‘ll CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, N0. 9 KEENAN’S BLOCK, KENT STREET, LINDSAY, ONT. Taking the Difï¬culty by the Ear.»â€" Necessity is the Great Philosophical 'l‘rutlt. October is gone. and the piercing winds and sharp that at No- vember will soon give us n fenetaste of the mpidly approaching winter. which we are assured by the instinct of Squirrels. Mush rats and Bearers will be the most severe we have had for twenty years. Science proves that instinct never cm in her predictions. Necessity therefore uill compel all. whether possessed ot‘n healâ€" thy or weak constitution. to prut‘idt‘ themselves with warm cloth- ing. Begin, then, with under-clothing: in buying which be sum you buy the allâ€"“mil, as ti is the best and cheapest. Come dinvet to the City Store, wlicte you will ï¬nd a very huge assortment to choose from. llny s' Under-shitts. tlirls‘ Combination Suits ot‘ all Sllt‘S. Ladies' “'uol lTndcr-wcitr in great variety, (leuls' Shirts and Drawers by the wagon load at every price, Flunnels in every conccirablc colour and quality from l2} cents up, tillâ€"wool they Flannel 27 inches wide, good and heavy, for 26 cents a yard. -4 _ ._‘ -_.- " memo smug-rm“; ' es. 1 have on hand, as usual, 3 full stock of FRESH GROCERIES, Coxsrsrtxo or Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccoes, Rice, Raisins, Currants, Starch, Soaps, Teas and Coffees, Spices, &c. Special Lines in Japan Tea, 30c. per lb., or 4 lbs. for $1.00. 3 gallons Golden Syrup for $1.00. Crockery, Glassware, Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Brushes, Clothespins, Matches, Bedcords, Etc. CANNED FISH, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Of the Choiccst Iiind. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. Fruit, Fish and Oysters Always Fresh. GOODS DELIVERED. WV. ‘V. BLOTT. r. SANDPORD †has a large stock of WAGGONS AND BUGGIES! on hand, all guaranteed to be first class, which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER. Be sure and see his stock of PLOVVS AND HARRONVS, Farmers requiring a barrow will do well to inspOct his Sprin Tooth Hat-rows, which are just the thing for rough land. He also keeps the following:r farm machines: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, _ SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES, AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound not to be undet‘sold by any one. Be up to the Times in Your Buying as in Everything Else. For the progressch housekeeper the dnr ot‘ meagre assortment and big prices has gone by. Recogniting this fact.one house out of the many in Lindsay has come up to the requirements of the housekeeper of lootiny, and that house is the t‘ity Store. Herc musty customs. Conventional ideas. and the many narrow prejudices of the merchant give place to the broader and more advanced principles of modern trade. So, instead of asking you to select those household requisites, ruch os Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Carpets. Oil-cloths and Lt- nolenuis, from a small and poorly assorted stock. we ask you here to a mammoth stock thoroughly Well assorted, while ottr prices are the very lowest. They tnust be. The very size of our stock demands it, because to enable us to carry such a stock “'0 run“ hat‘e an immcurc trndc,nnd to secure this trade we must sell low. The large trnde thus secured enables us to buy in immense quantities and this means low prices. Our show rooms are always crowded with visitors and buyers, and you are heartily invited to join the number. With genial hospltnlity we extend it walk iii and make yourself at home, in- quire our prices, exutnfno our goods, test the quality and ask all the questions you desire, and bear in mind that we would rather die a premature death at 07 than misrepresent a single article. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO & MARK, CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, No. 2 Dobson’s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Oiï¬ce. - - Fine DI erclttutt '1‘uilox-lng Is a leading: specialty at the City Store. We keep the largest stock of English. lrish. French and t‘attndiau 'l‘wet-ds. t‘natings and Urercoatings in the Midland district.aud our prices are tully 20 per cent. lower. Mr. Cntltro is our cutter, all our coats um made by men. and we warrant a perfect tit, skilflil workmanship and durable trimmings, or we retund the money. in fact \\ e can make an ordinary looking man so handsome that he will want to shake hands with himself. 78" All kinds of PLASING done at short notice. Vat-ions patterns of Moun‘ isms kept on hand, and sold at the lot/rm: prices. llottstz-Sttot-Jmu and Jonme 1, specialty. All litimncs. done in a first-class manner and on short notice. Some cheap second-hand BlHlGll'IS for sale. 1 Ho returns sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during: the pant14 yours, and will spare no pains to merit a continuance (f it in the future. NEW FURNlTllRE FAGTURY. Kent Street. Lindsay. W‘Tlltlilltl'l'tl'l‘ EVENTW‘MILLlllERY. Feuelon Falls, October 22nd, 1885. , . - - o .. 1 by 1. y' f S And the most marked change that has taken place Mrs, HE}:an The undersigned respectfully informs tie pit to tut. its new actory ' 1. this season is the big come down in the Prices of Dry Hus just received and opened up a huge ON FRANCIS STREET, PBNELON FALLS, ’1 & Goods, and where it is most visible is at the PALACE V “‘“l‘ "‘ is now in full running order, and is ï¬tted up with all machinery necessary to A * 7 i o DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING I‘IOUSE. Being Wide awake turn out work at short notice, in the best possible manner and at moderate prices. V as to the state Of the country, as well as to the wants ‘ 5 r v v- -‘ f In atrous and the mblic «renerall ' I have de- “Mullins T r 1 , T b t V o 0. .Y P l o _ .3, IPD 1 SPEClaltles of Seasonable Goods. etded to lower my percentage by hall, and that, along kept. constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. > w ' WIth my mmhtles for buymg g00d5 Cheap: I can Say hm‘d_ ’ that better value can be given by me in all lines of Dry Goods titan anywhere else in the county. This is bigr talk, but. I MEAN 1T, and .will convince any one who will wisely give me a call, and if my goods do not turn out exactly as represented will refund the money for them. Note the lbllowingspecial lines at ALL KINDS OF WOOL. all of which will he sold at L 188 TH“ LINDSAY l’lltt‘lls, A llit‘t‘ lot of Nickle and Brass Eleotro Lamps. A thoronnrh test proves this Latnp to be the best. It giVes a pure steady light equal to sixty sperm candlesâ€"the strongest light ever produced by any burner using oil. Glass Lamps of UNDERTAKINC A SPECIALTY. A large number of (lollins to select from, and a handsome llcarsc furnished when required. Orders solicith mu] sun's/action guaranteed. bush and Doors made to order on short notice and of the best materials. WILLIAM MCKEOWN. GROCERIES -â€"An1\'l)â€" Pantsuits. J. Moli‘ARLA XD has now on hand a splendid line fresh ES, 4&11 \Vork C‘rtuu'zuttced. Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, llicc, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap ['01- Clash. and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, ULASSWA RE, Earthenware, llromns, l’ails, \l'ashtubs, Blackiug‘brusltcs, Clutllcs pins, Matches and other articles in great Variety. Canned Fish, iruil ll Vegelab es Of the Very best brands and at. the low- est possible prices. Bash Paid for Butter & 8‘ co. and other farm produce. l l t | 3153- Flour and teed kept constantly; on hand. i JOSl-Il‘ll Mch‘AllLANDJ Fenclon Falls, May 22nd, 1885. : l I The undersigned llt‘l‘l'lI_\' informs his cus- tomers and the public that he is SELLING OFF AT COST, for cash only. his stock of Men's, Women's and t‘liildreu's ready-made Boots and Shoes, bl which he has an ctrellcnt assortment. From and after this date NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN, as ho is determined to do business on a strictly cash basis. _ "5}" .\ll persons against whom he hasf past due accounts must pay tlutit before? the lst tIt Novrtnlier l:"\l. or they will be placed in t‘ourt t'or Collcrtiou. 1:. \l~'l'.~\l.l.l'.\l. reunion Falls. tch 12th, l<<.'. 5 '- Why ' \Vlza: a ll.» matter .' Ladyâ€"(“Wilt lair enveloped it. .i roll at" hot clutbs)â€"-~ t‘h‘ lxzt rrary \\;ill tlu: Ncumlgia that continually lhl..l-lt'~ rnt'.' 5â€"â€" †‘Vl'il, in!“ lit“'ll‘li, “lip tinnil you go tn tht l: l’illzs s Dr 1: Store. l‘ ‘:m Falls, and get a bottli- ol‘ l’liml lugi; 1H: M It cured tnc tn ten than than one ttziuute l [shun keep a holth in the lloilzt’. it. only i coat: :5 emu." Junta liraylcy. Hamilton, aye: ~ i read thi- testimonials tor \lclirrgor's Speedy Curr, and found that i had not to go to New York. l'lltlI-it‘lpllla. l.U'~li$t.\tl-1 or Tet- †to ï¬nd lirin: witnesses of its raise. we It“ plenty ul persons right her in trove its merits. I got .\ luillli' Ill-l ll Leiprd m,- t’ight any. I was as bad Itilt lhliuns Fe- var and indignation M l think any one could he. [have uhrn thne bottles and an) near- a stock of most Fashionable Styles. iFok. 3re<pecttnlly inform ‘luf residents of Fettelon 'l-‘alls and its vicinitv that they have recent- .t .l. .t Long-Felt Vant Supplied. A. Clark & Son, MERCHANT TAILORS. FlCNELON deLLS, have much pleasure itt announcing that. they have just put. itt an entirely New and well-selected stock of Scotch, English and CANADIAN TWEEDS AND OTHER GOODS, which they are prepared to made up in the Parties furnish- intor their own material, with or without trimming, can be accommodated. Orders for Cutting punclttnlly attended to. W .‘l Trill! SUII‘L‘HWI. Fenclon Falls, April 15th, 1885-. “MESH-WEE}? a complete assortment of ï¬rst-class [Illlll AGE ll HEAVY HARNESS, Whips, Snaps, Currycotnbs, Brushes, TRUNKS 8L VALISES, and various other articles, at Jos. Net‘ison's llarucss Shop, (liilliorne Street, Font-ion Falls. 3.93“ Collars warranted. Repairing done with neutncss and dispatch. ill-1y. beg to announce that they have. purchased the HARDWARE BUSINESS formerly carried on by .‘lll. GtLut-zttr Axum:- it is their intention to continue the business under the management of Mr. J. Mitchell, keeping l COMPLETE STOCK at all kinds of Hardware, and selling at the very lowest WHOLESALE PRICE, being determined to Secure the, trade of all who ill-sire to buy wherever they can pur- chase rhea it‘sl. ‘ BERTRAM a Go. Fenclon Falls, Aug. Ist. 1N5, E'J-ld'. nun _|_N_BlllllllS_S. BARRETT BROTHERS ly pnrcliasedlllr. John .‘lull‘at's BAKE RY â€"â€".-\ND-â€" GROCERY. business. and will continue to supply rus- totners with the CHOICE BREAD For Which the old shop hast always been noted: and that, httnttg secured the ser- riees of it ï¬rst-class Pastry-End and Confection, they will be prepared to sell all the staple articles in thus" lines of the best quality. They will also keep a good stock of Dry Goods, Clothingtt Milliner all shades and colors. Ornamental Lamp at rock bottom prices. SILVERWAREâ€"A SPLENDID LOT direct from the manuthcturers. All of these goods warranted and stamped. Stoves, 100 to choose from. Cock-Stoves with all 4 the latest improvements for cooking and ltcatintr. Fanc ornamental wood and coal Parlour Stoves. D THE MAPLE LEAF GROSS-GUT SAWS, that have proved themselves; beyond dispute, far ahead of all other saws yet produced. FOR CITIIIS b‘AIJL. I haVe expressly hand-made Axes, the best in the Dominion. Cow Tics, Rope, &c. Head quarters for Machine Oils, Patent Oil and Putty, anti a full line of general Hardwm‘c. Fenclon Falls, October 1st, 1885. R. M. BUTLER’S of all kinds, ’at Rock-Bottom Prices For Cash. The Bazaar. J FRANCIS STREET EAST. Parties in want of l l †I should call and see the job prices : 6% 1b. thite Blankets at $3.25 per pair; Fine Double Breasted overcoats for $6; Heavy Check Full-cloth Overcoats for $7; one No. 1 Comforter, full site, for $1 ; Ladics’ Matitlcs at less than Cost ; 100 pieces Seotch tweed fall suitings at less than manu- lacturers’ prices. I am bound to make a. thorough clearing out in thescwgoods. A title .lot of Soul, Peri sian Lamb and Astrachan Caps, at hard pan prices. Remember, I keep the largest and best stock of goods in town, and mean business. HUGH MCDoUttALL. th lgulotc iflrp (600% $5 olilotlï¬ng ï¬tmï¬t‘. Interesting to Everybody. U I have just. received the largest stock of Fancy Goods ever offered in the village of Fenclou Falls, consisting of i‘IUSICAj-J INS'FIIUBIEN'ES. such as Violins, Banjocs, Accordcons, Concertinas, Mouth-organs & 'l‘ambouriues. Wall Papers and Window Blinds, and a very large stock ol‘ Paint Brushes, Varnishcn, Jupans, Mixed Points of all shades of colours, ready for the brush, Pictures and I’icture 1“ "21.11108, and a line stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Vuliscs and Ludics’ Satchels; also, A Great Variety of Firms, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet articles, and a very fine assortment of Watches, Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. Call and [uspccl 1hr: slur/r. ' STEPIIEi ' NPJVISON. Fcnelon Falls, April 9th, 1885. orrosrrr. 'rur: rosT-orrt’nn. WALL PAPERS nnd \l'tx'nnw lltasns just opened out, Toys in great variety. 'l‘oilct Sets, Vases, Fancy China-an and various other tit-ticlt-s, to whirl: the attention of intending purrlmsets is respectfully invited. MRS. KEELEY. li‘t'ltt‘lult Falls May 7th, IRES. Inn-nu " Patterns 1 A full assortment ol McCalls Bazaar gloves fitting Patterns always on hand, and will be PA|NTS, OILS, CLASS AND pUTTY’ sent by mail pus/Spur}! on receipt of price, by Wm. Campbell. Echelon Falls, April ‘lth, 'ISSS. I)“.in AJ'I'lel is til-'â€"-â€"- GHRISTMAS GOODS .n it. St. Mt‘tln-rt-ll'a BRANDON“ 8: 3935011. BOOK 8170']th To the Inhabitants allusion Falls aid Surrounding Country. llaving purchased the stock, etc., of ‘Mr. John A. Ellis, and tnth large additions thereto, we beg to solicit. u. contin't'lan'ce of the support extended to him, and we will use our utmost cudeavotlrs at all times to make prices satislhctory in one and all who may favour us with their patronage. Our stock will be found complete in GENERAL GRUGERIES AND PROVISIONS, cnocxnmr, GLASSWARE, 3L0". {ï¬r Try our TEAS, they will please you both in prices and quality. In addition to the above wehave also a largel and well selected stock of Mens’ and Women’s Boots 8t Shoes, which will be sold as low as the lowest. Yours respectfully, BRANDON & ROBSON. Fettelon Falls, February 18th, 188-3. L... ‘ To the Great Central Show of BOOTS AND SHOESlW. llhc “ l‘cneltut Pulls littzetlo " which is now on exhibition at No Anï¬rssron FEE: ; AND-â€" MUSIC ltiilll,’()l_’tlli.\l-. Come One l (home All ll itntl trxuininc goods before purl-hunting l'ln‘i' where. G. A. METHERELL. 'll'l'tl“l'll'. 'ilil’. IZVl-HHI l'lll‘llt H, . I£t~ttI-‘Hi:.. Lindy-my; Lindsay, llclnlmr 27th, l-txl “to. 11A. \V.‘ chapter'riut .t; murmur, FENELON FALLS. The advertiser in' prcpiitr-l th I‘ll'l‘llll. all orders with which hi: may be (around, from litrgr-vrunlruu‘ tn the pinstlli-nt jolt Iii!" Htï¬li unit ‘llllll- «it all hlli'll‘, mall-4 on Short ll')lll'l' and Ill good material», Work-Hint: on Franru Hltwt l‘.'n.-.t . trai- dvlncc on llonil Htrr-ct Han. tannin: HAW. l-‘cnclnn i’nlls, April l'vtb, lrï¬fa. t.l. “Irv-.4. \V a rd. Dress & Mantle Maker, is prhpnrrvl twin 1; Kim.) .1....«,t “Ink M M, Residence on Bond St. West. “"Xl. lI'III‘l‘ lit \lf TWI-m") 4. and will lm Vsubplin Hill: ll." lull"! 1;“;lllfll', I'iltia Blt‘l Nrw York lulu-it:- Fttmdutl Ynlla, Jan y l'JtHi. lnï¬l. {IS-4' is prmtld l'tt'l'. rat-ttllny at the 'Inll'l‘, on ly well. and an cut my Lad ot mod I‘tllI-l' r p I if:ll.‘22‘i‘1‘15."‘5;.if:1l:3’t3‘“£.:3Ԥ.fli§FRESH GROGEBIES. ’ B e R G. e I N s! MAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT; , mum “335334†i AND SHOE STORE, E31:7:1:':.‘.'.‘:Li‘f.‘Strifljl'iliIII; ll you nhonld be so unfortunate as to. ' l t - . The Finest Flourg Bum.$uld or Wound yourself to any any, Q ‘ ' V ' . t l'. l ' l _ a" Pm?" “1mg h "(P “c†“1 n “‘ kept constantly on hand 1 also ; l: Nfllwtur A l'artc‘s Catholic Centre-i list.“ on tuning, and be sure you girl. Nc~;0‘1TS’ & it»; :1 l"“t.ll“! unpaid. OlliCl'Cd Elli llllb' C‘SilellSllUlCllt. 1 and crammed with a general stock of the mtth cutttplctc nature? x I . 1. I I ever ollcrcd to the gaze of an admiring: public. ' , ‘ ' ‘ ' I '7 n" "I" "" ’ 'r« 1' i n' . our»: '.'.l' a f." [ch General excellence is the di~tiuguiatlii:;btruturc which in noticed in this H‘rfl‘L’ : 1.": lili_“""“l "“"““‘“"""â€~ ..n- Ittel 7|lt"ll!‘1ll.hflll: (in \r t Paths t‘ntolit‘. Cctntc. Price 3 . . . ‘ w I :3 (flats. “‘m l: trim, Druggttt. Penrtoti ’ Putz: produce taker: .a f‘lt’ltihfl‘ i2 .- goods. of our good»; nothing then.- for the lpurrmr: r-f culclsltt’: ll}. 0}" 'mljv. but}:th “1,. x. r ,, 3,,, Wâ€, ,.,,,,,..,,,..,,, ,,,,,_.,. ' honest goods at horn-.91, prices. which if ll-‘illt'*llj' Urcll nttl :l'uv: honest N:t\‘|1?l' tn : . a ,,.1. l," .1... yrat, hall yr.†:,_r in Underâ€"clothing. Clouds. Shawls. Mitts, &c..‘ . , . ‘ ' - , ' f the wearer. Make:- a rush while (in: stock is ltt'rit and ‘IHJl unsorted , the priceâ€" ‘ goods in great demand at this season. 1 nrcjuuauiud u. u..- “anonâ€, p I p l CPL-unit's and. V’ulit-ser-s "Vet-y (3110211). ‘ ’ > A“ idlqu JOHN St. LAWRENCE, L. Mluunn. )IANA.GER,1 Kent tsp, Lindsayw ,I, ,,,,... and Cut; paid for ilctln’l and Eggs. ICE CREAM. “(Eh subscribe for the (LP); An in Cram Pa:i.;;: null be opcztd u _ ‘\ ‘ , . ~ . _rwn u hot weenie: sets to. :10, only at .t ylutr in unionist 3 A shm 0, pm“: Want, i, m. 01‘ correct 003 news to '0 t P I putt-.Zly solxttcd. D. Gt 3. BARREIT. local Paper‘ feztio: Fail! .53.; 23:: :555. .Mt‘. . on “r :".'I, upon true/[tn it' 20: '.‘..’:.'."~ Falls, but the genuine. l i *L