said he, "to “ten the day of our marriage !" Towfik Pnln, the Turklah Minister or VVuhlngton, seam: to be fully nllve to the too: that hll country will Ihorcly need more guru. Ho coma on from Wuhiogton lnat wuk tohnpect Lleutemmt Zallmkl'u new dy nunlto canrldgel, 1nd lmhtod upon every detail (f tho mannhctura being ox- phlnod to him. He expressed his “who. don had I wlahto order name for Turkey, should MI Government con-ant. The fine Items of Queen Victoria. which bu been pieced. in n niche on the week iront oi Lichfieid Cathedral, in the work c-f we Princess Louise. it represents Her Mejeety clad in media-vol ooetumc, wearing n dindem nod veil thrown beck, end hoioing in her tight head A scepter end in her left A globe. Ailiichigen giri ontdid her companion: in norm for numgrnph albums by hnving nbont one hundred lattere from the some number of men bound in :1 volume {or her ior *eble. A: the miulvee repreuented er oxtenlivc md nnulnniiy sentimental oorreepondence mince eha had arrived at the ego of chirogrnphy, the collection proved very increasing to callers. The Idaho“ women In South America In Indore Couelno,ol‘ Sex-Mega, Chill. The gap ple cell her the Countes- of Monte lilo, end she tum her wee-try beck to the day I of the Couq neat. She Inherited from h,“ lie-bend: million of mm, million: of money, flock. end herds, coal, copper end ellver mined, a fleet 01 non Itamehlpe Inn-lung work: and e nllroed I“ yleldlng he: m 8lnomue of eevenl mllLonl Lyon. From her ooel mince elone Ihe bu en in- come “880.98000 r momh. The home In which the live- coat $1000000,_ end the Mr. Chu.Cumlfi’ Jnmoa, B. A., clauical under of the Cobomg collegiate Institute, ha been nppolnted professor of chemistry md 36010 In the Guelph Agflcnltnnl College. gr. June: tuck honors in science In Viatarls Unlvenlty, having been the 301d medulla: of thin you. mund- m s mmel ol'béwt'y Ma 1115ng- fnothor, on tho'mothet'l ITde, muffle; Col. Scott, who was the non of thlngton’l oldut Ibtor. Mnjor-Gonenl Laurie, of Novn 800th, who oomnnndod st Swift Current during this North-Welt rebellion, in now on the Sono-Bnlgnrhn Irontlor serving u oom- mluloner tor tho nltlunnl moiety of Eng- lAnd for fnrnilhlng aldm wounded loldlen. Than I: probobly moro lgnonnoo nbrood In tho had "have to bpdrophobh ‘hm ol- moot my other dhouo an: mm or has“ In holr h. It I: qulh unto n)‘ thlt on u: nong- oi any dog-killed u nbldnot more than one bod the real nbloo or hydrophobim. Hon 0! the dog: “110d u and us simply utilobd whh an. A dog in non running maul Moody. mapping In jun. from which bun h exuding, “Id Immanuel, meaty o! ” and dog"h nhod, and the an- lnnl II klllod. Should anyone be bitten vision: 0! I horfiblo dent: from hydropho- No on conjured up. nod (or week: and mm tho flown 11m in- ocxubnt tom" 0! loot. A Now dogma-object to fit... a: Mr. John Antxlm. who relidu near Lobs- non, Ohio, cldmlto be. great and no‘ play bf Goprgo Wuylnggon. _n grud- The Wlnnlpo New uy I Slr A. T. Gal: 1:11] represent lnnlpeg in the nut Pull:- xnont 01 Clank, Ind that mother Cabinet will born-do In order to give hlm 1 port- lollo: Slr Alexandlr Campbell probably yâ€"â€"_â€"_, m uuud Butc- (or my yam. The 1mm: Oruéc, Nov: Scoth'l “may , I: added by hot. 0. 1". Front, flu Mprmdpd o! {be Non. Booth school [or tho blind. Ru. A. J. Townsend, manly chphlu n the us] fix a, 5nd hotbet-lmhw of Mr. John . SN”, 3!, P., but been uppoinud phi-on cluphin at Dublin. MnOHcl-Kh who 11an won the flu tailored [or t. pium concerto by own. Bdnmudksouoihndomfinzq m pink: to tho Prtnoou Louise whflo Ibo Wu In Quads. ml’W In and; I on ol'dlaumpor.' And thy I) plpzom 0! sh. Queen Nthlio of Benin recently pur- ohuod forty sewing machine: md not matte-en It work on them. In the pnlwo It Bel gndo, nukhxg menu {or the troop, which she cut on: with her own Mr lands. Princess Louise and the Mnrquh ef Lame us pnpuing {or Good Word; in: Article on " Our Many to the Pump," the Princoa contributing the pictures Ind Lord Lorne the 1m pron. Wlduprad ngnt in ex In Lon- don A} the dnputluzo of - mm! Pulp, Inn «was... “Hm- umpzom o! tho din-u m :1 Above fluted. Dog: never be con. and Iuddonly. Tno'dh‘im pn‘grm. a tic-laud the Iymptonu no readily M to one pound Tb. do? shown . gnu lou- d light. hiding may a duh pleas. int! can. out vuy. "lye-mu, Ind who ha "printed the Port. there {a} thirty-tout you-I. The eminan: Christian mm it now 78 your! old. Rev. Henry Wud Beecher delivered a lecture “Celt, Ont, the other evening (or whlch he In.- pdd $350, and the Gel: Reporter unmet“ tbet he received (on duller: (or every mlnnu the: he spoke. British Columbia. bu given women the {machine In municipd sud dds: election- ontho um qulific‘flom :1 men ; but no womn ll snowed to be a mambo: of: mum‘v a flu «on command. at In mum. It 7;pr u: :buomul nppouu. nun; Mud "alpha“ oluld and Iron, H3. 8:. B shows puu unwound. M h. mddcnly In upward you In: a! loan- bur-mud, in Apfiumt gnu In: 0! I08.- m but» boo-um! dull and rough. y. h then I put ham: for “9!. y.“ then I put ham: (or that. ad Ibo {u w rude mum! mp u Obits“ pally. It uldoln mon- vi nub IM 15: jaud‘ h My _hdd moi-qua. 'xu’uud u gout-11y hdd lothhlgmhdwoy baby“? in up. gang» " m 0» w 5-“- ”'3‘ Emu (welshâ€"o shanty gram don!- menhmMm mdo‘ - $- - than (out a. m1M.-“\u. you An rig». Wmoqwndlne. hHIe-mtnlk. ”don‘t“ boy I: "potted .3 \‘mp‘ sand-WM Bunion. em to Wily-w I- z ' an.” .um. @me Vkmummm.m flammwm n w W. Ewmhflm M WW .mm me m uu -â€"-â€"â€"~~ uu Lab Sana, 'boh banning human “I. m, 7.6.; horn II Scale-:11, .11., D;- 19, l . u” ‘83“ Fleming, the mull-t. I: I own-by binhziltfgggh uh. bu 11nd h Iguonnco Rounding Hydrophobis K “E Thin.“ 50‘ n. 4 .pk... nu man i- in; . lull-h m. “the: in I til-m. rnsonb mum pun-ad o! mak- canvas-flan; ad. mo ‘ Winufi my discord-n: undid] 0! mm M by W mum m A M mm mm.” urn; f. I. mama g .M mnmnmmw mm m.“ wwwum. n ma» _ MWWWEMMM. may ”in: “ Thatiaa hard way of putting it, Mr. Trezarr. My devoted auldiery are guarding him in his palace against pouible harm from those who are enraged against him for the predei etion that he has shown for foreign- ers over his own pet ple, and equally for his safety they prevent tho-e foreigners from comeromlaing him further by approaching him. ' Then he proceeded mpldly hut explicitly to detail all that had taken place between himself and the consuls of all the leading European nations, in which be ton them that Tewfik wax his prlaoner, adding that he had received the Sultan's approval for all that he had done and that he had received fresh Instructions from his sovereign by that “ Well, you shell know, my dear air, for I have no secrete from one who is so soon to be my fathor-an-w. Of course I speak in confidence." (Here Arubi Pasha. smiled in- voluntarily, for in heart he wished that sll that he was about to say might be circulat- ed far and wide, and knew that his auditor was just the person to confide it in similar confidence to a hundred or so of his ac- umtances, who in like manner would in- ?orm theirs in turn, until at last all Cairo was in the secret ) “ You are doubtless al- resdy ewsro lhst the Khedive is no longer the ruler of Egypt save in name 1" morning’s mall. “ In evidence of thelr genuinenese," said Anhl, " here In the diamond Order of the Medjidn, the highest honor which the Sul- tan can bestow upon a Inhjeot. It is we]- come tome chiefly because it prevent: his Majesty from again nlterhg his mind. With the gunmteee thnt I It present hold 10: hi: eetlve ellisnoe. he duel _no§_do no ; end the united ankhh md Egyptian ermlee. with France neutnl, German and Amt-rim ucretly supplyingnl end eagle end lhly elmolt during Knglmd todnw the Iword, whet can she do, except, per- hepe, meke e freon with her ironclad: u nhe did et Daleigne, dke e greet dog berk- lngln it: kennel but eneble to break the chin that hold: it back from biting! If Tewfik yield: to :1! our demendl he can but remains pu pet king, endI shall be for Leer: the r mler of Egypt; whlllt if he obetlnate, end he to fly the realm and neck Infety in Europe, I Ihell sit on the ivory footntool and gun-d the Iilver throne for Prince Helim, even Ihonld he not ep- peel: toLyeerI. “I have heard the rumor that your ex- oollgpuy hu imprlnoned him In his own pal- Mr. Tronn' mu 1) now thoroughly cou- vluced thnt, to mo 11?: own molognt nmlllo, mough Arab! Pub: lnd Ihot up like a rocket, he would not come down like the luck. mun hot ovoutl bod undo him the forvmoot mm in Egypt. md tho! he would nuke o molt unoxoe donal Ind brilliant motion for his only “ Oh, I see you are anxious to know how the good movement Ipeedl. I any good movement unreservedly, for unless you deemed lt to be such I am convinced that on would not have ufl‘mnced your lovely child to ltl chlef_prognoter_â€"myael£.” ‘ Mr. Trout: fancied that a silent bow would be the beat anpwer to thig upeeph. _ Aqua therefore he woo ted the In: min- Mar l invitation thn entire funily Ibould ncoep: the shelter of hu when from thg poulblo vloionoo o! the mgb. l u,x So, inltud of It once departing with the expulsion of uecurlty nnd gratitude on his face that bed for n brief while dwelt there whilst receiving end mcepting the war min- i-ter'a invitation, he still I“: on the edge of his chnir, puffing And blowing with both the inwnrd and outward heat (f! r the ther- mometer mnrkod more thnn n hundred de- grees), whnlu he mu pod his bid head with in yellow bmdm handkerchief in a. ntnte of thenmfi pltilble‘gefpi‘exity‘. ‘ Ambl Puhn read hi; thought! as clearly M though they had been exprelaed In words, And (lo-pining the old time server in his heart, uld blandly : mBut when 3 low mlnnzu Inter he hnd {than hlI dopuhrxe Anhl Pub: muttered " Ah, ovum he I.- rudy m mp to hlmull : . It Inc. Link 3190‘ no think £11“ I no long- or due mury his dtnghter." Mr. Trent: ro- wavered bin canlsgo md dnvo but to h!- bnnk, meeting with no lunhcr miudventuro on use my thm h“ In; M- 1m knocked off by I Item, mount mulls cutting his oomhnnn'l {we open 3 llttlo but. Hulng dlghud he tout the vehicle may £0 the Hotel Coulomb, lathe Bubolhh. win: its-truckloa- to all [or him u null It [our o'clock, (or to - Inn at Mr. Tnnn’n tun- puunut the n'oty of Mn bank cum before ”at of "an wif- nnd child. Tho door: tad than": rm of com tightly cloud sad ‘11 business suspended. hm Mr. Thur: hp‘hh cloth nudn their books. and Wed tab. eqully cloudy tag-{din his own. Hi: an. how our, moon flu dunno-tab whsthh mung: Mint 01 it. 31:93:19. but I! it were to take the form of a Inccouful mvolntinn, of course thi- wonld be immateri- al, for to the Inoceufnl all thing- nre forgiv- en, but tht i! the mivement never role nbovo the dignity of n rebellion and, on its being stamped out, it: loader: were shot or sent to the gnlleyl, how would be then as- oape the Ihuno of he and his family having been the nrch-rebei'n guest- ? Why, tha en- tire European community of Cairo would cut him, that, up lsut, wn} evidpnt. - ‘ ARAB! rum nus ‘3 53mm wan ux wxsuu TO BE sums rcsuc. But no sooner 1nd he Accepted the war mlninhr‘l ofior thsn it “ruck Mr. Tn-zar: that by the not he, the leading European bcnker In Cdm, Ind more or leu alliedhlm- ml! with n nrch- rebel md in a manner oven Identified himulf with the rebellion: _ may mtufiol Intrepid And “incur on young ltuonvhou ahkl tron:- odtobomnnmlmthIoIT hPuh: madman» bank dud mu pdncl with-«communion and unu- pun-tor “you. uh“ “n with mmmtthoybulbmtbow f‘ All up htfu." along!“ Mr. w, AN EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. A Story of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon Startling Revela- tions in tho Gamer of mm Pasha. "futon y the Author of " Nun, Tm Nxmusr." “ Tn: Rm $21023," “ In: Russux Sn," VOL. XIII. CHAPTER XIX. There existed e hundred chances to one, however, that the populace would never think of approaching the building from the rear, for it we: only to be reached in that direction through a perfect labyrinth of ruins, and it was through this labyrinth that Mr. Trezarr and his clerks now retreet- ed for the greater security in different dircc~ tlonn, the banker eventually turning up at the Hotel Coulombe about the same time he one of his employee reached the wet uflioe in order to bend the bunk key: sod is ahort note of thanks to Arebi Pasha. NELLIE FINDS HERSELF IN A QUANDARY. Everything was l0 quiet In that part of Cairo through which Mr. Trezarr pulled that he began to hope that the worst wu OVBI’. mu that the around popfilatlon Had swarm; ed to other quarters of their huge clty, leav- ingnthla pgrtjon £511 tgut dis-exits J .. 7 it inn-fortunate for the banker that it was no, and also that all the way home he encountered none of the damn. Arrived at Mount Carmel, Mt. Trezsrr alightod from the card-go, Ind then enter- ed his lumptuoua residence with u: Almofl; unrnfiled countenance. But inltead oi. as usual, proceeding to hie chamber and bin valet in order to make him-elf more preeentable ere joining the ladies, he walked straight to the drawing- room, where he dieoovertd hi. comely wile and lovely daughter already dressed for din- ner ; for all he was aomewhat late, and lo- oiety generally dine: at five P. M. at Cairo, l0 an to have the entire cool of the evening at dlupoaal for the promenade, the ride or the drive. Au abundance of bricks and ready-mixed mortar had been kept on the premises for days, owing to the possibility of a crisis like the present arriving. and now the spruce clerks pulled off their coats, tucked up their sleeves and went to work with a will, the consequence being that in something under three hours the door and all the front ground floor windows of the bank ware thickly bricked up on the inside, whilst yet another hour saw the back door and all the windows save one treated in like manner, the solitary exception having to be bricked up from the outside as a matter of course, since ’twas through it that the occupants of the bank had been constrained tomnke their exit therefrom. The blood home spurned the dusty soil with their 110015, and sway flew the well- appointed equlpage through an avenue of mimosa tree: as big a: Englleh oaks in full flower. A few minute: later Mr. Trezarr once more re-entered his carriage and uttered the welcome wqrd. “ Home." But there were tobono more pleasant tidal, drive: or promenndel -ln lu locdlty {or I. long while. 3nd this wu minke!!!- genoo khnt Mr. ’l‘nzur hnd to broth to his (ugly. This letter caused Mr. TFezsrr consider- able uneasiness. He. however, dismissed the Canvass who had brought it with a hendaome present, and then at once proper- ed tofollow the advice that it had contain- ed. “Vflu look worried m1 tired. Pm," wu Mn. Troznn-‘I first observutlon. Az uh remark Nellie gluncod mxlounly tow-mg her bug", by: uld nqthing. _ H " Well. my dot}. I own to be I. Tittle {Ag- geq, pg: Igm they? to trx‘ko a houdsy.” “'u'A holiday. with nutter. u the; no!" qngxiod the lgdy of_the_hon§o. “ I much fear that the populace are slip- ping out of my grasp. I have as yet only three thousand troops wherewith to hold three hundred thousand excitable and easily maddeued people in check. My advice to you is that you brick up the front windows and door of the bank and send me the keys, when I will hold myself accountable for the safety of its contents (you told me, I think that you had the necessary materials at hand in case of emergency 2). I also counsel you as soon as ever this is done to get home as quietly and unostentatiously as you can, and there comfort the ladies with assurances of safety and with them quietly abide the hour when I shall send an ade- quate escort to conduct you to my palace, as well as Egyptian dresses wherewith to place even the risks of insult on account of your creed and race out of the range of possibili- ty. Expect the escort soon after darkness has set in nor fear the danger in the mean- time. but if the mob should unfortunately get the upper hand of me the warehouses and shops of the Europeans in the city will appeal to their cupiditv and invite their at- tack before the private residences in the suburbs. I have still, however, a. strong hope of being able to check outrage, and by tomorrow I shall have five thousand extra troops in the city and then strict order will be enforced and the European population will no longer have_anyth'mg to fear.“ I “ You. my love. {or in tank [a not only lockodnp. lyt [a bricked up u wall, And the key a In landed over to our exodelnt friend. the mt mlnuter, who ha promised to be mponllblo for tho nhtv 0! every thing."_npllod Mr._3‘r¢gur nnctaouly. “rank tint very like inkmting u héngry fox with H10 ch- 9 of n poultry yard, p» pa!" lnqnirod N Ho Melon-1y. He ulumod In lllenoa md handed Mr. Truan- a note, which he tore open md eag- erly pom-pd. _ > ft -wu from the war minister and 11:: pm:- WF.“ $.- f.°“°w.' = 7. Itwu hlr. Trenn": turn thll due to went on nnxlou glance. huflo nay nothing. " I don't no the nimllltndo 1: All, Nol- lie," told Mr. Trent: uvudy. “ 'dil ox- cellcnoy Anhl Pllhl la It thin moment III- pnnn ruler of Bgyp‘, nd. mark my word, he will mun .0. Thu jolnt contra”. n mend. Ind whllo P‘nncn will do nothing to oppou hlm. Turkoy will native] halp him, Ind I come: helluva fin: o rim Hbonl gonrnmn‘ will null, nuke m on I union {or simply nppcrtlng flu fmdznn of it: own pull-mt splat I d who hu out-Sula that! hard ho ow w it. No. Engln will mum h mm with tho only man who cut: for who I: and {or by Egyptorwhom sh. Wpupkwlllnllowtomloovu than. lmmhllyoonvinoodthn thin ‘11 u pnnlnojnflognl updgng, ll on: than for-2'"! 45!»! ”9M” Wan-’1 “Invited n to ho his pain, pp! Wk doahevutubbohh 2" man-MN whom and ymnduphmdufi. “ Baa... my 4”,:an a. W. T59 nolq cause of_the qglefmdg, liowever, CHAPTER XX. thinly-1h. Mini; FENELON FALLSONTARIO, SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1886. "lundyi yiEng, dying: Ebbe the crimson e-blood (ma The glorious vision was broken up by the voice of his wife, “You' to dhmnk lrigin, you baht, ere yel' The princess tripped back into the “vuty deepe ," end the splritueliat at up and looked in lpeechleu woo upon his fat end ugly wife. A noted Spiritualist of New York visited Montreal some time ago, and before leaving had several conferences with some of the leading dead of that City. His acquaintance- ship in the other World extends back to gentlemen who lived at the time of the deluge ; and he has been enlightening some of the penple in the United States. as we perceive by a New York paper, upon cer- tain Scriptural problems. He is perfectly well acquainted, he says, with Jonah, whom he describes as a person of wavering charac- ter, though “extremely sociable ; ' and he declares that “the gentleman never was swallowed by a whale.” The Scriptures are true he, maintains, Mat "the incident with respectto my friend J unah was this : He was fleeing away from certain people, and God put in his way a ship whose name was The W hale. Into that vessel my friend went; and after the days mentioned in Holy Writ, he was delivered from the ship. which was cast upon dry land.” The New York papers seem to delight in his irreverence ; and a large number of persons accept the new ver- sion of Jonah, and ask all manner of ques- tions respecting his personal appearance 6w. The spiritualist, however, is allowing his mind to wander away from sacred things, and he spends his time, at latest accounts, raving about a beautiful Egyptian Princess, a daughter of one of the Pharoahs, who, he declares, reciprocates his affection. Two obstacles are in the way of his marrying the Eastern beauty with the large, dusky eyes, namely, he has a wife in New York, and he has not the advantage of being dead. He prays for his release from life hourly, and the only ciond that stands upon the exquisite horizon of the other world is the dread that when his wife follows, she may seek to separate him from his beautqu bride, with her lotus buds, and her divine Scarabei. He was seized with an illness last week, which he believed would be fatal, and as he lay upon his couch, with rigid eyes, be repeated in an ecstacy of delight, A Montrul nevnpaper published the other day, in what purported to be a. Ipeoinl from I‘oronto, u ghlrgp ugliqut {Iowafdnth'e (int- et Fieh Creek. That this etory 1-: a {else no meny othen which heve been spitefully air- cullted ebout Ceptein How-rd will be borne out by my who were et Fieh Creek. The writer he. ppened to be there with Cep tein Hrwerd, end in {not wee one of thoee p:who conducted him end Ooioneie Strouhenzie And Willi-me over the scene of the engagement. ‘ It should be remembered here that the fight occurred on the twenty fourth of Aprii. end Cop telnj Bowerd, who ruched the camp It Fnlh Creek on the ‘ ',Northoote " did not err-iv. until the fifth l‘ Hey. The bodiee oi the two Indim. which yhad been left upon the field. had 1) :en interred by Gen. M‘loddieton' I ordere the «me day an the bodiee of poor Cook oi “A" Battery end Wheeler of the 90th Were recovered, end an ofiioer we: detailed to toe tint the inigne rty did it: duty. \Vhen Cept. Howard first vi-ited the wet the writer pointed out the epot where the Indium hed boon buried to either him or name othere of the ‘ Howud returned to camp with the rut oi the petty, end 3 couple of due drew-rd.- the ioroe let out for Betoche. A: the writ llngngmi, of_hu;i_xagvm§lpod I. Quid _Ix_1dlan " His exoellenoy will send a. special escort ferns during the evening, and disguises to wear in addition, in order that we may be quite safe from the fury or the fanaticism of the populace as we pass along. And now, Nellie, I have only to add that you must do as your parents wish you, believ- ing that they have your best interests at heart. I am convinced that you will be as secure in the pashe’s harem as in your own bedohnmber at home, for he is a highly honorable man, and, besides, matters of such importsnce at present engross his attention that I doubt if he will bestow on you a. single thought. Ah l dinner at last.” “ Knowing that I wu intended to super- sede her in her husband's affection, that I was to be his Ieoond and, of course, favor- lte wile. And thee, once a. prhoner in his harem, how could I save myself from be- coming hin wife if you and he determine to force me to the It- p ? Papa, I will not no. cept the Paehe'e invitation. You and mam- me my go if you like, but I will stay here. Nothing shell force me into his harem l" ex- clnluied Nellie excitedly. “ But when does he expect In 2" she quickly added, for It suddenly struck the lovely girl that if the removal was not to be until the morrow there would be no need of her so fearfully exciting herself, since in half a. dozen hours more she would have eloped with her lover, and long (re dawn be out of reach of all further persecution. “ I m lure I could bear 1t very well, and Ihould delight in the change," echoed Mu. Treurr. " Remember the pub: has al- ready one wife, and I've no doubt that she woul t receive an and do the honor: very creditably, or at all events according to her 113m." or wu Maia: bntfle fink! with tho col. man be rum: edtho Indlm gnu- tgnin sud they hid not ban dhtnrbod. md Cnpt. Bomrd hu not ban st Fish Crook ninoe. A Kim: m "poinh with pride" to the 1m tlnthh wflo bu won: one been“ for twenty-five you-u. The feeling with which the wit: :1 hath. hunbmd ha not been (1 [Ah Glut”. the ml} dhoovcrod source o!_t_h_o “prl, in _I_quklinglllttl: P’: “ My deal-,1 think I could bearthe ordeal, And {guides lt_ woul_d only be for a few dsya._ " whhhnuuunéoagmpuuouwudui; “haunted ngiooo! Minna-oh. jutom th- dlvldlng rldp which lam- u» grout? ““040!me [tummy mfloudlhsllln menu“; Tu “and the M. m umdingly pun, ”angina-ping: AMyolm'hi'O pudngb I mmmmommh Jutland. transit-W which amount lrokm n12". A illnfl‘flfllthrndl m fad-”What as“ “Muh- m yum win-pm «ll-l: h 3â€"1.1] ndriflntbombwdddzt“ “ But alumna (ad I Ihould be ehut up In hie harem end gnuded by monstrous ne- grou I: though we were prhonere, for in no ctherpert of a. Modern habitation ere our Iex alfowod to let foot. You would never be permitted to we nu, plpl, from the mo- m!!! yhafi “99396.11“ Palm-’7. noun wt to shed Christi-n blocd md to Itir up other- to do so A: well, and u the war minister hu not yet eulficlent troops to keep this turbulent element in sbeymce. he has ofi'ered u: the shelter of his roof, under which we Ihnll beu safe 3! though we were at home In old Ensign}? But her father’s answer knocked this 1:0ch qntiyelxon the Read, {or it wpg : “Gut" Howard Slandered- A Specimen Spiritualist. (TO m: comma). F311 The Homestead find: no trouble ln mak- ing a hog fence of wire. Use 'Iix when, and posts about a. rod apart. Use hog wire for the lower strands, and pull the lower wlro quite close to the ground, and the second four inches above the firnt. They it? cheaper than boards and In every way tter. Probably pelts and timbers out now will not prove an durable as If out at midsum- mer. Suohie said tobe the experience of those who have tried cutting at both sea- son, but few went to spend time than to out fence-poets, and it is well to cave out all such as are suitable for that purpose when cutting fuel. Been poles and pea-brush may also be saved out now, which will save time in getting them at planting ti'me. fecially if the cow is giving milk for butter. f milk only In desired, bran made into a slop with warm water in better than corn- meal, which is likely to fatten rather than inqggaagthe milk yield. _ _ _ ‘ Moat of the farming that can be done in winter in in the barnyard. Before cold weather it ehould be covered two or more feet deep with “raw, which will be trampled down while the ground in eoft, and will help to save the dropping: of etock from wute. Sncoeeelve layer- of etrew meybe added at times. especially if there in stock enough to make a due proportion of manure. Timely Suggestions. \Ve find the following plan floating among our exchanges : Have a strap in halter long enough to pass through ring in post or manger and reach to the hind feet when the horse stands as naturally tied. Fasten n strap around the ankle of one hind toot, pass the halter-strep through the ring, between the fore legs, and fasten to the strap around ankle ; pass a surclngle around the horse to held up the strep. Let him pull ; he will sit down like a. dog, only to get up the worst best horse you ever sew. A few at- tempta \\ ill break the most inveterate halter-breaker. Tnem in great economy in feledlng oom- stalke which have first been cut into as short places an poulble. If the stalks are out before from; injures them, cattle will devour nun-1y the entire stalk. An acre 0: stalk: thus managed will keep a cow three months, but; it will pay to edd_eome lacuna-meal, ea- The warm weather come: on, and the sedge lxcomea tough and why. The cows gnaw the upland grasses, which grow on the few patches of hard ground, down to the roots, no alter the grass starts well on the upland, the coals of course " to to grass," and leave the Bed eto grow. Well. it does grow, and after t e hay crop is all In, we mow thlz, and it gives me a big stack of sev- eral tons of at least good bedding. Young stock will eat a good part of it, and cow- and hnrses nibble at it. It in rich in ash constituents, and goes a great way: toward making a big manure pile. It I were to “reclaim" the meadows, I should hardly know what to do. It would change my whole systemâ€"no yellow butter in March, and verylittlein April. I would have to raise more rye for straw, get less and not so valuable manure, and not have such aneuy time with my haying. No doubt the mead- ow would yield eplendid timothy and or- chard grals, and there would be more mon- ey init, but now, as for a good many years past, I am not quite reauy to give up the only swamp meadow I have lelt. J enuery in e oritioel month with :11 kinde of live etook. They should be kept oom- forteble and geinlng. If they begin to fell ofi' in condition, they will be almost sure to lose repidly, end will require more food end better cure to keep them up, then if well housed, eud continuously well fed. Be sys- temetio end reguler, then they will not stsnd end worry ior food or weter, end will take time to feed, to ruminete, end to rest. Look eiter ehedl end eteblee, to keep them oleen end warm. Wemr ought not to ireeze in cow or home stehlee, on the coldest nights, end It the Ieme time the ventiletion ehould be euoh, thet the air in elweys sweet. Pigs snfl'er greetly with the cold, end should have dry, Well-littered none, eiweys. Lit- ter them with strew or swnnp hey, enough eo thet they cen cover themeelvee out of eight in it. Sheep ehould heve dry shede ; they beer e greet~deei of cold, but should not heve wet nor dirty nettew to lie in. Where much strew ie to bethrowu into their ehede, provide e {cw moveble pletiorms, like old hem doors. for them to mndupon. ‘ They will he egreet comfort to them, end they ere easily turned ever when freeh drew} in thrown in, or they get dirty. Fowl: will iey if they hue werm houeee. ere well ied. end hevfeue1 chence ttiueixeroise. Th; free no ee e cettle s s,sheepehe s,e.ud thezhern erde, give: unelly eufliolent ex- erche. ideherred from thou, they must heve sheltered luneend heregraund. Duck: need to be well fed, but not eiiowed to get toolet i1 theyere to begin leying enuy, Too much corn is elweys bed, except for iettening poem-y, ee it produces inter-eel let, stope ieying, end melee the {owls lesy. Noexeroieenwegge. Swampy Lotsâ€"Not so Bed as They Look When land can be drained. and yet la left year after year, to grow ledges and swamp grass, there ought to be a good reason for it, or else it shows negligent farming. I have jun: such a lot - thn ee acres or more in extent, with hardly a square rod of dry ground on it, except just along one edge, _whare the cows go to find a dry spot to lie upon. A tall willow hedge fences it on a part (f one side, and there is a brook and many springs of never falling water in it. Here the bog- graas le grem earlier than anywhere else, and my Janey cows get enough of it to col- ‘ or their butter a month or two earlier than: they otherwise would. In fact, as aoon as? the green shown, be it in March or February, ‘ they have achance at it, and we get golden butter from that time on. There is not 1 much nutriment in the grass, or whateveri the vegetation iaâ€"I think ledge or cam: in ; the name for ltâ€" but it contains chlorophyl 1 all the same, which, though green in the ‘ plant is yellow in the butter. It does not take many days of mild weather to start the tuaeocks sprouting, by day, and the peepen piping by night, all over the swamp, and w very noon the cows will need very little, if ‘ any otherf «Her. I do not think there is as much butter in theee aedgel, even though tender, succulent and abundant, as there in in poor upland pasture. Still, the butter comes abundantly, and it has not only good ool_or, but a fresh greasy flavor. via dad: dut do? run “tombs: “taboo-Mont du‘lndo tando'TTâ€"fi hthodov 3nd unburned 5p m d tho vaginaâ€"“mi Vi. 7 In mt, film”. COPE .th, "K- mbdonpbnu." THE FARM. w! is. ooutgemu Sikhs ‘ Live Stook Notes- 1i “é hit-‘1'?“ 3'FW"_"-§‘¥ii‘"'hF'Hmt‘} To the Janitorâ€"a bag of trial and fifty In addition to there nemed twenty eix other member: of the society were found to, have vericue articlee in their poueuion. ‘ Their ldee wee, of conne, to eeve these} good: from the flemee, end they fully in- 3 tended to return them to the grocer u noon, on he opened in a new piece, but revere! er- ‘ rests reunited, end the eociezy became die- 1 conrnged. Brother J once brought beck the} charter end a. poem dedleeted to:- spring1 chicken, there being the int led relice 01 :1 once thriving crgenizetion. 1 WARN!!!) IN ADVANCE. 1 Long John Devil, Secretary of the "Color- ed tdine-Becki," oi Richmond, Ve., forward- ed 3 communicltion in which he warned the Lime Kiln Club to lock out for e men cell- ing him-alt Prof. Over-trnng Melee, en el- leged root end herb doctor. The men won the confidence of Ieverel colored men in Richmond, end let out to cure corn: and bnnione for some and to force 5 growth of hair on the held-heed- oi othere. The re- enlt wu politively terrifying. Every heed practiced on resembled e fresh eheepekin rubbed with e horleleddieh greter, end than who hed been doctored for corn: would not be eble to stir out of the home for men dnyl to come. The eo-oeiled Profeelor ie t Richmond in e hurry, end we: believed to have heeded thin wey, end he wee heard to inquire ebont the climte of Mlchigen end the cheneee (or en eminent doctor to new oeed here. 0n the day of the battle, at the critical moment, when It wu lnfunv to the one be ckwerd step. the ventrlloquht threw h1- voloe clone to the colonel And «fled,â€" " Three: about ! " It won the elgml for retrent The regiment wen u model of dieol line, and had nlwsyu obeyed In one mm. 1: dld .0 now with fetal promptltude, and in the melee of the battle-field, lte retreot wu noon converted lnto halter shelter flight. The soldier had avenged hll wrong It the ex- penle of his oomrode’e honor, and It the rlnk of defeat to his country. To the Secretaryâ€"three ham: and a box of Eerrjngg. bore ng-udgo spins: his colonel. Though he had sought for An opportunity of taking revenge, none hnd pruentad Mull. But the mm was t ventriloqnintl And at but 111! ohmoe ammo. " M from," mid Brother Gerdner as he opene the meeting and nodded to Samuel Shin to Ihove mother herring box into the stove, " I trnzt dnt each m' ebery one of {on may take I deep interest in Astronomy, at de man who not: on de fence In de day time lookln' fur do ebenln' ntar’ nun gwine to be hungry lnlnrnmer an’ acid in winter. “ A apeerit of phlloaoyhy am to be incon- ragud in all. but de nun: who not: down to cold 'taten an' codfilh, an reasons dlt it was to be, an' durdore in, onn't bony any mongy of me. leeedum Jane-v, who had just returned from a trip to Toront , reported that “ The Colored Cauliflower boclety'i of that city. which was made a branch lodge six months ago, had been dissolved. The " Cnull- flowers" started out with s membership of eighty, and wore on the high road to success when a fire occurred in a. grocery, and srtl. oles were afterwards traced as follows : To the Presidentâ€"three sacks of flour and a ham. To tbeu1lrmurerâ€"twonty-flve pnundl of flour and fifteen mow shovels. “ 860.1: to master do science of mechan- lun, an'donn' imagine dot you hov go: do hull bianeas In your pocket u noon on you how demomtrnted to do ole woman doc a dull ax am better dun a sharp one to split wood wld. Preview to hh duth he reputedly de~ clued that he give no (min: for “but, had knew no xenon why his troop- Ihonld Inn 506. But the order wu hand by may of- ficer: And men, ad the mphln'l word wu not believed. Public opinion 3|" 3 vex-dict 9E gown-dice ngnhnt him. Tho clronmnmoei of the buttle hue. how- ever. boon rooently revived, Ind new avl~ denoe hu come in, which, if true, free: both officer And man from the wont chnge whluh on be pmfund ngdnnt Ioldien. In the regiment, nyn thi- exonentlng yoloo, wu a pdnto who, forqua gluon) “ 135 study of Natnr' nm to be commend ad, but donn' git l0 enthusiastic over it. an you un’ willing' to lee de children 0 bur'fnt in J lnunry fur do sake of studyin' eh- heel- nn' tons. “ Pursue do study of polly tlcal economy. if you will, but doan' nuke do dinklvery dat de hull lubj 60k renolvea itself Into nellln' you_r wotq tur de wety higheat markgt price. " De science of anatom'y nny well Inter- est ebery one of you, but dotn‘ stop short In your studies at de diaklvory dat an ni- verage healthy man kln hold down a hard- botbom cheer fur nix straight hours wldout lerlogsly afl‘ectin' bla_oomtltunhuq. “ Bmdder Shln will please light; two more lamps, at; ll' an ule but into dun broken pane in dc alley wlndl 1', an' we will pinned to blzncea." Brother Gudner winked to Give-dun Jana, Ind than at down. Btokhu Jonu dnuppeuod. lad than the meeting named to m1: for mmothln . It soon ulna. Some- thing wu baud ma ing nwlld flight down shin, uttering I- lunllng yall gt our, jump. And by mud by there wu I ml: of loci tyrongb the ulloy and I voloo wu bond “Why, u ," remukod Eldar Bluegra- Smlth, who Ind just come in, "dAt worry mun am now In do lunty room, Visiting to we do mamben of di- club um: mouth: ul- jourm.” “Am you nrfln 1" naked the l‘rcnidont. “You, uh. Huh un hln hoard}- ho gln it to 1m." 7 , _ 09910 by Ill-me aftuwndl committed Inl‘ â€"“ I! "-311 yore un Pundln Unllu' doblne Kiln (‘1ub,1wunt to alt outer db mu duh: of! I" Tho Hon. Cnurbury J ohnlton. who 1nd been wipgibg uonnd on MI bench 10: tom: time In An nanny msnnar. now um all Add he would film to of!" I rgolpuon. " Am it - mum-y ihfioéiut dockmt r" asked the Prudent. u W711, ’ou ifi'émr h. Ihhough n m . lufla has Broth“ John-ton than ant to tho 8m “0’: 4a! {is _!o_l_lowing_: THE LIME-KILN OLUB. Rmmxu. NO. 47. The moat notion. incident during the Brit hh alootlon was the Mugs “tempt on the life 0! the grout hndownu, Sir Watkm “'ynn. ll noted, md no‘ wflhout ntlufuohon, thnt tau leg-l element will not be too numerous in the new Home 0! Common. The other day there left Dublin for Gal- wey by the Midland Railroad e eoeinl phe- nomenon, viz. : e relpecteblc young men who could note k or under-tend one word of English,hev1ug never I oken any other language then Irllh. He ed been a fort- nlfiht In Dublin, and during that time re- qu red in the capital of his native country to be accompanied everywhere by on Inter- reter. The youn men is a native of the elend of Rollin, o the Connemern cont, where, out of lame six or Ieven hundred ln- habitants, only nine lpeek Englleh. 0:: thin inland they pone-I 3 rich ‘reuure of ore traditional folk , old poems, (to. Filty yeere ego on a large eltete in Welt (lelwey there wee not one tenent who Ipcke Eng- log, in l pgrinh (mugging but lety Ioufl, gix nxilel {roux Splhby ix: Lincolxxlhlrg. It bu, however, I commodiom rectory house in which the poet wu born, hll ielher belng then non. The Tennylom ere o! ancient Linoo mhlre stock. Admlni Tennylon, the poet'l con-in, he: I mngnifioent piece, Bey- on'l Manor, in mother at of the country. It We: grated by Wl m the Conqueror to Welter d’Eynoourt, but being mbeequem- iy iorfeitod by the into Beron d'Eynoourt, was purchased beck by hi: kin-men, Mr. Tennyson. The lute Rt. Hon. (2. Tenny-on d'icynconrt stunned the latter nune in Mi- dition to hil own in com lieuoe wlth his inthor'l will to merit hi: «cent irom the d'Eynoonrte. Tho ooeufinhoflu of F‘s-mo; md Algorh, according to the In: Gonrnment upon. employ our 87,000 panoxn and 24,000 vea- Ieh, while the ulna of the fiuh aka: [I bo- twoon 3km And “when million: 0! Album I: I0 well known In A non-oun- duotor of but tbn the ndmhge of It: me for inclining- In obyiou. Such lining: no bolng widely Introduced, upoohlly In the headgear for wu'xn climato- ud Inm- mar weather. Thu Home of chmnom bu Ion: nnny a vdnnblo mm to u promltnre unvo. Lord Lmdowno'l brother, Lord E. FItxmum-loo, land for an Indefinite time to ubnndon polli- Ioal life, 3nd Lord Ddboullo and Sh‘ A. 0:- wny hue since been waned by doctor: to keep uway from Westminster. The Duke of Samar-ob, wh.‘ dlod lately, left no Ion, but 1nd adopted the lllogitlmnto non md dung bar of hi! oldut son, who 1nd formed It Inning uthchmont to n wonun of very rupootablo connection, to whom he was attnobod by her extraordinary renam- blauco to a lady whom he Ind wooed la Vida. oommanood the ion-Kai business. 11:03» am! yield in “out 850.000 pounds. I: In aid fiat Pmldout vay In ve rloh Ind very mhcrly. Be an plnln to been“ he in too Itingy to buy man. Be 1: worth million, And he ll uving mon‘y all the time out of his sultry. Itlately come to light in the Englilh ro- bate Court that a man named i’ound End lived with two when for fifteen years. He divided his time between them, and each thought when he was ablent that he was away on busineu. lie was on the happiest term: with both. l-ie panned with one wife so Mr. Jackson, and bequeathed her money under that name. It was agreed that the property he eeqnired under the name of Pound nhould go to wife l‘enml, end that under Jackson to wife Jackson. lint for his teltamentary dilponitlonu, the women would probably have been in ignorance of the real Itate of thingl to this hour. Queen Victoria ha I greet linenohl ed- ventage over her belt upperent in the air- cumstance thlt, whether tlmee no good or bed, her Majesty’s mug little revenue at over £7,000 I week in peld in“ the ume, while It in well known tint the Pr noe bu {or you! put been obllged to nuke heevy ebetemente in big duehy o! Cafnwell pgopgr- The new utetuee oi Beeconeileld end Glui- ltouo, by which the architect dcelgned to mark the are of the erection of the new geta- way at Megdeien College. Oxford, were mu- tileted during the recent election. Tint 01 Lord Ramon-field we: first defaced, end then, by way of retaliation, Mr. Gledetone'e wu decapitated “by certain undergmdultee end other roughl," says on Oxford piper. When Spain held dupotio Iwuy over South America, from Panama to Clpe Horn, some of her lbielt Viceroy: and bravo-1: and most brilliant Ioldierl were (I Irish blood. tho men or their descendants who. “tor the aimtronl Cromwelllm and Williamlto warn disdained to take nervioo under tha oonqueron, md went in thounndl to "you the armies of Spain. tyâ€"not eo much, perhnpe, In the duohy prepare: In lu outlying eetetee In other countlel. Hh ellmnce from Pernement 0! £40,000 1 you [I just whet. the Queen re- oelvee from her duohy 01 Lumber u e llttle extre pocket money. In eddltlon to her £1,000e dey. The Prince. moreover, bu no country mt kept np to: him. whlle the Queenhu hell e dozen boddee her own house. Herr linger, the weelthy Germ-n beaker, [e the nwet punctuel men In the world, end elmyl curiae A couple of ohronometere ebout with Mm. Thu-uh to this heblthe [- e frequent vlctlm to plokpookeu, u noo 1 week pueee withou; bi- loelng on- of bl- ‘wetehel. A: first he bed reoouree to ell kinds of mety chum; men one line morn- ing he took no precaution whatever. and quietly Lllowed hlmull to be robbed. A: night. on returnlng (rem bullion, he took up the eveelnf‘fierer. when he uttered en explenutlanp I fit. “51‘ At once exerted unfilul um the and": build pl; “you rouwood loci. The Fluid} Ipongo_ fisher-mu: hive jut ansn ha been nuppod 0“ Into fix dl- vision, and I medial 0011030 1: to be unb- [lubed 1:: «oh division. In “3°95er #1931” 99°10'3- £9041 In. Yum Indlun dupm o! mama} by mutation. Balms. Menu“, tun China. hundrlu $600 a )w. ’ ‘1 E Iotrlo lighdng a! ulna in tho “thu- dk mica L- pxoaonnou l Minn. ’ The non ' Nan, Lee” in oflen-d t0 mule pub an for $25. I; alumna)! paid It: coupon:- $35,000. ofl totho polio- muon. Thu 1: Nb“ ho hut rad: "To-dsy, about 21‘. it, u do- lent uploslan took plan In u been In Bâ€" strut. oocuplod by Mr. 8â€", I weauhy batman. The bud: of tho Vladm no lhnturod and the Mt eya gone." Tho qnlty pmkcglnd fill“. flu yu'whcfu I'M: (vbâ€"hate, 5510): ex odod during the opu- Aflou cl winding. [not thlt time no no" \utohu but but: noun from tbs pot-on 0! Hart 11w. 111" Vifih’iifl. i! you don‘t wry out now pawn It lb. I mix-nob." #3735. 1 h m“ 152‘“ ’ ‘WM‘ “1" ~41 o a man "0 unmi- blbd “than grattm cl waltz Had Mad: flan no ohu can nonopouu, nu! no V $1: on buy. A gipnflo uginurlng nohm h to con- wthupI-nsuvhhmohnlm 0:11 by 1551 01pm 3-1101 01th. Buphntu. 'I‘hla A- IAIA_‘ .‘1 .....IA chant!» Mu cl In"! And but”. thw‘vorfl. lawman-mam: mun-us- deAmh-nguol onus Porno-s ‘Wthdtohndnn' by baking. Tho hhnththmuhtolhbdooldwtkrou ydhthLndsmth3haIud hmumdvuw mud tllo'odto Inhabuflldudout. 'I'hcAnbchndm ounlmwwmthnmlbbbrdk. lthnldthnbo“hudnod"mubooom m; booms. may mu born Io; tho Wtknooh outbound nu. Sognernby: {aha binyglaoe. of Len} Tenn;- HERB AHD THERE

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